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Novellen, by Hans Arnold 51901
[Subtitle: Hausgenossen -- Und Doch! -- Der tolle Junker --
Finderlohn -- Glück muà man haben!]
[Language: German]
Biography of Percival Lowell, by Abbott Lawrence Lowell 51900
Loafing Along Death Valley Trails, by William Caruthers 51899
[Subtitle: A Personal Narrative of People and Places]
Beauchamp, by George Payne Rainford James 51898
[Subtitle: or, The Error]
The Poetry of Science or, Studies of the Physical Phenomena 51897
of Nature, by Robert Hunt
Popular Pastimes for Field and Fireside, by Caroline L. Smith 51896
[Subtitle: or Amusements for young and old]
Lentävä hollantilainen, by Frederick Marryat 51895
[Language: Finnish]
Federal Stamp Taxes on Drafts, Checks and Promissory 51894
Notes, 1919, by Guaranty Trust Company of New York
The Land of Little Rain, by Mary Austin 51893
Murroksessa, by Kössi Kaatra 51892
[Language: Finnish]
Alhaisolauluja, by Kössi Kaatra 51891
[Language: Finnish]
Browere's Life Masks of Great Americans, by Charles Henry Hart          51890
Robert Emmet, by Louise Imogen Guiney 51889
[Subtitle: A Survey of His Rebellion and of His Romance]
The New Eschatology, by J. G. Broughton Pegg 51888
[Subtitle: Showing the Indestructibility of the Earth and the Wide
Difference between the Letter and Spirit of Holy Scripture]
Etiquette Made Easy, by Edward Summers Squier 51887
Down at Caxton's, by Walter Lecky 51886
The Trade Signs of Essex, by Miller Christy                             51885
[Subtitle: A popular account of the origin and
meanings of the public houses & other signs]
Eevan sisaret, by Edvard Bäckström                                      51884
[Subtitle: Yksinäytöksinen kuvaelma]
[Language: Finnish]
Evelyn Byrd, by George Cary Eggleston                                   51883
[Illustrator: Charles Copland]
Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International 51882
Military Tribunal, Vol. 2, by Various
[Subtitle: Nuremburg 14 November 1945-1 October 1946]
The Lost Atlantis and Other Ethnographic Studies, by Daniel Wilson 51881
Buddhist birth stories; or, Jataka tales, Vol. 1, by V. Fausböll 51880
The City of the Sultan and Domestic Manners of the Turks in 1836, 51879
Vol. 2 of 2, by Miss Julia Pardoe
The City of the Sultan and Domestic Manners of the Turks in 1836, 51878
Vol. 1 of 2, by Miss Julia Pardoe
The Fraud of Feminism, by Ernest Belfort Bax 51877
Le salon de Madame Truphot, by Fernand Kolney 51876
[Subtitle: moeurs littéraires]
[Language: French]
A Treatise on Chancel Screens and Rood Lofts, by A. Welby Pugin 51875
[Subtitle: Their Antiquity, Use, and Symbolic Signification]
University of California Library Handbook 1918-1919, 51874
Practical Guide to English Versification, by Tom Hood                   51873
[Subtitle: With a Compendious Dictionary of Rhymes,
an Examination of Classical Measures, and Comments
Upon Burlesque and Comic Verse, Vers de Société,
and Song-writing]
Vanhoillinen, by Niilo Kivinen                                          51872
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Das Paradies, by Francis Jammes                                         51871
[Subtitle: Geschichten und Betrachtungen]
[Language: German]
Peregrinaciones, by Rubén DarÃo                                         51870
[Subtitle: Obras Completas Vol. XII]
[Illustrator: Enrique Ochoa]
[Language: Spanish]
Multatuli, by Lodewijk van Deyssel                                      51869
[Subtitle: Multatuli en Mr. J van Lennep;
Multatuli en de Vrouwen]
[Language: Dutch]
The Troublemakers, by George O. Smith                                   51868
Sentry Of The Sky, by Evelyn E. Smith                                   51867
D-99, by H. B. Fyfe                                                     51866
The Lost Fruits of Waterloo, by John Spencer Bassett 51865
Tales, Traditions and Romance of Border and Revolutionary Times, 51864
by Various
Seven Centuries of Lace, by Mrs. John Hungerford Pollen 51863
Peter Abélard, by Joseph McCabe 51862
Victoria C. Woodhull, by Theodore Tilton 51861
[Subtitle: A Biographical Sketch]
A Book of The Riviera, by S. Baring-Gould 51860
Bruno, by Jacob Abbott 51859
[Subtitle: or, lessons of fidelity, patience,
and self-denial taught by a dog]
Memorias de un Hombre de Acción: #7 Los 51858
Contrastes de la Vida, by PÃo Baroja
[Language: Spanish]
La vera cuciniera genovese facile ed economica, by Emanuele Rossi 51857
[Language: Italian]
The kiss and its history, by Kristoffer Nyrop                           51856
Slave Planet, by Laurence Janifer                                       51855
The Rat Race, by Jay Franklin                                           51854
Lukemisia lapsille 3, by Zacharias Topelius                             51853
[Language: Finnish]
Founding Father, by J. F. Bone                                          51852
Modernste Kriegswaffen - alte Erfindungen, by Franz Maria Feldhaus      51851
[Language: German]
Hosiery Manufacture, by William Davis 51850
The Overland Route to the Road of a Thousand Wonders, by Anonymous 51849
[Subtitle: The Route Of The Union Pacific & The Southern Pacific
Railroads From Omaha To San Francisco, A Journey Of Eighteen
Hundred Miles Where Once The Bison and The Indian Reigned]
Dick Kent at Half-Way House, by Milton Richards 51848
[Illustrator: Christian R. Schaare]
Birds and Beasts, by Camille Lemonnier 51847
[Illustrator: E. J. Detmold]
Kansa ja sen kuninkaat, by Verner von Heidenstam 51846
[Subtitle: Kertomuksia nuorten ja vanhain luettavaksi]
[Language: Finnish]
Wolfbane, by Frederik Pohl and C. M. Kornbluth                          51845
Someone to Watch Over Me, by Christopher Grimm                          51844
The Oregon Question, by Albert Gallatin                                 51843
Beyond Bedlam, by Wyman Guin                                            51842
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 51841
No. 730, December 22, 1877, by Various
[Editors: William Chambers and Robert Chambers]
The Spoilers, by Rex Beach                                              51840
[Illustrator: Clarence F. Underwood]
Historic Nacogdoches, by Robert Bruce Blake 51839
[Illustators: Roy Henderson, Charlotte Baker
Montgomery, and George L. Crocket]
Personal Reminiscences of the War of 1861-5, by William Henry Morgan 51838
[Subtitle: In Camp--en Bivouac--on the March--on Picket--
on the Skirmish Line--on the Battlefield--and in Prison]
Les questions esthétiques contemporaines, by Robert de La Sizeranne 51837
[Language: French]
Motion pictures, 1912-1939, by Library of Congress 51836
[Subtitle: Catalog of Copyright Entries]
Die naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Poesie, by Wilhelm Bölsche 51835
[Subtitle: Prolegomena einer realistischen Aesthetik]
[Language: German]
Never Come Midnight, by Christopher Grimm 51834
