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* New eBook listings from September-November 2016
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Nov 2016 to 30 Nov 2016 ~ ~ ~ ~
Two Voyages to New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, by Thomas Reid 53643
Two Mothers, by John Gneisenau Neihardt 53642
The Black Box, by W. Bourne Cooke 53641
[Subtitle: A Tale of Monmouth's Rebellion]
[Illustrator: John de Walton]
Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, 53640
Vol. 3 of 15, by Abbé de Mably
[Language: French]
Last Words on Evolution, by Ernst Haeckel 53639
[Subtitle: A Popular Retrospect and Summary]
The Gentle Art of Faking, by Riccardo Nobili 53638
[Subtitle: A history of the methods of producing
imitations & spurious works of art from the
earliest times up to the present day]
Marjorie Dean Macy, by Pauline Lester 53637
The Martyrdom of Belgium, by Gilbert K. Chesterton 53636
[Subtitle: Official Report of Massacres of Peaceable
Citizens, Women and Children by The German Army]
A Cyclopædia of Canadian Biography, by Various 53635
[Editor: Hector Charlesworth]
Les Bourbons bibliophiles, by Eugène Asse 53634
[Subtitle: Rois & Princes, Reines & Princesses]
[Language: French]
Pyhän Julianuksen legenda, by Gustave Flaubert 53633
[Language: Finnish]
Kansa nousee, by Winston Churchill 53632
[Language: Finnish]
Canyon de Chelly, by Zorro A. Bradley 53631
[Subtitle: The Story of its Ruins and People]
The life and letters of Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, Vol. 2 of 2, 53630
by Ogier Ghislain de Busbecq, Francis Henry Blackburne Daniell,
and Charles Thornton Forster]
The life and letters of Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, Vol. 1 of 2, 53629
by Ogier Ghislain de Busbecq, Francis Henry Blackburne Daniell,
and Charles Thornton Forster]
Der Stechlin, by Theodor Fontane 53628
[Language: German]
Bread and Biscuit Baker's and Sugar-Boiler's Assistant, by Robert Wells 53627
[Subtitle: Including a Large Variety of Modern Recipes]
Shakspeare and His Times, Vol. 2 of 2, by Nathan Drake 53626
[Subtitle: Including the Biography of the Poet;
criticisms on his genius and writings; a new
chronology of his plays; a disquisition on the
on the object of his sonnets; and a history of
the manners, customs, and amusements, superstitions,
poetry, and elegant literature of his age]
Shakspeare and His Times, Vol. 1 of 2, by Nathan Drake 53625
[Subtitle: Including the Biography of the Poet;
criticisms on his genius and writings; a new
chronology of his plays; a disquisition on the
on the object of his sonnets; and a history of
the manners, customs, and amusements, superstitions,
poetry, and elegant literature of his age]
Art-Studies from Nature, as applied to Design, by F. E. Hulme, 53624
S. J. Mackie, J. Glaisher and Robert Hunt
The Snowflake and Other Poems, by Arthur Weir                           53623
What Nietzsche Taught, by Willard Huntington Wright 53622
The Complete Poems of Francis Ledwidge, by Francis Ledwidge 53621
[Subtitle: with Introductions by Lord Dunsany]
The life of Friedrich Nietzsche, by Daniel Halévy 53620
A Flower Wedding, by Walter Crane 53619
[Subtitle: Described by Two Wallflowers]
The American Missionary, Vol. 33, No. 1, January 1879, by Various 53618
Legendary Yorkshire, by Frederick Ross 53617
The Jesus Problem, by J. M. Robertson 53616
[Subtitle: A Restatement of the Myth Theory]
Se kolmas, by Henryk Sienkiewicz 53615
[Subtitle: Humoristinen kertomus taiteilijaelämästä]
[Language: Finnish]
Aus Natur und Geisteswelt, by B. G. Teubner 53614
[Subtitle: Sammlung wissenschaftlich-gemeinverständlicher
Darstellungen aus allen Gebieten des Wissens]
[Language: German]
A Historical Account of Useful Inventions and Scientific Discoveries, 53613
by George Grant
[Subtitle: Being a manual of instruction and entertainment]
Vaders en Zonen, by Ivan Toergenev 53612
[Language: Dutch]
Goslings, by J. D. Beresford 53611
A Sister to Evangeline, by Charles G. D. Roberts 53610
[Subtitle: Being the Story of Yvonne de Lamourie, and how
she went into exile with the villagers of Grand Pré]
The Life of Josiah Henson, by Josiah Henson                             53609
[Subtitle: Formerly a Slave, Now an Inhabitant of Canada]
The History of Saint Augustine, Florida, by William W. Dewhurst         53608
Brave and Bold Weekly, No. 363, A Hoodoo Machine, by Stanley R. Mathews 53607
[Subtitle: or, The Motor Boys' Runabout No. 1313]
Burlesque Plays and Poems, by Henry Morley, Geoffrey Chaucer 53606
George Villiers, John Philips and Henry Fielding
Erämaan halki, by Henryk Sienkiewicz 53605
[Language: Finnish]
The Touch of Abner, by H. A. Cody 53604
The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 4 of 9, by Thomas Jefferson 53603
[Subtitle: Being His Autobiography, Correspondence, Reports,
Messages, Addresses and Other Writings, Official and Private]
Brave and Bold Weekly, No. 362, A Taxicab Tangle, by Stanley R. Mathews 53602
[Subtitle: or, The Mission of the Motor Boys]
The Academic Gregories, by Agnes Grainger Stewart 53601
[Illustrator: Joseph Brown]
Breton Folk, by Henry Blackburn 53600
[Subtitle: An artistic tour in Brittany]
[Illustrator: Randolph Caldecott]
L'extraordinaire aventure d'Achmet Pacha Djemaleddine, pirate, 53599
amiral, grand d'Espagne et marquis, by Claude Farrère
[Subtitle: avec six autres singulières histoires]
[Language: French]
The Shield of Love, by B. L. Farjeon 53598
Narrative of Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa in the 53597
Seventeenth Century, Vol. I, by Evliya Ãelebi
Historie van Doctor Jan Faustus, by Anonymous 53596
[Subtitle: Grooten tooveraer en zwarten konstenaer]
[Language: Dutch]
Les droits de la femme, by Olympe de Gouges 53595
[Language: French]
Hiilipiirroksia, by Henryk Siekiewicz 53594
[Language: Finnish]
Yhteiskuntasopimuksesta, by Jean-Jacques Rousseau 53593
[Subtitle: eli Valtio-oikeuden johtavat aatteet]
[Language: Finnish]
Friedrich Nietzsche, by Rudolf Steiner 53592
[Subtitle: Ein Kämpfer gegen seine Zeit]
[Language: German]
Den Fallna, by Wendela Randelin 53591
[Subtitle: Berättelse]
[Language: Swedish]
El doncel de don Enrique el doliente, Tomo IV (de 4), 53590
by Mariano José de Larra
[Subtitle: Historia caballeresca del siglo quince]
[Language: Spanish]
El doncel de don Enrique el doliente, Tomo III (de 4), 53589
by Mariano José de Larra
[Subtitle: Historia caballeresca del siglo quince]
[Language: Spanish]
El doncel de don Enrique el doliente, Tomo II (de 4), 53588
by Mariano José de Larra
[Subtitle: Historia caballeresca del siglo quince]
[Language: Spanish]
El doncel de don Enrique el doliente, Tomo I (de 4), 53587
by Mariano José de Larra
[Subtitle: Historia caballeresca del siglo quince]
[Language: Spanish]
Tulella ja miekalla IV, by Henryk Sienkiewicz 53586
[Subtitle: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Meren urhoja, by Rudyard Kipling 53585
[Subtitle: Kertomus suurilta matalikoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Vankila, by Maksim Gorky 53584
[Language: Finnish]
Ombra, by Margaret Oliphant                                             53583
Mammals of Washington, Vol. 2, by Walter Woelber Dalquest 53582
[Subtitle: University of Kansas Publications Museum
of Natural History]
Flora, by A.L.O.E 53581
[Author a.k.a. Charlotte Maria Tucker]
The Princess Tarakanova, by G. P. Danilevski 53580
[Subtitle: A Dark Chapter of Russian History]
The Wisdom of Fools, by Margaret Deland 53579
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Restored in Conformity With 53578
the Recently Discovered Remains, by James Fergusson
The Saturday Magazine, No. 66, July 1833, by Various 53577
John Black, the Apostle of the Red River, by George Bryce 53576
[Subtitle: Or, How the Blue Banner Was Unfurled on Manitoba Prairies]
Tulella ja miekalla III, by Henryk Sienkiewicz 53575
[Subtitle: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Life in South Africa, by Mary Anne Barker 53574
The Girl Scouts of the Round Table, by Margaret Vandercook 53573
The American Missionary, Vol. 33, No. 4, April 1879, by Various 53572
The Catholic World, Vol. 19, April 1874-September 1874, by Various 53571
Hellät sukulaiset, by Roderich Benedix 53570
[Subtitle: Huvinäytelmä kolmessa näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
Goethes Weltanschauung, by Rudolf Steiner 53569
[Language: German]
Armenia, Vol. 2 of 2, by H. F. B. Lynch 53568
[Subtitle: Travels and Studies]
Winefred, by Sabine Baring-Gould 53567
[Subtitle: A Story of the Chalk Cliffs]
[Illustrator: Edgar Bundy]
The Fate of a Crown, by Schuyler Stanton 53566
[Author a.k.a. L. Frank Baum]
The Cumulative Book Review Digest, Vol. 1, 1905, by Various 53565
[Subtitle: Complete in a single alphabet]
Amour d'aujourd'hui, by Daniel Lesueur 53564
[Language: French]
Canada (1535-Present Day), by James Munro 53563
Underground Treasures: How and where to find them, by James Orton       53562
Drawing for Printers, by Ernest Knaufft                                 53561
[Subtitle: A practical treatise on the art of designing
and illustrating in connection with typography.
