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March 2018
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This is the Project Gutenberg Newsletter for January-March 2018
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* New eBook listings from December 2017-February 2018
* New Language: Bodo
Project Gutenberg eBooks are offered in 67 different languages and dialects. Our newest language is Bodo:
Bodo (or Mech), is the language spoken primarily by the Bodo people of North East India, Nepal and Bengal. These two new Project Gutenberg eBooks have a mixture of Bodo and English, and offer insights into Kachári people from publications in the late 19th century.
A Collection of Kachári Folk-Tales and Rhymes, by J. D. Anderson
The Kacháris by Sidney Endle
* Shakespeare News
"The Complete Works of William Shakespeare" was the eBook that founder Michael Hart spent much of the 1980s and early 1990s on, releasing it as eBook #100 in 1994. Michael's father was a Shakepeare scholar at the University of Illinois, and the Project Gutenberg version drew from the knowledge he had.
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* New eBook listings from December 2017-February 2018
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Feb 2018 to 28 Feb 2018 ~ ~ ~ ~
Honeycomb, by Dorothy M. Richardson 56664
[Subtitle: Pilgrimage, Volume 3]
Joseph Priestley, by Thomas Edward Thorpe 56663
Hangok a vihar után, által Mór Jókai 56662
[Language: Hungarian]
Hacking Through Belgium, by Edmund Dane 56661
You're on the Air, by William Heyliger 56660
[Illustrator: Neil O'Keeffe]
Idle Hours in a Library, by William Henry Hudson 56659
Danny Again, by Vera C. Barclay 56658
[Subtitle: Further Adventures of "Danny the Detective"]
Life in the Soudan, by Josiah Williams 56657
[Subtitle: Adventures Amongst the Tribes,
and Travels in Egypt, in 1881 and 1882]
Medical Jurisprudence as it Relates to Insanity, 56656
According to the Law of England, by John Haslam
Guida per la costituzione e per l'impianto, di latterie 56655
sociali cooperative, di Carlo Besana
[Language: Italian]
His Excellency, by Ãmile Zola 56654
[Subtitle: Soin Exc. Eugène Rougon]
The German Fleet, by Archibald Hurd 56653
[Subtitle: Being The Companion Volume to "The Fleets At War"
and "From Heligoland To Keeling Island]
Kitty of the Roses, by Ralph Henry Barbour 56652
[Illustrator: Frederic J. von Rapp]
Primus Annus, by Walter Lionel Paine and Cyril Lyttleton Mainwaring 56651
Paganism Surviving in Christianity, by Abram Herbert Lewis 56650
Egy játékos, a ki nyer, által Mór Jókai 56649
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Language: Hungarian]
Memoirs of the Distinguished Men of Science of Great Britain 56648
Living in the Years 1807-8, by William Walker, Jr.
Kostajan kourissa, mennessä Sven Elvestad 56647
[Subtitle: Salapoliisikertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
La Guerre des Boutons, par Louis Pergaud 56646
[Subtitle: Roman de ma douzième année]
[Language: French]
Le poète assassiné, par Guillaume Apollinaire 56645
[Language: French]
Bulfinch's Mythology, by Thomas Bulfinch 56644
[Subtitle: The Age of Fable; The Age of Chivalry;
Legends of Charlemagne]
Memoirs of Maria Stella (Lady Newborough) 56643
Harper's Round Table, March 31, 1896, by Various 56642
Auswahl aus den Dichtungen Eduard Mörikes, durch Eduard Mörike          56641
[Illustrator: Bonaventura Weià and Paul Konewka]
[Language: German]
Pleasant Talk About Fruits, Flowers and Farming, by Henry Ward Beecher  56640
The Republic of the Future, by Anna Bowman Dodd                         56639
[Subtitle: or, Socialism a Reality]
Hand Grenades, by Graham M. Ainslie 56638
[Subtitle: A handbook on rifle and hand grenades]
Natural & Artificial Sewage Treatment, by Alfred S. Jones 56637
and H. Alfred Roechling
Kárpáthy Zoltán, által Mór Jókai 56636
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Language: Hungarian]
The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. 20, No. 998, February 11, 1899, by Various 56635
The Monist, Vol. 1, 1890-1891, by Various 56634
The City That Was, by Stephen Smith 56633
Two Little Women and Treasure House, by Carolyn Wells 56632
[Illustrator: E. C. Caswell]
The Catholic World, Volume 8, by Various 56631
[Subtitle: October, 1868, to March, 1869]
Rome, by W. Warde Fowler 56630
Harper's Young People, March 28, 1882, by Various 56629
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Weekly]
An Essay on Colophons, by Alfred W. Pollard 56628
[Subtitle: With Specimens and Translations]
Szélcsend alatt; Az életbol ellesve, által Mór Jókai 56627
[Language: Hungarian]
Johnny Nelson, by Clarence E. Mulford 56626
Songs of the West, by S. Baring-Gould, H. Fleetwood Sheppard, 56625
and F. W. Bussell
[Subtitle: Folk Songs of Devon & Cornwall Collected
from the Mouths of the People]
Colección de Documentos Inéditos Relativos al Descubrimiento, 56624
Conquista y Organización de las Antiguas Posesiones Españolas
de Ultramar. Tomo 4, De La Isla De Cuba, II, por varios
[Language: Spanish]
Quaint Korea, by Louise Jordan Miln 56623
Correspondance, par Ãmile Zola 56622
[Subtitle: Les lettres et les arts]
[Language: French]
Aurora Leigh, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning 56621
Ruby Roland, the Girl Spy, by Frederick Whittaker 56620
[Subtitle: or, Simon Kenton's Protege]
General History of Connecticut, from Its First Settlement 56619
Under George Fenwick to its Latest Period of Amity with
Great Britain, by Samuel Peters
The Friends of Voltaire, by S. G. Tallentyre                            56618
The Art of Theatrical Make-up, by Cavendish Morton                      56617
The Canadian Horticulturist, Volume I, by Various 56616
[Subtitle: Compendium & Index]
Musical Studies, by Ernest Newman 56615
Village Folk-Tales of Ceylon, Vol. 1 of 3, by Henry Parker 56614
History of English Literature, by Andrew Lang 56613
[Subtitle: From 'Beowulf' to Swinburne]
My Story, by Anson Mills 56612
The Romance of the Romanoffs, by Joseph McCabe 56611
Margaret Sanger; an autobiography 56610
A History of the British Army, Vol. 2 of 2, by J. W. Fortescue 56609
Songs Unsung, by Lewis Morris 56608
Dauber, by John Masefield 56607
[Subtitle: A Poem]
Aesthetische Farbenlehre, durch Conrad Hermann 56606
[Language: German]
Madame de Staël, by Bella Duffy 56605
[Subtitle: Famous Women Series]
Hänen ylhäisyytensä seikkailu, mennessä Sven Elvestad 56604
[Author a.k.a. Stein Riverton]
[Subtitle: Salapoliisiromaani]
[Language: Finnish]
A Boy in the Peninsula War, by Robert Blakeney 56603
[Subtitle: The Services, Adventures and
Experiences of Robert Blakeney]
Frank Hunter's Peril, by Horatio Alger, Jr. 56602
A Text-book of Tanning, by Henry R. Procter 56601
[Subtitle: A treatise on the conversion of skins
into leather both practical and theoretical]
