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~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Mar 2015 to 31 Mar 2015 ~ ~ ~ ~
Sun, Sand and Somals, by H. Rayne 48598
[Subtitle: Leaves from the note-book of a
District Commissioner in British Somaliland]
Harper's Young People, August 2, 1881, by Various 48597
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Weekly]
Take It From Dad, by George G. Livermore 48596
Ihmisruumiin substanssi suomalais-ugrilaisten 48595
kansojen taikuudessa,by Albert Hämäläinen
[Subtitle: Taikapsykologinen tutkimus]
[Language: Finnish]
Touring in 1600, by Ernest Stuart Bates 48594
[Subtitle: A Study in the Development
of Travel as a Means of Education]
As the Goose Flies, by Katherine Pyle 48593
The Square Jaw, by Henry Ruffin and André Tudesq 48592
Motor Matt's Promise, by Stanley R. Matthews 48591
[Subtitle: or, The Wreck of the Hawk]
Oeuvres de P. Corneille, Tome 6, by Pierre Corneille 48590
[Language: French]
Humanitarian Philosophy, 4th Edition, by Emil Edward Kusel 48589
English Industries of the Middle Ages, by Louis Francis Salzmann        48588
[Subtitle: Being an Introduction to the
Industrial History of Medieval England]
Die stählerne Mauer, by Ludwig Ganghofer                                48587
[Subtitle: Reise zur deutschen Front 1915, Zweiter Teil]
[Language: German]
The War, by James H. Wood                                               48586
No Posting 48585
Big Game Shooting, Vol. 1 of 2, by Clive Phillipps-Wolley 48584
[Illustrator: Charles Whymper]
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No.306, by Various 48583
[Subtitle: New Series, Saturday, November 10, 1849]
[Editors: William Chambers and Robert Chambers]
My Life at Sea, by W. Caius Crutchley 48582
Variétés Historiques et Littéraires (10/10), par Various 48581
[Subtitle: Recueil de poèces volantes rares
et curieuses en prose et en vers]
[Language: French]
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 305, by Various 48580
[Subtitle: New Series, Saturday, November 3, 1849]
[Editors: William Chambers and Robert Chambers]
Birds and Nature, Vol. 8, No. 4, November 1900, by Various 48579
[Subtitle: Illustrated by Color Photography]
Ludwig the Second, by Clara Tschudi 48578
[Subtitle: King of Bavaria]
Colin Campbell, by Archibald Forbes 48577
[Subtitle: Lord Clyde]
Racconti politici, by Antonio Ghislanzoni 48576
[Language: Italian]
Century of Inventions of the Marquis of Worcester, 48575
by Charles F. Partington
[Subtitle: from the Original MS with Historical
and Explanatory Notes and a Biographical Memoir]
Ylämaan leski, by Walter Scott 48574
[Subtitle: Kuvaus Skotlannin tuntureilta]
[Language: Finnish]
British and Foreign Arms and Armour, by Charles Henry Ashdown 48573
Germany before the war, by Eugène-Napoléon Beyens                       48572
Philip of Texas, by James Otis                                          48571
[Subtitle: A Story of Sheep Raising in Texas]
Wasserjungfern, by Hermann Löns                                         48570
[Subtitle: Geschichten von
Sommerboten und Sonnenkündern]
[Language: German]
No Posting 48569
The Gate of Remembrance, by Frederick Bligh Bond 48568
[Subtitle: The Story of the Psychological Experiment
which Resulted in the Discovery of the Edgar Chapel
at Glastonbury]
Vertheidigung des Herrn Wieland gegen die Wolken, von dem 48567
Verfasser der Wolken, by Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz
[Subtitle: Deutsche Litteraturdenkmale des 18. und 19.
Jahrhunderts, No. 121, Dritte Folge No. 1]
[Language: German]
Barracks, Bivouacs and Battles, by Archibald Forbes 48566
Making Life Worth While, by Douglas Fairbanks 48565
Marcus O'Brienin kohtalo, by Jack London 48564
[Language: Finnish]
Interpretations of Poetry and Religion, by George Santayana 48563
The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, 48562
Vol. 5: Quebec, 1632-1633, by Various
[Editor: Reuben Gold Thwaites]
Berkshire, by H. W. Monckton 48561
Schöne Aussicht, by Louise Spilker 48560
[Subtitle: A Journal of Our Trip Abroad]
Meine Lebens-Erinnerungen - Band 3 of 4, by Adam Oehlenschläger 48559
[Language: German]
Meine Lebens-Erinnerungen - Band 2 of 4, by Adam Oehlenschläger 48558
[Language: German]
Meine Lebens-Erinnerungen - Band 1 of 4, by Adam Oehlenschläger 48557
[Language: German]
Harper's Round Table, November 12, 1895, by Various 48556
The History of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, by Unknown 48555
De zoon van Kazan, by James Oliver Curwood 48554
[Language: Dutch]
Emblematic Illumination; or Forms, Colours and Emblems, by Anonymous 48553
[Subtitle: Suitable for Illuminating Texts of Holy Scripture
in Large Style, in Oils or Water-colours]
[Editor: Frances Margaret Redgrave]
The Blissylvania Post-Office, by Marion Ames Taggart 48552
Costume: Fanciful, Historical and Theatrical, by Mrs. Aria 48551
[Illustrator: Percy Anderson]
Campaigning in Kaffirland, by W. R. King 48550
[Subtitle: Or Scenes and Adventures
in The Kaffir War of 1851-52]
March Anson and Scoot Bailey of the U.S. Navy, by Gregory Duncan 48549
[Illustrator: Henry E. Vallely]
Further remarks on the policy of lending Bodleian printed 48548
books and manuscripts, by Henry W. Chandler
Farmers' Bulletin No. 447, Bees, by E. F. Phillips 48547
USDOA Farmer's Bulletin No. 59, Bee Keeping, by Frank Benton 48546
Fables of Field and Staff, by James Albert Frye 48545
Harry, by Kaarlo August Järvi                                          48544
[Subtitle: Romaani kansallisen herätyksen ajoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Briefe, die ihn nicht erreichten, by Elisabeth Heyking 48543
[Language: German]
Ãl Sgner Pirein, by Antonio Fiacchi 48542
[Illustrator: Augusto Majani]
[Language: Italian]
Robinson in Australien, by Amalia Schoppe 48541
[Subtitle: Ein Lehr- und Lesebuch für gute Kinder]
[Language: German]
Birds and Nature Vol. 8, No. 3, October 1900, by Various 48540
[Subtitle: Illustrated by Color Photography]
A System of Pyrotechny, by James Cutbush 48539