Containing complete instruction, fully illustrated,
concerning the art of drawing, for the beginner as
well as the more advanced student]
With Rogers on the Frontier, by J. Macdonald Oxley 53560
[Subtitle: A Story of 1756]
[Illustrator: F. J. Devitt]
The Courtships of Queen Elizabeth, by Martin Andrew Sharp Hume 53559
[Subtitle: A history of the various negotiations for her marriage]
The Duchess of Rosemary Lane, by B. L. Farjeon 53558
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Gold-Headed Cane, by William Macmichael 53557
Kuolema, by Maurice Maeterlinck 53556
[Language: Finnish]
Kertomuksia II, by Maksim Gorky 53555
[Language: Finnish]
Kertomuksia I, by Maksim Gorky 53554
[Language: Finnish]
Der Sachsenspiegel, by Julius Wolff 53553
[Subtitle: Eine Geschichte aus der Hohenstaufenzeit]
[Illustrator: F. Schwormstädt]
[Language: German]
Obras escogidas, by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer 53552
[Language: Spanish]
Sarita, the Carlist, by Arthur W. Marchmont 53551
Erziehung und Unterricht der Blinden, by Friedrich Zech 53550
[Language: German]
I Will Maintain, by Marjorie Bowen 53549
[Author a.k.a. Gabrielle Margaret Vere Long]
Jean Cabot at Ashton, by Gertrude Fisher Scott 53548
[Illustrator: Arthur O. Scott]
American Missionary, Vol. 32, No. 11, November, 1878, by Various 53547
Tulella ja miekalla II, by Henryk Sienkiewicz 53546
[Subtitle: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Canadian Battlefields and Other Poems, by J. R. Wilkinson               53545
George at the Wheel, by Harry Castlemon 53544
[Subtitle: Life in the Pilot-House]
Järjen sanoja sodasta, by Bernard Shaw 53543
[Subtitle: Englantilaisen 'kapinoitsijan' arvostelua]
[Language: Finnish]
On the Construction of a Sivered Glass Telescope, by Henry Draper 53542
[Subtitle: Fifteen and a half inches in aperture
and its use in celestial photography]
The Law of the Sea, by George L. Canfield, George W. Dalzell, 53541
and Jasper Yeates Brinton
[Subtitle: A manual of the principles of admiralty law
for students, mariners, and ship operators]
Introduction à la vie dévote, by Francis de Sales 53540
[Language: French]
Road Guide to Lassen Volcanic National Park, by Paul E. Schulz 53539
Prejudices, First Series, by H. L. Mencken 53538
The Heart of Scotland, by A. R. Hope Moncrieff                          53537
A travers l'Exposition, by Elodie Lamarque 53536
[Subtitle: Promenades de deux enfants au Champ-de-Mars
et à l'esplanade des Invalides,
[Illustrator: Adrien Marie]
[Language: French]
Common Trees of Pennsylvania, by J. E. Ibberson, A. B. Mickalitis, 53535
J. E. Aughenbaugh and C. L. Morris
[Illustrator: J. M. Francis]
Josephine E. Butler, by Josephine E. Butler 53534
[Subtitle: An Autobiographical Memoir]
Motor Matt's Double Trouble, by Stanley R. Matthews 53533
[Subtitle: or, The Last of the Hoodoo]
What the White Race May Learn from the Indian, by George Wharton James 53532
Fire-making Apparatus, by Walter Hough 53531
Goat Alley, by Earnest Howard Culbertson 53530
[Subtitle: A Tragedy of Negro Life]
Thais, by Anatole France 53529
[Language: Finnish]
Keikari sekä muita kertomuksia, by August Strindberg 53528
[Language: Finnish]
Existence and Attributes of God, Vols. 1 and 2, by Stephen Charnock 53527
Cardinal Wolsey, by Mandell Creighton 53526
A Handbook of Fish Cookery, by Lucy H. Yates 53525
[Subtitle: How to buy, dress, cook, and eat fish]
A Persian Pearl and Other Essays, by Clarence S. Darrow 53524
Chronique de 1831 à 1862, Tome 4 (de 4), by Dorothée de Dino 53523
[Language: French]
Ann and her Mother, by O. Douglas 53522
Oysters and Fish, by Thomas J. Murrey 53521
The Author's Desk Book, by William Dana Orcutt 53520
[Subtitle: Being a Reference Volume upon Questions
of the Relations of the Author to the Publisher,
Copyright, The Relation of the Contributor to the
Magazine, Mechanics of the Book, Arrangement of
the Book, Making of the Index]
Horace Walpole and his World, by Horace Walpole 53519
[Subtitle: Select passages from his Letters]
Right Tackle Todd, by Ralph Henry Barbour 53518
[Illustrator: Leslie Crump]
Los Caudillos de 1830, by PÃo Baroja 53517
[Subtitle: Memorias de un hombre de acción, tomo 9]
[Language: Spanish]
This Misery of Boots, by H. G. Wells 53516
The Mystery Boys and Captain Kidd's Message, by Van Powell 53515
Die Welt auf Schienen, by Artur Fürst 53514
[Subtitle: Eine Darstellung der Einrichtungen und
des Betriebs auf den Eisenbahnen des Fernverkehrs
Nebst einer Geschichte der Eisenbahn]
[Language: German]
Hands Around [Reigen], by Arthur Schnitzler 53513
[Subtitle: A Cycle of Ten Dialogues]
Hyviä päätöksiä, by Väikkö Vuokko 53512
[Subtitle: Kohtaus elämästä yhdessä näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
Tulella ja miekalla I, by Henryk Sienkiewicz 53511
[Subtitle: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Sketch of the Sikhs, by John Malcolm 53510
[Subtitle: A Singular Nation Who Inhabit the Provinces of
Pehjab, Situated Between the Rivers Iumna and Indus]
Joshua Marvel, by B. L. Farjeon 53509
Airplane Photography, by Herbert Eugene Ives 53508
The New Army in Training, by Rudyard Kipling 53507
A Collection of Kachári Folk-Tales and Rhymes, by J. D. Anderson 53506
Sininen lintu, by Maurice Maeterlinck 53505
[Subtitle: Satunäytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
A. von Menzel, by Hermann Knackfuà 53504
[Language: German]
Histoire de Marie-Antoinette, Vol. 2 of 2, by Maxime de La Rocheterie 53503
[Language: French]
Histoire de Marie-Antoinette, Vol. 1 of 2, by Maxime de La Rocheterie 53502
[Language: French]
Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. 1, No. 3, November, 1834, by Various 53501
[Editor: James E. Heath]
The Romance of the Ranchos, by E. Palmer Conner 53500
Martin Luther, by Carl E. Koppenhaver 53499
The War in Syria, Vol. 1 of 2, by Charles Napier 53498
Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, Vol. 2 of 15 53497
[Language: French]
Reminiscences of Epping Forest, by J. Green 53496
Italian Villas and Their Gardens, by Edith Wharton 53495
[Illustrator: Maxfield Parrish]
New Edition of Hints on Silver-Glass Reflecting Telescopes 53494
Manufactured by Mr. George Calver, by George Calver
[Subtitle: with Directions for Silvering, Adjusting, &c.]
