Fwd: 4.2GB or 2,36GB or even 2.25GB - what's tighter=)

Thought that this could potentially prove useful to someone someday. Person obviously seems to have done a lot of work.
Delivered-To: cd@pglaf.org X-Originating-IP: [] X-Originating-Email: [maxbrain@hotmail.com] X-Sender: maxbrain@hotmail.com From: "Anthony Snatcher" <maxbrain@hotmail.com> To: cd@pglaf.org, webmaster@gutenberg.org Subject: 4.2GB or 2,36GB or even 2.25GB - what's tighter=) Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 09:10:06 +0000 X-OriginalArrivalTime: 23 Mar 2005 09:10:06.0416 (UTC) FILETIME=[1AF3A500:01C52F88]
Hi Project Gutenberg Activist,
I am a student in www.townshend.cz and downloaded your 10K Gutenberg-4.2GB-DVD.iso (http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/1/0/8/0/10802/10802-rar/) and wanted to
thank you very much for this wonderful organized job!
All the old books that might have been lost are digitized and free for everyone! (I am still waiting for Aldous Huxley's - "brave new world" though ;-)) Currently I try to make my own ebook-library. got 2 DVDs full of ebooks!!!! WAHOOO! ;-)
I hand them around as much as I can to distribute the wealth of knowledge.
The Human Genome Project was included in the .iso although the homepage said it was not. (it's an extry 400MB of text not really interesting TCGAAGTCA-
Anyways... managed to re-pack the textfiles (without HGP) from 7.28GB to 2,36 GB (32%). (with 1% CRC) (Still 4CDs! ;-() Packed every folder in one .rar (so you have ETEXT00.rar ETEXT01.rar...)
Even thighter was packing the whole thing into 4x 700MB.rar and 1x200MB file 2.25GB (30%). (without CRC but including human genome project!)
Thought that is interesting for you. (webspace, download-traffic and all)
Know why? Packing a iso does not compress well, nor does packing .zip files with .rar.
What I did is the following:
PROJECT GUTENBERG EXTREME TIGHT PACKING by Crypt0 21.03.2005 20:11 (complains 2 maxbrain@hotmail.com)
this is ibiblio 10KDVD without HumanGenomeProject
i tried many different packers, rar did best so I packed everything with WinRar 3.41
Downloaded 4.2GB ziped & rared -> unpacked 7,28 GB (7.824.153.728 Bytes) -> 2.25GB rared (highest) 10KDVD without HumanGenomeProject 7,28 GB (7.823.773.824 Bytes) 100% 2,36 GB (2.534.577.635 Bytes) 32% (including +1% (74MB) File Recovery (CRC))
PACKING TEST 211 MB (221.449.361 Bytes) 100% UHAC 41,9 MB (43.970.903 Bytes) 21% RAR 41,9 MB (43.970.975 Bytes) 21% ganze 72Bytes unterschied! WAHOO! Winrar rockx ;-)
ZIP 79,8 MB (83.778.555 Bytes) 38% uahh... ACE 57,7 MB (60.594.144 Bytes) 27% bad..too
RAR with bigdic better
UHARC COMMAND Used : "E:\PROJECT_Gutenberg\uharc.exe" a -r+ -ed- -pr -mx -mm+ -md+ -md32768 -b32768 Gutenberg "E:\PROJECT_Gutenberg\pgdvd\*.*"
RAVE-ON! uz uz uz uz ....
Crypt0 (maxbrain@hotmail.com)
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-- E-mail: cannona@fireantproductions.com Skype: cannona MSN Messenger: cannona@hotmail.com (Do not send E-mail to the hotmail address.)
participants (1)
Aaron Cannon