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March 2017
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This is the Project Gutenberg Newsletter for March 2017
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* New eBook listings from February 2017
* Michael Hart's 70th Birthday
Michael Stern Hart was born in Tacoma, Washington on March 8, 1947. He died on September 6, 2011 in his home in Urbana, Illinois, at the age of 64. March 8, 2017 would have been his 70th birthday.
The creation of free eBooks, digitized for unlimited distribution, began on July 4, 1971. On that day, Michael typed the U.S. Declaration of Independence on a mainframe computer at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and shared it with other users on the network. He devoted his great energy, deep intellect, and passion for learning to building the Project Gutenberg library.
A lifetime intellectual, Hart was inspired by his parents, both professors at the University of Illinois, to seek truth and to question authority. One of his favorite quotes, credited to George Bernard Shaw, is characteristic of his approach to life:
"Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people."
Project Gutenberg is grateful to Michael for his caring, leadership, and unreasonableness. We miss him dearly.
You can read more about Michael at
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* New eBook listings from February 2017
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Feb 2017 to 28 Feb 2017 ~ ~ ~ ~
Sämmtliche Werke 2: Die Toten Seelen II / Novellen, by Nikolaj Gogol 54263
[Subtitle: Die Toten Seelen II / Der Mantel / Die Nase / Das Porträt]
[Language: German]
Sämmtliche Werke 1: Die Toten Seelen I, by Nikolaj Gogol 54262
[Language: German]
The Harvest of a Quiet Eye, by John Richard Vernon 54261
[Subtitle: Leisure Thoughts for Busy Lives]
The Spiritual Guidance of Man and of Mankind, by Rudolf Steiner 54260
No Posting 54259
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1, No. 16, October 17, 1840, by Various 54258
A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights 54257
Entertainments, now entituled The Book of the Thousand
Nights and a Night, Vol. 5 of 17, by Richard F. Burton
Frank Reade Jr.'s Air Wonder, The "Kite"; Or, A Six 54256
Weeks' Flight Over The Andes, by Luis Senarens
Narrative of Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the Seventeenth 54255
Century, Volume II, by Evliya, Ãelebi, 1611?-1682?, by Evliya Ãelebi
and Joseph Hammer-Purgstall
The Search After Happiness, by Charlotte Brontèe 54254
[Author a.k.a. Charlotte Bronte]
A Selected Bibliography of Virginia, 1607-1699, by Earl Gregg Swem  54253
and John Melville Jennings
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1, No. 15, October 10, 1840, by Various 54252
English Law and the Renaissance, by Frederic William Maitland 54251
[Subtitle: The Rede Lecture for 1901]
The Albigensian Heresy, by Henry James Warner 54250
Bastiljin valloitus, by Alexandre Dumas, père 54249
[Language: Finnish]
Jüdische Sprichwörter, by Artur Landsberger 54248
[Language: German]
Beyond These Voices, by M. E. Braddon 54247
The Clergy And The Pulpit In Their Relations To The People, 54246
by M. L'Abbé Isidore Mullois
Bygone Scotland, by David Maxwell 54245
[Subtitle: Historical and Social]
Practical Methods of Sewage Disposal, by Henry N. Ogden 54244
and H. Burdett Cleveland
[Subtitle: For Residences, Hotels and Institutions]
Demoniality, by The Rev. Father Sinistrari of Ameno 54243
[Subtitle: or Incubi and Succubi]
Väinämöiset, by Carl Axel Gottlund 54242
[Subtitle: Yksi kokous meijän nykyisten runojain virren-teoista]
[Language: Finnish]
The Cubomedusæ, by Franklin Story Conant                                54241
Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 54240
Series 3, Volume 4, Zoology, by Various
Mistress Nancy Molesworth, by Joseph Hocking                            54239
[Subtitle: A Tale of Adventure]
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 14, October 3, 1840, by Various     54238
Prästgården, by K. G. Ossian-Nilsson                                    54237
[Subtitle: En Julhistoria]
[Language: Swedish]
The Intruder, by Gabriele D'Annunzio 54236
The Office of Bailiff of a Liberty, by Joseph Ritson 54235
The American Missionary, Volume 33, No. 7, July, 1879, by Various 54234
The Vivisectors' Directory, by Various 54233
 [Subtitle: Being a list of the licensed vivisectors
