[posted] Posted(#58105, Alderson)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Mon Oct 15 12:57:47 PDT 2018

A Letter to the Bishop of Exeter, by Edward Hall Alderson                58105
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/5/8/1/0/58105 ]
   [Files: 58105-0.txt; 58105-h.htm]

For those wishing to know: the Bishop of Exeter was determined to get rid 
of the Rev. Gorham who had objections to "baptising" infants, based on the 
doctrines of the Church of England.  However, things went against the 
Bishop, and so he consulted a leading lawyer, Sir Edward Hall Alderson, 
who advised him and wrote this (supposedly) private letter giving options 
(all this around 1850).  Gorham was eventually vindicated but the Bishop 
persecuted him to his dying day.

All the best,
Dampest England

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