[posted] Posted(#58018, Church)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Wed Oct 3 14:07:32 PDT 2018

The Rod in Pickle, by T. Latham                                          58018
   [Subtitle: or, an answer to the appeal of John Church]
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/5/8/0/1/58018 ]
   [Files: 58018-0.txt; 58018-h.htm]

For those wishing to know: this is account by the Rev. Thomas Latham, a 
minister who took over the church at Banbury, after John Church 
(c1780-1826?) had been forced out of town after allegations came to light 
of him sleeping with and molesting boys in the houses of his church 
members.  Latham clearly walked into an explosive situation (there were 
riots) without knowing anything of what had happened before.  His account 
is simple and straightforward, and would be used by the publisher, Hay and 
Turner, in their repeated more explicit pamphlets against John Church. 
1817 was the year when John Church eventually stood trial (and was 
convicted) of molesting a young man in London, and this was probably 
published around that time.

All the best,
Muggy England

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