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* New eBook listings from March-June 2017
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Jun 2017 to 30 Jun 2017 ~ ~ ~ ~
The Diary of Dr. John William Polidori, by John William Polidori 55017
[Subtitle: 1816, Relating to Byron, Shelley, etc.]
The American Missionary, Volume 34, No. 12, December 1880, by Various 55016
Stephen H. Branch's Alligator Vol. 1 no. 23, 55015
September 25, 1858, by Stephen H. Branch
Moderne Probleme, by Eduard von Hartmann 55014
[Language: German]
Jacobine von Baiern Gräfin von Hennegau, Holland, Friesland 55013
und Zeeland, by Gottlob Heinrich Heinse
[Subtitle: Eine vaterländische Geschichte aus
dem fünfzehenden Jahrhundert]
[Language: German]
Dred, by Harriet beecher Stowe 55012
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp]
The Poems of Madison Cawein, Volume 3, Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 55011
[Illustrator: Eric Pape]
Charlestown Navy Yard, by National Park Service 55010
[Subtitle: Boston National Historical Park, Massachusetts]
The Botanical Lore of the California Indians, 55009
by John Bruno Romero and Ha-Ha-St of Tawee
[Subtitle: with Side Lights on Historical
Incidents in California]
The American Missionary, Volume 34, No. 11, November 1880, by Various 55008
Stephen H. Branch's Alligator Vol. 1 no. 21, September 11, 1858, 55007
by Stephen H. Branch
The Sundial, by Fred M. White 55006
AmadÃs of Gaul, Volume IV of IV, by Vasco Lobeira 55005
Stephen H. Branch's Alligator Vol. 1 no. 18, August 21, 1858, 55004
by Stephen H. Branch
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 37, March 13, 1841, by Various 55003
NetWorld!, by David H. Rothman 55002C
[Subtitle: What People Are Really Doing on
the Internet and What It Means to You]
In a Toy Shop, by Effa E. Preston                                       55001
[Subtitle: A Christmas Play for Small Children]
Mark Manning's Mission, by Horatio Alger, Jr.                           55000
[Subtitle: The Story of a Shoe Factory Boy]
[Illustrator: John Watson Davis]
Music and Its Masters, by Otis Bardwell Boise                   54999
Götalaiset huoneet, by August Strindberg                                54998
[Subtitle: Sukutarinoita vuosisadan vaihteesta]
[Language: Finnish]
Mémoires de Céleste Mogador, Vol. 2 of 4, by Céleste de Chabrillan    54997
[Language: French]
The Yale Cup, by Albertus True Dudley 54996
[Illustrator: Charles Copeland]
Uncle Wiggily's Fortune, by Howard R. Garis 54995
[Illustrator: Louis Wisa]
Squib and His Friends, by Evelyn Everett-Green 54994
The Beadle Collection of Dime Novels, by New York Public Library 54993
[Subtitle: Given to the New York Public Library
By Dr. Frank P. O'Brien]
Prolegomena to the Study of Hegel's Philosophy, 54992
by William Wallace and G. W. F. Hegel
[Subtitle: and Especially of his Logic]
Poems, by Alexander Pushkin 54991
[Subtitle: With Introduction and Notes]
The Brown Brethren, by Patrick MacGill 54990
The Young Emperor, William II of Germany, by Harold Frederic 54989
[Subtitle: A Study in Character Development on a Throne]
Gloria Mundi, by Harold Frederic 54988
Seth's Brother's Wife, by Harold Frederic 54987
[Subtitle: A Study of Life in The Greater New York]
March Hares, by Harold Frederic 54986
Poems, by Matthew Arnold                                                54985
A serious proposal to the Ladies, for the advancement of their 54984
true and greatest interest (In Two Parts), by Mary Astell
Les aventures d'une fourmi rouge et les mémoires 54983
d'un pierrot, by Henri de la Blanchère
[Illustrators: A. Mesnel et Hector Giacomelli]
[Language: French]
A Text-book of Diseases of Women, by Charles Bingham Penrose 54982
American Missionary, Vol. XXXIV, No. 5, May 1880, by Various 54981
The Country of Sir Walter Scott, by Charles S. Olcott 54980
[Illustrator: Charles S. Olcott]
The Yellow Holly, by Fergus Hume 54979
Stephen H. Branch's Alligator Vol. 1 no. 17, 54978
August 14, 1858, by Stephen H. Branch
The Sovereignty of the Sea, by Thomas Wemyss Fulton 54977
[Subtitle: An Historical Account of the Claims
of England to the Dominion of the British Seas,
and of the Evolution of the Territorial Waters]
The Molecular Tactics of a Crystal, by Lord Kelvin 54976
Mémoires de Céleste Mogador, Volume 1 of 4, by Céleste de Chabrillan 54975
[Language: French]
Tour of the American Lakes, and Among the Indians 54974
of the North-West Territory, in 1830,
Volume 1 of 2, by Calvin Colton
[Subtitle: Disclosing the Character
and Prospects of the Indian Race]
The Brighton Boys in Transatlantic Flight, by James R. Driscoll 54973
[Illustrator: W. V. Chambers]
Les fleurs animées - Tome 1, by J. J. Grandville 54972
[Illustrator: M. Maubert]
[Language: French]
The S. P. Mystery, by Harriet Pyne Grove 54971
Everglades Wildguide, by Jean Craighead George 54970
[Subtitle: Handbook 143]
[Illustrator: Betty Fraser]
Sound, by John Tyndall 54969
Famous Composers and their Works, Volume 1, by Various 54968
[Editors: John Knowles Paine, Theodore Thomas and Karl Klauser]
Anecdotes of the American Indians, by Unknown 54967
[Subtitle: Illustrating their Eccentricities of Character]
Handbook to the Mennonite Hymnary, by Lester Hostetler 54966
Miss Beecher's Domestic Receipt Book, by Catherine Beecher 54965
[Subtitle: Designed as a Supplement to
Her Treatise on Domestic Economy]
The Desert Mounted Corps, by R.M.P. Preston 54964
[Subtitle: An Account of the Cavalry Operations
in Palestine and Syria 1917 - 1918]
L'expédition de la Jeannette au pôle Nord racontée par tous 54963
les membres de l'expédition - Volume 2, by Various
[Subtitle: ouvrage composé des documents reçus par
le 'New-York Herald'de 1878 Ã 1882]
[Editor: Jules Geslin]
[Language: French]
Retail Shoe Salesmanship, by George F. Hamilton, Frank Butterworth, 54962
H. T. Conner and A. H. Geuting,
How a Farthing Made a Fortune, by C. E. Bowen 54961
[Subtitle: or 'Honesty is the best policy']
Hernach, by Wilhelm Busch 54960
[Language: German]
The Pearl Fishers, by Henry De Vere Stacpoole 54959
Among the An-ko-me-nums, by Thomas Crosby 54958
[Subtitle: Or Flathead Tribes of Indians of the Pacific Coast]
The New German Constitution, by René Brunet 54957
Viipurin pamaus, by Santeri Ivalo                                       54956
[Subtitle: Historiallinen romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
The Suffragette, by Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst                            54955
[Subtitle: The History of the Women's
Militant Suffrage Movement 1905-1910]
Oscar in Africa, by Harry Castlemon                                     54954
The Minority of Henry the Third, by Kate Norgate 54953
Chanteraine, by André Theuriet 54952
[Language: French]
The History of the Lives and Bloody Exploits of the Most Noted 54951
Pirates; Their Trials and Executions, by Ezra Baldwin Strong
[Subtitle: Including a Correct Account of the Late Piracies
Committed in the West-Indies, and the Expedition of
Commodore Porter; also, Those Committed on the Brig Mexican,
Who Were Tried and Executed at Boston, in 1835]
The Vermilion Pencil, by Homer Lea 54950
[Subtitle: A Romance of China]
Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter bis zur Mitte des 54949
dreizehnten Jahrhunderts, Erster Band (von 2), by Wilhelm Wattenbach
[Language: German]
Poems, by S. C. Mercer                                                  54948
The Martyrs' Idyl, by Louise Imogen Guiney                              54947
[Subtitle: And Shorter Poems]
Cottage on the Curve, by Mary Lamers                                    54946
All Taut, by Oliver Optic                                               54945
[Subtitle: or Rigging the boat]
The Last Days of Mary Stuart, by Samuel Cowan 54944
[Subtitle: And the journal of Bourgoyne her physician]
How to Teach a Foreign Language, by Otto Jespersen 54943
Monica, Volume 3 of 3, by Evelyn Everett-Green 54942
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Monica, Volume 2 of 3, by Evelyn Everett-Green 54941
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Monica, Volume 1 of 3, by Evelyn Everett-Green 54940
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Historical Record of the Fourteenth or The King's Regiment 54939
of Light Dragoon: An Account of Its Formation and of its
Subsequent Services, by Richard Cannon
The Philosophy of the Practical: Economic and Ethic, by Benedetto Croce 54938
The Athelings; Volume 2 of 3, by Margaret Oliphant                      54937
History of Greece, Volume 6 of 12, by Georges Grote 54936
Kryss och landkänning, by Albert Engström 54935
[Illustrator: Albert Engström]
[Language: Swedish]
España Contemporánea, by Rubén DarÃo 54934
[Subtitle: Obras Completas Vol. XIX]
[Language: Spanish]
Kadonnut pikajuna, by Arthur Conan Doyle 54933
[Subtitle: y.m. kertomuksia]
[Language: Finnish]
Italian Backgrounds, by Edith Wharton 54932
[Illustrator: Ernest Clifford Peixotto]
Mendel, by Gilbert Cannan 54931
[Subtitle: A Story of Youth]
Little Snap The Postboy, by Victor St. Clair 54930
[Subtitle: Working for Uncle Sam]
Christopher Columbus, by Charles Kendall Adams 54929
[Subtitle: His Life and His Work]
History of Spanish Literature, Volume 1 of 3, by George Ticknor 54928
Kiannan rannoilta Kaspian poikki, by Ilmari Kianto 54927
[Subtitle: Päiväkirjani kotimaassa ja Venäjällä v. 1902]
[Language: Finnish]
Fairy Gold, by Christian Reid 54926
The Friendly Daemon, or the Generous Apparition, by Daniel Defoe 54925
[Subtitle: Being a True Narrative of a Miraculous Cure,
Newly Perform'd Upon That Famous Deaf and Dumb Gentleman,
Dr. Duncan Campbel, by a Familiar Spirit That Appear'd
