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This is the Project Gutenberg Newsletter for February 2014
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* Help sought for Storybud
* New eBook releases from the past month
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* Help sought for Storybud
I am a visually impaired student and father of 2 young children.As
part of my studies at college here in Mayo, Ireland, I have designed a
story website,
Initially the site was created for parents in a similar visually
impaired situation to myself, i.e. we cannot 'read' stories to our
children in the traditional book sense. The site works with speech
software used by blind and visually impaired computer users,
allowing them the same enjoyment of story telling. However since its
inception December 2011 the site has been expanded to allow many
different users to access the site, and of course the site can also be
used and enjoyed by sighted users as well.
Storybud has further developed and now has 3 different formats: text,
audio combined text, and audio. Stories are 'blocked' into short text
blocks to assist beginner readers. Project Gutenberg readers might be
interested in this as a learning or leisure resource. Please note
storybud is a community oriented project and I have no interest in
commercialising it. It is purely to share the joy of stories from
around the world in an inclusive manner.
Most of the material is from Project Gutenberg and Librivox, who have
allowed us to use same. If you have any questions, comments, feedback
etc you can contact me at: Paul Halligan <tigerone(a)>
Also if you know of any other organizations/bodies who may be
interested in the project please pass on the site url:
* New eBook releases from the past month
The Old Showmen and the Old London Fairs, by Thomas Frost 41961
Travels in Arabia, by Bayard Taylor 41960
Philippine Progress Prior to 1898, by Various 41959
[Subtitle: A Source Book of Philippine History to Supply
a Fairer View of Filipino Participation and Supplement
the Defective Spanish Accounts]
[Editors: Austin Craig and Conrado Benitez]
The Microscope, by Andrew Ross 41958
Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts, Sixth Ed., Volume II, 41957
by Arnold Cooley and Richard Tuson
Hans Råskov, by Knud Hjortø 41956
[Language: Danish]
The Ship in the Desert, by Joaquin Miller 41955
The Wheel of Fortune, by Mahatma Gandhi 41954
Cyrus Hall McCormick, by Herbert Newton Casson 41953
[Subtitle: His Life and Work]
Scott Greenwood and Co. Catalogue of Special Technical 41952
Works, 1903, by Various
[Subtitle: For Manufacturers, Students, and Technical
Schools, by Expert Writers]
No eBook 41951
The Visions of Quevedo, by Dom Francisco de Quevedo 41950
[Translator: William Elliot]
Cyrano de Bergerac, by Edmond Rostand 41949
[Subtitle: An Heroic Comedy in Five Acts]
[Translator: Charles Renauld]
Guida delle Prealpi Giulie, by Olinto Marinelli 41948
[Subtitle: Distretti di Gemona, Tarcento, S. Daniele,
Cividale e S. Pietro]
[Illustrator: Antonio Pontini]
[Language: Italian]
Boucher, by Haldane Macfall 41947
[Subtitle: Masterpieces in Colour Series]
Report of the Several Works Connected with the Draining, Paving 41946
& Lighting the Parish of Saint Mary Abbotts, Kensington, 1856,
by James Broadbridge
