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* New eBook listings from May-June 2016
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Jun 2016 to 30 Jun 2016 ~ ~ ~ ~
A sermon, preached in St. Peter's, Southborough, on occasion 52465
of the death of the Rev. Stephen Langstonm by Edward Hoare
Episcopal Fidelity, by Emilius Bayley 52464
Neues Altes, by Peter Altenberg 52463
[Language: German]
Round About the North Pole, by W. J. Gordon 52462
[Illustrator: Edward Whymper]
The Treasure of Hidden Valley, by Willis George Emerson 52461
Emerson on Sound Money, by Willis George Emerson 52460
[Subtitle: A Speech, 1896]
Saint Abe and His Seven Wives, by Robert Buchanan 52459
[Subtitle: A Tale of Salt Lake City, With A Bibliographical Note]
My "Pardner" and I, by Willis George Emerson 52458
[Subtitle: Gray Rocks, A Story Of The Middle-West, Illustrated]
In Various Moods, by Irving Bacheller 52457
[Subtitle: Poems and Verses]
Harps Hung Up In Babylon, by Arthur Colton 52456
Florence On A Certain Night, by Coningsby Dawson 52455
[Subtitle: And Other Poems]
Eben Holden's Last Day A-Fishing, by Irving Bacheller 52454
Joseph Conrad, by Hugh Walpole 52453
It Might Have Happened To You, by Coningsby Dawson 52452
[Subtitle: A Contemporary Portrait of Central and Eastern Europe]
Living Bayonets, by Coningsby Dawson 52451
[Subtitle: A Record of The Last Push]
The Test of Scarlet, by Coningsby Dawson 52450
[Subtitle: A Romance of Ideality]
Buell Hampton, by Willis George Emerson 52449
The House of the Trees & Other Poems, by Ethelwyn Wetherald 52448
Truthful Jane, by Florance Morse Kingsley 52447
Dionysos, by Friedrich Nietzsche 52446
[Subtitle: Valikoima runoja]
[Language: Finnish]
Mythologia Fennica, by Christfrid Ganander 52445
[Language: Swedish]
Stories of the Gorilla Country, by Paul Du Chaillu 52444
[Subtitle: Narrated for Young People]
Chronique du crime et de l'innocence, t. 1-8, 52443
by Jean-Baptiste Joseph Champagnac
[Subtitle: Recueil des événements les plus tragiques;..]
[Language: French]
History of the Expedition Under the Command of Captains 52442
Lewis and Clark, by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
[Subtitle: Vol. II]
Baptism According to Scripture, by Edward Hoare 52441
The Doctrine of the Lord's Supper, by Edward Hoare 52440
[Subtitle: as taught by the Church of England]
An Essay to Shew the Cause of Electricity, by John Freke 52439
[Subtitle: and Why Some Things are Non-Electricable]
Imperfectly Proper, by Peter Donovan 52438
[Illustrator: R. E. Johnston]
The Heart of Cherry McBain, by Douglas Durkin 52437
[Subtitle: A novel]
Fifteen Discourses, by Sir Joshua Reynolds and L. March Phillips 52436
With ski & sledge over Arctic glaciers, by Sir William Martin Conway 52435
[Illustrator: E. J. Garwood]
Deadly Adulteration and Slow Poisoning Unmasked, by Anonymous 52434
[Subtitle: Disease and Death in the Pot and Bottle]
Lyhyt tarina nuoresta tytöstä, by Marja Salmela 52433
[Language: Finnish]
Samuel Titmarsh, by W. M. Thackeray 52432
[Subtitle: Tarina isosta Hoggartyn timantista]
[Language: Finnish]
Voyages en Sibérie, by Kubalski Nikolai-Ambrozy 52431
[Language: French]
Nothing Between, by Edward Hoare 52430
[Subtitle: The Special Doctrines Vindicated at the Reformation
as bearing upon the Spiritual Life of the Church]
Fifteen Institute Lessons in Language, Arithmetic, 52429
and U.S. History, by W. F. L. Sanders
Mémoires touchant la vie et les écrits de Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, 52428
Vol. 5 of 6, by Charles Athanase Walckenaer
[Language: French]
Vuosisadan lapsen tunnustus, by Alfred de Musset 52427
[Language: Finnish]
Substance of a Sermon on the Bible Society, by Francis Cunningham 52426
[Subtitle: Preached at Beccles, October 29th, and at
St. Maryâs Church Bungay, on Friday, Dec. 1st, 1815]
Submarine and Anti-submarine, by Henry Newbolt 52425
[Illustrator: Norman Wilkinson]
Cave Hunting, by William Boyd Dawkins 52424
[Subtitle: Researches on the evidence of caves
respecting the early inhabitants of Europe]
The White Slaves of England, by John C. Cobden 52423
Congress Hotel Home of a Thousand Homes, 52422
by Irving S. Paull and W. S. Goodnaw
[Illustrators: Sam Stoltz and A. Fred Tellendar]
A Sermon Preached in York Minister, on St. Bartholomew's Day, 52421
Friday, August 24, 1877, by Edward Hoare
[Subtitle: on the Occasion of the Consecration of the
Right Rev. Rowley Hill, Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man]
The New Departure, by Edward Hoare 52420
[Subtitle: Thoughts for Loyal Churchmen]
Lukemisia lapsille 6, by Zacharias Topelius 52419
[Language: Finnish]
Mr Britling pääsee selvyyteen II, by H. G. Wells 52418
[Language: Finnish]
Legends from River & Mountain, by Carmen Sylva and Alma Strettell 52417
[Illustrator: T. H. Robinson]
Harper's Round Table, January 14, 1896, by Various 52416
Vertellingen, by Alberdina Hermanna Schlüter and Jan Wiegman 52415
[Language: Dutch]
The Christian Mythology, by Brigham Leatherbee 52414
The Black Death in the Fourteenth Century, by I. F. C. Hecker 52413
Abraham Lincoln and the Abolition of Slavery in 52412
the United States, by Charles Godfrey Leland
Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. 1., No. 2, October, 1834, by Various 52411
[Editor: James E. Heath]
Peace in Friendship Village, by Zona Gale 52410
Visions & Cants, by Joan Maragall 52409
[Language: Catalan]
Wide World Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 132, March 1909, by Various 52408
Second Base Sloan, by Christy Mathewson 52407
[Illustrator: E. C. Caswell]
Prehistoric Man, by Daniel Wilson 52406
[Subtitle: Researches into the Origin of Civilization
in the Old and the New World]
Chambers' Catalogue. - 1897, by W. & R. Chambers 52405
[Subtitle: Books for Prizes and Presentation]
The Girl Philippa, by Robert W. Chambers 52404
[Illustrator: Frank Craig]
Arvannosto, by Yrjö Heilala 52403
[Subtitle: 3 näytöksinen kuvaus sortovuosilta]
[Language: Finnish]
The Princess Pourquoi, by Margaret Sherwood 52402
Mr Britling pääsee selvyyteen I, by H. G. Wells 52401
[Language: Finnish]
Famous Men of Ancient Times, by S. G. Goodrich 52400
The 125th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, by Robert M. Rogers 52399
[Subtitle: Attention Batallion!]