to Him in a White Surplice, Like a Cathedral Singing Boy]
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 36, March 6, 1841, by Various 54924
In Wildest Africa, Volume 2 of 2, by Carl Georg Schilling 54923
In Wildest Africa, Volume 1 of 2, by Carl Georg Schilling 54922
The Romance of War (Sequel to Volumes 1-3), by James Grant 54921
[Subtitle: or, The Highlanders in France and Belgium]
The Romance of War, Volume 3 of 3, by James Grant 54920
[Subtitle: or, The Highlanders in Spain]
The Romance of War, Volume 2 of 3, by James Grant 54919
[Subtitle: or, The Highlanders in Spain]
The Romance of War, Volume 1 of 3, by James Grant 54918
[Subtitle: or, The Highlanders in Spain]
Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International 54917
Military Tribunal, Volume V, by Various
[Subtitle: Nuremburg 14 November 1945-1 October 1946]
A Prince to Order, by Charles Stokes Wayne 54916
The Bears of Blue River, by Charles Major 54915
His Glorious Appearing, by James White 54914
[Subtitle: An Exposition of Matthew Twenty-Four]
Stories of Starland, by Mary Proctor 54913
Poems, by Julia Caroline Ripley Dorr 54912
An Account of the Sore Throat Attended With Ulcers, by John Fothergill 54911
[Subtitle: A Disease Which Hath of Late Years Appeared
in This City, and in Several Parts of the Nation]
The Rising Tide, by Margaret Deland 54910
[Illustrator: F. Walter Taylor]
Harry's Island, by Ralph Henry Barbour 54909
[Illustrator: C. M. Relyea]
Historical Record of the Thirteenth Regiment of Light Dragoons: 54908
From Its Formation in 1715 to 1842, by Richard Cannon
The White Sail, by Louise Imogen Guiney                                 54907
[Subtitle: and Other Poems]
Israelin kuu, by H. Rider Haggard 54906
[Subtitle: Kertomus II:sta Moseksen kirjasta]
[Language: Finnish]
Trials of War Criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals 54905
under Control Council Law No. 10, Volume II, by Various
London (Ancient and Modern) from the Sanitary and 54904
Medical Point of View, by by G. V. Poore
The Latin Hymn-writers and Their Hymns, by Samuel Willoughby Duffield 54903
The Poems of Madison Cawein, Volume 2 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 54902
[Illustrator: Eric Pape]
Kitty Alone, Vol. 3 of 3, by S. Baring Gould 54901
[Subtitle: A Story of Three Fires]
The Return of The O'Mahony, by Harold Frederic 54900
[Subtitle: A Novel]
[Illustrator: Warren B. Davis]
Trials of War Criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals 54899
under Control Council Law No. 10, by Various
[Subtitle: Volume I]
Indian Biography; Vol. 1 of 2, by B. B. Thatcher                        54898
[Subtitle: Or, An Historical Account of Those
Who Have Been Distinguished....]
Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy, 54897
by John F. W. Herschel
My Adventure in the Flying Scotsman; A Romance of London 54896
and North-Western Railway Shares, by Eden Phillpotts
Limbo, by Aldous Huxley 54895
Stephen H. Branch's Alligator Vol. 1 no. 15, July 31, 1858, 54894
by Stephen H. Branch
The Secrets of the Harem, by Anonymous 54893
A Publisher's Confession, by Walter Hines Page 54892
Historical Record of the First or The Royal Regiment of Dragoons: 54891
From Its Formation in The Reign of King Charles the Second and
of Its Subsequent Services To 1839, by Richard Cannon
Nuoren miehen kädestä, by Ilmari Kianto 54890
[Subtitle: Kokoelma mielialoja]
[Language: Finnish]
Observations of a Naturalist in the Pacific Between 54889
1896Â and 1899, Vol. 2, by H. B. Guppy
[Subtitle: Plant-Dispersal]
The Clock and the Key, by Arthur Henry Vesey                            54888
Beaufort Chums, by Edwin Legrand Sabin                             54887
[Illustrator: Charles Copeland]
Brazil and La Plata, by C. S. Stewart 54886
[Subtitle: The personal record of a cruise]
The American Missionary, Vol. 33, No. 3, March, 1879, by Various 54885
The Tragedy of Fotheringay, by Mary Monica Maxwell-Scott 54884
[Subtitle: Founded on the journal of D. Bourgoing, physician
to Mary Queen of Scots, and on unpublished MS. documents]
Sotainen tarina, by Väinö Kataja                                        54883
[Subtitle: Kertomus Heinärannalta]
[Language: Finnish]
A Rose in June, by Mrs. Oliphant                                        54882
[Illustrator: George du Maurier]
The Laughing Bear, by Robert Bloomer Hare Bell 54881
[Subtitle: And Other Stories]
[Illustrator: Eleanor Howard]
Letters from a Son to His Self-Made Father, by Charles Eustace Merriman 54880
[Subtitle: Being the Replies to Letters
from a Self-Made Merchant to his Son]
[Illustrator: Fred Kulz]
The Memoirs of François René Vicomte de Chateaubriand sometime 54879
Ambassador to England, Volume 4 of 6, by François René
Chateaubriand and Alexander Teixeira de Mattos
[Subtitle: Being a Translation by Alexander Teixeira
de Mattos of the Mémoires d'outre-tombe 4]
A Source-Book of English Social History, by Mary Evelyn Monckton Jones 54878
Stephen H. Branch's Alligator, Vol. 1 no. 13, July 17, 1858, 54877
by Stephen H. Branch
Vangittuja sieluja, by L. Onerva                                        54876
[Subtitle: Novelleja]
[Language: Finnish]
Kreuz und Quer, Zweiter Band, by Friedrich Gerstäcker                   54875
[Subtitle: Neue gesammelte Erzählungen]
[Language: German]
Lullaby-Land, by Eugene Field                                           54874
[Subtitle: Songs of Childhood]
[Illustrator: Charles Robinson]
Vingt mille lieues sous les mers, by Jules Verne 54873
[Illustrators: Alphonse de Neuville and Edouard Riou]
[Language: French]
The Life Story of an Otter, by John Tregarthen 54872
The Great Push, by Patrick MacGill 54871
[Subtitle: An Episode of the Great War]
Philosophies, by Ronald Ross 54870
The Clue, by Carolyn Wells 54869
[Illustrator: Frances Rogers]
The Kansas University Science Bulletin, Vol. I, No. 2, 54868
February, 1902, by W. J. Baumgartner
Helon's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Volume 1 of 2, by Frederick Strauss 54867
[Subtitle: A picture of Judaism, in the century
which preceded the advent of our Savior]
French and English furniture, by Esther Singleton                       54866
[Subtitle: distinctive styles and periods described and illustrated]
Madame Gilbert's Cannibal, by Bennet Copplestone 54865
[Author a.k.a. Frederick Harcourt Kitchin]
Rank and Talent; A Novel, Vol. 3 of 3, by William Pitt Scargill 54864
No Posting 54863
Humphry Davy Poet and Philosopher, by Thomas Edward Thorpe 54862
Torquemada en la cruz, by Benito Pérez Galdós                           54861
[Language: Spanish]
Benedetto Croce, by Raffaello Piccoli                                   54860
[Subtitle: An Introduction to his Philosophy]
Organisation: How Armies are Formed For War, by Hubert Foster           54859
The Historical Evidence for the Virgin Birth, by Vincent Taylor 54858
The New Abelard, Volume 3 of 3, by Robert Buchanan 54857
[Subtitle: A Romance]
The New Abelard, Volume 2 of 3, by Robert Buchanan 54856
[Subtitle: A Romance]
The New Abelard, Volume 1 of 3, by Robert Buchanan 54855
[Subtitle: A Romance]
The Yoke Of The Thorah, by Sidney Luska 54854
Pietari Särkilahti, by Santeri Ivalo 54853
[Subtitle: Historiallinen romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 35, February 27, 1841, by Various 54852
Welsh Poems and Ballads, by George Borrow 54851
American Missionary, Volume 34, No. 9, September, 1880, by Various 54850
Der Rangierbahnhof, by Helene Böhlau                                    54849
[Language: German]
The Life of Robert, Lord Clive, Vol. 3 of 3, by John Malcolm          54848
[Subtitle: Collected from the family papers]
The Red House Mystery, by Margaret Hamilton Hungerford 54847
[Subtitle: The Piccadilly Novels]
Life of Captain Sir Richard F. Burton, Vol. 2 of 2, by Isabel Burton 54846
[Subtitle: By his Wife Isabel Burton]
Marie Grubbe, by Jens Peter Jacobsen 54845
[Subtitle: A Lady of the Seventeenth Century]
Puhe kunniaseppeleestä, by Demosthenes 54844
[Language: Finnish]
A Short Discourse Concerning Pestilential Contagion, and 54843
the Methods to Be Used to Prevent It, by Richard Mead
Vanhanpojan moraali, by William John Locke 54842
[Language: Finnish]
Brownlows, by Margaret Oliphant                                         54841
The New Optimism, by Henry De Vere Stacpoole 54840
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 34, February 20, 1841, by Various 54839
De aeroplaan van m'nheer Vliegenthert, by Kees Valkenstein 54838
[Language: Dutch]
Der Kriegsfreiwillige, by Hedwig von Mühlenfels 54837
[Illustrator: Curt Vogt]
[Language: German]
The Trial of Peter Zenger, by Various 54836
[Editor: Vincent Buranelli]
Le musée du Louvre, tome 2 of 2, by Armand Dayot 54835
[Language: French]
Stephen H. Branch's Alligator Vol. 1 No. 12, July 10, 1858, 54834
Abraham Lincoln in Our Own County, by Henry M. Beardsley 54833
Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen, by Sophus Ruge 54832
[Language: German]
Dalla rupe, by Anton Giulio Barrili 54831
[Language: Italian]
The Graves of the Fallen, by Joseph Rudyard Kipling                     54830
[Illustrator: Douglas MacPherson]
Memorias Postumas de Braz Cubas, by Machado de Assis 54829
[Language: Portuguese]
Hemsöläiset, by August Strindberg 54828
[Subtitle: Kertomus saaristosta]
[Language: Finnish]
Leonardo da Vinci, Pathfinder of Science, by Henry Sampson Gillette 54827
The Mystery at Camp Lenape, by Carl Saxon 54826
Junior High School Literature, Book 1, by William H. Elson 54825
and Christine M. Keck
The Secret Doctrine, Volume 1 of 4, by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky 54824
[Subtitle: Third Edition]
