[posted] Posted(#58097, Couchman)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Sun Oct 14 10:33:53 PDT 2018

Reminiscences of Tottenham, by Harriet Couchman                          58097
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/5/8/0/9/58097 ]
   [Files: 58097-0.txt; 58097-h.htm]

For those wishing to know: Harriet (c1830-1909) was born and brought up in 
Tottenham, then a village a few miles north of London.  This is a random 
collection of what was once there, how it changed etc.  It's a great pity 
that many folk who had a lot to tell, like Harriet, didn't write similar 
books on their areas.

All the best,
England, the rain's stopped, as has the wind

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