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- 1 participants
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Here are our new postings from the past month. Thanks to all the volunteers
who helped bring these titles to us!
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Apr 2012 to 30 Apr 2012 ~ ~ ~ ~
California Mexican-Spanish Cook Book, by Bertha Haffner-Ginger 39586
[Subtitle: Selected Mexican and Spanish Recipes]
The Journal of a Disappointed Man, by Wilhelm Nero Pilate Barbellion 39585
Prison Life in Andersonville, by John L. Maile 39584
[Subtitle: With Special Reference to the Opening of Providence Spring]
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 107, July 14th 1894, by Various 39583
The Rival Pitchers, by Lester Chadwick 39582
[Subtitle: A Story of College Baseball]
Life of Frederick Courtenay Selous, D.S.O., by J. G. Millais 39581
[Subtitle: Capt. 25th Royal Fusiliers]
A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages; volume III, 39580
by Henry Chalres Lea
Descripción colonial, libro primero (1/2), by Reginaldo de Lizárraga 39579
[Language: Spanish]
The Broncho Rider Boys on the Wyoming Trail, by Frank Fowler 39578
[Subtitle: A Mystery of the Prairie Stampede]
The Broncho Rider Boys with the Texas Rangers, by Frank Fowler 39577
[Subtitle: The Capture of the Smugglers on the Rio Grande]
The Radio Detectives, by A. Hyatt Verrill 39576
Aurelia oder der Traum und das Leben, by Gérard de Nerval 39575
[Illustrator: Alfred Kubin]
[Language: German]
The Radio Boys on Secret Service Duty, by Gerald Breckenridge 39574
Die Germania, by Cornelius Tacitus 39573
[Language: German]
West Of The Sun, by Edgar Pangborn 39572
Nicolo Paganini: His Life and Work, by Stephen Samuel Stratton 39571
Polly's First Year at Boarding School, by Dorothy Whitehill 39570
[Illustrator: Charles L. Wrenn]
The Adhesive Postage Stamp, by Patrick Chalmers 39569
William Jay and the Constitutional Movement for the 39568
Abolition of Slavery, by Bayard Tuckerman
Two Little Waifs, by Mrs. Molesworth 39567
[Illustrator: Walter Crame]
Curiosities of Heat, by Lyman B. Tefft 39566
In Purpurner Finsterniß, by Michael Georg Conrad 39565
[Subtitle: Roman-Improvisation aus dem dreißigsten Jahrhundert]
[Language: German]
The Broncho Rider Boys Along the Border, by Frank Fowler 39564
[Subtitle: The Hidden Treasure of the Zuni Medicine Man]
And the Kaiser abdicates, by S. Miles Bouton 39563
[Subtitle: The German Revolution November 1918-August 1919]
Geschichte von England seit der Thronbesteigung Jakob's 39562
des Zweiten, by Thomas Babington Macaulay
[Subtitle: Sechster Band: enthaltend Kapitel 11 und 12]
[Language: German]
Agnigundam, by Rama Mohana Rao Mahidhara 39561
[Language: Telugu]
Fairy Circles, by Unknown 39560
[Subtitle: Tales and Legends of Giants, Dwarfs,
Fairies, Water-Sprites and Hobgoblins]
[Editor: Villamaria]
Two Chancellors, by Julian Klaczko 39559
[Subtitle: Prince Gortchakoff and Prince Bismark]
[Translator: Frank P. Ward]
Mrs. Tree's Will, by Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards 39558
Kuningas Henrik Neljäs I, by William Shakespeare 39557
[Language: Finnish]
Guy and Pauline, by Compton Mackenzie 39556
Un Cadet de Famille, v. 3/3, by Edward John Trelawney 39555
[Language: French]
The House That Grew, by Mrs. Molesworth 39554
[Illustrator: Alice B. Woodward]
Einiges aus der Geschichte der Astronomie im Alterthum, 39553
by Dr. Friedrich Blass
[Subtitle: Rede zur Feier des Geburtstags Sr. Maj.