[Subtitle: Comprehending the theory and practice,
with the application of chemistry; designed for
exhibition and for war]
Comrades, by George M. Baker 48538
[Subtitle: A Drama in Three Acts]
Billy Bounce, by William Wallace Denslow and Dudley A. Bragdon 48537
[Illustrator: William Wallace Denslow]
The Motor Boys on the Border, by Clarence Young 48536
[Subtitle: Or, Sixty Nuggets of Gold]
Spanish America, Its Romance, Reality and Future, Vol. 2 of 2, 48535
by Charles Reginald Enock
With the Flag to Pretoria, by H. W. Wilson 48534
[Subtitle: A History of the Boer War
of 1899-1900. Volume 1]
Sweet Hours, by Carmen Sylva 48533
The Last Days of Fort Vaux, by Henry Bordeaux 48532
The Romaunce of The Sowdone of Babylone and of Ferumbras 48531
his Sone who conquerede Rome, by Anonymous
[Editor: Emil Hausknecht]
Giardino di Ricreatione, by John Florio 48530
[Language: Italian]
Essais de Montaigne, by Michel de Montaigne 48529
[Language: French]
The great probability of a North West Passage, by Thomas Jefferys 48528
Der Doppelgänger, by Fyodor Dostoyewsky 48527
[Language: German]
Dansen på Frötjärn, by Hjalmar Bergman 48526
[Subtitle: Komedier i Bergslagen II]
[Language: Swedish]
A Concise Chronicle of Events of the Great War, by R. P. P. Rowe 48525
Motor Matt's Queer Find, by Stanley R. Matthews 48524
[Subtitle: or, The Secret of The Iron Chest]
Birds and Nature, Vol. 8, No. 2, September 1900, by Various 48523
[Subtitle: Illustrated by Color Photography]
Old Country Life, by S. Baring-Gould 48522
[Illustrators: W. Parkinson, F. D. Bedford and F. Masey]
The Price of Blood, by Howard Pyle 48521
[Subtitle: An Extravaganza of New York Life in 1807]
[Illustrator: Howard Pyle]
Variétés Historiques et Littéraires (9/10), by Various 48520
[Subtitle: Recueil de piéces volantes rares
et curieuses en prose et en vers]
[Language: French]
Variétés Historiques et Littéraires (7/10), by Various 48519
[Subtitle: Recueil de pièces volantes rares
et curieuses en prose et en vers]
[Language: French]
Chez les passants, by Auguste de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam 48518
[Language: French]
Mother Stories from the Book of Mormon, by William A. Morton 48517
Curiosities of Science, Past and Present, by John Timbs 48516
[Subtitle: A Book for Old and Young]
Psycho Vox, by Charles Emerson 48515
[Subtitle: or The Emerson System
of Voice Culture]
The Lake-Dwellings of Europe, by Robert Munroe 48514
[Subtitle: Being the Rhind Lectures
in Archæology for 1888]
His Master's Voice, by Gordon Randall Garrett 48513
Della scienza militare, by Luigi Blanch                                 48512
[Language: Italian]
Vikram and the Vampire, by Richard F. Burton, F.R.G.SÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 48511
[Subtitle: or Tales of Hindu Devilry]
[Illustrator: Ernest Griset]
Thirteen Stories, by R. B. Cunninghame Graham 48510
Reminiscences of the King of Roumania, by Mite Kremnitz 48509
Nigelin vaiheet, by Walter Scott 48508
[Subtitle: Historiallinen romaani
kuningas Jaakko I:n ajoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Devonshire Characters and Strange Events, by Sabine Baring-Gould 48507
Harper's Round Table, November 5, 1895, by Various 48506
David Blaize and the Blue Door, by Edward Frederic Benson 48505
[Illustrator: Henry Justice Ford ]
The Double Garden, by Maurice Maeterlinck 48504
Birds and Nature, Vol. 8, No. 1, June 1990, by Various 48503
[Subtitle: In Natural Colors]
Der Held von Uganda, by Carl Schneider                                  48502
[Subtitle: Leben und Wirken des Pioniermissionars
Alexander Mackay]
[Language: German]
Katy Gaumer, by Elsie Singmaster 48501
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, by Peter McArthur 48500
Jaundice: Its Pathology and Treatment, by George Harley 48499
[Subtitle: With the Application of Physiological
Chemistry to the Detection and Treatment of
Diseases of the Liver and Pancreas]
Teodor Dalnoki, by Mór Jókai 48498
[Language: Finnish ]
The Silent Watchers, by Bennet Copplestone 48497
[Subtitle: England's Navy during the Great
War: What It Is, and What We Owe to It]
Te Lande, by Cyriel Buysse                                              48496
[Language: Dutch]
Nietzsche and other Exponents of Individualism, by Paul Carus           48495
Beadle's Dime Song Book No. 1, by Various                               48494
[Subtitle: A Collection of New and Popular
Comic and Sentimental Songs]
Langs de kust van Afrika, by Alphonse Jean René Fleuriot de Langle      48493
[Language: Dutch]
Cremation of the Dead, by William Eassie 48492
[Subtitle: Its History and Bearings Upon Public Health]
Views of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, by W. J. Sparrow-Simpson 48491
Pasquale Paoli, by Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi 48490
[Subtitle: ossia la rotta di Ponte Nuovo]
[Language: Italian]
Merisusi, by Jack London 48489
[Language: Finnish]
Reise durch den Stillen Ozean, by Max Buchner 48488
[Language: German]
Young Earnest, by Gilbert Cannan 48487
[Subtitle: The Romance of a Bad Start in Life]
Duality of Voice, by Emil Sutro 48486
Psychologies, by Ronald Ross 48485
Narrative and Lyric Poems (Second Series) 48484
for Use in the Lower School, by Various
A Life for a Life, Vol. 3 of 3, by Dinah Maria Craik 48483
A Life for a Life, Vol. 2 of 3, by Dinah Maria Craik 48482
Early Western Travels 1748-1846, Vol. 17, by Various 48481
[Editor: Reuben Gold Thwaites]
Montreal from 1535 to 1914, by Anonymous 48480
[Subtitle: Biographical Volume III]
Travels in Kamtschatka, During the Years 1787 and 1788, 48479
by Jean-Baptiste Barthélemy de Lesseps
Linda Carlton's Ocean Flight, by Edith Lavell 48478
Variétés Historiques Et Littéraires (6/10), by Various 48477
[Subtitle: Recueil de piéces volantes rares
et curieuses en prose et en vers]
[Language: French]
Die Hexenrichter von Würzburg, by Franz von Seeburg 48476
[Language: German]
On The Stage-And Off, by Jerome K. Jerome 48475
[Subtitle: The Brief Career Of A Would-Be Actor]