Silver Queen, by Caroline Bancroft 52398
[Subtitle: The Fabulous Story of Baby Doe Tabor]
Motor Matt's Short Circuit, by Stanley R. Matthews 52397
[Subtitle: or, The Mahout's Vow]
The Mary Frances Knitting and Crocheting Book, by Jane Eayre Fryer 52396
[Subtitle: or Adventures Among the Knitting People]
[Illustrator: Jane Allen Boyer]
Journal of my journey over the mountains, by George Washington 52395
[Subtitle: while surveying for Lord Thomas Fairfax, baron
of Cameron, in the northern neck of Virginia, beyond the
Blue Ridge, in 1747-8]
The Banner Boy Scouts in the Air, by George A. Warren 52394
Adventures in Wallypug-Land, by G. E. Farrow 52393
[Illustrator: Alan Wright]
Miau, by Benito Pérez Galdós 52392
[Language: Spanish]
Outlines of Ecclesiastical History, by B. H. Roberts 52391
Mammals of Mount Rainier National Park, 52390
by Merlin K. Potts and Russell K. Grater
Vestiges of the supremacy of Mercia in the south of England 52389
during the eighth century, by Thomas Kerslake
Whiteladies, by Margaret Oliphant 52388
Gabriele Rossetti, by Gabriele Rossetti 52387
[Subtitle: A Versified Autobiography]
The Gun Club Boys of Lakeport, by Edward Stratemeyer 52386
[Subtitle: Or, The Island Camp]
Dick Kent with the Malemute Mail, by Milo Milton Oblinger 52385
[Author a.k.a. Milton Richards]
Tuskaa, by Väinö Kataja 52384
[Subtitle: Kuvaus raukoilta rajoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Rotkoista, by Konrad Lehtimäki 52383
[Language: Finnish]
Studies of Birds Killed in Nocturnal Migration, 52382
by Harrison B. Tordoff and Robert M. Mengel
Die Kathedrale, by Ruth Schaumann 52381
[Subtitle: Gedichte]
[Language: German]
Chronique de 1831 à 1862. T. 1/4, by Dorothée de Dino 52380
[Language: French]
Ames dormantes, by Dora Melegari 52379
[Language: French]
Photo-engraving, Photo-etching and Photo-lithography 52378
in Line and Half-tone, by W. T. Wilkinson
[Subtitle: Also Collotype and Heliotype]
Annali d'Italia, Vol. 5, by Lodovico Antonio Muratori 52377
[Subtitle: dal principio dell'era volgare sino all'anno 1750]
[Language: Italian]
Le Vicaire de Wakefield, by Oliver Goldsmith 52376
[Illustrator: Victor Armand Poirson]
[Language: French]
Blue-Stocking Hall, Vol. 2 of 3, by William Pitt Scargill 52375
Kaksi mestaria, by U. W. Walakorpi 52374
[Subtitle: Kansannäytelmä 1:ssä näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
Die MilchstraÃe, by Fritz Kahn 52373
[Illustrators: Georg Helbig and R. Oeffinger]
[Language: German]
Zion, by Johannes R. Becher 52372
[Subtitle: Gedichte]
[Language: German]
Armenia and the Armenians, by Ida A. Pratt 52371
[Subtitle: A List of References
in the New York Public Library]
Dada, by Adolf Knoblauch 52370
[Subtitle: Mit einem Holzschnitt von Lyonel Feininger]
[Illustrator: Lyonel Feininger]
[Language: German]
Hakalan rahat, by Suru 52369
[Subtitle: Näytelmä kahdessa näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
Ensimmäiset ihmiset kuussa, by H. G. Wells 52368
[Language: Finnish]
The Story of the East Riding of Yorkshire, by Horace Baker Browne 52367
The Veil, by Walter de la Mare 52366
[Subtitle: and other Poems]
The Sayings of Mrs. Solomon, by Helen Rowland 52365
[Subtitle: being the confessions of the seven
hundredth wife as revealed to Helen Rowland]
The Romance of a Princess, by Amy Redpath Roddick 52364
[Subtitle: A Comedy, and Other Poems]
A Chicago Princess, by Robert Barr 52363
[Illustrator: Francis P. Wightman]
A History of Booksellers, the Old and the New, by Henry Curwen 52362
An Old Fashioned Christmas Day, by Washington Irving 52361
[Illustrator: Cecil Aldin]
Spielgeist, by Ludwig Berger 52360
[Subtitle: Eine Phantasie]
[Language: German]
Beethoven, by Béla Révész 52359
[Subtitle: Eine Phantasie]
[Language: German]
The Desert Trail, by Dane Coolidge 52358
[Illustrators: Douglas Duer and P. J. Monahan]
Henry Irving's Impressions of America, by Joseph Hatton 52357
Essays and Dialogues, by Giacomo Leopardi 52356
Battle of New Orleans, by Reau Estes Folk 52355
[Subtitle: Its Real Meaning]
The Story of Our Flag, by Addie Guthrie Weaver 52354
[Subtitle: Colonial and National, with Historical
Sketch of the Quakeress Betsy Ross]
Um die Erde, by Julius Hirschberg 52353
[Subtitle: Eine Reisebeschreibung]
[Language: German]
Das Tal der Lieder, by Hermann Löns 52352
[Subtitle: und andere Schilderungen]
[Illustrator: W. Kirsch]
[Language: German]
Square and Compasses, by Oliver Optic 52351
[Subtitle: Or Building the House]
Isäntä ja renki, by Leo Tolstoi 52350
[Language: Finnish]
Metsän povessa, by Raiju Ranta 52349
[Subtitle: Tuokiokuvia 1:ssä näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
The Exhibition Drama, by George M Baker 52348
[Subtitle: Comprising Drama, Comedy, and Farce, Together
with Dramatic and Musical Entertainments]
The Cornplanter Memorial, by James Ross Snowden 52347
[Subtitle: An Historical Sketch of Gy-ant-wa-chia--
The Cornplanter, and of the Six Nations of Indians]
The Story of Old Fort Dearborn, by J. Seymour Currey 52346
The Scott Country, by John Geddie 52345
[Subtitle: Beautiful Scotland]
[Illustrator: Ernest William Haslehust]
Science and Culture, and Other Essays, by Thomas Henry Huxley 52344
The White Prophet, Vol. 2 of 2, by Hall Caine 52343
[Illustrator: R. Caton Woodville]
The White Prophet, Vol. 1 of 2, by Hall Caine 52342
[Illustrator: R. Caton Woodville]
Het Leven der Dieren, by A. E. Brehm 52341
[Subtitle: Deel 3. Afdeling 2. De Visschen]
[Language: Dutch]
The Salving of the 'Fusi Yama', by Percy F. Westerman 52340
[Subtitle: A Post-War Story of the Sea]
[Illustrator: E. S. Hodgson]
Ancient Scottish Lake-Dwellings or Crannogs, by Robert Munroe 52339
[Subtitle: With a supplementary chapter on
remains of lake-dwellings in England]
Canoeing in Kanuckia, by Charles Ledyard Norton and John Habberton 52338
[Subtitle: Or Haps and Mishaps Afloat and Ashore of the
Statesman, the Editor, the Artist, and the Scribbler]
Mestarin rakkausseikkailut, by U. W. Valakorpi 52337
[Subtitle: Kaksinäytöksinen ilveily]
[Language: Finnish]
Candide, by Voltaire 52336
[Language: Finnish]
Wir Menschen, by Walther Georg Hartmann 52335
[Subtitle: Gedichte]
[Language: German]
Der ewige Mensch, by Alfred Brust 52334
[Subtitle: Drama in Christo]
[Language: German]
A Day at Camp Killkare, by Elsie Duncan Yale 52333
[Subtitle: Or Aunt Jane and the Campfire Girls]
Fer et feu au Soudan, Vol. 2 of 2, by Rudolf Carl von Slatin 52332
[Language: French]
Fer et feu au Soudan, Vol. 1 of 2, by Rudolf Carl von Slatin 52331
[Translator: Gustave Bettex]
[Language: French]
Soll und Haben, Bd. 1 (2), by Gustav Freytag 52330
[Subtitle: Roman in sechs Büchern]
[Language: German]
Under Blue Skies, by S. J. Brigham 52329
The Royal Road to Health, by Chas. A. Tyrrell 52328
[Subtitle: or the Secret of Health Without Drugs]
Die Gnadenwahl, by Hans Arthur Thies 52327
[Subtitle: Erzählung]
[Language: German]
The Radio Planet, by Ralph Milne Farley 52326
The Geologic Story of Colorado National Monument, by S. W. Lohman 52325
[Subtitle: Revised Edition]
Hints to Young Yacht Skippers, by Thomas Fleming Day 52324
[Illustrator: Warren Sheppard]
Three Hundred Tang Poems, by Sun Zhu 52323
[Language: Chinese]
Kaarle XII, by August Strindberg 52322
[Subtitle: Viisikuvaelmainen näytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
Twelve Months with the Eighth Massachusetts Infantry in 52321
the Service of the United States, by Harry E. Webber
Vocabulum, by George W. Matsell 52320
[Subtitle: or The Rogue's Lexicon]
The Genealogy of Morals, by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 52319
[Subtitle: The Complete Works, Volume Thirteen,
edited by Dr. Oscar Levy]
Harper's Young People, January 10, 1882, by Various 52318
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Weekly]
Heart's Kindred, by Zona Gale 52317
Vlissinger Michiel, by P. Louwerse 52316
[Subtitle: Of Neerlands glorie ter zee:
Tweede omgewerkte Druk.]
