I could easily code a workflow system for the CD project: a public "order" form and some private forms that would display the pending orders in a table and allow the volunteers to grab some off of the top.
Coordination would be easier because the system would keep track of who grabbed which orders and of the status of the orders.
Furthermore we could split the orders into regions, so the European volunteers would see only orders for Europe etc.
Sounds good to me, saves a lot of manhours sending the stuff out. Now, if the table was easy to import into say word or excel that would save me having to reformat the addresses for the mailing labels. Just need a definition of "europe". It just so happens that from France anywhere in the CE is the same postal rate, so if I just got to send to CE that would make life _really_ simple
-- Marcello Perathoner webmaster@gutenberg.org
_______________________________________________ dvdvol mailing list dvdvol@lists.pglaf.org http://lists.pglaf.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/dvdvol
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With best wishes From the lady of the changeable locks, soggy shazadi, duchess of darkness and damp, Barbara Reed, Crevette, Tabitha, Tom, Tigress and Tippex the catz, and Dalie the Donkey --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.776 / Virus Database: 523 - Release Date: 12/10/2004