Die Philosophie der Freiheit, by Rudolf Steiner 53493
[Subtitle: Grundzüge einer modernen Weltanschauung]
[Language: German]
In Extremis, by Melati van Java 53492
[Language: Dutch]
Famous Fights of Indian Native Regiments, by Reginald Hodder 53491
William Shakespeare, by Victor Hugo 53490
The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes, by Anonymous 53489
[Subtitle: His Fortunes & Adversities; with a Notice of the Mendoza
Family, a Short Life of the Author, Don Diego Hurtado De Mendoza,
a Notice of the Work, and Some Remarks on the Character of
Lazarillo de Tormes]
Statement of Facts, on the Injurious Treatment of J. Elsee, Esq., 53488
by J. Elsee
Women of the Classics, by Mary C. Sturgeon 53487
The Three Fates, by F. Marion Crawford 53486
Garibaldi e Montevideo, by Alexandre Dumas 53485
[Language: Italian]
Satuja ja tarinoita 1, by H. C. Andersen 53484
[Language: Finnish]
Versuch über die physische Erziehung der Kinder, by Ferdinand Wurzer 53483
[Language: German]
The Russian Advance, by Marr Murray 53482
Printing Telegraphy... A New Era Begins, by Edward Ernst Kleinschmidt 53481
The Leardo Map of the World, 1452 or 1453, by John Kirtland Wright 53480
[Subtitle: In the Collections of the American Geographical Society]
Don Gordon's Shooting-Box, by Harry Castlemon 53479
The Blackmore Country, by F. J. Snell                                   53478
The Relation of Art to Nature, by John W. Beatty                        53477
Het Yellowstone-Park, by Hugo De Vries 53476
[Language: Dutch]
The End of the Middle Ages, by A. Mary F. Robinson 53475
Prejudices, Third Series, by H. L. Mencken 53474
Ireland under the Stuarts and during the Interregnum, 53473
Vol. 1 of 3, 1603-1642, by Richard Bagwell
Myers' Grand Hippodrome, by Anonymous 53472
Il "Damo viennese", by Lucio D'Ambra 53471
[Language: Italian]
Vankina Kaukaasiassa, by Leo Tolstoi 53470
[Subtitle: Y. m. kertomuksia]
[Language: Finnish]
Leeni, by Hilda Tihlä 53469
[Language: Finnish]
Pam and the Countess, by Edith Elise Cowper 53468
[Illustrator: Gordon Browne]
Prejudices, Second Series, by H. L. Mencken 53467
Motor Matt's Mariner, by Stanley R. Matthews 53466
[Subtitle: or, Filling the Bill for Bunce]
Lessons in the Small Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther, by George Mezger 53465
[Subtitle: For the Senior Department of Lutheran
Sunday-Schools and for General Use]
Old Europe's Suicide, by Christopher Birdwood Thomson 53464
[Subtitle: or The Building of a Pyramid of Errors]
Textos biblicos, by Anonymous 53463
[Subtitle: arranjados de maneira a que possam facilitar
o processo de examinar as Escripturas Sagradas e achar
de prompto qualquer texto]
[Language: Portuguese]
Discursos sobre el arte del dançado, by Juan de Esquivel Navarro 53462
[Subtitle: y sus exelencias y primer origen,
reprobando las acciones deshonestas]
[Language: Spanish]
Ikuiseen rauhaan, by Immanuel Kant 53461
[Subtitle: Valtio-oikeudellinen tutkielma]
[Language: Finnish]
Dick Hamilton's Steam Yacht, by Howard R. Garis 53460
[Subtitle: A Young Millionaire and The Kidnappers]
Deutsche Humoristen (7. Band), by Ottomar Enking, Anna Croissant-Rust, 53459
Rudolf Greinz, Wilhelm Schussen and Ludwig Thoma
[Language: German]
The Chemistry of Cookery, by W. Mattieu Williams 53458
Mümmelmann, by Hermann Löns 53457
[Subtitle: Ein Tierbuch]
[Language: German]
Young Readers Science Fiction Stories, by Richard Mace Elam 53456
[Illustrator: Victor Prezio]
Rank and Talent; A Novel, Vol. 1 of 3, by William Pitt Scargill 53455
Kaarle XII:n historia, by Voltaire 53454
[Language: Finnish]
Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War, by Wilfred Trotter 53453
The History of the Life and Death of Sultan Solyman the Magnificent, 53452
by T. Cooper
[Subtitle: Emperor of the Turks and of his son Mustapha]
Technik der Bronzeplastik, by Hermann Lüer 53451
[Language: German]
The London Medical Gazette; December 27, 1828, by Various 53450
[Subtitle: Being a Weekly Journal of Medicine
and the Collateral Sciences]
How Rifleman Brown Came to Valhalla, by Gilbert Frankau                 53449
The Silver Ring Mystery, by Helen Wells 53448
[Subtitle: The Vicki Barr Flight Stewardess Series #13]
The Fishing Industry, by W. E. Gibbs 53447
The Maréchale, by James Strahan 53446
[Subtitle: (Catherine Booth-Clibborn)]
Labor and the Angel, by Duncan Campbell Scott 53445
Haaveilija, by Knut Hamsun 53444
[Language: Finnish]
Stop!, by Nathan Dean Urner 53443
[Subtitle: A Handy Monitor, Pocket Conscience and Portable
Guardian against the World, the Flesh and the Devil]
Anielka II, by Henryk Sienkiewicz 53442
[Language: Finnish]
Anielka I, by Henryk Sienkiewicz 53441
[Language: Finnish]
Marjorie Dean's Romance, by Pauline Lester 53440
Les voyageurs du XIXe siècle, by Jules Verne 53439
[Illustrator: Léon Benett]
[Language: French]
Kreikkalaisten ja Roomalaisten Mytologiia, by Kaarlo Forsman 53438
[Subtitle: eli Jumalaistarut ja Sankarisadut]
[Language: Finnish]
Hunnutettu nainen, by Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann 53437
[Language: Finnish]
Las Ilustiones del Doctor Faustino, Vol. 2, by Juan Valera              53436
[Language: Spanish]
At Minas Basin and Other Poems, by Theodore H. Rand 53435
Film Truth; November, 1920, by Anonymous 53434
West Virginia Trees, by A. B. Brooks 53433
Flowers of the Southwest Deserts, by Natt N. Dodge 53432
[Illustrator: Jeanne R. Janish]
Chats on Postage Stamps, by Frederick John Melville 53431
Principia Ethica, by George Edward Moore 53430
El sabor de la tierruca, by José MarÃa de Pereda 53429
[Language: Spanish]
Die Naturwissenschaften in ihrer Entwicklung und 53428
in ihrem Zusammenhange, by Friedrich Dannemann
[Subtitle: I. Band: Von den Anfängen bis
zum Wiederaufleben der Wissenschaften]
[Language: German]
The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. XX, No. 994, January 14, 1899, by Various 53427
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Oct 2016 to 31 Oct 2016 ~ ~ ~ ~
Uncle Sam's Right Arm, by Effa E. Preston 53426
[Subtitle: A Patriotic Exercise]
The Dearest Things in Boots, by Edna I. MacKenzie 53425
The Life of Robert, Lord Clive, Vol. 1 of 3, by John Malcolm 53424
[Subtitle: Collected from the Family Papers
Communicated by the Earl Of Powis]
Better Than Men, by Rush Hawkins 53423
Free Trapper's Pass, by William R. Eyster 53422
[Subtitle: or, the Gold-seeker's Daughter!]
Documentos para la historia del virreinato del Rio de 53421
la Plata, tomo 1, by Universidad de Buenos Aires
[Language: Spanish]
Frank Nelson in the Forecastle, by Harry Castlemon 53420
[Subtitle: Or, The Sportman's Club Among the Whalers]
Twenty-Five Ghost Stories, by W. Bob Holland                            53419
A Summer On The Borders Of The Caribbean Sea, by J. Dennis. Harris     53418
The French Army From Within, by Anonymous 53417
Only a Girl's Love, by Charles Garvice 53416
Poems You Ought to Know, by Elia W. Peattie 53415
Dave Porter and His Classmates, by Edward Stratemeyer 53414
[Subtitle: For the Honor of Oak Hall]
[Illustrator: Charles Nuttall]
Prosa PolÃtica (Las Repúblicas Americanas), by Rubén DarÃo 53413
[Subtitle: Obras Completas Vol. XIII]
[Illustrator: Enrique Ochoa]
[Language: Spanish]
The Witchcraft Delusion in New England: Its Rise, Progress, 53412
and Termination, Vol. 3 of 3, by Cotton Mather and Robert Calef
Eve, by Sabine Baring-Gould 53411
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Konovalov, by Maksim Gorky                                              53410
[Language: Finnish]
Ocean Gardens, The History of the Marine Aquarium, by H. Noel Humphreys 53409
[Subtitle: and the best methods now adopted
for its establishment and preservation]
Verdun and the Battle for its Possession, by Michelin & Cie             53408
[Subtitle: Illustrated Michelin Guides
to the Battle-Fields (1914 - 1918)]
Dave Porter's Return to School, by Edward Stratemeyer                   53407
[Subtitle: Winning the Medal of Honor]
[Illustrator: Charles Nuttall]
Dick Hamilton's Touring Car, by Howard R. Garis                         53406
[Subtitle: A Young Millionaire's Race For A Fortune]
El libro rojo, 1520-1867, Tomo II, by Vicente Riva Palacio, Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 53405
 Manuel Payno, Juan A. Mateos and Rafael MartÃnez de la Torre]
 [Language: Spanish]
The Album Writer's Friend, by J. S. Ogilvie 53404
[Subtitle: Comprising More Than Three Hundred Choice Selections
of Poetry and Prose, Suitable for Writing in Autograph Albums,
Valentines, Birthday, Christmas and New Year Cards]
Old Memories: Amusing and Historical, by Mrs. Daniel Macpherson 53403
Brotherly House, by Grace S. Richmond 53402
[Illustrator: Thomas J. Fogarty]
Never:, by Nathan Dane Urner 53401
[Subtitle: A Hand-Book for the Uninitiated and Inexperienced
Aspirants to Refined Society's Giddy Heights and Glittering
The East India Vade-Mecum, Vol.1 of 2, by Thomas Williamson 53400
[Subtitle: or, Complete Guide to Gentlemen Intended for the
Civil, Military, or Naval Service of the East India Company]
Honoré de Balzac, by Théophile Gautier 53399
[Language: French]
Honoré de Balzac, by Théophile Gautier 53398
Näin puhui Zarathustra, by Friedrich Nietzsche 53397
[Subtitle: Kirja kaikille eikä kenellekään]
[Language: Finnish]
Practical Talks by an Astronomer, by Harold Jacoby 53396
Essays: Scientific, Political, and Speculative; 53395
Vol. 2 of 3, by Herbert Spencer
[Subtitle: Library Edition (1891), Containing Seven Essays
not before Republished, and Various other Additions]
The Fortunes of Garin, by Mary Johnston 53394
Natuurkunde in de Huiskamer, by Tom Tit 53393
[Subtitle: ongeveer 100 proeven met huishoudelijke voorwerpen]
[Language: Dutch]
Lucrezia Borgia, by Victor Hugo 53392
[Subtitle: Murhenäytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
Home Amusements, by M. E. W. Sherwood 53391
Motor Matt's Mandarin, by Stanley R. Matthews 53390
[Subtitle: or, Turning A Trick For Tsan Ti]
An Uninvited Member, by Elizabeth F. Guptill 53389
[Subtitle: A Play for Girls in Two Scenes]
