[posted] !!! Copyright problem? Re: Posted (#23892, Jenkins AKA Leinster) !

John Mark Ockerbloom ockerblo at pobox.upenn.edu
Tue May 29 15:35:19 PDT 2012

Murray Leinster appears to have registered its copyright
for "Long Ago, Far Away" under its book title, _Four from Planet 5_.
The original registration is dated Dec. 1, 1959; this magazine
version was published in the September 1959 _Amazing_.
The copyright to _Four From Planet 5_ was eventually renewed;
the renewal for the book is RE0000357956, dated Nov. 10, 1987.

While the magazine publication does precede the book by a few months,
I recall that in the dispute over some of Poul Anderson's works, PG
was considering the publication of a story in a magazine and a book
as a single "publication event" if they were close enough, and that
the copyright registration for one would be considered to apply
to the other.   (IIRC, some of the examples in the Anderson dispute
might not have been as closely published as this one.)
If that's the case, this story probably shouldn't have been cleared.

Can someone let me know what your determination is on this one?  Thanks.


On 12/18/07 12:36 PM, Suzanne Lybarger wrote:
> Long Ago, Far Away, by William Fitzgerald Jenkins AKA Murray Leinster    23892
>     [Illustrator: Finlay]
>     [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/2/3/8/9/23892 ]
>     [Files: 23892.txt; 23892-8.txt; 23892-h.htm]
> Thanks to Greg Weeks, Stephen Blundell and the Online
> Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net
> Suzanne

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