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December 2011
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This is the Project Gutenberg Monthly Newsletter for December 2011.
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Project Gutenberg volunteer Larry Copenhaver creates the GUTINDEX*
offline catalog files, and we have some new, friendlier formats that
will be online over the next few days. Stay tuned!
Below are extracts from GUTINDEX.ALL, listing our new titles for
October and November 2011 (through December 2). As always, huge
THANKS go to the many volunteers who have helped to make these
eBooks possible! In addition to these new titles, our errata team
has diligently gone over and REposted a number of earlier titles.
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GUTINDEX.2011 is a plain text listing of all the eBooks posted to the
Project Gutenberg collection between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011
with eBook numbers starting at 34807.
**** A "C" Following a Project Gutenberg eBook Number Indicates Copyright ****
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Dec 2011 to 31 Dec 2011 ~ ~ ~ ~
A Treatise on Sheep:, by Ambrose Blacklock 38189
[Subtitle: The Best Means for their Improvement, General
Management, and the Treatment of their Diseases.]
Amusement Only, by Richard Marsh 38188
Aviation Engines, by Victor Wilfred Pagé 38187
[Subtitle: Design--Construction--Operation and Repair]
The Sailor, by J. C. Snaith 38186
[Illustrator: W. A. Hottinger]
Fruits of Philosophy, by Charles Knowlton 38185
[Subtitle: A Treatise on the Population Question]
New Method of Horsemanship, by F. Baucher 38184
[Subtitle: Including the Breaking and Training
of Horses, with Instructions for Obtaining a Good Seat.]
>From the Thames to the Tiber, by J. Wardle 38183
[Subtitle: or, My visit to Paris, Rome, Florence,
Venice, Milan, Switzerland, etc.]
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Nov 2011 to 30 Nov 2011 ~ ~ ~ ~
Curious Church Customs, by Various 38182
[Subtitle: And Cognate Subjects]
[Editor: William Andrews]
A Woman Perfected, by Richard Marsh 38181
An American at Oxford, by John Corbin 38180
Household Education, by Harriet Martineau 38179
An Account of the Campaign in the West Indies, in the Year 38178
1794, by Cooper Willyams
[Subtitle: Under the Command of their Excellencies Lieutenant General
Sir Charles Grey, K. B., and Vice Admiral Sir John Jervis, K. B.]
The Passionate Elopement, by Compton Mackenzie 38177
The Stronger Influence, by F. E. Mills Young 38176
Perils in the Transvaal and Zululand, by H. C. Adams 38175
[Illustrator: J. Greenaway]
Vidyapati Bangiya Padabali, by Vidyapati Thakura 38174
[Subtitle: Songs of the love of Radha and Krishna]
[Translator: Ananda Coomaraswamy]
American Indian as Slaveholder and Seccessionist, by Annie Heloise Abel 38173
[Subtitle: An Omitted Chapter in the Diplomatic
History of the Southern Confederacy]
Atlantic Narratives, by Various 38172
[Subtitle: Modern Short Stories]
[Editor: Charles Swain Thomas]
Imprudence, by F. E. Mills Young 38171
Grit Lawless, by F.E. Mills Young 38170
The Heath Hover Mystery, by Bertram Mitford 38169
[Illustrator: F. H. Drestier]
>From Veldt Camp Fires, by H.A. Bryden 38168
Life Gleanings, by T. J. Macon 38167
Mémoires pour servir à l'Histoire de France sous Napoléon, 38166
Tome 1/2]
[Subtitle: écrits à Sainte-Hélène par les généraux qui
ont partagé sa captivité]
[Language: French]
The Cabin, by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez and John Garrett Underhill 38165
[Subtitle: [La barraca]]
[Translators: Francis Haffkine Snow and Beatrice M. Mekota]
English Book-Illustration of To-day, by Rose Esther Dorothea Sketchley 38164
[Subtitle: Appreciations of the Work of Living English
Illustrators With Lists of Their Books]
De Ellendigen (Deel 5 van 5), by Victor Hugo 38163
[Language: Dutch]
Practical Religion, by John Charles Ryle 38162
[Subtitle: Being Plain Papers on the Daily Duties, Experience,
Dangers and Privileges of Professing Christians]
A Master of Deception, by Richard Marsh 38161
[Illustrator: Dudley Tennant]
A Hero of Romance, by Richard Marsh 38160
[Illustrator: Harold Copping]
L'Illustration, No. 0021, 22 Juillet 1843, by Various 38159
[Language: French]
Die Phantasie in der Malerei, by Max Liebermann 38158
[Language: German]
Moderne Probleme der Physik, by H. Sieveking 38157
[Language: German]
A Second Coming, by Richard Marsh 38156
Norway, by Beatrix Jungman 38155
[Illustrator: Nico Jungman]
Text Books of Art Education, Book IV (of 7), 38154
by Hugo B. Froehlich and Bonnie E. Snow
Stars of the Opera, by Mabel Wagnalls 38153
The Girl Scouts Rally, by Katherine Keene Galt 38152
[Subtitle: Rosanna Wins]
Kevätkukka, by Mathilda Roos 38151
[Subtitle: Perhetarina]
[Language: Finnish]
Lettres intimes, by Hector Berlioz 38150
[Language: French]
Two Burlesques of Lord Chesterfield's Letters., by Anonymous 38149
[Subtitle: The Graces (1774), The Fine Gentleman's Etiquette (1776)]
[Editor: Sidney L. Gulick]
The Geography of the Region about Devils Lake and the Dalles of 38148
the Wisconsin, by Rollin D. Salisbury and Wallace W. Atwood
St. Peter, His Name and His Office, by Thomas W. Allies 38147
[Subtitle: As set forth in holy scripture]
Mr. Punch on the Warpath, by Various 38146
[Subtitle: Humours of the Army, The Navy and The Reserve Forces]
[Editor: J. A. Hammerton]
[Illustrators: Reginald Cleaver and others]
Human, All Too Human, by Friedrich Nietzsche 38145
[Subtitle: A Book for Free Spirits]
[Translator: Alexander Harvey]
The Mistress of Bonaventure, by Harold Bindloss 38144
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 12, Slice 4, by Various 38143
[Subtitle: "Grasshopper" to "Greek Language"]
The Seven Cardinal Sins: Envy and Indolence, by Eugène Sue 38142
John Dewey's logical theory, by Delton Thomas Howard 38141
Che cosa è l'amore?, by Alfredo Panzini 38140
[Language: Italian]
The History of Cuba, vol. 3, by Willis Fletcher Johnson 38139
Socialism, by John Stuart Mill 38138
Stories of the Badger State, by Reuben Gold Thwaites 38137
The Life of Thomas Wanless, Peasant, by Alexander Johnstone Wilson 38136
Etain the Beloved and Other Poems, by James Henry Cousins 38135
Beyond, by Henry Seward Hubbard 38134
Jumalan kiitos, pöytä on katettu, by Roderich Benedix 38133
[Subtitle: Huvinäytelmä yhdessä näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
A Hundred and Sixty Books by Washington Authors, by Various 38132
[Subtitle: Some Other Writers Who are Contributors to
Periodical Literature, Lines Worth Knowing by Heart]
On Secret Service, by William Nelson Taft 38131
[Subtitle: Detective-Mystery Stories Based on
Real Cases Solved By Government Agents]
Legends of Loudoun, by Harrison Williams 38130
[Subtitle: An account of the history and homes of
a border country of Virginia's Northern Neck]
Armenian Legends and Festivals, by Louis A. Boettiger 38129
Memoirs of Leonora Christina, by Leonora Christina Ulfeldt 38128
[Subtitle: Daughter of Christian IV. of Denmark; Written During
her Imprisonment in the Blue Tower at Copenhagen 1663-1685]
[Translator: F. E. Bunnètt]
>From the Oak to the Olive, by Julia Ward Howe 38127
[Subtitle: A Plain record of a Pleasant Journey]
Der Untertan, by Heinrich Mann 38126
[Subtitle: Roman]
[Language: German]
Der zunehmende Mond, by Rabindranath Tagore 38125
[Language: German]
Spanish Composition, by Edith J. Broomhall 38124
[Language: Spanish]
The Automobile Girls at Palm Beach, by Laura Dent Crane 38123
[Subtitle: Proving Their Mettle Under Southern Skies]
La fabrique de mariages, Vol. II, by Paul Féval 38122
[Language: French]
Erkki ja Aino, by Kristofer Janson 38121
[Language: Finnish]
Bridge Axioms and Laws, by J. B. Elwell 38120
Kysymysmerkkejä: Kuinka Muikkulan Matin kirkolla kävi, by G. A. Heman 38119
[Language: Finnish]
La Duchesse de Chateauroux et ses soeurs, by Edmond de 38118
Goncourt and Jules de Goncourt
[Language: French]
The Book of Life: Vol. I Mind and Body; Vol. II Love 38117
and Society, by Upton Sinclair
Letters from Rome on the Council, by Johann Joseph Ignaz von Döllinger 38116
Book of 50 Pictures, by Anonymous 38115
Islam Her Moral And Spiritual Value, by Arthur Glyn Leonard 38114
[Subtitle: A Rational And Pyschological Study]
Aatelisrosvo Dubrovskij, by Alexander Pushkin 38113
[Translator: Sassi]
[Language: Finnish]
Mighty Mikko, by Parker Fillmore 38112
[Subtitle: A Book of Finnish Fairy Tales and Folk Tales]
[Illustrator: Jay Van Everen]
English Society, by George Du Maurier 38111
Aucassin & Nicolette, by Eugene Mason 38110
[Subtitle: And Other Mediaeval Romances and Legends]
[Translator: Eugene Mason]
Lecture on Artificial Flight, by Wm. G. Krueger 38109
[Subtitle: Given by request at the Academy of Natural Sciences]
Further Experiences of an Irish R.M., by E. O. Sommerville 38108
and Martin Ross
[Illustrator: E. O. Somerville]
The Gods, by Robert G. Ingersoll 38107
[Subtitle: From 'The Gods and Other Lectures']
Ingersollia, by Robert G. Ingersoll 38106
[Subtitle: Gems of Thought from the Lectures, Speeches,
and Conversations of Col. Robert G. Ingersoll,
Representative of His Opinions and Beliefs]
Shakespeare, by Robert G. Ingersoll 38105
[Subtitle: A Lecture]
English Secularism, by George Jacob Holyoake 38104
[Subtitle: A Confession Of Belief]
Trial of C. B. Reynolds For Blasphemy, by Robert G. Ingersoll 38103
[Subtitle: Defence by Robert G. Ingersoll,
at Morristown, N. J., May 1887]
Critical Examination of the Life of St. Paul, by Boulanger 38102
Thomas Paine, by Robert G. Ingersoll 38101
[Subtitle: From 'The Gods and Other Lectures']
Ancient Faiths And Modern, by Thomas Inman 38100
[Subtitle: A Dissertation upon Worships, Legends and Divinities]
Mistakes of Moses, by Robert G. Ingersoll 38099
Individuality, by Robert G. Ingersoll 38098
[Subtitle: From 'The Gods and Other Lectures']
Aphorisms and Reflections from the Works of T. H. Huxley, 38097
by T. H. Huxley
Humboldt, by Robert G. Ingersoll 38096
[Subtitle: From 'The Gods and Other Lectures']
Heretics And Heresies, by Robert G. Ingersoll 38095
[Subtitle: From 'The Gods and Other Lectures']
Letters To Eugenia, by Paul Henri Thiry Holbach 38094
[Subtitle: Or, A Preservative Against Religious Prejudices]
The Christian Religion, by Robert G. Ingersoll 38093
[Subtitle: An Enquiry]
The Book Of God, by G. W. Foote 38092
[Subtitle: In The Light Of The Higher Criticism]
The Letters of William James, Vol. II, by William James 38091
[Editor: Henry James]
Nurses' Papers on Tuberculosis, by Various 38090
[Subtitle: read before the Nurses' Study Circle
of the Dispensary Department, Chicago
Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium]
L'Illustration, No. 0020, 15 Juillet 1843, by Various 38089
[Language: French]
State Trials Vol. 2 (of 2), by Various 38088
[Subtitle: Political and Social]
[Editor: Sir Harry Lushington Stephen]
The Boy Ranchers of Puget Sound, by Harold Bindloss 38087
The Social Evolution of the Argentine Republic, by Ernesto Quesada 38086
A Mere Chance, Vol. 3 of 3, by Ada Cambridge 38085
[Subtitle: A Novel]
A Mere Chance, Vol. 2 of 3, by Ada Cambridge 38084
[Subtitle: A Novel]
A Mere Chance, Vol. 1 of 3, by Ada Cambridge 38083
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Il Libro Nero, by Anton Giulio Barrili 38082
[Subtitle: Leggenda]
[Language: Italian]
The Inhabitants of the Philippines, by Frederic H. Sawyer 38081
Fædrene æde Druer, by Gustav Wied 38080
[Subtitle: Slægten, Opus 2]
[Language: Danish]
Orders of Infinity, by Godfrey Harold Hardy 38079
[Subtitle: The 'Infinitärcalcül' of Paul Du Bois-Reymond]
Siam, by George B. Bacon 38078
[Subtitle: The Land of the White Elephant as it Was and Is]
British Birds in their Haunts, by Rev. C. A. Johns 38077
Our Philadelphia, by Elizabeth Robins Pennell 38076
[Illustrator: Joseph Pennell]
An Ambitious Woman, by Edgar Fawcett 38075
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Victor Hugo, son oeuvre poétique, by Ernest Dupuy 38074
[Language: French]
Thomas Jefferson, by Gilbert Chinard 38073
[Subtitle: The Apostle of Americanism]
Wind and Weather, by Alexander McAdie 38072
The Guards Came Through and Other Poems, by Arthur Conan Doyle 38071
The Norwegian Fairy Book, by Clara Stroebe 38070
[Illustrator: George W. Hood]
[Translator: Frederick H. Martens]
Northwest!, by Harold Bindloss 38069
Essays on Modern Novelists, by William Lyon Phelps 38068
A Select Collection of Valuable and Curious Arts 38067
and Interesting Experiments, by Various
[Subtitle: Which are Well Explained and Warranted Genuine and
may be Performed Easily, Safely, and at Little Expense.]
