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* New eBook Listings from October 2018
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Oct 2018 to 31 Oct 2018 ~ ~ ~ ~
History of Atchison County Kansas, by Sheffield Ingalls 58216
Der Mensch der Zukunft, by Wilhelm Bölsche 58215
[Illustrator: Willy Planck]
[Language: German]
Public and Private Life of Animals, by J. Thomson 58214
[Subtitle: Adapted from the French of Balzac, Droz, Jules
Janin, E. Lemoine, A. De Musset, Georges Sand, &c.]
[Illustrator: Jean Ignace Isadore Gérard]
The Rosary, by Anonymous 58213
The Noble and Gentle Men of England, by Evelyn Philip Shirley 58212
[Subtitle: or, notes touching the arms and descents of the
ancient knightly and gentle houses of england, arranged in
their respective counties]
The Canadian Entomologist, Vol. 12, No. 2, February 1880, by Various 58210
History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery Vol. 2, by Francis Duncan 58209
[Subtitle: Compiled from the original records]
Hirvenhovissa, by Elisabeth Maria Beskow 58208
[Author a.k.a. Runa]
[Subtitle: Kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
Behold this Dreamer, by Elizabeth Bartlett 58207C
>From Ocean to Ocean, by Jerome J. Murif 58206
[Subtitle: Across a Continent on a Bicycle]
The Frontiers of Language and Nationality in Europe, by Leon Dominian 58205
A History of Greek Economic Thought, by Albert Augustus Trever 58204
Elämän keväässä, by Elisabeth Kuylenstierna-Wenster 58203
[Subtitle: Tyttökirja Barbro Bertingistä ja hänen tovereistaan]
[Language: Finnish]
A Reaping, by E. F. Benson 58202
The Westminster Alice, by H. H. Munro 58201
Lakeland Words, by Bryham Kirkby 58200
[Subtitle: A Collection of Dialect Words and Phrases
as Used in Cumberland and Westmorland, with Illustrative
Sentences in the North Westmorland Dialect]
Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Charlotte M. Yonge 58199
Pic the Weapon-Maker, by George Langford 58198
[Illustrator: George Langford]
Popular Superstitions, and the Truths Contained Therein, by Herbert Mayo 58197
[Subtitle: With an Account of Mesmerism]
The Journal of Electricity, Power and Gas, Volume 20, 58196
No. 18, May 2, 1908, by Various
[Subtitle: Devoted to the Conversion, Transmission
and Distribution of Energy]
Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Edna Ferber 58195
Selección, by Tirso de Molina 58194
[Language: Spanish]
Villars and its Environs, by George Flemwell 58193
Winning His "Y", by Ralph Henry Barbour 58192
[Subtitle: A Story of School Athletics]
The American Bee-Keeper, Vol. 2, Number 3, March, 1892, by Various 58191
Lips Tullian und seine Raubgenossen, by Ernst Frei 58190
[Subtitle: Eine romantische Schilderung der Thaten dieses
furchtbaren Räuberhauptmanns und seiner Bande, welche im
Anfange des 18. Jahrhunderts ganz Sachsen, Böhmen und
Schlesien mit Furcht, Schrecken und Entsetzen erfüllte]
[Language: German]
The American Bee Journal, Vol. 6, Number 5, November 1870, by Various 58189
Oswald Cray, by Mrs. Henry Wood 58188
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The American Bee Journal, Vol. 6, Number 4, October 1870, by Various 58187
A Compendium of the Soul, by Abu-`Aly al-Husayn Ibn `Abdallah Ibn Sina 58186
The Crystal Palace and Other Legends, by Marie Henriette Frary 58185
and Charles Maurice Stebbins
[Illustrator: Herbert E. Martini]
Biographical notice of Nicolo Paganini, by François-Joseph Fétis 58184
Haworth's, by Frances Hodgson Burnett 58183
Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Thomas Dixon 58182
Index of the Project Gutenberg works of Robert Louis Stevenson 58181
My Knitting Book, Second Series, by Frances Lambert 58180
The Purpose of History, by Frederick James Eugene Woodbridge 58179
American Bee Journal, Volume 6, Number 3, September 1873, by Various 58178
Itsenäinen Suomi, by Edvard Hjelt 58177
[Subtitle: Unelmasta todellisuuteen]
