According to WorldCat, the only library that holds that book is Boston U.:
David S. Carter

On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 1:17 PM, Greg Newby <> wrote:
We received the below inquiry, and my copyright clearance
records are not helpful in resolving it.  For the two eBooks
referenced, does anyone have access to the printed volumes?

It sounds like maybe our clearance was based on the original
publication, and somehow missed that it was a modern translation.

  Thanks in advance for any responses.  I did not yet
try to find these in GoogleBooks, since I'm hopeful that Michael
(the original producer) might be available to help resolve this.

Subject:  copyright
To:       <>
From:     "Bob Levine" <>

The Verse and Prose of Alfred Lichtenstein was translated, published and
copyrighted in 2000 by Sheldon Gilman, Robert Levine, and Harry Radford -
please give us credit for what you have put on the web as

if you need more evidence than this entry in the catalogue of Mugar Library,
Boston University, please let me know:

The prose and verse of Alfred Lichtenstein / translated by Sheldon Gilman,
Robert Levine, and Harry Radford, Philadelphia, X Libris, 2000 PT2623.I29
A24 2000

Sheldon and I have no interest in being paid; Harry has died.

Robert Levine

Professor of English

Boston University
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