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June 2012
- 1 participants
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This is the Project Gutenberg newsletter for the month of June,
in the year 2012.
In this issue:
* Summer Reading
* Project Gutenberg is Social
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* New eBooks since our last newsletter
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H.G. Wells, Time Machine (#17401)
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prizes between now and the festival.
* New eBooks released in May 2012:
The Formation of Christendom, Volume II, by Thomas W. Allies 39873
The Three Perils of Man, Vol. 2 (of 3), by James Hogg 39872
[Subtitle: or, War, Women, and Witchcraft]
Bikey the Skicycle and Other Tales of Jimmieboy, by John Kendrick Bangs 39871
[Illustrator: Peter Newell]
Bert Wilson, Marathon Winner, by J. W. Duffield 39870
Farming with Dynamite, by E. I. du Pont de Nemours Powder Co. 39869
[Subtitle: A Few Hints to Farmers]
Glinda of Oz, by L. Frank Baum 39868
[Subtitle: In which are related the Exciting Experiences
of Princess Ozma of Oz, and Dorothy, in their hazardous
journey to the home of the Flatheads, and to the Magic
Isle of the Skeezers, and how they were rescued from
dire peril by the sorcery of Glinda the Good.]
[Illustrator: John R. Neill]
39867 Not Ready
39866 Not Ready
Margaret Vincent, by Sophia Lucy Clifford 39865
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Young People's Wesley, by W. McDonald 39864
The Montessori Method, by Maria Montessori 39863
[Subtitle: Scientific Pedagogy as Applied to Child
Education in 'The Children's Houses' with Additions
and Revisions by the Author]
[Translator: Anne E. George]
English Traits, by Ralph Waldo Emerson 39862
The Life Of Henriette Sontag, Countess De Rossi, by Various 39861
[Subtitle: With Interesting Sketches By Scudo,
Hector Berlioz, Louis Boerne, Adolphe Adam,
Marie Aycard, Julie De Margueritte, Prince
Puckler-Muskau, And Theophile Gautier]
The Evolution of States, by J. M. Robertson 39860
Teerelän perhe, by Santeri Alkio 39859
[Language: Finnish ]
Trilby, by George Du Maurier 39858
Marmaduke, by Flora Annie Steel 39857
Expositor's Bible: The Gospel of St Luke, by Henry Burton 39856
The Teaching of Epictetus, by Epictetus 39855
[Subtitle: Being the 'Encheiridion of Epictetus,'
with Selections from the 'Dissertations' and 'Fragments']
[Translator: T.W. Rolleston]
Bird-Lore, by Various 39854
[Editor: Frank M. Chapman]
The Lance of Kanana, by Harry W. French 39853
[Subtitle: A Story of Arabia]
[Illustrator: Garrett]
Punch or the London Charivari, Volume 150, May 17 1916, by Various 39852
Victorian Literature, by Clement K. Shorter 39851
[Subtitle: Sixty Years of Books and Bookmen]
Cattle-Ranch to College, by Russell Doubleday 39850
[Subtitle: The True Tales of A Boy's Adventures in the Far West]
[Illustrator: Janet MacDonald]
Gearr-sgeoil air Sir Seoras Uilleam Ross, by Alexander Fraser 39849
[Language: Scots Gaelic]
India Through the Ages, by Flora Annie Steel 39848
[Subtitle: A Popular and Picturesque History of Hindustan]
In the Tideway, by Flora Annie Steel 39847
St. Nicholas Vol XIII. No. 8 June 1886, by Various 39846
[Subtitle: an Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks]
[Editor: Mary Mapes Dodge]
Early Illustrated Books, by Alfred W. Pollard 39845
[Subtitle: A History of the Decoration and Illustration
of Books in the 15th and 16th Centuries]
The Ascent of Man, by Mathilde Blind 39844
Women of History, by Anonymous 39843
[Subtitle: Selected from the Writings of Standard Authors]
The Esperantist, Vol. 2, No. 3, by Various 39842
[Editor: H. Bolingbroke Mudie]
[Language: Esperanto]