[Language: Finnish]
The Life and Experiences of an Ex-Convict in Port Macquarie, 58176
by William Delaforce
The Boy Travellers in the Far East, Part Second, by Thomas W. Knox 58175
[Subtitle: Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey to Siam and Java]
The Battle of Wavre and Grouchy's Retreat, by William Hyde Kelly 58174
[Subtitle: A study of an Obscure Part of the Waterloo Campaign]
The Great Invasion of 1813-14, by Erckmann-Chatrian 58173
[Subtitle: or, After Leipzig]
[Author was a joint pseudonym of Alexandre Chatrian
and Emile Erckmann]
Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Washington Irving 58172
Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of George William Curtis 58171
L'Illustration, No. 3738, 24 October 1914, by Various 58170
[Language: French]
The History of Philosophy: Volume 3 of 3, by Georg Wilhelm Hegel 58169
The Puering, Bating & Drenching of Skins, by Joseph Turney Wood 58168
Harper's Round Table, June 16, 1896, by Various 58167
The Art of Tying the Cravat, by H. Le Blanc 58166
[Subtitle: Demonstrated in sixteen lessons]
When You Were a Boy, by Edwin Legrand Sabin 58165
[Illustrator: Frederic Dorr Steele]
Doodles, The Sunshine Boy, by Emma C. Dowd 58164
[Illustrator: Maria Louise Kirk]
Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Henry Rider Haggard 58163
Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Richard Doddridge Blackmore 58162
Dwight L. Moody, by William Moody and Davenport Northrop 58161
[Subtitle: Hänen elämänsä ja vaikutuksensa]
[Language: Finnish]
Allen's West London Street Directory, 1868, by Samuel Allen 58160
Fresco Painting, by James Ward 58159
Index of The Project Gutenberg Works of Louisa M. Alcott 58158
Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Charles Dickens 58157
Barbro Bertingin tyttövuodet, by Elisabeth Kuylenstierna-Wenster 58156
[Language: Finnish]
The Bar-20 Three, by Clarence Edward Mulford 58155
[Illustrator: Frank E. Schoonover]
La femme assise, by Guillaume Apollinaire 58154
[Language: French]
The Cambrian Directory, 1800, by Anonymous 58153
Essay on the Classification of the Insane, by Matthew Allen 58152
An Essay on the Encroachments of the German Ocean 58151
along the Norfolk Coast, by William Hewitt
The Princess Sophia, by E. F. Benson 58150
La séparation des Églises et de l'État, by Aristide Briand 58149
[Subtitle: Rapport fait au nom de la Commission de la
Chambre des Députés, suivi des pièces annexes]
[Language: French]
Darstellende Geometrie des Geländes, by Rudolf Rothe 58148
[Subtitle: und verwandte Anwendungen der Methode
der kotierten Projektionen]
[Language: German]
Visits to Fields of Battle, in England, of the Fifteenth Century, 58147
by Richard Brooke
A Topographical Account of Market Lavington, by Henry Atley 58146
Deutschland und Armenien 1914-1918, by Johannes Lepsius 58144
[Subtitle: Sammlung diplomatischer Aktenstücke]
[Language: German]
Suomen kultainen kirja I, by Sigurd Wettenhovi-Aspa 58143
[Language: Finnish]
Saksanmaa, by I. K. Inha 58142
[Language: Finnish]
Fabiola eli katakombien kirkko, by Nicholas Wiseman 58141
[Language: Finnish]
Memoirs of the Reign of King George the Third, 58140
Volume 3 of 4, by Horace Walpole
Vagabonding Through Changing Germany, by Harry Alverson Franck 58139
The Anatomy of Vegetables Begun, by Nehemiah Grew 58138
[Subtitle: With a General Account of Vegetation founded thereon]
Lawn-tennis, by James Dwight 58137
Conscience & Fanaticism, by George Pitt-Rivers 58136
[Subtitle: An Essay on Moral Values]
The Saint's Everlasting Rest, by Richard Baxter 58135
[Subtitle: A Treatise of the Blessed State of the Saints
in their enjoyment of God in Heaven]
The Manchester and Glasgow Road, Vol. 1 of 2, by Charles G. Harper 58134
[Subtitle: This way to Gretna Green]
Twentieth Century Culture and Deportment, by Maud C. Cooke 58133
[Subtitle: Or the lady and gentleman at home and abroad. Etc, etc.]