des Deutschen Kaisers Königs von Preussen
Wilhelm I. gehalten an der Christian-Albrechts]
[Language: German]
Mortomley's Estate, Vol. II (of 3), by Charlotte Elizabeth 39552
Lawson Cowan Riddell
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Ethics, by John Dewey and James Hayden Tufts 39551
The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book, by Victor Hirtzler 39550
The Carved Lions, by Mrs. Molesworth 39549
[Illustrator: L. Leslie Brooke]
The Forged Note, by Oscar Micheaux 39548
[Subtitle: A Romance of the Darker Races]
[Illustrator: C.W. Heller]
Beaumaroy Home from the Wars, by Anthony Hope 39547
Wit and Humor of the Bible, by Marion D. Shutter 39546
[Subtitle: A Literary Study]
Die Colonie. Dritter Band, by Friedrich Gerstäcker 39545
[Subtitle: Brasilianisches Lebensbild]
[Language: German]
The Incendiary, by William Augustine Leahy 39544
[Subtitle: A Story of Mystery]
A Holiday in Bed and Other Sketches, by J. M. Barrie 39543
The Alps, by Martin Conway 39542
[Illustrator: A. D. McCormick]
Donna Paola, by Matilde Serao 39541
[Language: Italian]
The Revolutionary Movement of 1848-9 in Italy, Austria-Hungary, 39540
and Germany, by Charles Edmund Maurice
[Subtitle: With Some Examination of the Previous Thirty-three Years]
The Cambrian Sketch-Book, by R. Rice Davies 39539
[Subtitle: Tales, Scenes, and Legends of Wild Wales]
A Soldier's Son, by Maude M. Butler 39538
Medieval English Nunneries c. 1275 to 1535, by Eileen Edna Power 39537
Agamemnon, by Aeschylous 39536
[Language: Greek]
History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne 39535
(Vol. 2 of 2), by William Edward Hartpole Lecky
Tentamen Botanicum de Filicum Generibus Dorsiferarum, 39534
by James Edward Smith
[Subtitle: Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des
Sciences de Turin vol. 5, 401-422]
[Language: Latin]
L'Illustration, No. 0038, 18 Novembre 1843, by Various 39533
[Language: French]
Curious Epitaphs, by Various 39532
[Editor: William Andrews]
The Smuggler: (Vol's I-III), by George Payne Rainsford James 39531
Republic Volume 4 (of 4), by Plato 39530
[Language: Greek]
Geschichte der Neueren Deutschen Chirurgie, 39529
by Ernst Georg Ferdinand Küster
[Language: German]
Mohave Pottery, by Alfred L. Kroeber and Michaell J. Harner 39528
The Early Life and Adventures of Sylvia Scarlett, by Compton Mackenzie 39527
Pioneers of Evolution from Thales to Huxley, by Edward Clodd 39526
[Subtitle: With an Intermediate Chapter on
the Causes of Arrest of the Movement]
Aspects of Modern Oxford, by A. D. Godley 39525
[Illustrators: J. H. Lorimer, Lancelot Speed,
T. H. Crawford and E. Stamp]
Republic, Volume 3, by Plato 39524
[Language: Greek]
The Life of Mohammad, by Etienne Dinet and Sliman Ben Ibrahim 39523
[Subtitle: The Prophet of Allah]
[Illustrator: Etienne Dinet]
The Rulers of the Mediterranean, by Richard Harding Davis 39522
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 13, Slice 2, by Various 39521
[Subtitle: "Hearing" to "Helmond"]
Huguenot: (Volumes I-III), by George Payne Rainsford James 39520
[Subtitle: A Tale of the French Protestants.]