[Language: Dutch]
Alewijn, de Lijfeigene, by E. Molt 52315
[Subtitle: Historisch verhaal uit de 12e eeuw]
[Illustrator: B. W. Wierink]
[Language: Dutch]
Nooks and Corners, by Jane Ellen Panton 52314
[Subtitle: being the companion volume
to From Kitchen to Garret]
Ihmispeto, by Emile Zola 52313
[Subtitle: Siveysromaani]
[Language: Finnish]
The Methods and Scope of Genetics, by W. Bateson 52312
[Subtitle: An inaugural lecture delivered 23 October 1908]
The Little Navajo Herder, by Ann Clark 52311
[Illustrator: Hoke Denetsosie]
A Beacon for the Blind, by Winifred Holt 52310
[Subtitle: Being a Life of Henry Fawcett,
the Blind Postmaster-General]
Twenty-Two Goblins, by Arthur W. Ryder 52309
[Subtitle: Translated from the Sanskrit]
[Illustrator: Perham W. Nahl]
The Tunnellers of Holzminden, by Hugh George Edmund Durnford 52308
[Subtitle: (with a side-issue)]
The Life of a Foxhound, by John Mills 52307
[Illustrator: John Leech]
Magnhild, by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson 52306
[Subtitle: Kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
Ihmiskunnan edustaja, by Ralph Waldo Emerson 52305
[Language: Finnish]
Wonderful Escapes, by Frédéric Bernard 52304
The History of Lumsden's Horse, by Henry H. S. Pearse 52303
[Subtitle: A Complete Record of the Corps
from its Formation to its Disbandment]
Those Brewster Children, by Florence Morse Kingsley 52302
[Illustrator: Emily Hall Chamberlain]
Some Distinguished Victims of the Scaffold, by Horace Bleackley 52301
William Blake, by Richard Garnett 52300
[Subtitle: Painter and Poet]
Die Karikatur im Weltkriege, by Ernst Schulz-Besser 52299
[Language: German]
Budge & Toddie, by John Habberton 52298
[Subtitle: Helen's Babies at Play]
[Illustrator: Tod Dwiggins]
Medical Women, by Sophia Jex-Blake 52297
[Subtitle: Two Essays]
The Deaf Shoemaker, by Philip Barrett 52296
[Subtitle: To Which Are Added Other Stories for the Young]
Auch ich. Auch du., by Hans Siemsen 52295
[Subtitle: Aufzeichnungen eines Irren.]
[Language: German]
Harhama III (of 3), by Algot Untola 52294
[Author a.k.a. Maiju Lassila; a.k.a. Irmari Rantamala]
[Language: Finnish]
On the various forces of nature and their relations 52293
to each other, by Michael Faraday
Report of the Committee of Fifteen, by W. T. Harris, 52292
A. S. Draper, and H. S. Tarbell
[Subtitle: Read at the Cleveland Meeting of the Department
of Superintendence, February 19-21, 1884 With the Debate]
Om medeltidens skådespel, by Gustaf Edvard Ingelius 52291
[Language: Swedish]
Studies in The South and West, With Comments on Canada, 52290
by Charles Dudley Warner
A Vendetta of the Hills, by Willis George Emerson 52289
[Illustrator: A. Hutchins]
L'art ochlocratique, by Joséphin Péladan 52288
[Subtitle: salons de 1882 & de 1883]
[Language: French]
A Struggle for a Fortune, by Harry Castlemon 52287
[Illustrator: W. H. Fry]
The Colleges of Oxford: Their History and Traditions, by Various 52286
[Editor: Andrew Clark]
[Subtitle: XXI Chapters Contributed by Members of the Colleges]
Mungo Park and the Niger, by Joseph Thomson 52285
Israelitar, by Algot Untola 52284
[Subtitle: Kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
Th. M. Dostojewsky, by Nina Hoffmann 52283
[Subtitle: Eine biographische Studie]
[Language: German]
Mémoires touchant la vie et les ecrits de Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, 52282
by Charles Athanase Walckenaer
[Language: French]
La casa e la famiglia di Masaniello, by Bartolommeo Capasso 52281
[Subtitle: Ricordi della storia e della
vita Napolitana nel Secolo XVII]
[Language: Italian]
Ming jing gong an, by Unknown 52280
[Editors: Ge Tian-Ming and Wu Pei-Cyuan]
[Language: Chinese]
Kauppias taskussa, by Aatami Kahra 52279
[Subtitle: Yksinäytöksinen ilveily]
[Language: Finnish]
You Ming Lu, by Liu Yiqing 52278
[Language: Chinese]
Ruijan rannoilta, by Matti Aikio 52277
[Subtitle: Kertomus Norjan Lapista]
[Language: Finnish]
The Injustice to Dou E, by Hanqing Guan 52276
[Language: Chinese]
A Pair of Peacocks Southeast Fly (Kung Chiao Tung Nan Fei), by Unknown 52275
[Language: Chinese]
Sanctification, by Edward Hoare 52274
Evolution, by Edward Hoare 52273
Two Sermons Preached in the Parish Church of Nonington, Kent, 52272
January 17, 1864, by Edward Hoare and Herbert James
[Subtitle: being the Sunday following the
Funeral of John Pemberton Plumptre, Esq.]