Tom Pagdin, Pirate, by Edwin James Brady 58132
[Illustrator: Lionel Lindsay]
Through Hell with Hiprah Hunt, by Arthur Young 58131
Tähtisen perhe ja Tilhispesä, by Toini Topelius 58130
[Language: Finnish]
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 375, 58129
January-June, 1847, by Various
The American Missionary, Volume 36, No. 12, December, 1882, by Various 58128
The American Missionary, Volume 36, No. 11, November, 1882, by Various 58127
The American Missionary, Volume 36, No. 10, October, 1882, by Various 58126
Colonel Henry Ludington, by Willis Fletcher Johnson 58125
[Subtitle: A Memoir]
The Historians' History of the World in Twenty-Five Volumes, 58124
Volume 6, by Various
[Subtitle: The Early Roman Empire]
The Unfinished Programme of Democracy, by Richard Roberts 58123
A Guide to Cromer and its Neighbourhood, by A Visitor 58122
Imperialism in South Africa, by J. Ewing Ritchie 58121
Go to Cromer, by A Rural Rector 58120
The Destruction of the Greek Empire and the Story of the Capture 58119
of Constantinople by the Turks, by Edwin Pears
Useful Knowledge, Vol. 3, Animals, by William Bingley 58118
[Subtitle: A familiar account of the various productions of nature]
Musical Instruments, by A. J. Hipkins 58117
[Subtitle: Historic, Rare and Unique]
[Illustrator: William Gibb]
Felicitas, by Felix Dahn 58116
[Subtitle: Historiallinen romaani kansainvaelluksen
ajoilta (v. 476 j.Kr.)]
[Language: Finnish]
Like Another Helen, by George Horton 58115
[Illustrator: C. M. Relyea]
What will they say at Brompton?, by J. Stirling Coyne 58114
Brompton Square Act, 1825, by Anonymous 58113
Report of the Cromer Ladies' Bible Association, 1838 58112
The Structure and Habits of Spiders, by James Henry Emerton 58111
Harper's Young People, June 13, 1882, by Various 58110
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Weekly]
History of biology, by Louis Compton Miall 58109
Facts and Assertions: or a Brief and Plain Exhibition 58108
of the Incongruity of the Peculiar Doctrines of the
Church of Rome, by George Stanley Faber
For the Story Teller, by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey 58107
[Subtitle: Story Telling and Stories to Tell]
A Second Letter to the Bishop of Exeter, by Edward Hall Alderson 58106
A Letter to the Bishop of Exeter, by Edward Hall Alderson 58105
Observations on Coroners, by William Hewitt 58104
20 Poemas, by Oliverio Girondo 58103
[Subtitle: para ser leídos en el tranvía]
[Language: Spanish]
Representative British Orations with Introductions 58102
and Explanatory Notes, Volume 4 of 4, By Various
Ragged Homes and How to Mend Them, by Mary Bayly 58101
Words; Their Use and Abuse, by William Mathews 58100
Mother of Pearl, by Anatole France 58099
Children of Wild Australia, by Herbert Pitts 58098
Reminiscences of Tottenham, by Harriet Couchman 58097
A Trip to the Chain-Bridge, near Bangor, by A Gentleman of Liverpool 58096
[Subtitle: and other parts of North Wales]
The Life and Letters of the Rev. George Mortimer, M.A., 58095
by John Armstrong
[Subtitle: Rector of Thornhill, in the Diocese of Toronto]
Prinzeßchen im Walde, by Sibylle von Olfers 58094
[Language: German]
Round the Sofa, Vol. 2, by Elizabeth C. Gaskell 58093
Round the Sofa, Vol. 1, by Elizabeth C. Gaskell 58092
The Honorable Miss Moonlight, by Winnifred Eaton 58091
Les trois pirates, Vol. 2 of 2, by Édouard Corbière 58090
[Language: French]
Index of The Project Gutenberg Works of Wilkie Collins 58089
Les trois pirates, Vol. 1 of 2, by Édouard Corbière 58088
[Language: French]
Kaunis ja sen lait, by Viktor Rydberg 58087
[Language: Finnish]