The Adventures of a Grain of Dust, by Hallam Hawksworth 38066
Eight or Nine Wise Words about Letter-Writing, by Lewis Carroll 38065
Aw-Aw-Tam Indian Nights, by J. William Lloyd 38064
[Subtitle: Being the myths and legends of the Pimas of Arizona]
[Translator: Edward Hubert Wood]
The Sun's Babies, by Edith Howes 38063
[Illustrator: Frank Watkins]
In Mr. Knox's Country, by E. OEnone Somerville and Martin Ross 38062
[Illustrator: E. OEnone Somerville]
White Fire, by John Oxenham 38061
[Illustrator: G. Grenville Manton]
Out of the Air, by Inez Haynes Irwin 38060
Mémoires de Vidocq, chef de la police de Sureté jusqu'en 38059
1827, tome III, by Eugène François Vidocq
[Language: French]
Mémoires de Vidocq, chef de la police de Sureté jusqu'en 38058
1827, tome II, by Eugène François Vidocq
[Language: French]
Mémoires de Vidocq, chef de la police de Sureté jusqu'en 38057
1827, tome I, by Eugène François Vidocq
[Language: French]
Abraham Lincoln and the London Punch, by William Shepard Walsh 38056
[Subtitle: Cartoons, Comments and Poems Published in the
London Charivari During the American Civil War (1861-1865)]
The history of Herodotus--Volume 1, by Herodotus 38055
[Translator: A. Skalides]
[Language: Greek]
A Duel, by Richard Marsh 38054
The Coo-ee Reciter, by Various 38053
Reynard the Fox, by John Masefield 38052
[Illustrator: Carton Moorepark]
The Tomato, by Paul Work 38051
All (Frightfully Unofficial) about an Old Friend of mine, 38050
by T. C. Gash
[Subtitle: What he most probably was. What he most
certainly will be and who has done this? Why The Cat.]
Louisa May Alcott, by Louisa May Alcott 38049
[Subtitle: Her Life, Letters, and Journals]
Mary Queen of Scots 1542-1587, by Various 38048
[Editor: Robert S. Rait]
Social Value, by B. M. Anderson 38047
[Subtitle: A Study in Economic Theory Critical and Constructive]
Business English, by Rose Buhlig 38046
[Subtitle: A Practice Book]
Marvels of Scientific Invention, by Thomas W. Corbin 38045
[Subtitle: An Interesting Account in Non-technical
Language of the Invention of Guns, Torpedoes,
Submarine Mines, Up-to-date Smelting, Freezing,
Colour Photography, and many other recent
Discoveries of Science]
The Ascent of the Matterhorn, by Edward Whymper 38044
The Life of Lyman Trumbull, by Horace White 38043
L'Illustration, No. 3661, 26 Avril 1913, by Various 38042
[Language: French]
Old Celtic Romances, by Unknown 38041
[Translator: P. W. Joyce]
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 62, Jan 27, 1872, by Various 38040
History of 'Billy the Kid', by Chas. A. Siringo 38039
Fetichism in West Africa, by Robert Hamill Nassau 38038
[Subtitle: Forty Years' Observations of Native
Customs and Superstitions]
English and Scottish Ballads (volume 3 of 8), by Various 38037
[Editor: Francis James Child]
Electricity for the 4-H Scientist, by Eric B. Wilson 38036
[Subtitle: Idaho Agricultural Extension Service
Bulletin 396, June, 1962]
The Letters of Henry James, Vol. II, by Henry James 38035
[Editor: Percy Lubbock]
Paul Appell, by Ernest Lebon 38034
[Subtitle: Biographie, Bibliographie Analytique des Écrits]
[Language: French]
Vergleichende Betrachtungen über neuere geometrische 38033
Forschungen by Felix Klein
[Language: German]
Game Birds and Game Fishes of the Pacific Coast, by Harry Thom Payne 38032
Cinq années de ma vie, by Alfred Dreyfus 38031
[Subtitle: 1894-1899]
[Language: French]
The Girl Scouts at Camp Comalong, by Lillian Garis 38030
[Subtitle: Peg of Tamarack Hills]
Three Little Women, by Gabrielle E. Jackson 38029
[Subtitle: A Story for Girls]
The World Masters, by George Griffith 38028
Autobiography of Countess Tolstoy, by Sophie Andreevna Tolstoy 38027
[Translators: S.S. Koteliansky and Leonard Woolf]
Fridtjof Nansen, by Jacob B. Bull 38026
[Subtitle: A book for the young]
[Translator: Mordaunt R. Barnard]
Fables for Children, Stories for Children, Natural Science Stories 38025
Popular Education, Decembrists, Moral Tales, by Leo Tolstoy
[Translator: Leo Wiener]
Dwarf Fruit Trees, by F. A. Waugh 38024
[Subtitle: Their propagation, pruning, and general
management, adapted to the United States and Canada]
Memoirs of an American Prima Donna, by Clara Louise Kellogg 38023
Nature and Culture, by Harvey Rice 38022
The Baculum in Microtine Rodents, by Sydney Anderson 38021
The Transgression of Andrew Vane, by Guy Wetmore Carryl 38020
[Subtitle: a novel]
An Oregon Girl, by Alfred Ernest Rice 38019
[Subtitle: A Tale of American Life in the New West]
[Illustrator: Colista M. Dowling]
Girl Scouts in the Rockies, by Lillian Elizabeth Roy 38018
Schools, School-Books and Schoolmasters, by W. Carew Hazlitt 38017
Chaitanya's Life And Teachings, by Krishna das Kaviraja 38016
[Subtitle: From his contemporary Begali biography
the Chaitanya-charit-amrita]
[Translator: Jadunath Sarkar]
De Re Metallica, by Georgius Agricola 38015
[Subtitle: Translated from the First Latin Edition of 1556]
[Translators: Herbert Clark Hoover and Lou Henry Hoover]
Government in the United States, by James Wilford Garner 38014
[Subtitle: National, State and Local]
Animals of the Past, by Frederic A. Lucas 38013
Ottavia, by Vittorio Alfieri 38012
[Language: Italian]
The Epic of Hades, by Lewis Morris 38011
[Subtitle: In Three Books]
The Adventures of John Jewitt, by John Rodgers Jewitt 38010
[Subtitle: Only Survivor of the Crew of the Ship Boston
During a Captivity of Nearly Three Years Among the
Indians of Nootka Sound in Vancouver Island]
The Story of Seville, by Walter M. Gallichan 38009
Mated from the Morgue, by John Augustus O'Shea 38008
[Subtitle: A tale of the Second Empire]
Memoir of John Howe Peyton, by Various 38007
[Subtitle: in sketches by his contemporaries,
together with some of his public and private
letters, etc., also a sketch of Ann M. Peyton]
The Heatherford Fortune, by Mrs. Georgie Sheldon 38006
[Subtitle: a sequel to the Magic Cameo]
Psyche, by Louis Couperus 38005
[Illustrator: Dion Clayton Calthrop]
[Translator: B. S. Berrington]
Vertebrates from the Barrier Island of Tamaulipas, México, 38004
by Robert K. Selander, Richard F. Johnston, B. J. Wilks
and Gerald G. Raun]
Color Key to North American Birds, by Frank M. Chapman 38003
[Subtitle: with bibiographical appendix]
[Illustrator: Chester A Reed]
L'Illustration, No. 3661, 26 Avril 1913, by Various 38002
[Language: French]
San-Cravate; or, The Messengers; Little Streams, 38001
by Charles Paul de Kock
Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play, by J. B. Elwell 38000
[Subtitle: with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code
of Bridge Laws]
Poems, by Arthur Macy 37999
Morals and the Evolution of Man, by Max Simon Nordau 37998
[Translator: Marie A. Lewenz]
The American Reformed Cattle Doctor, by George Dadd 37997
Beethoven: A Memoir (2nd Ed.), by Elliott Graeme 37996
The Diamond Fairy Book, by Various 37995
[Illustrators: Frank Papé and H. R. Millar]
Ini, by Julius von Voß 37994
[Subtitle: Ein Roman aus dem ein und zwanzigsten Jahrhundert]
[Illustrator: Franz Joseph Leopold]
[Language: German]
Climbing in The British Isles. Vol. 1 - England, 37993
by W. P. Haskett Smith
[Illustrator: Ellis Carr]
The King of Pirates, by Daniel Defoe 37992
[Subtitle: Being an Account of the Famous Enterprises
of Captain Avery, the Mock King of Madagascar]
Der rote Komet, by Robert Heymann 37991
[Subtitle: Wunder der Zukunft. Romane
aus dem dritten Jahrtausend. Band 2]
[Language: German]
Sous La Neige, by Edith Wharton 37990
[Language: French]
Lettres d'un voyageur, by George Sand 37989
[Language: French]
Ladies' Guide to True Politeness and Perfect Manners, by Eliza Leslie 37988
[Subtitle: or, Miss Leslie's Behaviour Book]
Correspondance diplomatique de Bertrand de Salignac de La Mothe 37987
Fénélon, Tome Second, by Bertrand de Salignac de la Mothe Fénélon
[Subtitle: Ambassadeur de France en Angleterre de 1568 à 1575]
[Language: French]
L'Imperatore Giuliano l'Apostata, by Gaetano Negri 37986
[Subtitle: Studio storico - Seconda edizione riveduta ed ampliata]
[Language: Italian]
A Literary History of the Arabs, by Reynold Nicholson 37985
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 12, Slice 3, by Various 37984
[Subtitle: "Gordon, Lord George" to "Grasses"]
W. & R. Chambers Selected Catalogue 1892, by Various 37983
[Subtitle: Suitable for Prizes and Presentation]
The Golden Link of Friendship, by Various 37982
May Flowers, by Louisa May Alcott 37981
A Day With Longfellow, by Anonymous and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 37980
Under the Shadow of Etna, by Giovanni Verga 37979
[Subtitle: Sicilian Stories from the Italian of Giovanni Verga]
[Translator: Nathan Dole]
The Esperantist, Vol. 1, No. 14, by H. Bolingbroke Mudie 37978
[Language: Esperanto]
The Esperantist, Vol. 1, No. 13, by H. Bolingbroke Mudie 37977
[Language: Esperanto]
Dot and Tot of Merryland, by L. Frank Baum 37976
[Illustrator: W. W. Denslow]
Diana Tempest, Volume III (of 3), by Mary Cholmondeley 37975
Diana Tempest, Volume II (of 3), by Mary Cholmondeley 37974
Diana Tempest, Volume I (of 3), by Mary Cholmondeley 37973
Sunshine Jane, by Anne Warner 37972
[Illustrator: Harriet Roosevelt Richards]
L'Illustration, No. 3660, 19 Avril 1913, by Various 37971
[Language: French]
Contemporary One-Act Plays, by B. Roland Lewis, Sir James M. Barrie, 37970
George Middleton, Althea Thurston, Percy Mackaye, Lady Augusta Gregor,
Eugene Pillot, Anton Tchekov, Bosworth Crocker, Alfred Kreymborg,
Paul Greene, Arthur Hopkins, Paul Hervieu, Jeannette Marks, Oscar M.