Lewis Arundel, by Frank E. Smedley 56600
[Subtitle: Or, The Railroad Of Life]
[Illustrator: "Phiz"]
The Fortunes of the Colville Family, by Frank E. Smedley 56599
[Subtitle: or, A Cloud with its Silver Lining]
Harry Coverdale's Courtship, and All That Came of It, 56598
by Frank E. Smedley
The Legends and Myths of Hawaii, by David Kalakaua 56597
[Subtitle: The fables and folk-lore of a strange people]
The Gilded Man, by A. F. Bandelier                                     56596
[Subtitle: El Dorado and other pictures
of the Spanish occupancy of America]
Vieras veri, mennessä Aino Kallas                                       56595
[Subtitle: Rakkausnovelleja]
[Language: Finnish]
Head of the Lower School, by Dorothea Mary Moore 56594
Contemporary Composers, by Daniel Gregory Mason 56593
Az arany ember (2. rész), által Mór Jókai 56592
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Language: Hungarian]
Az arany ember (1. rész), által Mór Jókai 56591
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Language: Hungarian]
The Rush for the Spoil, by Ãmile Zola 56590
[Subtitle: (La Curée)]
Harper's Round Table, March 24, 1896, by Various 56589
What a Girl Can Make and Do, by Lina Beard and Adelia B. Beard 56588
[Subtitle: New Ideas for Work and Play]
The American Missionary, Vol. 35, No. 10, October, 1881, by Various 56587
Oliver Twist, durch Charles Dickens 56586
[Language: German]
The Use of Ropes and Tackle, by H. J. Dana and W. A. Pearl 56585
Daily Training, by E. F. Benson                                         56584
Patty in the City, by Carolyn Wells 56583
The Gentle Persuasion, by Alan Gray                                     56582
 [Subtitle: Sketches of Scottish Life]
D'Orsay, by William Teignmouth Shore 56581
[Subtitle: or, The complete dandy]
Ãrnyképek, által Mór Jókai 56580
[Language: Hungarian]
The Countess of Lowndes Square and Other Stories, by E. F. Benson       56579
The Writings of Thomas Jefferson Vol. 9 of 9, by Thomas Jefferson 56578
[Subtitle: Being His Autobiography, Correspondence, Reports,
Messages, Addresses and Other Writings Official and Private]
Adrian Savage, by Lucas Malet 56577
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Legends of Fire Island Beach and the South Side, by Edward Richard Shaw 56576
Poems from the Inner Life, by Lizzie Doten                              56575
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 30, No. 6, June 1847, by Various 56574
Nahkaratti, mennessä Arthur Conan Doyle 56573
[Language: Finnish]
Water Wonders Every Child Should Know, by Jean M. Thompson 56572
[Subtitle: Little Studies of Dew, Frost, Snow, Ice, and Rain]
The Birth of Civilization in the Near East, by Henri Frankfort 56571
Breaking into the movies, by John Emerson and Anita Loos 56570
The Right Honourable Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe P.C., 56569
D.C.L., F.R.S., by Edward Thorpe
[Subtitle: A Biographical Sketch]
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 30, No. 5, May 1847, by Various 56568
Samling af Swenska Ordspråk, av Olika 56567
[Subtitle: i ordning ställde efter alfabetet, med tillägg af
någre utur Latinen och andre Språk, liklydande eller motswarande]
[Language: Swedish]
First Love, Vol. 2 of 3, by Margracia Loudon 56566
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 30, No. 4, April 1847, by Various 56565
Jaquelina, by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller 56564
Her Sailor, by Marshall Saunders                                        56563
[Subtitle: A Love Story]
Kidnapped, by Robert Louis Stevenson                                    56562
[Subtitle: Being Memoirs of the Adventures
of David Balfour in the Year 1751]
[Illustrator: N. C. Wyeth]
In het Hol van den Leeuw, door J. Fabius                                56561
[Subtitle: Reisschetsen uit Sovjet-Rusland]
[Illustrator: Piet C. Wagner]
[Language: Dutch]
Waterways and Water Transport in Different Countries, 56560
by J. Stephen Jeans
[Subtitle: With a description of the Panama, Suez,
Manchester, Nicaraguan, and other canals]
Lähtevien laivojen kaupunki, mennessä Aino Kallas 56559
[Language: Finnish]
Au pays russe, par Jules Legras 56558
[Language: French]
The Life and Times of Alfred the Great, by Charles Plummer 56557
[Subtitle: Being the Ford lectures for 1901]
Peter Poodle - Toy Maker to the King, by William Henry Bradley 56556
The Magical Mimics in Oz, by Jack Sbow 56555
[Illustrator: Frank Kramer]
The Sugar Creek Gang Goes North, by Paul Hutchens 56554
The Sugar Creek Gang Digs for Treasure, by Paul Hutchens 56553
Patty's Pleasure Trip, by Carolyn Wells 56552
The Newspaper, by George Binney Dibblee 56551
The Popol Vuh, by Lewis Spence 56550
[Subtitle: The Mythic and Heroic Sagas
of the Kiches of Central America]
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 30, No. 3, March 1847, by Various 56549
Punainen jumala, by Jack London                                         56548
[Language: Finnish]
Orestes, av Euripides                                                   56547
[Language: Swedish]
Nietzsche, durch Karl Heckel                                            56546
[Subtitle: Sein Leben und seine Lehre]
[Language: German]
L'Alfabet européen appliqué aux langues asiatiques, 56545
par Constantin-François de Chasseboeuf Volney
[Subtitle: OEuvres de C.-F. Volney, tome VIII]
[Language: French]
'Monsieur Henri', by Louise Imogen Guiney 56544
[Subtitle: A Foot-Note to French History]
Seikkailu rosenkreuziläisten luona, mennessä Franz Hartmann 56543
[Language: Finnish]
Philipp Reis: Inventor of the Telephone, by Silvanus P. Thompson 56542
[Subtitle: A Biographical Sketch]
The Joy of Life, by Ãmile Zola 56541
[Subtitle: (La joie de vivre)]
Miss Parloa's Young Housekeeper, by Maria Parloa 56540
[Subtitle: Designed Especially to Aid Beginners, Economical
Receipts for those who are Cooking for Two or Three]
Harper's Round Table, March 3, 1896, by Various 56539
The Naughty Man, or, Sir Thomas Brown, by Frank Chapman Bliss 56538
[Author a.k.a. Octavius]
[Subtitle: Love, Courtship and Marriage in High Life. A Poetical Satire]
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 30, No. 2, February 1847, by Various 56537
A Life of Walt Whitman, by Henry Bryan Binns 56536
Spain in 1830, vol. 2, by Henry D. Inglis                               56535
Spain in 1830, vol. 1, by Henry D. Inglis                               56534
Pyhiinvaeltaja, mennessä Eino Railo 56533
[Subtitle: Kuvitelmia Karjalasta]
[Language: Finnish]
Tanár úr kérem, által Frigyes Karinthy 56532
[Subtitle: Képek a középiskolából]
[Illustrator: Marcel Vértes]
[Language: Hungarian]
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 30, No. 1, January 1847, by Various 56531
Literary Landmarks of Venice, by Laurence Hutton                        56530