Meeting of the Minds, by Robert Sheckley 51833
The Place Where Chicago Was, by Jim Harmon 51832
My Brother Theodore Roosevelt, by Corinne Roosevelt Robinson 51831
Mystery of the Ambush in India, by Andy Adams 51830
[Subtitle: A Biff Brewster Mystery Adventure]
The Old Chelsea Bun-House, by Anne Manning 51829
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Last Century]
Liao zhai zhi yi, by Songling Pu 51828
[Language: Chinese]
Die Moral des Hotels, by Paul Vehling 51827
[Subtitle: Tischgespräche]
[Language: German]
Aymeris, by Jacques-Ãmile Blanche 51826
[Illustrator: Jacques-Ãmile Blanche]
[Language: French]
Folksångerna om Robin Hood, by Carl Gustaf Estlander 51825
[Subtitle: Akademisk afhandling]
[Language: Swedish]
World in a Bottle, by Allen Kim Lang                                    51824
The Back of Our Heads, by Stephen Barr                                  51823
Arcturus Times Three, by Jack Sharkey                                   51822
Hogarth's Works, Vol. 1 of 3, by John Ireland and John Nichols 51821
[Subtitle: With life and anecdotal descriptions of his pictures]
Little French Masterpieces, by Honoré de Balzac 51820
A Journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, to Constantinople, 51819
in the Years 1808 and 1809, by James Justinian Morier
[Subtitle: In Which is Included, Some Account of the Proceedings
of His Majesty's Mission, under Sir Harford Jones, Bart. K. C.,
to the Court of Persia]
Kadonnut maailma, by Arthur Conan Doyle 51818
[Language: Finnish]
Big Bend National Park, Texas, by Anonymous 51817
The Sorceress, Vol. 2 of 3, by Margaret Oliphant                        51816
Henry Smeaton; A Jacobite Story of the Reign of George the First, 51815
by George Payne Rainsford James
Preferred Risk, by Edson McCann                                         51814
The Bee-keeper's Manual, by Henry Taylor 51813
[Subtitle: or Practical Hints on the Management and
Complete Preservation of the Honey-bee]
De Architectura, by Marcus Vitruvius Pollo 51812
[Subtitle: Libri Decem]
[Language: Latin]
An abridged list of Commercial Handbooks 51811
of Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd.
The Undetected, by George O. Smith                                      51810
Survival Kit, by Frederik Pohl                                          51809
The Harvest of Ruskin, by John W. Graham                                51808
Poems of Peace and War, by Elizabeth H. Connor                          51807
Tykkien virsi, by Arvi Järventaus 51806
[Subtitle: Kenttäpapin kokemuksia ja
mielialoja vapaussodan päiviltä]
[Language: Finnish]
Success Story, by Earl Goodale                                          51805
Plague of Pythons, by Frederik Pohl                                     51804
The Lost Dispatch, by Anonymous                                         51803
Mémoires touchant la vie et les écrits de Marie de Rabutin- 51802
Chantal, Vol. 3/6, by Charles Athanase Walckenaer
[Language: French]
The Immortals, by David Duncan                                          51801
Wild Sports In The Far West, by Frederick Gerstaecker                   51800
[Illustrator: Harrison Weir]
Farmer, by Mack Reynolds                                                51799
When Santiago Fell, by Captain Ralph Bonehill and Edward Stratemeyer    51798
[Subtitle: or The War Adventures of Two Chums]
To the Highest Bidder, by Florence Morse Kingsley                       51797
[Illustrator: John Rae]
The Secret Battleplane, by Percy F. Westerman                           51796
Taivasko vai helvetti y.m. humoreskeja, by Mark Twain 51795
[Language: Finnish]
Kyttä, by Kössi Kaatra 51794
[Language: Finnish]
A Short History of Freethought Ancient and Modern, 51793
Vol. 1 of 2, by John M. Robertson
[Subtitle: Third edition, Revised and Expanded, in two volumes]
A Debt of Honor, by Horatio Alger 51792
[Subtitle: The Story of Gerald Lane's Success in the Far West]
[Illustrator: J. Watson Davis]
Taavetti Anttilan kohtalo, by Konni Zilliacus 51791
[Subtitle: y.m. kertomuksia Ameriikan suomalaisten elämästä]
[Language: Finnish]
Pariisin Notre-Dame 1482, by Victor Hugo 51790
[Language: Finnish]
Narrative and Critical History of America, Vol. 6 of 8, by Various 51789
[Subtitle: The United States of North America, Part I]
[Editor: Justin Winsor]
Trif and Trixy, by John Habberton 51788
[Subtitle: A story of a dreadfully delightful little girl and
her adoring and tormented parents, relations, and friends]
Champavert, by Pétrus Borel 51787
[Subtitle: contes immoraux]
[Illustrator: Adrien Aubry]
[Language: French]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 51786
No. 729, December 15, 1877, by Various
[Editors: William Chambers and Robert Chambers]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 51785
No. 728, December 8, 1877, by Various
[Editors: William Chambers and Robert Chambers]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 51784
No. 727, December 1, 1877, by Various
[Editors: William Chambers and Robert Chambers]
Description of a New World, Called The Blazing-World, 51783
by Margaret Cavendish
Doctor, by Murray Leinster                                              51782
The King of the City, by Keith Laumer                                   51781
The Olive, by K. G. Bitting                                             51780
Our Sentimental Garden, by Agnes Sweetman Castle and Egerton Castle     51779
[Illustrator: Charles Robinson]
The Illustration of Books, by Joseph Pennell 51778
[Subtitle: A Manual for the Use of Students,
Notes for a Course of Lectures at the Slade
School, University College]
Other Fools and Their Doings, by Anonymous 51777
[Subtitle: or, Life among the Freedmen]
The History of the 33rd Divisional Artillery in 51776
the War, 1914-1918, by J. Macartney-Filgate
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments, 51775
now entituled The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night,
Vol. 2 of 17, by Richard F. Burton
The Weirdest World, by R. A. Lafferty 51774
Scent Makes a Difference, by James Stamers 51773
The Brighton Boys in the Argonne Forest, by James R. Driscoll 51772
The Trail of the Elk, by Mikkjel Fonhus 51771
[Illustrator: Harry Rountree]
Connected Poems, by Charles Seabridge                                   51770
The Auxilia of the Roman Imperial Army, by George Leonard Cheesman      51769
Prospector's Special, by Robert Sheckley                                51768
Death's Wisher, by Jim Wannamaker                                       51767
Valtioviisas kannunvalaja, by Ludvig Holberg 51766
[Subtitle: Viisinäytöksinen komedia]
[Language: Finnish]
A Book of North Wales, by Sabine Baring-Gould 51765
Fiue Hundred Pointes of Good Husbandrie, by Thomas Tusser 51764
Noorsche Volksvertellingen, by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen 51763
[Language: Dutch]