The Campaign of Sedan, by George Hooper 54823
[Subtitle: The Downfall of the Second Empire, August-September 1870]
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 May 2017 to 31 May 2017 ~ ~ ~ ~
A Roadside Harp, by Louise Imogen Guiney 54822
[Subtitle: A Book of Verses]
Rheinische Seher und Propheten, by Paul Bahlmann 54821
[Subtitle: Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte]
[Language: German]
Brief Account of the English Character, by Charles Marjoribanks 54820
Les Contes, by Bonaventure Des Périers 54819
[Subtitle: ou Les nouvelles récréations et joyeux devis]
Stephen H. Branch's Alligator Vol. 1 no. 11, July 3, 1858, 54818
Auskultantin päiväkirja, by Ilmari Kianto 54817
[Subtitle: Pöytälaatikon salaisuuksia]
[Language: Finnish]
My 75, by Paul Lintier                                                 54816
[Subtitle: Reminiscences of a Gunner of a 75mm Battery in 1914]
Yankee Boys in Japan, by Henry Harrison Lewis                           54815
[Subtitle: The Young Merchants of Yokohama]
Miller's Mind training for children Book 1, by William E. Miller        54814
[Subtitle: A practical training for successful living;
Educational games that train the senses]
Azalea at Sunset Gap, by Elia W. Peattie 54813
[Illustrator: Joseph Pierre Nuyttens]
A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe 54812
[Subtitle: Presenting the original facts and documents
upon which the story is founded. Together with
corroborative statements verifying the truth of the work]
Luther, vol. 6 of 6, by Hartmann Grisar 54811
Nederland en de Islâm, by C. Snouck Hurgronje 54810
[Language: Dutch]
Warwick, Leamington & Kenilworth; A Sketch-Book,                        54809
by Robert Sargent Austin
The Presentation, by Henry De Vere Stacpoole 54808
The Memoirs of François René Vicomte de Chateaubriand, 54807
sometime Ambassador to England, Volume 3 of 6
[Subtitle: Mémoires d'outre-tombe volume 3]
Stephen H. Branch's Alligator Vol. 1 no. 10, June 26, 1858 54806
A servant of Satan, by Louis Berard                                     54805
[Subtitle: Romantic career of Prado the assassin]
The unwritten history of old St. Augustine, by Various                  54804
[Editor: A. M. Brooks]
Playing Santa Claus and Other Christmas Tales, by Sarah Parsons Doughty 54803
Cyrano de Bergerac, by Edmond Rostand 54802
[Subtitle: Viisinäytöksinen runomittainen sankarinäytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
The Garden Without Walls, by Coningsby Dawson 54801
Colonization and Christianity, by William Howitt 54800
[Subtitle: A popular history of the treatment of
the natives by the Europeans in all their colonies]
Balloons, Airships, and Flying Machines, by Gertrude Bacon 54799
History of the United States, by Helen Pierson 54798
[Subtitle: in Words of One Syllable]
The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, Vol. 8, Quebec, 54797
 Hurons, and Cape Breton, 1634-1636, by Various
[Editor: Reuben Gold Thwaites]
A Christian Woman, by Emilia Pardo Bazán                               54796
The Poacher's Wife, by Eden Phillpotts                                  54795
The World's Illusion, Volume 1 of 2, by Jakob Wassermann 54794
[Subtitle: Eva]
St. Paul and Protestantism, by Matthew Arnold 54793
[Subtitle: With an Essay on Puritanism and the Church of England]
American Missionary, Volume 32, No. 12, December, 1878, by Various 54792
El Tesoro de Gastón, by Emilia Pardo Bazán 54791
[Illustrator: José Passos]
[Language: Spanish]
The Raisin Industry, by Gustav Eisen 54790
[Subtitle: A practical treatise on the raisin grapes,
their history, culture and curing]
Poetical Works of Robert Bridges, Volume 1, by Robert Bridges 54789
The Memoirs of François René Vicomte de Chateaubriand 54788
 sometime Ambassador to England, Vol. 2 of 6, by
François René Chateaubriand and Alexander Teixeira de Mattos
[Subtitle: Being a Translation by Alexander Teixeira
de Mattos of the Mémoires d'outre-tombe]
Il lampionaio, by Maria Susanna Cummins 54787
[Language: Italian]
Ihminen ja yli-ihminen, by Bernard Shaw 54786
[Subtitle: Komedia ja filosofia]
[Language: Finnish]
Balmoedertje, by E. Overduijn-Heyligers 54785
[Language: Dutch]
Da Tang Sanzang Qujing Shihua, by Various 54784
[Language: Chinese]
Mary Gresley and an Editor's Tales, by Anthony Trollope                 54783
Sketches from Eastern History, by Theodor Nöldeke 54782
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 33, February 13, 1841, by Various 54781
Santa Claus' Daughter, by Everett Elliott and F. W. Hardcastle          54780
[Subtitle: A Musical Christmas Burlesque in Two Acts]
Cheap Jack Zita, by S. Baring-Gould                                     54779
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights 54778
entertainments, now entituled The Book of the Thousand
Nights and a Night Volume 7 of 17, by Richard F. Burton
Tien Fei Hsieng Seng Lu, by Yao Yu Lin and Qi You Huang 54777
[Language: Chinese]
Ordeal by Battle, by Frederick Scott Oliver 54776
Circus Life and Circus Celebrities, by Thomas Frost 54775
Fortunes and Dreams, by Astra Cielo 54774
[Subtitle: A practical manual of fortune telling, divination
and the interpretaion of dreams, signs and omens]
Excursions in Art and Letters, by William Wetmore Story 54773
The Turning of the Tide, by Elijah Kellogg                              54772
[Subtitle: Radcliffe Rich and His Patients]
A Prince of Swindlers, by Guy Boothby 54771
Turmion talo, by Maiju Lassila 54770
[Subtitle: Kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
Kuoleman rajoilla, by Maiju Lassila 54769
[Subtitle: Kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
Tarina kolmesta leijonasta, by H. Rider Haggard 54768
[Language: Finnish]
The Hard-Scrabble of Elm Island, by Elijah Kellogg 54767
The Traitor, by Thomas Dixon, Jr. 54766
[Subtitle: A Story of the Fall of the Invisible Empire]
[Illustrator: C. D. Williams]
The Leopard's Spots, by Thomas Dixon, Jr. 54765
[Subtitle: A Romance Of The White Man's Burden--1865-1900]
[Illustrator: C. D. Williams]
In The Sixties, by Harold Frederic 54764
Little Homespun, by Ruth Ogden 54763
[Illustrator: Mabel Humphrey]
Die krankheiterregenden Bakterien, by Max Loehlein 54762
[Subtitle: Entstehung, Heilung und Bekämpfung der
bakteriellen Infektionskrankheiten des Menschen]
[Language: German]
Children of Men, by Rudolph Edgar Block 54761
[Author a.k.a. Bruno Lessing]
The Earth and its inhabitants, Volume 1: Europe, by Ãlisée Reclus 54760
[Subtitle: Greece, Turkey in Europe, Rumania,
Servia, Montenegro, Italy, Spain, and Portugal]
Handbuch der Aquarellmalerei, by Friedrich Jaennicke                    54759
[Subtitle: Nach dem heutigen Standpunkte und mit vorzüglicher
Anwendung auf Landschaft und Architektur nebst einem Anhange
über Holzmalerei]
[Language: German]
Briefe aus Frankfurt und Paris 1848-1849, Vol. 2 of 2, 54758
by Friedrich von Raumer
[Language: German]
The Sultan and his People, by C. Oscanyan 54757
Guanchang xianxing ji, by Baojia Li 54756
[Language: Chinese]
The Boy Scouts of Woodcraft Camp, by Thornton W. Burgess 54755
[Illustrator: C. S. Corson]
Dissolving Views, by Ferdinand Prantner 54754
[Subtitle: Romanfragmente von Leo Wolfram.]
[Language: German]
Kalevala (1862), by Various 54753
[Subtitle: Lyhennetty laitos]
[Language: Finnish]
Catalogue of Practical and Scientific Books, by Henry Carey Baird 54752
The War in Syria, Volume 2 of 2, by Charles Napier 54751
Selvään veteen, by Juhani Siljo 54750
[Subtitle: Runoja ja tunnuslauseita]
[Language: Finnish]
Billy To-morrow's Chums, by Sarah Pratt Carr 54749
[Illustrator: Robert Davison]
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 32, February 6, 1841, by Various 54748
Tom, Dick and Harriet, by Ralph Henry Barbour 54747
[Illustrator: C. M. Relyea]
Quaint and Historic Forts of North America, by John Martin Hammond 54746
Kuningas Salomon kaivokset, by H. Rider Haggard 54745
[Language: Finnish]
Joel Sormensuo, by Emil Lassinen 54744
[Subtitle: Kertomus nykyajalta]
[Language: Finnish]
The Memoirs of François René Vicomte de Chateaubriand 54743
sometime Ambassador to England, Volume 1 of 6, by François
René Chateaubriand and Alexander Teixeira de Mattos
[Subtitle: Mémoires d'outre-tombe, volume 1]
Morriña (Homesickness), by Emilia Pardo Bazán                           54742
A Sailor in Spite of Himself, by Harry Castlemon                        54741
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898: Volume XLVIII, 1751-1765, by Various 54740
[Subtitle: Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of
the islands and their peoples, their history and records of
the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books
and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial
and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest
relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth
[Editors: Emma Helen Blair and James Alexander Robertson]
Noidan kirot, by Väinö Kataja 54739
[Subtitle: Kuvaus Lapin rajoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Aus meinem Jugendland, by Isolde Kurz 54738
[Language: German]
Not Posted 54737
Bible Characters, by Dwight Lyman Moody, T. De Witt Talmage, 54736
and Joseph Parker
[Subtitle: Described and analyzed in the sermons
and writings of the following famous authors]
The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. XX, No. 995, January 21, 1899, by Various 54735
[Editor: Flora Klickmann]
Tales of Laughter, by Kate Douglas Wiggin and Nora Archibald Smith 54734
[Subtitle: A third fairy book]
The Manatitlans, by R. Elton Smile 54733
[Subtitle: or, A record of recent scientific explorations
in the Andean La Plata, S. A.]