Scorn of Women, by Jack London 48474
[Subtitle: A Play In Three Acts]
Foxglove Manor, Vol. 3 of 3, by Robert W. Buchanan 48473
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Foxglove Manor, Vol. 2 of 3, by Robert W. Buchanan 48472
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Foxglove Manor, Vol. 1 of 3, by Robert W. Buchanan 48471
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Story of Joan of Arc, by Andrew Lang 48470
[Illustrator: J. Jellicoe]
The Indian Fairy Book, by Henry R. Schoolcraft 48469
[Subtitle: From the Original Legends]
[Illustrator: Florence Choate Elizabeth Curtis]
A 'Bawl' for American Cricket, by Jones Wister 48468
Boys of Oakdale Academy, by Morgan Scott 48467
[Illustrator: Martin Lewis]
Birds and all Nature Vol 7, No. 5, May 1900, by Various 48466
[Subtitle: Illustrated by Color Photography]
United States Steel, by Arundel Cotter 48465
[Subtitle: A Corporation With A Soul]
Das Stuttgarter Hutzelmännlein, by Eduard Mörike 48464
[Language: German]
Kalatyttö, by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson 48463
[Language: Finnish]
L'Illustration, No. 73, 18 Juillet 1844, by Various 48462
[Language: French]
Husks, by Marion Harland 48461
Matkustus maan keskipisteeseen, by Jules Verne 48460
[Language: Finnish]
The Motor Boat Club in Florida, by H. Irving Hancock 48459
[Subtitle: or, Laying the Ghost of Alligator Swamp]
Within the Capes, by Howard Pyle 48458
Borth Lyrics, by Edward Thring 48457
[Illustrator: C. Rossiter]
Homes and Careers in Canada, by Harry Jeffs 48456
Ten Years and Ten Months in Lunatic Asylums 48455
in Different States, by Moses Swan
Inventors at Work, by George Iles 48454
[Subtitle: With Chapters on Discovery]
The Abandoned Farmer, by Sydney Herman Preston 48453
The Old House and Other Tales, by Feodor Sologub 48452
Cassell's History of England, Vol. 1 of 9, by Anonymous 48451
[Subtitle: From the Roman Invasion to the Wars of the Roses]
[Language: English ]
Das Mikroskop und seine Anwendung, by Hermann Hager 48450
[Subtitle: Ein Leitfaden bei mikroskopischen Untersuchungen]
[Language: German]
Wijsheid en schoonheid uit Indië, by Henri Jean François Borel 48449
[Language: Dutch]
Catholic World, Vol. 13, April to September, 1871, by Various 48448
Näyttelijättären tarina, by Selma Anttila                               48447
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Karl Marx, by Achille Loria                                             48446
L'assedio di Firenze, by Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi 48445
[Language: Italian]
A Modern Aladdin, by Howard Pyle 48444
[Subtitle: or, The Wonderful Adventures of Oliver Munier]
A Singular Life, by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps 48443
A Pioneer Mother, by Hamlin Garland 48442
Putnam's Phrase Book, by Edwin Hamlin Carr                              48441
[Subtitle: An Aid to Social Letter Writing
and to Ready and Effective Conversation,
with Over 100 Model Social Letters and 6000
 of the World's Best English Phrases]
The Plays of Philip Massinger, by Philip Massinger                      48440
[Subtitle: Vol. 1]
A Book of the West, Vol. 1, Devon, by S. Baring-Gould 48439
[Subtitle: Being an introduction
to Devon and Cornwall]
Rizal's Own Story of His Life, by Jose Rizal 48438
The Art and Practice of Hawking, by Edward B. Michell 48437
[Illustrator: G. E. Lodge]
The Earl of Beaconsfield, by James Anthony Froude 48436
The American Missionary, Vol. 41, No. 3, March, 1887, by Various 48435
Pekka Poikanen, by J. M. Barrie 48434
[Language: Finnish]
Kant's Critique of Judgement, by Immanuel Kant 48433
L'homme qui assassina, by Claude Farrère 48432
[Subtitle: Roman]
[Language: French]
Egotism in German Philosophy, by George Santayana 48431
The Rocky Mountain Goat, by Madison Grant 48430
Soliloquies in England, by George Santayana 48429
[Subtitle: And Later Soliloquies]
America's Munitions 1917-1918, by Benedict Crowell 48428
Supplement to Commerce Reports Daily Consular and Trade Reports, 48427
by Leslie A. Davis
[Subtitle: Turkey, Harput]
The Heroic Age, by H. Munro Chadwick                                    48426
Deutsche Humoristen, by Hans Hoffmann, Otto Ernst, Max Eyth 48425
and Helene BöhlauÂ
[Subtitle: Dritter Band]
[Language: German]
Uhri, by Selma Anttila                                                  48424
[Subtitle: Perheromaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Hereford, by Elizabeth W. Grierson 48423
[Subtitle: Tales of English Minsters]
Air Men o' War, by Boyd Cable                                           48422
Variétés Historiques et Littéraires, Tome 5 of 10, by Various            48421
[Subtitle: Recueil de pièces volantes rares
et curieuses en prose et en vers]
[Language: French]
Three Little Kittens, by Katharine Pyle                                 48420
[Illustrator: Katharine Pyle]
Kansantaruja Laatokan luoteis-rannikolta: kesällä 1879, 48419
by Petter Theodor Schwindt
[Language: Finnish]
Susan, by Ernest Oldmeadow 48418
[Illustrator: Frank Haviland]
Pennsylvania Dutch, by S. S. Haldeman 48417
[Subtitle: A Dialect of South German With an Infusion of English]
Jenkkejä maailmalla II, by Mark Twain 48416
[Subtitle: Heidän toivioretkensä Pyhälle Maalle]
[Language: Finnish]
Jenkkejä maailmalla I, by Mark Twain 48415
[Subtitle: Heidän toivioretkensä Pyhälle Maalle]
[Language: Finnish]
An Account of the Bell Rock Light-House, by Robert Stevenson 48414
[Subtitle: Including the Details of the Erection and
Peculiar Structure of That Edifice; to Which Is
Prefixed a Historical View of the Institution and
Progress of the Northern Light-Houses]
Naakt model, by Carel Steven Adama van Scheltema 48413
[Subtitle: Toneelspel in drie bedrijven]
[Language: Dutch]
Johanna d'Arc, by Mark Twain                                            48412
[Subtitle: Kertomus hänen elämästään ja marttyrikuolemastaan]
[Language: Finnish]
Studies in the Epistle of James, by A. T. Robertson 48411
The Boy Scouts of the Naval Reserve, by Robert Shaler 48410