After Icebergs with a Painter, by Louis Legrand Noble 56529
[Subtitle: A Summer Voyage to Labrador and Around Newfoundland]
Germinal, by Ãmile Zola 56528
In a Quiet Village, by Sabine Baring-Gould 56527
How the Garden Grew, by Maud Maryon 56526
[Illustrator: Gordon Browne]
Délvirágok; Oceánia, által Mór Jókai 56525
[Language: Hungarian]
Psychology and Crime, by Thomas Holmes                                  56524
OEuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant, Volume 12          56523
[Language: French]
Mazeppa, by Fred Whishaw                                                56522
Poems from Eastern Sources, by Richard Chenevix Trench                 56521
[Subtitle: The Steadfast Prince and Other Poems]
Der Weihnachtsabend, durch Christoph von Schmid 56520
[Subtitle: Eine Erzählung zum Weihnachtsgeschenke für Kinder]
[Language: German]
Viaje a los Estados Unidos, Tomo II, por Fidel Guillermo Prieto 56519
[Illustrator: H. Iriarte]
[Language: Spanish]
Eugène Delacroix, par Camille Mauclair 56518
[Language: French]
The Philosophy of Auguste Comte, by Lucien Lévy-Bruhl 56517
Coppertop, by Harold Gaze 56516
[Subtitle: The Queer Adventures of a Quaint Child]
Fleurs sauvages, par Léonise Valois                                     56515
[Subtitle: Poésies]
[Language: French]
Wild Roses, by Howard R. Driggs                                         56514
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Rockies]
The Simple Adventures of a Memsahib, by Sara Jeannette Duncan 56513
Schiff vor Anker, durch Gorch Fock 56512
[Subtitle: Erzählungen]
[Illustrator: Bernhard Klein]
[Language: German]
Les nécessités de la vie et les conséquences des rêves, par Paul Ãluard 56511
[Language: French]
Slicko, the Jumping Squirrel, by Richard Barnum 56510
[Subtitle: Her Many Adventures]
[Illustrator: Harriet H. Tooker]
La vita intima e la vita nomade in Oriente, di Cristina Belgioioso      56509
[Language: Italian]
The Life and Death of Mrs. Maria Bickford, by Silas Wilder              56508
Geographical Distribution of Animals, Vol. 2, by Alfred Russel Wallace 56507
[Subtitle: With a study of the relations of living and
extinct faunas as elucidating the past changes of the
Earth's surface]
Geographical Distribution of Animals, Vol. 1, by Alfred Russel Wallace 56506
[Subtitle: With a study of the relations of living and
extinct faunas as elucidating the past changes of the
Earth's surface]
Historic Bubbles, by Frederic Leake                                    56505
Proverbs and Their Lessons, by Richard Chenevix Trench 56504
[Subtitle: Being the Subject of Lectures Delivered to
Young Men's Societies at Portsmouth and Elsewhere]
Tyburn Tree, by Alfred Marks 56503
[Subtitle: Its History and Annals]
Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, Vol. 4 of 5, by James Bruce 56502
[Subtitle: In the years 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772 and 1773]
Comic history of the United States, by Livingston Hopkins 56501
Memorie, di Giuseppe Garibaldi 56500
[Subtitle: Edizione diplomatica dall'autografo definitivo]
[Language: Italian]
Der Spiegel, durch Various                                               56499
[Subtitle: Anekdoten zeitgenössischer deutscher Erzähler]
[Language: German]
La mandragola - La Clizia - Belfagor, di Nicolo Machiavelli             56498
[Language: Italian]
Elias Lönnrotin matkat II: 1841-1844, mennessä Elias Lönnrot 56497
[Language: Finnish]
Elias Lönnrotin matkat I: 1828-1839, mennessä Elias Lönnrot 56496
[Language: Finnish]
Our Women in the War, by Francis Warrington Dawson 56495
Ecclesiastical Vestments, by R. A. S. Macalister 56494
[Subtitle: Their development and history]
Monsoreaun kreivitär II, mennessä Alexandre Dumas père 56493
[Subtitle: Historiallinen romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Monsoreaun kreivitär I, mennessä Alexandre Dumas père 56492
[Subtitle: Historiallinen romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Hänen isiensä jumala, mennessä Jack London 56491
[Language: Finnish]
History of Spanish Literature, Vol. 3 of 3, by George Ticknor        56490
Apparitions and thought-transference: an examination 56489
of the evidence for telepathy, by Frank Podmore
The Wild Elephant and the Method of Capturing and 56488
Taming it in Ceylon, by J. Emerson Tennent
An Apology for the True Christian Divinity, by Robert Barclay 56487
The War of Chupas, by Pedro de Cieza de Leon 56486
Hyde Park, by Mrs. (Ethel) Alec-Tweedie 56485
[Subtitle: Its History and Romance]
The Future in America, by Herbert George Wells 56484
[Subtitle: A Search After Realities]
Der tolle Koffer, durch Felix Schloemp 56483
[Subtitle: Eine ff. prima Musterkollektion der besten Witze,
Schnurren und Anekdoten von Reisenden und Kaufleuten]
[Illustrator: Emil Preetorius]
[Language: German]
Dell'arte dei giardini inglesi, di Ercole Silva 56482
[Illustrator: Giuseppe Levati]
[Language: Italian]
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Jan 2018 to 31 Jan 2018 ~ ~ ~ ~
Peanut, by Albert Bigelow Paine 56481
[Subtitle: The Story of a Boy]
Hymns in Human Experience, by William John Hart 56480
Hymn Stories of the Twentieth Century, by William John Hart 56479
Old Mines of Southern California, by California State Mineralogist 56478
[Subtitle: Desert-Mountain-Coastal Areas Including the
Calico-Salton Sea, Colorado River Districts
and Southern Counties]
The Lady's Country Companion, by Jane Webb Loudon 56477
[Subtitle: Or, how to enjoy a Country Life rationally]
The life of Voltaire, by S. G. Tallentyre                               56476
Sämmtliche Werke 8: Briefwechsel II, Hans Küchelgarten, 56475
durch Nikolaj Gogol
[Subtitle: Briefwechsel II / Die Beichte des Dichters
/ Betrachtungen über die Heilige Liturgie
/ Jugendschriften / Fragmente / Hans Küchelgarten]
[Language: German]
Lettres à une inconnue, Tome Deuxième, par Prosper Mérimée 56474
[Subtitle: Précédée d'une étude sur P. Mérimée par H. Taine]
[Language: French]
Lettres à une inconnue, Tome Premier, par Prosper Mérimée 56473
[Subtitle: Précédée d'une étude sur P. Mérimée par H. Taine]
[Language: French]
University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 94: 56472
Nitrogen Bacteria and Legumes, by Cyril George Hopkins
[Subtitle: With special reference to red clover, cowpeas,
soy beans, alfalfa, and sweet clover, on Illinois soils]
Corporal Tikitanu, V.C., by J. C. Fussell 56471
The Great Pearl Secret, by C. N. Williamson and A. M. Williamson 56470
Five Years in a Persian Town, by Napier Malcolm 56469
Nunnery life in the Church of England, by Sister Mary Agnes 56468
[Subtitle: Seventeen years with Father Ignatius]
A Book of Distinctive Interiors, by Various 56467
Poems, by Robert Bridges 56466
An Act in a Backwater, by E. F. Benson                                  56465