Answering the Phone, by Elizabeth F. Guptill 53388
[Subtitle: A Farce]
The Two Christmas Boxes, by Elsie Duncan Yale 53387
[Subtitle: A Play for Girls]
The Flying Girl, by Edith Van Dyne 53386
[Author a.k.a. L. Frank Baum]
[Illustrator: Joseph Pierre Nuyttens]
For Your Sweet Sake, by James Ephraim McGirt                 53385
[Subtitle: Poems]
Pygmies and Papuans, by A. F. R. Wollaston 53384
[Subtitle: The Stone Age To-day in Dutch New Guinea]
The Story of Don John of Austria, by Luis Coloma 53383
>From Farm Boy to Senator, by Horatio Alger, Jr. 53382
[Subtitle: Being the History of the Boyhood
and Manhood of Daniel Webter]
Ylhäisiä naisia, by Thomas Hardy                                        53381
[Language: Finnish]
The republic of the southern cross and other stories, by Valery Brussof 53380
Japanilaisia satuja, by Anonymous                                       53379
[Language: Finnish]
A Mother's Year Book, by Various 53378
[Editors: Francis McKinnon Morton and Mary McKinnon McSwain]
The American Missionary, Vol. 32, No. 10, October, 1878, by Various 53377
American Missionary, Vol. 32, No. 9, September, 1878, by Various 53376
Occoneechee, by Robert Frank Jarrett 53375
[Subtitle: The Maid of the Mystic Lake]
Le livre de Monelle, by Marcel Schwob 53374
[Language: French]
A Manual of Historic Ornament, by Richard Glazier                       53373
[Language: Spanish]
Star of India, by Alice Perrin 53372
The Haslemere Museum Gazette, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 1906, by Various 53371
[Subtitle: A Journal of Objective Education and Field-Study]
[Editors: Jonathan Hutchinson and E. W. Swanton]
Wastralls, by C. A. Dawson-Scott 53370
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Nietzsche and Art, by Anthony M. Ludovici 53369
Don't Marry, by James W. Donovan 53368
[Subtitle: or, Advice on How, When and Who to Marry]
Dik Trom en zijn Dorpsgenooten, by C. Joh. Kieviet 53367
[Illustrator: Joh. Braakensiek]
[Language: Dutch]
The Book of Fair Women, by Emil Hoppé 53366
[Subtitle: Thirty Two Plates From Photographs]
Nälkä, by Knut Hamsun 53365
[Language: Finnish]
Kun ruusu puhkeaa, by Louisa M. Alcott 53364
[Language: Finnish]
Glue, Gelatine, Animal Charcoal, Phosphorous, Cements, 53363
Pastes and Mucilages, by F. Dawidowsky
A Rebellion in Dixie, by Harry Castlemon 53362
Patsy Carroll Under Southern Skies, by Grace Gordon 53361
[Illustrator: R. Emmet Owen]
The History of the Indian Revolt and of the Expeditions 53360
to Persia, China and Japan 1856-7-8, by George Dodd
Hôtel Buchholz, by Julius Stinde 53359
[Subtitle: Ausstellungs-Erlebnisse der Frau Wilhelmine Buchholz]
[Language: German]
War to the Knife, by Rolf Boldrewood 53358
[Subtitle: or Tangata Maori]
The Day Before Yesterday, by Richard Middleton 53357
Kate Vernon, Vol. 2 of 3, by Mrs. Alexander 53356
[Subtitle: A Tale. In three volumes.]
La novela en el tranvÃa, by Benito Pérez Galdós 53355
[Language: Spanish]
Imperialism and Mr. Gladstone, by Various 53354
[Subtitle: 1876-1887]
Life of Joseph Brant--Thayandanegea, Vol. 2, by William L. Stone 53353
[Subtitle: Including the Border Wars of the American Revolution]
National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 3, July, 1890, by Various 53352
The Gentleman's Magazine, January 1731, by Various 53351
[Subtitle: Or, Trader's Monthly Intelligencer]
Il Falco, by Alessandro Varaldo 53350
[Subtitle: (Cronaca del 1796)]
[Language: Italian]
Our Cavalry, by M. F. Rimington 53349
Some Irish Yesterdays, by E. OE. Somerville and Martin Ross 53348
[Illustrator: E. OE. Somerville]
Physiology, by M. Foster                                                53347
The Analogy of Religion to the Constitution 53346
and Course of Nature, by Joseph Butler
[Subtitle: To which are added two brief dissertations:
I. On personal identity, II. On the nature of virtue]
Dan, The Newsboy, by Horatio Alger, Jr. 53345
Kammweg-Führer von der Jeschkenkoppe bei Reichenberg bis zum 53344
Rosenberg bei Tetschen, by Franz Hantschel
[Subtitle: mit Berücksichtigung der anschliessenden Kammwege]
[Language: German]
Kardinalens frieri, by Gene Stratton-Porter 53343
[Subtitle: En fågelhistoria]
[Language: Swedish]
Naisia, by Anton Tshehov 53342
[Language: Finnish]
The Dorrington Deed-Box, by Arthur Morrison 53341
[Illustrator: Stanley Wood]
The American Missionary, Vol. 32, No. 8, August, 1878, by Various 53340
Rodmoor, by John Cowper Powys 53339
[Subtitle: A Romance]
Peace and Reform, by Various 53338
[Subtitle: 1815-1837]
No Posting 53337
The Public School Word-book, by John S. Farmer 53336
[Subtitle: A contribution to a historical glossary of words,
phrases and turns of expression obsolete and in current use
peculiar to our great public schools together with some that
have been or are modish at the universities]
Pomegranates from an English Garden, by Robert Browning 53335
[Subtitle: A selection from the poems of Robert Browning]
The Art of being Bored, by Edouard Pailleron 53334
[Subtitle: A Comedy in Three Acts]
Ebony and Crystal, by Clark Ashton Smith 53333
[Subtitle: Poems in Verse and Prose]
Inferno, by Konrad Lehtimäki 53332
[Subtitle: Novelleja]
[Language: Finnish]
Lexique comparé de la langue de Molière et des écrivains 53331
du XVIIe siècle, by François Génin
[Language: French]
Dafnis y Cloe, leyendas del antiguo Oriente, by Juan Valera             53330
[Language: Spanish]
Daimoni, by M. J. Lermontov 53329
[Subtitle: Itämainen tarina]
[Language: Finnish]
Saban kuningatar sekä muita kertomuksia, by Knut Hamsun 53328
[Language: Finnish]
Samurai Trails, by Lucian Swift Kirtland 53327
[Subtitle: A Chronicle of Wanderings on the Japanese High Road]
Sotilaskertomuksia, by Rudyard Kipling 53326
[Language: Finnish]
The Cleveland Medical Gazette, Vol. 1, No. 5, March 1886, 53325
by A. R. Baker, S. W. Kelley, and Others
Tales of the R.I.C, by Unknown and Royal Irish Constabulary 53324
Evening at Home, by John Aikin and Mrs. L. E. Barbauld 53323
[Subtitle: The Juvenile Budget Opened]
[Illustrator: Engravings after Harvey and Chapman, by Adams]
Reisen in den Philippinen, by Andreas Fedor Jagor 53322
[Language: German]
Le Satyricon, by Petronius Arbiter 53321
[Author a.k.a. Pétrone]
[Illustrator: Jean-Emile Laboureur]
[Language: French]
The Motor Boys in the Army, by Clarence Young 53320
[Subtitle: or, Ned, Bob and Jerry as Volunteers]
Initiative in Evolution, by Walter Kidd 53319
Jacquard Weaving and Designing, by T. F. Bell 53318
The Novel on the Tram, by Benito Pérez Galdós 53317
Statement of the Provision for the Poor, and of the Condition 53316
of the Labouring Classes in a Considerable Portion of America
and Europe, by Nassau W. Senior
[Subtitle: Being the preface to the foreign communications
contained in the appendix to the Poor-Law Report]
Hesiodi Carmina, by Hesiod 53315
[Language: Latin]
America, by Robert Mackenzie 53314
[Subtitle: A history]
Maailmankaupunki, by Upton Sinclair 53313
[Language: Finnish]
Bygone Berkshire, by Various 53312
[Editor: Peter Hampson Ditchfield]
The Life of Sir Isaac Newton, by David Brewster 53311
La femme affranchie, Vol. 2 of 2, by Jenny P. d'Héricourt 53310
[Subtitle: Réponse à MM. Michelet, Proudhon, E. de Girardin,
A. Comte et aux autres novateurs modernes]
[Language: French]
La femme affranchie, Vol. 1 of 2, by Jenny P. d'Héricourt 53309
[Subtitle: Réponse à MM. Michelet, Proudhon, E. de Girardin,
A. Comte et aux autres novateurs modernes]
[Language: French]
Historical Record of the Eighteenth or The Royal Irish Regiment 53308
of Foot: From Its Formation in 1684 to 1848, by Richard Cannon
A Birder's Guide to North Dakota, by Kevin J. Zimmer 53307
Little Prudy's Captain Horace, by Sophie May 53306
System of Practical Medicine By American Authors, Vol. 3, by Various 53305
[Subtitle: Diseases of the Respiratory, Circulatory,
and Haematopoietic Systems]
[Editors: William Pepper and Louis Starr]
The Gourmet's Guide to London, by Nathaniel Newnham-Davis 53304
Il Miraggio, by Lucio D'Ambra 53303
[Language: Italian]
Boy Inventor's Wireless Triumph, by Richard Bonner  53302
[Illustrator: Charles L. Wrenn]
Nimensä pilannut kaupunki, by Mark Twain                                53301
[Language: Finnish]
Nature's Teachings, by J. G. Wood                                       53300
[Subtitle: Human Invention Anticipated by Nature]
A Christmas Hamper, by Various 53299
[Subtitle: A Volume of Pictures and Stories for Little Folks]
Taking the Census, by Elizabeth F. Guptill 53298
[Subtitle: A Farce]
Harper's Young People, February 14, 1882, by Various 53297
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Weekly]
A Fair Jewess, by B. L. Farjeon 53296
Primitive & Mediaeval Japanese Texts, by Various 53295
[Subtitle: Transliterated into Roman with
introductions, notes and glossaries]
Recuerdos Del Tiempo Viejo, by José Zorrilla 53294
[Language: Spanish]
Pidot, by Platon                                                        53293
[Subtitle: (Symposion)]
[Language: Finnish]
Sagenbuch des Erzgebirges, by Johann August Ernst Köhler                53292
[Language: German]
Huone; Timon, by Lukianos                                               53291
[Language: Finnish]
Engravings of Lions, Tigers, Panthers, Leopards, Dogs, &c., 53290
by Thomas Landseer
[Illustrator: Edwin Henry Landseer]
The Restless Sex, by Robert W. Chambers 53289
[Illustrator: W. D. Stevens]
Seat Weaving, by L. Day Perry 53288
L'Incendiario, by Aldo Palazzeschi 53287
[Subtitle: col rapporto sulla vittoria futurista di Trieste]
[Language: Italian]
The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, May 1913, by Various 53286
[Subtitle: Vol. LXXXVI. New Series: Vol. LXIV. May to October, 1913]
Historical Characters, by Henry Lytton Earle Bulwer 53285
[Subtitle: Mackintosh, Talleyrand, Canning, Corbett, Peel]
No Posting 53284
Die groÃe Stille, by Heinrich Lilienfein 53283
[Language: German]
Kuningastarinoita, by Snorri Sturluson 53282
[Language: Finnish]
The Child of the Moat, by Ian B. Stoughton Holborn 53281
[Subtitle: A Story for Girls. 1557 A.D.]
