[posted] Posted(#58613, Holloway)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Thu Jan 3 23:06:30 PST 2019

The Phoenix of Sodom, by Robert Holloway                                 58613
   [Subtitle: or the Vere Street Coterie]
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/5/8/6/1/58613 ]
   [Files: 58613-0.txt; 58613-h.htm]

For those wishing to know: this pamphlet, published 1813, came about 
because attorney Robert Holloway became aware of a legal trick pulled on 
James Cook, the owner of the Swan in Vere Street, London, which had been 
used as a gay brothel and was raided, with Cook and some prostitutes and 
clients arrested.  Cook was sentenced to two years in prison for keeping a 
disorderly house, but was then legally robbed of his money and 
possessions, his wife was also beaten up.  Holloway helped Cook and his 
wife, but also wrote up their story in this pamphlet, which gives lots of 
details of the history of the Vere Street brothel etc.  John Church the 
preacher also knew James Cook and various of the pamphlets on Church 
contain his letters and relationship with Cook and Vere Street.  The Swan 
was demolished around 1900 and Vere Street itself no longer exists 
(there's another street of the same name still in London).

All the best,
Overcast England

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