Turkish Literature, by Various                                          56464
[Subtitle: Comprising Fables, Belles-lettres, and Sacred Traditions]
Bacon's Essays and Wisdom of the Ancients, by Francis Bacon 56463
The Old Man; or, Ravings and Ramblings Round Conistone, 56462
by Alexander Craig Gibson
La première canadienne du Nord-ouest, par Georges Dugas 56461
[Language: French]
Dekameron (3. rész), által Mór Jókai 56460
[Subtitle: Száz novella]
[Language: Hungarian]
Dekameron (2. rész), által Mór Jókai 56459
[Subtitle: Száz novella]
[Language: Hungarian]
Dekameron (1. rész), által Mór Jókai 56458
[Subtitle: Száz novella]
[Language: Hungarian]
Faery Lands of the South Seas, by James Norman Hall 56457
and Charles Bernard Nordhoff
Three Men, by Maxime Gorky 56456
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Rebellion, by Joseph Medill Patterson 56455
[Illustrator: Walter Dean Goldbeck]
Hamlet, por William Shakespeare and L. Fernández MoratÃn                56454
[Subtitle: Drama en cinco actos]
[Language: Spanish]
The Egregious English, by Angus McNeill 56453
[Author a.k.a. T. W. H. (Thomas William Hodgson) Crosland]
Colección de Documentos Inéditos Relativos al Descubrimiento, 56452
Conquista y Organización de las Antiguas Posesiones
Españolas de Ultramar, por varios
[Subtitle: Tomo 5, De Los Documentos Legislativos, 1]
[Language: Spanish]
El Payador, Vol. 1, por Leopoldo Lugones 56451
[Subtitle: Hijo de la Pampa]
[Language: Spanish]
Pleiades Club, by Jeff W. Hayes 56450
[Subtitle: Telegraphers' Paradise on Planet Mars]
Snowed Up; or, The Sportman's Club in the Mountains, by Harry Castlemon 56449
Purcell Ode and Other Poems, by Robert Bridges                          56448
The Tunnel, by Dorothy M. Richardson                                    56447
[Subtitle: Pilgrimage, Vol. 4]
Liljecronan koti, mennessä Selma Lagerlöf                                56446
[Language: Finnish]
The Mania of the Nations on the Planet Mars and its Terrific 56445
 Consequences (A Combination of Fun and Wisdom), by A. Calmadenker
[Author a.k.a. James Howard, a.k.a. Jacobus Cali Calish]
The Status of the Jews in Egypt, by W. M. Flinders Petrie 56444
[Subtitle: The Fifth Arthur Davis Memorial Lecture]
Seventeen Years in the Underworld, by Wellington Scott 56443
Romantic Cities of Provence, by Mona Caird 56442
[Illustrators: Joseph Pennell and Edward M. Synge]
Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind, by James Mill 56441
Physiological Researches on Life and Death, by Xavier Bichat 56440
Old Clinkers, by Harvey J. O'Higgins 56439
[Subtitle: A Story of the New York Fire Department]
[Illustrator: Martin Justice]
Our Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy, by Joseph Pennell 56438
and Elizabeth Robins Pennell
[Subtitle: A new edition with Appendix]
Rice Papers, by H. L. Norris 56437
The Great Valley, by Edgar Lee Masters                                  56436
The ManÅuvring Mother, by Charlotte Campbell Bury                      56435
[Subtitle: Vol. III]
The ManÅuvring Mother, by Charlotte Campbell Bury                      56434
[Subtitle: Vol. II]
The ManÅuvring Mother, by Charlotte Campbell Bury                      56433
[Subtitle: Vol. I]
The Peacock of Jewels, by Fergus Hume 56432
Annali d'Italia, Vol. 6, di Lodovico Antonio Muratori 56431
[Subtitle: dal principio dell'era volgare sino all'anno 1750]
[Language: Italian]
The Race of the Swift, by Edwin Carlile Litsey 56430
[Illustrator: Charles Livingston Bull]
Gray Days and Gold, by William Winter 56429
[Subtitle: in England and Scotland]
Saratoga National Historical Park, New York, 56428
by Charles W. Snell and Francis F. Wilshin
[Subtitle: National Park Service Historical Handbook Series No. 4]
Animal Locomotion, by J. Bell Pettigrew 56427
[Subtitle: Or walking, swimming, and flying,
with a dissertation on aëronautics]
The Mummy!, by Jane Webb-Loudon 56426
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Twenty-Second Century]
The Mountains of Fears, by Henry C. Rowland 56425
Shores of the Polar Sea, by Edward L. Moss 56424
Pleiades Club Year Book 1910, by The N. Y. Pleiades Club 56423
Napoleon, mennessä Bering Liisberg                                      56422
[Language: Finnish]
Kalevala, av Anonymous 56421
[Language: Swedish]
Halloween, A Romaunt with Lays Meditative and Devotional, 56420
by Arthur Cleveland Coxe
[Illustrator: Joseph Napoleon Gimbrede]
The Young Man and Journalism, by Chester S. Lord 56419
New York Nocturnes and Other Poems, by Charles G. D. Roberts 56418
Két mosoly, által Frigyes Karinthy 56417
[Language: Hungarian]
John Baring's House, by Elsie Singmaster 56416
Making the Nine, by Albertus T. Dudley 56415
[Illustrator: Charles Copeland]
A Candid History of the Jesuits, by Joseph McCabe 56414
Träldomen i Norden, av Emil Sommarin 56413
[Subtitle: Ett blad ur den Svenska artbetsklassens älsta historia]
[Language: Swedish]
Seventeen Years in Paris, by H. E. Noyes 56412
[Subtitle: A Chaplain's Story]
St. Andrews Ghost Stories, by William Thomas Linskill 56411
[Subtitle: Fourth Edition]
Ruby, by Molly E. Jamieson 56410
[Subtitle: A Story of the Australian Bush]
Historical record of the Seventeenth Regiment of Light 56409
Dragoons-Lancers, by Richard Cannon
[Subtitle: containing an account of the formation of
the regiment in 1759 and of its subsequent services
to 1841]
The Mail Carrier, by Harry Castlemon 56408
A Sketch of the Life of Elizabeth T. Stone and of Her Persecutions, 56407
by Elizabeth T. Stone
[Subtitle: With an Appendix of Her Treatment and Suffereings
While in the Charlestown McLean Assylum, Where She Was
Confined Under the Pretence of Insanity]
Poetical Works of Robert Bridges, Vol. 5, by Robert Bridges 56406
Hämähäkkilaakso ja muita kertomuksia, mennessä H. G. Wells 56405
[Language: Finnish]
A Book of Gems, by Benjamin Franklin 56404
[Subtitle: Choice selections from the writings of Benjamin Franklin]
The Future of the Women's Movement, by Helena M. Swanwick 56403
Brazil, the River Plate, and the Falkland Islands, by William Hadfield 56402
[Subtitle: With the Cape Horn route to Australia, Including notices
of Lisbon, Madeira, the Canaries, and Cape Verde]
[Illustrators: W. Gore Ouseley and Charles Hotham]
Fairy Tales from Gold Lands, by May Wentworth 56401
[Subtitle: Second Series]
Memoirs of John Abernethy, by George Macilwain 56400
[Subtitle: With a View of His Lectures, His Writings, and Character;
with Additional Extracts from Original Documents, Now First Published]
Kuolema, mennessä Leo Tolstoy 56399
[Language: Finnish]
Practical Training for Running, Walking, Rowing, Wrestling, Boxing, 56398
Jumping, and All Kinds of Athletic Feats, by Ed James
[Subtitle: Together with tables of proportional measurement for
height and weight of men in and out of condition; etc. etc.]