The Esperantist, Vol. 2, No. 2, by Various 39841
[Editor: H. Bolingbroke Mudie]
[Language: Esperanto]
The Esperantist, Vol. 2, No. 1, by Various 39840
[Editor: H. Bolingbroke Mudie]
[Language: Esperanto]
The Cross in Ritual, Architecture and Art, by Geo. S. Tyack 39839
Our Railroads To-Morrow, by Edward Hungerford 39838
L'Illustration, No. 0041, 9 Décembre 1843, by Various 39837
[Language: French]
L'Illustration, No. 0042, 16 Décembre 1843, by Various 39836
[Language: French]
Les morts commandent, by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez 39835
[Language: French]
After the Divorce, by Grazia Deledda 39834
[Subtitle: A Romance]
[Translator: Maria Hornor Lansdale]
The Old Pincushion, by Mrs. Molesworth 39833
[Subtitle: or, Aunt Clotilda's Guests]
[Illustrator: Mrs. Adrian Hope]
In the Permanent Way, by Flora Annie Steel 39832
A Study of Splashes, by Arthur Mason Worthington 39831
Memoranda on Poisons, by Thomas Hawkes Tanner 39830
The Toy Shop, by Margarita Spalding Gerry 39829
[Subtitle: A Romantic Story of Lincoln the Man]
Early American Plays, by Oscar Wegelin 39828
[Subtitle: 1714-1830]
The Conduct of Life, by Ralph Waldo Emerson 39827
The Trial of Callista Blake, by Edgar Pangborn 39826
La coucaratcha (III/III), by Eugène Sue 39825
[Language: French]
Miss Dividends, by Archibald Clavering Gunter 39824
[Subtitle: A Novel]
History of the National Flag of the United States of America, 39823
by Schuyler Hamilton
Tics and Their Treatment, by Henry Meigne and E. Feindel 39822
[Translator: S.A.K. Wilson]
>From the Five Rivers, by Flora Annie Steel 39821
Mollie and the Unwiseman, by John Kendrick Bangs 39820
[Illustrators: Albert Levering and Clare Victor Dwiggins]
Expositor's Bible: Index, by S. G. Ayres 39819
A Catalogue of Books for the Young, by Various 39818
The Age of Dryden, by Richard Garnett 39817
Macchiavellis Buch vom Fürsten, by Niccolò Machiavelli 39816
[Language: German]
My Fire Opal, and Other Tales, by Sarah Warner Brooks 39815
The Church on the Changing Frontier, by Helen O. Belknap 39814
[Subtitle: A Study of the Homesteader and His Church]
A Sovereign Remedy, by Flora Annie Steel 39813
The Oriel Window, by Mrs. Molesworth 39812
[Illustrator: L. Leslie Brooke]
Oeuvres, Tome VII, by Constantin-François de Chasseboeuf Volney 39811
[Subtitle: Leçons d'histoire, prononcées à l'École normale;
en l'an III de la République Française; Histoire de Samuel,
inventeur du sacre des rois; État physique de la Corse]
[Language: French]
A Prince of Dreamers, by Flora Annie Steel 39810
Der Deutsche Lausbub in Amerika, by Erwin Rosen 39809
[Subtitle: Erinnerungen und Eindrücke]
[Language: German]
Wit and Wisdom of Lord Tredegar, by Godfrey Charles Morgan 39808
The Iron Boys in the Steel Mills, by James R. Mears 39807
[Subtitle: or, Beginning Anew in the Cinder Pits]
How "A Dear Little Couple" Went Abroad, by Mary D. Brine 39806
Practical Boat-Sailing, by Douglas Frazar 39805
[Subtitle: A Concise and Simple Treatise]
Thalaba the Destroyer, by Robert Southey 39804
An Explanatory Discourse by Tan Chet-qua of Quang-chew-fu, 39803
Gent., by Sir William Chambers
Tommy Wideawake, by H. H. Bashford 39802
39801 Not Ready
39800 Not Ready
39799 Not Ready
39798 Not Ready
39797 Not Ready
39796 Not Ready
In the Guardianship of God, by Flora Annie Steel 39795
King-Errant, by Flora Annie Steel 39794
Gioia!, by Annie Vivanti 39793
[Language: Italian]
Das Lied vom blöden Ritter, by Heinrich Heine 39792
[Language: German]
Farm Mechanics, by Herbert A. Shearer 39791
[Subtitle: Machinery and its Use to Save Hand Labor on the Farm]
An American Four-In-Hand in Britain, by Andrew Carnegie 39790
Nooks and Corners of Old New York, by Charles Hemstreet 39789