Agincourt, by George Payne Rainsford James 39519
[Subtitle: The Works of G. P. R. James, Volume XX]
The Little Washingtons' Travels, by Lillian Elizabeth Roy 39518
The Contemporary Review, Volume 36, November 1879, by Various 39517
A Captain of Industry, by Upton Sinclair 39516
[Subtitle: Being the Story of a Civilized Man]
Mrs. Thompson, by William Babington Maxwell 39515
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Doctor in History, Literature, Folk-Lore, Etc., by William Andrews 39514
Les Tourelles, volume II, by Léon Gozlan 39513
[Subtitle: Histoire des châteaux de France]
[Language: French]
Les Tourelles, volume I, by Léon Gozlan 39512
[Subtitle: Histoire des châteaux de France]
[Language: French]
The Psychological Origin and the Nature of Religion, by James H. Leuba 39511
Judith Fürste, by Adda Ravnkilde 39510
[Subtitle: En Fortælling]
[Language: Danish]
The Black Man, the Father of Civilization, by James Morris Webb 39509
[Subtitle: Proven by Biblical History]
Popular scientific lectures, by Ernst Mach 39508
[Translator: Thomas Joseph McCormack]
Støv og Stjærner, by Knud Hjortø 39507
[Language: Danish]
Io cerco moglie!, by Alfredo Panzini 39506
[Language: Italian]
Punch, or the London Charivari, December 2, 1893, by Various 39505
[Editor: Sir Francis Burnand]
Punch, or the London Charivari, November 25, 1893, by Various 39504
[Editor: Sir Francis Burnand]
Notes and Queries, Vol. IV, Number 113, December 27, 1851, by Various 39503
[Subtitle: A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary
Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.]
[Editor: George Bell]
Copyright: Its History and Its Law, by Richard Rogers Bowker 39502
Ladies on Horseback, by Nannie Lambert 39501
[Subtitle: Learning, Park-Riding, and Hunting,
with Hints upon Costume, and Numerous Anecdotes]
Beauties and Antiquities of Ireland, by T. O. Russell 39500
Moores Fables for the Female Sex, by Edward Moore 39499
[Illustrator: Henry Brooke]
Mariquita, by John Ayscough 39498
[Subtitle: A Novel]
A Breeze from the Woods, 2nd Ed., by William Chauncey Bartlett 39497
Poems on Travel, by Various 39496
Our First Half-Century, by Government of Queensland 39495
[Subtitle: A Review of Queensland Progress Based
Upon Official Information]
Poetry of the Supernatural, by Various 39494
Republic, Volume 2, by Plato 39493
[Language: Greek]
Les quatre cavaliers de l'apocalypse, by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez 39492
[Language: French]
Hullun yritys, by Albion Winegar Tourgée 39491
[Subtitle: Amerikalainen historiallinen romani]
[Language: Finnish]
A Lad of Grit, by Percy F. Westerman 39490
[Subtitle: A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea in Restoration Times]
[Illustrator: Edward S. Hodgson]
With Beatty off Jutland, by Percy F. Westerman 39489
[Subtitle: A Romance of the Great Sea Fight]
[Illustrator: Frank Gillett]
The Airship "Golden Hind", by Percy F. Westerman 39488
[Illustrator: Fleming Williams]
Against War, by Erasmus 39487
Sidelights on Chinese Life, by J. Macgowan 39486
[Illustrator: Montague Smyth]
Ghosts and Family Legends, by Catherine Crowe 39485
[Subtitle: A Volume for Christmas]
Daddy's Bedtime Bird Stories, by Mary Graham Bonner 39484
[Illustrator: Florence Choate and Elizabeth Curtis]
Farm Boys and Girls, by William Arch McKeever 39483
Mushroom Town, by Oliver Onions 39482
L'Illustration, No. 0037, 11 Novembre 1843, by Various 39481
[Language: French]
Das Nationaltheater des Neuen Deutschlands. Eine 39480
Reformschrift, by Eduard Devrient
[Language: German]
The Independence Day Horror at Killsbury, by Asenath Carver Coolidge 39479
[Illustrator: Cassius M. Coolidge]
The Levellers, by Anonymous 39478
[Subtitle: A Dialogue Between Two Young Ladies,
Concerning Matrimony, Proposing an Act for
Enforcing Marriage, for the Equality of
Matches, and Taxing Single Persons]
Zoological Illustrations, Volume III, by William Swainson 39477
[Subtitle: or Original Figures and Descriptions
of New, Rare, or Interesting Animals]
Republic, Volume 1, by Plato 39476
[Language: Greek]
Night Fall in the Ti-Tree, by Geraldine Rede and Violet Teague 39475
[Illustrators: Geraldine Rede and Violet Teague]
>From Egypt to Japan, by Henry M. Field 39474
The Young Sharpshooter at Antietam, by Everett T. Tomlinson 39473
Zoological Illustrations, Volume II, by William Swainson 39472
[Subtitle: or Original Figures and Descriptions
of New, Rare, or Interesting Animals]
Zoological Illustrations, Volume I, by William Swainson 39471
[Subtitle: or Original Figures and Descriptions
of New, Rare, or Interesting Animals]
The March to Magdala, by G. A. Henty 39470
Questioni internazionali, by Francesco Crispi 39469
[Subtitle: Diario e documenti]
[Language: Italian]
Voices from the Past, by Paul Alexander Bartlett 39468C
[Illustrator: Paul Alexander Bartlett]
Sappho's Journal, by Paul Alexander Bartlett 39467C
[Illustrator: Paul Alexander Bartlett]
Reading the Weather, by Thomas Morris Longstreth 39466
[Illustrator: Richard F. Warren]
Eleven Years in the Rocky Mountains and Life on the Frontier, 39465
by Frances Fuller Victor
[Subtitle: Also a History of the Sioux War, and a Life of
Gen. George A. Custer with Full Account of His Last Battle]
Macmillan & Co.'s Catalogue. April 1888, by Macmillan & Co. 39464
[Subtitle: Works in Belles Lettres, including Poetry, Fiction, etc.]