Birds of Britain, by J. Lewis Bonhote 56397
[Illustrator: H. E. Dresser]
History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature, Vol. 2 of 2, 56396
by Friedrich Bouterwek
Musketry, by Anonymous 56395
[Subtitle: (.303 and .22 cartridges)]
Sailing, by E. F. Knight                                                56394
Maurin des Maures, par Jean Aicard                                      56393
[Language: French]
Meine Mission nach Abessinien, durch Gerhard Rohlfs 56392
[Subtitle: Auf Befehl Sr. Maj. des Deutschen
Kaisers im Winter 1880/81 unternommen]
[Language: German]
The Little London Directory of 1677, by Roger L'estrange 56391
[Subtitle: The oldest printed list of the merchants
and bankers of London]
Histoire naturelle des oiseaux d'Afrique, t. 1, par François Levaillant 56390
[Language: French]
Jules of the Great Heart, by Lawrence Mott 56389
[Illustrator: F. E. Schoonover]
Investigation of Communist activities in Seattle, Wash., Area, 56388
Hearings, Part 3, by the United States Congress House
Committee on Un-American Activities]
Frederick the Great, by W. F. Reddaway 56387
[Subtitle: And the Rise of Prussia]
The Catholic World, Vol. 23, April, 1876-September, 1876, by Various 56386
[Subtitle: A Monthly Magazine of General Literature and Science]
Jonah's Luck, by Fergus Hume 56385
Investigation of Communist activities in Seattle, Wash., Area, 56384
Hearings, Part 2, by the United States Congress House
Committee on Un-American Activities]
Investigation of Communist activities in Seattle, Wash., Area, 56383
Hearings, Part 1, by the United States Congress House
Committee on Un-American Activities]
Die gerichtliche Arzneikunde in ihrem Verhältnisse zur Rechtspflege, 56382
mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der österreichischen Gesetzgebung,
durch Franz von Ney
[Subtitle: Zum Gebrauche für Ãrzte, Wundärzte und Rechtskundige
dargestellt und mit entscheidenden Thatsachen begründet]
[Language: German]
Guy Harris, the Runaway, by Harry Castlemon 56381
Doctor Mead's Short discourse explain'd, by Anonymous 56380
[Subtitle: Being a clearer account of pestilential
contagion, and preventing]
Spain From Within, by Rafael Shaw 56379
Egy magyar nábob (2. rész), által Mór Jókai 56378
[Language: Hungarian]
Egy magyar nábob (1. rész), által Mór Jókai 56377
[Language: Hungarian]
The Americans, by Hugo Münsterberg 56376
Sir P.S.: His Astrophel and Stella, by Philip Sidney                    56375
Oeuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant; Vol. 11             56374
[Language: French]
The Flower Of The Flock, Volume 3 of 3, by Pierce Egan 56373
The Flower Of The Flock, Volume 2 of 3, by Pierce Egan 56372
The Flower Of The Flock, Volume 1 of 3, by Pierce Egan 56371
Apotti Jérôme Coignardin ajatuksia, mennessä Anatole France 56370
[Language: Finnish]
Coward or Hero?, by Eugène Leclerc 56369
Alhalla, or the Lord of Talladega, by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft 56368
[Author a.k.a. Henry Rowe Colcraft]
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Creek War, With Some
Selected Miscellanies, Chiefly of Early Date]
Rund um den Kreuzturm, durch Gustav Hildebrand 56367
[Subtitle: Roman aus den Dresdner Maitagen von 1849]
[Illustrator: Josef Windisch]
[Language: German]
Varastettu basilli ja muita kertomuksia, mennessä H. G. Wells 56366
[Language: Finnish]
History of the Transformer, by F. Uppenborn                             56365
The Flight of Georgiana, by Robert Neilson Stephens 56364
[Subtitle: A Story of Love and Peril in England in 1746]
[Illustrator: H. C. Edwards]
An Ocean Tragedy, by William Clark Russell 56363
A Troublesome Flock, by Elizabeth F. Guptill                            56362
[Subtitle: A Mother Goose Play for Children]
The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, Volume 5 of 8 56361
How The Nations Waged War, by John McFarland Kennedy 56360
[Subtitle: A companion volume to "How the War Began"]
A Dark Chapter from New Zealand History, by James Hawthorne 56359
The Alps, by Arnold Henry Moore Lunn 56358
The Laughing Willow, by Oliver Herford 56357
[Subtitle: Verses and Pictures]
The Scarlet Bat, by Fergus Hume 56356
[Subtitle: A Detective Story]
The Bride of Mission San José, by John Augustine Cull 56355
[Subtitle: A Tale of Early California]
An Appeal to the People in Behalf of Their Rights as Authorized 56354
Interpreters of the Bible, by Catharine E. Beecher
Pyrometry, by Chas. R. Darling 56353
[Subtitle: A Practical Treatise on the Measurement
of High Temperatures]
Mastro da Ballo, by Ercole Santucci 56352
[Language: Italian]
Parizina, by George Gordon Byron 56351
[Language: Esperanto]
Bläck och saltvatten, av Albert Engström 56350
[Illustrator: Albert Engström]
[Language: Swedish]
Goodbird the Indian, by Edward Goodbird and Gilbert L. Wilson 56349
[Subtitle: His Story]
[Illustrator: Frederick N. Wilson]
>From Dublin to Chicago, by George A. Birmingham 56348
[Subtitle: Some Notes on a Tour in America]
The General Historie of Virginia, New England and The Summer Isles, 56347
Vol. 1, by John Smith
A Book of American Explorers, by Thomas Wentworth Higginson 56346
World's Greatest Military Spies and Secret Service Agents, 56345
By George Barton
Pigments, Paint and Painting, by George Terry                           56344
[Subtitle: A practical book for practical men]
Schen, durch Fritz Secker                                               56343
[Subtitle: Studien aus einer chinesischen Weltstadt]
[Language: German]
History of Greece, Volume 1 of 12, by George Grote                    56342
American Missionary, Volume 35, No. 12, December, 1881, by Various 56341
Tower of Ivory, by Gertrude Atherton 56340
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Pumps and Hydraulics, Part 1 of 2, by William Rogers          56339
Ruth's Marriage in Mars, by Mrs. Charles Wilder Glass 56338
[Subtitle: A Scientific Novel]
Catcher Craig, by Christy Mathewson 56337
[Illustrator: Charles M. Relyea]
The Automatic Toy Works Manufacturers of the Best Novelties 56336
in Mechanical and Other Toys, by Anonymous
Susan Proudleigh, by Herbert de Lisser 56335
List of Post Offices in Canada 1866, by Postmaster General of Canada 56334
Helleenit ja barbaarit, mennessä Sophus Michaëlis 56333
[Subtitle: Romaani persialaissotien ajoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Keely and His Discoveries, by Clara Sophia Jessup Bloomfield Moore 56332
[Subtitle: Aerial Navigation]
The Historical Growth of the English Parish Church, 56331
by Alexander Hamilton Thompson
Handbuch der chemischen Technologie, durch Rudolf Wagner                56330
[Subtitle: Achte Auflage]
[Language: German]
Ennen Aatamia, by Jack London                                           56329