[Illustrator: E. C. Peixotto]
The Expositor's Bible: The Epistle to the Philippians, by Robert Rainy 39788
His Majesty's Well-Beloved, by Baroness Orczy 39787
[Subtitle: An episode in the life of Mr. Thomas Betterton
as told by his friend John Honeywood]
Beau Brocade, by Baroness Orczy 39786
[Subtitle: A Romance]
[Illustrator: H. M. Brock]
Tunnel Engineering. A Museum Treatment, by Robert M. Vogel 39785
Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes, by Walter Crane 39784
[Subtitle: A Collection of Alphabets, Rhymes, Tales, and Jingles]
[Illustrators: John Gilbert, John Tenniel,
Harrison Weir, and others]
Canzoni & Ripostes, by Ezra Pound and T.E. Hulme 39783
[Subtitle: Whereto are appended the Complete
Poetical Works of T.E. Hulme]
Brownies and Bogles, by Louise Imogen Guiney 39782
[Illustrator: Edmund H. Garrett]
Cape of Storms, by Percival Pollard 39781
Baltimore Hats, by William T. Brigham 39780
[Subtitle: Past and Present]
American Grape Training, by Liberty Hyde Bailey 39779
[Subtitle: An account of the leading forms now in use
of Training the American Grapes]
Mollie and the Unwiseman Abroad, by John Kendrick Bangs 39778
[Illustrator: Grace G. Weiderseim]
Cowboy Life on the Sidetrack, by Frank Benton 39777
[Subtitle: Being an Extremely Humorous & Sarcastic Story
of the Trials & Tribulations Endured by a Party of
Stockmen Making a Shipment from the West to the East]
[Illustrator: E. A. Filleau]
The Three Perils of Man, Vol. 1 (of 3), by James Hogg 39776
[Subtitle: or, War, Women, and Witchcraft]
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 14, Slice 7, by Various 39775
[Subtitle: "Ireland" to "Isabey, Jean Baptiste"]
Les gosses dans les ruines, by Paul Gsell 39774
[Subtitle: Idylle de guerre]
[Illustrator: Francisque Poulbot]
[Language: French]
Juvenile Styles, Volume 4, by Mary Hoyer 39773
[Subtitle: Original Designs for Infants and Juveniles]
Mark Gildersleeve, by John S. Sauzade 39772
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Studies in Modern Music, Second Series, by W. H. Hadow 39771
[Subtitle: Frederick Chopin, Antonin Dvorak, Johannes Brahms]
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 107, July 21, 1894, by Various 39770
Ghosts I Have Seen, by Violet Tweedale 39769
[Subtitle: And Other Psychic Experiences]
Vassall Morton, by Francis Parkman 39768
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Book of Isaiah, Volume I (of 2), by George Adam Smith 39767
English and Scottish Ballads, Volume VI (of 8), by Various 39766
[Editor: Francis James Child]
Les français peints par eux-mèmes, t.1, by Various 39765
[Editor: Léon Curmer]
[Language: French]
Anabasis Volume 1, by Xenophon 39764
[Language: Greek]
Einheimische Fische, by Kurt Floericke 39763
[Subtitle: Die Süßwasserfische unsrer Heimat]
[Illustrators: E. Bade, W. Koehler and R. Oeffinger]
[Language: German]
Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Seemannssprache, 39762
by Gustav Goedel
[Language: German]
The Knack of Managing, by Lewis K. Urquhart and Herbert Watson 39761
Saddle and Mocassin, by Francis Francis Jr 39760
Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland Volume 18, 39759
by Alexander Leighton
[Subtitle: Historical, Traditionary, & Imaginative]
Matilda Montgomerie, by Major John Richardson 39758
[Subtitle: The Prophecy Fulfilled]
Half-Hours with Jimmieboy, by John Kendrick Bangs 39757
[Illustrators: Frank Verbeck, Charles Howard Johnson,
J. T. Richards and P. Newell]
Valkoisia kanervakukkia, by Mathilda Roos 39756
[Language: Finnish]
The Story of Peter Pan, by Daniel Stephen O'Connor 39755
[Subtitle: Retold from the fairy play by Sir James Barrie]
[Illustrator: Alice B. Woodward.]