Manx Fairy Tales, by Sophia Morrison 51762
The Turks and Europe, by Gaston Gaillard                                51761
Stand Pat, by David A. Curtis                                           51760
[Subtitle: Poker Stories from the Mississippi]
[Illustrator: Henry Roth]
Traveling Companion Wanted, by Richard Wilson                           51759
>From An Unseen Censor, by Rosel George Brown                            51758
Samuel Pepys and the World He Lived In, by Henry Benjamin Wheatley 51757
The History of Chemistry, Vol. 2 of 2, by Thomas Thomson 51756
Hawaiian Sea Hunt Mystery, by Andy Adams 51755
[Subtitle: A Biff Brewster Mystery Adventure]
The Road to En-Dor, by Elias Henry Jones 51754
[Subtitle: Being an Account of How Two Prisoners of War at Yozgad
in Read Luann, September 1, 1990, Turkey Won Their Way to Freedom]
[Illustrator: Cedric Waters Hill]
Toen de duisternis dreigde, by Alida van der Vlier (ps. A. van Redich   51753
[Language: Dutch]
If You Was A Moklin, by Murray Leinster                                 51752
Oh, Rats!, by Miriam Allen deFord                                       51751
Letters of Felix Mendelssohn to Ignaz and Charlotte Moscheles 51750
Fairview Boys and Their Rivals, by Frederick Gordon 51749
[Subtitle: or, Bob Bouncer's Schooldays]
["Frederick Gordon" was a pseudonym used by the Stratemeyer
Syndicate for the six books of the Fairview Boys series]
Torpedo War, and Submarine Explosions, by Robert Fulton 51748
Viitta, by Nikolai Vasilevich Gogol 51747
[Subtitle: Kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
My Reminiscences of East Africa, by General von Lettow-Vorbeck 51746
The Brownie Scouts in the Circus, by Mildred A. Wirt                    51745
The Brownie Scouts at Snow Valley, by Mildred A. Wirt                   51744
Is Spiritualism Based on Fraud?, by Joseph McCabe                       51743
The Wyandotte convention; an address, by John Alexander Martin 51742
Round-and-Round Trip, by H. B. Fyfe 51741
Don't Look Now, by Leonard Rubin 51740
The Romance of the London Directory, by Charles W. Bardsley 51739
Julian Mortimer, by Harry Castlemon 51738
[Subtitle: A Brave Boy's Struggle for Home and Fortune]
Wau-bun, by Juliette Augusta Magill Kinzie 51737
[Subtitle: The "Early Day" of the North-West]
Star-Crossed Lover, by William W. Stuart 51736
Big Baby, by Jack Sharkey 51735
The Topaz Story Book, by Various 51734
[Subtitle: Stories and Legends of Autumn,
Hallowe'en, and Thanksgiving]
[Illustrator: Maxfield Parrish]
Bird Life Glimpses, by Edmund Selous 51733
[Illustrator: G. E. Lodge]
The Vision of Dante, by Elizabeth Harrison                              51732
[Subtitle: A story for little children and
a talk to their mothers (Second Edition)]
[Illustrator: Walter Crane]
The Mentor: American Pioneer Prose Writers, Vol. 4, No. 6, 51731
Serial No. 106, May 1, 1916, by Hamilton W. Mabie
Life of David W. Patten, by Lycurgus A. Wilson 51730
[Subtitle: The First Apostolic Martyr]
Demonien ruhtinatar, by Nikolai Vasilevich Gogol 51729
[Subtitle: Kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
Constantinople, Vol. 1 of 2, by Edmondo de Amicis 51728
Satisfaction Guaranteed, by Joy Leache 51727
Wall of Crystal, Eye of Night, by Algis Budrys 51726
Sanguines, by Pierre Louÿs 51725
[Language: French]
La Esfinge Maragata, by Concha Espina 51724
[Subtitle: Novela]
[Language: Spanish]
Harper's Young People, January 3 1882, by Various                       51723
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Weekly]
Die alte Krone, by Paul Keller                                          51722
[Subtitle: Ein Roman aus dem Spreewald]
[Language: German]
De carne y hueso; cuentos, by Eduardo Zamacois                          51721
[Language: Spanish]
Dinsmore Ely, by Dinsmore Ely                                           51720
[Subtitle: One Who Served]
Under The Holly, by Henry Fitz Randolph                                  51719
[Subtitle: Christmas-Tide in Song and Story]
What I Saw in Kaffir-Land, by Stephen Lakeman                           51718
Tekla, by Robert Barr                                                   51717
[Subtitle: A Romance of Love and War]
Belgians Under the German Eagle, by Jean Massart 51716
Whim, and Its Consequences, by George Payne Rainsford James 51715
[Subtitle: Collection of British Authors Vol. CXIV]
The Great Experience, by Julia Farr 51714
Metamorphosis, by Charles V. de Vet 51713
A Trace of Memory, by Keith Laumer 51712
El Canto Errante, by Rubén DarÃo                                        51711
[Subtitle: Obras Completas Vol. XVI]
[Illustrator: Enrique Ochoa]
[Language: Spanish]
Thoughts out of Season, Part I, by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 51710
[Subtitle: David Strauss, the Confessor and the
Writer - Richard Wagner in Bayreuth]
Le nez d'un notaire, by Edmond About 51709
[Language: French]
Tolstoi for the young, by Leo Tolstoi                                   51708
[Subtitle: Select tales from Tolstoi]
[Illustrator: Michel Sevier]
Third Reader, by Various                                                51707
[Subtitle: The Ontario Readers]
La vita Italiana nel Rinascimento, by Various                           51706
[Subtitle: Conferenze tenute a Firenze nel 1892]
[Language: Italian]
Die Komposition des Buches Jes. c. 28-33, by Martin Brückner           51705
[Language: German]
Fern Vale, Vol. 2 of 3, by Colin Munro 51704
[Subtitle: or the Queensland Squatter]
Les révélées, by Michel Corday 51703
[Language: French]
A Guide to the Study of Fishes, Vol. 2 of 2, by David Starr Jordan 51702
Grandmother, by Laura E. Richards 51701
[Subtitle: The Story of a Life That Never Was lived]
Gift Card Designs, by Pedro J. Lemos                                    51700
The God Next Door, by Bill Doede                                        51699
The Little Man Who Wasn't Quite, by William W. Stuart                   51698
Grace Harlowe with the American Army on the Rhine, 51697
by Jessie Graham Flower
The Brownie Scouts at Silver Beach, by Mildred A. Wirt 51696
Der Vampyr, oder: Die Todtenbraut, Zweiter Theil, by Theodor Hildebrand 51695
[Subtitle: Ein Roman nach neugriechischen Volkssagen]
[Language: German]
Der Vampyr, oder: Die Todtenbraut, Erster Theil, by Theodor Hildebrand 51694
[Subtitle: Ein Roman nach neugriechischen Volkssagen]
[Language: German]
The Brownie Scouts in the Cherry Festival, by Mildred A. Wirt 51693
Ann Crosses a Secret Trail, by Harriet Pyne Grove 51692
[Subtitle: Ann Sterling Series #4]
De getemde feeks, by William Shakespeare 51691
[Language: Dutch]
Elektitaj fabloj de J. de La Fontaine, by Jean de La Fontaine 51690
[Language: Esperanto]
La Biblia en España, Tomo III (de 3), by George Borrow 51689
[Subtitle: O viajes, aventuras y prisiones de un inglés en
su intento de difundir las Escrituras por la PenÃnsula
[Language: Spanish]