in the United Kingdom, together with the leading
physiologists in foreign laboratories]
 [Editor: Benjamin Bryan]
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 13, September 26, 1840, by Various  54232
La casserole, by Oscar Méténier                                        54231
[Subtitle: drame en un acte, en prose]
[Language: French]
The Gates Ajar, by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps                              54230
Kuningattaren kaulanauha, by Alexandre Dumas père 54229
[Subtitle: Historiallinen romaani Ludvig XVI:n hovista]
[Language: Finnish]
El buey suelto.., by José MarÃa de Pereda                               54228
[Subtitle: Cuadros edificantes de la vida de un solterón]
[Language: Spanish]
De afstamming van den mensch, by J. Boeke 54227
[Subtitle: Naar voordrachten in populair-
wetenschappelijken vorm bewerkt]
[Language: Dutch]
Servetus and Calvin, by Robert Willis 54226
[Subtitle: A Study of an Important Epoch
in the Early History of the Reformation]
Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International 54225
Military Tribunal, Volume III, by Various
[Subtitle: Nuremburg 14 November 1945-1 October 1946]
Venice; A Sketch-Book, by Fred Richards                                 54224
Onesimus, by Edwin Abbott Abbott                                        54223
[Subtitle: Memoirs of a disciple of St. Paul]
Blood and Sand, by Vincente Blasco Ibáñez 54222
Induction Coils, How to Make, Use, and Repair Them, by H. S. Norrie    54221
[Subtitle: Including Ruhmkorff, Tesla, and
medical coils, Roentgen Radiography, etc.]
Oxford; A Sketch-Book, by Fred Richards                                 54220
A Little English Gallery, by Louise Imogen Guiney 54219
A Lady of England, by Agnes Giberne 54218
[Subtitle: The Life and Letters of Charlotte Maria Tucker]
The Farmer's Own Book, by J. D. Koogle 54217
[Subtitle: A treatise on the numerous diseases of the horse]
The Mary Frances First Aid Book, by Jane Eayre Fryer 54216
[Subtitle: With Ready Reference List of Ordinary Accidents
and Illnesses, and Approved Home Remedies]
[Illustrator: Jane Alen Boyer]
The Life of Sophia Jex-Blake, by Margaret Georgina Todd 54215
A Story of the Golden Age, by James Baldwin 54214
[Illustrator: Howard Pyle]
1917 Military Equipment:, by Sears, Roebuck & Co 54213
[Subtitle: Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago]
A Modern Mephistopheles and A Whisper in the Dark, by Lousia M. Alcott  54212
American War Ballads and Lyrics, Vol. 2 of 2, by Various 54211
[Subtitle: A Collection of the Songs and Ballads of
the Colonial Wars, the Revolutions, the War of
1812-15, the War with Mexico and the Civil War]
[Editor: George Cary Eggleston]
The Principles of Chemistry. Vol. 2 of 2, by D. Mendeléeff 54210
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 12, September 19, 1840, by Various 54209
Standard Measures of United States, Great Britain and France, 54208
by Arthur S. C. Wurtele
[Subtitle: History and actual comparisons with
appendix on introduction of the mètre]
Surun tie, by Jalmari Hahl 54207
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
No Posting 54206
Kirjeitä myllyltäni, by Alphonse Daudet 54205
[Language: Finnish]
Pikku kertoelmia, by Theodolinda Hahnsson 54204
[Language: Finnish]
The Prisoners of Mainz, by Alec Waugh                                   54203
[Illustrator: R. T. Roussel]
Faust, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe                                    54202
[Illustrator: Eugène Delacroix]
[Language: French]
William Wilberforce, der Sklavenfreund, by Hugo Oertel                  54201
[Subtitle: Ein Lebensbild, für die deutsche Jugend
und das deutsche Volk gezeichnet]
[Language: German]
Odysseia, by Homer                                                      54200
[Language: Swedish]
Florence; A Sketch-Book, by Fred Richards                                54199
Canterbury, A Sketch Book, by Walter M. Keesey                          54198
Cambridge, A Sketch Book, by Walter M. Keesey                           54197
The Practical Book of Oriental Rugs, by George Griffin Lewis            54196
Grit, by Horatio Alger, Jr.                                              54195
[Subtitle: or The Young Boatman of Pine Point]
Some Longer Elizabethan Poems, by Various                               54194
The Jacquard Machine Analyzed and Explained, by E. A. Posselt 54193
[Subtitle: With an appendix on the preparation of jacquard cards...]