Songs for the Little Ones at Home, by Anonymous 54732
The Sieges of Vienna by the Turks, by Karl August Schimmer 54731
Faust, by Woldemar Nürnberger 54730
[Subtitle: Eine Gedicht]
[Language: German]
Wayward Winifred, by Anna T. Sadlier                                    54729
Runousoppi, by Aristotle                                                54728
[Language: Finnish]
Pfaffernüsseln, by Max Wenzel                                           54727
[Subtitle: Allerlei Erzgebirgisches]
[Language: German]
The Ladies' Paradise, by Ãmile Zola 54726
A Butterfly Chase, by P. J. Stahl 54725
[Illustrator: Lorenz Frölich]
Folk Tales of Breffny, by B. Hunt 54724
La Comédie humaine - Volume VIII, by Honoré de Balzac 54723
[Subtitle: Scènes de la vie de Province - Tome IV]
[Language: French]
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 31, January 30, 1841, by Various 54722
The Food Question, by Various 54721
[Subtitle: Health and Economy]
Three Years' Wanderings in the Northern Provinces of China, 54720
by Robert Fortune
[Subtitle: Including a visit to the tea, silk, and cotton
countries; with an account of the agriculture and
horticulture of the Chinese, new plants, etc.]
Happy Ending, by Louise Imogen Guiney 54719
[Subtitle: The Collected Lyrics of Louise Imogen Guiney]
India Impressions, by Walter Crane 54718
[Subtitle: With some notes of Ceylon
during a winter tour, 1906-7]
Two Dramatizations from Vergil 54717
[Stage directions and music for the Dido
contributed by J. Raleigh Nelson]
[Subtitle: I. Dido--the Phoenecian Queen; II. The Fall of Troy
The Horse in America, by John Gilmer Speed 54716
[Subtitle: A practical treatise on the various types common
in the United States, with something of their history and
varying characteristics]
Nights with the Gods, by Emil Reich 54715
Valéries duenna, by Mary Elizabeth Blundell                             54714
[Subtitle: En roman på g-strängen]
[Language: Swedish]
A Treatise on the Diseases Produced By Onanism, Masturbation, 54713
Self-Pollution, and other excesses, by Léopold Deslandes
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 30, January 23, 1841, by Various 54712
Sweet and Twenty, by Floyd Dell 54711
[Subtitle: A Comedy in One Act]
The Shame of the Cities, by Lincoln Steffens 54710
The Galleon's Gold, by Luis Senarens 54709
[Subtitle: or, Frank Reade, Jr.'s Deep Sea Search]
Camperdown, by Mary Griffith 54708
[Subtitle: or, News from our neighbourhood: being sketches]
Going Afoot, by Bayard Henderson Christy 54707
[Subtitle: A book on walking]
Perintö, by Konrad Lehtimäki 54706
[Subtitle: Nelinäytöksinen näytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
The Sorceress, by Victorien Sardou 54705
[Subtitle: A Drama in Five Acts]
Marriage as a Trade, by Cicely Hamilton 54704
Things to be Remembered in Daily Life, by John Timbs                    54703
[Subtitle: With Personal Experiences and Recollections]
A Translation of Octavia, a Latin Tragedy, with Notes 54702
and Introduction, by Elizabeth Twining Hall
Gothic Architecture, by Ãdouard Corroyer 54701
Oblomov, by Ivan Goncharov 54700
The Last of The De Mullins, by St. John Hankin 54699
[Subtitle: A Play without a Preface]
Woodbarrow Farm, by Jerome K. Jerome 54698
[Subtitle: Play in Three Acts]
The Baitâl Pachchisi, by John Platts and Duncan Forbes 54697
[Subtitle: Or, The Twenty-Five Tales of a Sprite;
Translated From The Hindi Text of Dr. Duncan Forbes]
Happy England, by Marcus B. Huish 54696
[Illustrator: Helen Allingham]
The New England Country, by Clifton Johnson 54695
[Illustrator: Clifton Johnson]
International Language and Science, by L. Couturat, O. Jespersen, 54694
W. Ostwald, L. Pfaundler and R. Lorenz
[Subtitle: Considerations on the Introduction of
an International Language into Science]
A Book for a Rainy Day, by John Thomas Smith 54693
[Subtitle: or, Recollections of the Events of the Years 1766-1833]
In the Far East, by William Henry Davenport Adams 54692
[Subtitle: A Narrative of Exploration and Adventure
in Cochin-China, Cambodia, Laos, and Siam]
Der Hodscha Nasreddin II. Band, by Albert Wesselski 54691
[Subtitle: Türkische, arabische, berberische, maltesische,
sizilianische, kalabrische, kroatische, serbische und
griechische Märlein und]
[Language: German]
Der Hodscha Nasreddin I. Band, by Albert Wesselski 54690
[Subtitle: Türkische, arabische, berberische, maltesische,
sizilianische, kalabrische, kroatische, serbische und
griechische Märlein und]
[Language: German]
The American Missionary, Volume 34, No. 6, June, 1880, by Various 54689
The American Missionary, Volume 34, No. 4, April, 1880, by Various 54688
The Ladies' Paradise, by Ãmile Zola 54687
[Subtitle: A Realistic Novel, The Sequel to "Piping Hot!"]
Piping Hot!, by Ãmile Zola 54686
[Subtitle: Pot-Bouille, A Realistic Novel]
Half-A-Dozen Housekeepers, by Kate Douglas Wiggin 54685
[Subtitle: A Story for Girls in Half-A-Dozen Chapters]
[Illustrator: Mills Thompson]
House by The-Medlar-Tree, by Giovanni Verga 54684
Wild Irish Girl, Volumes I and II, by Lady Sydney Morgan 54683
[Author a.k.a. Sydney Owenson]
[Subtitle: A National Tale, In Two Volumes]
Zuñi Folk Tales, by Frank Hamilton Cushing 54682
Kuolema, by Konrad Lehtimäki 54681
[Subtitle: Novelleja]
[Language: Finnish]
Peacemakersâ Blessed and Otherwise, by Ida M. Tarbell 54680
[Subtitle: Observations, Reflections and
Irritations at an International Conference]
Geschichte der Philosophie im Islam, by T. J. de Boer 54679
[Language: German]
The Little Match Man, by Luigi Barzini 54678
[Illustrator: Hattie Longstreet]
Jockele und seine Frau, by Max GeiÃler                                  54677
[Language: German]
Friendship Village Love Stories, by Zona Gale                           54676
Harper's Round Table, March 10, 1896, by Various 54675
White Motley, by Max Pemberton 54674
Sir Harry, by Archibald Marshall 54673
[Subtitle: A Love Story]
Les Bijoux Indiscrets, or, The Indiscreet Toys, by Denis Diderot 54672
Lebenswende, by Walter von Molo 54671
[Language: German]
Pihai Travelog, by Yong-he Yu 54670
[Language: Chinese]
Kitty Alone, Volume 2 of 3, by S. Baring Gould 54669
[Subtitle: A Story of Three Fires]
Kuolematon kuningatar, by H. Rider Haggard 54668
[Language: Finnish]
Two Centuries of Shipbuilding, by Various 54667
[Subtitle: By the Scotts at Greenock]
International May Day and American Labor Day, by Boris Reinstein 54666
[Subtitle: A Holiday Expressing Working Class Emancipation
Versus a Holiday Exalting Labor's Chains]
The Law of Psychic Phenomena, by Thomson Jay Hudson                     54665
[Subtitle: A working hypothesis for the systematic
study of hypnotism, spiritism, mental therapeutics, etc.]