Myths and Legends of British North America, by Katharine Berry Judson 48409
[Subtitle: Selected and Edited]
Letters from the Alleghany Mountains, by Charles Lanman 48408
The Road of a Thousand Wonders, by The Southern Pacific Company 48407
[Subtitle: The Coast Line-Shasta Route of
the Southern Pacific Company from Los Angeles
Through San Francisco, to Portland, a Journey
of Over One Thousand Three Hundred Miles]
The Atomic Fingerprint, by Bernard Keisch 48406
[Subtitle: Neutron Activation Analysis]
Mr. Punch's History of Modern England, Vol. 4 of 4, by Charles L. Graves 48405
The Hero of Manila, by Rossiter Johnson 48404
[Subtitle: Dewey on the Mississippi and the Pacific]
The Kingdom of Georgia, by Oliver Wardrop 48403
[Subtitle: Notes of travel in a land of women, wine, and song]
Motor Matt's Peril, or, Cast Away in the Bahamas, by Stanley R. Matthews 48402
[Subtitle: Motor Stories Magazine No. 12, May 15, 1909]
Variétés Historiques et Littéraires, Tome 4 of 10, by Various 48401
[Subtitle: Recueil de pièces volantes rares
et curieuses en prose et en vers]
[Language: French]
L'Illusione, by Federico De Roberto 48400
[Language: Italian]
Kingless Folk, by John Adams 48399
[Subtitle: and Other Addresses on Bible Animals]
La Patria lontana, by Enrico Corradini 48398
[Language: Italian]
Luotsina Mississippi-joella, by Mark Twain 48397
[Subtitle: Humoristinen kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
Patty's Perversities, by Arlo Bates 48396
Lives of the Saints, Volume 3 of 16: March, by Sabine Baring-Gould 48395
An Account of the Insects Noxious to Agriculture 48394
and Plants in New Zealand, by W. M. Maskell
[Subtitle: The Scale Insects (Coccididae)]
Anecdotes of the Great War, by Carleton Britton Case 48393
[Subtitle: Gathered from European Sources]
Chats on Old Sheffield Plate, by Arthur Hayden 48392
Chats on Royal Copenhagen Porcelain, by Arthur Hayden 48391
Social England under the Regency, Vol. 1 of 2, by John Ashton 48390
Six Girls and the Tea Room, by Marion Ames Taggart 48389
[Illustrator: William F. Stecher]
Birds and all Nature, Vol. 7, No. 4, April 1900, by Various 48388
Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe 48387
[Language: Finnish]
Veel Gemin, geen Gewin, by William Shakespeare 48386
[Language: Dutch]
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Feb 2015 to 28 Feb 2015 ~ ~ ~ ~
Sylvia Arden Decides, by Margaret Rebecca Piper 48385
[Illustrator: Haskell Coffin]
Jan, Jannetje en hun jongste kind--Het Rijksmuseum, 48384
by Everhardus Johannes Potgieter
[Subtitle: met inleiding en aanteekeningen
van L.S. en vier-en-veertig afbeeldingen]
[Language: Dutch]
Histoires grotesques et sérieuses, by Edgar Allan Poe 48383
[Language: French]
Five Years' Explorations at Thebes, by George Edward 48382
Stanhope Molyneux Carnarvon, Howard Carter,
F. L. Griffith, George Legrain and George Möller
[Subtitle: A Record of Work Done 1907-1911 by
The Earl of Carnarvon and Howard Carter]
Kalevala (1835) 2. Osa, by Lönnrot 48381
[Subtitle: taikka Wanhoja Karjalan Runoja
Suomen kansan muinosista ajoista]
[Language: Finnish]
Kalevala (1835) 1. Osa, by Elias Lönnrot 48380
[Subtitle: taikka Wanhoja Karjalan Runoja
Suomen kansan muinosista ajoista]
[Language: Finnish]
Molly and Kitty, by Olga Eschenbach and Maria Burg 48379
[Subtitle: or Peasant Life in Ireland; with Other Tales]
Farmers' Bulletin 1889, Fireplaces and Chimneys, 48378
by Arthur H. Senner and Thomas A. H. Miller
Bill Bruce on Forest Patrol, by Henry Harley Arnold 48377
[Note: Henry Harley "Hap" Arnold, was the commanding
general of the U. S. Air Force in World War 2]
Charles Sumner; His Complete Works, Vol. 11 of 20, by Charles Sumner 48376
Maybee's Stepping Stones, by Archie Fell 48375
Meine Reise nach Siam 1888-1889, by James Camille Samson 48374
[Subtitle: Aufzeichnungen des k. und k.
Legationsrathes Dr. J. Camille Samson]
[Illustrator: Ludwig Hans Fischer]
[Language: German]
>From Paris to Pekin over Siberian Snows, by Victor Meignan 48373
[Subtitle: A Narrative of a Journey by Sledge over the Snows
of European Russia and Siberia, by Caravan Through Mongolia,
Across the Gobi Desert and the Great Wall, and by Mule
Palanquin Through China to Pekin]
A Canadian Farm Mystery, by Bessie Marchant 48372
[Subtitle: Or, Pam the Pioneer]
[Illustrator: Cyrus Cuneo]
A Spring Harvest, by Geoffrey Bache Smith 48371
A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord-Mayor, 48370
the Aldermen, and Citizens of London, by Andrew Snape
[Subtitle: at the Cathedral-Church of St. Paul on
Monday the 30th of Jan. 1709, being the anniversary
fast for the Martyrdom of King Charles]
Veripunainen ruusu, by Marja Salmela 48369
[Subtitle: Kertomuksia Italiasta]
[Language: Finnish]
Théâtre 1, by Maurice Maeterlinck 48368
[Subtitle: La Princesse Maleine (1890) -
L'Intruse (1890) - Les Aveugles (1891)]
[Language: French]
Birds and all Nature Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1900, by Various 48367
[Subtitle: Illustrated by Color Photography]
Chats on Military Curios, by Stanley C. Johnson 48366
Ãfversigt af Nordiska Mytologien, by Daniel Anton Sundén 48365
[Language: Swedish]
Noted Speeches of Abraham Lincoln 48364
[Subtitle: Including the Lincoln-Douglas Debate]
The Little Grey House, by Marion Ames Taggart 48363
[Illustrator: Ethel Franklin Betts]
The Western Front, by Muirhead Bone 48362
[Subtitle: Drawings by Muirhead Bone]
In faccia al destino, by Adolfo Albertazzi 48361
[Language: Italian]
Farmers' Bulletin 1230 - Chimneys & Fireplaces, by A. M. Daniels 48360
[Subtitle: They Contribute to the Health Comfort and
Happiness of the Farm Family - How to Build Them]
Ouvres complètes de Gustave Flaubert, Tome 1 of 8, by Gustave Flaubert 48359
[Subtitle: Madame Bovary; Ãdition definitive
d'après les manuscrits originaux]
[Language: French]
A Tour to the River Saguenay, in Lower Canada, by Charles Lanman 48358
Elsie and Her Loved Ones, by Martha Finley 48357
Elsie at Ion, by Martha Finley 48356