Dream Blocks, by Aileen Cleveland Higgins 41945
[Illustrator: Jessie Willcox Smith]
On Patrol, by John Graham Bower and Klaxon 41944
Madame de Longueville, by Victor Cousin 41943
[Subtitle: La Jeunesse de Madame de Longueville]
[Language: French]
Whitman's Ride Through Savage Lands, by Oliver Woodson Nixon 41942
[Subtitle: with Sketches of Indian Life]
Urania, by Camille Flammarion 41941
[Illustrators: De Bieler, Myrbach, and Gambard]
[Translator: Augusta Rice Stetson]
The Boston Cooking-School Magazine, Vol. XV, No. 2, 41940
Aug.-Sept., 1910, by Various
[Editor: Janet McKenzie Hill]
Rosa Bonheur, by François Crastre 41939
[Subtitle: Masterpieces in Colour Series]
[Translator: Frederic Taber Cooper]
Principles and Practice of Fur Dressing and Fur Dyeing, 41938
by William E. Austin
Camping, by Alexandra G. Lockwine 41937
Principles of Political Economy, by Arthur Latham Perry 41936
Adventures of Ulysses the Wanderer, by Cyril Arthur Edward Ranger Gull 41935
[Illustrator: W. G. Mein]
Idling in Italy, by Joseph Collins 41934
[Subtitle: studies of literature and of life]
Hihhuleita, by Johan Jacob Ahrenberg 41933
[Subtitle: Kuvauksia Itä-Suomesta]
[Language: Finnish]
A Fair Mystery, by Bertha M. Clay 41932
[Subtitle: The Story of a Coquette]
[Author a.k.a. Charlotte Mary Brame]
Sklaven der Liebe, by Knut Hamsun 41931
[Subtitle: und andere Novellen: Sklaven der Liebe--Der Sohn der
Sonne--ZachäusÜber das Meer--Ein Erzschelm--Vater und Sohn]
[Language: German]
A Select Collection of Old English Plays, by W. Carew Hazlitt 41930
[Subtitle: Originally published by Robert Dodsley in the year 1744]
Arethusa, by F. Marion Crawford 41929
[Illustrator: Gertrude Demain Hammond]
A Collection of Rare and Curious Tracts on Witchcraft 41928
and the Second Sight, by Unknown
[Subtitle: With an Original Essay on Witchcraft]
A Complete Guide to the Ornamental Leather Work, by James Revell 41927
Friar Tuck, by Robert Alexander Wason 41926
[Illustrator: Stanley L. Wood]
The Pioneer Woodsman as He is Related to Lumbering 41925
in the Northwest, by George Henry Warren
Renaissance in Italy, Volume 2 (of 7), by John Addington Symonds 41924
[Subtitle: The Revival of Learning]
The Golden Bough (Third Edition, Vol. 6 of 12), by James George Frazer 41923
[Subtitle: Adonis Attis Osiris, Vol. 2 of 2]
The Bedroom and Boudoir, by Lady Barker 41922
The Maker of Rainbows, by Richard Le Gallienne 41921
[Subtitle: And other Fairy-tales and Fables]
[Illustrator: Elizabeth Shippen Green]
The Moths of the British Isles, Second Series, by Richard South 41920
[Subtitle: Comprising the Families Noctuidæ to Hepialidæ]
Camp Venture, by George Cary Eggleston 41919
[Subtitle: A Story of the Virginia Mountains]
[Illustrator: W. A. McCullough]
Philippines Past and Present (Volume 2 of 2), by Dean Conant Worcester 41918
The Confounding of Camelia, by Anne Douglas Sedgwick 41917
Nestleton Magna, by J. Jackson Wray 41916
[Subtitle: A Story of Yorkshire Methodism]
Hossfeld's Spanish Dialogues and Idiomatic Phrases indispensable 41915
for a Rapid Acquisition of the Spanish Language, by W. N. Cornett
The Stones of Paris in History and Letters, Volume I (of 2)] 41914
by Benjamin Ellis Martin and Charlotte M. Martin
Travels Through North America, v. 1-2, by Berhard Saxe-Weimar Eisenach 41913
[Subtitle: During the Years 1825 and 1826.]
