[posted] Posted(#49112, Keble)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Tue Jun 2 13:17:27 PDT 2015

National Apostasy, by John Keble                                         49112
   [Subtitle: Considered in a Sermon Preached in St. Mary's, Oxford]
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/4/9/1/1/49112 ]
   [Files: 49112-0.txt; 49112-h.htm]

For those wishing to know: this sermon, preached 14 July 1833 marks the 
start of the Oxford Tractarian movement which caused major issues for the 
Church of England for the next sixty years - with the effects still here 
today.  The sermon itself isn't much, but it lead to The Tracts for the 
Times being written, and it was these that caused the heated debate.

All the best,
Windy but warm England

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