Han Wudi bie guo dong ming ji, by Xian Guo 52271
[Language: Chinese]
The Palace of Eternal Youth, by Hong Sheng 52270
[Language: Chinese]
You Xue Qiong Lin, by Yun Sheng Cheng 52269
[Language: Chinese]
Wonder Stories of Travel, by Eliot McCormick, Ernest Ingersoll, 52268
E. E. Brown, and David Ker
Yingying's Biography, by Yuan Zhen 52267
[Language: Chinese]
Sigrid Liljeholm, by Fredrika Charlotta Tengström Runeberg 52266
[Language: Swedish]
Observations on an Anonymous pamphlet, by Francis Cunningham 52265
[Subtitle: which has been distributed in Lowestoft,
and its Neighbourhood]
The Notable English Trial of William Palmer 52264
[Editor: George H. Knott]
Twilight of the Idols - The Antichrist, by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 52263
[Subtitle: Complete Works, Volume Sixteen]
Cuentos de la Alhambra, by Washington Irving 52262
[Language: Spanish]
A Record of St. Cybi's Church, Holyhead, by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley 52261
[Subtitle: and the Sermon preached after its Restoration, 1879]
The Visitorâs Hand-Book for Holyhead, by Thomas Jackson 52260
L'allegoria dell'autunno, by Gabriele D'Annunzio 52259
[Subtitle: Omaggio offerto a Venezia da Gabriele D'Annunzio]
[Language: Italian]
History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, Vol. 1, by Francis Duncan 52258
[Subtitle: Compiled from the Original Records]
When Sarah Saved the Day, by Elsie Singmaster 52257
The Lead Pencil Manufactory of A. W. Faber at Stein 52256
near Nürnberg, Bavaria, by A. W. Faber
The Brownie Scouts and Their Tree House, by Mildred A. Wirt 52255
The Brownie Scouts at Windmill Farm, by Mildred A. Wirt 52254
Vainottu, by Arthur Conan Doyle 52253
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Spanish and Portuguese South America during the Colonial Period, 52252
Vol. 2 of 2, by Robert Grant Watson
Constantinople, Vol. 2 of 2, by Edmondo de Amicis 52251
A Nurse's Life in War and Peace, by Eleanor Constance Laurence 52250
Historical Record of the Third or Princes of Wales' Regiment 52249
of Dragoon Guards: From Its Formation in 1685 to 1838,
by Richard Cannon
Across South America, by Hiram Bingham 52248
[Subtitle: An account of a journey from
Buenos Aires to Lima by way of PotosÃ]
A Man from the North, by Arnold Bennett 52247
Boswell the Biographer, by George Herbert Leigh Mallory 52246
[Illustrator: George Dance]
Where Science and Religion Meet, by William Scott Palmer 52245
Mail Carrying Railways Underpaid, by Committee on Railway Mail Pay 52244
Daughters of Belgravia, Vol. 1 of 3, by Mrs. Alexander Fraser 52243
The Life of Tolstoy: First Fifty Years, by Aylmer Maude 52242
[Subtitle: Fifth Edition]
Hääilta, by Peter Nansen 52241
[Subtitle: Huvinäytelmä yhdessä näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
The Inner Flame, by Clara Louise Burnham 52240
Colonial Homes in North Carolina, by John V. Allcott 52239
Zhen Zhong Ji, by Ji Ji Shen 52238
[Language: Chinese]
His Most Gracious Majesty King Edward VII, by Marie Belloc Lowndes 52237
Poems, 1914-1919, by Maurice Baring 52236
The Governor of England, by Marjorie Bowen 52235
Harhama, Vol. 2 of 3, by Algot Untola 52234
[Author a.k.a. Maiju Lassila, a.k.a. Irmari Rantamala]
[Language: Finnish]
The Legend of Dah-nol-yo, Squaw Rock, by Helen McCowen Carpenter 52233
A Bible Hand-Book, by Fernandez C. Holliday 52232
Little Folks' Christmas Stories and Plays, by Various 52231
[Editor: Ada M. Skinner]
Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Spanish Language in 52230
the British Museum, Vol. 4, by Don Pascual De Gayangos
Adventures of Sonny Bear, by Francis Margeret Fox 52229
[Illustrator: Warner Carr]
Search the Sky, by Frederik Pohl and C. M. Kornbluth 52228
Piece Goods Manual, by A. E. Blanco 52227
A Prisoner of the Khaleefa: Twelve Years Captivity 52226
at Omdurman, by Charles Neufeld
The Temptation of St. Anthony, by Gustave Flaubert 52225
[Illustrator: Odilon Redon]
Amerikasta palatessa, by Aapo S 52224
[Subtitle: Pilanäytelmä 1:ssä näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
The Campaigns of the 124th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 52223
With Roster and Roll of Honor, by George W. Lewis
Weltuntergang, by Felix Dahn 52222
[Subtitle: Geschichtliche Erzählung
aus dem Jahre 1000 nach Christus]
[Language: German]
Versöhnung, by Oskar Schürer 52221
[Subtitle: Gesänge und Psalmen]
[Language: German]
Gedichte der Gefangenen, by Ernst Toller 52220
[Subtitle: Ein Sonettenkreis (Nr. 44)]
[Language: German]
Gedichte, by Julius Maria Becker 52219
[Language: German]
Vor Sonnenaufgang, by Gerhart Hauptmann 52218
[Subtitle: Soziales Drama]
[Language: German]
Young Hunters in Porto Rico, by Captain Ralph Bonehill 52217
[Subtitle: or The Search for a Lost Treasure]
Glacières, by Edwin Swift Balch 52216
[Subtitle: or Freezing Caverns]
Memoirs of the Marchioness of Pompadour, Vol. 2 of 2, 52215
by Jeanne Antoinette Poisson Pompadour
Bessie on Her Travels, by Joanna H. Mathews 52214
In The Levant, by Charles Dudley Warner 52213
[Subtitle: Twenty Fifth Impression]
My Winter on the Nile, by Charles Dudley Warner 52212
[Subtitle: Eighteenth Edition]
The Gods and Mr. Perrin, by Hugh Walpole 52211
[Subtitle: A Tragi-Comedy]
The Hispaniola Plate, by John Bloundelle-Burton 52210
[Subtitle: (1683-1893)]
The Silent Shore, by John Bloundelle-Burton 52209
[Subtitle: A Romance]
New Books & New Editions Published by Ward, Lock, and Tyler 52208
Dick Kent, Fur Trader, by Milo Milton Oblinger 52207
[Author a.k.a. Milton Richards]
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 May 2016 to 31 May 2016 ~ ~ ~ ~
Sui yuan shi hua, by Yuan Mei 52206
[Language: Chinese]
The Carnal Prayer Mat, by Yu Li 52205
[Language: Chinese]
The Comic Almanack, Vol. 2 of 2, by Various 52204
[Subtitle: An Ephemeris in Jest and Earnest, Containing
Merry Tales, Humerous Poetry, Quips, and Oddities]
[Illustrator: George Cruikshank]
The Comic Almanack, Vol. 1 of 2, by Various 52203
[Subtitle: An Ephemeris in Jest and Earnest, Containing
Merry Tales, Humerous Poetry, Quips, and Oddities]
[Illustrator: George Cruikshank]
Washington, its sights and insights, 1909, by Harriet Earhart Monroe 52202
Soldiers' Stories of the War, by Various 52201
[Editor: Walter Wood]
[Illustrator: A. C. Michael]
Jin Ping Mei, by Xiaoxiao Sheng Lanling 52200
[Language: Chinese]
Han Gong Qiu, by Zhiyuan Ma 52199
[Language: Chinese]
Toinen tai toinen naimaan, by Alexander Victor Wilhelmi 52198