Wolff, David Pinski, Beulah Bornstead, Hermann Sudermann, and August
The Marquis of Peñalta (Marta y María), by Armando Palacio Valdés 37969
[Subtitle: A Realistic Social Novel]
[Translator: Nathan Haskell Dole]
The Nut Culturist, by Andrew S. Fuller 37968
[Subtitle: A Treatise on Propogation, Planting,
and Cultivation of Nut Bearing Trees and Shrubs
Adapted to the Climate of the United States]
More Portmanteau Plays, by Stuart Walker 37967
Between the Dark and the Daylight, by Richard Marsh 37966
Caesar's Wife, by William Somerset Maugham 37965
[Subtitle: A comedy in three acts]
Feminism and Sex-Extinction, by Arabella Kenealy 37964
Miss Arnott's Marriage, by Richard Marsh 37963
Plays: Lady Frederick, The Explorer, A Man of Honor, 37962
by William Somerset Maugham
He Who Gets Slapped, by Leonid Nikolayevich Andreyev 37961
[Subtitle: A Play in Four Acts]
[Translator: Gregory Zilboorg]
Beaumarchais and the War of American Independence 37960
Vol. 1 of 2, by Elizabeth S. Kite
Natural History in Anecdote, by Various 37959
[Subtitle: Illustrating the nature, habits, manners and
customs of animals, birds, fishes, reptiles, etc., etc., etc.]
[Editor: Alfred Henry Miles]
Stones of the Temple, by Walter Field 37958
[Subtitle: Lessons from the Fabric and Furniture of the Church]
Man and Nature, by George P. Marsh 37957
[or, Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action]
The Life and Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Volume II (of 2) 37956
by Florence A. Thomas Marshall, a.k.a. Mrs. Julian Marshall
The Life and Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Volume I (of 2) 37955
by Florence A. Thomas Marshall, a.k.a. Mrs. Julian Marshall
Maid of the Mist, by John Oxenham 37954
Italian Letters of a Diplomat's Life, by Mary Alsop King Waddington 37953
[Subtitle: January-May, 1880; February-April, 1904]
The Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel, by Thornton W. Burgess 37952
[Illustrator: Harrison Cady]
Vie de Tolstoy, by Romain Rolland 37951
[Language: French]
The South American Republics, Part II (of 2), by Thomas C. Dawson 37950
Scarlett of the Mounted, by Marguerite Merington 37949
The Beautiful White Devil, by Guy Boothby 37948
Incidents of Travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia, and Poland, 37947
7th ed. Vol. 2 of 2, by John Lloyd Stephens
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, 37946
Volume 20. December, 1877, by Various
Untersuchungen über die radioaktiven Substanzen, by Marie Curie 37945
[Subtitle: von Marie Curie, übersetzt und mit
Litteratur-Ergänzungen versehen von W. Kaufmann]
[Translator: Walter Kaufmann]
[Language: German]
Southern Spain, by A. F. Calvert 37944
[Illustrator: Trevor Haddon]
The Pike's Peak Rush, by Edwin L. Sabin 37943
[Subtitle: Terry in the New Gold Fields]
A Tale of the Kloster, by Brother Jabez 37942
[Subtitle: A Romance of the German Mystics at the Cocalico]
[Illustrator: Frank McKernan]
L'Illustration, No. 3659, 12 Avril 1913, by Various 37941
[Language: French]
Rübezahl, by Rosalie Koch 37940
[Subtitle: Neue Sammlung der schönsten Sagen
und Märchen von dem Berggeiste im Riesengebirge]
[Illustrator: P. Mohn]
[Language: German]
Liquid Drops and Globules, by Chas. R. Darling 37939
[Subtitle: Their Formation and Movements;
three lectures delivered to popular audiences]
Chinese Poems, by Various 37938
[Translator: Charles Budd]
A Wanderer in Paris, by E. V. Lucas 37937
[Illustrator: Walter Dexter]
Dopo il veglione o viceversa, by Roberto Bracco 37936
[Language: Italian]
Una donna, by Roberto Bracco 37935
[Language: Italian]
Non fare ad altri...., by Roberto Bracco 37934
[Language: Italian]
Lui lei lui, by Roberto Bracco 37933
[Language: Italian]
Le disilluse, by Roberto Bracco 37932
[Language: Italian]
Un'avventura di viaggio, by Roberto Bracco 37931
[Language: Italian]
The Legendary and Poetical Remains of John Roby, by John Roby 37930
[Subtitle: Author of "Traditions of Lancashire", With A
Sketch Of His Literary Life And Character By His Widow]
Fenn Masterson's Discovery, by Allen Chapman 37929
[Subtitle: or, The Darewell Chums on a Cruise]
Gas Burners, by Owen Merriman 37928
[Subtitle: Old and New]
The Boy Volunteers with the French Airman, by Kenneth Ward 37927
'As Gold in the Furnace', by John E. Copus 37926
[Subtitle: A College Story]
A Narrative of the Life of David Crockett, of the State 37925
of Tennessee, by Davy Crockett
Forging Ahead in Business, by Various 37924
The Old Debauchees. A Comedy (1732), by Henry Fielding 37923
The Indians' Last Fight, by Dennis Collins 37922
[Subtitle: Or The Dull Knife Raid]
The Bath Road, by Charles G. (Charles George) Harper 37921
[Subtitle: History, Fashion, & Frivolity on an Old Highway]
The South American Republics Part I of II, by Thomas C. Dawson 37920
In Accordance with the Evidence, by Oliver Onions 37919
Rocky Mountain [Colorado] National Park, 37918
by The United States Dept. of the Interior
Across the Stream, by Edward Frederic Benson 37917
The Star People, by Gaylord Johnson 37916
Notes on the Book of Genesis, by Charles Henry Mackintosh 37915
Un été dans le Sahara, by Eugène Fromentin 37914
[Language: French]
The Gray Phantom, by Herman Landon 37913
The Girls of Central High at Basketball, by Gertrude W. Morrison 37912
[Subtitle: The Great Gymnasium Mystery]
The Motor Girls at Lookout Beach, by Margaret Penrose 37911
[Subtitle: In Quest of the Runaways]
Homes of American Statesmen, by Various 37910
[Subtitle: With Anecdotical, Personal, and Descriptive Sketches]
The Bobbsey Twins on the Deep Blue Sea, by Laura Lee Hope 37909
Adeline Mowbray, by Amelia Alderson Opie 37908
[Subtitle: or, The Mother and Daughter]
Brave Old Salt, by Oliver Optic 37907
[Subtitle: or, Life on the Quarter Deck]
The Whirligig of Time, by Wayland Wells Williams 37906
[Illustrator: J. Henry]
The Anglo-French Entente in the Seventeenth Century, 37905
by Charles Bastide
International Monthly, Volume 4, No. 4, November 1, 1851, by Various 37904
The Girl Crusoes, by Mrs. Herbert Strang 37903
[Subtitle: A Story of the South Seas]
[Illustrator: N. Tenison]
Saulus Tarsolainen, by Mathilda Roos 37902
[Subtitle: Erään sielun historia]
[Language: Finnish]
Profitable Squab Breeding, by Carl Dare 37901
Passeggiate per l'Italia, Vol. 3, by Ferdinand Gregorovius 37900
[Language: Italian]
Life's Minor Collisions, by Frances Warner and Gertrude Warner 37899
The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, by Various 37898
[Subtitle: Volume 7]
[Editor: Jared Sparks]
Villages of the Algonquian, Siouan, and Caddoan Tribes 37897
West of the Mississippi, by David Ives Bushnell
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Oct 2011 to 31 Oct 2011 ~ ~ ~ ~
Les derniers paysans - Tome 2, by Émile Souvestre 37896
[Language: French]
Sieluntaisteluita, by Mathilda Roos 37895
[Language: Finnish]
A Quantitative Study of the Nocturnal Migration of Birds, 37894
by George H. Lowery
[Subtitle: Vol.3 No.2]
Oxford and Her Colleges, by Goldwin Smith 37893
The Recollections of Alexis de Tocqueville, by Alexis De Tocqueville 37892
[Translator: Alexander Teixeira De Mattos]
Bygone Cumberland and Westmorland, by Daniel Scott 37891
The Brothers' War, by John Calvin Reed 37890
Incidents of Travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia, and Poland, 37889
Vol. I (of 2), by John Lloyd Stephens
Charlotte Brontë, by T. Wemyss Reid 37888
[Subtitle: A Monograph]
Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican Vol. 1 of 2, by Brantz Mayer 37887
[Subtitle: A Historical, Geographical, Political, Statistical
and Social Account of That Country From the Period of the
Invasion by the Spaniards to the Present Time; With a View
of the Ancient Aztec Empire and Civilization; A Historical
Sketch of the Late War; And Notices of New Mexico and
L'Illustration, No. 3658, 5 Avril 1913, by Various 37886
[Language: French]
Kolme muskettisoturia, by Alexandre Dumas 37885
[Subtitle: Historiallinen romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Folk-Tales of the Khasis, by K. U. Rafy 37884
Steve P. Holcombe, the Converted Gambler, by Rev. Gross Alexander 37883
[Subtitle: His Life and Work]
Mr. Punch in the Highlands, by Various 37882
[Editor: J. A. Hammerton]
[Illustrators: Charles Keene and others]
Golden Fleece and The Heros Who Lived Before Achilles, by Padraic Colum 37881
[Illustrator: Willy Pogany]
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 12, Slice 2, by Various 37880
[Subtitle: "Gloss" to "Gordon, Charles George"]
O culto do chá, by Wenceslau José de Sousa de Morais 37879
[Language: Portuguese]
Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes, by E. E. Brown 37878
Goody Two Shoes, by Walter Crane 37877
[Illustrator: Walter Crane]
Teutonic Mythology, Vol. 1 of 3, by Viktor Rydberg, Ph.D 37876
[Subtitle: Gods and Goddesses of the Northland]
[Translator: Rasmus B. Anderson, LL.D.]
Seitsemän päivää keskusasemalla, by Johan Kock 37875
[Language: Finnish]
L'Illustration, No. 3657, 29 Mars 1913, by Various 37874
[Language: French]
Alone with the Hairy Ainu, by A. H. Savage Landor 37873
[Subtitle: or, 3,800 miles on a pack saddle in
Yezo and a cruise to the Kurile Islands.]
