On Fri, Jun 03, 2005 at 05:39:00PM -0500, Aaron Cannon wrote:
A label, if done correctly, shouldn't interfere with the disc. But for the current giveaway, a stamp or handwriting should be just fine.
The process of getting discs accepted into a library seems to involve a bit more than just dropping them off, unless the library is willing to invest a bit of time. There's a good document on this topic at http://www.affs.org.uk/~mjr/libraries/fosslib-howto.html
Anyway, this is not a pressing issue, as we still need to get the new DVD made. I just thought I'd put it out there for discussion.
Sincerely Aaron Cannon
Four news items, partially related to my trying to get a new updated DVD image ready for handouts when Michael visits me in Alaska (June 21-23): 1. I now have a CD label design, and will get it circulating soon. 2. There is also a program to build your own ISO image that will be available to any user. It's pretty fancy. This is for folks who download their own CD/DVD. 3. I will be buying at least a couple of thousand copies of this DVD, so you can determine whether we should go ahead with more. 4. I'm working with the Alaska Library Association (AKLA) to get a DVD sent to every single library in Alaska -- about 800. Many of these are school libraries with collections of at most a couple of thousand books. Many schools don't even have a library (or a librarian), but all have computers and are on the Internet. The DVD image has something over 4400 eBooks, including the full contents of the Best Of CD (but with updated content) and a large number of HTML eBooks, unzipped. So, rather than maximizing the number of titles, this one includes some of our most polished content. Other people are, as always, welcome to make their own master DVD ISO. At some point, I hope we have a whole collection of them! Anyway, to the matter at hand: I don't mind paying for labels, especially for special purposes. But as Aaron pointed out, the extra cost & effort of labels might mean it's most cost effective to simply buy ready-made DVDs. -- Greg
At 05:01 PM 6/3/2005, you wrote:
In a message dated 6/3/2005 9:58:06 AM Mountain Daylight Time, cannona@fireantproductions.com writes: If we did decide to go ahead with something like this, another option would be to purchase preprinted DVDs. I wouldn't recommend that for the standard request fulfillment project, as it's too expensive.
I agree--it's far too expensive. The ISBN, barcode, and LOC catalog data are quite expensive, too. I think Greg should make the decision on this. I don't know about labels. My question would be whether they would interfere with using the CD and DVD. Printed sleeves would be good and probably much less costly.
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-- E-mail: cannona@fireantproductions.com Skype: cannona MSN Messenger: cannona@hotmail.com (Do not send E-mail to the hotmail address.)