A Survivor's Recollections of the Whitman Massacre, by Matilda Sager 41912
The Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt, by James W. Barrett 41911
and Percival E. Deane
[Subtitle: An Illustrated and Detailed Account of the Early
Organisation and Work of the Australian Medical Units in
Egypt in 1914-1915]
The Rise of the Mediaeval Church, by Alexander Clarence Flick 41910
[Subtitle: And its Influence on the Civilization of Western
Europe from The First to the The Thirteen Century]
The Crimson Thread, by Roy J. Snell 41909
[Subtitle: An Adventure Story for Girls]
The Visions of Dom Francisco de Quevedo Villegas, 41908
by Dom Francisco de Quevedo
[Translator: Roger L'Estrange]
Demian, by Hermann Hesse 41907
[Subtitle: Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend]
[Language: German]
Princess Sarah and Other Stories, by John Strange Winter 41906
Captives of the Flame, by Samuel R. Delany 41905
Busekow, by Carl Sternheim 41904
[Subtitle: Eine Novelle]
[Language: German]
Einstein et l'univers, by Charles Nordmann 41903
[Subtitle: Une lueur dans le mystère des choses]
[Language: French]
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 16, Slice 1, by Various 41902
[Subtitle: "L" to "Lamellibranchia"]
The Victorious Attitude, by Orison Swett Marden 41901
How To Master The English Bible, by James Gray 41900
[Subtitle: An Experience, A Method, A Result, An Illustration]
The Modern Housewife or, Ménagère, by Alexis Soyer 41899
[Subtitle: Comprising Nearly One Thousand Receipts,
for the Economic and Judicious Preparation of
Every Meal of the Day, with those of The Nursery
and Sick Room, and Minute Directions for Family
Management in All its Branches]
Introducing the American Spirit, by Edward A. Steiner 41898
Chitta Ranjan, by Sukumar Ranjan Das 41897
Dave Fearless and the Cave of Mystery, by Roy Rockwood 41896
[Subtitle: or, Adrift on the Pacific]
The Green Bough, by E. Temple Thurston 41895
Christmas-Tide, by Elizabeth Harrison 41894
Expositor's Bible: The Book of Jeremiah, by William Henry Bennett 41893
[Subtitle: Chapters XXI.-LII.]
Dynamic Thought, by William Walker Atkinson 41892
[Subtitle: or The Law of Vibrant Energy]
Automobile Biographies, by Lyman Horace Weeks 41891
[Subtitle: An Account of the Lives and the Work
of Those Who Have Been Identified with the
Invention and Development of Self-Propelled
Vehicles on the Common Roads]
The Barrier, by Allen French 41890
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Benton of the Royal Mounted, by Ralph S. Kendall 41889
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police]
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bona, by Ernest Evan Spicer 41888
and Ernest Charles Pegler
[Subtitle: Being a Series of Problems
in Executorship Law and Accounts]
[Illustrator: E. T. Reed]
Filippo Lippi, by Paul G. Konody 41887
Chardin, by Paul G. Konody 41886
Kwan-yin, by Stella Benson 41885
La situacion de Puerto-rico: Las falacias de los conservadores 41884
y los compromisos del partido radical, by Anonymous
[Language: Spanish]
Gesänge aus den drei Reichen, by Franz Werfel 41883
[Subtitle: Ausgewählte Gedichte]
[Language: German]
Der Tor, by Bernhard Kellermann 41882
[Language: German]
The Corsican Brothers, by Alexandre Dumas, pere 41881
[Translator: Henry Frith]
Wild Folk, by Samuel Scoville 41880
[Illustrators: Charles Livingston Bull and Carton Moorepark]
Dick Merriwell's Pranks, by Burt L. Standish 41879
[Subtitle: Lively Times in the Orient]
Changing China, by William Gascoyne-Cecil and Florence Gascoyne-Cecil 41878
The Lure of the Mississippi, by D. Lange 41877
[Illustrator: W. L. Howes]
The Yellow Book, by Henry Harland 41876
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Quarterly, Vol. 2, July 1894]
