[posted] Posted(#58616, Church)

David Price ccx074 at pglaf.org
Fri Jan 4 13:26:41 PST 2019

The Voice of Faith in the Valley of Achor: Vol. 1 [of 2], by John Church 58616
   [Subtitle: being a series of letters to several friends on
              religious subjects]
   [Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/5/8/6/1/58616 ]
   [Files: 58616-0.txt; 58616-h.htm]

For those wishing to know: in 1817 popular preacher John Church 
(1780-1833) had been sentenced to two years in prison for his sexual 
assault on 17 year old Adam Foreman.  In prison Church largely had his own 
quarters, lived very well (except he wasn't allowed alcohol, but he tried 
to smuggle it in), and even had his own library.  During this period he 
wrote these letters to his friends, and the book was published whilst he 
was in prison in 1818, as Voice of Faith in the Valley of Achor.  In 1820 
he decided to publish some more letters and reprinted the 1818 edition 
with no changes (except on the title page to say it was the second 
edition) and that is the one here.  However, since he also published a 
"Volume II" in 1820 I've added the Vol. 1 [of 2] to the title to make 
things clear.

In the book he uses the biblical name Ruhamah (having obtained mercy?) and 
the Valley of Achor is again biblical, generally meaning valley of 

All the best,
Cold and damp England

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