I once wrote a program that used PHP and a programming interface known as PHP/YAZ to query the library of congress database for book information automatically. This was for a used textbook sale operated by my university, but a similar approach would go a long way to helping to automate this process. - Scott Marcello Perathoner wrote:
Aaron Cannon wrote:
I actually have had similar thoughts. The biggest hurtle to creating the new images is the catalog. Anything we can do to improve it is going to make compiling new isos that much easier. Although, I must say that it has come a long way since last year. Whoever has been maintaining it has been doing an incredible job!
I'm not sure how familiar with the situation you are, but do you happen to know how this information was gathered in the first place? Did we just look it up on the LOC web site or is it more involved than that?
I think Alev used the LoC site to get subject and LoC class information. This was all done manually and at a certain point she wasn't able to keep up with the increasing flood of new books. Subject and LoC class information is available until around ebook 8000 and only very sparsely afterwards.