The Air of Castor Oil, by Jim Harmon 51688
The Spy in the Elevator, by Donald E. Westlake 51687
Marjorie Dean, Post-Graduate, by Pauline Lester 51686
Humanistic Studies of the University of Kansas, Vol. 1, 51685
by De Witt Clinton Croissant, Arthur Mitchell,
Pearl Hogrefe, and Edmund Dresser Cressman
Irja, by Väinö Kataja                                                   51684
[Subtitle: Kuvaus]
[Language: Finnish]
The Surprising and Singular Adventures of A HEN as Related 51683
by Herself to Her Family of Chickens, by Anonymous
The Imitation of Earth, by James Stamers 51682
Amateur in Chancery, by George O. Smith 51681
History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus II, the Hero-General 51680
of the Reformation, by Harriet Earhart Monroe
The Unpopular Review, Vol. 2, No. 4, October-December 1914, 51679
including Vol. 2 Index, by Various
[Editor: Henry Holt]
Unique Ghost Towns and Mountain Spots, by Caroline Bancroft 51678
The Mentor: The National Gallery, London, Vol. 4, No. 4, 51677
Serial No. 104, April 1, 1916, by John C. van Dyke
[Subtitle: Great Galleries of the World]
Cyclopedia of Commerce, Accountancy, Business Administration, 51676
Vol. 5 of 10, by Various
Yosemite National Park, California, by Anonymous 51675
>From Memory's Shrine, by Carmen Sylva                                   51674
[Subtitle: The Reminscences of Carmen Sylva]
Pankinjohtajan tytär, by Selma Anttila                                  51673
[Subtitle: Romaani Suomen suurlakon ajalta]
[Language: Finnish]
Copyright Renewals 1978, by Library of Congress 51672
Copyright Renewals: Periodicals: 1951, by Library of Congress 51671
The Mentor: Chinese Rugs, Vol. 4, No. 2, Serial No. 102, 51670
March 1, 1916, by John K. Mumford
The Lamps of the Angels, by Richard Sabia 51669
Dreamworld, by R. A. Lafferty 51668
Brief Records of the Independent Church at Beccles, Suffolk, 51667
by Samuel Wilton Rix
La petite mademoiselle, by Robert de Montesquiou-Fézensac               51666
[Language: French]
Tippoo Sultaun, by Meadows Taylor                                       51665
[Subtitle: A tale of the Mysore war]
Palace and Mosque at Ukhaidir, by Gertrude Lowthian Bell                51664
[Subtitle: A Study in Early Mohammadan Architecture]
Dawningsburgh, by Wallace West 51663
Breakdown, by Herbert D. Kastle 51662
Thirty Years Since, by George Payne Rainsford James 51661
[Subtitle: or The Ruined Family]
The Girls' Book of Famous Queens, by Lydia Hoyt Farmer 51660
Le droit à la force, by Daniel Lesueur 51659
[Language: French]
How to Become an Actor, by Aaron A. Warford                             51658
Charity Case, by Jim Harmon                                             51657
Pick a Crime, by Richard R. Smith                                       51656
The Historical Jesus, by John M. Robertson                              51655
[Subtitle: A Survey of Positions]
Gillingwater's History of Lowestoft, by Edmund Gillingwater 51654
[Updating chapter added by A. E. Murton]
Wenonah's Stories for Children, by Clara Louise Burnham 51653
and Warren Proctor
The Works of John Dryden, Vol. 10 of 18 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 51652
Conditionally Human, by Walter M. Miller                                51651
Innocent At Large, by Poul Anderson and Karen Anderson                  51650
The Mysteries of London, Vol. 4 of 4, by George W. M. Reynolds          51649
Kaupungin lapsi, by Selma Anttila                                       51648
[Language: Finnish]
Taloista ja taipaleelta, by Karl Henrik Hornborg                        51647
[Language: Finnish]
The War Book of the German General Staff, by J. H. Morgan 51646
[Subtitle: Being "The Usages of War on Land" Issued
by the Great General Staff of the German Army]
Letters on Natural Magic Addressed to Sir Walter Scott, Bart., 51645
by David Brewster
The Vicissitudes of Evangeline, by Elinor Glyn 51644
Book-plates of To-day, by Various 51643
[Editor: Wilbur Macey Stone]
Lucinda, by Anthony Hope 51642
The Hermitage, by Mary C. Dorris 51641
[Subtitle: Home of General Andrew Jackson]
A Guide to Natural Bridges National Monument, Utah, by Anonymous 51640
Implement sheds, by Karl John Theodore Ekblaw 51639
Die Akkumulatoren, by Willibald Bermbach 51638
[Subtitle: ihre Theorie, Herstellung,
Behandlung und Verwendung]
[Language: German]
Town Life in the Fifteenth Century, Vol. 2 of 2, 51637
by Alice Stopford Green
Hegel's Lectures on the History of Philosophy: Vol. 2 of 3, 51636
by Georg Wilhelm Hegel
Hegel's Lectures on the History of Philosophy: Vol. 1 of 3, 51635
by Georg Wilhelm Hegel
Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, by Charles Chiniquy 51634
A Schoolmaster's Diary, by Stuart Petre Brodie Mais 51633
[Subtitle: Being Extracts from the Journal of Patrick Traherne,
M.A., Sometime Assistant Master at Radchester and Marlton]
Romans et contes, by Théophile Gautier 51632
[Language: French]
Dictionnaire étymologique, historique et anecdotique des proverbes 51631
et des locutions proverbiales de la Langue Française,
by Pierre Marie Quitard
[Subtitle: en rapport avec de proverbes et des
locutions proverbiales des autres langues]
[Language: French]
Delaware, by George Payne Rainsford James                    51630
 [Subtitle: or, The Ruined Family Vol. 3]
Delaware, by George Payne Rainsford James                   51629
[Subtitle: or, The Ruined Family Vol. 2]
Delaware, by George Payne Rainsford James                   51628
[Subtitle: or, The Ruined Family Vol. 1]
Cuentos y crónicas, by Rubén DarÃo                                      51627
[Subtitle: Obras Completas Vol. XIV]
[Illustrator: Enrique Ochoa]
[Language: Spanish]
Jacobean Furniture and English Styles in Oak and Walnut, 51626
by Helen Churchill Candee
Reviisori, by Nikolai Gogol                                             51625
[Subtitle: Huvinäytelmä viidessä näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
Dallo Stelvio al mare, by Massimo Bontempelli                           51624
[Language: Italian]
Always a Qurono, by Jim Harmon 51623
Extracts from the Galactick Almanack, by Larry M. Harris 51622
Sinhalese Folklore Notes, by Arthur A. Perera 51621
[Subtitle: Ceylon]
Erya (a dictionary and encyclopedia), by Unknown 51620
[Language: Chinese]
Absalomin tukka, by Björnstjerne Björnson                               51619
[Language: Finnish]
Eläinten nahoissa, by Matti Aikio                                       51618
[Subtitle: Tarina Ruijasta]
[Language: Finnish]
The Sorceress; Vol. 1 of 3, by Margaret Oliphant                       51617
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Mar 2016 to 31 Mar 2016 ~ ~ ~ ~
Sales Talk, by Con Blomberg 51616
A Matter of Protocol, by Jack Sharkey 51615
Poems of Pleasure, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox                               51614