Mother Goose's Bicycle Tour, by M. A. Bonnell                           54664
Catalogue of Rudimentary, Scientific, Educational, 54663
and Classical Works, by James S. Virtue
A Defence of the Inquiry into Mesmerism & Phrenology, by William Armes 54662
[Subtitle: chiefly in relation to recent events in Lynn]
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 29, January 16, 1841, by Various 54661
The Disagreeable Woman, by Horatio Alger 54660
[Subtitle: A Social Mystery]
Les chevaux de Diomède, by Remy de Gourmont 54659
[Language: French]
The Agony Column of the 'Times' 1800-1870, by Various 54658
[Editor: Alice Clay]
Phrases and Names Their Origins and Meanings, by Trench H. Johnson 54657
Hurdy-Gurdy, by Ottokar Schupp 54656
[Subtitle: Bilder aus einem Landgängerdorfe]
[Language: German]
Arthur kuningas ja hänen jalot ritarinsa, by Thomas Malory              54655
[Subtitle: Tarinoita Thomas Maloryn Morte d'Arthurista]
[Language: Finnish]
The Sunken Isthmus, by Luis Senarens 54654
[Subtitle: or, Frank Reade, Jr. in the Yucatan Channel]
Picture-Writing of the American Indians, by Garrick Mallery 54653
[Subtitle: Tenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology
to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1888-89,
Government Printing Office, Washington, 1893, pages 3-822]
History of Gujarát, by James McNabb Campbell 54652
[Subtitle: Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency, Vol. I, Part I]
Fågelskytten och andra berättelser, by Olof Högberg 54651
[Language: Swedish]
Suffrage snapshots, by Ida Husted Harper                                54650
Dorothy Dale's School Rivals, by Margaret Penrose                       54649
Frank Reade Jr. and His Engine of the Clouds, by Luis Senarens          54648
Sam Steele's Adventures in Panama, by Capt. Hugh Fitzgerald             54647
Report on the sanitary conditions of the labouring population            54646
of Great Britain, by Edwin Chadwick
[Subtitle: A supplementary report on the results of a
special inquiry into the practice of interment in towns]
The True Ministers of Christ Accredited by the Holy Spirit, 54645
by Philip Gell
[Subtitle: a Sermon]
Obedience to the Articles and Rubrics of the Church of England, 54644
by Edwin P. Denniss
[Subtitle: a Bond of Union between the Established Clergy]
Pictographs of the North American Indians. A preliminary paper, 54643
by Garrick Mallery
[Subtitle: Fourth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology
to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1882-83,
Government Printing Office, Washington, 1886, pages 3-256]
Theory & History of Historiography, by Benedetto Croce 54642
The Charm of Gardens, by Dion Clayton Calthrop                          54641
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Apr 2017 to 30 Apr 2017 ~ ~ ~ ~
Novellen, by Melchior Meyr 54640
[Subtitle: Die zweite Liebhaberin; Verlust und Gewinn]
[Language: German]
The Naturalist's Repository, Volume 1 of 5, by E. Donovan 54639
[Subtitle: or Monthly Miscellany of Exotic Natural History: etc. etc.]
Julia and the Pet-Lamb, by Anonymous 54638
[Subtitle: or, Good Temper and Compassion Rewarded]
Cornish Feasts and Folk-lore, by M. A. Courtney 54637
The American Missionary, Volume 34, No. 2, February, 1880, by Various 54636
My Life in China and America, by Yung Wing                              54635
With a Camera in Majorca, by Margaret D'Este                            54634
The Life of Robert, Lord Clive, Vol. 2 of 3, by John Malcolm          54633
[Subtitle: Collected From the Family Papers]
Boy Scout Explorers at Headless Hollow, by Don Palmer 54632
and Mildred A. Wirt Benson
100 Desert Wildflowers in Natural Color, by Natt Noyes Dodge 54631
Camp Lenape on the Long Trail, by Carl Saxon and Arthur Grove Day 54630
Frank Reade Jr. and His Electric Ice Ship, by Luis Senarens 54629
[Subtitle: or, Driven Adrift in the Frozen Sky]
History Teacher's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 2, October, 1909, by Various 54628
The Scripture Club of Valley Rest, by John Habberton                    54627
[Subtitle: or Sketching of Everybody's Neighbours]
Being A Summary Statement Of The Investigation Made                      54626
By The British Government Of The "Mormon" Question
in England, by Arthur L. Beeley
Harper's Young People, March 7, 1882, by Various                        54625
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Weekly]
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 28, January 9, 1841, by Various 54624
The Common Objects of the Country, by J. G. Wood 54623
[Illustrator: W. S. Coleman]
Reports Relating to the Sanitary Condition of the City of London, 54622
by John Simon
Rupert's Ambition, by Horatio Alger 54621
Rude Stone Monuments in All Countries, by James Fergusson 54620
[Subtitle: Their Age and Uses]
Farewell Love!, by Matilde Serao 54619
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Aesthetic as science of expression and general linguistic, 54618
by Benedetto Croce
The Catholic World, Vol. 22, October, 1875, to March, 1876, by Various 54617
[Subtitle: A Monthly Magazine of General Literature and Science]
The Mythology of the British Islands, by Charles Squire 54616
[Subtitle: An Introduction to Celtic Myth,
Legend, Poetry, and Romance]
The Miracles of Antichrist, by Selma Lagerlöf 54615
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Land of Cockayne, by Matilde Serao 54614
The Battle for Khe Sanh, by Moyers S. Shore 54613
The Principles of Biology, Volume 1 of 2, by Herbert Spencer 54612
Mental diseases; a public health problem, by James Vance May 54611
Te Tohunga, by Wilhelm Dittmer 54610
[Subtitle: The ancient legends and traditions of the Maoris]
[Illustrator: Wilhelm Dittmer]
The Ohio Journal of Science, Vol. XVI, No. 1, November 1915, by Various 54609
Ralph Raymond's Heir, by Horatio Alger 54608
The Historical Record of The Fifth or Princess Charlotte 54607
of Wales's Regiment of Dragoon Guards, by Richard Cannon
[Subtitle: Containing an Account of the Formation of the
Regiment in 1685; with its Subsequent Services to 1838]
The Flower Garden, by Ida Dandridge Bennett 54606
Nursery Lessons, in Words of One Syllable, by Anonymous 54605
Being a Boy, by Charles Dudley Warner 54604
[Illustrator: Clifton Johnson]
La espressione dei sentimenti dei nostri volatili domestici, 54603
by Teodoro Pascal
[Language: Italian]
Ancient and Modern Furniture and Woodwork, by John Hungerford Pollen 54602
A Treasury of Canadian Verse with Brief Biographical Notes, 54601
by Theodore Harding Rand
Journal de Eugène Delacroix, Tome 3, by Eugène Delacroix 54600
[Subtitle: 1855-1863]
[Language: French]
The Case for Birth Control, by Margaret H. Sanger 54599
[Subtitle: A Supplementary Brief and Statement of Facts]
The Crimson Sign, by S. R. Keightley 54598
[Subtitle: A Narrative of the Adventures
of Mr. Gervase Orme, Sometime Lieutenant
in Mountjoy's Regiment of Foot]
Fremde StraÃen, by Peter Rosegger 54597
[Language: German]
Nelly Channell, by Sarah Doudney 54596
Adventures of an Aide-de-Camp, Volume 3 of 3, by James Grant 54595
[Subtitle: or, A Campaign in Calabria]
Adventures of an Aide-de-Camp, Volume 2 of 3, by James Grant 54594
[Subtitle: or, A Campaign in Calabria]
Adventures of an Aide-de-Camp, Volume 1 of 3, by James Grant 54593
[Subtitle: or, A Campaign in Calabria]
Morsiuspuku, by Alexandre Dumas, père 54592
[Language: Finnish]
An English Girl in Japan, by Ella M. Hart Bennett 54591
Talk of Uncle George to his Nephew about Draw Poker, by Uncle George 54590
The American Missionary, Volume 33, No. 10, October, 1879, by Various 54589
Bela, by Mikhail Iurevich Lermontov 54588
[Subtitle: Kaukaasialainen kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
The Pope, the Kings and the People, by William Arthur 54587
[Subtitle: A History of the Movement to Make the Pope
Governor of the World by a Universal Reconstruction
of Society from the Issue of the Syllabus to the
Close of the Vatican Council]
Die Ostereyer, by Christoph von Schmid 54586
[Subtitle: Eine Erzählung zum Ostergeschenke für Kinder]
[Language: German]
Mariner Mission to Venus, by Jet Propulsion Laboratory 54585
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 27, January 2, 1841, by Various 54584
Brian Fitz-Count, by Augustine David Crake 54583
[Subtitle: A Story of Wallingford Castle and Dorchester Abbey]
Nousukkaita, by L. Onerva 54582
[Subtitle: Luonnekuvia]
[Language: Finnish]
The Kansas University Science Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 1, by Various      54581
The Forerunner, by Kahlil Gibran                                        54580
[Subtitle: His Parables and Poems]
The Stolen Aeroplane, by Ashton Lamar 54579
[Subtitle: or, How Bud Wilson Made Good]
[Illustrator: M. G. Gunn]
The Life of Captain Sir Richard F. Burton, by Isabel Burton 54578
[Subtitle: By his Wife Isabel Burton]
A Wedding Trip, by Emilia Pardo Bazán                                  54577
Lightning Conductors, by Richard Anderson 54576
[Subtitle: Their History, Nature, and Mode of Application]
Redcoat Captain, by Alfred Ollivant 54575
[Subtitle: A Story of That Country]
[Illustrator: Graham Robertson]
Lustreise ins Morgenland, Zweiter Theil (von 2), by Titus Tobler 54574
[Language: German]
Lustreise ins Morgenland, Erster Theil (von 2), by Titus Tobler 54573
[Language: German]
The Chronic Loafer, by Nelson Lloyd 54572
Lärkan, by Various 54571
[Subtitle: Poetisk kalender]
[Editor: Emil von Qvanten]
[Language: Swedish]
An Old Man's Darling, by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller 54570
Jane Austen and her Country-house Comedy, by W. H. Helm 54569
A Handbook of Invalid Cooking, by Mary A. Boland 54568
[Subtitle: For the Use of Nurses in Training, Nurses in
Private Practice, and Others Who Care for the Sick]
Bizarre Happenings Eyewitnessed Over Two Decades, by Jianren Wu 54567
[Language: Chinese]
Life in the Shifting Sands, by Laurence B. White 54566
[Subtitle: A popular field guide to the natural
history of Castle Neck, Ipswich, Massachusetts]
[Illustrator: Henry Bugbee Kane]
Der Vogelflug als Grundlage der Fliegekunst, by Otto Lilienthal 54565
[Subtitle: Ein Beitrag zur Systematik der Flugtechnik]
[Language: German]
Some Stories of Old Ironsides, by Holloway Halstead Frost 54564
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 26, December 26, 1840, by Various 54563
History Teacher's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 1, September, 1909, by Various 54562
The Old East Indiamen, by Edward Keble Chatterton 54561
Sewastopol, by Leo N. Tolstoj 54560
[Illustrator: J. V. Cissarz]
[Language: German]
Kirkkoisä Augustinuksen Tunnustukset, by Saint Augustine 54559
[Language: Finnish]
The Life of Henry Bradley Plant, by G. Hutchinson Smyth 54558
Rough Ways Made Smooth, by Richard A. Proctor 54557
[Subtitle: A series of familiar essays on scientific subjects]
Rahanvaihtajat, by Upton Sinclair 54556
[Language: Finnish]
Kreuz und Quer, Erster Band, by Friedrich Gerstäcker 54555
[Subtitle: Neue gesammelte Erzählungen]
[Language: German]
History of the settlement of Upper Canada (Ontario), by William Canniff 54554
[Subtitle: with special reference to the Bay Quinté]
Zone Therapy, by William H. Fitzgerald and Edwin F. Bowers 54553
[Subtitle: Relieving Pain at Home]
Dutch and Flemish Furniture, by Esther Singleton 54552
Chronique du crime et de l'innocence, t. 5/8, 54551
by Jean-Baptiste Joseph Champagnac
[Subtitle: Recueil des événements les plus tragiques;..]