[Subtitle: Ilveily yhdessä näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
Home Arts for Old and Young, by Caroline L. Smith 52197
The Oxonian in Thelemarken, Vol. 2 of 2, by Frederick Metcalfe 52196
[Subtitle: or, Notes of travel in south-western Norway
in the summers of 1856 and 1857. With glances at the
legendary lore of that district]
The Oxonian in Thelemarken, Vol. 1 of 2, by Frederick Metcalfe 52195
[Subtitle: or, Notes of travel in south-western Norway
in the summers of 1856 and 1857. With glances at the
legendary lore of that district]
Bob Burton, by Horatio Alger Jr 52194
[Subtitle: or The Young Ranchman of the Missouri]
Naimapuuhat, by Nikolai Gogol 52193
[Subtitle: 2-näytöksinen huvinäytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
William Nelson, by Daniel Wilson 52192
[Subtitle: A Memoir]
Der unendliche Mensch, by Arthur Drey 52191
[Subtitle: Gedichte]
[Language: German]
Ecce Homo, by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 52190
[Subtitle: Complete Works, Volume Seventeen]
Sketches of Persia, by John Malcolm 52189
De Roode Pimpernel, by Baronesse Orczy 52188
[Language: Dutch]
Lajien synty, by Charles Darwin 52187
[Subtitle: Luonnollisen valinnan kautta]
[Language: Finnish]
Harhama I, by Algot Untola 52186
[Language: Finnish]
Die deutsche Karikatur im 19. Jahrhundert, by Georg Hermann 52185
[Language: German]
Sandwich Glass, by Lenore Wheeler Williams 52184
[Subtitle: A Technical Book for Collectors]
Unser täglich Gift, by Otfried Krzyzanowski 52183
[Subtitle: Gedichte]
[Language: German]
Erwachen und Bestimmung, by Carl Maria Weber 52182
[Subtitle: Eine Station]
[Language: German]
Hogarth's Works: Vol. 3 of 3, by John Ireland and John Nichols 52181
[Subtitle: With life and anecdotal descriptions of his pictures]
The Apple of Discord, by Earle Ashley Walcott 52180
[Illustrator: Alice Barber Stephens]
The Geologic Story of Palo Duro Canyon, by William A. Matthews 52179
[Subtitle: Guidebook 8]
The Mentor: Rembrandt, Vol. 4, No. 20, Serial No. 120, 52178
December 1, 1916, by John C. van Dyke
The Historians' History of the World in Twenty-Five Volumes, 52177
Vol. 2, by Various
[Subtitle: Israel, India, Persia, Phoenicia,
Minor Nations of Western Asia]
[Editor: Henry Smith Williams]
Tik-Tok of Oz, by L. Frank Baum 52176
[Illustrator: John R. Neill]
The History and Romance of Crime; Italian Prisons, by Arthur Griffiths 52175
Seikkailu jalkamatkalla, by Jens Christian Hostrup 52174
[Subtitle: Viisinäytöksinen laulunäytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
Rajuilma, by A. Dreyfus 52173
[Subtitle: Huvinäytelmä yhdessä näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
The Structure and Life-history of the Cockroach, 52172
by L. C. Miall and Alfred Denny
[Subtitle: Studies in Comparative Anatomy--III]
Sturz der Verdammten, by Johannes Urzidil 52171
[Subtitle: Gedichte]
[Language: German]
Memorias de José Garibaldi, Vol. 2, by Giuseppe Garibaldi 52170
[Subtitle: Traduzidas do manuscripto original por Alexandre Dumas]
[Language: Portuguese]
The inner house, by Walter Besant 52169
Godey's Lady's Book, by Various 52168
[Subtitle: Philadelphia Vol. 48, February, 1854]
[Editor: Sarah Josepha Hale]
The Radio Man, by Ralph Milne Farley 52167
[Subtitle: An Earthman on Venus]
The Case of Wagner, by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 52166
[Subtitle: The Complete Works of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche,
Vol. 8 of 18]
Transylvanian Superstitions, by Emily Gerard 52165
[Subtitle: From: The Nineteenth Century, Vol. 18,
London, July-December 1885, pp. 130-150]
Harper's Round Table, January 7, 1896, by Various 52164
Boswelliana, by Charles Rogers 52163
[Subtitle: The Commonplace Book of James Boswell
with a Memoir and Annotations]
On the Existence of Active Oxygen, by Edward H. Keiser 52162
[Subtitle: Thesis Presented for the Attainment of the Degree
of Doctor of Philosophy at the Johns Hopkins University]
Bangerter's Inventions, by Friedrich Bangerter 52161
[Subtitle: His Marvelous Time Clock]
A Short History of Freethought, Ancient and Modern, 52160
Vol. 2 of 2, by John M. Robertson
[Subtitle: Third edition, Revised and Expanded,
in two volumes]
Der Weltkrieg, III. Band, by Karl Helfferich 52159
[Subtitle: Vom Eingreifen Amerikas bis zum Zusammenbruch]
[Language: German]
Scapinin vehkeilyt, by Molière 52158
[Subtitle: Kolminäytöksinen komedia]
[Language: Finnish]
Craven's Part in the Great War, by John T. Clayton 52157
A History of Parliamentary Elections and Electioneering 52156
in the Old Days, by Joseph Grego
[Subtitle: Showing the State of Political Parties and
Party Warfare at the Hustings and in the House of
Commons from the Stuarts to Queen Victoria]
Rodney, by David Hannay 52155
Cease firing, by Mary Johnston 52154
[Illustrator: N. C. Wyeth]
The Motor Boys on a Ranch, by Clarence Young 52153
[Subtitle: or, Ned, Bob and Jerry Among the Cowboys]
Ilmasota, by Herbert George Wells 52152
[Subtitle: Tulevaisuuden kuvaus]
[Language: Finnish]
Inspiration, by Edward Hoare 52151
[Subtitle: Its Nature and Extent]
The Jesuits, by Edward Hoare 52150
[Subtitle: A Correspondence relative to a Lecture so Entitled]
Conformity to the World, by Edward Hoare 52149
Dororthy South, by George Carry Eggleston 52148
[Subtitle: A Love Story of Virginia Just Before the War]
[Illustrator: C. D. Williams]
Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 52147
by Raphael Holinshed
[Subtitle: Vol. 2 of 6; Part 12 of 12; Richard II]
The Juvenile Bible, by Anonymous 52146
[Subtitle: Being a brief concordance of the Holy Scriptures,
in verse. Containing a summary of all the chapters in the
books of the Old and New Testament, from Genesis to the
Revelation, alphabetically arranged, and admirably adapted
to the comprehension and retention of young readers]
L'enfant chargé de chaînes, by François Mauriac 52145
[Language: French]
Kreuzwege, by Karel Äapek 52144
[Language: German]
Fairview Boys at Lighthouse Cove, by Frederick Gordon and R. Menel 52143
[Subtitle: or, Carried out to Sea]
The War Stories of Private Thomas Atkins, by Thomas Atkins 52142
Under the White Ensign, by Percy F. Westerman 52141
[Subtitle: A Naval Story of the Great War]
[Illustrator: E. S. Hodgson]
Les protestants à Nimes au temps de l'édit de Nantes, 52140
by Jacques Boulenger
[Language: French]
Uther and Igraine, by Warwick Deeping 52139
[Illustrator: W. Benda]
Motor Matt's Engagement, by Stanley R. Matthews 52138
[Subtitle: or, On The Road With A Show]