Franz Liszt, by James Huneker 39754
The Misfit Christmas Puddings, by Club Consolation 39753
[Illustrator: Wallace Goldsmith]
Fairy Legends and Traditions of The South of Ireland, 39752
by T. Crofton Crocker
Being Well-Born, by Michael F. Guyer 39751
[Subtitle: An Introduction to Eugenics]
To Your Dog and To My Dog, by Lincoln Newton Kinnicutt 39750
Principles of Decorative Design, by Christopher Dresser 39749
[Subtitle: Fourth Edition]
Four Winds Farm, by Mrs. Molesworth 39748
[Illustrator: Walter Crane]
A Manual of Ancient History, by Arnold Hermann Ludwig Heeren 39747
[Subtitle: Particularly with Regard to the Constitutions,
the Commerce, and the Colonies, of the States of Antiquity]
The Works of George Berkeley, Vol. 1 (of 4), by George Berkeley 39746
[Subtitle: Philosophical Works, 1705-21]
Folle-Farine, by Ouida 39745
Arne: Early Tales and Sketches, by Bjornstjerne Bjornson 39744
[Subtitle: Patriots Edition]
[Translator: Rasmus B. Anderson]
American Football, by Walter Camp 39743
Half a Man, by Mary White Ovington and Franz Boas 39742
[Subtitle: The Status of the Negro in New York]
In My Nursery, by Laura E. Richards 39741
Oriental Rugs, by Walter A. Hawley 39740
[Subtitle: Antique and Modern]
Oeuvres de P. Corneille, Tome IV, by Pierre Corneille 39739
[Language: French]
Lélia, by George Sand 39738
[Illustrators: Tony Johannot and Maurice Sand]
[Language: French]
Magyar népdalok (Magyar remekirók 54. kötet), by Sándor Endrodi 39737
[Language: Hungarian]
Kleurig en donker, by Willem van Amsterdam 39736
[Language: Dutch]
Ti-Ping Tien-Kwoh, by Lin-Le 39735
[Subtitle: The History of the Ti-Ping Revolution (Volume II)]
The Life of Philip Melanchthon, by Karl Friedrich Ledderhose 39734
[Translator: Gottlob Frederick Krotel]
Cooley's Cyclopædia of Practical Receipts and Collateral 39733
Information in the Arts, Manufactures, Professions, and
Trades..., Sixth Edition, Volume I, by Arnold Cooley
and Richard Tuson
Budd Boyd's Triumph, by William Pendleton Chipman 39732
[Subtitle: or, The Boy-Firm of Fox Island]
The Marriage of Esther, by Guy Boothby 39731
The Girl Who Had Nothing, by Mrs. C. N. Williamson 39730
[Illustrator: John Cameron]
Courage, True Hearts, by Gordon Stables 39729
[Subtitle: Sailing in Search of Fortune]
In Far Bolivia, by Gordon Stables 39728
[Subtitle: A Story of a Strange Wild Land]
[Illustrator: J. Finnemore]
Judges and Ruth, by Robert A. Watson 39727
The Rolliad, in Two Parts, by George Ellis, French Laurence, 39726
Joseph Richardson, and Richardd Tickell,
[Subtitle: Probationary Odes for the Laureatship
& Political Eclogues]
William Morris, by Elizabeth Luther Cary 39725
[Subtitle: Poet, Craftsman, Socialist]
The Imitator, by Percival Pollard 39724
The World Before the Deluge, by Louis Figuier 39723
Samlede Værker, Tredie Bind, by Jeppe Aakjær 39722
[Language: Danish]
Popular Technology, Vol. I (of 2), by Edward Hazen 39721
[Subtitle: or, Professions and Trades]
The Abolition Crusade and Its Consequences, by Hilary Abner Herbert 39720
[Subtitle: Four Periods of American History]
L'Illustration, No. 0040, 2 Décembre 1843, by Various 39719
[Language: French]
The Wanderings of a Spiritualist, by Arthur Conan Doyle 39718
Karolingsche Verhalen, by Josephus Albertus Alberdingk Thijm 39717
[Language: Dutch]
Little Masterpieces, by Nathaniel Hawthorne 39716
The Argentine as a Market, by N. L. Watson 39715
D.C. Powered Timing Light Model 161.2158 for 12 Volt Ignition Systems, 39714
by Anonymous
[Subtitle: Sears Owners Manual]
The Foundations of Science, by Henri Poincaré 39713
[Translator: George Bruce Halsted]
Goblin Tales of Lancashire, by James Bowker 39712
[Illustrator: Charles Gliddon]
Constitutional History of England, Vol 1 of 3, by Henry Hallam 39711
[Subtitle: Henry VII to George II]
Paris and the Parisians in 1835 (Vol. 2 of 2), by Frances Trollope 39710
Mariposilla, by Mary Stewart Daggett 39709
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Mortal Gods and Other Plays, by Olive Tilford Dargan 39708
Mr. Punch's Life in London, by Various 39707
[Editor: J. A. Hammerton]