Behind the Veil in Persia and Turkish Arabia, 39463
by M. E. Hume-Griffith and A. Hume-Griffith
[Subtitle: An account of an Englishwoman's Eight
Years' Residence amongst the Women of the East]
Socrates' Apology, by Plato and Alexandros Moraitides 39462
[Language: Greek]
I've Been Thinking, by Azel Stevens Roe 39461
[Subtitle: or, the Secret of Success]
Un capitaine de quinze ans, by Jules Verne 39460
[Language: Greek]
The Contemporary Review, Volume 36, October 1879, by Various 39459
A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages; volume II, 39458
by Henry Charles Lea
My Mission to London 1912-1914, by Prince Lichnowsky 39457
The Clammer and the Submarine, by William John Hopkins 39456
Is Life Worth Living Without Immortality?, by M. M. Mangasarian 39455
[Subtitle: A Lecture Delivered Before the
Independent Religious Society, Chicago]
Ahead of the Show, by Fred Thorpe 39454
[Subtitle: The Adventures of Al Allston, Advance Agent]
Kit Musgrave's Luck, by Harold Bindloss 39453
The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, by John Bunyan 39452
A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages, by Henry Charles Lea 39451
Erdély hegyei közt, by László Tompa 39450
[Language: Hungarian]
Les Mystères du Louvre, by Octave Féré 39449
[Language: French]
Twelve Years of a Soldier's Life in India, by W. S. R. Hodson 39448
[Subtitle: Being Extracts from the Letters
of the Late Major W. S. R. Hodson, B. A.]
[Editor: George H. Hodson]
Shelburne Essays, Third Series, by Paul Elmer More 39447
El derecho internacional americano, by Felix Stoerk 39446
[Subtitle: estudio doctrinal y crítico]
[Language: Spanish]
Hoyle's Games Modernized, by Louis Hoffmann 39445
[Author a.k.a. Angelo John Lewis]
Páginas escogidas, by Armando Palacio Valdés 39444
[Language: Spanish]
Mrs. Balfame, by Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton 39443
[Subtitle: A Novel]
A Study Of The Bhagavata Purana, by Veda Vyasa 39442
[Subtitle: Or Esoteric Hinduism]
[Translator: Purendu Sinha]
Leibnitz' Monadologie, by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 39441
[Subtitle: Deutsch mit einer Abhandlung über Leibnitz'
und Herbart's Theorieen des wirklichen Geschehens]
[Language: German]
Sacred Hymns from the German, by Various 39440
[Subtitle: Translated by Frances Elizabeth Cox]
Hymns from the German, by Various 39439
[Subtitle: Translated by Frances Elizabeth Cox]
Notes and Queries, Vol. IV, Number 112, December 20, 1851, by Various 39438
[Subtitle: A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary
Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.]