Majakanvartija y.m. kertomuksia, by Henryk Sienkiewicz 54192
[Language: Finnish]
An Address to the Sisters of St. Peter's Home, Brompton, 54191
by Edward Meyrick Goulburn
The Spirit of the School, by Ralph Henry Barbour 54190
Latvia & Russia, by Arveds Karlis Kristaps Bergs 54189
[Subtitle: One problem of the world-peace considered]
The History and Romance of Crime: Oriental Prisons, by Arthur Griffiths 54188
[Subtitle: From the earliest times to the present day]
The State of Society in France Before the Revolution of 1789, 54187
by Alexis de Tocqueville
[Subtitle: And the Causes Which Led to That Event]
Squire Arden, Vol. 3 of 3, by Margaret Oliphant                       54186
Varjenka, by Maksim Gorky                                               54185
[Language: Finnish]
Snövit barnens julkalender 1918, by Various                             54184
[Subtitle: Illustrerad läsning ur verklighetens och sagans värld]
[Illustrator: Various]
[Language: Swedish]
Le livre de la Jungle, by Rudyard Kipling                               54183
[Language: French]
Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris, 1405-1449, by Alexandre Tuetey         54182
[Language: French]
Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, Vol. 2 of 2, by James Bruce 54181
[Subtitle: In the years 1769, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772 and 1773]
Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, Vol. 1 of 2, by James Bruce 54180
[Subtitle: In the years 1769, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772 and 1773]
Remarks on the proposed Railway between Birmingham and London, 54179
by Anonymous
La vita operosa, by Massimo Bontempelli                                 54178
[Subtitle: Nuovi racconti d'avventure]
[Language: Italian]
No Posting 54177
The cremation of the dead, by Hugo Erichsen                             54176
[Subtitle: considered from an aesthetic, sanitary, religious,
 historical, medico-legal, and economical standpoint]
Mevr. Warren's Bedrijf, by George Bernard Shaw                          54175
[Language: Dutch]
Rouva de la Motte, by Alexandre Dumas, père 54174
[Language: Finnish]
How To Make Candy, by Various 54173
[Subtitle: A Complete Hand Book]
One Touch of Nature, by Benjamin Webster 54172
[Subtitle: A Petite Drama, In One Act]
Notes of hospital life from November, 1861, to August, 1863, 54171
by Anonymous
Die Einsamkeit, by Christoph August Tiedge 54170
[Language: German]
A History of North American Birds: Land Birds, Vol. 3 of 3, 54169
by Spencer Fullerton Baird, Thomas Mayo Brewer and Robert Ridgway
English Lands Letters and Kings: From Celt to Tudor, 54168
by Donald Grant Mitchell
Commentario de le piu notabili, & mostruose cose d'Italia, 54167
 & di altri luoghi, by Ortensio Lando
[Subtitle: di lingua aramea in Italiana tradotto,
nelquale si impara, & prendesi estremo piacere]
 [Language: Italian]
London at Night, by Frederick Carter                                    54166
[Subtitle: A sketch-book]
Ariosto, Shakespeare, Corneille, by Benedetto Croce                     54165
Sortovuosilta, by Konni Zilliacus                                       54164
[Subtitle: Poliittisia muistelmia]
[Language: Finnish]
Ski-runs in the High Alps, by François Frédéric Roget 54163
[Illustrator: L. M. Crisp]
The New English Canaan of Thomas Morton 54162
with Introductory Matter and Notes
The republic of Cicero, by Marcus Tullius Cicero                        54161
[Subtitle: Translated from the Latin and Accompanied
With a Critical and Historical Introduction]
The Lushei Kuki Clans, by John Shakespear 54160