Will Rossiter's Original Talkalogues by American Jokers, 53280
Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, Vol. 1 of 15, 53279
[Language: French]
Lord Lawrence, by Richard Temple                                        53278
The Every-day Book and Table Book. Vol. 3 of 3, by William Hone 53277
[Subtitle: or Everlasting Calendar of Popular Amusements, etc, etc]
The Every-day Book and Table Book. Vol. 2 of 3, by William Hone 53276
[Subtitle: or Everlasting Calendar of Popular Amusements, etc, etc]
The Every-day Book and Table Book, Vol. 1 of 3, by William Hone 53275
[Subtitle: or Everlasting Calendar of Popular Amusements, etc, etc]
Lain varjolla, by Väinö Kataja 53274
[Subtitle: Romaani Perä-Pohjolasta]
[Language: Finnish]
Famous Assassinations of History, by Francis Johnson                   53273
Säätynsä uhri, by Edith Wharton 53272
[Language: Finnish]
The Brighton Boys at Chateau-Thierry, by James R. Driscoll 53271
The Pilgrim Story, by William Franklin Atgood 53270
[Subtitle: Being largely a compilation from the documents of
Governor Bradford and Governor Winslow, severally and in
collaboration; together with a list of Mayflower passengers]
[Illustrator: Leo Schreiber]
Atom Mystery, by Charles Ira Coombs 53269
[Subtitle: [Young Atom Detective]]
[Illustrator: G. Dean Lewis]
Murder at Large, by Lesley Frost 53268
The Corset and the Crinoline, by William Barry Lord 53267
[Subtitle: A Book of Modes and Costumes
from Remote Periods to the Present Time]
Germania, by Cornelius Tacitus 53266
[Language: Finnish]
Agricola, by Cornelius Tacitus 53265
[Language: Finnish]
A History of the Peninsula war, Vol. 1, 1807-1809, by Charles Oman 53264
[Subtitle: From the Treaty of Fontainbleau
To the Battle of Corunna]
The Mystery of M. Felix, by B. L. Farjeon 53263
Manners for Men, by Mrs. Humphry                                        53262
We Moderns, by Edwin Muir and H. L. Mencken 53261
[Subtitle: Enigmas and Guesses]
Nietzsche, by Anthony M. Ludovici 53260
[Subtitle: His Life and Works]
Horton Genealogy, by Various 53259
[Subtitle: or Chronicles of the Descendants
of Barnabas Horton, of Southold, L. I., 1640]
Kolme kertomusta, by Maksim Gorky 53258
[Language: Finnish]
Etsivä Samuel, by Upton Sinclair 53257
[Language: Finnish]
The Room with the Little Door, by Roland Burnham Molineux 53256
Harper's Round Table, February 11, 1896, by Various 53255
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments, 53254
now entituled The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Vol. 4
of 17, by Richard F. Burton
Leonna, by Charlotta Falkman 53253
[Subtitle: En skildring ur lifvet]
[Language: Swedish]
The Boy Apprenticed to an Enchanter, by Padraic Colum 53252
[Illustrator: Dugald Stuart Walker]
The Lusitania's Last Voyage, by Charles Lauriat                         53251
The Golden Age, by Kenneth Grahame 53250
[Illustrator: R. J. E. Moony]
The Laughing Girl, by Robert W. Chambers 53249
[Illustrator: Henry Hutt]
Gallant Little Wales, by Jeannette Augustus Marks 53248
[Subtitle: Sketches of its people, places and customs]
Oeuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant, Volume 9, by Guy de Maupassant 53247
[Language: French]
Wanhain Suomalaisten Tawaliset ja Suloiset Sananlascut, by Various 53246
[Language: Finnish]
Little Dramas for Primary Grades, by Ada Maria Skinner 53245
and Lillian Nixon Lawrence
King Country; or, Explorations in New Zealand, by J. H. Kerry-Nicholls 53244
[Subtitle: A Narrative of 600 Miles of Travel Through Maoriland]
Historical Sketches of Colonial Florida, by Richard L. Campbell 53243
The American Missionary, Vol. 32, No. 7, July 1878, by Various 53242
The Scouring of the White Horse, by Thomas Hughes 53241
[Subtitle: Or, The Long Vacation Ramble of a London Clerk]
[Illustrator: Richard Doyle]
Mother Goose's Teddy Bears, by Frederick Leopold Cavally 53240
Gesichte, by Else Lasker-Schüler 53239
[Subtitle: Essays und andere Geschichten]
[Language: German]
Runoudesta, by Horace 53238
[Language: Finnish]
Luja kuin kuolema, by Guy de Maupassant 53237
[Language: Finnish]
A Thanksgiving Dream, by Effa E. Preston 53236
[Subtitle: A One Act Play for Primary Children]
The Practical Magician and Ventriloquist's Guide, by Anonymous 53235
[Subtitle: A practical manual of fireside magic and conjuring
illusions, containing also complete instructions for
acquiring and practising the art of ventriloquism]
Säkeitä II, by Otto Manninen 53234
[Language: Finnish]
Säkeitä I, by Otto Manninen 53233
[Language: Finnish]
Reime und Bilder, by Carl Spitzweg 53232
[Illustrator: Emil Preetorius]
[Language: German]
The Southern States, March, 1894, by Various 53231
[Subtitle: An illustrated monthly magazine devoted to the South]
[Editor: William H. Edmonds]
Ancient Streets and Homesteads of England, by Alfred Rimmer             53230
Aenigmata Fennica, by Various 53229
[Subtitle: Suomalaiset Arwotuxet Wastauksien kansa]
[Language: Finnish]
Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science, 53228
and Art, February, 1885, by Various
The American Missionary, Vol. 32, No. 06, June, 1878, by Various 53227
Oscar Wilde, a study, by André Gide 53226
A Society Clown, by George Grossmith 53225
Basil and Annette, by B. L. Farjeon 53224
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Leopardi, by Federico De Roberto 53223
[Language: Italian]
Royal Railways with Uniform Rates, by Whately C. Arnold 53222
[Subtitle: A proposal for amalgamation of Railways with
the General Post Office and adoption of uniform fares
and rates for any distance]
Lemmentarina, by Ivan Turgenev 53221
[Language: Finnish]
The House of Cariboo and Other Tales from Arcadia, by A. Paul Gardiner 53220
[Illustrator: Robert A. Graef]
The History of Bread From Pre-historic to Modern Times, by John Ashton 53219
Cölestine, oder der eheliche Verdacht; Zweiter Theil (von 2), 53218
by Julian Chownitz
[Language: German]
Cölestine, oder der eheliche Verdacht; Erster Theil (von 2), 53217
by Julian Chownitz
[Language: German]
An Essay on the Incubus, or Night-mare, by John Bond 53216
Kiusanhenki, by E. T. A. Hoffmann 53215
[Subtitle: Satu]
[Language: Finnish]
The Mystery of the Fifteen Sounds, by Van Powell 53214
Marjorie Dean, Marvelous Manager, by Pauline Lester 53213
Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art, by Various 53212
Kolme ystävystä II, by Maksim Gorki                                     53211
[Language: Finnish]
Canterbury, by W. Teignmouth Shore                                      53210
[Illustrator: W. Biscombe Gardner]
Kolme ystävystä I-II, by Maksim Gorki                                   53209
[Language: Finnish]
Momenti, by Sibilla Aleramo 53208
[Subtitle: Liriche]
[Language: Italian]
Dramas, by William Shakespeare 53207
[Subtitle: El Mercader de Venecia, Macbeth, Romeo y Julieta, Otelo]
[Language: Spanish]
Selections from Modern Poets, by Various 53206
[Subtitle: Made by J. C. Squire - Sassoon, Joyce, Graves...]