[Language: French]
Ancient Civilizations of Mexico and Central America, 54550
by Herbert Joseph Spinden
[Subtitle: Third and Revised Edition]
Betsy Gaskins (Dimicrat), Wife of Jobe Gaskins (Republican), 54549
by W. I. Hood
[Subtitle: Or, Uncle Tom's Cabin Up to Date]
[Illustrator: C. B. Falls]
Poisonous Dwellers of the Desert, by Natt Noyes Dodge 54548
Young Stowaways in Space, by Richard Mace Elam 54547
Time and Clocks, by Sir Henry Hardinge Cunynghame 54546
[Subtitle: A Description of Ancient and Modern
Methods of Measuring Time]
The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, June 1913, by Various 54545
[Subtitle: Vol. 86. New Series, Vol. 64, May to October, 1913]
The Silent Battle, by George Gibbs 54544
Antigone, by Sophocles 54543
[Language: Finnish]
Liberia, by Frederick Starr 54542
[Subtitle: Description, History, Problems]
The Works of Richard Hurd, Volume 6 of 8 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 54541
Daughters of Destiny, by L. Frank Baum                                  54540
The Works of Richard Hurd, Volume 5 of 8 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 54539
Miss Esperance and Mr. Wycherly, by L. Allen Harker 54538
Musical Instruments, by Carl Engel 54537
Boy Scouts at Crater Lake, by Walter Prichard Eaton 54536
[Subtitle: A Story of Crater Lake National Park
and the High Cascades]
The Changed Valentines, by Elizabeth F. Guptill 54535
[Subtitle: And Other Plays for St. Valentine's Day]
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 25, December 19, 1840, by Various 54534
The Cruise of the Dream Ship, by Ralph Stock 54533
[Illustrator: Lynn Bogue Hunt]
The Night-Side of Nature, by Catherine Crowe 54532
[Subtitle: Or, Ghosts and Ghost-Seers]
Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile. Volume 3, by James Bruce 54531
[Subtitle: In the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772 and 1773]
Knife-grinder's budget of pictures & poetry, for boys and girls, 54530
by Unknown
Phoebe Daring, by L. Frank Baum 54529
[Subtitle: A Story for Young Folk]
[Illustrator: Joseph Pierre Nuyttens]
La 628-E8, by Octave Mirbeau 54528
[Subtitle: Avec le chapitre intégral "Balzac"]
[Language: French]
Lincoln & other poems, by Edwin Markham 54527
Religious Poems, by Various 54526
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights 54525
entertainments, now entituled The Book of the
Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 6 of 17,
by Richard F. Burton
The Works of Richard Hurd, Volume 4 of 8 54524
Tor, A Street Boy of Jerusalem, by Florence Morse Kingsley 54523
[Illustrator: F. A. Eckman]
La Muerte Del Cisne, by Carlos Reyles 54522
[Language: Spanish]
La Incógnita, by Benito Pérez Galdós 54521
[Language: Spanish]
Harper's Round Table, March 3, 1896, Vol. XVII, No. 853, by Various 54520
Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey 54519
through France, Italy, and Germany, Vol. 2 of 2,
by Hester Lynch Piozzi
The battle-fields of Ireland, from 1688 to 1691, by John Boyle          54518
[Subtitle: including Limerick and Athlone, Aughrim and the Boyne]
Laelius eli Ystävyydestä, by Marcus Tullius Cicero                      54517
[Language: Finnish]
Uusi pirtti, by Arvi Järventaus                                         54516
[Subtitle: 4-näytöksinen näytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
Instructions for Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers of 54515
Cavalry on Outpost Duty, by Lt. Col. Von Arentschildt
The Works of Richard Hurd, Volume 3 of 8 54514
No Posting 54513
Venäläisiä talonpoikia, by Anton Tshehov                                54512
[Language: Finnish]
Regina von Emmeritz, by Zacharias Topelius                              54511
[Subtitle: Näytelmä viidessä näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
The Athelings, Vol. 1 of 3, by Margaret Oliphant                        54510
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 24, December 12, 1840, by Various   54509
The Santa Claus' Book of Games and Puzzles, by John H. Tingley 54508
[Subtitle: A Collection of Riddles, Charades, Enigmas,
Rebuses, Anagrams, Labyrinths, Acrostics, etc.
With a Hieroglyphic Preface]
Russian Memories, by Olga Novikoff 54507
The Birth and Babyhood of the Telephone, by Thomas A. Watson 54506
Poems, by William Anderson                                              54505
Master and Maid, by L. Allen Harker 54504
Life of James Buchanan, Vol. 2 of ), by George Tickner Curtis 54503
[Subtitle: Fifteenth President of the United States]
Vacation Rambles, by Thomas Hughes 54502
Two Dianas in Somaliland, by Agnes Herbert 54501
[Subtitle: The Record of a Shooting Trip with Twenty-Five
Illustrations Reproduced from Photographs]
Journal of a West India Proprietor, by Matthew Gregory Lewis 54500
[Subtitle: Kept During a Residence in the Island of Jamaica]
In The Strange South Seas, by Beatrice Grimshaw 54499
[Subtitle: With Photographs]
The Wise and Ingenious Companion in French and English, by Abel Boyer 54498
[Subtitle: or, A Collection of the Wit of the
Illustrious Persons, Both Ancient and Modern]
Fort Concho, by J. N. Gregory 54497
[Subtitle: Its Why and Wherefore]
The Dreadnought Boys in Home Waters, by Wilbur Lawton 54496
[Illustrator: Charles L. Wrenn]
How to Teach Manners in the School-room, by Julia M. Dewey 54495
Hai Gong Da Hong Pao Quan Zhuan, by Anonymous 54494
[Editor: Chunfang Li]
[Language: Chinese]
The Dungeons of Old Paris, by Tighe Hopkins                             54493
[Subtitle: Being the Story and Romance of the most Celebrated
Prisons of the Monarchy and the Revolution]
Chester; A Sketch-Book, by Richard Pike                                 54492
More "Short Sixes", by H. C. Bunner                                     54491
[Illustrator: C. J. Taylor]
Sweet Clover, by Clara Louise Burnham 54490
[Subtitle: A Romance of the White City]
Yksinäisiä, by L. Onerva 54489
[Subtitle: Romaani nykyajalta]
[Language: Finnish]
The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 2 of 4, by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky 54488
[Subtitle: Third Edition]
Texas Waterfowl Identification Guide, by Central Flyway Council 54487
The Delinquent, Vol. IV, No. I, January, 1914, by Various 54486
No Posting 54485
Cardinal Pole, by William Harrison Ainsworth 54484
[Subtitle: Or the Days of Philip and Mary, an Historical Romance]
[Illustrator: Frederick Gilbert]
The Rapin, by Henry De Vere Stacpoole 54483
Dictionnaire de la langue verte, by Alfred Delvau 54482
[Language: French]
Adelaide, by Augusta von Wallenrodt, AKA Augusta von Goldstein 54481
[Subtitle: Wahrscheinlich nur ein Roman]
[Language: German]
The Tell-Tale, by Catherine Parr Strickland Traill 54480
[Subtitle: An Original Collection of Moral and Amusing Stories]
Faery Lands of the South Seas, by James Norman Hall 54479
and Charles Bernard Nordhoff
Harper's Round Table, February 25, 1896, by Various 54478
The Story of Live Dolls, by Josephine Scribner Gates                    54477
[Illustrator: Virginia Keep]
The Art & Practice of Typography, by Edmund G. Gress                    54476
[Subtitle: A Manual of American Printing, etc.]
Discoveries and Inventions of the Nineteenth Century,  54475
by Robert Routledge
New Zealand, by Reginald Horsley                                        54474
[Illustrator: A. D. M'Cormick]
Vanderdecken, by Henry De Vere Stacpoole                                54473
"Rojohoppe" viimene reis, by Hjalmar Nortamo                            54472
[Subtitle: Uussi raumlaissi jaarituksi]
[Language: Finnish]
El Viaje a Nicaragua é Historia de mis libros, by Rubén DarÃo           54471
[Subtitle: Obras Completas, Vol. XVII]
[Illustrator: Enrique Ochoa]
[Language: Spanish]
Tar Heel Tales, by H. E. C. Bryant 54470
Alle guten Geister..., by Anna Schieber 54469
[Subtitle: Roman von Anna Schieber]
[Language: German]
Harper's Young People, February 21, 1882, by Various 54468
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Weekly]
Croquis d'Extrême-Orient, 1898, by Claude Farrère 54467
[Language: French]
Letters to Madame Hanska, by Honoré de Balzac 54466
[Subtitle: 1833-1846]
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Mar 2017 to 31 Mar 2017 ~ ~ ~ ~
John Herring, Vol. 3 of 3, by Sabine Baring-Gould 54465
[Subtitle: A West of England Romance]
John Herring, Vol. 2 of 3, by Sabine Baring-Gould 54464
[Subtitle: A West of England Romance]
John Herring, Vol. 1 of 3, by Sabine Baring-Gould 54463
[Subtitle: A West of England Romance]
Animal Behaviour, by C. Lloyd Morgan 54462
Commercial Politics, by Richard Henry Gretton 54461
[Subtitle: 1837-1856]
Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International 54460
Military Tribunal, Volume 4, by Various
[Subtitle: Nuremburg 14 November 1945-1 October 1946]
Concerning Genealogies, by Frank Allaben 54459
Vaiheita, by August Strindberg 54458
[Subtitle: Kokoelma kertomuksia]
[Language: Finnish]
Kasvikon oppisanoja, by Elias Lönnrot 54457
[Language: Finnish]
De l'amour, by Charles Baudelaire and Félix-François Gautier 54456
[Language: French]
Light Science for Leisure Hours, by Richard A. Proctor 54455
[Subtitle: A series of familiar essays on scientific
subjects, natural phenomena, &c.]