The Yellow Book, by Henry Harland 41875
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Quarterly. Vol. 1, April 1894]
Turha voitto, by Anton Tsehov 41874
[Subtitle: Kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
The History of Prostitution, by William W. Sanger 41873
[Subtitle: Its Extent, Causes, and Effects throughout the World]
Le Peuple de la mer, by Marc Elder 41872
[Language: French]
Scribner's Magazine, Volume 26, July 1899, by Various 41871
Gold and Incense, by Mark Guy Pearse 41870
[Subtitle: A West Country Story]
Old Tavern Signs, by Fritz August Gottfried Endell 41869
[Subtitle: An Excursion in the History of Hospitality]
History of Ioannis Kapodistrias, Governor of Greece, 41868
by Trifon Evangelidis
[Language: Greek]
The Cloud, by Sartell Prentice 41867
Dick Merriwell's Trap, by Burt L. Standish 41866
[Subtitle: The Chap Who Bungled]
Leaves for a Christmas Bough, by Unknown 41865
[Subtitle: Love, Truth, and Hope]
Life of Kit Carson, by Charles Burdett 41864
[Subtitle: The Great Western Hunter and Guide]
Ragna, by Anna Miller Costantini 41863
The Spirit of America, by Henry Van Dyke 41862
The Red Rugs of Tarsus, by Helen Davenport Gibbons 41861
[Subtitle: A Woman's Record of the Armenian Massacre of 1909]
The Ornithology of Shakespeare, by James Edmund Harting 41860
[Subtitle: Critically examined, explained and illustrated]
The Terms of Surrender, by Louis Tracy 41859
Smith College Stories, by Josephine Dodge Daskam 41858
[Subtitle: Ten Stories by Josephine Dodge Daskam]
The Broken Sword, by Dennison Worthington 41857
[Subtitle: A Pictorial Page in Reconstruction]
[Illustrator: James Dempsey Bullock]
Manual of References and Exercises in Economics, by Frank A. Fetter 41856
[Subtitle: For Use with Volume II. Modern Economic Problems]
The Marne, by Edith Wharton 41855
[Subtitle: A Tale of the War]
Polly the Pagan, by Isabel Anderson 41854
[Subtitle: Her Lost Love Letters]
Rafael Cordero, by Salvador Brau 41853
[Subtitle: Elogio Póstumo]
[Language: Spanish]
Court Beauties of Old Whitehall, by W. R. H. Trowbridge 41852
[Subtitle: Historiettes of the Restoration]
Copper Work, by Augustus F. Rose 41851
[Subtitle: A Text Book for Teachers and Students in the Manual Arts]
Expositor's Bible: The Second Epistle to the Corinthians, 41850
by James Denney
The Human Race, by Louis Figuier 41849
With the Judæans in the Palestine Campaign, by John Henry Patterson 41848
Baseball Joe in the Central League, by Lester Chadwick 41847
[Subtitle: or, Making Good as a Professional Pitcher]
Bolax, by Josephine Culpeper 41846
[Subtitle: Imp or Angel--Which?]
Onamaalu, by Rama Mohana Rao Mahidhara 41845
[Language: Telugu]
The Golden Bough, by George Gibbs 41844
Nouveau Glossaire Genevois, tome 1/2, by Jean Humbert 41843
[Language: French]
El aceite de olivas, by Alejandro Bizzarri 41842
[Language: Spanish]
Aikojen yöstä, by Kyösti Wilkuna 41841
[Subtitle: Historiallisia kertomuksia IV]
[Language: Finnish]
The Elements of Geology; Adapted to the Use of Schools 41840
and Colleges, by Justin R. Loomis
The Boy's Playbook of Science, by John Henry Pepper 41839
The Art of Logical Thinking, by William Walker Atkinson 41838
[Subtitle: or the Laws of Reasoning]
The Secret Mark, by Roy J. Snell 41837
[Subtitle: An Adventure Story for Girls]
[Illustrator: Garrett Price]
Carlo Dolci, by George Hay 41836
[Subtitle: Masterpieces in Colour Series]
Puvis de Chavannes, by Francois Crastre 41835
[Subtitle: Masterpieces in Colour Series]
Fra Angelico, by James Mason 41834
[Subtitle: Masterpieces in Colour Series]
The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, 41833
Vol. V (of 12), by Various
[Editor: Jared Sparks]
The Golden Bough (Third Edition, Vol. 3 of 12), by James George Frazer 41832
