At the request of a volunteer, here are some updated stats on the CD and DVD giveaway. Before the automated work-flow system was put in place, we sent out about 14 million books on CD and DVD. I don't happen to have the exact numbers of each disc type, but I do have the raw data so if anyone really really wants to know, I'd be happy to forward it for your calculating pleasure. Since the work-flow system was put in place, 1676 requests have been checked in as complete. 1363 of them were for DVDs and about 313 of them were for CDs. This brings the grand total of books to about 28 million. That's quite impressive when you consider that the first 14 million were mailed out over a period of about 10 months, and the last 14 million were mailed out over the past 4 months. Thanks again to all those who have helped out with this massive endeavor! Without you it would not have been possible. Sincerely Aaron Cannon -- E-mail: cannona@fireantproductions.com Skype: cannona MSN Messenger: cannona@hotmail.com (Do not send E-mail to the hotmail address.)