Hi, I will need someone to mail me a master disc. I still have dial-up (56K), and it would take me until about August to get the image. [That's actually why I signed on to the DVD project.] I'll also need to test if my burner can handle a Dual Layer disc. I am all FOR having the DVD's mass produced, especially if it saves Project Gutenberg money in the long run. A year or so ago, I did just that (1,000 discs), and they looked much more professional that the rubber ink stamp I use now. We already have one volunteer, Paul, who burns discs for some of the rest of us. It is a great help and speeds the process along. There is still work on each package though. It is hands and time, addressing, stuffing & mailing the envelopes and the Customs form. I wouldn't mind having my job a bit easier with pre-made DVD's. As to the question of mailing 2 old DVD's, 2 new DVD's, or one of each. I currently fall on the side of all three choices. *sigh* yes, about nine months ago, I asked to remove the option of one CD and one DVD. That was because the technology is known enough, I felt most folk across the world would know if their equipment could or could not handle a DVD. If yes, there was no reason to ask for the CD, since all books on the CD were on the DVD. If no, there was no reason to ask for the DVD, since they could not use it. Since none of us here are sure how world-wide compatible a Dual-Layer DVD is, I will have to vote for the one-of-each option, at least for the first couple years this is available. My address is: Jay Toser 135 Lazy Lake Drive Fall River, WI 53932-1002 P.S. How do I get new volunteers onto this mailing list?