Hi all. I heard back from Greg. I emailed him about a place I found that seems to do a good job (according to reviews) and has great prices on dual layer DVD replication. www.burnsmart.com is the address, and they offer: 2,500 discs for $0.58 each 5,000 discs for $0.52 each. This price includes color printing on the discs, but not shipping. If anyone knows of a better deal from a decent company, please let me know. Also, a new single-layer DVD was just completed which Greg would like to see replace our 2006 DVD. I haven't seen it yet, but he seems to like it, and I trust his judgement. I'll let you know when I learn more. I should have URLs soon that will let you browse both new DVDs on the web, without having to download them, so that those of you on slow connections can take a look. Thanks. Aaron
participants (1)
Aaron Cannon