Legends and Satires from Mediæval Literature, by Various 48355
[Editor: Martha Hale Shackford]
Cleg Kelly, Arab of the City, by Samuel Rutherford Crockett 48354
[Subtitle: His Progress and Adventures ]
Samuel Pepys and the Royal Navy, by Joseph Robson Tanner 48353
Discorso sopra la calamita, by Benedetto Castelli 48352
[Language: Italian]
Wonder Tales from Many Lands, by Katharine Pyle 48351
[Illustrator: Katharine Pyle]
Six Little Ducklings, by Katharine Pyle 48350
[Illustrator: Katharine Pyle]
The religious and loyal subject's duty considered: with regard 48349
to the present Government and the Revolution, by Isaac Terry
[Subtitle: A sermon preached in the Cathedral Church
of Canterbury, on Wednesday, January 30, 1722-3]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, 48348
and Art, No. 705, June 30, 1877, by Various
[Editors: William Chambers and Robert Chambers]
Michelinâs Illustrated Guides To The Battle-Fields (1914-1918) 48347
[Subtitled: Amiens Before and During the War]
Merenneito, by Henrik Ibsen 48346
[Subtitle: 5-näytöksinen näytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
Die Reden Gotamo Buddhos, by Karl Eugen Neumann 48345
[Subtitle: Mittlere Sammlung, erster Band]
[Language: German]
Benjamin of Ohio, by James Otis 48344
[Subtitle: A Story of the Settlement of Marietta]
[Author a.k.a. James Otis Kaler]
Clergymen and Doctors, by Anonymous 48343
[Subtitle: Curious Facts and Characteristic Sketches]
Outlines of Zuñi Creation Myths, by Frank Hamilton Cushing 48342
[Subtitle: Thirteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology
to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1891-1892,
Government Printing Office, Washington, 1896, pages 321-448]
Gunshot Roentgenograms, by Clyde S. Ford 48341
[Subtitle: A Collection of Roentgenograms Taken in Constantinople
During the Turko-Balkan War, 1912-1913, Illustrating Some
Gunshot Wounds in the Turkish Army]
Reden an die deutsche Nation, by Johann Gottlieb Fichte 48340
[Language: German]
Mr. Punch in Wig and Gown, by Various 48339
[Subtitle: The lighter side of bench and bar]
The Command in the Battle of Bunker Hill, by Richard Frothingham 48338
[Subtitle: With a Reply to 'Remarks on Frothingham's
History of the battle, by S. Swett']
Her Lord and Master, by Martha Morton 48337
[Illustrators: Howard Chandler Christy and Esther Mac Namara]
In Search of Mademoiselle, by George Gibbs 48336
[Illustrator: George Gibbs]
Viaggio pel lago di Como, by Giambattista Giovio 48335
[Language: Italian]
Ireland Under the Tudors, Vol. 2 of 3, by Richard Bagwell 48334
Un viaggio elettorale, by Francesco De Sanctis 48333
[Language: Italian]
Fra Tommaso Campanella, Vol. 2, by Luigi Amabile 48332
[Subtitle: la sua congiura, i suoi processi e la sua pazzia]
[Language: Italian]
Birds and all Nature Vol 7, No. 2, February 1900, by Various 48331
[Subtitle: Illustrated by Color Photography]
Ferdinand of Bulgaria, by Anonymous 48330
[Subtitle: The Amazing Career of a Shoddy Czar]
History of Sanitation, by John Joseph Cosgrove 48329
Coca and its Therapeutic Application, Third Edition, by Angelo Mariani 48328
The Chautauquan, Vol. 3, March 1883, by The Chautauquan Literary 48327
and Scientific Circle
[Subtitle: A Monthly Magazine Devoted to the Promotion of True Culture;
Organ of the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle]
[Editor: Theodore L. Flood]
The Chautauquan, Vol. 3, February 1883, by The Chautauquan Literary 48326
and Scientific Circle
[Subtitle: A Monthly Magazine Devoted to the Promotion of True Culture;
Organ of the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle]
[Editor: Theodore L. Flood]
Karl Krinken, His Christmas Stocking, by Susan Warner, 48325
Anna Bartlett Warner, and Amy Lothrop]
Harper's Young People, July 26, 1881, by Various 48324
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Weekly]
The Roman Poets of the Republic, by William Young Sellar 48323
Carl Scharnhorst. Abenteuer eines deutschen Knaben in Amerika, 48322
by Armand and Friedrich Armand Strubberg
[Illustrator: August Hengst]
[Language: German]
Klondyken kuningas, by Jack London 48321
[Language: Finnish]
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by A. Conan Doyle 48320
[Subtitle: Illustrated]
Lincoln and the Sleeping Sentinel, by L. E. Chittenden 48319
[Subtitle: The True Story]
In Pastures Green, by Peter McArthur 48318
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 67, 48317
Number 414, April, 1850, by Various
De ridders van den halven toren, by A. C. C. De Vletter 48316
[Illustrator: G. Wildschut]
[Language: Dutch]
David Blaize, by Edward Frederic Benson 48315
Charles Sumner; his complete works, vol. 18 of 20, by Charles Sumner 48314
Phaeton Rogers, by Rossiter Johnson 48313
[Subtitle: A Novel of Boy Life]
Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik, by Gottlob Frege 48312
[Subtitle: Eine logische mathematische
Untersuchung über den Begriff der Zahl]
[Language: German]
James Russell Lowell and His Friends, by Edward Everett Hale 48311
Stephen H. Branch's Alligator, Vol. 1 No. 1, April 24, 1858, 48310
by Stephen H. Branch
The Epic of Paul, by William Cleaver Wilkinson 48309
Orleans'in neitsyt, by Friedrich von Schiller 48308
[Subtitle: Romantillinen murhenäytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
Genom Canada, by Paul Waldenström 48307
[Subtitle: Reseskildringar från 1904]
[Language: Swedish]
Selected Poems, by Rupert Brooke 48306
The Fleets Behind the Fleet, by William MacNeile Dixon 48305
[Subtitle: The Work of the Merchant Seamen
and Fishermen in the War]
The Family at Misrule, by Ethel Turner 48304
[Illustrator: A. J. Johnson]
The Campaign of the Forty-fifth Regiment, Massachusetts 48303
Volunteer Militia, by Charles Eustis Hubbard
[Subtitle: The Cadet Regiment]
[Illustrator: Frank H. Shapleigh]
La enferma, by Eduardo Zamacois 48302
[Language: Spanish]
>From Snotty to Sub, by Wolstan Beaumont Charles Weld Forester 48301
Scientific American, Vol. 56, No. 9, February 26, 1887, by Various 48300