[Language: Finnish]
General Anatomy, Applied to Physiology and Medicine, 56328
Vol. 3 of 3, by Xavier Bichat
Fables, par Jean de la Fontaine 56327
[Illustrator: J. J. Grandville]
[Language: French]
The Poems of Madison Cawein, Vol. 4 of 5, by Madison Cawein 56326
[Illustrator: Eric Pape]
Sea Scouts Abroad, by Percy F. Westerman                                56325
[Subtitle: Further Adventures of the 'Olivette']
[Illustrator: Charles Pears]
The City of the Discreet, by PÃo Baroja                                56324
Motor Transports in War, by Horace Wyatt                                56323
The Mary Frances Story Book, by Jane Eayre Fryer 56322
[Subtitle: or Adventures Among the Story People]
[Illustrator: Edwin John Prittie]
A Tour Through South America, by Archibald Stevenson Forrest    56321
British Policy in the Illinois Country, 1763-1768, 56320
by Clarence Edwin Carter
Bobby in Movieland, by Francis Finn 56319
Wellington's Army, 1809-1814, by Charles Oman 56318
Unsere Haustiere vom Standpunkte ihrer wilden Verwandten, 56317
durch Theodor Zell
[Language: German]
The Campaign Round Liege, by J. M. Kennedy 56316
Texas Fossils: An Amateur Collector's Handbook, 56315
by William H. Matthews III
[Subtitle: Texas Bureau of Economic Geology Guidebook 2]
Zigzag Journeys in the Camel Country, by Samuel M. Zwemer 56314
and Amy E. Zwemer
[Subtitle: Arabia in Picture and Story]
Writings of Thomas Jefferson Vol. 8 of 9 56313
[Subtitle: Being His Autobiography, Correspondence, Reports,
Messages, Addresses, and Other Writings, Official and Private]
Rules and Examples of Perspective proper for Painters 56312
and Architects, etc., by Andrea Pozzo
[Subtitle: In English and Latin: Containing a most easie
and expeditious method to delineate in perspective all
designs relating to architecture]
[Illustrator: John Sturt]
The Book of the Ocean, by Ernest Ingersoll 56311
The Undercurrent, by Robert Grant 56310
[Illustrator: F. C. Yohn]
Madame Sans-Gêne, par Edmond Lepelletier                                56309
[Subtitle: tome II: La Maréchale]
[Language: French]
When I was your age, by Laura E. Richards                               56308
Awdeley's Fraternitye of Vacabondes, Harman's Caueat, 56307
Haben's Sermon, &c., by John Awdeley, Thomas Harman,
and Parson Haben
Living the Radiant Life, by George Wharton James 56306
[Subtitle: A Personal Narrative]
The Moon, by James Nasmyth and James Carpenter 56305
[Subtitle: considered as a planet, a world, and a satellite]
American Indian Ways of Life: An Interpretation of the Archaeology 56304
of Illinois and Adjoining Areas, by Thorne Deuel
[Subtitle: Story of Illinois Series, #9]
Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, Nebraska, by the United States 56303
National Park Service
The Source and Mode of Solar Energy Throughout the Universe, 56302
by Isaac Winter Heysinger
Hacia una Moral sin Dogmas, por José Ingenieros 56301
[Subtitle: Lecciones sobre Emerson y el Eticismo]
[Language: Spanish]
Low Tide on Grand Pré, by Bliss Carman                                  56300
[Subtitle: A Book of Lyrics]
>From Convent to Conflict, by Sister Marie Antoine 56299
[Subtitle: A Nun's Account of the Invasion of Belgium]
The Four Roads, by Sheila Kaye-Smith 56298
A Boy of Old Japan, by Robert Van Bergen 56297
Török világ Magyarországon (2. rész), által Mór Jókai 56296
[Subtitle: Történeti regény]
[Language: Hungarian]
Török világ Magyarországon (1. rész), által Mór Jókai 56295
[Subtitle: Történeti regény]
[Language: Hungarian]
Historical Record of the Twelfth, or The Prince of Wales's 56294
 Royal Regiment of Lancers, by Richard Cannon
[Subtitle: Containing an Account of the Formation of the
Regiment in 1715, and of its subsequent services to 1848]
Historical Record of the Tenth, or the North Lincolnshire, 56293
 Regiment of Foot, by Richard Cannon
[Subtitle: Containing an Account of the Formation of the
Regiment in 1685, and of its Subsequent Services to 1847]
Kultur in Cartoons, by Louis Raemaekers                                 56292
[Subtitle: With accompanying notes by well-known English writers]
Lao-can-you-ji-xu-pian, by e liu 56291
[Language: Chinese]
Men and Measures, by Edward Nicholson 56290
The Study of Astronomy, by John Stedman 56289
[Subtitle: adapted to the capacities of youth]
North American Wild Flowers, by Agnes FitzGibbon 56288
and Catharine Parr Traill
Simplex Munditiis, Gentlemen, by Mortimer de Lannoy 56287
and Reginald Harvey Arnold
Tudor school-boy life, by Juan Luis Vives 56286
[Subtitle: the dialogues of Juan Luis Vives]
The Oyster, by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray                           56285
[Subtitle: Where, How and When to Find, Breed, Cook and Eat It]
The Legend of Kupirri, by W. A. Cawthorne                               56284
[Subtitle: The Red Kangaroo]
Historia de las Indias, vol. 4 de 5, por Bartolomé de las Casas         56283
[Language: Spanish]
De Heilige Oorlog, door John Bunyan                                     56282
[Subtitle: gevoerd door Koning Elschaddai tegen Diabolus]
[Language: Dutch]
Schwabylon oder Der sturmfreie Junggeselle, durch Alexander Roda Roda 56281
[Language: German]
Stories from the Operas, by Gladys Davidson                             56280
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Dec 2017 to 31 Dec 2017 ~ ~ ~ ~
The Origin and Development of Christian Dogma, by Charles A. H. Tuthill 56279
[Subtitle: An essay in the science of history]
Frank Merriwell's Endurance, by Burt L. Standish 56278
[Subtitle: or A Square Shooter]
Derelicts, by James Sprunt 56277
[Subtitle: An Account of Ships Lost at Sea in General Commercial
Traffic and a Brief History of Blockade Runners Stranded Along
the North Carolina Coast 1861-1865]
Comical Pilgrim; or, Travels of a Cynick Philosopher..., by Anonymous 56276
[Subtitle: Thro' the most Wicked Parts of the World, Namely,
England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and Holland]
I'r Aifft Ac Yn Ol, by D. Rhagfyr Jones 56275
[Language: Welsh]
Ylioppilaita, mennessä Jalmari Finne 56274
[Subtitle: Kuvaus pohjalaisista ylioppilaista Turun Yliopistossa]
[Language: Finnish]
Rakkaudentarina, mennessä Jalmari Finne 56273
[Subtitle: Historiallinen romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Patty ja Priscilla, mennessä Jean Webster                               56272
[Language: Finnish]
Municipal Housecleaning, by William Parr Capes 56271
and Jeanne Daniels Carpenter
The Story of Noah's Ark, by E. Boyd Smith                               56270
Cupid's Cyclopedia, by Oliver Herford and John Cecil Clay 56269
25 Billeder for Børn, ved Christian Winther 56268
[Illustrator: S. Simonsen]
[Language: Danish]
The Game Fish, of the Norther States and British Provinces,              56267