The International Monthly, Vol. II, No. I, by Various 37872
[Subtitle: December 1, 1850]
Dandelion Cottage, by Carroll Watson Rankin 37871
[Illustrator: Mary Stevens]
Ruysbroeck, by Evelyn Underhill 37870
De Ellendigen (Deel 4 van 5), by Victor Hugo 37869
[Language: Dutch]
Analecta Volume 1, by Angelos Vlahos 37868
[Subtitle: Short stories - social images and studies]
[Language: Greek]
Divine Songs and Meditacions (1653), by Anne Collins 37867
A Humble Enterprise, by Ada Cambridge 37866
[Illustrator: St. Clair Simmons]
Studies in Mediæval Life and Literature, 37865
by Edward Tompkins McLaughlin
Know the Truth; A critique of the Hamiltonian Theory 37864
of Limitation, by Jesse H. Jones
Essex Terraplane Six 1933 Owner's Manual of Information, by Anonymous 37863
Saul of Tarsus, by Elizabeth Miller 37862
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Early Christians]
[Illustrator: Andr? Castaigne]
Poems - Second Series, by J. C. Squire 37861
Poems - First Series, by J. C. Squire 37860
The Call of the Mountains, by James E. Pickering 37859
[Subtitle: and other Poems]
Leaves in the Wind, by A. G. Gardiner 37858
The Haunted Mine, by Harry Castlemon 37857
The Determined Angler and the Brook Trout, by Charles Bradford 37856
[Subtitle: an anthological volume of trout fishing, trout
histories, trout lore, trout resorts, and trout tackle]
Climatic Changes, by Ellsworth Huntington 37855
and Stephen Sargent Visher
[Subtitle: Their Nature and Causes]
Le Poème du Rhône, by Frédéric Mistral 37854
[Subtitle: en XII chants. Texte Provençal et Traduction Française]
[Language: French]
Present Irish Questions, by William O'Connor Morris 37853
Chimneysmoke, by Christopher Morley 37852
[Illustrator: Thomas Fogarty]
L'Illustration, No. 3656, 22 Mars 1913, by Various 37851
[Language: French]
Remarks on the practice and policy of lending Bodleian 37850
printed books and manuscripts, Henry W. Chandler
Il ferro, by Gabriele D'Annunzio 37849
[Language: Italian]
Old English Chronicles, by Various 37848
[Editor: J. A. Giles]
Maria Stuart Skotlannissa, by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson 37847
[Language: Finnish]
Raemaekers' Cartoon History of the War, Volume 2, 37846
by Louis Raemaekers
[Subtitle: The Second Twelve Months of War]
[Illustrator: Louis Raemaekers]
A Book of Irish Verse, by William Butler Yeats 37845
[Subtitle: Selected from modern writers with
an introduction and notes by W. B. Yeats]
The Brontë Family, Vol. 2 of 2, by Francis A. Leyland 37844
[Subtitle: with special reference to Patrick Branwell Brontë]
The Brontë Family, Vol. 1 of 2, by Francis A. Leyland 37843
[Subtitle: with special reference to Patrick Branwell Brontë]
Small Horses in Warfare, by Sir Walter Gilbey 37842
Human, All-Too-Human, Part II, by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 37841
[Subtitle: A Book For Free Spirits]
[Translator: Paul V. Cohn]
The South Isles of Aran, by Oliver J. Burke 37840
My Experiences in Manipur and the Naga Hills, by James Johnstone 37839
The Story of Louie, by Oliver Onions 37838
Peter and Polly in Winter, by Rose Lucia 37837
Contes Fantastiques, by Jules Janin 37836
[Subtitle: et Contes Littéraires]
[Language: French]
Kuningas Richard Kolmas, by William Shakespeare 37835
[Language: Finnish]
Authors and Writers Associated with Morristown, by Julia Keese Colles 37834
[Subtitle: With a Chapter on Historic Morristown]
The Danes Sketched by Themselves. Vol. III (of 3), by Various 37833
[Subtitle: A Series of Popular Stories by the Best Danish Authors]
[Translator: Anna S. Bushby]
The Danes Sketched by Themselves. Vol. II (of 3), by Various 37832
[Subtitle: A Series of Popular Stories by the Best Danish Authors]
[Translator: Anna S. Bushby]
The Danes Sketched by Themselves. Vol. I (of 3), by Various 37831
[Subtitle: A Series of Popular Stories by the Best Danish Authors]
[Translator: Anna S. Bushby]
Venetsian yö, by Holger Drachmann 37830
[Language: Finnish]
Little Man's Family, by J. B. Enochs 37829
[Subtitle: pre-primer]
[Illustrator: Gerald Nailor]
De Ridders, by Aristofanes 37828
[Language: Dutch]
The Open Question, by Elizabeth Robins 37827
[Subtitle: a tale of two temperaments]
Daisy, by Miranda Eliot Swan 37826
[Subtitle: the autobiography of a cat]
Thirty Years in Australia, by Ada Cambridge 37825
The Wireless Officer, by Percy F. Westerman 37824
[Illustrator: W. E. Wigfull]
Neotropical Hylid Frogs, Genus Smilisca, 37823
by William E. Duellman and Linda Trueb
Amerika, sen löytö, valloitus ja kehitys, by Tyko Hagman 37822
[Language: Finnish]
The Woman Who Vowed, by Ellison Harding 37821
[Subtitle: The Demetrian]
Chronicles of Martin Hewitt, by Arthur Morrison 37820
Parvenze e sembianze, by Adolfo Albertazzi 37819
[Language: Italian]
Sketch of the life of Abraham Lincoln, by Isacc Newton Arnold 37818
The Cries of London, by John Thomas Smith 37817
[Subtitle: Exhibiting Several of the Itinerant Traders
of Antient and Modern Times]
Herodias, by Gustave Flaubert 37816
[Translator: S. Simiriotis]
[Language: Greek]
Snowdrift, by James B. Hendryx 37815
[Subtitle: A Story of the Land of the Strong Cold]
The Story of Magellan and The Discovery of the Philippines, 37814
by Hezekiah Butterworth
[Illustrator: Frank T. Merrill]
Martyria, by Augustus C. Hamlin 37813
[Subtitle: or Andersonville Prison]
Gentlemen Rovers, by E. Alexander Powell 37812
Rambles with John Burroughs, by Robert John De Loach 37811
Child Verse, by John B. Tabb 37810
[Subtitle: Poems Grave & Gay]
A Taxonomic Revision of the Leptodactylid Frog Genus 37809
Syrrhophus Cope, by John D. Lynch
Carlyon Sahib, by Gilbert Murray 37808
Mountain-Laurel and Maidenhair, by Louisa May Alcott 37807
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 11, 37806
Slice 1 "Franciscans" to "French Language"
Les Nuits chaudes du Cap français, by Hugues Rebell 37805
[Language: French]
The Poetical Works of Robert Bridges, by Robert Bridges 37804
Rocky Mountain Boys, by St. George Rathborne 37803
[Subtitle: Camping in the Big Game Country]
The Heritage of the Kurts, Volume II (of 2), by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson 37802
[Translator: Cecil Fairfax]
The Heritage of the Kurts, Volume I (of 2), by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson 37801
[Translator: Cecil Fairfax]
Girl Scouts at Dandelion Camp, by Lillian Elizabeth Roy 37800
L'Illustration, No. 3655, 15 Mars 1913, by Various 37799
[Language: French]
L'Illustration, No. 3654, 8 Mars 1913, by Various 37798
[Language: French]
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. 60, No. 373, November 1846, 37797
by Various
Catalogue of Books Published by Methuen and Co., October 1909, 37796
by Various
The World's Best Books, by Frank Parsons 37795
[Subtitle: A Key to the Treasures of Literature]
Old Wine and New, by Joseph Cross 37794
[Subtitle: Occasional Discourses]
The Story of Florence, by Edmund G. Gardner 37793
[Illustrator: Nelly Erichsen]
England, Canada and the Great War, by Louis-Georges Desjardins 37792
The Snow Queen, by H. C. Andersen 37791
[Translator: Anastasia Chatziarapi]
[Language: Greek]
Keukenboek, by H. Davidis 37790
[Language: Dutch]
Wilde Bob, by Cornelis Johannes Kieviet 37789
[Illustrator: Willem Steelink]
[Language: Dutch]
Judith Shakespeare, by William Black 37788
[Subtitle: Her love affairs and other adventures]
Birds and Man, by W. H. Hudson 37787
The Influence of the Organ in History, by Dudley Buck 37786
[Subtitle: Inaugural Lecture of the Department of the
Organ in the College of Music of Boston University]
Cleopatra's Needle, by James King 37785
[Subtitle: A History of the London Obelisk,
with an Exposition of the Hieroglyphics]
The Rise of Cotton Mills in the South, by Broadus Mitchell 37784
I mesi dell'anno ebraico, by Felice Bachi 37783
[Subtitle: con brevi nozioni di archeologia biblica]
[Language: Italian]
Life in an Indian Outpost, by Gordon Casserly 37782
Notwithstanding, by Mary Cholmondeley 37781
The Chronicle of Jocelin of Brakelond: A Picture of Monastic 37780
Life in the Days of Abbot Samson, by Jocelin de Brakelond
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 62, January 6, 1872, by Various 37779
Notes and Queries, Vol. IV, Number 91, July 26, 1851, by Various 37778
[Subtitle: A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men,
Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.]
[Editor: George Bell]
Darwin, and After Darwin (Vol 3 of 3), by George John Romanes 37777
[Subtitle: Post-Darwinian Questions: Isolation
and Physiological Selection]
Sodoma e Gomorra, by Pietro Fabiani and Jean Fauconney 37776
[Subtitle: Cronistoria del Libertinaggio
attraverso i secoli ed il mondo]
[Language: Italian]
Etidorhpa or the End of Earth., by John Uri Lloyd 37775
[Subtitle: The Strange History of a Mysterious Being
and The Account of a Remarkable Journey]
[Illustrator: J. Augustus Knapp]
Considerations on Religion and Public Education, by Hannah More 37774
A Memoir of Sir Edmund Andros, Knt., by William Henry Whitmore 37773
[Subtitle: Governor of New England, New York and Virginia, &c., &c.]
Pioneer Day Exercises, by the Schoolcraft, Michigan 37772
Ladies' Library Association
Le comte de Moret, by Alexandre Dumas 37771
[Language: French]
Ecstasy: A Study of Happiness, by Louis Couperus 37770
[Subtitle: A Novel]
[Translator: Alexander Teixeira de Mattos]
L'Illustration, No. 3653, 1er Mars 1913, by Various 37769
[Language: French]
Mexikon valloitus, by Tyko Hagman 37768
[Subtitle: Kappale Amerikan historiaa]
[Language: Finnish]
The Phil May Album, by Phil May 37767
Strange Stories from the Lodge of Leisures, by Unknown 37766
[Translator: George Soulié]
Some Pioneers and Pilgrims on the Prairies of Dakota, 37765
by John B. Reese and H. B. Reese
[Subtitle: Or, From the ox team to the aeroplane]
Deformities of Samuel Johnson, Selected from his Works, 37764
by Anonymous
[Editors: Gwin J. Kolb and J. E. Congleton]
Haschisch, by Oscar A. H. Schmitz 37763
[Subtitle: Erzählungen]
[Illustrator: Alfred Kubin]
[Language: German]
Souvernirs de Charles-Henri Baron de Gleichen, 37762
by Charles-Henri de Gleichen
[Language: French]
A Damaged Reputation, by Harold Bindloss 37761
L'Illustration, No. 3652, 22 Février 1913, by Various 37760
[Language: French]
Darwin, and After Darwin, Volume II (of 3), by George John Romanes 37759
[Subtitle: Post-Darwinian Questions: Heredity and Utility]
Atlantic Classics, by Various 37758
Côrte na aldeia e noites de inverno (Volume I), 37757
by Francisco Rodrigues Lobo
[Language: Portuguese]
The Byzantine Empire, by Charles William Chadwick Oman 37756
[Subtitle: Third Edition]
Campaign of the First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry, by James Cooper 37755
[Subtitle: April 25-November 11, 1898]
A Narrative of Service with the Third Wisconsin Infantry, by Hinkley 37754
by Julian Wisner Hinkley
Notes on the Mammals of Gogebic and Ontonagon Counties, 37753
Michigan, 1920, by L. R. Dice and H. B. Sherman
[Subtitle: Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, Number 109]
Poems of London and Other Verses, by John Presland 37752
The Deluge and Other Poems, by John Presland 37751
Guy Fawkes, by William Harrison Ainsworth 37750
[Subtitle: or The Gunpowder Treason]
[Illustrator: George Cruikshank]
De Ellendigen (Deel 3 van 5), by Victor Hugo 37749
[Language: Dutch]
How to Collect a Doctor Bill, by Frank P. Davis 37748
Guerra de razas, by Rafael Conte and José M. Campany 37747
[Subtitle: Negros contra Blancos en Cuba]
[Language: Spanish]
The Angel of the Gila:, by Cora Marsland 37746
[Subtitle: A Tale of Arizona]
Manners & Cvftoms of ye Englyfhe, by Richard Doyle 37745
[Subtitle: Drawn from ye Qvick]
Recollections and Impressions, by Octavius Brooks Frothingham 37744
[Subtitle: 1822-1890]
The Attitudes of Animals in Motion, by Eadweard Muybridge 37743
[Subtitle: Illustrated with the Zoopraxiscope]
Fishes of the Big Blue River Basin, Kansas, by W. L. Minckley 37742
Kankanay Ceremonies, by C. R. Moss 37741
[Subtitle: (American Archaeology and Ethnology)]
The Civil War Centennial Handbook, by William H. Price 37740
Egerton Ryerson and Education in Upper Canada, by J. Harold Putnam 37739
English and Scottish Ballads, Volume II (of 8), by Various 37738
[Editor: Francis James Child]
A History of the Republican Party, by George Washington Platt 37737
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 11, Slice 2, by Various 37736
[Subtitle: "French Literature" to "Frost, William"]
Bird Neighbors, by Neltje Blanchan 37735
[Subtitle: An Introductory Acquaintance with One Hundred
and Fifty Birds Commonly Found in the Gardens, Meadows,
and Woods About Our Homes]
Some Jewish Witnesses For Christ, by Rev. A. Bernstein, B.D 37734
Émaux et Camées, by Théophile Gautier 37733
[Illustrator: Henri Caruchet]
[Language: French]
The Emigrant's Lost Son, by Anonymous 37732
[Subtitle: or, Life Alone in the Forest]
[Editor: George Henry Wall]
[Illustrator: Corbould]
Alter Ego, by W. W. Walker 37731
[Subtitle: A Tale]
Memorials of the Independent Churches in Northamptonshire, 37730
by Thomas Coleman
[Subtitle: with biographical notices of their pastors, and
some account of the puritan ministers who laboured in the county.]