[Subtitle: Taboo and the Perils of the Soul]
Betty Leicester's Christmas, by Sarah Orne Jewett 41831
[Illustrator: Anna Whelan Betts]
The Spell of Flanders, by Edward Neville Vose 41830
[Subtitle: An Outline of the History, Legends
and Art of Belgium's Famous Northern Provinces]
The Serf, by Guy Thorne 41829
[Author a.k.a. Cyril Arthur Edward Ranger Gull]
General Bounce, by G. J. Whyte-Melville 41828
[Subtitle: or The Lady and the Locusts]
[Illustrator: Frances E. Ewan]
Dick Merriwell Abroad, by Burt L. Standish 41827
[Subtitle: The Ban of the Terrible Ten]
Wild Heather, by L. T. Meade 41826
The Road Builders, by Samuel Merwin 41825
[Illustrator: F. B. Masters]
Hogarth, by C. Lewis Hind 41824
Belford's Magazine, Vol II, No. 10, March 1889, by Various 41823
Phroso, by Anthony Hope 41822
[Subtitle: A romance]
Politica estera, by Francesco Crispi 41821
[Subtitle: memorie e documenti]
[Language: Italian]
The Champagne Standard, by Mrs. John Lane 41820
The Political Future of India, by Lajpat Rai 41819
Hermann Lauscher, by Hermann Hesse 41818
[Language: German]
John Marvel, Assistant, by Thomas Nelson Page 41817
[Illustrator: James Montgomery Flagg]
Ann Arbor Tales, by Karl Edwin Harriman 41816
Le web, une encyclop?die multilingue, by Marie Lebert 41815C
[Language: French]
The web, a multilingual encyclopedia, by Marie Lebert 41814C
How to Catalogue a Library, by Henry Benjamin Wheatley 41813
Variation in the Muscles and Nerves of the Leg in Two Genera 41812
of Grouse (Tympanuchus and Pedioecetes), by E. Bruce Holmes
Life of Thomas à Becket, by Henry Hart Milman 41811
A Spanish Anthology, by Various 41810
[Subtitle: A Collection of Lyrics from the
Thirteenth Century Down to the Present Time]
[Editor: Jeremiah Denis Matthias Ford]
Byron, by Richard Edgcumbe 41809
[Subtitle: The Last Phase]
The San Francisco Fairy, by Anonymous 41808
[Subtitle: A Tale of Early Times]
The Panama Canal, by Frederic Jennings Haskin 41807
[Illustrator: Ernest Hallen]
Impressions of America, by Oscar Wilde 41806
History of the Catholic Church in Paterson, N.J., by Charles A. Shriner 41805
[Subtitle: with an Account of the Celebration of the
Fiftieth Anniversary of the Establishment of St. John's Church]
A Legend of Reading Abbey, by Charles MacFarlane 41804
Joan of the Sword Hand, by Samuel Rutherford Crockett 41803
[Illustrator: Frank Richards]
Frank in the Mountains, by Harry Castlemon 41802
The Diary of a Saint, by Arlo Bates 41801
The Treaty of Waitangi, by T. Lindsay Buick 41800
[Subtitle: or how New Zealand became a British Colony]
The Old Pike, by Thomas B. Searight 41799
[Subtitle: A History of the National Road, with
Incidents, Accidents, and Anecdotes thereon]
Van Eyck, by James Cyril M. Weale 41798
[Subtitle: Masterpieces in Colour Series]
The Story Book Girls, by Christina Gowans Whyte 41797
The Brownie of Bodsbeck, and Other Tales, Vol. II (of 2), by James Hogg 41796
Tales of Northumbria, by Howard Pease 41795
The Last Miracle, by M. P. Shiel 41794
The Strand Magazine, Volume XVII, February 1899, No. 98, by Various 41793
Theodore Watts-Dunton, by James Douglas 41792
[Subtitle: Poet, Novelist, Critic]
The House by the River, by A. P. Herbert 41791
Quintus Oakes, by Charles Ross Jackson 41790
[Subtitle: A Detective Story]
Diario de la expedicion de 1822 a los campos del sud de Buenos 41789
Aires, by Pedro Andres Garcia and Jose Maria de los Reyes
[Subtitle: Desde Moron hasta la Sierra de la Ventana]
[Language: Spanish]
General Gatacre, by Beatrix Gatacre 41788
[Subtitle: The Story of the Life and Services of Sir William
Forbes Gatacre, K.C.B., D.S.O., 1843-1906]
Reports of the Committee on the Conduct of the War, 41787
by the United States Senate, B. F. Wade and D. W. Gooch