Wanda, Vol. 3 of 3, by Ouida 52137
Wanda, Vol. 2 of 3, by Ouida 52136
Wanda, Vol. 1 of 3, by Ouida 52135
Ants and Some Other Insects: An Inquiry Into the Psychic 52134
Powers of These Animals, by Auguste Forel
Patriotic Song, by Various 52133
[Subtitle: A book of English verse, being an anthology of the
patriotic poetry of the British Empire, from the defeat of
the Spanish Armada till the death of Queen Victoria]
Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia, by Frederick Courteney Selous 52132
[Subtitle: Being a Narrative of Events in Matabeleland Both
Before and During the Recent Native Insurrection Up to the
Date of the Disbandment of the Bulawayo Field Force]
The Mentor: The Yosemite Valley, Vol 4, No. 16, Serial No. 116, 52131
October 2, 1916, by Dwight L. Elmendorf
Fairview Boys at Camp Mystery, by Frederick Gordon 52130
[Subtitle: or, the Old Hermit and His Secret]
[Illustrator: R. Menel]
Varavallesmannina, by Väinö Kataja 52129
[Subtitle: Kuvia Perä-Pohjolasta]
[Language: Finnish]
A Gallant of Lorraine; Vol. 1 of 2, by Hugh Noel Williams 52128
[Subtitle: François, Seigneur de Bassompierre, Marquis
d'Haronel, Maréchal de France, 1579-1646]
The History of Korea, Vol. 1 of 2, by Homer B. Hulbert 52127
A Dream of the North Sea, by James Runciman 52126
Nell and Her Grandfather, by Anonymous 52125
[Subtitle: Told from Charles Dickes's 'The Old Curiosity Shop']
The Joyful Wisdom, by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 52124
[Subtitle: Complete Works, Volume Ten]
Poemes, by Emile Verhaeren 52123
[Subtitle: Les soirs, Les débacles, Les flambeaux noirs]
[Language: French]
Hospital Transports, by Frederick Law Olmsted 52122
[Subtitle: A memoir of the Embarkation of the Sick and Wounded
from the Peninsula of Virginia in the Summer of 1862]
Recollections of a Confederate Staff Officer, by Gilbert Moxley Sorrel 52121
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 52120
Index for 1877, by Various
[Editors: William Chambers and Robert Chambers]
History of Greece, Vol. 8 of 12, by George Grote 52119
Der Wanderer zwischen den Welten, by Walter Flex 52118
[Subtitle: Ein Kriegserlebnis]
[Language: German]
Der Kollektivismus und die soziale Monarchie, by Joseph von Neupauer 52117
[Language: German]
The Canadian Druggist, Vol., 1, No. 2, August, 1889, by William J. Dyas 52116
Songs for All Seasons, by Cora C. Bass 52115
The History and Romance of Crime; Spanish Prisons, by Arthur Griffiths 52114
Fifteen Days, by Mary Lowell Putnam 52113
[Subtitle: An Extract from Edward Colvil's Journal]
Chats on Autographs, by Alexander Meyrick Broadley 52112
Ama Stelaro, by Nuno Baena 52111
[Language: Esperanto]
The Key Note, by Clara Louise Burnham 52110
Viettelijän päiväkirja, by Sören Kierkegaard 52109
[Language: Finnish]
Odysseun harharetket, by Homeros 52108
[Subtitle: Suorasanaisesti kerrottuna]
[Language: Finnish]
That Reminds Me, by Anonymous 52107
[Subtitle: A Collection of Tales Worth Telling]
The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas, by Edward Westermarck 52106
Shell-Shock and Other Neuropsychiatric Problems, 52105
by Elmer Ernest Southard
[Subtitle: Presented in Five Hundred and
Eighty-nine Case Histories from the War
Literature, 1914-1918]
The Girl's Own Paper, No. 992, December 31, 1898, by Various 52104
Lays of Ancient Babyland, by Anonymous 52103
[Subtitle: to which are added Small Divers
Histories not known to the Ancients]
Across the Salt Seas, by John Bloundelle-Burton 52102
[Subtitle: A Romance of the War of Succession]
Much Ado About Something, by C. E. Lawrence 52101
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 52100
No. 731, December 29, 1877, by Various
[Editors: William Chambers and Robert Chambers]
Neljän merkit, by Arthur Conan Doyle 52099
[Language: Finnish]
Tachyhippodamia, by Willis J. Powell and J. S. Rarey 52098
[Subtitle: The new secret of taming horses]
Andy Gordon, by Horatio Alger 52097
Plays, by John Davidson 52096
Dave Dawson with the Air Corps, by R. Sidney Bowen 52095
War and Misrule, by A. Audrey Locke 52094
[Subtitle: 1307-1399]
Las Ilusiones del Doctor Faustino, Vol.1, by Juan Valera 52093
[Language: Spanish]
Der zerstörte Tasso, by Theodor Tagger 52092
[Subtitle: Ausgewählte Gedichte]
[Language: German]
An essay on the foundations of geometry, by Bertrand Russell 52091
Man a Machine, by Julien Offray De la Mettrie 52090
Neighborhood Stories, by Zona Gale 52089
Tête-D'or, by Paul Claudel 52088
History of Inland Transport and Communication in England, 52087
by Edwin A. Pratt
The Province of Midwives in the Practice of their Art, by William Clark 52086
[Subtitle: Instructing them in the timely knowledge of such
difficulties as require the assistance of Men, for the
preservation of Mother and Child; very necessary for the
perusal of all the sex interested in the subject, and
interspersed with some New and Useful Observations]
Half Hours With the Lower Animals, by Charles Frederick Holder 52085
[Subtitle: Protozoans, Sponges, Corals,
Shells, Insects, and Crustaceans]
The Wire Devils, by Frank L. Packard 52084
Gesammelte Schulhumoresken, by Ernst Eckstein 52083
[Language: German]
German Atrocities, by William le Queux 52082
[Subtitle: A Record of Shameless Deeds]
A Guide to the Exhibition Illustrating Greek and Roman Life, 52081
by The British Museum
Mikael Speranski, by M. G. Schybergson 52080
[Language: Finnish]
History of the Forty-second regiment infantry, Massachusetts 52079
volunteers, 1862, 1863, 1864, by Charles P. Bosson
The Captain of the Guard, by James Grant 52078
Corinne; or, Italy, by Germaine, Madame de Staël 52077
Setä Frans, by Jenny Blicher-Clausen 52076
[Language: Finnish]
Historie van het huis van Adriaan, by Anonymous 52075
[Subtitle: Eene grappige vertelling]
[Language: Dutch]
Soldering, Brazing and Welding, by Bernard E. Jones 52074
The Backwoods Boy, by Horatio Alger Jr. 52073
[Subtitle: or The Boyhood and Manhood of Abraham Lincoln]
Life of Joseph Brant--Thayendanegea, Vol. 1, by William L. Stone 52072
[Subtitle: Including the Border Wars of the American Revolution . . .]
The Book of the Otter, by Richard Clapham 52071
[Subtitle: A manual for sportsmen and naturalists]
[Illustrators: F. Lees and Alfred Taylor]
A Virginia Girl in the Civil War, 1861-1865, by Myrta Lockett Avary 52070
[Subtitle: being a record of the actual experiences
of the wife of a confederate officer]
Lives of Boulton and Watt, by Samuel Smiles 52069
[Subtitle: Principally from the Original Soho Mss.]
