Fwd: Using CDs as "free gifts" in a fundraiser

I thought you all might be interested in seeing this. I believe that there shouldn't be a problem with his request, but I'll wait to hear from Greg before replying. As for the 100 dvds, I've got a stack here that I can send. Sincerely Aaron Cannon
Delivered-To: cd@pglaf.org DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=beta; d=gmail.com;
b=r4t0ubpMKuYA/DzaxzgvNJ1sDdy807fkTEmXCmq0IwCGFhK8f0k2Lw427Get5/z6v5cTvnD+VLkad9lZWVpXh/F/lwJLAqh53eJ/9Bl9d4BWlKtQS4p/57Qt37fGOYbtfsqeswj/XMWrJ5Ss3eR5oiIpa91iqD9wH49mtWEsGX4= Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 00:54:49 -0500 From: Holmes Wilson <hwilson@gmail.com> Reply-To: hw@downhillbattle.org To: cd@pglaf.org Subject: Using CDs as "free gifts" in a fundraiser Cc: Sarah Brown <sbrown@publicknowledge.org>
Hi Project Gutenberg folks,
First of all, thanks for all the wonderful work you do. I appreciate it so much.
I had a question about using Project Gutenberg's CDs or DVDs as "free" gifts in a membership drive for an advocacy group. I'm doing some work for Public Knowledge (a DC based advocacy group that lobbies for the public interest in intellectual property issues-- I'm sure you've crossed paths with them), and I'm helping them improve their online outreach and fundraising.
One of the things we'd like to do is let people show their support by becoming members. We'd like to offer people who donate gifts such as Public Knowledge t-shirts, or books like Lessig's "Free Culture", and we'd like for some of these items to be a celebration of Creative Commons licenses and the public domain. Along those lines, we're interested in giving members Project Gutenberg DVDs.
Would that be possible? Are there any rights issues? And what would be the best way to get a hundred or so copies that we could send out? If there's a suggested donation when copies of the CD are made, what kind of donation would you consider to be fair?
Thanks for you time, and I look forward to hearing from you,
-Holmes Wilson 508-963-5645
-- E-mail: cannona@fireantproductions.com Skype: cannona MSN Messenger: cannona@hotmail.com (Do not send E-mail to the hotmail address.)
participants (1)
Aaron Cannon