Busy Brownies, by E. Veale 54159
[Illustrator: Palmer Cox]
Myrkkyvyöhyke, by Arthur Conan Doyle 54158
[Language: Finnish]
Fjällbyfolk, by Maria Rieck-Müller 54157
[Subtitle: Bilder från öfre Norrland]
[Language: Swedish]
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1, No. 10, September 5, 1840, by Various  54156
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1, No. 11, September 12, 1840, by Various 54155
Vision and Design, by Roger Fry                                         54154
Biographical Sketches of the Generals of the Continental Army 54153
of the Revolution, by Mary Theresa Leiter
Copyright Renewals: Artwork 1951-1959, by the U. S. Copyright 54152
Office of the Library of Congress
[Subtitle: Catalog of Copyright Entries]
Shakespeare the Boy, by William James Rolfe 54151
[Subtitle: With Sketches of the Home and School Life, Games
and Sports, Manners, Customs and Folk-lore of the Time]
The Medieval Latin Hymn, by Ruth Ellis Messenger 54150
A History of Advertising, by Henry Sampson                              54149
[Subtitle: From the Earliest Times]
Love's Old Sweet Song, by George Herman Ellwanger           54148
Dorothy Dale and Her Chums, by Margaret Penrose 54147
[Margaret Penrose is a pseudonym of the Stratemeyer Syndicate]
A Few Suggestions to McGraw-Hill Authors, by McGraw-Hill Book Company 54146
[Subtitle: Details of manuscript preparation, Typograpy,
Proof-reading and other matters in the production of
manuscripts and books]
The Decline and Fall of Whist, by John Petch Hewby 54145
[Subtitle: An Old Fashioned View of New Fangled Play]
No Posting 54144
English Lands Letters and Kings: The Later Georges to Victoria, 54143
by Donald Grant Mitchell
English Lands Letters and Kings: From Elizabeth to Anne, 54142
by Donald Grant Mitchell
A Party in Mother Goose Land, by Effa E. Preston                        54141
[Subtitle: A One Act Play for Primary Children]
The Exeter Road, by Charles G. Harper                                   54140
[Subtitle: the story of the west of England highway]
Murrosaikana, by Zakarias Nielsen 54139
[Language: Finnish]
Camp Cookery, by Maria Parloa 54138
[Subtitle: How to Live in Camp]
Logic as the Science of the pure Concept, by Benedetto Croce            54137
Ocean Steamships, by F. E. Chadwick, John H. Gould, 54136
J. D. J. Kelley, William H. Rideing and A. E. Seaton
[Subtitle: A popular account of their construction,
development, management and appliances]
Whist or Bumblepuppy, by John Petch Hewby 54135
[Subtitle: Thirteen Lectures Addressed to Children]
The Senator's Bride, by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller 54134
[Author a.k.a. Mittie Frances Clarke Point]
A Little Queen of Hearts, by Ruth Ogden 54133
[Subtitle: An International Story]
[Illustrator: H. A. Ogden]
A Loyal Little Red-Coat, by Ruth Ogden 54132
[Subtitle: A Story of Child-life in New York a Hundred Years Ago]
[Illustrator: H. A. Ogden]
The American Missionary, Volume 33, No. 12, December 1879, by Various 54131
Wall street stories, by Edwin Lefèvre                  54130
Sixteen years in Siberia, by Leo Deutsch                54129
[Subtitle: Some experiences of a Russian revolutionist]
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 9, August 29, 1840, by Various   54128
Die Naturwissenschaften in ihrer Entwicklung und in ihrem 54127
Zusammenhange, II, Band, by Friedrich Dannemann
[Subtitle: Von Galilei bis zur Mitte des XVIII. Jahrhunderts]
[Language: German]
No Posting 54126
Beyond the Old Frontier, by George Bird Grinnell 54125
[Subtitle: Adventures of Indian-Fighters, Hunters, and Fur-Traders]