Engelsk-Svensk och Svensk-Engelsk Ordbok Med Fullständig 51613
Uttalsbeteckning, by Fred. Lonnkvist
[Language: Swedish]
Oeuvres de P. Corneille, Tome 07, by Pierre Corneille                   51612
[Language: French]
The Silent Call, by Edwin Milton Royle 51611
Solid Solution, by James Stamers 51610
A Fall of Glass, by Stanley R. Lee 51609
Mystery of the Chinese Ring, by Andy Adams 51608
[Subtitle: A Biff Brewster Mystery Adventure]
Address delivered at the quarter-centennial celebration of the 51607
admission of Kansas as a state, by John Alexander Martin
La Marquise de Boufflers et son fils, le chevalier 51606
de Boufflers, by Gaston Maugras
[Language: French]
Jamieson, by William R. Doede                                           51605
Opiniones, by Rubén DarÃo                                               51604
[Subtitle: Obras Completas Vol. X]
[Language: Spanish]
All The People, by R. A. Lafferty                                       51603
Plumfieldin pojat, by Louisa M. Alcott                                  51602
[Language: Finnish]
Between the Larch-woods and the Weir, by Flora Klickmann 51601
The Border Boys Along the St. Lawrence, by Fremont B. Deering 51600
What We Saw At Madame World's Fair, by Elizabeth Gordon                 51599
 [Subtitle: Being a Series of Letters From the Twins
at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition to
Their Cousins at Home]
[Illustrator: Bertha Corbett]
The Mentor: Shakespeare's Country, Vol. 4, No. 8, Serial No. 108, 51598
June 1, 1916, by William Winter
Gourmet, by Allen Kim Lang 51597
Aloys, by R. A. Lafferty 51596
Stirring Incidents In The Life of a British Soldier, by Thomas Faughnan 51595
The Greatest Failure in All History, by John Spargo 51594
[Subtitle: A Critical Examination of the Actual
Workings of Bolshevism in Russia]
Essays Literary, Critical and Historical, by Thomas O'Hagan 51593
Poems in Many Lands, by Rennell Rodd 51592
Justice de femme, by Daniel Lesueur                                     51591
[Language: French]
>From Kitchen to Garret, by Jane Ellen Panton                    51590
[Subtitle: Hints for young householders]
The Rag and Bone Men, by Algis Budrys                                   51589
Security Plan, by Joseph Farrell                                        51588
Trasfigurazione, by Sibilla Aleramo                                     51587
[Language: Italian]
Welt- und Lebenanschauungen; hervorgegangen aus Religion, Philosophie 51586
und Naturerkenntnis, by Max Bernhard Weinstein
[Language: German]
Bohemian Days in Fleet Street, by William Mackay 51585
Suomalaisen teatterin historia III, by Eliel Aspelin-Haapkylä 51584
[Subtitle: Nousuaika, 1879-93]
[Language: Finnish]
Palvelijat ja isäntäväki, by Anonymous 51583
[Subtitle: Yksinäytöksinen ilveily]
[Language: Finnish]
Die Sternbuben in der GroÃstadt, by Josephine Siebe 51582
[Subtitle: Eine heitere Geschichte]
[Illustrator: Ernst Kutzer]
[Language: German]
The Way of the Air, by Edgar C. Middleton 51581
[Subtitle: A Description of Modern Aviation]
On the Future of our Educational Institutions - Homer and 51580
Classical Philology, by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
[Subtitle: Complete Works, Volume Three]
A Daughter of the Morning, by Zona Gale 51579
[Illustrator: W. B. King]
Progress of the Women's Suffrage Movement, by Eleanor Mildred Sidgwick  51578
[Subtitle: Presidential Address to the Cambridge Branch of the
C. & U. W. F. A. at the Annual Meeting on May 23rd, 1913]
Setä, by Samuli Suomalainen                                             51577
[Subtitle: Ilveilys yhdessä näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
Shatter the Wall, by Sydney Van Scyoc                                   51576
Poems, 1908-1919, by John Drinkwater                                    51575
The Stuff, by Henry Slesar                                              51574
Kreuzer-sonaatti, by Leo Tolstoy 51573
[Language: Finnish]
In Good Company, by Coulson Kernahan 51572
[Subtitle: Some personal recollections of Swinburne,
Lord Roberts, Watts-Dunton, Oscar Wilde, Edward Whymper,
S. J. Stone, and Stephen Phillips]
Subject to Change, by Ron Goulart                                       51571
Cry Snooker, by Andrew Fetler                                           51570
Poema del Otoño y otros poemas, by Rubén DarÃo                          51569
[Subtitle: Obras Completas Vol. XI]
[Illustrator: Enrique Ochoa]
[Language: Spanish]
Some Haunted Houses of England & Wales, by Elliott O'Donnell           51568
Die Geschichte der Dampfmaschine bis James Watt, by Max Geitel          51567
[Language: German]
The Admirable Crichton, by J. M. Barrie 51566
[Subtitle: Audio performance]
Major Barbara, by George Bernard Shaw 51565
[Subtitle: Audio performance]
The Doctor's Dilemma, by George Bernard Shaw 51564
[Subtitle: Audio performance]
A Woman of No Importance, by Oscar Wilde 51563
[Subtitle: Audio performance]
Vorna, by Eino Railo 51562
[Language: Finnish]
Puritanism and Liberty (1603-1660), by Various 51561
[Editor: Kenneth Norman Bell]
[Subtitle: Third Edition]
The Mentor, Vol. 1, No. 25, American Novelists, 51560
by Hamilton Wright Mabie
The Fledgling, by Charles Bernard Nordhoff 51559
Die Entwicklung des gutsherrlich-bäuerlichen Verhältnisses 51558
in Galizien (1772-1848), by Ludwig von Mises
[Language: German]
The Colloquies of Edward Osborne, by Anne Manning                       51557
[Subtitle: Citizen and Clothworker of London]
[Illustrator: John Jellicoe]
The Mentor: The Cradle of Liberty, Vol. 6, No. 10, Serial No. 158, 51556
July 1, 1918, by Albert Bushnell Hart
On the Philosophy of Discovery, Chapters Historical and Critical, 51555
by William Whewell
Poems, by D. M. Matheson                                                51554
Birds useful and birds harmful, by Ottó Herman and J. A. Owen           51553
[Illustrator: T. Csörgey]
War Stories for my Grandchildren, by John Watson Foster 51552
The Russian Campaign, by Stanley Washburn 51551
[Subtitle: April to August, 1915, Being the Second Volume
of "Field Notes from the Russian Front"]
[Illustrator: George H. Mewes]
The Long, Silvery Day, by Magnus Ludens 51550
The Big Engine, by Fritz Leiber 51549
Early Greek Philosophy & Other Essays, by Friedrich Nietzsche 51548
[Subtitle: Collected Works, Volume Two]
The Story of the Airship (Non-rigid), by Hugh Allen 51547
[Subtitle: A Study of One of America's
Lesser Known Defense Weapons]
Handyman, by Frank Banta                                                51546
The Sweeper of Loray, by Finn O'Donnevan                                51545
The State, by Franz Oppenheimer                                         51544
[Subtitle: Its History and Development Viewed Sociologically]
Vapaudesta, by John Stuart Mill                                         51543
[Language: Finnish]
The Just-Wed Cook Book, by Various 51542