[Editor: George Bell]
Punch or the London Charivari, Vol. 93, December 10, 1887, by Various 39437
L'Illustration, No. 0036, 4 Novembre 1843, by Various 39436
[Language: French]
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 13, Slice 3, by Various 39435
[Subtitle: "Helmont, Jean" to "Hernosand"]
Vistas of New York, by Brander Matthews 39434
Frank Merriwell's Backers, by Burt L. Standish 39433
[Subtitle: The Pride of His Friends]
The House 'Round the Corner, by Gordon Holmes 39432
[Author a.k.a. Louis Tracy]
Young Folks' Bible in Words of Easy Reading, by Josephine Pollard 39431
[Subtitle: The Sweet Stories of God's Word
in the Language of Childhood]
Luthers Glaube, by Ricarda Octavia Huch 39430
[Subtitle: Briefe an einen Freund]
[Language: German]
Histoire du moyen âge 395-1270, by Charles Victor Langlois 39429
[Language: French]
A Hymn on the Life, Virtues and Miracles of St. Patrick, by Saint Fiech 39428
[Subtitle: Composed by his Disciple, Saint Fiech, Bishop of Sletty]
Annouchka, by Ivan Sergheievitch Turgenef 39427
[Subtitle: A Tale]
[Translator: Franklin P. Abbott]
Rupert Prince Palatine, by Eva Scott 39426
The Mysterious Wanderer, Vol. III, by Sophia Reeve 39425
[Subtitle: A Novel in Three Volumes]
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 105, November 18, 1893, 39424
by Various
[Editor: Sir Francis Burnand]
The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States, by Asa Gray 39423
[Subtitle: Including the District East of the Mississippi
and North of North Carolina and Tennessee]
The Vanity Girl, by Compton Mackenzie 39422
Mount Everest the Reconnaissance, 1921, by Charles Kenneth 39421
Howard-Bury, George H. Leigh-Mallory and A. F. R. Wollaston]
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 105, November 11, 1893, by Various 39420
[Editor: Sir F. C. Burnand]
Eredeti népmesék (1. rész), by László Merényi 39419
[Language: Hungarian]
Kansakoulu-opettajan nuoruudenvaiheet, by Edmondo de Amicis 39418
[Language: Finnish]
A Gamble with Life, by Silas K. Hocking 39417
Gainsborough, by Max Rothschild 39416
Loss of the Steamship 'Titanic', by British Government 39415
The Masculine Cross, by Anonymous 39414
[Subtitle: A History of Ancient and Modern Crosses
and Their Connection with the Mysteries of Sex Worship;
Also an Account of the Kindred Phases of Phallic Faiths
and Practices]
Henry of Guise; (Vol. III of 3), by George Payne Rainsford James 39413
[Subtitle: or, The States of Blois]
Henry of Guise; (Vol. II of 3), by George Payne Rainsford James 39412
[Subtitle: or, The States of Blois]
Henry of Guise; (Vol. I of 3), by George Payne Rainsford James 39411
[Subtitle: or, The States of Blois]
Méthode d'équitation basée sur de nouveaux principes, 39410
by François Baucher
[Language: French]
The Persians, by Aeschylous 39409
[Language: Greek]
The Grateful Dead, by Gordon Hall Gerould 39408
[Subtitle: The History of a Folk Story]
39407 Not Ready
39406 Not Ready
L'Illustration, No. 0035, 28 Octobre 1843, by Various 39405
[Language: French]
Het Leven der Dieren, by A. E. Brehm 39404
[Subtitle: Deel 2, Hoofdstuk 10: De Stootvogels]
[Language: Dutch]
Historic Fredericksburg, by John T. Goolrick 39403
[Subtitle: The Story of an Old Town]
Jeremiah, by Stefan Zweig 39402
[Subtitle: A Drama in Nine Scenes]
[Translators: Eden Paul and Cedar Paul]
The Frontiersmen, by Gustave Aimard 39401
Christ's Journal, by Paul Alexander Bartlett 39400C
[Illustrator: Paul Alexander Bartlett]
Treasure of Kings, by Charles Gilson 39399
[Subtitle: Being the Story of the Discovery of the "Big Fish"
or the Quest of the Greater Treasure of the Incas of Peru.]