Jim of Hellas, or In Durance Vile; The Troubling of Bethesda Pool 52068
by Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Vieras rouva, by F. M. Dostoyevsky 52067
[Language: Finnish]
Verses popular and humorous, by Henry Lawson 52066
Les moments perdus de John Shag, by Auguste Gilbert de Voisins 52065
[Language: French]
Literatura Mondo, numero 3, 1922 Decembro, by Various 52064
[Editor: Teodoro Schwartz]
[Language: Esperanto]
Literatura Mondo, numero 2, 1922 Novembro, by Various 52063
[Editor: Teodoro Schwartz]
[Language: Esperanto]
Literatura Mondo, numero 1, 1922 Oktobro, by Various 52062
[Editor: Teodoro Schwartz]
[Language: Esperanto]
A Book of the Pyrenees, by Sabine Baring-Gould 52061
The Sorceress, Complete, by Margaret Oliphant 52060
Anthologica Rarissima: The Way of a Virgin, by L. Brovan and C. Brovan 52059
Isle of Wight, by A. R. Hope Moncrieff 52058
[Illustrator: Alfred Heaton Cooper]
Abandonment, by J. P. de Caussade 52057
[Subtitle: or Absolute Surrender to Divine Providence]
The Mysteries of London, Vol. 3 of 4, by George W. M. Reynolds 52056
The Heart of Penelope, by Marie Belloc Lowndes 52055
Kahden vuoden loma-aika, by Jules Verne 52054
[Language: Finnish]
The Sperry Gyro-Compass, by The Sperry Gyroscope Co. 52053
The Puzzle King, by John Scott 52052
The American Girl's Handy Book, by Lina Beard and Adelia B. Beard 52051
[Subtitle: How to Amuse Youself and Others]
AutobiografÃa, by Rubén DarÃo 52050
[Subtitle: Obras Completas Vol. XV]
[Language: Spanish]
The Man, by Elbert Hubbard 52049
[Subtitle: A Story of To-day]
Mikkelin kekkerit, by Vihtori Niemi 52048
[Subtitle: Yksinäytöksinen ilveily]
[Language: Finnish]
A Little Maid in Toyland, by Adah Louise Sutton 52047
[Illustrator: A. Russell]
A Constitution in Making (1660-1714), by G. B. Perrett 52046
Cassell's History of England. Vol. 3, by Cassell 52045
[Subtitle: From the Great Rebellion to the Fall of Marlborough]
The Wide Awake Third Reader, by Clara Murray 52044
The Chautauquan, Vol. 4, December 1883, by The Chautauquan Literary 52043
and Scientific Circle
[Subtitle: A Monthly Magazine Devoted to the Promotion of True
Culture, Organ of the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle]
[Editor: Theodore L. Flood]
Reasons why a Churchman may with Great Justice Refuse to Subscribe 52042
to the British and Foreign Bible Society, by Richard Lockwood
Scandinavian Relations with Ireland during the Viking Period, 52041
by A. Walsh
Clerical Subscription and the Act of Uniformity, by Edward Hoare 52040
The Jesuits, by Edward Hoare 52039
The Invasion of America, by Julius Washington Muller 52038
[Subtitle: A fact story based on the inexorable mathematics of war]
Lukkarin arkityöt, by Vihtori Niemi 52037
[Subtitle: Yksinäytöksinen huvinäytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
Un año en quince minutos, by Manuel Garcia y Gonzalez 52036
[Language: Spanish]
Karhu-Antin Anni ja Spof'in pistooli, by Jon Olof Ã
berg 52035
[Subtitle: Kertomus Suomen sodan ajoilta 1808-09]
[Language: Finnish]
The Coming Night, by Edward Hoare 52034
[Subtitle: A Sermon Preached in Cromer Church,
on Friday, June 12, 1857, on occasion of the
death of Anna Gurney]
William Mackay on T. W. Robertson's Play, "School", by William Mackay 52033
A Dissertation on the Books of Origen against Celsus, 52032
by Francis Cunningham
Suomalaisen teatterin historia IV, by Eliel Aspelin-Haapkylä 52031
[Subtitle: Bergbomin loppukausi: Kansallisteatteri]
[Language: Finnish]
The Dawn of History, by C. F. Keary 52030
[Subtitle: An Introduction to Pre-Historic Study]
Unvarnished Tales, by William Mackay 52029
Vita nuova, by Alighieri Dante 52028
[Subtitle: Uusi elämä]
[Language: Finnish]
The Witchcraft Delusion in New England: Its Rise, Progress, and 52027
Termination, Vol. 2 of 3, by Cotton Mather and Robert Calef
Matthew Calbraith Perry, by William Elliot Griffis 52026
[Subtitle: A Typical American Naval Officer]
Motor Matt's Make-and-Break, by Stanley R. Matthews 52025
[Subtitle: or, Advancing the Spark of Friendship]
Strange Survivals, by Sabine Baring-Gould 52024
[Subtitle: Some Chapters in the History of Man]
Textile Fibers used in Eastern Aboriginal North America, 52023
by A. C. Whitford
The Cricket Field, by James Pycroft 52022
[Subtitle: Or, the History and Science of the Game of Cricket]
Uudenmetsän lapset, by Frederick Marryat 52021
[Language: Finnish]
Roland Whately, by Alec Waugh 52020
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Ellen Levis, by Elsie Singmaster 52019
[Subtitle: A Novel]
'Tilda Jane, by Marshall Saunders 52018
[Subtitle: An Orphan in Search of a Home]
[Illustrator: Clifford Carleton]
A Boy's Fortune, by Horatio Alger 52017
[Subtitle: Or, The Strange Adventures of Ben Baker]
Ein Tag / Ivar Bye, by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson 52016
[Subtitle: Zwei Erzählungen]
[Language: German]
Der ewige Buddho, by Leopold Ziegler 52015
[Subtitle: Ein Tempelschriftwerk in vier Unterweisungen]
[Language: German]
Sir William Johnson and the Six Nations, by William Elliot Griffis 52014
Shakespeare, Vol. 2 of 2, by Gustav Landauer 52013
[Subtitle: Dargestellt im Vorträgen]
[Language: German]
Shakespeare, Vol. 1 of 2, by Gustav Landauer 52012
[Subtitle: Dargestellt im Vorträgen]
[Language: German]
Madame de Chevreuse, by Victor Cousin 52011
[Subtitle: Nouvelles études sur les femmes
illustres et la société du 17e siècle]
[Language: French]
Some Animal Stories, by Charles G. D. Roberts 52010
New Lamps, by Robert Moore Williams 52009
Dante Rossetti and the pre-Raphaelite movement, by Esther Wood 52008
Discoveries and Inventions, by Abraham Lincoln 52007
[Subtitle: A lecture by Abraham Lincoln delivered in 1860]
Les Liaisons dangereuses, by Choderlos de Laclos 52006
[Subtitle: Lettres recueillies dans une Société et
publiées pour l'instruction de quelques autres]
[Language: French]
Sorrettuja ja solvaistuja, by Fyodr Dostoyevsky 52005
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Saaren orvon seikkailut, by Frederick Marryat 52004
[Language: Finnish]
Memoirs of the Marchioness of Pompadour, Vol. 1 of 2, 52003
by Jeanne Antoinette Poisson Pompadour
Mitchelhurst Place, Vol. 2, by Margaret Veley 52002
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Little Child's Book of Divinity, by John Ross Macduff 52001
[Subtitle: or Grandmamma's Stories about Bible Doctines]
Talonpoika satimessa, by Ludvig Holberg 52000
[Subtitle: Kolminäytöksinen huvinäytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
Life and Military Career of Major-General William Tecumseh Sherman, 51999
by Phineas Camp Headley
Armenia immolata, by Edward S. Steele 51998
Al Que Quiere!, by William Carlos Williams 51997
[Subtitle: A Book of Poems]
My Pretty Maid, by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller 51996
[Subtitle: or, Liane Lester]
Tanglewood Tales, by Nathaniel Hawthorne 51995
[Illustrator: Virginia Frances Sterrett]
The Adventures of Squirrel Fluffytail, by Dolores McKenna 51994
[Subtitle: A Picture Story-Book for Children]
[Illustrator: Ruth H. Bennett]
The Mentor: Russian Music, Vol. 4, No. 18, Serial No. 118, 51993
November 1, 1916, by Henry T. Finck
Poems 1918-21, by Ezra Pound 51992
A History of Dentistry from the most Ancient Times until 51991
the end of the Eighteenth Century, Vincenzo Guerini
A Thrilling Narrative of the Minnesota Massacre and the 51990