Letters from Switzerland and Travels in Italy, 53205
by Johan Wolfgang, von Goethe
[Subtitle: Truth and Poetry: from my own Life]
Incaland, by Claude Hazeltine Wetmore 53204
[Subtitle: A Story of Adventure in the Interior of Peru
and the Closing Chapters of the War with Chile]
[Illustrator: H. Burgess]
Complete Treatise on the mare and foal at the time of delivery, 53203
with illustrations, by Conrad Mitchell
[Subtitle: Also on cows and calves, with stallion and mare,
when diseased by Gonorrhea (clap) or Pox, also Diarrhea
and Costiveness in Colts]
A Mechanical Account of Poisons in Several Essays, by Richard Mead 53202
Jumalallista ja inhimillistä, by Graf Leo Tolstoy 53201
[Subtitle: eli vielä kolme kuolemaa]
[Language: Finnish]
The Camp Fire Girls by the Blue Lagoon, by Margaret Vandercook 53200
Practical Points in Anesthesia, by Frederick-Emil Neef 53199
Penny Allen and the Mystery of the Hidden Treasure, 53198
by Jean Lyttleton McKechnie
Cynthia Steps Out, by Erick Berry                                       53197
Annabel, by Suzanne Metcalf                                             53196
[Subtitle: A Novel for Young Folks]
[Illustrator: H. Putnam Hall]
Laulu Hiawathasta, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 53195
[Language: Finnish]
The Story of the Scottish Covenants in Outline, by D. Hay Fleming 53194
Intermere, by William Alexander Taylor 53193
A Texas Blue Bonnet, by Caroline Emilia Jacobs 53192
[Subtitle: Caroline Emilia Jacobs]
[Illustrator: John Goss]
William Jennings Bryan, by Harvey Ellsworth Newbranch 53191
[Subtitle: A Concise But Complete Story of His Life and Services]
Absurd Ditties, by G. E. Farrow 53190
[Illustrator: John Hassall]
The History of Parliamentary Taxation in England, 53189
by Shepard Ashman Morgan
The American Missionary, Vol. 32, No. 5, May, 1878, by Various 53188
Harper's Young People, February 7, 1882, by Various 53187
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Weekly]
Life of James Buchanan, Vol. 1 of 2, by George Tickner Curtis 53186
[Subtitle: Fifteenth President of the United States]
Colección de Documentos Inéditos Relativos al Descubrimiento, 53185
Conquista y Organización de las Antiguas Posesiones
Españolas, by Various
[Editor: Real Academia de la Historia -]
[Language: Spanish]
Le Novelle della Pescara, by Gabriele D'Annunzio                        53184
[Language: Italian]
La maniere d'amolir les os, et de faire cuire toutes sortes de 53183
viandes en fort peu de temps, & Ã peu de frais, by Denis Papin
[Language: French]
The Sorceress, Vol. 3 of 3, by Margaret Oliphant                        53182
Eräitä kertoelmia, by H. G. Wells                                       53181
[Language: Finnish]
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Sep 2016 to 30 Sep 2016 ~ ~ ~ ~
Ylimys, by John Galsworthy 53180
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Sea Plunder, by H. De Vere Stacpoole 53179
Stories and Sketches, by Various 53178
[Subtitle: by our best authors]
Travels on the Amazon, by Alfred Russel Wallace 53177
Kasba (White Partridge), by George R. Ray 53176
[Subtitle: A Story of Hudson Bay]
The Scratch Pack, by Dorothea Conyers 53175
Ãschylos Tragedies and Fragments, by Ãschylos 53174
Helena Nybloms Sagor, by Helena Nyblom 53173
[Language: Swedish]
Stargazing: Past and Present, by J. Norman Lockyer 53172
Historia de las Indias, Vol. 3 of 5, by Bartolomé de las Casas 53171
[Language: Spanish]
Betrayed Armenia, by Diana Agabeg Apcar 53170
Ignorant Essays, by Richard Dowling                                     53169
In the Royal Naval Air Service, by Harold Rosher 53168
Patruunan palveluksessa, by Armas E. Turunen 53167
[Subtitle: Näytelmä 3:ssa näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
Dick and Dolly, by Carolyn Wells 53166
[Illustrator: Ada Budell]
A Day with Robert Louis Stevenson, by Maurice Clare 53165
The Standard Bearer, by S. R. Crockett                                  53164
Essays in Librarianship and Bibliography, by Richard Garnett 53163
Some Poems of Roger Casement, by Roger Casement 53162
A View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy, by Anonymous 53161
Suomalaiset Amerikassa, by Akseli Rauanheimo 53160
[Language: Finnish]
The Old Irish World, by Alice Stopford Green 53159
The New Eldorado, by Maturin Murray Ballou 53158
[Subtitle: A Summer Journey to Alaska]
Wood and Stone, by John Cowper Powys 53157
[Subtitle: A Romance]
Rhymes of Northern Bards, by Various 53156
[Subtitle: Being a Curious Collection of Old and New Songs
and Poems, Peculiar to the Counties of Newcastle upon Tyne,
Northumberland, and Durham]
[Editor: John Bell]
Out and About London, by Thomas Burke 53155
Cameron of Lochiel, by Philippe Aubert de Gaspé 53154
[Illustrator: H. C. Edwards]
Snakes, by Catherine Cooper Hopley 53153
[Subtitle: Curiosities and Wonders of Serpent Life]
Motor Tours in Wales & the Border Counties, by Mrs. Rodolph Stawell 53152
[Illustrator: R. De S. Stawell]
In The Firing Line, by A. St. John Adcock 53151
[Subtitle: Stories of the War By Land and Sea]
Amor ja Psyke, by Apuleius 53150
[Language: Finnish]
The Dyak Chief, and other verses, by Erwin Clarkson Garrett             53149
Ballads of Bravery, by Various 53148
[Editor: George Melville Baker]
Albert Durer a Venise et dans les Pays-Bas, by Albert Durer 53147
[Subtitle: autobiographie, lettres, journal de voyages, papiers divers]
[Language: French]
Jorden och solsystemet, by Karl Brohlin 53146
[Subtitle: NÃ¥gra blad ur historien om vetenskapens strider]
[Language: Swedish]
The Great Taxicab Robbery, by James H. Collins 53145
[Subtitle: A True Detective Story]
Correspondence of the Family of Haddock 1657-1719, by Various 53144
[Subtitle: The Camden Miscellany: Volume the Eighth]
[Editor: Edward Maunde Thompson]
Henley's Twentieth Century Formulas, Recipes and Processes, by Various 53143
[Editor: Gardner D. Hiscox]
The Men of The Nineties, by Bernard Muddiman 53142
Popular Official Guide to the New York Zoological Park, 53141
September 1915, by William T. Hornaday
[Subtitle: Thirteenth Edition]
Chickamauga and Chattanooga Battlefields, by James R. Sullivan 53140
[Subtitle: Chickamauga and Chattanooga National
Military Park--Georgia, Tennessee]
Maxims and Instructions for the Boiler Room, by Nehemiah Hawkins 53139
[Subtitle: Useful to Engineers, Firemen & Mechanics;
Relating to Steam Generators, Pumps, Appliances,
Steam Heating, Practical Plumbing, etc.]
The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, Vol. 7 of 73, by Various 53138
[Subtitle: Quebec, Hurons, Cape Breton, 1634-1635]
[Editor: Reuben Gold Thwaites]
Agamemnon, by Aeschylus 53137
[Subtitle: Murhenäytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
Fig Culture, by Gustav Eisen and Franklin Sumner Earle 53136
[Subtitle: Edible Figs: Their Culture and Curing.
Fig Culture in the United States.]