[Illustrator: R. Caton Woodville]
A System of Easy Lettering, by J. Howard Cromwell 39398
One of Cleopatra's Nights and Other Fantastic Romances, 39397
by Théophile Gautier
[Subtitle: One of Cleopatra's Nights--Clarimonde--Arria Marcella
--The Mummy's Foot--Omphale: a Rococo Story--King Candaules]
[Translator: Lafcadio Hearn ]
A Population Study of the Prairie Vole (Microtus ochrogaster) 39396
in Northeastern Kansas, by Edwin P. Martin
The Expositor's Bible: The Book of Genesis, by Marcus Dods 39395
The Expositor's Bible: The First Book of Samuel, by W. G. Blaikie 39394
Notes and Queries, Vol. IV, Number 111, December 13, 1851, by Various 39393
[Subtitle: A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary
Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.]
[Editor: George Bell]
The Secrets of a Savoyard, by Henry A. Lytton 39392
Der Hasenroman, by Francis Jammes 39391
[Language: German]
Der Hase, by Melchior Vischer 39390
[Subtitle: Eine Erzählung]
[Language: German]
Il mondo è rotondo, by Alfredo Panzini 39389
[Language: Italian]
The Columbia River, by William Denison Lyman 39388
[Subtitle: Its History, Its Myths, Its Scenery, Its Commerce]
Submarine U93, by Charles Gilson 39387
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Great War, of German Spies, and
Submarines, of Naval Warfare, and all manner of Adventures.]
Eredeti népmesék (2. rész) by László Merényi 39386
[Language: Hungarian]
The Jester's Sword, by Annie Fellows Johnston 39385
[Subtitle: How Aldebaran, the King's Son Wore
the Sheathed Sword of Conquest]
Letters of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy from Italy and 39384
Switzerland, by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Mademoiselle Blanche, by John David Barry 39383
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Oedipus at Colonus, by Sophocles 39382
[Language: Greek]
Punch, or the London Charivari, November 4th 1893, by Various 39381
[Editor: Sir Francis Burnand]
Famous European Artists, by Sarah K. Bolton 39380
Collins' Illustrated Guide to London and Neighbourhood, by Anonymous 39379
Mortal Coils, by Aldous Huxley 39378
Mildred Arkell, Volume II (of 3), by Mrs. Henry Wood 39377
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Gipsy (Vols I & II), by George Payne Rainsford James 39376
[Subtitle: A Tale]
Christmas Tree Land, by Mary Louisa Molesworth 39375
The Curse of Carne's Hold, by G. A. Henty 39374
[Subtitle: A Tale of Adventure]
Lord Kelvin, by Andrew Gray 39373
[Subtitle: An account of his scientific life and work]
The Recent Mammals of Tamaulipas, Mexico, by Ticul Alvarez 39372
A Legacy to the Friends of Free Discussion, by Benjamin Offen 39371
[Subtitle: Principal Historical Facts and Personages
of the Books Known as The Old and New Testament;
With Remarks on the Morality of Nature
Recollections of Windsor Prison;, by John Reynolds 39370
[Subtitle: Containing Sketches of its History and
Discipline with Appropriate Strictures and Moral
and Religious Reflection]
The Second War with England, Vol. 2 of 2, by Joel Tyler Headley 39369
The Second War with England, Vol. 1 of 2, by Joel Tyler Headley 39368
The Catholic World; Volume I, Issues 1-6, by E. Rameur 39367
[Subtitle: A Monthly Eclectic Magazine]
The Tree of Knowledge, by Mrs. Baillie Reynolds 39366
[Author a.k.a. G. M. Robins]
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Philosophy of Socrates according to A. Fouillée, 39365
by Armenis Vrailas
[Language: Greek]
Rich Relatives, by Compton Mackenzie 39364
Observations d'un sourd et muèt sur un cours élémentaire 39363
d'éducation des sourds et muèts publié en 1779 par M. l'Abbé
Deshamps, Chapelain de l'Église d'Orléans, by Pierre Desloges
Punch, or the London Charivari, October 28th 1893, by Various 39362
Old New Zealand, by A Pakeha Maori 39361
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Good Old Times;
and A History of the War in the North