[Subtitle: A Present from The Merchants of Reno, Nevada]
Louise Imogen Guiney, by Alice Brown 51541
Fun for the Household, by Emma J. Gray 51540
[Subtitle: A Book of Games]
Blackie Thorne at Camp Lenape, by Carl Saxon 51539
Brazilian Gold Mine Mystery, by Andy Adams 51538
[Subtitle: A Biff Brewster Mystery Adventure]
The Tory Lover, by Sarah Orne Jewett 51537
Poems, by Jennie Earngey Hill                                           51536
Gedancken von Schertzen, by Georg Friedrich Meier 51535
[Language: German]
Self Portrait, by Bernard Wolfe 51534
The Celestial Hammerlock, by Donald Colvin 51533
In the Land of Cave and Cliff Dwellers, by Frederick Schwatka           51532
With These Hands, by C. M. Kornbluth                                    51531
The Last Letter, by Fritz Leiber                                        51530
Kun nukkuja herää, by H. G. Wells                                       51529
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1849-1861), parte III, by Various 51528
[Subtitle: Quarta serie - Lettere e arti]
[Language: Italian]
La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1849-1861), parte II, by Various 51527
[Subtitle: Quarta serie - Storia e letteratura]
[Language: Italian]
La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1849-1861), parte I, by Various 51526
[Subtitle: Quarta serie - Storia]
[Language: Italian]
The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy, by John Dewey 51525
[Subtitle: And other essays in contemporary thought]
Sternsteinin kartano, by Ludwig Anzengruber 51524
[Language: Finnish]
With the Scottish Regiments at the Front, by Evelyn Charles Vivian 51523
Leather for Libraries, by E. Wyndham Hulme, J. Gordon Parker, 51522
A. Seymour-Jones, Cyril Davenport, and F. J. Williamson
The Prolongation of Life, by Elie Metchnikoff 51521
[Subtitle: Optimistic Studies]
The Downfall of the Dervishes, by Ernest N. Bennett 51520
[Subtitle: or The Avenging of Gordon]
The Drug, by C. C. MacApp                                               51519
The Feeling, by Roger Dee                                               51518
Der letzte Hansbur, by Hermann Löns 51517
[Subtitle: Ein Bauernroman aus der Lüneburger Heide]
[Language: German]
L'Academie des sciences et les academiciens de 1666 a 1793, 51516
by Joseph Bertrand
[Language: French]
Madame de Ferneuse, by Daniel Lesueur 51515
[Language: French]
The Historians' History of the World in Twenty-Five 51514
Volumes, Vol. 1, by Various
[Subtitle: Prolegomena; Egypt, Mesopotamia]
[Editor: Henry Smith Williams]
Poems of Life, by Katharine Forrest Hamill                              51513
Laukkuryssä, by A. Rahkonen                                             51512
[Subtitle: Laulunsekainen ilveily yhdessä näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
Encyclopedist of the dark ages: Isidore of Seville, by Ernest Brehaut   51511
The First Regiment Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, United States 51510
Volunteers, in the Spanish-American War of 1898, by James A. Frye
Doorstep, by Keith Laumer                                               51509
The Chasers, by Daniel F. Galouye                                       51508
Amerikassa, by Aira                                                     51507
[Subtitle: Pila yhdessä näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
Maalaiskuvia II, by Väinö Kataja                                        51506
 [Subtitle: Kokoelma novelleja]
 [Language: Finnish]
Molière et Shakespeare, by Paul Stapfer 51505
[Language: French]
Kepponen, by Ernst Lundquist 51504
[Subtitle: Huvinäytelmä kahdessa näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
Uran aukaisijat, by Kauppis-Heikki 51503
[Language: Finnish]
The Mentor: The Ring of the Nibelung, Vol. 3, No. 24, 51502
Serial No. 100, February 1, 1916, by Henry T. Finck
Maalaiskuvia I, by Väinö Kataja                                         51501
[Subtitle: Kokoelma novelleja]
[Language: Finnish]
Descriptive Pamphlet of the Richmond Mill Furnishing Works, 51500
by Nordyke, Marmon & Co.
Blueblood, by Jim Harmon                                                51499
Bad Memory, by Patrick Fahy                                             51498
Tales From the Telling-House, by R. D. Blackmore                        51497
Maximilian I, by R. W. Seton-Watson 51496
[Subtitle: Holy Roman Emperor]
The Uncensored Letters of a Canteen Girl, by Katharine Duncan Morse 51495
Beach Scene, by Marshall King                                           51494
Kreativity For Kats, by Fritz Leiber                                    51493
Armenia, Travels and Studies, Vol. 1 of 2, by H. F. B. Lynch 51492
[Subtitle: The Russian Provinces]
Church History, Vols. 1-3, by J. H. Kurtz 51491
Church History, Vol. 2 of 3, by J. H. Kurtz 51490
Church History, Vol. 1 of 3, by J. H. Kurtz 51489
The Year's at the Spring, by Various 51488
[Subtitle: An Anthology of Recent Poetry]
[Illustrator: Harry Clarke]
Othmar, by Ouida 51487
[Author a.k.a. Maria Louise Ramé]
Molemmat kuurot, by Jules Moinaux                                       51486
[Subtitle: Ilveily yhdessä näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
Päiväkirja matkaltani Venäjällä, by Arvid Järnefelt                     51485
[Subtitle: ja käynti Leo Tolstoin luona keväällä 1899]
[Language: Finnish]
Film Truth; September, 1920, by Anonymous                               51484
The Reluctant Heroes, by Frank M. Robinson                              51483
Perfect Answer, by L. J. Stecher                                        51482
Flying Machines Today, by William Duane Ennis 51481
Pirttipohjalaiset, by Maiju Lassila 51480
[Language: Finnish]
Friaren från landet, by Johan Ludvig Runeberg 51479
[Subtitle: Lustspel]
[Language: Swedish]
Dumbwaiter, by James Stamers                                            51478
A Garden Diary, by Emily Lawless                                        51477
[Subtitle: September 1899 - September 1900]
Der Golem, by Gustav Meyrink                                            51476
[Language: German]
East In The Morning, by David E. Fisher                                 51475
Der Tabak, by C. J. Koning                                              51474
[Subtitle: Studien über seine Kultur und Biologie]
[Language: German]
The Donkey, the Elephant, and the Goat, by Jack Preston 51473
[Author a.k.a. John Preston Buschlen]
[Subtitle: At a Public Meeting]
The East India Vade-Mecum, Vol. 2 of 2, by Thomas Williamson 51472
[Subtitle: or, complete guide to gentlemen intended for the
civil, military, or naval service of the East India Company]
Eversti Stålhammar, by C. Georg Starbäck 51471
[Subtitle: Kuvauksia Ruotsin suuruuden ajoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Narrative and Critical History of America, Vol. 5 of 8, by Various 51470
[Editor: Justin Winsor]