by Robert Barnwell Roosevelt
Poetical Works of Robert Bridges, by Robert Bridges 56266
[Subtitle: Volume 4]
La mythologie du Rhin, par X.-B. Saintine                               56265
[Illustrator: Gustave Doré]
[Language: French]
Italian Fantasies, by Israel Zangwill 56264
How to Be a Man, by Harvey Newcomb 56263
[Subtitle: A Book for Boys, Containing Useful Hints
on the Formation of Character]
When We Were Strolling Players in the East, by Louise Jordan Miln 56262
Journal of the American-Irish Historical Society, Vol. 1, by Various   56261
Through Spain to the Sahara, by Matilda Betham-Edwards                  56260
In the Line, by Albertus T. Dudley                                      56259
 [Illustrator: Charles Copeland]
Hans Nielsen Hauge, mennessä Jakob B. Bull                              56258
[Language: Finnish]
Geschiedenis van Suriname, door J. Wolbers                              56257
[Language: Dutch]
A Probable Italian Source of Shakespeare's "Julius Cæsar", 56256
by Alexander Boecker
All But Lost Vol 2 of 3, by G. A. Henty 56255
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The flowers and gardens of Japan, by Florence Du Cane                   56254
[Illustrator: Ella Du Cane]
Vihdoinkin kotona, mennessä Hector Malot 56253
[Language: Finnish]
Elias Lönnrot, mennessä Oscar Albi Kallio 56252
[Language: Finnish]
Compendio de la historia general de América, 56251
por Carlos Navarro y Lamarca
[Subtitle: Tomo I]
[Language: Spanish]
Santa Claus' Message, by E. Franklin Tregaskis                          56250
[Subtitle: A Christmas Story]
The Problem of Manflight, by James Means 56249
Persian Literature, by Elizabeth A. Reed 56248
[Subtitle: Ancient and Modern]
Catty Atkins, by Clarence Budington Kelland 56247
Vehnäprinsessa, mennessä Jean Webster                                   56246
[Language: Finnish]
India and Indian Engineering, by Julius George Medley                  56245
[Subtitle: Three lectures delivered at the Royal
Engineer Institute, Chatham, in July 1872]
Sonnets and Poems, by Eleanor Farjeon                                   56244
The Mikado Jewel, by Fergus Hume 56243
The Gates of Dawn, by Fergus Hume 56242
The Indian Bangle, by Fergus Hume 56241
Virkistysmatka, mennessä Nuutti Vuoritsalo 56240
[Subtitle: 3-näytöksinen pila]
[Language: Finnish]
Festländer und Meere im Wechsel der Zeiten, durch Wilhelm Bölsche 56239
[Language: German]
Deerfoot on the Prairies, by Edward S. Ellis 56238
[Illustrator: J. Steeple Davis]
The Pink Shop, by Fergus Hume 56237
Treasure Of The Seas, by James De Mille 56236
[Subtitle: Illustrated]
Picked Up Adrift, by James De Mille 56235
[Subtitle: Illustrated]
Fire In The Woods, by James De Mille 56234
[Subtitle: Illustrated]
The Purple Fern, by Fergus Hume 56233
The Boys Of Grand Pré School, by James De Mille 56232
[Subtitle: The "B. O. W. C." Series; Illustrated]
The "B. O. W. C.", by James De Mille 56231
[Subtitle: A Book For Boys; Illustrated]
The Amethyst Cross, by Fergus Hume 56230
The Young Wireless Operator, With the Oyster Fleet, by Lewis E. Theiss 56229
[Subtitle: How Alec Cunningham Won His Way
to the Top in the Oyster Business]
[Illustrator: Frank T. Merrill]
Poems, by Cora C. Bass 56228
The Bath Comedy, by Agnes Castle and Egerton Castle 56227
Conrad in Quest of His Youth, by Leonard Merrick 56226
[Subtitle: An Extravagance of Temperament]
Hajamietteitä kapinaviikoilta I, mennessä Juhani Aho 56225
[Subtitle: Ensimmäinen ja toinen viikko]
[Language: Finnish]
Rooman keisareita marmorihahmossa, by Viktor Rydberg 56224
Oat Meal, The War Winner, by James Ritchie Grieve 56223
[Subtitle: Being Glimpses and Reminisences Of Scotland
and Its People]
Bertha's Christmas Vision: An Autumn Sheaf, by Horatio Alger 56222
Backwater, by Dorothy M. Richardson                                     56221
[Subtitle: Pilgrimage, Volume 2]
Historical record of the Seventh Regiment, or The Royal Fusiliers, 56220
by Richard Cannon
[Subtitle: Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment
in 1685, and of its subsequent services to 1846]
Origen de los indios de América. Origen y civilizaciones 56219
de los indÃgenas del Perú, por Carlos Prince
[Language: Spanish]
Following the Sun-Flag, by John Fox 56218
[Subtitle: A Vain Pursuit Through Manchuria]
San Francisco Relief Survey; the organization and methods 56217
of relief used after the earthquake and fire of
April 18, 1906, by Charles James O'Connor
Rodney, the Overseer, by Harry Castlemon 56216
The School Four, by Albertus T. Dudley 56215
[Illustrator: Charles Copeland]
Im schwarzen Walfisch zu Askalon, durch Joseph Victor von Scheffel 56214
[Subtitle: Rastlieder]
[Language: German]
Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume 2, by Various 56213
Comme quoi Napoléon n'a jamais existé, par Pérès Jean-Baptiste 56212
[Subtitle: ou Grand erratum source d'un nombre infini
d'errata à noter dans l'histoire du XIXe siècle]
[Language: French]
Recollections of Rifleman Harris, old 95th, by Benjamin Harris 56211
[Subtitle: with anecdotes of his officers and his comrades]
The Lincoln Country in Pictures, by Carl Frazier and Rosalie Frazier 56210
Gettysburg National Military Park, Pennsylvania, by Frederick Tilberg 56209
[Subtitle: National Park Service Historical Handbook Series #9]
Philip Hale's Boston Symphony Programme Notes 56208
Strive and Succeed, by Horatio Alger 56207
[Subtitle: or The Progress of Walter Conrad]
My Book of Ten Fishes, by Rosalie G. Mendel 56206
[Illustrator: Hazel Frazee]
Voyager 1 Encounters Saturn, by the National Aeronautics 56205
and Space Administration
The Unspeakable Scot, by Thomas William Hodgson Crosland 56204
List of Post Offices in Canada 1864, by Postmaster General of Canada 56203
Shi Yi Ji, by Jia Wang, Qi Xiao, and Zhi Ping Qi 56202
[Subtitle: Shi Yi Lu]
[Language: Chinese]
British Bees, by William Edward Shuckard 56201
[Subtitle: An Introduction into the Studies of the Natural History
and Economy of the Bees Indigenous to the British Isles]
Queen Anna's New World of Words, by John Florio 56200
[Subtitle: or Dictionarie of the Italian and English tongues]
Away to school: 'Ãlta'góó, by Cecil S. King 56199
[Subtitle: Navajo New World Readers 1]
[Illustrator: Franklin Kahn]
The Abandoned Country, by Luis Senarens 56198
[Subtitle: or, Frank Reade, Jr., Exploring a New Continent]
Cupid's Fair-Weather Booke, by Oliver Herford and John Cecil Clay 56197
[Subtitle: Including an Almanack for Any Two Years
(True Love Ought to Last That Long)]
The Three Voyages of Captain Cook Round the World, Vol. 1, Being 56196
the First of the First Voyage, by James Cook, Joseph Banks,
and Dr. Hawkesworth
The Boy Volunteers on the Belgian Front, by Kenneth Ward 56195
