Hello, It appears the odd characters only show up in the export file. I did not have any data still on my computer so I feed the system my address with some of the characters included: "2306 Elba St" "Test" 'a & Intersect "a" & 'b Durham NC 27705 It displays properly on all of the pages. and it exported as: "2306 Elba St" "Test" 'a & Intersect "a" & 'b I think the set of fields and field length from the Ubuntu example is quite reasonable. Perhaps others would share their thoughts? The USPS software and website also ask for phone number on international items. My software actually requires an entry so I add a field with all "0" values before I import the data. I plunked around on the USPS website a few months back and the only place I saw that they make the phone number required instead of requested is for postal boxes in Canada. Of course I only spent a couple of hours looking around when I was trying to get an overview of the rules for international shipping so I only read a small portion of the info. Unfortunately I am unable to read most the the info on other countries rules due to the the language barrier. Johnnie
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Johnnie CD