against the Chief Heke, in the Year 1845]
Napoléon et l'Amérique, by Alfred Schalck de la Faverie 39360
[Subtitle: Histoire des relations franco-américaines
spécialement envisagée au point de vue de l'influence
napoléonienne (1688-1815)]
[Language: French]
Mabel, Vol. III (of 3), by Emma Newby 39359
[Subtitle: A Novel]
A Winter Nosegay, by Walter Crane 39358
[Subtitle: Being Tales for Children at Christmastide]
Texas Honey Plants, by C. E. Sanborn and E. E. Scholl 39357
Political Doctrines of Sun Yat-Sen, by Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger 39356
[Subtitle: An Exposition of the San Min Chu I]
Cicero, Catilinarian Orations, by Cicero 39355
[Subtitle: Cicero, Speeches against Catilina]
[Language: Latin]
Automobiel-rijden, by Tom Schilperoort 39354
[Language: Dutch]
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 13, Slice 4, by Various 39353
[Subtitle: "Hero" to "Hindu Chronology"]
Gaal György magyar népmese-gyujteménye (3. kötet), by György Gaal 39352
[Language: Hungarian]
Punch, or the London Charivari, October 21st 1893, by Various 39351
[Editor: Sir Francis Burnand]
Aus Trotzkopf's Ehe, by Else Wildhagen 39350
[Illustrator: Willy Planck]
[Language: German]
Wyndham's Pal, by Harold Bindloss 39349
The Siege of Mafeking (1900), by J. Angus Hamilton 39348
Caricature and Other Comic Art, by James Parton 39347
[Subtitle: in all Times and many Lands.]
Baltimore and The Nineteenth of April, 1861, by George William Brown 39346
[Subtitle: A Study of the War]
Mitchelhurst Place, Vol. I (of 2), by Margaret Veley 39345
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution 39344
(Volume VI), by Various
[Editor: Jared Sparks]
The Sea, by Frederick Whymper 39343
[Subtitle: Its Stirring Story of Adventure,
Peril, & Heroism. Volume 3]
The Sea, by Frederick Whymper 39342
[Subtitle: Its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril,
& Heroism. Volume 2]
The Sea, by Frederick Whymper 39341
[Subtitle: Its Stirring Story of Adventure,
Peril, & Heroism. Volume 1]
The Suprising Adventures of Sir Toady Lion With Those of 39340
General Napoleon Smith, by S. R. Crockett
[Illustrator: Gordon Brownie]
Superwomen, by Albert Payson Terhune 39339
Notes and Queries, Vol. IV, Number 110, December 6, 1851, by Various 39338
[Subtitle: A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary
Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.]
[Editor: George Bell]
La vita comincia domani, by Guido da Verona 39337
[Language: Italian]
Gaal György magyar népmese-gyujteménye (2. kötet), by György Gaal 39336
[Language: Hungarian]
Histoire de France 1573-1598 (Volume 12/19), by Jules Michelet 39335
Blazing The Way, by Emily Inez Denny 39334
[Subtitle: True Stories, Songs and Sketches of Puget Sound]
Curiosities of Human Nature, by Anonymous 39333
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 105 October 7, 1893, by Various 39332
Histoire des salons de Paris (Tome 1/6), by Laure Junot, 39331
duchesse d'Abrantès
[Subtitle: Tableaux et portraits du grand monde sous Louis XVI, Le
Directoire, le Consulat et l'Empire, la Restauration et
le règne de Louis-Philippe Ier]
[Language: French]
Immortal Youth, by Lucien Price 39330
[Subtitle: A Study in the Will to Create]
Illustrated Catalogue of Locomotives, by Matthew Baird, 39329
George Burnham, Charles T. Parry, Edward H. Williams
and William P. Henszey
[Subtitle: Baldwin Locomotive Works]
Histoire de la Littérature Anglaise (Volume 1 de 5), 39328
by Hippolyte Taine
[Language: French]
L'Illustration, No. 0034, 21 Octobre 1843, by Various 39327
[Language: French]
The History of Margaret Catchpole, by Richard Cobbold 39326
[Subtitle: A Suffolk Girl]
Campagne d'égypte (Volume 2), by Alexandre Berthier 39325
and Jean-Louis-Ebenézer Reynier
[Subtitle: 1ère partie: Mémoires du maréchal Berthier; 2ème partie
Mémoires du comte Reynier]
[Language: French]
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