Sioux War of 1862-63, by Alonzo Putnam Connolly
[Subtitle: Graphic Accounts of the Siege of Fort Ridgely,
Battles of Birch Coolie, Wood Lake, Big Mound, Stony
Lake, Dead Buffalo Lake and Missouri River]
The Woman in the Alcove, by Jennette Lee 51989
[Illustrators: A. I. Keller And Arthur E. Becher]
Well, After All, by Frank Frankfort Moore 51988
Webster--Man's Man, by Peter B. Kyne 51987
[Illustrator: Dean Cornwell]
Two Women or One?, by Henry Harland 51986
[Subtitle: From the Mss. of Dr. Leonard Benary]
The Trufflers, by Samuel Merwin 51985
[Subtitle: A Story]
[Illustrator: Frank Snapp]
Thursday Evening, by Christopher Morley 51984
[Subtitle: A Comedy in One Act]
The Sin That Was His, by Frank L. Packard 51983
Simeon Tetlow's Shadow, by Jennette Lee 51982
Sandburrs and Others, by Alfred Henry Lewis 51981
[Illustrator: Horace Taylor and George B. Luks]
The Royal End, by Henry Harland 51980
[Subtitle: A Romance]
His Little Royal Highness, by Ruth Ogden 51979
[Illustrator: W. Rainsey]
Hogarth's Works, Vol. 2 of 3, by John Ireland and John Nichols 51978
[Subtitle: With life and anecdotal descriptions of his pictures]
Victor Hugo, by Théophile Gautier 51977
[Language: French]
The First Quarter-Century of Steam Locomotives in North America, 51976
by Smith Hempstone Oliver
[Subtitle: Remaining Relics and Operable Replicas with a Catalog
of Locomotive Models in the U. S. National Museum. United
States National Museum Bulletin 210]
Fourth Reader, by W. A. McIntyre, John Dearness, 51975
John C. Saul and Various Others
[Subtitle: The Alexandra Readers]
In Red and Gold, by Samuel Merwin 51974
[Illustrator: Cyrus Leroy Baldridge]
Bill Nye's Red Book, by Edgar Wilson Nye 51973
[Subtitle: New Edition]
[Illustrator: J. H. Smith]
Priscilla and Charybdis, by Frank Frankfort Moore 51972
[Subtitle: A Story of Alternatives]
The Love That Prevailed, by Frank Frankfort Moore 51971
[Illustrator: H. B. Matthews]
The Plunderers, by Edwin Lefevre 51970
[Subtitle: A Novel]
According to Plato, by Frank Frankfort Moore 51969
The Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, Vol. 2, by Robert Paltock 51968
The Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, Complete, by Robert Paltock 51967
[Subtitle: Volumes One and Two]
The Last Penny, by Edwin Lefevre 51966
Pawned, by Frank L. Packard 51965
A Georgian Pageant, by Frank Frankfort Moore 51964
[Illustrators: Various]
The Other World, by Frank Frankfort Moore 51963
Bill Nye's Sparks, by Edgar Wilson Nye 51962
[Author a.k.a. Bill Nye]
Bill Nye's Chestnuts Old and New, by Bill Nye 51961
[Illustrators: Williams, Opper, and Hopkins]
The Ancient Stone Implements, Weapons, and Ornaments of Great Britain, 51960
by John Evans
[Subtitle: Second Edition, Revised]
Bill Nye and Boomerang, by Bill Nye 51959
[Subtitle: Or, The Tale of a Meek-Eyed Mule,
and Some Other Literary Gems]
The Mountain School-Teacher, by Melville Davisson Post 51958
Tales From a Rolltop Desk, by Christopher Morley 51957
[Illustrator: Walter Jack Duncan]
The Strange Schemes of Randolph Mason, by Melville Davisson Post 51956
The Man of Last Resort, by Melville Davisson Post 51955
[Subtitle: Or, The Clients of Randolph Mason]
A Man: His Mark, by W. C. Morrow 51954
[Subtitle: A Romance, Second Edition]
[Illustrator: Elenore Plaisted Abbott]
The Manager of The B. & A., by Vaughan Kester 51953
[Subtitle: A Novel]
A Journalists Note-Book, by Frank Frankfort Moore 51952
The Jessamy Bride, by Frank Frankfort Moore 51951
[Illustrator: C. Allan Gilbert]
The Prodigal Son, by Hall Caine 51950
Horse Stories, by Thomas W. Knox 51949
[Subtitle: And Stories of Other Animals]
Henry Is Twenty, by Samuel Merwin 51948
[Subtitle: A Further Episodic History of Henry Calverly, 3rd]
A Gray Eye or So, Complete, by Frank Frankfort Moore 51947
[Subtitle: In Three Volumes--Volume I, II and III: Complete]
A Gray Eye or So, by Frank Frankfort Moore 51946
[Subtitle: In Three Volumes--Volume III]
A Gray Eye or So, by Frank Frankfort Moore 51945
[Subtitle: In Three Volumes--Volume II]
A Gray Eye or So, by Frank Frankfort Moore 51944
[Subtitle: In Three Volumes--Volume I]
The Golden Flood, by Edwin Lefevre 51943
[Illustrator: W. R. Leigh]
The Three Godfathers, by Peter B. Kyne 51942
[Illustrator: Dean Cornwell]
The Gilded Chair, by Melville Davisson Post 51941
[Subtitle: A Novel]
[Illustrators: A. B. Wenzell and Arthur E. Becher]
A Garden of Peace, by Frank Frankfort Moore 51940
[Subtitle: A Medley in Quietude]
>From Now On, by Frank L. Packard 51939
Daireen, by Frank Frankfort Moore 51938
[Subtitle: Complete]
Daireen, by Frank Frankfort Moore 51937
[Subtitle: Volume 2 of 2]
Daireen, by Frank Frankfort Moore 51936
[Subtitle: Volume 1 of 2]
Human, All-Too-Human, Part 1, by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 51935
[Subtitle: Complete Works, Volume Six]
Lukemisia lapsille 4, by Zacharias Topelius 51934
[Language: Finnish]
Tommy Smith's Animals, by Edmund Selous 51933
[Illustrator: G. W. Ord]
Journal of a Residence in America, by Fanny Kemble 51932
How to bring men to Christ, by R. A. Torrey 51931
Satyrische Abhandlung von den Krankheiten der Frauenspersonen, 51930
welche sie sich durch ihren Putz und Anzug zuziehen,
by Christian Tobias Ephraim Reinhard
[Language: German]
Die Protozoen als Krankheitserreger des Menschen 51929
und der Hausthiere, by Georg Schneidemühl
[Subtitle: Für Ãrzte, Thierärzte und Zoologen]
[Language: German]
Not Posted 51928
Not Posted 51927
Not Posted 51926
Not Posted 51925
Courage, by Ruth Ogden 51924
[Illustrator: Frederick C. Gordon]
The Impudent Comedian & Others, by Frank Frankfort Moore 51923
Fanny's First Novel, by Frank Frankfort Moore 51922
The Lay Anthony, by Joseph Hergesheimer 51921
[Subtitle: A Romance]
The Old Soak, and Hail And Farewell, by Don Marquis 51920
[Illustrator: Sterling Patterson]
Rancho Del Muerto, by Charles King and Others 51919
[Subtitle: and Other Stories of Adventure
from "Outing" by Various Authors]
Pole Baker, by Will N. Harben 51918
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Revolt of the Oyster, by Don Marquis 51917
The Merry Anne, by Samuel Merwin 51916
[Illustrator: Thomas Fogarty]
Lentala of The South Seas, The Romantic Tale of a Lost Colony, 51915
by W. C. Morrow
[Illustrator: Maynard Dixon]
When Men Grew Tall, or The Story Of Andrew Jackson, 51914
by Alfred Henry Lewis
Carter, and Other People, by Don Marquis 51913
The Boss, and How He Came to Rule New York, by Alfred Henry Lewis 51912
American Patrician, or The Story of Aaron Burr, by Alfred Henry Lewis 51911
[Subtitle: Illustrated]
A Voyage to the Arctic in the Whaler Aurora, by David Moore Lindsay 51910
The Apaches of New York, by Alfred Henry Lewis 51909
In Indian Tents, by Abby Langdon Alger 51908
[Subtitle: Stories Told By Penobscot, Passamaquoddy
and Micmac Indians to Abby L. Alger]
Verses of a V. A. D., by Vera Mary Brittain 51907
Suuri oppi, by Kungfutse 51906
[Subtitle: Johdatus kungfutselaiseen elämänkatsomukseen]
[Language: Finnish]
The Invasion of 1910, by William le Queux 51905
[Subtitle: with a full account of the siege of London]
Poems, by Henry Reed Conant 51904
The Life, Times, and Scientific Labours of the Second Marquis 51903
of Worcester, by Henry Dircks
[Subtitle: To which is added a reprint of his Century
of Inventions, 1663, with a Commentary thereon]
Catalogue of Works: Literary, Art and Music, by W. Reeves 51902