I'm working on Ralph Waldo Emerson's 'The Conduct of Life' as published in 1876 by James R. Osgood and Company.

I harvested the images from Google Print, though they now seem to have disappeared from Google's site. The images were made from a copy at Harvard College Widener Library: they appear to have two copies:


Punctuation marks are not always clear or have sometimes dropped out on the images. I was wondering if someone could check the following against a paper copy of the 1876 edition:

verso (line 3): Is there a period after 'Massachusetts'?
TOC (line 2): Is there a period after 'Page'?
page -1 (line 4): Is there a semicolon after 'bare'?
page -1 (line -1): Is there a period after 'creates'?
page 12 (line 11): Is there a semicolon after 'slate'?
page 58 (line 6): Is 'baby jumper' hyphenated?
page 74 (line 4): Is there a semicolon after 'nature'?
page 179 (footnote): Is there a period after 'worms'?
page 245 (line 10): Is there a semicolon after 'wave'?