Roland Yorke, by Mrs. Henry Wood 58086
[Subtitle: A Sequel to "The Channings"]
The Poems of Madison Cawein, Vol. 5 58085
[Illustrator: Eric Pape]
Cardenio, by Gustave Aimard 58084
[Subtitle: Scènes de la Vie Mexicaine]
[Language: French]
The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Vol. 7 of 13 58083
[Subtitle: Containing an account of the cruel civil wars
between the houses of Orleans and Burgundy]
The Adventures of an Ugly Girl, by Elizabeth Burgoyne Corbett 58082
The French in Algiers, by Clemens Lamping and François Antoine Alby 58081
[Subtitle: The Soldier of the Foreign Legion
and The Prisoners of Abd-el-Kader]
Poems of yes and no, by Bartlett, Elizabeth 58080C
Index of The Project Gutenberg Works of Madame D'Arblay 58079
[Author a.k.a. Frances Burney]
Observations on the Sermons of Elias Hicks, by Robert Waln 58078
Colección de Documentos Inéditos Relativos al Descubrimiento, 58077
Conquista y Organización de las Antiguas Posesiones Españolas
de Ultramar. Tomo 8, De Los Pleitos de Colón, II, by Various
[Language: Spanish]
Caliban by the Yellow Sands, by Percy MacKaye 58076
[Subtitle: A Community Masque of the Art of the Theatre]
[Illustrators: Joseph Urban and Robert Edmond Jones]
Index of The Project Gutenberg Works of Arnold Bennett 58075
Travels into Bokhara, Volume 1 of 3, by Alexander Burnes 58074
[Subtitle: Being the Account of A Journey from
India to Cabool, Tartary, and Persia]
Secrets of Radar, by Roy Judson Snell 58073
The Unity of the Church Essential to the Conversion of the World, 58072
by James Henry Alexander Gwyther
A Letter on Suspended Animation, by Henry Hickman 58071
[Subtitle: containing experiments shewing that it may
be safely employed during operations on animals]
Home Life in Russia, Volumes 1 and 2, by Nikolai Gogol 58070
[Subtitle: Dead Souls]
Les chasseurs mexicains, by Gustave Aimard 58069
[Subtitle: Scènes de la vie mexicaine]
[Language: French]
Wagner as Man and Artist, by Ernest Newman 58068
A Letter to the People of Madeley and its Vicinity 58067
on the Death of Mrs. Fletcher, by Mary Tooth
The Silversmith in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg, by Thomas K. Ford 58066
[Subtitle: An Account of his Life & Times, & of his Craft]
Tell el Amarna and the Bible, by Charles Franklin Pfeiffer 58065
Index of The Project Gutenberg Works of Grant Allen 58064
Voyage en Espagne d'un Ambassadeur Marocain (1690-1691), by Anonymous 58063
[Language: French]
The Preacher's Complete Homiletic Commentary on the Books of the Bible, 58062
Volume 15 of 32, by Robert Aitkin Bertram and Alfred Robert Tucker
[Subtitle: The Preacher's Complete Homiletic Commentary
on the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, Volume 1]
Reminiscences of Confederate Service, 1861-1865, by Francis W. Dawson 58061
Journal of Residence in the New Herbrides, S. W. Pacific Ocean, 58060
by C. Bice and A. Brittain
La madre naturaleza (2ª parte de Los pazos de Ulloa), 58059
by Emilia Pardo Bazán
[Language: Spanish]
The Royal Exchange and the Palace of Industry; or, The Possible 58058
Future of Europe and the World, by Thomas Binney
Modern Magic, by Professor Hoffmann 58057
[Subtitle: A Practical Treatise on the Art of Conjuring]
Harper's Round Table, June 9, 1896, by Various 58056
Murhattu urkkija, by Sven Elvestad 58055
[Author a.k.a. Stein Riverton]
[Language: Finnish]
De martelaars der wetenschap, by Gaston Tissandier 58054
[Illustrator: Camille Gilbert]
[Language: Dutch]
A Correct Account of the Horrible Occurence, by Anonymous 58053
[Subtitle: The Bishop of Clogher ... a Common Soldier!]