Discourse on Floating Bodies, by Galileo Galilei 37729
[Translator: Thomas Salusbury]
South and South Central Africa, by H. Frances Davidson 37728
[Subtitle: A record of fifteen years' missionary
labors among primitive peoples]
Ovind, by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson 37727
[Subtitle: A Story of Country Life in Norway]
[Translators: Silvert Hjerleid and Elizabeth Hjerleid]
In God's Way, by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson 37726
[Subtitle: A Novel]
[Translator: Elizabeth Carmichael]
The Fisher Girl, by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson 37725
[Translators: Sivert Hjerleid and Elizabeth Hjerleid]
For Sceptre and Crown, Vol. II (of II), by Gregor Samarow 37724
[Subtitle: A Romance of the Present Time]
For Sceptre and Crown, Vol. I (of II), by Gregor Samarow 37723
[Subtitle: A Romance of the Present Time]
The Hindoos as they Are, by Shib Chunder Bose 37722
[Subtitle: A Description of the Manners, Customs
and the Inner Life of Hindoo Society in Bengal]
Krechinsky's Wedding Comedy in three acts--Marriage comedy 37721
in two acts, by Alexander Suhovo-Kobylin and
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
[Language: Greek]
La vita in Palermo cento e più anni fa, Volume 2, by Giuseppe Pitrè 37720
[Language: Italian]
La vita in Palermo cento e più anni fa, Volume 1, by Giuseppe Pitrè 37719
[Language: Italian]
Elias, by Orson F. Whitney 37718
[Subtitle: An Epic of the Ages]
Trees Worth Knowing, by Julia Ellen Rogers 37717
Gedichte in Prosa, by Iwan Turgenjeff 37716
[Translator: Th. Commichau]
[Language: German]
Mother Meg, by Catharine Shaw 37715
[Subtitle: or, The Story of Dickie's Attic]
Birket Foster, R. W. S., by Herbert Minton Cundall 37714
[Subtitle: Sixteen examples in colour of the artist's work]
[Illustrator: Birket Foster]
Fishes, Flowers, and Fire as Elements and Deities in the 37713
Phallic Faiths and Worship of the Ancient Religions of
Greece, Babylon, by Anonymous
The Crime of the Congo, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 37712
Astronomical Lore in Chaucer, by Florence M. Grimm 37711
Mavis of Green Hill, by Faith Baldwin 37710
Leo XIII., the Great Leader, by Rev. A. P. Doyle 37709
The Magic Bed, by Hartwell James 37708
[Subtitle: A Book of East Indian Fairy-Tales]
[Illustrator: John R. Neill]
A Night on the Borders of the Black Forest, 37707
by Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards
John Ronge: The Holy Coat Of Treves, by John Ronge and Anonymous 37706
[Subtitle: New German-Catholic Chruch]
Popery! As it Was and as it Is, by William Hogan 37705
[Subtitle: Also, Auricular Confession; And Popish Nunneries]
Oration On The Life And Services Of Thomas Paine,by Robert G. Ingersoll 37704
About The Holy Bible, by Robert G. Ingersoll 37703
[Subtitle: A Lecture]
The Life Of Thomas Paine, Vol. II. (of II), by Moncure Daniel Conway 37702
[Subtitle: With A History of His Literary, Political and
Religious Career in America France, and England; to
which is added a Sketch of Paine by William Cobbett]
The Life Of Thomas Paine, Vol. I. (of II), by Moncure Daniel Conway 37701
[Subtitle: With A History of His Literary, Political and
Religious Career in America France, and England; to
which is added a Sketch of Paine by William Cobbett]
Biblical Extracts, by Robert Cooper 37700
[Subtitle: Or, The Holy Scriptures Analyzed; Showing
its Contradictions, Absurdities, and Immoralities]
Hell, by Robert G. Ingersoll 37699
[Subtitle: Warm Words on the Cheerful and
Comforting Doctrine of Eternal Damnation]
Reminiscences Of Charles Bradlaugh, by G. W. Foote 37698
Creed And Deed, by Felix Adler 37697
[Subtitle: A Series of Discourses]
Arguments Of Celsus, Porphyry, And The Emperor Julian, 37696
Against The Christians, by Thomas Taylor]
[Subtitle: Also Extracts from Diodorus Siculus,
Josephus, and Tacitus, Relating to the Jews,
Together with an Appendix]
Auricular Confession and Popish Nunneries, by William Hogan 37695
[Subtitle: Volumes I. and II., Complete]
Reason, The Only Oracle of Man, by Ethan Allen 37694
[Subtitle: Or a Compendius System of Natural Religion]
Monks, Popes, and their Political Intrigues, by John Alberger 37693
Cathedral Cities of Italy, by William Wiehe Collins 37692
The Travelling Companions, by F. Anstey 37691
[Subtitle: a Story in Scenes]
The Babes in the Wood, by Anonymous 37690
[Subtitle: May Bells Series]
Kolmetoista vuotta Pähkinälinnassa, by Anonymous 37689
[Language: Finnish]
A Trooper Galahad, by Charles King 37688
The Cruise of the Land-Yacht "Wanderer", by Gordon Stables 37687
[Subtitle: Thirteen Hundred Miles in my Caravan]
Lincoln, the Politician, by T. Aaron Levy 37686
The Brass Bottle, by F. Anstey 37685
[Subtitle: A Farcical Fantastic Play in Four Acts]
Forest Life and Forest Trees: comprising winter camp-life among 37684
the loggers, and wild-wood adventure, by John s. Springer
[Subtitle: with Descriptions of lumbering operations on
the various rivers of Maine and New Brunswick]
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (part 1 of 4: A-D), by Various 37683
[Editor: Thomas Davidson]
Heads of Lectures on a Course of Experimental Philosophy: 37682
Particularly Including Chemistry, by Joseph Priestley
The Teaching of Geometry, by David Eugene Smith 37681
The Myrtle Reed Cook Book, by Myrtle Reed 37680
Ali Baba, or the Forty Thieves, by Unknown 37679
Louis XI, by R. Rey 37678
[Subtitle: et Les États Pontificaux de France]
[Language: French]
The Story of a Life, by J. Breckenridge Ellis 37677
The History of Cuba, vol. 2, by Willis Fletcher Johnson 37676
Arteriosclerosis and Hypertension:, by Louis Marshall Warfield 37675
[Subtitle: with Chapters on Blood Pressure, 3rd Edition.]
Some Account of the Public Life of the Late Lieutenant-General 37674
Sir George Prevost, Bart., by E.B. Brenton
[Subtitle: Particularly of his Services in the Canadas,
including a reply to the strictures on his Military
Character, Contained in an Article in The Quareterly Review]
Ned Wilding's Disappearance, by Allen Chapman 37673
[Subtitle: or, The Darewell Chums in the City]
>From School to Battle-field, by Charles King 37672
[Subtitle: A Story of the War Days]
[Illustrators: Violet Oakley and Charles H. Stephens]
The Panama Canal and its Makers, by Vaughan Cornish 37671
Bible Stories, by Anonymous 37670
In the Arctic Seas, by Francis Leopold McClintock 37669
[Subtitle: A Narrative of the Discovery of the
Fate of Sir John Franklin and his Companions]
Flemish Legends, by Charles de Coster 37668
[Illustrator: Albert Delstanche]
[Translator: Harold Taylor]
Three Hours after Marriage, by John Gay, 37667
Alexander Pope and John Arbuthnot
Report on the Cost of Living in Ireland, 37666
by The Ministry of Economic Affairs
[Subtitle: June 1922]
Wild Wales, by George Borrow 37665
[Subtitle: The People, Laguage & Scenery]
The Sins of the Children, by Cosmo Hamilton 37664
[Subtitle: A Novel]
[Illustrator: George O. Baker]
De Ellendigen (Deel 2 van 5), by Victor Hugo 37663
[Language: Dutch]
Seed Thoughts for Singers, by Frank Herbert Tubbs 37662
The War of the Axe, by J. Percy-Groves 37661
[Subtitle: Adventures in South Africa]
[Illustrator: John Sch?nberg]
Of All Things, by Robert C. Benchley 37660
Vondel's Lucifer, by Joost van den Vondel 37659
[Illustrator: John Aarts]
[Translator: Charles Leonard van Noppen]
List of Kegan Paul, Trench and Co.'s Publications (1887), by Anonymous 37658
The Comic History of Rome, by Gilbert Abbott À Becket 37657
[Illustrator: John Leech]
Thomas Hart Benton, by Theodore Roosevelt 37656
Bye-a Baby Bunting and Other Rhymes, by Anonymous 37655
Les pianistes célèbres, by Antoine François Marmontel 37654
[Subtitle: silhouettes & médaillons]
[Language: French]
Sentiment, Inc., by Poul William Anderson 37653
The Nameless Island, by Percy F. Westerman 37652
[Subtitle: A Story of some Modern Robinson Crusoes]
The New Paul and Virginia, by W. H. Mallock 37651
[Subtitle: Positivism on an Island]
An Enquiry into the Causes of the Frequent Executions at 37650
Tyburn (1725), by Bernard Mandeville and Malvin R. Zirker
Love Letters of a Violinist and Other Poems, by Eric Mackay 37649
[Illustrator: James Fagan]
A Century of Emblems, by G. S. Cautley 37648
The Adventures of a Country Boy at a Country Fair, by James Otis 37647
Forest Trees of Illinois, 37646
by George D. Fuller, E. E. Nuuttila,
W. R. Mattoon, and R. B. Miller
[Subtitle: How to Know Them]
Dryden's Works Vol. 3 (of 18), by John Dryden 37645
[Subtitle: Sir Martin Mar-All; The Tempest;
An Evening's Love; Tyrannic Love]
The Esperantist, Vol. 1, No. 12, by Various 37644
[Editor: H. Bolingbroke Mudie]
[Language: Esperanto]
The Esperantist, Vol. 1, No. 11, by Various 37643
[Editor: H. Bolingbroke Mudie]
[Language: Esperanto]
The Esperantist, Vol. 1, No. 10, by Various 37642
[Editor: H. Bolingbroke Mudie]
[Language: Esperanto]
In Illud: Omnia mihi tradita sunt a Patre, by Saint Athanasius 37641
by Saint Athanasius Archbishop of Alexandria
[Subtitle: A Homily on Matthew 11:27]
[Language: Greek]
Health, by John Brown 37640
[Subtitle: Five Lay Sermons to Working-People]
Punch, or The London Charivari, Vol. 62, January 20, 1872, by Various 37639
Child of the Regiment, by Anonymous 37638
Los majos de Cádiz, by Armando Palacio Valdás 37637
[Language: Spanish]
Charles Lewis Cocke, by William Robert Lee Smith 37636
[Subtitle: Founder of Hollins College]
Victor Hugo: His Life and Works, by G. Barnett Smith 37635
Raison et Sensibilité (tome quatrième), by Jane Austen 37634
[Subtitle: ou les deux manièress d'aimer]
[Translator: Isabelle de Montolieu]
[Language: French]
Societies of the Kiowas, by Robert H Lowie 37633
Journal of Entomology and Zoology, by Horace Gunthorp, 37632
Charles P. Alexander and W. A. Hilton
[Subtitle: Volume 11, Number 4, December 1919]
Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Volume 6, 37631
by John Gibson Lockhart
Cours Familier de Littérature (Volume 20), by Alphonse de Lamartine 37630
[Subtitle: Un entretien par mois]
[Language: French]
Novels Volume D, by Alexandros Moraitides 37629
[Language: Greek]
Servants of the Guns, by Jeffery E. Jeffery 37628
Lady Barbarina, by Henry James 37627
[Subtitle: The Siege of London, An
International Episode and Other Tales]
Zoku-Akuma, by Junichiro Tanizaki 37626
[Language: Japanese]
Our Old Home, Vol. 2, by Nathaniel Hawthorne 37625
[Subtitle: Annotated with Passages from the Author's Notebook]
Count Brühl, by Jo?zef Kraszewski 37624
[Translator: C. S. de Soissons]
The Countess Cosel, by Jo?zef Kraszewski 37623
[Subtitle: A Romance of History of the Times
of Augustus the Strong]
[Translator: S. C. de Soissons]
Iermola, by Jo?zef Kraszewksi 37622
[Translator: Mrs. M. Carey]
The Jew, by Jo?zef Kraszewski 37621
[Translator: Linda da Kowalewska]
Kuusi vuotta Siperiassa, by Johannes Granö 37620
[Language: Finnish]
Luck at the Diamond Fields, by Dalrymple J. Belgrave 37619
Queens of the French Stage, by H. Noel Williams 37618
Cours Familier de Littérature (Volume 17), by Alphonse de Lamartine 37617
[Subtitle: Un entretien par mois]
[Language: French]
Cours Familier de Littérature (Volume 16), by Alphonse de Lamartine 37616
[Subtitle: Un entretien par mois]
[Language: French]
Ocean to Ocean on Horseback, by Willard Glazier 37615
[Subtitle: Being The Story of a Tour in the Saddle
From the Atlantic to the Pacific; with Especial
Reference to the Early History and Development of
Cities and Towns along the Route; and Regions
Traversed beyond the Mississippi; together with
Incidents, Anecdotes and Adventures of the Journey.]