[Subtitle: The English and French in North America 1689-1763]
Self-Control, Its Kingship and Majesty, by William George Jordan 51469
The Love of Monsieur, by George Gibbs 51468
Harbaugh's Harfe, by Henry Harbaugh 51467
[Subtitle: Gedichte in Pennsylvanisch-Deutscher Mundart]
[Language: German]
Two Poems, by Henry Rutgers Conger                                      51466
[Subtitle: Class Day Poem; The Purple Hills]
Comedia llamada Selvagia, Comedia Serafina, Alonso de Villegas Selvago 51465
[Language: Spanish]
La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1846-1849), parte III, by Various    51464
[Subtitle: Terza serie - Storia]
[Language: Italian]
La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1846-1849), parte II, by Various     51463
[Subtitle: Terza serie - Storia]
[Language: Italian]
La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1846-1849), parte I, by Various      51462
[Subtitle: Terza serie - Lettere, scienze e arti]
[Language: Italian]
A Pail of Air, by Fritz Leiber                                          51461
A Husband for My Wife, by William W. Stuart                             51460
The Analysis of Beauty, by William Hogarth                              51459
[Subtitle: Written with a view of fixing
the fluctuating ideas of taste]
Canto a la Argentina, Oda a Mitre y otros poemas, by Rubén DarÃo        51458
[Subtitle: Obras Completas Vol. 9]
[Illustrator: Enrique Ochoa]
[Language: Spanish]
A narrative of the sufferings, preservation and deliverance, 51457
of Capt. John Dean and company, by John Dean
[Subtitle: in the Nottingham galley of London, cast away
on Boon-Island, near New England, December 11, 1710]
Was John Bunyan a Gipsy?, by James Simson 51456
The Fate:, by George Payne Rainsford James 51455
[Subtitle: A Tale of Stirring Times]
John Bunyan and the Gipsies, by James Simson 51454
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, 51453
Vol. 26, November, 1880, by Various
Those Holy Fields: Palestine, by Samuel Manning 51452
Capture and Escape, by John Azor Kellogg                                51451
[Subtitle: A Narrative of Army and Prison Life]
La Sirena Negra, by Emilia Pardo Bazán                                  51450
[Language: Spanish]
Moral Equivalent, by Kris Neville                                       51449
The Border and the Buffalo, by John R. Cook 51448
[Subtitle: An Untold Story of the Southwest Plains]
Rautakylän vanha parooni, by Zacharias Topelius 51447
[Language: Finnish]
Kun talonpojasta tuli herra, by Kalle Kajander                          51446
 [Language: Finnish]
Sordman the Protector, by Tom Purdom                                    51445
Claudian, Vol. 2 of 2, by Claudius Claudianus 51444
[Subtitle: With an English translation by Maurice Platnauer]
Claudian, Vol. 1 of 2, by Claudius Claudianus 51443
[Subtitle: With an English translation by Maurice Platnauer]
A Beginner's Psychology, by Edward Bradford Titchener 51442
Third Reader, by W. A. McIntyre, John Dearness, and John C. Saul 51441
[Subtitle: The Alexandra Readers]
Valda Berättelser av Selma Lagerlöf, by Selma Lagerlöf 51440
[Subtitle: With Notes and Vocabulary]
[Language: Swedish]
Taxidermy without a Teacher, by Walter Porter Manton 51439
[Subtitle: Comprising a Complete Manual of Instruction for
Preparing and Preserving Birds, Animals and Fishes]
Hyde Park from Domesday-book to Date, by John Ashton                    51438
Boy of My Heart, by Marie Connor Leighton                               51437
Bullet With His Name, by Fritz Leiber                                   51436
The Business, As Usual, by Jack Sharkey                                 51435
An Elephant for the Prinkip, by L.J. Stecher                            51434
Hunt the Hunter, by Kris Neville                                        51433
Stories from The Arabian Nights, by Laurence Housman                    51432
[Illustrator: Edmund Dulac]
Väsynyt ja muita kertomuksia, by Erkki Kivijärvi                      51431
[Language: Finnish]
Wahn und Ueberzeugung, by Friedrich Höhne                               51430
[Subtitle: Reise des Kupferschmiede-Meisters Friedrich Höhne
in Weimar über Bremen nach Nordamerika und Texas in den
Jahren 1839, 1840 und 1841]
[Language: German]
The Bird Watcher in the Shetlands, by Edmund Selous 51429
[Subtitle: with some Notes on Seals--and Digressions]
[Illustrator: J. Smit]
That Which Hath Wings, by Richard Dehan 51428
[Subtitle: A Novel of the Day]
Glorious Deeds of Australasians in the Great War, by E. C. Buley 51427
Henry D. Thoreau, by F. B. Sanborn 51426
The Autobiography of a Super-Tramp, by William H. Davies 51425
Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. 1, No. 1, August, 1834, by Various 51424
[Editor: James E. Heath]
Oeuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant, Vol. 7, by Guy de Maupassant 51423
 [Language: French]
In the path of the alphabet, by Frances Jermain                         51422
[Subtitle: an historical account of the ancient
beginnings and evolution of the modern alphabet]
Man in a Quandary, by L. J. Stecher                                     51421
License to Steal, by Louis Newman                                       51420
Valekuollut, by Mór Jókai                                               51419
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
"1812" Napoleon I in Russia, by VasiliÌiÌ Vasilʹevich Vereshchagin 51418
Tytöt talosilla, by Maiju Lassila 51417
[Subtitle: Kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
De Hazen en de Kabouters, by Henr. de Holl and Greet Feuerstein 51416
[Language: Dutch]
Poems, by Jamie Harris Coleman                                          51415
...So They Baked a Cake, by Winston Marks                               51414
The Ignoble Savages, by Evelyn E. Smith                                 51413
Hamewith, by Charles Murray 51412
[Illustrator: R. Douglas Strachan]
The Campaign in Russian Poland, by Percy Cross Standing 51411
Dr. Elsie Inglis, by Lady Frances Balfour 51410
Public School Life, by Alec Waugh 51409
[Subtitle: Boys Masters Parents]
Angel's Egg, by Edgar Pangborn                                          51408
Sea Legs, by Frank Quattrocchi                                          51407
Kuningasten jälkeläinen, by Franz Treller                               51406
[Subtitle: Seikkailuromaani]
[Language: Finnish]
La bêtise humaine, by Jules Noriac 51405
[Subtitle: (Eusèbe Martin)]
[Language: French]
Plain Living, by Rolf Boldrewood 51404
[Subtitle: A Bush Idyll]
Cicero: Letters to Atticus, Vol. 3 of 3, by Marcus Tullius Cicero 51403
La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1831-1846), parte III, by Various    51402
[Subtitle: Seconda serie - Lettere, scienze e arti]
[Language: Italian]
Suomalaisen taiteen historia pääpiirteissään, by Eliel Aspelin-Haapkylä 51401
[Language: Finnish]