The Halifax Catastrophe, by Anonymous 53135
The Admiral's Daughter, by Margaret Stuart Lane 53134
The High Toby, by H. B. Marriott Watson 53133
[Subtitle: Being further chapters in the life and fortunes of Dick
Ryder, otherwise Galloping Dick, sometime gentleman of the road]
[Illustrator: Claude Shepperson]
The Night of the Trolls, by Keith Laumer 53132
[Illustrators: Virgil Finlay and Nochem Nodel]
Historia de las Indias, tomo v., by Bartolomé de las Casas 53131
[Language: Spanish]
A Guide-Book of Florida and the South for Tourists, 53130
Invalids and Emigrants, by Daniel G. Brinton
Korvenkylän nuoriso, by Väikkö Vuokko                                   53129
[Subtitle: Näytelmä kahdessa näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
Indian Council in the Valley of the Walla-Walla 1855, by Lawrence Kip 53128
San Xavier Del Bac, Arizona, by Arizona Pioneers Historical Society 53127
[Subtitle: A Descriptive and Historical Guide]
Specimens of British Trench Orders, by Anonymous 53126
The War of Women, by Alexandre Dumas 53125
[Subtitle: Volume 2]
The War of Women, by Alexandre Dumas 53124
[Subtitle: Volume 1]
The Trouble with Truth, by Julian F. Grow 53123
[Illustrator: Lutjens]
The Story of the American Merchant Marine, by John Randolph Spears 53122
Love, by Bernard Simon Talmey 53121
[Subtitle: A Treatise on the Science of Sex-attraction, for
the use of Physicians and Students of Medical Jurisprudence]
When All the Woods are Green, by S. Weir Mitchell 53120
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Haapaniemen hanhenpoika, by W. Friedrich 53119
[Subtitle: Huvi-näytelmä yhdessä näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
Excursions in Victorian Bibliography, by Michael Sadleir 53118
Motion Picture Directing, by Peter Milne 53117
[Subtitle: The Facts and Theories of the Newest Art]
Right Guard Grant, by Ralph Henry Barbour 53116
[Illustrator: Leslie Crump]
The History of Tammany Hall, by Gustavus Myers 53115
[Subtitle: Second Edition]
Om mordet på Karl XII, by O. J. Hultgren 53114
[Subtitle: Historisk och juridisk undersökning]
[Language: Swedish]
Myths and Tales from the White Mountain Apache, by Pliny Earle Goddard 53113
[Subtitle: Anthropological Papers of the American Museum
of Natural History Vol. XXIV, Part II]
No Posting 53112
Half-hours with The Highwaymen, Vol. 1, by Charles George Harper 53111
[Subtitle: Picturesque Biographies and Traditions
of The "Knights of The Road"]
Trattato generale di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte, 53110
by Iginio Gentile and Serafino Ricci
[Subtitle: Italica, Etrusca e Romana]
[Language: Italian]
The Witch, by Mary Johnston 53109
Confessions of the Czarina, by Paul Vassili                             53108
Kanervaisilta kankahilta II, by Akseli Salokannel 53107
[Language: Finnish]
The Vikings, by Allen Mawer 53106
London Signs and Inscriptions, by Philip Norman 53105
Popular Sayings from Old Iberia, by Eduardo Miranda   53104
y Ramirez Premio-Real
Ãsop's Fables, by Ãsop 53103
[Illustrator: Charles Robinson]
The Lonely, by Judith Merril 53102
[Illustrators: Virgil Finlay and Lutjens]
A Mao e A Luva, by Machado de Assis 53101
[Language: Portuguese]
Aus zwei Welttheilen. Zweiter Band., by Friedrich Gerstäcker 53100
[Subtitle: Gesammelte Erzählungen]
[Language: German]
Willow Pollen, by Jeannette Augustus Marks                              53099
The Mary Frances Garden Book, by Jane Eayre Fryer 53098
[Subtitle: or Adventures Among the Garden People]
[Illustrator: William F. Zwirner]
The Murder of Delicia, by Marie Corelli 53097
Self-Doomed, by B. L. Farjeon 53096
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Digging for Gold, by Horatio Alger, Jr. 53095
[Subtitle: A Story of California]
Outline of the history of the English language and literature, Â 53094
by Anonymous
The Defence of Lucknow, by Thomas Fourness Wilson 53093
[Subtitle: A Diary Recording the Daily Events during the Siege
of the European Residency from 31st May to 25th September, 1857]
The Ancient Bronze Implements, Weapons, and Ornaments 53092
of Great Britain and Ireland, by John Evans
Henrik Gabriel Porthan, by Gunnar Suolahti 53091
[Subtitle: Elämäkerran luonnos]
[Language: Finnish]
Henrik Gabriel Porthan historiantutkijana, by Gunnar Suolahti 53090
[Language: Finnish]
The Creature Inside, by Jack Sharkey 53089
[Illustrator: Wallace Wood]
Landseer's Dogs and Their Stories, by Sarah Tytler 53088
[Illustrator: Sir Edwin Landseer]
Songs at the Start, by Louise Imogen Guiney 53087
The Inventor, by Elsie Duncan Yale 53086
[Subtitle: Introducing the Wishing Box A Christmas Play]
The Nine of Hearts, by B. L. Farjeon 53085
[Subtitle: A Novel]
A Manual of Italian Literature, by Francis Henry Cliffe 53084
The Antiquities of Constantinople, by Pierre Gilles 53083
[Author a.k.a. Petrus Gyllius]
[Subtitle: With a Description of Its Situation,
the Conveniencies of Its Port, Its Publick
Buildings, the Statuary, Sculpture, Architecture,
and Other Curiosities of That City]
Les apôtres, by Ernest Renan 53082
[Subtitle: Histoire des origines du christianisme, Vol. 2]
[Language: French]
The life and adventures of Guzman D'Alfarache, or the Spanish Rogue, 53081
Vol. 3 of 3, by Alain-René Le Sage
The Myths of Mexico & Peru, by Lewis Spence 53080
Dinners and Diners, by Nathaniel Newnham-Davis 53079
[Subtitle: Where and How to Dine in London]
The American Missionary, Vol. 32, No. 04, April 1878, by Various 53078
Pinocchion seikkailut, by Carlo Collodi 53077
[Subtitle: Kertomus marioneteista]
[Language: Finnish]
Kiusaaja, by Mór Jókai 53076
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Songs of the Glens of Antrim, by Moira O'Neill 53075
Professor Johnny, by JAK 53074
[Author a.k.a. Annie Bowles Williams]
God's Country; The Trail to Happiness, by James Oliver Curwood 53073
Poems, by Clarence Cook                                                 53072
Mark the Match Boy, by Horatio Alger, Jr. 53071
[Subtitle: or Richard Hunter's Ward]
The Modern Vikings, by Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen 53070
[Subtitle: Stories of Life and Sport in the Norseland]
Taiteilijan tarina, by Hermann Hesse 53069
[Language: Finnish]
Rakkautta ja politiikkaa, by Armas E. Turunen 53068
[Subtitle: Huvinäytelmä 1:ssä näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
Color Cement Handicraft, by Pedro J. Lemos and Reta A. Lemos            53067
Kanervaisilta kankahilta 1, by Akseli Salokannel 53066
[Subtitle: Kertomuksia ja kuvauksia]
[Language: Finnish]
American Missionary, Vol. 32, No. 2, February, 1878, by Various 53065
Die Casting, by Chester L. Lucas 53064
[Subtitle: Dies--Machines--Methods]
The Netherworld of Mendip, by Ernest A. Baker and Herbert E. Balch 53063
[Subtitle: Explorations in the great caverns of
Somerset, Yorkshire, Derbyshire, and elsewhere]
At the Sign of the Silver Flagon, by B. L. Farjeon 53062
Humoristische Erinnerungen aus meinem academischen Leben 53061
in Heidelberg und Kiel in den Jahren 1817-1819, Vol. 2,
by Theodor von Kobbe
[Subtitle: Erstes Bändchen]
[Language: German]
Humoristische Erinnerungen aus meinem academischen Leben 53060
in Heidelberg und Kiel in den Jahren 1817-1819, Vol. 1,
by Theodor von Kobbe
[Subtitle: Erstes Bändchen]
[Language: German]
To Save Earth, by Edward W. Ludwig 53059
[Illustrators: Virgil Finlay and Van Dogen]
The American Missionary, Vol. 32, No. 01, January, 1878, by Various 53058
Furniture of the Olden Time, by Frances Clary Morse 53057
Tavallinen juttu II, by Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov 53056
[Subtitle: Kaksi-osainen romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Tavallinen juttu I, by Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov 53055
[Subtitle: Kaksi-osainen romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Simplicianische Schriften, Erster Theil (von 2), by Hans Jacob 53054
Christoph von Grimmelshausen
[Language: German]
By the Aurelian Wall and Other Elegies, by Bliss Carman                 53053
Our Benevolent Feudalism, by William James Ghent 53052
Vähäinen kertomus Muinais-Suomalaisten pyhistä menoista, by Erik Rudbeck 53051
[Author a.k.a. Eero Salmelainen]
[Language: Finnish]
Tietoja maailman kansoista, heidän tavoista, uskonnoista ja vaiheista, 53050
by Jaakko Forsman
[Language: Finnish]
Instead of the Thorn, by Clara Louise Burnham 53049
The Hermit of Mars, by Stephen Bartholomew 53048
[Illustrator: Virgil Finlay]
Suomenkielinen Runollisuus Ruotsinvallan aikana, by Julius Krohn 53047
[Subtitle: ynnä Kuvaelmia Suomalaisuuden Historiasta]
[Language: Finnish]
Ravished Armenia, by H. L. Gates 53046
[Subtitle: The Story of Aurora Mardiganian]