Jungle Peace, by William Beebe 37614
Search-Light Letters, by Robert Grant 37613
Bill's School and Mine, by William Suddards Franklin 37612
[Subtitle: A Collection of Essays on Education]
Christ in the Storm, by Anonymous 37611
[Subtitle: No. 26]
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 11, Slice 8, by Various 37610
[Subtitle: "Germany" to "Gibson, William"]
The Story of Great Inventions, by Elmer Ellsworth Burns 37609
Cours Familier de Littérature (Volume 15), by Alphonse de Lamartine 37608
[Subtitle: Un entretien par mois]
[Language: French]
Garden Design and Architects' Gardens, by W. Robinson 37607
Left to Ourselves, by Catharine Shaw 37606
[Subtitle: or, John Headley's Promise.]
Akuma, by Junichiro Tanizaki 37605
[Language: Japanese]
Cours Familier de Littérature (Volume 10), by Alphonse de Lamartine 37604
[Subtitle: Un entretien par mois]
[Language: French]
The History of the Nineteenth Century in Caricature, 37603
by Arthur Bartlett Maurice and Frederic Taber Cooper
A Synopsis of Neotropical Hylid Frogs, Genus Osteocephalus, 37602
by Linda Trueb and William E. Duellman
La fabrique de mariages, Vol. I, by Paul Féval 37601
[Language: French ]
The Fight for Constantinople, by Percy F. Westerman 37600
[Subtitle: A Story of the Gallipoli Peninsula]
[Illustrator: W. E. Wigfull]
The Legend of the Glorious Adventures of Tyl Ulenspiegel 37599
in the land of Flanders and elsewhere, by Charles de Coster
[Illustrator: Albert Delstanche]
[Translator: Geoffrey Whitworth]
Denis Dent, by Ernest W. Hornung 37598
[Subtitle: A Novel]
[Illustrator: Harrison Fisher]
Voces Populi, by F. Anstey 37597
American Pomology, by J. A. Warder 37596
[Subtitle: Apples]
Ecological Studies of the Timber Wolf in Northeastern Minnesota, 37595
by L. David Mech, L. D. Frenzel, Robert R. Ream,
John W. Winship, and P. D. Karns
Slægten, by Gustav Wied 37594
[Language: Danish]
Notes and Queries, Vol. IV, Number 90, July 19, 1851, by Various 37593
[Subtitle: A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary
Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc.]
[Editor: George Bell]
Neuralgia and the Diseases that Resemble it, by Francis E. Anstie 37592
Chance in Chains, by Cyril Arthur Edward Ranger Gull 37591
[Author a.k.a. Guy Thorne]
[Subtitle: A Story of Monte Carlo]
[Illustrator: Howard T. Graves]
Recuerdos y bellezas de España; Córdoba, by Pedro D. Madrazo 37590
[Illustrator: Francisco Javier Parcerisa]
[Language: Spanish]
Through Magic Glasses and Other Lectures, by Arabella B. Buckley 37589
[Subtitle: A Sequel to The Fairyland of Science]
The Island of Gold, by Gordon Stables 37588
[Subtitle: A Sailor's Yarn]
[Illustrator: Allan Stewart]
The Katipunan, by J. Brecknock Watson 37587
[Author a.k.a. Francis St. Clair]
[Subtitle: or The Rise and Fall of the Filipino Commune]
Women's Bathing and Swimming Costume in the United States, 37586
by Claudia B. Kidwell
Novels, Volumes A to D, by Alexandros Moraitides 37585
[Language: Greek]
A Crooked Mile, by Oliver Onions 37584
The Baptist Magazine, Vol. 27, March 1835, by Various 37583
[Editor: George Wightman]
The Coast of Adventure, by Harold Bindloss 37582
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Sep 2011 to 30 Sep 2011 ~ ~ ~ ~
The Cricket on the Hearth, by Charles Dickens 37581
[Subtitle: A Fairy Tale of Home]
[Illustrators: Daniel Maclise, Richard Doyle,
Clarkson Stanfield, John Leech, and Edwin Landseer]
Catastrophe and Social Change, by Samuel Henry Prince 37580
[Subtitle: Based Upon a Sociological Study of the Halifax Disaster]
Aufsätze, by Robert Walser 37579
[Illustrator: Karl Walser]
[Language: German]
The Later Life, by Louis Couperus 37578
[Translator: Alexander Teixeira de Mattos]
L'Illustration, No. 3651, 15 Février 1913, by Various 37577
[Language: French]
The Golden Hope, by Robert H. Fuller 37576
[Subtitle: A Story of the Time of King Alexander the Great]
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 105, September 16th, 1893, 37575
by Various
[Editor: Sir Francis Burnand]
Great Inventions and Discoveries, by Willis Duff Piercy 37574
Pencil Sketches, by Eliza Leslie 37573
[Subtitle: or, Outlines of Character and Manners]
The Way of Decision, by M. C. Pease 37572
Secret History of the Court of England, from the Accession 37571
of George the Third to the Death of George the Fourth,
Volume II (of 2), by Lady Anne Hamilton
[Subtitle: Including, Among Other Important Matters, Full
Particulars of the Mysterious Death of the Princess Charlotte]
Secret History of the Court of England, from the Accession 37570
of George the Third to the Death of George the Fourth,
Volume I (of 2), by Lady Anne Hamilton
[Subtitle: Including, Among Other Important Matters, Full
Particulars of the Mysterious Death of the Princess Charlotte]
La Maison de l'Ogre, by Alphonse Karr 37569
[Language: French]
Notes and Queries, Vol. IV, Number 89, July 12, 1851, by Various 37568
[Subtitle: A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary
Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc.]
[Editor: George Bell]
Voyage musical en Allemagne et en Italie, II, by Hector Berlioz 37567
[Language: French]
Natural History of the Ornate Box Turtle, Terrapene 37566
ornata ornata Agassiz, by John M. Legler
Psychical Miscellanea, by J. Arthur Hill 37565
[Subtitle: Being Papers on Psychical Research,
Telepathy, Hypnotism, Christian Science, etc.]
Christ Going Up to Heaven, by Unknown 37564
[Subtitle: No. 47]
A Man of Honor, by George Cary Eggleston 37563
Wrestling and Wrestlers:, by Jacob Robinson and Sidney Gilpin 37562
[Subtitle: Biographical Sketches of Celebrated Athletes of the Northern
Ring; to Which is Added Notes on Bull and Badger Baiting]
"That's me all over, Mable", by Edward Streeter 37561
[Illustrator: G. William Breck]
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 105, September 9, 1893, by Various 37560
[Editor: Sir Francis Burnand]
Fern Vale (Volume 3), by Colin Munro 37559
[Subtitle: or the Queensland Squatter]
A Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman 37558
Antiquities, British Museum, Volume I (of 2), by A. H. Smith
Open Water, by Arthur Stringer 37557
Poems, by Edward Shanks 37556
L'Illustration, No. 3650, 8 Février 1913, by Various 37555
[Language: French]
The Bobbsey Twins at Cedar Camp, by Laura Lee Hope 37554
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 105, September 2, 1893, 37553
by Various
[Editor: Sir Francis Burnand]
The pragmatic theory of truth as developed by Peirce, 37552
James, and Dewey, by Delton Loring Geyer
Ann Boyd, by Will N. Harben 37551
Campaign of the Fourteenth Regiment New Jersey Volunteers, 37550
by J. Newton Terrill
The Beauty, by Mrs. Wilson Woodrow 37549
[Illustrator: Will Grefe]
Notes and Queries, Vol. IV, Number 88, July 5, 1851, by Various 37548
[Subtitle: A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men,
Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc.]
[Editor: George Bell]
The Fairies and the Christmas Child, by Lilian Gask 37547
[Illustrator: Willy Pogány]
The Female Wits, by Anonymous 37546
[Editor: Lucyle Hook]
"Persons Unknown", by Virginia Tracy 37545
[Illustrator: Henry Raleigh]
Cupid in Africa, by P. C. Wren 37544
Watt's Songs Against Faults, by Anonymous 37543
Watt's Songs Against Evil, by Anonymous 37542
Sinivuokkoja Suomen salomailta, by Nestor Tanner 37541
[Language: Finnish]
The Hearth-Stone, by Samuel Osgood 37540
[Subtitle: Thoughts upon Home-Life in Our Cities]
The International Jew, by Henry Ford 37539
[Subtitle: The World's Foremost Problem]
Southern War Songs, by Various 37538
[Subtitle: Camp-Fire, Patriotic and Sentimental]
San Francisco in Ruins, by Various 37537
[Editor: A. M. Allison]
[Illustrator: J. D. Givens]
The House of the Dead or Prison Life in Siberia, 37536
by Fydor Dostoyevsky
[Subtitle: with and introduction by Julius Bramont]
History of the Washington National Monument and of the Washington 37535
National Monument Society, by Frederick Loviad Harvey
A travers chants, by Hector Berlioz 37534
[Language: French]
Bungay Castle: A Novel. v. 1-2, by Elizabeth Bonhote 37533
The Scottish Fairy Book, by Elizabeth W. Grierson 37532
[Illustrator: Morris Meredith Williams]
Theology and the Social Consciousness, by Henry Churchill King 37531
[Subtitle: A Study of the Relations of the Social
Consciousness to Theology (2nd ed.)]
The Story of an Ostrich, by Judd Isaacs 37530
[Subtitle: An Allegory and Humorous Satire in Rhyme.]
[Illustrator: Edmund Nolcini]
The Adventures of Puss in Boots, by Anonymous 37529
[Subtitle: Marks's Edition]
Quick Action, by Robert W. Chambers 37528
[Illustrator: Edmund Frederick]
Sermons, by J. B. Lightfoot 37527
L'Illustration, No. 3649, 1 Février 1913, by Various 37526
[Language: French]
Dvojník. Néticka Nezvánova a Malinký Hrdina, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky 37525
[Language: Czech]
La dette de jeux, by Paul Lacroix 37524
[Language: French]
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 11, Slice 7, by Various 37523
[Subtitle: "Geoponici" to "Germany"]
Kort verhaal van eene aanmerkelijke luchtreis en nieuwe 37522
Planeetontdekking, by Willem Bilderdijk
[Language: Dutch]
The Broken Bough, by Anonymous 37521
[Subtitle: No. 435, IV. Series]
Surnames as a Science, by Robert Ferguson 37520
Curiousities of Great Britain: England and Wales Delineated 37519
Vol.1, by Thomas Dugdale
[Subtitle: Historical, Entertaining & Commercial;
Alphabetically Arranged. 11 Volume set.]