Dirty Dustbins and Sloppy Streets, by H. Percy Boulnois 54454
[Subtitle: A Practical Treatise on the Scavenging
and Cleansing of Cities and Towns]
Beyond the Hills of Dream, by W. Wilfred Campbell 54453
The Bab Ballads, by William Schwenck Gilbert 54452
[Subtitle: With Which are Included Songs of a Savoyard]
Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I, No. 6, February, 1835, by Various 54451
[Editor: James E. Heath]
Tschandala, by August Strindberg                                        54450
[Language: Finnish]
Suomen Kansan Vanhoja Runoja ynnä myös Nykyisempiä Lauluja 1, 54449
by Zacharias Topelius vanh
[Language: Finnish]
Hastings & Environs, by H. G. Hampton                                   54448
Vankilasta ja Siperiasta, by Oskar Relander                             54447
[Language: Finnish]
The Radio Boys Seek the Lost Atlantis, by Gerald Breckenridge 54446
The Hospital Murders, by Means Davis and Augusta Tucker Townsend 54445
The Real Captain Kidd, by Cornelius Neale Dalton 54444
[Subtitle: A Vindication]
Hans excellens av Madagaskar, by Anders Eje 54443
[Language: Swedish]
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 23, December 5, 1840, by Various 54442
The British Navy in Battle, by Arthur H. Pollen                         54441
Jüdisches Leben, by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch                           54440
 [Subtitle: in Wort und Bild]
 [Illustrators: Gérardin, Alphons Levy,
Emil Levy and Heinrich Levy]
 [Language: German]
A Girl of Virginia, by Lucy M. Thruston and Charles Grunwald            54439
Duell-Codex, by Gustav Hergsell                                         54438
[Language: German]
The Ship of Coral, by H. de Vere Stacpoole                              54437
Teatro selecto, tomo 1 de 4, by Pedro Calderón de la Barca              54436
[Language: Spanish]
Aurora Leigh, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning 54435C
[Subtitle: Audio performance]
Heartbreak House, by George Bernard Shaw 54434C
[Subtitle: Audio performance]
First Chinese Traveler to the United States, by Shao Xiang Lin 54433
[Subtitle: Lin King Chew, Reminiscences of Western Travels
& Relevant American Press Reports, 1847-1850]
Isabel Clarendon, Volume II, by George Gissing 54432
[Subtitle: In Two Volumes]
Isabel Clarendon, Volume I, by George Gissing 54431
[Subtitle: In Two Volumes]
Las noches mejicanas, by Gustave Aimard 54430
[Language: Spanish]
American Missionary, Volume 33, No. 9, September, 1879, by Various 54429
Samoafahrten, by Otto Finsch 54428
[Language: German]
Interessante Wanderungen durch das Sächsische Ober-Erzgebirge, 54427
by Christian Gottlob Wild
[Language: German]
Modern Musical Drift, by William James Henderson 54426
The English-American his Travail by Sea and Land: or, 54425
A New Survey of the West-India's, by Thomas Gage
Lotta Schmidt and other stories, by Anthony Trollope                    54424
Realidad, by Benito Pérez Galdós                                        54423
 [Subtitle: Novela en cinco Jornadas]
 [Language: Spanish]
Californische Skizzen, by Friedrich Gerstäcker                          54422
 [Language: German]
Journal de Eugène Delacroix, Volume 2, by Eugène Delacroix 54421
[Language: French]
The Practical Astronomer, by Thomas Dick 54420
[Subtitle: Comprising illustrations of light and colours
--practical descriptions of all kinds of telescopes--etc, etc.]
La Légende des sexes, by Edmond Haraucourt 54419
[Subtitle: Poëmes hystériques]
[Language: French]
Mr. Wycherly's Wards, by L. Allen Harker 54418
Military History Lectures Delivered at Trinity College, 54417
Cambridge, by J. W. Fortescue
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 22, November 28, 1840, by Various 54416
Nuggets in the Devil's Punch Bowl and Other Australian Tales, 54415
by Andrew Robertson
[Subtitle: Nuggets in the Devil's Punch Bowl;
Lanky Tim; Lost in the Bush; Thunder-and-Lightning]
Courtship of Miles Standish, by Henry W. Longfellow                     54414
[Subtitle: Minnehaha Edition]
Bill Bolton and Hidden Danger, by Noel Sainsbury 54413
[Subtitle: Bill Bolton Naval Aviation Series #3]
Maerten Harpertsz. Trom, by Johannes Hendrik Been 54412
[Subtitle: Een zeemanszoon uit de 17de eeuw]
[Illustrator: Johan Coenraad Braakensiek]
[Language: Dutch]
Gunpowder and Ammunition their Origin and Progress, by Henry W. L. Hime 54411
Shakespeare and the Stage, by Maurice Jonas 54410
[Subtitle: With a Complete List of Theatrical Terms Used
by Shakespeare in His Plays and Poems, Arranged
in Alphabetical Order, & Explanatory Notes]
New England Joke Lore, by Arthur George Crandall 54409
[Subtitle: The Tonic of Yankee Humor]
Valittuja kertomuksia, by Rudyard Kipling 54408
[Language: Finnish]
Gleaning of a Mystic, by Max Heindel 54407
[Subtitle: A Series of Essays on Practical Mysticism]
The Religious Thought of the Greeks, by Clifford Herschel Moore 54406
Motor Tours in the West Country, by Mrs. Rodolph Stawell 54405
[Author a.k.a. Maud Margaret Key Stawell]
[Illustrator: R. De S. Stawell]
Mehalah, by Sabine Baring-Gould 54404
[Subtitle: A Story of the Salt Marshes]
Where The Twain Meet, by Mary Gaunt 54403
[Subtitle: Illustrated]
A Broken Journey, Illustrated, by Mary Gaunt 54402
[Subtitle: Wanderings from the Hoang-Ho Yo the Island
of Saghalien and the Upper Reaches of The Amur River]
A Woman In China, by Mary Gaunt 54401
[Subtitle: Illustrated]
Alone in West Africa, by Mary Gaunt 54400
[Subtitle: Illustrated]
The Standard Lighting Company Catalogue for 1901, by Standard Lighting 54399
Kertomuksia Intiasta, by Rudyard Kipling 54398
[Language: Finnish]
Lois psychologiques de l'évolution des peuples, by Gustave Le Bon 54397
[Language: French]
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 21, November 21, 1840, by Various 54396
Nirvana, by Ilmari Kianto 54395
[Subtitle: Lemmentarina]
[Language: Finnish]
A Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, 54394
and of Washington and Patrick Henry, by L. Carroll Judson
[Subtitle: With an appendix, containing the Constitution
of the United States and other documents]
Prétextes, by André Gide 54393
[Subtitle: Réflexions sur quelques points
de littérature et de morale]
[Language: French]
A Complete History of Music, by Winton James Baltzell 54392
[Subtitle: for Schools, Clubs, and Private Readings]
Schilderungen des Treibens im Leben und Handel in den Vereinigten 54391
Staaten und Havana, by Julius Ries
[Subtitle: Gezeichnet auf Reisen in den Jahren 1838 und 1839]
[Language: German]
Köyhäin aarteet, by Maurice Maeterlinck 54390
[Language: Finnish]
Nelson The Newsboy, by Horatio Alger Jr., Arthur M. Winfield 54389
and Edward Stratemeyer
[Subtitle: Or, Afloat in New York]
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 20, November 14, 1840, by Various 54388
Histoires souveraines, by Auguste de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam 54387
[Language: French]
Paris en América, by Renato Lefebvre 54386
[Language: Spanish]
Pyhä viha, by Ilmari Kianto 54385
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Dramatized Readings: Recitations in Poetry and Prose, by Lucy A. Yendes 54384
[Subtitle: Preston Library No. 1]
The American Railway, by Thomas Curtis Clarke, 54383
Theodore Voorhees, John Bogart and others
[Subtitle: Its Construction, Development, Management, and Appliances]
Inari, by L. Onerva 54382
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Collecting Old Glass, by J. H. Yoxall 54381
[Subtitle: English and Irish]
A Battle of the Books, recorded by an unknown writer for the use 54380
of authors and publishers, by Gail Hamilton
[Subtitle: To the first for doctrine, to the second for reproof,
to both for correction and for instruction in righteousness]
Vanha pappila, by Ilmari Kianto 54379
[Language: Finnish]
Through the Telescope, by James Baikie 54378
Catholic World, Vol. 21, April, 1875, to September, 1875, by Various 54377
[Subtitle: A Monthly Magazine of General Literature and Science]
Pleasant Ways in Science, by Richard A. Proctor 54376
Red Spider, Vol. 2 of 2, by Sabine Baring-Gould 54375
Red Spider, Vol. 1 of 2, by Sabine Baring-Gould 54374
The state of the dead and the destiny of the wicked, by Uriah Smith     54373
The Royal Pastime of Cock-fighting, by Robert Howlett 54372
[Subtitle: The art of breeding, feeding,
fighting, and curing cocks of the game]
With Force and Arms, by Howard R. Garis 54371
[Subtitle: A Tale of Love and Salem Witchcraft]
What's What in America, by Eugene V. Brewster 54370
The Romance of Madame Tussaud's, by John Theodore Tussaud 54369
[Contributor: Hilaire Belloc]
Die Harpyen von Madrit, oder die Postkutsche, 54368
by Alonso de Castillo Solórzano
[Subtitle: Aus dem Spanischen des Verfassers der Donna Rufina]
[Language: German]
A Blundering Boy, by Bruce Weston Munro 54367
[Subtitle: A Humorous Story]
A Colonial Reformer, Vol. 3 of 3, by Rolf Boldrewood 54366
[Author a.k.a. Thomas Alexander Browne]
A History of the Old English Letter Foundries, by Talbot Baines Reed    54365
[Subtitle: with Notes, Historical and Bibliographical,
on the Rise and Progress of English Typography]
The Brighton Boys in the Submarine Treasure Ship, 54364
by Lieutenant James R. Driscoll