Mother West Wind's Animal Friends, by Thornton W. Burgess 39706
[Illustrator: George F. Kerr]
The Lady of the Forest, by L. T. Meade 39705
[Subtitle: A Story for Girls]
Annali d'Italia, vol. 1, by Lodovico Antonio Muratori 39704
[Subtitle: dal principio dell'era volgare sino all'anno 1750]
[Language: Italian]
The First Boke of Moses called Genesis, by William Tyndale 39703
The philosophy of mathematics, by Auguste Comte 39702
[Translator: W. M. Gillespie]
Heroines of the Crusades, by C. A. Bloss 39701
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 14, Slice 8, by Various 39700
[Subtitle: "Isabnormal Lines" to "Italic"]
Magyar népballadák (Magyar remekirók 55. kötet), by Sándor Endrodi 39699
[Language: Hungarian ]
The Impostor, by Harold Bindloss 39698
[Illustrator: Victor Prout]
Kertomuksia, by Victoria Benedictsson 39697
[Language: Finnish]
Odd Bits of History, by Henry W. Wolff 39696
[Subtitle: Being Short Chapters Intended to Fill Some Blanks]
The Story of Switzerland, by Lina Hug and Richard Stead 39695
Bijou, by Gyp 39694
[Language: French]
Mildred Arkell, (Vol 3 of 3), by Ellen Wood 39693
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Mildred Arkell, (Vol 1 of 3), by Ellen Wood 39692
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Photographic Amusements, Ninth Edition, by Walter E. Woodbury 39691
and Frank R. Fraprie
[Subtitle: Including A Description of a Number of Novel
Effects Obtainable with the Camera]
Harpsichords and Clavichords, by Cynthia A. Hoover 39690
Satan Sanderson, by Hallie Erminie Rives 39689
[Illustrator: A. B. Wenzell]
The Balkan Peninsula, by Frank Fox 39688
Musiciens d'autrefois, by Romain Rolland 39687
[Language: French]
North American Stone Implements, by Charles Rau 39686
Nooks and Corners of Old England, by Allen Fea 39685
Albania, by E. F. Knight 39684
[Subtitle: A narrative of recent travel]
Memoranda on the Maya Calendars Used in the Books of Chilan 39683
Balam, by Charles P.. Bowditch
The Idiot at Home, by John Kendrick Bangs 39682
[Illustrator: F. T. Richards]
The Corner of Harley Street, by Henry Bashford 39681
[Subtitle: Being Some Familiar Correspondence of Peter Harding, M.D.]
A Commonplace Book of Thoughts, Memories, and Fancies, by Anna Jameson 39680
[Subtitle: 2nd ed.]
André le Savoyard, by Charles Paul de Kock 39679
[Language: French]
In Dingsda, by Johannes Schlaf 39678
[Language: German]
A Classified Catalogue of Works in General Literature 39677
Published by Longmans, Green, & Co., by Various
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. 64 No. 396 October 1848, 39676
by Various
Dealings With The Dead, by A Sexton of the Old School 39675
[Subtitle: Volume II]
Buffalo Land, by W. E. Webb 39674
[Subtitle: Authentic Account of the Discoveries, Adventures,
and Mishaps of a Scientific and Sporting Party in the Wild West]
A Year in a Lancashire Garden, by Henry Arthur Bright 39673
[Subtitle: Second Edition]
How to Make an Index, by Henry B. Wheatley 39672
Handel, by Romain Rolland 39671
[Translator: A. Eaglefield Hull]
The Idiot, by Frederick Bateman 39670
[Subtitle: His Place in Creation, and His Claims on Society]
Die Die großen Mächte, by Leopold von Ranke 39669
[Language: German]
At Start and Finish, by William Lindsey 39668
Vier Jahre Politischer Mord, by Emil Julius Gumbel 39667
[Subtitle: Fuenfte Auflage von ZWEI JAHRE MORD (13. bis 18. Tausend)]
[Language: German]
When It Was Dark, by Guy Thorne 39666
[Subtitle: The Story of a Great Conspiracy]
A History of the Gipsies, by Walter Simson 39665
[Subtitle: with Specimens of the Gipsy Language]
The Hansa Towns, by Helen Zimmern 39664
Home Occupations for Boys and Girls, by Bertha Johnston 39663
The Magic Nuts, by Mrs. Molesworth 39662
[Illustrator: Rosie M. M. Pitman]
Mortomley's Estate, Vol. III (of 3), 39661
by Charlotte Elizabeth Lawson Cowan Riddell]
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Sylvia & Michael, by Compton Mackenzie 39660
[Subtitle: The later adventures of Sylvia Scarlett]
Ethnology of the Ungava District, Hudson Bay Territory, 39659
by Lucien Turner?
