[posted] Posted(#52582, Mac Oubrey)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Fri Jul 15 13:14:29 PDT 2016

Drake, by William Mac Oubrey                                             52582
   [Subtitle: or the Transfer of the Trident: A National Drama]
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/5/2/5/8/52582 ]
   [Files: 52582-0.txt; 52582-h.htm]

For those wishing to know: William Mac Oubrey (who usually wrote his name 
as MacOubrey) was a qualified Doctor of Medicine, Barrister and also the 
son-in-law of George Borrow.  This self-published play, written when he 
was an old man, takes various scenes in the life of Sir Francis Drake and 
Queen Elizabeth, which William thought to be the start of England's golden 
era.  William was a staunch Protestant from Northern Ireland, and so 
there's a lot of anti-catholic bits in the book, some of which would no 
doubt have been said in Drake's time anyway.  It's a very rare play 
indeed, with only a handful of copies existing, and never republished 
until now.

All the best,
England, very warm and rather heavy, but clear skies

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