The Story of a Hare, by John Tregarthen 48299
Birds and All Nature, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 1900, by Various 48298
[Subtitle: Illustrated by Color Photography]
A Soldier's Daughter, by G. A. Henty 48297
[Subtitle: And Other Stories]
[Illustrator: Frances Ewan]
Linnet, by Grant Allen 48296
[Subtitle: A Romance]
Strange Stories of the Great River, by Abbie Johnston Grosvenor 48295
[Subtitle: The Adventures of a Boy Explorer]
Sir Christopher, by Maud Wilder Goodwin 48294
[Subtitle: A Romance of a Maryland Manor in 1644]
[Illustrator: Howard Pyle]
Old Quebec, the city of Champlain, by Emily Weaver 48293
[Illustrator: Annie E. Weaver]
Fra contadini, by Errico Malatesta 48292
[Language: Italian]
Strange Stories of the Great Valley, by Abbie Johnston Grosvenor 48291
[Subtitle: The Adventures of a Boy Pioneer]
Old Wonder-Eyes, by L. K. Lippincott and Grace Greenwood 48290
[Subtitle: and Other Stories for Children]
Harper's Young People, July 19, 1881, by Various 48289
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Weekly]
Inheritance of Characteristics in Domestic Fowl, 48288
by Charles Benedict Davenport
[Illustrators: Kako Morita and Kenji Toda]
In der Mondnacht, by Hans Wachenhusen 48287
[Subtitle: Märchen]
[Language: German]
Mogreb-el-Acksa, by R. B. Cunninghame Graham 48286
[Subtitle: A Journey in Morocco]
Charles Sumner; His Complete Works, Volume 10 of 20, by Charles Sumner 48285
Jacob Hamblin: A Narrative of His Personal Experience, 48284
by James A. Little
[Subtitle: Fifth Book of the Faith-Promoting Series]
Forest, Rock, and Stream, by Nathaniel Parker Willis and Others 48283
[Subtitle: A Series of Twenty Steel Line-Engravings,
Including Poems by American and Foreign Authors]
[Illustrator: William Henry Bartlett and Others]
Les cavaliers de la nuit, deuxième partie (t. 4/4), 48282
by Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail
[Language: French]
The China Painter Instruction Book, by Anonymous 48281
Life Movements in Plants, by Sir Jagadis Chunder Bose 48280
Nouvelles Asiatiques, by Joseph Arthur Comte de Gobineau 48279
[Language: French]
Rites and Ritual, by Philip Freeman 48278
[Subtitle: A Plea for Apostolic Doctrine and Worship]
Ben Stone at Oakdale, by Morgan Scott 48277
[Author a.k.a. Gilber Patten]
The Hand of Providence, by J. H. Ward 48276
[Subtitle: As Shown in the History of Nations and Individuals,
From the Great Apostasy to the Restoration of the Gospel]
The Philosophy of History, Vol. 2 of 2, by Friedrich von Schlegel 48275
The Life of a Regimental Officer, by A. F. Mockler-Ferryman 48274
[Subtitle: During the Great War 1793-1815]
Lincoln Day Entertainments, by Various 48273
[Subtitle: Recitations, Plays, Dialogues, Drills, Tableaux,
Pantomimes, Quotations, Songs, Tributes, Stories, Facts]
[Editor: Joseph C. Sindelar]
Harper's Young People, July 12, 1881, by Various 48272
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Weekly]
Old People and the Things That Pass, by Louis Couperus 48271
The Motor Rangers' Cloud Cruiser, by John Henry Goldfrap 48270
[Author a.k.a. Marvin West]
[Illustrator: Charles L. Wrenn]
Havsboken, by Anna Lenah Elgström 48269
[Language: Swedish]
The Unpopular Review Vol. 1, by Various 48268
[Subtitle: January-June 1914]
[Editor: Henry Holt]
Vita di Francesco Burlamacchi, by Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi 48267
[Language: Italian]
Charles Sumner; His Complete Works, Vol. 9 of 20, by Charles Sumner 48266
Daughters of the Dominion, by Bessie Marchant 48265
[Subtitle: A Story of the Canadian Frontier]
[Illustrator: William Rainey]
Summer Cruise in the Mediterranean on board an American 48264
Frigate, by Nathaniel Parker Willis
Life of Isaac Mason as a Slave, by Isaac Mason 48263
Heloise : ein kleiner Roman, by Karoline von Woltmann 48262
[Language: German]
Birds and All Nature, Vol. 6, No. 5, December 1899, by Various 48261
[Subtitle: Illustrated by Color Photography]
Geoffrey the Lollard, by Frances Eastwood 48260
L'Illustration, No. 0072, 11 Juillet 1844, by Various 48259
[Language: French]
The Old Dominion, by Mary Johnston 48258
Chronique de 1831 à 1862, Tome 2 (de 4), by Dorothée de Dino 48257
[Language: French]
Spitzen und ihre Charakteristik, by Bertha von Jurie 48256
[Language: German]
Sukelluslaivalla maapallon ympäri, by Jules Verne 48255
[Language: Finnish]
Moni the Goat Boy and Other Stories, by Johanna Spyri 48254
[Subtitle: Moni the Goat Boy; Without a Friend; The Little Runaway]
Emma und Bertha oder die Zwillingsschwestern, 48253
by Anna Elise Sophie von Königsthal
[Subtitle: Eine unterhaltende Erzählung für die Jugend]
[Language: German]
Motor Matt's Daring Rescue, by Stanley R. Matthews 48252
[Subtitle: or, The Strange Case of Helen Brady]
The Boy Scouts Down in Dixie, by Herbert Carter 48251
[Subtitle: or, The Strange Secret of Alligator Swamp]
The History of the Reformation of Religion in Scotland, by John Knox 48250
[Subtitle: with which are included Knox's
confession and the book of discipline]
Signing the Contract and What it Cost, by Martha Finley 48249
Indernas föreställningar on verldsskapelsen, by Otto Donner 48248
[Subtitle: Jemförda med Finnarnes]
[Language: Swedish]
Prayers of the Early Church, by J. Manning Potts 48247
A Parody on Princess Ida, by D. Dalziel 48246
Mr. Punch's Irish Humour, by Charles Keene and Various 48245
Montreal 1535-1914, Volume 2 of 2, by William Henry Atherton 48244
[Subtitle: Under British Rule 1760-1914]
Oesterreich's Betheiligung am Welthandel, by Pasquale Revoltella 48243
[Subtitle: Betrachtungen und Vorschläge]
[Language: German]
Prayers of the Middle Ages, by Various 48242
[Subtitle: Light from a Thousand Years]
[Editor: James Manning Potts]
An American Religious Movement, by Winfred Ernest Douglas 48241
[Subtitle: A Brief History of the Disciples of Christ]
Fort Gibson, by Grant Foreman and Carolyn Thomas Foreman 48240
[Subtitle: A Brief History]
Het tweevoudig verbond contra de drievoudige Entente, 48239
by James Montgomery Beck