[Subtitle: Eleventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology
to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1889-1890,
Government Printing Office, Washington, 1894, pages 159-350]
Novelle, by Cesare Balbo 39658
[Language: Italian]
Through the Outlooking Glass, by Simeon Strunsky 39657
The Square Book of Animals, by William Nicholson and Arthur Waugh 39656
History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death 39655
of Elizabeth. Vol. III, by James Anthony Froude
Histoire des Musulmans d'Espagne, t. 1/4, by Reinhart Dozy 39654
[Subtitle: jusqu'a la conqu?te de l'Andalouisie
par les Almoravides (711-110))]
[Language: French]
Historical materialism and the economics of Karl Marx, 39653
by Benedetto Croce
[Translator: C. M. Meredith]
Vayenne, by Percy Brebner 39652
[Illustrator: Ernest Fuhr]
Switzerland, by Frank Fox 39651
Das heilige Donnerwetter, by Adolf Paul 39650
[Subtitle: Ein Blücherroman]
[Language: German]
Népdalok és mondák (3. kötet) by János Erdélyi 39649
[Language: Hungarian]
Character and Conduct, by Various 39648
[Subtitle: A Book of Helpful Thoughts by
Great Writers of Past and Present Ages]
Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader, 39647
by Ernesto Nelson
Shaggycoat, by Clarence Hawkes 39646
[Subtitle: The Biography of a Beaver]
[Illustrator: Charles Copeland]
Highlife in New York: a series of letters to Mr. Zephariah Slick, 39645
by Ann S. Stephens
Whilomville Stories, by Stephen Crane 39644
[Illustrator: Peter Newell]
The Bungalow Boys Along the Yukon, by Dexter J. Forrester 39643
[Author a.k.a. John Henry Goldfrap]
[Illustrator: Charles L. Wrenn]
Kashmir, by Sir Francis Edward Younghusband 39642
[Illustrator: E. Molyneux]
Georgina's Service Stars, by Annie Fellows Johnston 39641
[Illustrator: Thelma Gooch]
Literary Fables of Yriarte, by Tomas de Iriarte 39640
[Translator: Geo. H. Devereux]
Picturesque World's Fair, Vol. I, No. 1, Feb. 10, 1894, by Anonymous 39639
[Subtitle: An Elaborate Collection of Colored Views...
Comprising Illustrations of the Greatest Features of
the World's Columbian Exposition and Midway Plaisance:
Architectural, Artistic, Historical, Scenic and Ethnological]
[This is the first of a series of photographic essays
on the 1894 Chicago World's Fair.]
