Mr. Dove,


If I may direct your attention to the Licensing page on the Project Gutenberg web site,, it explains that the public domain books that we distribute are free of copyright and that anyone can do anything with them at any time and for any reason. You can use a short story to create a play, or a novel, or a screen play, or a movie, or… you get my drift.


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Project Gutenberg Volunteer


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Monday, June 06, 2005 5:38 PM
To: Project Gutenberg
Subject: Re: Your Project Gutenberg CD/DVD request


It is my understanding that we can use the items from your website and CD/DVDs in "for profit" projects.  We are designing children's learning software and sell our items retail.  What would be involved in having us to this?  Please let us know.  Thank you.


Alex Dove
Pivotal Solution, Inc.
An e-media, design, internet hosting, and web development solution company


-------------- Original message --------------

> Thanks for your request. We will try to get your discs in the mail as soon as
> possible and you should be notified by E-mail when they are shipped. Currently
> it is taking about 2-3 weeks to process requests. Please let us know if you
> don't hear from us within that time.
> You can contact us by replying to this message, or by sending mail to
> The discs you requested will be sent to you at no charge. However, If you would
> like to make a monetary donation to help offset our costs, you can visit
> for details.
> Following is the information you submitted. Please double-check this
> information, and notify us immediately if there are any mistakes.
> Requested medi a: DVD
> Name: Alex Dove
> E-mail:
> Address:
> 395 Pleasant Street
> City:
Hoffman Estates
> State: IL
> Zip/Postal Code: 60194
> Country: USA
> Comments
> Can we get a DVD copy of ALL you material (eBooks, audio, video, cartoons,
> movies, etc)?
> Sincerely
> The Project Gutenberg CD/DVD Team.