[Subtitle: het wereldconflict als een rechtsgeding behandeld]
[Language: Dutch]
Het geval België, by James Montgomery Beck 48238
[Language: Dutch]
The Lady of North Star, by Ottwell J. Binns 48237
The Blood Covenant, by H. Clay Trumbull 48236
[Subtitle: A Primitive Rite and its Bearings on Scripture]
Early Western Travels, 1748-1846, Vol. 24, by Maximilian, 48235
Prinz von Wied
[Subtitle: Part 3 of Travels in the Interior of
North America, 1832-1834]
[Illustrator: Karl Bodmer]
Der Damen-Reitsport, by Richard Schoenbeck 48234
[Language: German]
Lincoln's Love Story, by Eleanor Atkinson 48233
Robinson Telegraphic Cipher, by S. L. Robinson 48232
Het Duitsche Witboek, by Auswärtiges Amt Deutschland 48231
[Subtitle: Documenten aangaande het uitbreken van den oorlog]
[Language: Dutch]
The Soul of John Brown, by Stephen Graham 48230
A Blue Devil of France, by G. P. Capart 48229
[Subtitle: Epic figures and stories of the Great War, 1914-1918]
Averil, by Rosa Nouchette Carey 48228
The Land of Evangeline, by John Frederic Herbin 48227
[Subtitle: The Authentic Story of Her Country and Her People]
Dick Donnelly of the Paratroops, by Marshall McClintock 48226
[Author a.k.a. Gregory Duncan]
Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology, by C. G. Jung 48225
The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. 8, No. 359, November 13, 1886, by Various 48224
[Editors: Flora Klickmann and Charles Peters]
The History of Gambling in England, by John Ashton 48223
Fir-Flower Tablets, by Various 48222
[Subtitle: Poems Translated from the Chinese]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, 48221
And Art, No. 704, June 23, 1877, by Various
[Editors: William Chambers and Robert Chambers]
The Influence of Buddhism on Primitive Christianity, by Arthur Lillie 48220
Red Belts, by Hugh Pendexter 48219
[Illustrator: Ralph Pallen Coleman]
The Science of the Stars, by E. Walter Maunder 48218
The Treasure of the Humble, by Maurice Maeterlinck 48217
1812, by Ludwig Rellstab 48216
[Subtitle: Historische roman]
[Language: Dutch]
A Sheaf of Roses, by Elizabeth Gordon 48215
[Illustrator: Frederick W. Martin]
The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie, by Richard Wagner 48214
[Subtitle: The Ring of the Niblung, A Trilogy with a Prelude, part 1]
[Illustrator: Arthur Rackham]
Religious Studies, Sketches and Poems, by Harriet Beecher Stowe 48213
Le feu, by Henri Barbusse 48212
[Language: French]
Kunst und Künstler Almanach 1909, by Various 48211
[Language: German]
Aus des Angelus Silesius Cherubinischem Wandersmann, by Angelus Silesius 48210
[Language: German]
Suorasanaisia runoelmia, by Johan Ludvig Runeberg 48209
[Language: Finnish]
Convict life at the Minnesota state prison, 48208
Stillwater, Minnesota, by William Heilbron
Lays and Legends of the English Lake Country, by John Pagen White 48207
[Subtitle: With Copious Notes]
Al rombo del cannone, by Federico De Roberto 48206
[Language: Italian]
Im Land des Lichts, by Thea Wolf 48205
[Subtitle: Ein Streifzug durch Kabylie und Wüste]
[Illustrator: Walther Caspari]
[Language: German]
Gil Blas, by Alain René Le Sage 48204
[Subtitle: Santillanalaisen elämänvaiheet]
[Language: Finnish]
Letters from Spain, by Joseph Blanco White 48203
Kantele IV, by Elias Lönnrot 48202
[Subtitle: Taikka Suomen Kansan sekä Wanhoja
että Nykyisempiä Runoja ja Lauluja]
[Language: Finnish]
Kantele III, by Elias Lönnrot 48201
[Subtitle: Taikka Suomen Kansan sekä Wanhoja
että Nykyisempiä Runoja ja Lauluja]
[Language: Finnish]
The Rake's Progress, by Marjorie Bowen 48200
Hester, Vol. 3 of 3, by Margaret Oliphant 48199
[Subtitle: A Story of Contemporary Life]
Hester, Vol. 2 of 3, by Margaret Oliphant 48198
[Subtitle: A Story of Contemporary Life]
Hester, Vol. 1 of 3, by Margaret Oliphant 48197
[Subtitle: A Story of Contemporary Life]
Zoology: The Science of Animal Life, by Ernest Ingersoll 48196
[Subtitle: Popular Science Library, Vol. 12 of 16,
P. F. Collier & Son Company, 1922]
A Report upon the Mollusk Fisheries of Massachusetts, 48195
by the Commissioners on Fisheries and Game
Ryerson Memorial Volume, by J. George Hodgins 48194
Commentary on Genesis, Vol. 1, by Martin Luther 48193
[Subtitle: Luther on the Creation]
Gräfin Elisa von Ahlefeldt, die Gattin Adolphs von Lützow, 48192
die Freundin Karl Immermann's, by Ludmilla Assing
[Subtitle: Eine Biographie von Ludmilla Assing Nebst
Briefen von Immermann, Möller und Henriette Paalzow]
[Language: German]
Christina of Denmark, Duchess of Milan and Lorraine, 48191
1522-1590, by Julia Cartwright
Poganuc People, by Harriet Beecher Stowe 48190
[Subtitle: Their Loves and Lives]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, 48189
and Art, No. 703, by Various
[Subtitle: June 16, 1877]
[Editors: William Chambers and Robert Chambers]
Annali d'Italia, vol. 4, by Lodovico Antonio Muratori 48188
[Subtitle: dal principio dell'era volgare sino all'anno 1750]
[Language: Italian]
Memorials of Old London, Vol. 2 of 2, by Various 48187
[Editor: Peter Hampson Ditchfield]
Parsons on the Rose, by Samuel Browne Parsons 48186
[Subtitle: A Treatise on the Propagation,
Culture and History of the Rose]
Verdun Argonne-Metz 1914-1918, by Anonymous 48185
[Subtitle: Michelin's Illustrated Guides
to the Battle-fields (1914-1918)]
Mary Tudor, Queen of France, by Mary Croom Brown 48184
Glimpses of Nature, and Objects of Interest Described, 48183
During a Visit to the Isle of Wight, by Jane W. Loudon
[Subtitle: Designed to Assist and Encourage Young
Persons in Forming Habits of Observation]
The Sabbath, by Andrew Thomson 48182
[Subtitle: A Paper Read at the Conference of the Evangelical
Alliance, Held at Geneva, September 2, 1861]
Six Bad Husbands and Six Unhappy Wives, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox 48181
Major Prophets of To-Day, by Edwin E. Slosson 48180
A Manual of the Hand Lathe, by Egbert Pomeroy Watson 48179
[Subtitle: Comprising Concise Directions for Working
Metals of All Kinds, Ivory, Bone and Precious Woods]
