Fwd: Re: Notification of Payment Received

Delivered-To: cd@pglaf.org Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 14:16:12 -0700 From: Greg Newby <gbnewby@pglaf.org> To: Nat Howard <nrh@pupworks.com> Cc: Project Gutenberg CDs <cd@pglaf.org> Subject: Re: Notification of Payment Received User-Agent: Mutt/1.4.1i
On Sun, Jan 23, 2005 at 01:05:06AM -0500, Nat Howard wrote:
I'm delighted you got my donation. I don't know if you have any sort of "what people are doing with our stuff" gallery, but in case you do...
Hi, Nat. Sorry for not responding earlier. We're really happy you're making such good use of the CD! I'm cc'ing the CD/DVD team for their enjoyment.
Best, Greg Newby
I took the project Gutenberg CD and unpacked it. Then I put the CD contents into a subdirectory and put my own index.htm file and some video in the new top level and burned new CD's. Then I made labels that said "Howard Holiday Computer CD 2004/~600 Old Books!" and, of course, "Thanks to Project Gutenberg" . The new index.htm contained my family's greetings, credited Project Gutenberg, and pointed to the old index.htm, of course!
Recipients generally react with puzzlement and then delight to the disk. I don't think people appreciate the wealth of the public domain. If they did, I suspect pro-copyright-extension lobbyists would have a much harder time.
So the disk has been a perfect "stocking-stuffer" kind of gift -- we sent them around instead of greeting cards!
Thanks for making my Christmas gift giving cheap & (relatively) easy!
On Jan 22, 2005, at 5:29 PM, Greg Newby wrote:
Dear Nathaniel:
Thanks for your donation to Project Gutenberg!
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Prof. Michael S. Hart Gregory B. Newby, Ph.D Project Coordinator and Founder Director and Chief Executive Project Gutenberg Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Fdn.
-- E-mail: cannona@fireantproductions.com Skype: cannona MSN Messenger: cannona@hotmail.com (Do not send E-mail to the hotmail address.)
participants (1)
Aaron Cannon