Kolmimasto "Tulevaisuus" eli elämää Pohjolassa, by Jonas Lie            54363
[Language: Finnish]
Lakiasia, by Kaarle Karikko                                             54362
[Subtitle: Näytelmä kolmessa näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
The Works of John Dryden, Now First Collected in Eighteen Volumes; 54361
Vol. 12 of 18
The Silicon Jungle, by David H. Rothman 54360C
Suomalaisia, by Niilo E. Wainio 54359
[Language: Finnish]
Gettysburg, by Elsie Singmaster 54358
[Subtitle: Stories of the Red Harvest and the Aftermath]
Lehrbuch der Physik zum Schulgebrauche, by Wilhelm Winter 54357
[Language: German]
Runeberg Suomen kansan runoilijana, by Valfrid Vasenius 54356
[Language: Finnish]
Harrow; A Sketch-Book, by Walter M. Keesey                              54355
Glasgow; A Sketch-Book, by John Nisbet                                  54354
Des Vaters Sünde, der Mutter Fluch, by Heinrich Clauren                 54353
[Language: German]
Istruzioni popolari per la buona tenuta dei bachi da seta, by Tito Poggi 54352
[Language: Italian]
In Beaver Cove and Elsewhere, by Matt Crim 54351
Jed, the Poorhouse Boy, by Horatio Alger 54350
Printing in Relation to Graphic Art, by George French 54349
The Slav Nations, by Srgjan Pl. Tucic 54348
Autobiography of Sir John Rennie, F. R. S., Past President 54347
of the Institute of Civil Engineers
[Subtitle: Comprising the history of his professional
life, together with reminiscences dating from the
commencement of the century to the present time]
Queens of the Renaissance, by M. Beresford Ryley 54346
Abridgement of the Debates of Congress, from 1789 to 1856, 54345
 Vol. 3 of 16, by Various
Bristol; A Sketch-Book, by Dorothy E. G. Woollard                       54344
Väärällä uralla, by Ilmari Kianto                                       54343
[Language: Finnish]
Sadan prosentin patriootti, by Upton Sinclair                           54342
[Language: Finnish]
Vertraute Briefe an eine Freundin, by Christian Garve                   54341
[Language: German]
The Art of Architectural Modelling in Paper, by T. A. Richardson        54340
L'ancien régime et la révolution, by Alexis de Tocqueville 54339
[Language: French]
Q-Ships and Their Story, by Edward Keble Chatterton 54338
Reminiscences of Joseph the Prophet, by Edward Stevenson 54337
[Subtitle: And the Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon]
Bath and Wells; A Sketch-Book, by D. S. Andrews                         54336
The Women of Mormondom, by Edward W. Tullidge 54335
Europe in the Middle Ages, by Ierne Lifford Plunket 54334
Miriam, by Daniel Frederick Edward Sykes 54333
[Subtitle: A Tale of Pole Hill and the Greenfield Hills]
The Ãsculapian Labyrinth Explored, by Gregory Glyster 54332
[Subtitle: Medical Mystery Illustrated]
Life of a Pioneer, by James S. Brown 54331
[Subtitle: Being the Autobiography of James S. Brown]
How Women May Earn a Living, by Mercy Grogan 54330
Symmes's Theory of Concentric Spheres, by Anonymous 54329
[Subtitle: Demonstrating that the Earth is hollow,
habitable within, and widely open about the poles]
York; A Sketch-Book, by Gordon Home                                     54328
Winchester; A Sketch-Book, by Gordon Home                               54327
The Thames, by R. Sharpley                                              54326
Surrey; A Sketch-Book, by R. S. Austin                                  54325
Stratford-on-Avon; A Sketch-Book, by Gordon Home                        54324
Paris; A Sketch-Book, by Eugène Béjot                                   54323
Norwich; A Sketch-Book, by E. V. Cole                                   54322
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne; A Sketch-Book, by Robert J. S. Bertram             54321
London; A Sketch-Book, by Lester George Hornby                          54320
Liverpool; A Sketch-Book, by Sam J. M. Brown                            54319
The English Lakes; A Sketch-Book, by Gordon Home                        54318
Isle of Wight; A Sketch-Book, by Dorothy E.G. Woollard                  54317
Durham; A Sketch-Book, by Robert J. S. Bertram                          54316
Cardiff; A Sketch-Book, by Douglas S. Andrews                           54315
Bruges; A Sketch-Book, by Joseph Pike                                   54314
Ampleforth College; A Sketch-Book, by Joseph Pike                       54313
Mons, Anzac and Kut, by Aubrey Herbert 54312
Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, ouvrage 4          54311
[Language: French]
Kitty Alone, Vol. 1 of 3, by S. Baring Gould                            54310
[Subtitle: A Story of Three Fires]
Ancient Apostles, by David O. McKay                                     54309
Les poilus canadiens, by J. A. Holland                                  54308
[Subtitle: Le roman du vingt-deuxième bataillon canadien-français]
[Language: French]
Tarzanin paluu, by Edgar Rice Burroughs                                 54307
[Subtitle: Seikkailukirja Afrikan aarniometsistä]
[Language: Finnish]
Mirdja, by L. Onerva 54306
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Meine Tante Anna, by Hermine Villinger 54305
[Language: German]
Urith, by Sabine Baring-Gould 54304
[Subtitle: A Tale of Dartmoor]
John Holdsworth, by William Clark Russell 54303
[Subtitle: Chief Mate]
College Men Without Money, by Carl Riddle 54302
Biografia di Giuseppe Garibaldi, by Giovanni Battista Cuneo 54301
[Language: Italian]
Marks' first lessons in geometry, by Bernhard Marks 54300
[Subtitle: in two parts. Objectively presented,
and designed for the use of primary classes
in grammar schools, academies, etc.]
Copyright Renewals: Artwork 1960-1964, by The U. S. 54299
Copyright Office of the Library of Congress
[Subtitle: Catalog of Copyright Entries]
Scrap Book of Mormon Literature, Vol. 2 of 2, by Various 54298
[Subtitle: Religious Tracts]
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 19, November 7, 1840, by Various 54297
German Army in Belgium, the White Book of May 1915, by E. N. Bennett    54296
Short Reasons for Communion with the Church of England, 54295
by T. T. Biddulph
[Subtitle: or the Churchman's answer to the question,
"Why are you a Member of the Established Church?"]
Charlie Codman's Cruise, by Horatio Alger 54294
[Subtitle: A Story for Boys]
The American Missionary, Vol. 33, No. 8, August, 1879, by Various 54293
What Jesus Taught, by Osborne J. P. Widtsoe 54292
Conscience and Sin, by S. Baring-Gould                                  54291
[Subtitle: Daily Meditations for Lent]
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1, No. 18, October 31, 1840, by Various 54290
Three Days on the Ohio River, by William A. Alcott 54289
The life and times of George Villiers, duke of Buckingham, 54288
Vol. 3 of 3, by Katherine Thomson
[Subtitle: From original and authentic sources]
The life and times of George Villiers, duke of Buckingham, 54287
Vol. 2 of 3, by Katherine Thomson
[Subtitle: From original and authentic sources]
The life and times of George Villiers, duke of Buckingham, 54286
Vol. 1 of 3, by Katherine Thomson
[Subtitle: From original and authentic sources]
El Sabor de la Venganza, by Baroja PÃo 54285
[Subtitle: Memorias de un hombre de acción, tomo 11]
[Language: Spanish]
William Dampier, by William Clark Russell 54284
De Sobremesa; crónicas, Primera Parte (de 5), by Jacinto Benavente 54283
[Language: Spanish]
Socialismo y ciencia positiva, by Enrique Ferri 54282
[Subtitle: (Darwin-Spencer-Marx)]
[Language: Spanish]
The Voiage and Travayle of Sir John Maundeville Knight,                54281
by John Maundeville and John Ashton
[Subtitle: Which treateth of the way towards Hierusalem and
of marvayles of Inde with other ilands and countreys]
Ancient Egyptian, Assyrian, and Persian costumes and decorations, 54280
by Mary Galway Houston and Florence Hornblower
A History of the Peninsula War, by Charles Oman                         54279
[Subtitle: Vol. II, Jan. - Sep. 1809. From the Battle
of Corunna to The End of the Talavera Campaign]
Proclamation of the Twelve Apostles of the Church 54278
of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, by Various
Froebel as a pioneer in modern psychology, by Elsie Riach Murray        54277
Physiology and histology of the Cubomedusæ, by Edward William Berger    54276
[Subtitle: including Dr. F.S. Conant's notes on the physiology]
The Fleets at War, by Archibald Hurd                                    54275
Shakespeare's Christmas and other stories, by A. T. Quiller-Couch       54274
Locked Doors, by Mary Roberts Rinehart 54273
The Triumph of Death, by Gabriele D'Annunzio 54272
Carols of Canada, Etc., Etc., by Mrs. Elizabeth S. (MacQueen) MacLeod 54271
The Human Boy, by Eden Phillpotts 54270
A Letter to the Rev. William Maskell, by Mayow Wynell Mayow 54269
The Ocean of Theosophy, by William Judge 54268
The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1, No. 17, October 24, 1840, by Various 54267
History of the Indians, of North and South America, 54266
by Samuel Griswold Goodrich
Luck and Pluck, by Horatio Alger, Jr.                                   54265
[Subtitle: or John Oakley's Inheritance]
Ange Pitou, by Alexandre Dumas père                                     54264
[Language: Finnish]