La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1831-1846), parte II, by Various     51400
[Subtitle: Seconda serie - Lettere, scienze e arti]
[Language: Italian]
La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1831-1846), parte I, by Various      51399
[Subtitle: Seconda serie - Storia]
[Language: Italian]
Growing Up On Big Muddy, by Charles V. de Vet                           51398
People Soup, by Alan Arkin                                              51397
Not a Creature Was Stirring, by Dean Evans                              51396
Survival Type, by J. F. Bone                                            51395
Yö ja aamu, by Alexander Balazs                                         51394
 [Subtitle: Novelleja]
[Language: Finnish]
Toadstools, mushrooms, fungi, edible and poisonous; one thousand 51393
American fungi, by Charles McIlvaine and Robert K. Macadam
Hafiz in London, by Hafiz 51392
Famous Imposters, by Bram Stoker 51391
Sixth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary 51390
of the Smithsonian Institution, 1884-'85, by J. W. Powell, Director
The German Classics from the Fourth to the Nineteenth Century, 51389
Vol. 1 of 2, by Friedrich Max Müller
[Language: German]
Redemption, by Edward Hoare 51388
The History of the Prince of Wales' Civil Service Rifles, by Anonymous 51387
Auf silbernen Gefilden, by Jerzy Å»uÅawski 51386
[Subtitle: Ein Mond-Roman]
[Language: German]
Mask and Faces, or, Before and Behind the Curtain, by Tom Taylor 51385
and Charles Reade
[Subtitle: A Comedy in Two Acts]
Lykke-Per, by Henrik Pontoppidan 51384
[Subtitle: Første Del]
[Language: Danish]
Cawnpore, by G. O. Trevelyan 51383
National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 2, May, 1890, by Various 51382
La Comédie Humaine, Vol. 6, by Honoré de Balzac 51381
[Subtitle: Scènes de la vie de Province - Tome II]
[Language: French]
Time In the Round, by Fritz Leiber                                      51380
The Music Master of Babylon, by Edgar Pangborn                          51379
Geschichte von England seit der Thronbesteigung Jakob's des Zweiten, 51378
by Thomas Babington MacaulayÂ
[Subtitle: Siebenter Band: enthaltend Kapitel 13 und 14]
[Language: German]
Gampe's Erzgebirge mit Einschluss der böhmischen Bäder Teplitz, 51377
Karlsbad, Franzensbad und Marienbad, des Voigtlandes und des
Granulitgebietes an den unteren Mulden, by Theodore Gampe
[Subtitle: Ein Reisehandbuch]
[Language: German]
Historical Record of the Fourth, or Royal Irish Regiment 51376
of Dragoon Guards, by Richard Cannon
Ihmisestä ja elämästä, by Volter Kilpi                                  51375
[Subtitle: Kirjoitelmia]
[Language: Finnish]
The Golden Gems of Life, by S. C. Ferguson and E. A. Allen 51374
[Subtitle: Gathered Jewels for the Home Circle]
La victime, by Fernand Vandérem 51373
[Language: French]
Le baiser au lépreux, by François Mauriac 51372
[Language: French]
Slaveholding, by Charles Fitch 51371
[Subtitle: Weighed in the Balance of Truth]
Life of Father Ignatius of St. Paul, Passionist, 51370
by Rev. Father Pius A Sp. Sancto
[Subtitle: The Hon. & Rev. George Spencer]
A Queen of Tears, Vol. 2 of 2, by William Henry Wilkins                 51369
[Subtitle: Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark and Norway
and Princess of Great Britain and Ireland]
A Queen of Tears, Vol. 1 of 2, by William Henry Wilkins                 51368
[Subtitle: Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark and Norway
and Princess of Great Britain and Ireland]
Poems: Pastoral and Psalm, by Benjamin Copeland                         51367
Wakefieldin kappalainen, by Oliver Goldsmith                            51366
[Language: Finnish]
Ignaz Jan Paderewski, by Edward Algernon Baughan                        51365
Mémoires touchant la vie et les écrits de Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, 51364
Vol. 2 of 6, by Charles Athanase WalckenaerÂ
[Language: French]
Double Standard, by Alfred Coppel                                       51363
Lex, by W. T. Haggert                                                   51362
Birds of a Feather, by Robert Silverberg                                51361
Französische Lyrik alter und neuer Zeit in deutschen Versen, by Various 51360
[Language: German]
Sämmtliche Werke 8: Vermischte Schriften und Aufsätze, 51359
by Johann Gottlieb Fichte
[Subtitle: Nicolai's Leben und sonderbare Meinungen
/ Deducirter Plan einer zu Berlin zu errichtenden
höheren Lehranstalt / Beweis der Unrechtmässigkeit
des Büchernachdrucks und andere Aufsätze /
Recensionen / Poesien und metrische Uebersetzungen]
[Language: German]
Gutenberg, and the Art of Printing, by Emily Clemens Pearson 51358
The Autobiography of Phineas Pett 51357
The Birth of Tragedy, by Friedrich Nietzsche 51356
[Subtitle: or Hellenism and Pessimism]
The Iliads of Homer, by Homer 51355
[Subtitle: Translated according to the Greek]
Patty's Fortune, by Carolyn Wells 51354
[Illustrator: E. C. Caswell]
Dr. Kometevsky's Day, by Fritz Leiber                                   51353
Agnes Sorel, by George Payne Rainsford James                  51352
 [Subtitle: A Novel]
The Spicy Sound of Success, by Jim Harmon                               51351
No Substitutions, by Jim Harmon                                         51350
Sicherer Wegweiser zu einer guten und gesunden Wohnung, 51349
by Theodor Meyer-Merian and Johann Jakob Balmer-Rinck
[Subtitle: Zwei Preisschriften]
[Language: German]
Oodit, Karmen-Seekulaare ja Epoodit, by Quintus Horatius Flaccus 51348
[Language: Finnish]
Submarines, Mines, and Torpedoes in the War, 51347
by Charles William Domville-Fife
Poem Outlines, by Sidney Lanier 51346
Verteluurtje, by Alberdina Hermanna Schlüter and J. Wiegman 51345
[Language: Dutch]
Voyage to Far N'jurd, by Kris Neville                                   51344
Motor Matt's Reverse, by Stanley R. Matthews                            51343
[Subtitle: or, Caught in a Losing Cause]
Citizen Jell, by Michael Shaara                                         51342
Nine Thousand Miles On A Pullman Train, by Milton Shaw                 51341
[Subtitle: An Account of a Tour of Railroad Conductors
From Philadelphia to the Pacific Coast and Return]
The Mentor: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Vol. 6, No. 9, 51340
Serial No. 157, June 15, 1918, by Sydney P. Noe
Huutolaistyttö, by Heikki Meriläinen 51339
[Subtitle: Kuvaus kovilta ajoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
L'autre monde ou Histoire comique des Etats et Empires de la Lune, 51338
by Savinien de Cyrano de Bergerac
[Illustrator: Albert Robida]
[Language: French]
The Man Outside, by Evelyn E. Smith                                     51337
What is Posat?, by Phyllis Sterling Smith                               51336
Fresh Air Fiend, by Kris Neville                                        51335