The Self-Plumbed Bishop Unplumed, by T. Latham 58052
The American Missionary, Volume 36, No. 9, September, 1882, by Various 58051
The American Missionary, Volume 36, No. 8, August 1882, by Various 58050
El Marqués de Brandomín: Coloquios Románticos, by Valle-Inclán Ramón Del 58049
[Language: Spanish]
Consolation in Life and Death, by John Church 58048
[Subtitle: derived from the Life of Christ]
The Red Court Farm, Vol. 2 of 2, by Mrs. Henry Wood 58047
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Red Court Farm, Vol. 1 of 2, by Mrs. Henry Wood 58046
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Travels in the Interior of Brazil, by George Gardner 58045
[Subtitle: Principally through the northern provinces, and
the gold and diamond districts, during the years 1836-1841]
Napaseudun yössä, by Øvre Richter Frich 58044
[Subtitle: Romaani Huippuvuorilta]
[Language: Finnish]
The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, August, 1913, by Various 58043
[Subtitle: Vol. 86. New Series: Vol. 64, May to October, 1913]
Princess White Flame, by Gertrude Crownfield 58042
[Illustrator: Anne Merriman Peck]
The Good Englishwoman, by Orlando Cyprian 58041
[Author a.k.a. Orlo]
Southern Derringers of the Mississippi Valley, by Turner Kirkland 58040
The Foundling, by John Church 58039
[Subtitle: or, The Child of Providence]
The American Missionary, Volume 36, No. 7, July, 1882, by Various 58038
The Pastime of Pleasure, by Stephen Hawes 58037
[Subtitle: An allegorical poem]
The Miller in Eighteenth-Century Virginia, by Thomas K. Ford 58036
[Subtitle: An Account of Mills & the Craft of Milling, as
well as a Description of the Windmill near the Palace in
Andrew Jackson's Hermitage, by Mary French Caldwell 58035
Hawaiian Flowers, by Loraine E. Kuck and Richard C. Tongg 58034
The Story of American Aviation, by James G. Ray 58033
Index of The Project Gutenberg Works of Gilbert K. Chesterton 58032
Report of the President's Commission On The Assassination 58031
of President John F. Kennedy
Warren Commission Hearings Before the President's Commission on the 58030
Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Vol. 15 of 15, 1964
[Subtitle: With Index for Vols. 1-15]
Index of The Project Gutenberg Works of Oliver Goldsmith 58029
She Blows! And Sparm at That!, by William John Hopkins 58028
[Illustrator: Clifford Warren Ashley]
The Sentence and Affidavit of John Church, by Joseph A. Dowling 58027
The Trial and Conviction of that Infamous Hypocrite John Church, 58026
by Anonymous
Index of The Project Gutenberg Works of Friedrich Nietzsche 58025
Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Alexandre Dumas, père 58024
Harper's Young People, June 6, 1882, by Various 58023
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Weekly]
My Queen: A Weekly Journal for Young Women. Issue 5, 58022
October 27, 1900, by Lurana Waterhouse Sheldon
[Subtitle: Marion Marlowe Entrapped, or,
The Victim of Professional Jealousy
My Queen: A Weekly Journal for Young Women. Issue 4, 58021
October 20, 1900, by Lurana Waterhouse Sheldon
[Subtitle: Marion Marlowe's Noble Work,
or, The Tragedy at the Hospital]
The Trial and Conviction of John Church, by A Barrister 58020
The Infamous Life of John Church, by Anonymous 58019
The Rod in Pickle, by T. Latham 58018
[Subtitle: or, an answer to the appeal of John Church]
A few remarks on the Scripture History of Saul 58017
and the witch of Endor, by John Church
Newfoundland, by Ford Fairford 58016
[Subtitle: Peeps at Many Lands]
[Illustrator: C. G. Lowther]
The Speedy Appearance of Christ, by John Church 58015
[Subtitle: desired by the church]
The Nature of a Gospel Church, by John Church 58014
[Subtitle: a confession of Evangelical Principles]
The Dreadnought Boys on a Submarine, by Wilbur Lawton 58013
The Morning of Spiritual Youth Improved, by John Church 58012
The Living Letter, written with the Pen of Truth, by John Church 58011
A Feast for Serpents, by John Church 58010
Russian Portraits, by Clare Sheridan 58009
Le donne che lavorano, by Virginia Treves 58008
[Language: Italian]
Hurrell Froude, by Louise Imogen Guiney 58007
[Subtitle: Memoranda and Comments]
The Glorious Law-Giver, and the Obedient Subject, by John Church 58006
History of the 11th Field Company Australian Engineers, by Anonymous 58005
[Subtitle: Australian Imperial Force]
Bertha's Visit to her Uncle in England, Vol. 3, by Jane Haldimand Marcet 58004
[Subtitle: in three Volumes]
Bertha's Visit to her Uncle in England, Vol. 2, by Jane Haldimand Marcet 58003
[Subtitle: in three Volumes]
Bertha's Visit to her Uncle in England, Vol. 1, by Jane Haldimand Marcet 58002
[Subtitle: in three Volumes]
Spiritual Victories through the Light of Salvation, by John Church 58001
Araukanien päällikkö, by Gustave Aimard 58000
[Subtitle: Intiaaniromaani]
[Language: Finnish]
The Tragedies of Seneca, by Lucius Annaeus Seneca 57999
[Subtitle: Translated into English Verse, to
Which Have Been Appended Comparative Analyses
of the Corresponding Greek and Roman Plays,
and a Mythological Index]
On Sameness and Identity, by George Stuart Fullerton 57998
[Subtitle: A Psychological Study: Being a Contribution
to the Foundations of a Theory of Knowledge]
Kolme tyttöä tuntureilla, by Dikken Zwilgmeyer 57997
[Language: Finnish]