De Eenzame, by Cyriel Buysse and Jaak Boonen 48178
[Language: Dutch]
Kantele II, by Elias Lönnrot 48177
[Subtitle: Taikka Suomen Kansan sekä Wanhoja
että Nykyisempiä Runoja ja Lauluja]
[Language: Finnish]
Kantele I, by Elias Lönnrot 48176
[Subtitle: Taikka Suomen Kansan sekä Wanhoja
että Nykyisempiä Runoja ja Lauluja]
[Language: Finnish]
Little Visits with Great Americans, Vol. 2 of 2, by Various 48175
[Subtitle: Or Success, Ideals and How to Attain Them]
[Editor: Orison Swett Marden]
Little Visits with Great Americans, Vol. 1 of 2, by Various 48174
[Subtitle: Or Success, Ideals and How to Attain Them]
[Editor: Orison Swett Marden]
Practical Carriage and Wagon Painting, by Mayton Clarence Hillick 48173
[Subtitle: A Treatise on the Painting of Carriages,
Wagons and Sleighs, Embracing Full and Explicit
Directions for Executing All Kinds of Work,
Including Painting Factory Work, Lettering,
Scrolling, Ornamenting, Varnishing, etc.,
with Many Tested Recipes and Formulas]
Kadotuksen kansa, by Jack London 48172
[Subtitle: Kuvaus Lontoon East Endistä]
[Language: Finnish]
Punch and Judy, by Willliam J. Judd 48171
[Subtitle: The tragical acts, or comical tragedies of Punch and Judy]
[Illustrator: George Cruikshank]
Charles Sumner; His Complete Works, Vol. 8 of 20, by Charles Sumner 48170
The Post of Honour, by Richard Wilson 48169
[Subtitle: Stories of Daring Deeds Done By Men
of The British Empire in the Great War]
Funny Stories Told By The Soldiers, by Carleton B. Case 48168
[Subtitle: Pranks, Jokes and Laughable Affairs
of our Boys and their Allies in the Great War]
The Children of the Valley, by Harriet Prescott Spofford 48167
The Chautauquan, Vol. 3, December 1882, by The Chautauquan Literary 48166
and Scientific Circle
[Subtitle: A Monthly Magazine Devoted to the Promotion of True
Culture; Organ of the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle]
[Editor: Theodore L. Flood]
The Chautauquan, Vol. 3, January 1883, by The Chautauquan Literary 48165
and Scientific Circle
[Subtitle: A Monthly Magazine Devoted to the Promotion of True
Culture; Organ of the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle]
[Editor: Theodore L. Flood]
The Boy Scouts of the Life Saving Crew, by Robert Shaler 48164
The Pennycomequicks, Vol. 3 of 3, by S. Baring-Gould 48163
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Pennycomequicks, Vol. 2 of 3, by S. Baring-Gould 48162
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Pennycomequicks, Vol. 1 of 3, by S. Baring-Gould 48161
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Life in the War Zone, by Gertrude Atherton 48160
Kokka-tarinoita, by Anonymous 48159
[Language: Finnish]
Die Bibliothek meines Oheims, by Rudolf Töpffer 48158
[Subtitle: Eine Genfer Novelle]
[Language: German]
Illumination and its Development in the Present Day, 48157
by Sidney Farnsworth
California As It Is and As It May Be, by Feliks Pawel Wierzbicki 48156
[Subtitle: A Guide To The Gold Region]
History of Ancient Pottery, Vol. 2 of 2, by H. B. Walters 48155
[Subtitle: Greek, Etruscan, and Roman]
History of Ancient Pottery, Vol. 1 of 2, by H. B. Walters 48154
[Subtitle: Greek, Etruscan, and Roman]
Fables, by Sir Ronald Ross 48153
A History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins, 48152
Vol. 2 of 2, by Johann Beckman
A History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins, 48151
Vol. 1 of 2, by Johann Beckman
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 48150
No. 702, June 9, 1877, by Various
[Editors: William Chambers and Robert Chambers]
Fundamental Philosophy, Vol. 1 of 2, by Jaime Luciano Balmes 48149
Der Dichter Lenz und Friedericke von Sesenheim, 48148
by Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz
[Subtitle: Aus Briefen und gleichzeitigen Quellen;
nebst Gedichten und Anderm von Lenz und Göthe]
[Language: German]
The Misfit Christmas Puddings, by The Consolation Club 48147
[Illustrator: Wallace Goldsmith]
On Adventure Island, by Bess Moyer 48146
[Subtitle: The Girl Flyer Series]
Salaminin kuninkaat, by Johan Ludvig Runeberg 48145
[Subtitle: Murhenäytelmä viidessä näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
The Mystery of the Iron Box, by Bruce Campbell 48144
[Subtitle: A Ken Holt Mystery]
[Authors a.k.a. Samuel Epstein and Beryl Epstein]
David, by Cale Young Rice 48143
[Subtitle: A Tragedy]
The Adventures of Two Alabama Boys, by H. J. Crumpton and 48142
Washington Bryan Crumpton]
Birds and all Nature, Vol. 6, No. 4, November 1899, by Various 48141
[Subtitle: In Natural Colors]
Mein Besuch Amerika's im Sommer 1824, by Philippe Suchard 48140
[Subtitle: Ein Flug durch die Vereinstaaten Maryland,
Pensylvanien, New-York zum Niagarafall, und durch die
Staaten Ohio, Indiana, Kentuky und Virginien zurück]
[Language: German]
Liput liehumassa, by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson 48139
[Language: Finnish]
The Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics and Morals of the late 48138
Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 3 of 3, by Benjamin Franklin
The Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics and Morals of the late 48137
Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 2 of 3, by Benjamin Franklin
The Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics and Morals of the late 48136
Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 1 of 3, by Benjamin Franklin
Théâtre de Hrotsvitha, by unknown Hrotsvitha 48135
[Subtitle: religieuse allemande du dixième siècle,
traduit pour la première fois en français avec
le texte latin revu sur le manuscrit de Munich]
[Language: French]
Electric Transmission of Water Power, by Alton D. Adams 48134
The Secret Victory, by Stephen McKenna 48133
Essays Upon Heredity and Kindred Biological Problems, 48132
by August Weismann
[Subtitle: Authorised Translation]
L'Arte, by Federico De Roberto 48131
[Language: Italian]
French Idioms and Proverbs, by de Vinchelés Payen-Payne 48130
[Subtitle: A Companion to Deshumbert's
"Dictionary of Difficulties"]