[posted] REPosted (#1968, Balzac)

David Widger cdwidger at gmail.com
Mon Mar 8 10:32:54 PST 2010

Corrections made, and an html file provided with links to the 88 Project
Gutenberg files of the 94 in Balzac's "The Human Comedy"

The Human Comedy, by Honore de Balzac                                     1968
  [Subtitle: Introductions and Appendix]
  [Commentator: George Saintsbury]
  [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/1/9/6/1968 ]
  [Files: 1968.txt; 1968-h.htm]

      This reposting is dedicated to Dagny, who, 10 years ago,
      was part of the "Balzac Team" which produced 113 eBooks of
      for Project Gutenberg. I cannot locate her present email
      address to thank her for the extraordinarily fine work she
      did at a time when we had none of the present easy programs
      to help locate errors--and to notify her that all her Balzac
      files have been rechecked and reposted.


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