The Butterflys' Ball, by Anonymous 37518
[Subtitle: Mother's Series]
The Notorious Impostor and Diego Redivivus, by Elkanah Settle 37517
Notes and Queries, Vol. III, Number 87, June 28, 1851, by Various 37516
[Subtitle: A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary
Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.]
[Editor: George Bell]
In a Mysterious Way, by Anne Warner 37515
[Illustrator: J. V. McFall]
Jemima Placid, by Mary Ann Kilner 37514
[Subtitle: or, The Advantage of Good-Nature]
Spencer's Philosophy of Science, by C. Lloyd Morgan 37513
[Subtitle: The Herbert Spencer Lecture Delivered
at the Museum 7 November, 1913]
A Revision of Snakes of the Genus Conophis (Family 37512
Colubridae, from Middle America), by John Willman
The Child's Story-Book, by Anonymous 37511
[Subtitle: Second Series--No. 4]
By Trench and Trail in Song and Story, by Angus MacKay 37510
[Author a.k.a. Oscar Dhu]
[Illustrator: William R. McKay]
The Cassowary, by Stanley Waterloo 37509
[Subtitle: What Chanced in the Cleft Mountains]
The Cochineal, by Anonymous 37508
The Spaniards in Florida, by George R. Fairbanks 37507
[Subtitle: Comprising the notable settlement of the Huguenots in 1564,
and the History and Antiquities of St. Augustine, Founded A.D. 1565]
L'Illustration, No. 3648, 25 Janvier 1913, by Various 37506
[Language: French]
A Short Narrative of the Life and Actions of His Grace 37505
John, D. of Marlborogh, by Daniel Defoe
IBM System 360 RPG Debugging Template and Keypunch Card, by Anonymous 37504
Gammer Gurton's Needle, by Mr. S. Mr. of Art 37503
Climbing in The British Isles, Vol. II, 37502
by W. P. Haskett Smith and H. C. Hart
[Subtitle: Wales and Ireland]
[Illustrator: Ellis Carr]
In Answer to Prayer, by W. Boyd Carpenter, Theodore L. Cuyler, 37501
John Watson, Knox Little and William Quarrier
[Subtitle: The Touch of the Unseen]
Het Auteursrecht, by Henri Louis de Beaufort 37500
[Subtitle: in het Nederlandsche en internationale recht]
[Language: Dutch]
Napoleon's Letters to Josephine, by Henry Foljambe Hall 37499
Stories of Old Kentucky, by Martha Grassham Purcell 37498
The Tour, by Louis Couperus 37497
[Subtitle: A Story of Ancient Egypt]
[Translator: Alexander Teixeira de Mattos]
Notes and Queries, Vol. III, Number 86, June 21, 1851, by Various 37496
[Subtitle: A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary
Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc.]
[Editor: George Bell]
Text books of art education, v. 2 of 7, by Hugo B. Froehlich 37495
[Subtitle: Book II, Second Year]
The Gospel According To Peter, by Walter R. Cassels 37494
Fast Nine, by Alan Douglas 37493
[Subtitle: or, A Challenge from Fairfield]
The Chalice Of Courage, by Cyrus Townsend Brady 37492
[Subtitle: A Romance of Colorado]
[Illustrators: Harrison Fisher and J. N. Marchand]
Les bijoux indiscrets, by Denis Diderot 37491
[Language: French]
The Gray Phantom's Return, by Herman Landon 37490
An Historical Narrative of the Great and Terrible Fire of London, 37489
Sept. 2nd 1666, by Gideon Harvey
Asgard Stories, by Mabel H. Cummings and Mary H. Foster 37488
[Subtitle: Tales from Norse Mythology]
Boy Scouts in the Northwest, by George Harvey Ralphson 37487
[Subtitle: Fighting Forest Fires]
The Outdoor Chums on the Lake, by Quincy Allen 37486
[Subtitle: Lively Adventures on Wildcat Island]
Boy Scouts in Glacier Park, by Walter Prichard Eaton 37485
[Subtitle: The Adventures of Two Young Easterners
in the Heart of the High Rockies]
[Illustrator: Fred H. Kiser]
The Strand Magazine, Volume XXVII, Issue 160, April, 1904, by Various 37484
Sequoia [California] National Park, 37483
by the United States Department of the Interior
The Postmaster, by Joseph C. Lincoln 37482
The Tangled Skein, by Baroness Emmuska Orczy 37481
Campaigning with Crook and Stories of Army Life, by Charles King 37480
The Debit Account, by Oliver Onions 37479
[Author a.k.a. George Oliver]
The Prose Writings of Heinrich Heine, by Heinrich Heine 37478
Taking Chances, by Clarence L. Cullen 37477
Jessie Graham, by Mary Jane Holmes 37476
Turkey, by Julius R. Van Millingen 37475
[Subtitle: Peeps at Many Lands]
[Illustrator: Warwick Goble]
Ystäväni kertomus, by Mathilda Roos 37474
L'Illustration, No. 3647, 18 Janvier 1913, by Various 37473
Zanzibar Tales, by Various 37472
[Subtitle: Told by natives of the East Coast of Africa]
[Illustrator: Walter Bobbett]
[Translator: George W. Bateman]
Mind Amongst the Spindles, by Various 37471
[Editor: Charles Knight]
The Great War in England in 1897, by William Le Queux 37470
[Illustrator: Cyril Field]
Some Imagist Poets, 1916, by Richard Aldington, 37469
Hilda Doolittle, John Gould Fletcher, Amy Lowell,
D. H. Lawrence and F. S. Flint
[Subtitle: An Annual Anthology]
Pastels, by Paul Bourget 37468
[Subtitle: dix portraits de femmes]
[Language: French]
Daisy Thornton, by Mary J. Holmes 37467
Lost in the Cañon, by Alfred R. Calhoun 37466
[Subtitle: The Story of Sam Willett's Adventures
on the Great Colorado of the West]
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 93, November 5, 1887, by Various 37465
Bluebeard, by Clifton Johnson 37464
[Illustrator: Harry L. Smith]
The Builders, by Ellen Glasgow 37463
Boating, by W. B. Woodgate 37462
[Illustrator: Frank Dadd]
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 11, Slice 6, by Various 37461
[Subtitle: "Geodesy" to "Geometry"]
Blackie & Sons Catalogue - 1891, by Various 37460
[Subtitle: Books for Young People]
Polly in New York, by Lillian Elizabeth Roy 37459
[Illustrator: H. S. Barbour]
Natalie: A Garden Scout, by Lillian Elizabeth Roy 37458
Canada: Its Postage Stamps and Postal Stationery, 37457
By Clifton Armstrong Howes
Cycling and Shooting Knickerbocker Stockings, by H. P. Ryder 37456
[Subtitle: How to Knit Them With Plain and Fancy Turnover Tops]
The Rainbow Book Tales of Fun & Fancy, by Mabel Henriette Spielmann 37455
[Illustrators: Arthur Rackham, Hugh Thomson,
Bernard Partridge, and Lewis Baumer]
The Automobile Girls Along the Hudson, by Laura Dent Crane 37454
[Subtitle: Fighting Fire in Sleepy Hollow]
The Barber of Paris, by Charles Paul de Kock 37453
[Translator: Edith May Norris]
The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Vol. I, 37452
by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Rough-Hewn, by Dorothy Canfield 37451
Aspects of Reproduction and Development in the Prairie 37450
Vole (Microtus ochrogaster), by Henry S. Fitch
Puppets at Large, by F. Anstey 37449
[Subtitle: Scenes and Subjects from Mr. Punch's Show]
[Illustrator: J. Bernard Partridge]
Comet's Burial, by Raymond Zinke Gallun 37448
Hand-Craft, by John D. Sutcliffe 37447
[Subtitle: The Most Reliable Basis of Technical
Education in Schools and Classes]
King Lear's Wife; The Crier by Night; The Riding to Lithend; 37446
Midsummer-Eve; Laodice and Danaë, by Gordon Bottomley
The Lady and Her Horse, by T. A. Jenkins 37445
[Subtitle: Being Hints Selected from Various Sources
and Compiled into a System of Equitation]
Cookery for Little Girls, by Olive Hyde Foster 37444
The Fascinating Boston, by Alfonso Josephs Sheafe 37443
[Subtitle: How to Dance and How to Teach
the Popular New Social Favorite]
Gulliver's Reizen, by Jonathan Swift 37442
[Subtitle: naar Lilliput en Brobdingnag]
[Language: Dutch]
The Wanderer (Volume 5 of 5), by Fanny Burney 37441
[Subtitle: or, Female Difficulties]
The Wanderer (Volume 4 of 5), by Fanny Burney 37440
[Subtitle: or, Female Difficulties]
The Wanderer (Volume 3 of 5), by Fanny Burney 37439
[Subtitle: or, Female Difficulties]
The Wanderer (Volume 2 of 5), by Fanny Burney 37438
[Subtitle: or, Female Difficulties]
The Wanderer (Volume 1 of 5), by Fanny Burney 37437
[Subtitle: or, Female Difficulties]
Verfall und Triumph, Zweiter Teil, by Johannes R. Becher 37436
[Subtitle: Versuche in Prosa]
[Language: German]
Verfall und Triumph, Erster Teil, by Johannes R. Becher 37435
[Subtitle: Gedichte]
[Language: German]
The Motor Maids' School Days, by Katherine Stokes 37434
The Motor Maids Across the Continent, by Katherine Stokes 37433
Short Stories of the New America, by Various 37432
[Subtitle: Interpreting the America of this age
to high school boys and girls]
[Editor: Mary A. Laselle]
Pride and Predjudice, a play, by Mary Keith Medbery Mackaye 37431
The Sin of Monsieur Pettipon, by Richard Connell 37430
[Subtitle: and other humorous tales]
Polly and Her Friends Abroad, by Lillian Elizabeth Roy 37429
[Illustrator: H. S. Barbour]
L'Illustration, No. 3646, 11 Janvier 1913, by Various 37428
[Language: French]
Scientific Culture, and Other Essays, by Josiah Parsons Cooke 37427
[Subtitle: Second Edition; with Additions]
Whirlpools, by Henryk Sienkiewicz 37426
[Subtitle: A Novel of Modern Poland]
[Translator: Max A. Drezmal]
Within the Rim and Other Essays, by Henry James 37425
Views and Reviews, by Henry James 37424
How We Think, by John Dewey 37423
Life and Death of Doctor Faustus Made into a Farce, 37422
by William Mountfort
The Life and Times of Kateri Tekakwitha, by Ellen H. Walworth 37421
[Subtitle: The Lily of the Mohawks]
Paint Technology and Tests, by Henry A. Gardner 37420
Simon Eichelkatz; The Patriarch, by Ulrich Frank 37419
[Subtitle: Two Stories of Jewish Life]
A Primer of Assyriology, by Archibald Henry Sayce 37418
L'Illustration, No. 0018, 1 Juillet 1843, by Various 37417
[Language: French]
The Princess of Bagdad, by Alexandre Dumas 37416
[Subtitle: A Play In Three Acts]
Trumpeter Fred, by Charles King 37415
[Subtitle: A Story of the Plains]
The World Turned Upside Down, by E. C. Clayton 37414
The Duke Decides, by Headon Hill 37413
The Empty Sack, by Basil King 37412
A Primer of Assyriology, by Archibald Henry Sayce 37411
Masters of French Music, by Arthur Hervey 37410
Louis XIV and La Grande Mademoiselle, by Arvede Barine 37409
[Subtitle: 1652-1693]
The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy, 37408
by Theodore Lothrop Stoddard
William Blake, by Irene Langridge 37407
[Subtitle: A Study of His Life and Art Work]
On the Field of Glory, by Henryk Sienkiewicz 37406
[Subtitle: An Historical Novel of the Time of King John Sobieski]
[Translator: Jeremiah Curtin]
A Maid at King Alfred's Court, by Lucy Foster Madison 37405
[Illustrator: Ida Waugh]
Church History, Vol. 3 of 3, by J. H. Kurtz 37404
[Subtitle: 2nd Edition]
[Translator: John MacPherson]
Notes and Queries, Number 85, June 14, 1851, by Various 37403
[Subtitle: A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary
Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc.]
