As promised, below, here is the first message to the
new gmonthly mailing list.
Sorry for the extra messages this month. I don't
expect you will need to hear more from us until the
next newsletter. In the meantime, if you would
like to know more about other mailing lists,
-- Greg N.
----- Forwarded message from Greg Newby <gbnewby(a)> -----
From: Greg Newby <gbnewby(a)>
To: gmonthly(a)
[View More]Subject: Re: Announcement: Project Gutenberg lists have moved
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2004 12:59:47 -0700
In-Reply-To: <20040808195533.GA17748(a)>
User-Agent: Mutt/1.4.1i
Oops - I just send the 'gweekly' announcement to you
on the 'gmonthly' list.
The information below is mostly accurate, except for
the mention of the weekly newsletter.
But in order to find out sooner whether you are correctly
subscribed to the 'gmonthly' list, I will send a message
to the new list, gmonthly(a), right now.
If you do NOT get a mailing from the gmonthly list
at, it means there is something wrong.
Two possibilities:
1. Your address was not correctly set for the new
list. Follow the instructions below; or
2. You might have some sort of spam filter that requires
specifically allowing messages from the gmonthly(a)
address to be delivered.
Please feel free to email me if you are not able to get
things working. The next monthly newsletter mailing
won't be for a few weeks, so I wanted to provide you
with this information now.
-- Greg N.
On Sun, Aug 08, 2004 at 12:55:33PM -0700, Greg Newby wrote:
> This will be the last message to the "gmonthly" mailing
> list on the Lyris system at
> We have migrated lists to a new server. There were a few
> dozen list members whose email addresses didn't seem to
> be processed correctly, so you might want to pay attention
> to whether you get this week's weekly newsletter. If
> not, or you're just curious about the new system, visit
> this address:
> From that site, select one of the mailing lists ("gweekly", for
> example). At the bottom of the next screen will be
> an option for "Unsubscribe or edit options".
> Enter your email address, and click the "Unsubscribe or edit
> options" button. If you get an error screen about a "bug",
> this means your address is not found.
> If it is found, you'll have an option to get a password mailed
> to you, so that you can change any list settings. But probably
> at that point, you won't need to do anything else: you will
> have confirmed your email address is activated.
> If your address is not found, it's possible that you subscribed
> under an alternate address. You could either wait until the
> next message goes out, or go ahead and re-subscribe anyway.
> THANKS, as always, for subscribing to the newsletter and
> keeping informed of new events in the world of Project
> Gutenberg eBooks!
> -- Greg Newby
----- End forwarded message -----
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