War the Creator, by Gelett Burgess                   54124
Nuoruuden tunnustuksia, by I. N. Potapenko                              54123
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Squire Arden, Vol. 2 of 3, by Margaret Oliphant                       54122
Tom Pinder, Foundling, by Daniel Frederick Edward Sykes                 54121
[Subtitle: A Story of the Holmfirth Flood]
La Isabelina, by PÃo Baroja 54120
[Subtitle: Memorias de un hombre de acción, tomo 10]
[Language: Spanish]
The American Missionary, Volume 33, No. 6, June, 1879, by Various 54119
De avonturen van kapitein Bob, by Daniel Defoe 54118
[Illustrators: Johanna Frederika Langeler
and Johannes Petrus Antonius Wiegman]
[Language: Dutch]
Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art, by Various 54117
[Subtitle: Vol. XLI, No. 6. June, 1885]
Castle Blair, by Flora L. Shaw 54116
[Subtitle: A Story of Youthful Days]
[Illustrators: I. Whitney and H. Whitney]
History of the Inquisition from Its Establishement 54115
Till the Present Time, by William Sime
The Story in Primary Instruction, by Samuel Buel Allison 54114
and Hannah Avis Perdue
[Subtitle: Sixteen Stories and How to Use Them]
Noveller och skizzer, by Johannes Alfthan 54113
[Language: Swedish]
Todo al Vuelo, by Rubén DarÃo 54112
[Subtitle: Obras Completas Vol. XVIII]
[Language: Spanish]
On The Iron At Big Cloud, by Frank L. Packard 54111
Neiti de Taverney, by Alexandre Dumas, père 54110
[Subtitle: Historiallinen romaani Ludvig XV:n hovista]
[Language: Finnish]
Round the Fire Stories, by Arthur Conan Doyle 54109
Squire Arden; Volume 1 of 3, by Margaret Oliphant                       54108
Historical Record of the Fourteenth or The Buckinghamshire Regiment 54107
of Foot: From Its Formation in 1685 to 1845, by Richard Cannon
Neighbours on the Green; My Faithful Johnny, by Mrs. Oliphant           54106
The Swan of Vilamorta, by Emilia Pardo Bazán                            54105
The Redemption Of Kenneth Galt, by Will N. Harben 54104
His Little World, by Samuel Merwin 54103
[Subtitle: The Story of Hunch Badeau]
[Illustrator: Alonzo Kimball]
The Whip Hand, by Samuel Merwin 54102
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Pine Country]
Cowardice Court, by George Barr McCutcheon 54101
[Illustrator: Harrison Fisher]
Wayfaring Men, by Edna Lyall 54100
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Shot With Crimson, by George Barr McCutcheon 54099
[Illustrator: F. R. Gruger]
The Light that Lies, by George Barr McCutcheon 54098
Black is White, by George Barr McCutcheon 54097
Olga Romanoff, by George Chetwynd Griffith 54096
[Illustrator: Fred T. Jane]
Josef Balsamo, by Alexandre Dumas, père 54095
[Subtitle: Historiallinen romaani Ludvig XV:n hovista]
[Language: Finnish]
A Valiant Ignorance, Vol. 2 of 3, by Mary Angela Dickens                54094
A Valiant Ignorance, Vol. 1 of 3, by Mary Angela Dickens                54093
A Bundle of Letters From Over the Sea, by Louise B. Robinson            54092
All But Lost, Vol. 1 of 3, by G. A. Henty                               54091
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Bamboo, Considered as a Paper-making Material, by Thomas Routledge     54090
[Subtitle: With remarks upon its cultivation and treatment]
La vie nomade et les routes d'Angleterre au 14e siècle,                 54089
by Jean Jules Jusserand
[Language: French]
Narrative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay in His Majesty's Ship Rosamond, 54088
by Edward Chappell
[Subtitle: Containing Some Account of the North-eastern Coast
of America and of the Tribes Inhabiting That Remote Region]