[Editor: George Bell]
Anekdoten, by J. van Lennep 37402
[Subtitle: Vermakelijke anekdoten, en historische herinneringen]
[Language: Dutch]
Voyages et Avantures de Jaques Massé, by Simon Tyssot de Patot 37401
[Language: French]
The Travels and Adventures of James Massey, by Simon Tyssot de Patot 37400
The Executioner's Knife, by Eugène Sue 37399
[Subtitle: Or Joan of Arc]
[Translator: Daniel De Leon]
Edgar Saltus: The Man, by Marie Saltus 37398
Weird Stories, by Edgar Alan Poe 37397
[Language: Greek]
The Strange Story Book, by Mrs. Andrew Lang 37396
[Editor: Andrew Lang]
[Illustrator: H. J. Ford]
Novels, Volume B, by Alexandros Moraitides 37395
[Language: Greek]
Fifty Years of Golf, by Horace G. Hutchinson 37394
Aumolan emäntä, by J. A. Bergman 37393
[Subtitle: Novelli]
[Language: Finnish]
'Green Balls', by Paul Bewsher 37392
[Subtitle: The Adventures of a Night-Bomber]
Burning of the Brooklyn Theatre, by Anonymous 37391
[Subtitle: A thrilling personal experience! Brooklyn's horror.
Wholesale holocaust at the Brooklyn, New York,
Theatre on the night of December 5th, 1876]
My Memoirs, by Marguerite Steinheil 37390
Chlorination of Water, by Joseph Race 37389
Tobacco Leaves, by W. A. Brennan 37388
[Subtitle: Being a Book of Facts for Smokers]
Letters to Severall Persons of Honour, by John Donne 37387
Cultus Arborum, by Anonymous 37386
[Subtitle: Phallic Tree Worship]
Embryology, by Gerald R. Leighton 37385
[Subtitle: The Beginnings of Life]
Ma vie musicale, by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov 37384
[Translator: Ely Halpérine-Kaminsky]
[Language: French]
The Argentine Republic, by Anonymous 37383
Los cursos, by Pierre-Eugène Veber 37382
[Translator: José A. Luengo]
[Language: Spanish]
Snowdrop and Other Tales, by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm 37381
[Illustrator: Arthur Rackham]
The Student's Mythology, by Catherine Ann White 37380
[Subtitle: A Compendium of Greek, Roman, Egyptian,
Assyrian, Persian, Hindoo, Chinese, Thibetian,
Scandinavian, Celtic, Aztec, and Peruvian Mythologies]
Notes and Queries, Number 84, June 7, 1851, by Various 37379
[Subtitle: A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary
Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc.]
[Editor: George Bell]
The Secret Toll, by Paul Thorne and Mabel Thorne 37378
Ueber die Wirkung des Nordsee-Bades, by F. W. Beneke 37377
[Subtitle: Eine physiologisch-chemische Untersuchung]
[Language: German]
Wang the Ninth, by Putnam Weale 37376
[Subtitle: The Story of a Chinese Boy]
Legends of the North; The Guidman O' Inglismill 37375
and The Fairy Bride, by Patrick Buchan
The True Story of my Parliamentary Struggle, by Charles Bradlaugh 37374
Indian Scout Talks, by Charles A. Eastman 37373
[Subtitle: A Guide for Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls]
In the Russian Ranks, by John Morse 37372
[Subtitle: A Soldier's Account of the Fighting in Poland]
The Triumph of Music, by Madison Julius Cawein 37371
[Subtitle: And Other Lyrics]
The Relations of Science and Religion, by Henry Calderwood 37370
[Subtitle: The Morse Lecture, 1880]
Rob of the Bowl, Vol. I (of 2), by John P. Kennedy 37369
[Subtitle: A Legend of St. Inigoe's]
The Right to Privacy, by Samuel D. Warren and Louis D. Brandeis 37368
Verses of Feeling and Fancy, by W. M. MacKeracher 37367
Vacation Verse, by W. M. MacKeracher 37366
Sonnets and Other Verse, by W. M. MacKeracher 37365
The Second Jungle Book, by Rudyard Kipling 37364
[Illustrator: John Lockwood Kipling]
Making Up with Mr. Dog, by Albert Bigelow Paine 37363
[Subtitle: Hollow Tree Stories]
[Illustrator: J. M. Cond?]
Beautiful Bulbous Plants, by John Weathers 37362
[Subtitle: For the Open Air]
Pan Michael, by Henryk Sienkiewicz 37361
[Subtitle: An Historical Novel of Poland, the Ukraine, and Turkey.]
[Translator: Jeremiah Curtin]
Object: matrimony, by Montague Glass 37360
Motor Truck Logging Methods, by Frederick Malcolm Knapp 37359
[Subtitle: Engineering Experiment Station Series, Bulletin No. 12]
Determinism or Free-Will?, by Chapman Cohen 37358
Annie o' the Banks o' Dee, by Gordon Stables 37357
In Touch with Nature, by Gordon Stables 37356
[Subtitle: Tales and Sketches from the Life]
Born to Wander, by Gordon Stables 37355
[Subtitle: A Boy's Book of Nomadic Adventures]
[Illustrator: W. Cheshire]
Condensation of Determinants, Being a New and Brief Method 37354
for Computing their Arithmetical Values, by Lewis Carroll
[Author a.k.a. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson]
Stories of Great Musicians, by Kathrine Lois Scobey 37353
and Olive Brown Horne
Daphnis and Chloe, by Longos 37352
[Language: Greek]
Contemporary Socialism, by John Rae 37351
Ancestry of Modern Amphibia: A Review of the Evidence, 37350
by Theodore H. Eaton
Varjojen kautta, by Mathilda Roos 37349
[Subtitle: Nykyajan kuvaus]
[Language: Finnish]
The Old-Fashioned Fairy Book, by Constance Cary Harrison 37348
[Illustrator: Rosina Emmet]
Lighter Moments from the Notebook of Bishop Walsham How, 37347
by Frederick Douglas How
Mortmain, by Arthur Cheny Train 37346
The Expositor's Bible: Colossians and Philemon, by Alexander Maclaren 37345
Four Years in France, by Henry Digby Beste 37344
[Subtitle: or, Narrative of an English Family's Residence
there during that Period; Preceded by some Account of the
Conversion of the Author to the Catholic Faith]
Caught by the Turks, by Francis Yeats-Brown 37343
Medieval English Literature, by William Paton Ker 37342
[Subtitle: Home University of Modern Knowledge #43]
Count Frontenac, by William Dawson LeSueur 37341
[Subtitle: Makers of Canada, Volume 3]
The Clan Fraser in Canada, by Alexander Fraser 37340
[Subtitle: Souvenir of the First Annual Gathering]
'Midst the Wild Carpathians, by Mór Jókai 37339
[Translator: R. Nisbet Bain]
The Crime Doctor, by Ernest William Hornung 37338
[Illustrator: Frederick Dorre Steele]
My Lord Duke, by E. W. Hornung 37337
Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland Volume 21, 37336
by Alexander Leighton
Brenda's Bargain, by Helen Leah Reed 37335
[Subtitle: A Story for Girls]
[Illustrator: Ellen Bernard Thompson]
Näkymättömiä teitä, by Mathilda Roos 37334
[Subtitle: Runoelma elämästä]
[Language: Finnish]
The Little Red Foot, by Robert W. Chambers 37333
A Little Princess, by Frances Hodgson Burnett 37332
[Subtitle: Being the whole story of Sara Crewe
now told for the first time]
[Illustrator: Ethel Franklin Betts]
Notes of a Camp-Follower on the Western Front, by E. W. Hornung 37331
Aileen Aroon, A Memoir, by Gordon Stables 37330
[Subtitle: With other Tales of Faithful Friends and Favourites]
The Domestic Cat, by Gordon Stables 37329
Medical Life in the Navy, by Gordon Stables 37328
O'er Many Lands, on Many Seas, by Gordon Stables 37327
Turkish and Other Baths, by Gordon Stables 37326
[Subtitle: A Guide to Good Health and Longevity]
[Illustrator: Messrs Allen]
Harry Milvaine, by Gordon Stables 37325
[Subtitle: The Wanderings of a Wayward Boy]
Mrs. Bindle, by Hebert Jenkins 37324
[Subtitle: Some Incidents from the Domestic Life of the Bindles]
Poems on Golf, by Edinburgh Burgess Golfing Society 37323
Music-Study in Germany, by Amy Fay 37322
[Subtitle: from the Home Correspondence of Amy Fay]
Remarks on a Pamphlet Lately published by the Rev. Mr. Maskelyne, 37321
Under the Authority of the Board of Longitude, by John Harrison
Tiny Luttrell, by Ernest William Hornung 37320
L'Illustration, No. 0017, 24 Juin 1843, by Various 37319
[Language: French]
Helena, by Arvid Järnefelt 37318
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Geographic Variation in the Pocket Gopher, Thomys bottae, 37317
in Colorado, by Phillip M. Youngman
De Ellendigen (Deel 1 van 5), by Victor Hugo 37316
[Language: Dutch]
The Boy's Book of Heroes, by Helena Peake 37315
The Bradys After a Chinese Princess, by Francis Worcester Doughty 37314
[Subtitle: The Yellow Fiends of 'Frisco]
The Standard Galleries - Holland, by Esther Singleton 37313
Egmont, by J. W. von Goethe 37312
[Subtitle: Viisinäytöksinen murhenäytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
John Woolman's Journal, by John Woolman 37311
The Blue Grass Seminary Girls on the Water, by Carolyn Judson Burnett 37310
[Subtitle: Exciting Adventures on a Summer Cruise
Through the Panama Canal]
Violins and Violin Makers, by Joseph Pearce 37309
[Subtitle: Biographical Dictionary of the Great
Italian Artistes, their Followers and Imitators,
to the present time. With Essays on Important Subjects
Connected with the Violin.]
The Deluge, Vol. II. (of 2), by Henryk Sienkiewicz 37308
[Subtitle: An Historical Novel of Poland, Sweden, and Russia.]
[Translator: Jeremiah Curtin]
Blue Grass Seminary Girls' Vacation Adventures, 37307
by Carolyn Judson Burnett
[Subtitle: Shirley Willing to the Rescue]
Les Précurseurs, by Romain Rolland 37306
[Language: French]
Roman d'Eustache le moine, by Francisque Michel 37305
[Subtitle: pirate fameux du XIIIe siècle publié
pour la première fois d'après un manuscrit de
la bibliothèque royale]
[Language: French]
Those Dale Girls, by Frank Weston Carruth 37304
The Girls of Central High on the Stage, by Gertrude W. Morrison 37303
[Subtitle: The Play That Took The Prize]
An Account of the Growth of Deism in England, by William Stephens 37302
The Whale and the Grasshopper, by Seumas O'Brien 37301
[Subtitle: And other Fables]
[Illustrator: Robert McCraig]
Henry James, by Rebecca West 37300
Talks to Freshman Girls, by Helen Dawes Brown 37299
Garcia the Centenarian And His Times, by M. Sterling Mackinley 37298
[Subtitle: Being a Memoir of Manuel Garcia's Life and
Labours for the Advancement of Music and Science]
Beknopte geschiedenis van het vaderland, by J. A. Wijnne 37297
[Language: Dutch]
Samboe; or, The African Boy, by Mary Ann Hedge 37296
Soft Candy for Bees, by Dr. Burton N. Gates 37295
The Red Cross Barge, by Marie Belloc Lowndes 37294
The Divine Adventure Volume IV, by Fiona Macleod 37293
Thoughts for the Quiet Hour, by Various 37292
[Editor: Dwight L. Moody]
The Heroes of the School, by Allen Chapman 37291
[Subtitle: or, The Darewell Chums Through Thick and Thin]
The life and teaching of Karl Marx, by M. Beer 37290
Susan Clegg and Her Love Affairs, by Anne Warner 37289
[Illustrator: H. M. Brett]
Virginia Architecture in the Seventeenth Century, 37288
by Henry Chandlee Forman
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