Hi all. I know we had this conversation a long time ago, but I'm just curious what current folks are doing. Are you using customs forms? Are you using them for every country that you mail to that isn't outside the US, or just the problem countries? Based on my reading of the USPS guidelines, we shouldn't need to use them unless our packages are a pound or more (which they're not) or dutiable (which they shouldn't be). I've never used customs forms, except when mailing to certain problem countries, like Iran or Egypt, and I've never had any problems, but maybe I'm just really lucky. Also, approximately how much are you folks paying for international mailings nowadays? Is your post office imposing the non-bendable items sir-charge? I also noticed that the USPS has put the customs form 2976 online now. Is anyone using this? I ask because I recently checked out a large number of requests from Bangladesh (we must have gotten some local publicity; if anyone knows, I'd like to here) and I'm hoping to be able to avoid the forms if I an. Thanks. Aaron
participants (1)
Aaron Cannon