[Subtitle: Fort Pillow Massacre. Returned Prisoners]
Maria, by Peter Nansen 41786
[Subtitle: En Bog om Kærlighed]
[Language: Danish]
Archaic England, by Harold Bayley 41785
[Subtitle: An Essay in Deciphering Prehistory
from Megalithic Monuments, Earthworks, Customs,
Coins, Place-names, and Faerie Superstitions]
Wyoming, by Edward Sylvester Ellis 41784
King Arthur in Cornwall, by William Howship Dickinson 41783
The Moths of the British Isles, First Series, by Richard South 41782
[Subtitle: Comprising the Families Sphingidae to Noctuidae]
The Country House, by Alexis de Châteauneuf 41781
and Sir Charles Lock Eastlake
[Subtitle: With Designs ]
Hellaassa, by Santeri Ivalo 41780
[Language: Finnish]
The Human Boy and the War, by Eden Phillpotts 41779
Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National 41778
Formulary, by A. W. Hewlett, Torald Sollmann, M. I. Wilbert
and W. A. Puckner
[Subtitle: With Comments]
Blazing Arrow, by Edward S. Ellis 41777
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Frontier]
America, Volume III (of 6), by Joel Cook 41776
Cornish Characters, by S. Baring-Gould 41775
[Subtitle: and Strange Events]
Pincher Martin, O.D., by H. Taprell Dorling 41774
[Subtitle: A Story of the Inner Life of the Royal Navy]
[Illustrator: C. Flemming Williams]
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 16, Slice 2, by Various 41773
[Subtitle: "Lamennais, Robert de" to "Latini, Brunetto"]
The Silent Alarm, by Roy J. Snell 41772
[Subtitle: A Mystery Story for Boys]
The History of Sulu, by Najeeb M. Saleeby 41771
Studies in Moro History, Law, and Religion, by Najeeb M. Saleeby 41770
Corneille expliqué aux enfants, by Émile Faguet 41769
[Illustrator: Hubert-François Gravelot]
[Language: French]
Harper's New Monthly Magazine, No. IX, February, 1851, Vol. II, 41768
by Various
The Hero of Panama, by F. S. Brereton 41767
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Great Canal]
[Illustrator: William Rainey]
The Jesuits, 1534-1921, by Thomas J. Campbell 41766
[Subtitle: A History of the Society of Jesus
from Its Foundation to the Present Time]
Half a Hundred Hero Tales, by Various 41765
[Subtitle: of Ulysses and The Men of Old]
[Editor: Francis Storr]
[Illustrator: Frank C. Papé]
Albrecht, by Arlo Bates 41764
Dissertatio inauguralis physico-medica de respiratione, 41763
by Daniel Bernoulli
[Subtitle: quam consensu & auctoritate gratiosissimi
medicorum ordinis in universitate patria pro summis
in arte medica honoribus & privilegiis doctoralibus
rite consequendis....]
[Language: Latin]
The Queer, the Quaint and the Quizzical, by Frank H. Stauffer 41762
[Subtitle: A Cabinet for the Curious]
Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall, Second Series, 41761
by William Bottrell
[Illustrator: Joseph Blight]
The Poetical Works of James Beattie, by James Beattie 41760
International Law, by George Grafton Wilson and George Fox Tucker 41759
Under the Chinese Dragon, by F. S. Brereton 41758
[Subtitle: A Tale of Mongolia]
[Illustrator: Charles M. Sheldon]
Roger the Bold, by F. S. Brereton 41757
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Conquest of Mexico]
[Illustrator: Stanley L. Wood]
Against the Current, by Edward A. Steiner 41756
[Subtitle: Simple Chapters from A Complex Life]
Greater Britain, by Charles Wentworth Dilke 41755
[Subtitle: A Record of Travel in English-Speaking
Countries During 1866-7]
Jimmy Quixote, by Tom Gallon 41754
[Subtitle: A novel]
Dave Dawson at Truk, by Robert Sydney Bowen 41753
The City of Beautiful Nonsense, by E. Temple Thurston 41752
Travels in Central Asia, by Arminius Vámbéry 41751
The Magistrate, by Arthur Pinero 41750
[Subtitle: A Farce in Three Acts]
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