[posted] Posted[#54179, Anonymous)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Fri Feb 17 00:36:23 PST 2017

Remarks on the proposed Railway between Birmingham and London, Anonymous 54179
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/5/4/1/7/54179 ]
   [Files: 54179.txt; 54179-h.htm]

The writer of this 1831 pamphlet could see that a railway between 
England's two major cities would probably pay, at a time when others were 
claiming the cost was beyond all bounds.  The railway was built and I 
travel on it weekly.  As I write the UK government is looking at building 
a second London and Birmingham railway, and lots of people are claiming 
the cost will be beyond all bounds ...

All the best,
Overcast England

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