The Masked World, by Jack Williamson 53045
[Illustrator: Virgil Finlay]
Devlin the Barber, by B. L. Farjeon 53044
Extracts from the Diary of William C. Lobenstine, 53043
December 31, 1851-1858
[Subtitle: Biographical Sketch by Belle W. Lobenstine]
A Hitch in Space, by Fritz Leiber 53042
[Illustrators: Sol Dember and Gray Morrow]
Numantia, by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 53041
The Art of Living, by Robert Grant 53040
The World's Earliest Music, by Hermann Smith 53039
[Subtitle: Traced to Its Beginnings in Ancient Lands]
Language, by Otto Jespersen 53038
[Subtitle: Its Nature, Development and Origin]
Der Weltverkehr, by Michael Geistbeck 53037
[Language: German]
His Honour, and a Lady, by Mrs. Everard Cotes 53036
When You Giffle, by L. J. Stecher 53035
[Illustrator: Bruno]
The God-Plllnk, by Jerome Bixby 53034
[Illustrator: Bruno]
The Turquoise Story Book, by Various 53033
[Subtitle: Stories and Legends of Summer and Nature]
[Illustrator: Maxfield Parrish]
William--An Englishman, by Cicely Hamilton 53032
The Barton Experiment, by John Habberton 53031
Lilliput Lyrics, by W. B. Rands                                         53030
[Illustrator: Charles Robinson]
Avioliittoja, by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov 53029
[Subtitle: Kokoelma aviotarinoita]
[Language: Finnish]
The Hampdenshire Wonder, by John Davys Beresford 53028
A Treatise on Tobacco, Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate, by Simon Pauli 53027
Smithson's Theory of Special Creation, by Noble Smithson 53026
Die menschliche Familie nach ihrer Entstehung und natürlichen 53025
Entwickelung, by Friedrich Anton Heller von Hellwald]
[Language: German]
A Gallant of Lorraine; Vol. 2 of 2, by Hugh Noel Williams               53024
[Subtitle: François, Seigneur de Bassompierre, Marquis
d'Haronel, MareÌchal de France, 1579-1646]
The History of the Assassins, by Chevalier Joseph Von Hammer 53023
[Subtitle: Derived from Oriental Sources]
First Steps to Bell Ringing, by Samuel B. Goslin 53022
[Subtitle: Being an Introduction to the Healthful
and Pleasant Exercise of Bell Ringing in Rounds
and Changes upon Church Bells]
Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition, by Rafael Sabatini 53021
[Subtitle: A History]
The Poems of Leopardi, by Giacomo Leopardi 53020
History of the United States, by John Clark Ridpath 53019
Men and Things, by Henry A. Atkinson 53018
Pietari Suuri, by K. O. Lindeqvist 53017
[Subtitle: Venäjän ensimmäinen keisari]
[Language: Finnish]
Cakewalk to Gloryanna, by L. J. Stecher 53016
A Guest of Ganymede, by C. C. MacApp 53015
[Illustrator: John Giunta]
Twice-born Men in America, by Harriet Earhart Monroe 53014
[Subtitle: or The Psychology of Conversion as Seen
by a Christian Psychologist in Rescue Mission Work]
Anweisung zum Weinbau an Gebäuden, Mauern, Lauben und Bäumen, 53013
by Johann Gottfried Bornemann
[Subtitle: Herausgegeben zu Ermunterung
der Kinder zu edler Thätigkeit]
[Language: German]
The Works of Richard Hurd, Vol. 2 of 8, by Richard Hurd 53012
The Mentor, by Alfred Ayres 53011
[Subtitle: A little book for the guidance of such men
and boys as would appear to advantage in the society
of persons of the better sort]
The Last Abbot of Glastonbury, by Augustine David Crake 53010
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Dissolution of the Monasteries]
Patience Sparhawk and Her Times, by Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton 53009
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Kolme miestä veneessä, by Jerome K. Jerome 53008
[Language: Finnish]
Observations on the Diseases of Seamen, by Gilbert Blane 53007
The Romance of Gilbert Holmes, by Marshall Monroe Kirkman 53006
[Subtitle: An Historical Novel]
Walpole and Chatham (1714-1760), by Katharine Ada Esdaile 53005
Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age, Vol. 3 of 3, by W. E. Gladstone 53004
Memorias de un Hombre de Acción: #8 La Veleta de Gastizar, by PÃo Baroja 53003
[Language: Spanish]
A Legend of Goat Island, by Peter A. Porter 53002
[Illustrator: C. Breckinridge Porter]
The Magic of Spain, by Aubrey F. G. Bell                                53001
France and England in North America, Part 4: The 53000
Old Regime In Canada, by Francis Parkman
[Illustrators: Various]
Lihan evankeliumi, by Moses Hahl 52999
[Subtitle: Moraalin arvostelua]
[Language: Finnish]
The Works of Richard Hurd, Vol. 1 of 8, 52998
Frijoles: A Hidden Valley in the New World, by Jerome William Hendron 52997
[Illustrator: Jocelyn Taylor]
Selected Articles on the Parcels Post, by Various 52996
[Subtitle: Debaters' Handbook Series]
[Editor: Edith M. Phelps]
Spaceman on a Spree, by Mack Reynolds 52995
[Illustrator: Nochem Nodel]
Uhrilauluja, by Rabindranath Tagore 52994
[Language: Finnish]
A Collection of Chirurgical Tracts, by William Beckett 52993
Food and Morals, by J. F. Clymer 52992
[Subtitle: 6th Edition]
Waterloo Days, by Charlotte Annie Waldie Eaton                          52991
[Subtitle: The narrative of an Englishwoman
resident at Brussels in June 1815]
Le château de Coucy, by Eugène Lefèvre-Pontalis                         52990
[Language: French]
Peter Camenzind, by Hermann Hesse                                       52989
[Language: Finnish]
The White Wampum, by E. Pauline Johnson                                 52988
Treatise on the Anatomy and Physiology of 52987
the Mucous Membranes, by Xavier Bichat
[Subtitle: With Illustrative Pathological Observations]
Deutsche Humoristen, 4. und 5. Band (von 8), by Various 52986
[Subtitle: Hausbücherei der Deutschen Dichter-
Gedächtnis-Stiftung, 29. und 30. Band]
[Language: German]
Deutsche Humoristen, 1. Band (von 8), by Peter Rosegger, 52985
Fritz Reuter, Wilhelm Raabe and Albert Roderich]
[Subtitle: Hausbücherei der Deutschen
Dichter-Gedächtnis-Stiftung, 3. Band]
[Language: German]
The Right to be Lazy, by Paul Lafargue 52984
[Subtitle: and Other Studies]
The Cleveland Medical Gazette, Vol. 1, No. 4, February 1886, by Various 52983
[Editors: A. R. Baker and S. W. Kelley]
Lapsuus, Poika-ikä, Nuoruus II, by Graf Leo Tolstoy 52982
[Subtitle: Poika-ikä, Nuoruus]
[Language: Finnish]
Lapsuus, Poika-ikä, Nuoruus I, by Graf Leo Tolstoy 52981
[Subtitle: Lapsuus]
[Language: Finnish]
The Philosophy of Art, by Hippolyte Taine 52980
Servants of Sin, by John Bloundelle-Burton 52979
[Subtitle: A Romance]
Stem to Stern, by Oliver Optic 52978
[Subtitle: or building the boat]
The Alumni Journal of the College of Pharmacy of the City 52977
of New York, Vol. 2, No. 2, February, 1895, by Various
[Editor: Henry Kraemer]
The Great Lakes, by James Oliver Curwood 52976
[Subtitle: The Vessels That Plough Them: Their
Owners, Their Sailors, and Their Cargoes]
Elämän tarkoitus ja arvo, by Rudolf Eucken 52975
[Language: Finnish]
The British Army From Within, by Evelyn Charles Vivian 52974
Geology and Revelation, by Rev. Gerald Molloy and J. D. Dana 52973
[Subtitle: or the Ancient History of the Earth, considered
in the geological facts and revealed religion]
Letters from Muskoka, by Harriet Barbara King 52972
The Indians of Carlsbad Caverns National Park, by Jack R. Williams 52971
Servants of Sin, by John Bloundelle-Burton                              52970
[Subtitle: A Romance]
The Dixie Druggist, May, 1913, by Anonymous                             52969
[Subtitle: A Monthly Publication Issued
to the Retail Drug Trade of the South]
Readings from Modern Mexican Authors, by Frederick Starr                52968
The Hospital Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 3, May 15, 1909, by Various 52967
Elsa, by Gustaf Björlin 52966
[Language: Swedish]
Brazil and the river Plate in 1868, by William Hadfield 52965
Patty's Motor Car, by Carolyn Wells 52964
Cuchulain, the Hound of Ulster, by Eleanor Hull 52963
[Illustrator: Stephen Reid]
Hugh Gwyeth, by Beulah Marie Dix 52962
[Subtitle: A Roundhead Cavalier]
Suomalaiset Jäämeren rannalla, by A. W. Ervasti 52961
[Subtitle: Matkamuistelmia]
[Language: Finnish]
Jean Jacques Rousseau ja hänen filosofiansa, by Harald Höffding 52960
[Language: Finnish]
Women's Wages, by William Smart 52959
Revelations of Divine Love Recorded by Julian, Anchoress at Norwich 52958
[Illustrator: Phoebe Anna Traquair]
The Land of Bondage, by John Bloundelle-Burton 52957
[Subtitle: A Romance]
A Bitter Heritage, by John Bloundelle-Burton 52956
[Subtitle: A Modern Story of Love and Adventure]
Perijätär, by Honoré de Balzac 52955
[Language: Finnish]
Architettura comacina, by Vittorio Treves 52954
[Language: Italian]
Antikristus, by Friedrich Nietzsche 52953
[Subtitle: Arvostelukoe kristinopista]
[Language: Finnish]