The Tribute, by Philo 39638
[Subtitle: A Panegyrical Poem]
Les fiançailles, by Maurice Maeterlinck 39637
[Subtitle: Féerie en cinq actes et onze tableaux]
[Language: French]
Kuningas Henrik Neljäs II, by William Shakespeare 39636
[Language: Finnish]
The Best Short Stories of 1918, by Various 39635
[Subtitle: and the Yearbook of the American Short Story]
[Editor: Edward O'Brien]
Sketches of Successful New Hampshire Men, by Various 39634
Menexenos, by Plato 39633
[Language: Greek]
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 13, Slice 1, by Various 39632
[Subtitle: "Harmony" to "Heanor"]
The Runaways, by Nat Gould 39631
[Subtitle: A New and Original Story]
Recollections of Abraham Lincoln 1847-1865, by Ward Hill Lamon 39630
Irma in Italy, by Helen Leah Reed 39629
[Subtitle: A Travel Story]
[Illustrator: William A McCullough]
The Expositor's Bible: The Pastoral Epistles, by Alfred Plummer 39628
English and Scottish Ballads, Volume V (of 8), by Unknown 39627
[Editor: Francis James Child]
An Alphabet of History, by Wilbur D. Nesbit 39626
[Illustrator: Ellsworth Young]
History of Llangollen and its Vicinity, by W. T. Simpson 39625
[Subtitle: including a circuit of about seven miles]
Der Kinderkreuzzug, by Marcel Schwob 39624
[Language: German]
Der Held unserer Zeit, by Michail Jurjewitsch Lermontow 39623
[Subtitle: Kaukasische Lebensbilder]
[Language: German]
The Church In Politics--Americans Beware!, by M. M. Mangasarian 39622
The Jenolan Caves, by Samuel Cook 39621
[Subtitle: An Excursion in Australian Wonderland]
Constantinople painted by Warwick Goble, by Alexander Van Millingen 39620
[Illustrator: Warwick Goble]
Trotzkopf als Grossmutter, by Suse la Chapelle-Roobol 39619
[Language: German]
Humus, by Raul Germano Brandão 39618
[Language: Portuguese]
Curiosities of the American Stage, by Laurence Hutton 39617
In the Hands of the Malays, and Other Stories, by George Alfred Henty 39616
Life and Adventures of Bruce, the African Traveller, by Francis Head 39615
Ardours and Endurances, by Robert Malise Bowyer Nichols 39614
[Subtitle: Also a Faun's Holiday & Poems and Phantasies]
Papeles del doctor Angélico, by Armando Palacio Valdés 39613
[Language: Spanish]
The Life of a Conspirator, by Thomas Longueville 39612
[Subtitle: Being a Biography of Sir Everard Digby
by One of His Descendants]
Mortomley's Estate, Vol. I (of 3), 39611
by Charlotte Elizabeth Lawson Cowan Riddell
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Riding for Ladies, by W. A. Kerr 39610
Pirates, by Colin Campbell Clements 39609
[Subtitle: A comedy in one act]
The Magic of the Middle Ages, by Viktor Rydberg 39608
[Translator: August Hjalmar Edgren]
The American Indians, by Henry R. Schoolcraft 39607
[Subtitle: Their History, Condition and Prospects,
from Original Notes and Manuscripts]
Ande Trembath, by Matthew Stanley Kemp 39606
[Subtitle: A Tale of Old Cornwall England]
Hand-book for Horsewomen, by H. L. De Bussigny 39605
Burlesques, by H. M. Bateman 39604
The Public Life of Queen Victoria, by John McGilchrist 39603
The Industrial Arts in Spain, by Juan F. Riaño 39602
Devotional Lyrics (Gitanjali), by Rabindranath Tagore 39601
[Language: Greek]
Greek Epic / Lucifer (Ioannis Tsimiskis), by Charilaos Papantoniou 39600
[Language: Greek]
The Little Colonel in Arizona, by Annie Fellows Johnston 39599
[Illustrator: Etheldred B. Barry]
Asa Holmes, by Annie Fellows Johnston 39598
[Subtitle: or At the Cross-Roads]
[Illustrator: Ernest Fosbery]
British Quarterly Review, American Edition, Vol. LIII, by Various 39597
[Subtitle: January and April, 1871]
Georgina of the Rainbows, by Annie Fellows Johnston 39596
The Hall and the Grange, by Archibald Marshall 39595
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Little Colonel's Knight Comes Riding, by Annie Fellows Johnston 39594
[Illustrator: Etheldred B. Barry]
Aunt 'Liza's Hero and Other Stories, by Annie Fellows Johnston 39593
and W. L. Taylor
Princess Mary's Gift Book, by Various 39592
[Subtitle: All profits on sale given to the Queen's
"Work for Women" Fund which is acting in Conjunction
with The National Relief Fund]
[Illustrator: Various]
Keeping Tryst, by Annie Fellows Johnston 39591
[Subtitle: A Tale of King Arthur's Time]
Some Account of Llangollen and its Vicinity, by W. T. Simpson 39590
L'Illustration, No. 0039, 25 Novembre 1843, by Various 39589
[Language: French]
The Human Slaughter-House, by Wilhelm Lamszus 39588
[Subtitle: Scenes from the War that is Sure to Come]
[Translator: Oakley Williams]
The Graftons, by Archibald Marshall 39587
[Subtitle: A Novel]
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