Suomalaisia sankareita II, mennessä Santeri Ivalo and Kyösti Wilkuna 56194
[Subtitle: Historiallisia kertomuksia]
[Language: Finnish]
Suomalaisia sankareita I, mennessä Santeri Ivalo and Kyösti Wilkuna 56193
[Subtitle: Historiallisia kertomuksia]
[Language: Finnish]
Germaniens Götter, durch Rudolf Herzog 56192
[Illustrators: Robert Engels and Paul Hartmann]
[Language: German]
The Cruel Murder of Mina Miller, by Unknown 56191
Warren Commission Hearings, Volume 14 56190
[Subtitle: Investigation of the Assassination
of President John F. Kennedy]
Erdély aranykora, által Mór Jókai 56189
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Language: Hungarian]
Rämeissä, mennessä Väinö Pietilä 56188
[Subtitle: Kuvaus yhteiskunnan pohjakerroksesta]
[Language: Finnish]
Historical Manual of English Prosody, by George Saintsbury 56187
Argentina and Uruguay, by Gordon Ross 56186
The Abounding American, by Thomas William Hodgson Crosland 56185
Brother Van, by Stella W. Brummitt 56184
Andein tytär, mennessä Erkki West 56183
[Author a.k.a. Ernst Robert Magnus Winter]
[Language: Finnish]
Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der bloÃen Vernunft, 56182
durch Immanuel Kant
[Subtitle: Text der Ausgabe 1793, mit Beifügung
der Abweichungen der Ausgabe 1794]
[Language: German]
The Ohio Journal of Science, by Various 56181
York and Lancaster, by William Garmon Jones 56180
[Subtitle: 1399-1485]
The Boy Volunteers with the British Artillery, by Kenneth Ward 56179
Forward from Babylon, by Louis Golding 56178
The Island of Fantasy, by Fergus Hume 56177
[Subtitle: A Romance]
Guild Court, by George MacDonald 56176
[Subtitle: A London Story]
The Gray Scalp, by Edward Willett 56175
[Subtitle: Or, The Blackfoot Brave]
Sämmtliche Werke 7: Briefwechsel I, durch Nikolaj Gogol 56174
[Language: German]
Théodore de Neuhoff, par André Joseph Ghislain Le Glay 56173
[Subtitle: Roi de Corse]
[Language: French]
Gunvor Kjeld, papin tytär, mennessä Thomas Peter Krag 56172
[Language: Finnish]
A Journey in Brazil, by Louis Agassiz and Elizabeth Cabot Cary Agassiz 56171
The Surprise Book, by Patten Beard 56170
[Illustrator: Alice Beard]
Billy To-morrow Stands the Test, by Sarah Pratt Carr 56169
[Illustrator: H. S. Delay]
The Viking Age, Volume 2 of 2, by Paul B. Du Chaillu 56168
[Subtitle: The early history, manners, and customs of
the ancestors of the English-speaking nations]
The Viking Age, Volume 1 of 2, by Paul B. Du Chaillu 56167
[Subtitle: The early history, manners, and customs of
the ancestors of the English-speaking nations]
Word Portraits of Famous Writers, by Mabel Elizabeth Wotton 56166
Neither Here Nor There, by Oliver Herford 56165
Das lebende Lichtbild, by Franz Paul Liesegang 56164
[Subtitle: Entwicklung, Wesen und Bedeutung des Kinematographen]
[Language: German]
Untuvainen y.m. kertomuksia, mennessä Selma Lagerlöf 56163
[Language: Finnish]
Illustrated Dictionary of Gardening, Division 1; A to Car, by Various 56162
[Subtitle: A Practical and Scientific Encyclopaedia of Horticulture]
The Three Furlongers, by Sheila Kaye-Smith 56161
Sigrid Persdotter Bjurcrona, ay Ernst Didring 56160
[Subtitle: En släktroman]
[Language: Swedish]
Auroræ: Their Characters and Spectra, by J. Rand Capron 56159
The Story of Gösta Berling, by Selma Lagerlöf 56158
Nether Lochaber, by Alexander Stewart 56157
[Subtitle: The Natural History, Legends,
and Folk-lore of the West Highlands]
Venus im Pelz, durch Leopold von Sacher-Masoch 56156
[Illustrator: Fritz Buchholz]
[Language: German]
Fairy Tales from Gold Lands, by May Wentworth 56155
The Man From Bar 20, by Clarence E. Mulford 56154
[Subtitle: A Story of the Cow Country]
[Illustrator: Frank E. Schoonover]
Evening Tales, by Jean Baptiste Frédéric Ortoli 56153
Das Recht der Hagestolze, durch Julius Wolff 56152
[Subtitle: Eine Heiratsgeschichte aus dem Neckartal]
[Illustrator: K. Storch]
[Language: German]
The Benefit of the Doubt, a Comedy in Three Acts, by Arthur Wing Pinero 56151
American Missionary, Volume 35, No. 11, November, 1881, by Various 56150
A rebours, par Joris-Karl Huysmans 56149
[Illustrator: Auguste Leroux]
[Language: French]
Erakkomaisteri, mennessä Osmo Lajula 56148
[Author a.k.a. J. P. Raivio]
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
General Anatomy, Applied to Physiology and Medicine, 56147
Vol. 2 of 3, by Xavier Bichat
The Two Maps of Europe, by Hilaire Belloc 56146
[Subtitle: And some other Aspects of the Great War]
Tribal Custom in Anglo-Saxon Law, by Frederic Seebohm 56145
[Subtitle: Being an Essay Supplemental to
(1) 'The English Village Community',
(2) 'The Tribal System in Wales']
Folk Lore Notes, Vol. 1, Gujarat, by A. M. T. Jackson 56144
With Roberts to Pretoria, by G. A. Henty 56143
[Subtitle: A Tale of The South African War]
[Illustrator: William Rainey]
Patsy, by Henry De Vere Stacpoole 56142
The British Interned in Switzerland, by H. P. Picot 56141
In the Footprints of Charles Lamb, by Benjamin Ellis Martin             56140
[Illustrators: Herbert Railton and John Fulleylove]
Jääkärin muistelmia, mennessä Jalmari Kara                              56139
[Language: Finnish]
Zakflora voor Suriname [Deel I], door A. Pulle 56138
[Subtitle: Bulletin van het Koloniaal Museum te Haarlem No. 47]
[Language: Dutch]
Rules and Directions for the Employment of Injections 56137
in Various Diseases, by Thomas Lewis
Die altindische Säule, durch Hans Sohrmann 56136
[Language: German]
Tobacco: Growing, Curing, & Manufacturing, by C. G. Warnford Lock 56135
[Subtitle: A Handbook for Planters in All Parts of the World]
Girls and Athletics, by Spalding 56134
[Subtitle: Giving a summary of the activity, rules
and method of administration etc. etc.]
Flowers of the Sky, by Richard A. Proctor 56133
Earthwork Slips and Subsidences upon Public Works, by John Newman 56132
[Subtitle: Their Causes, Prevention, and Reparation]
Punakaartin päällikön tytär, mennessä Lauri Soini 56131
[Kirjailija a.k.a. Lauri Sauramo]
[Subtitle: Salapoliisiromaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Letters to a Friend, by John Muir 56130
[Subtitle: Written to Mrs. Ezra S. Carr, 1866-1879]
The Book of the Fly, by G. Hurlstone Hardy 56129
[Subtitle: A nature study of the house-fly and its kin,
the fly plague and a cure]
The Cottage on the Fells, by Henry De Vere Stacpoole 56128
Die Thurmuhr, durch Friedrich Gustav Normann 56127
[Subtitle: eine Reichen-fibel für kleine Kinder]
[Illustrator: Friedrich Gustav Normann]
[Language: German]
The son of Don Juan, by José Ãchegaray     56126
[Subtitle: an original drama in 3 acts inspired by
the reading of Ibsen's work entitled 'Gengangere']
Kuvia ja kuvitelmia Suomen historiasta III, mennessä Various 56125
[Language: Finnish]
Kuvia ja kuvitelmia Suomen historiasta II, mennessä Various 56124
[Language: Finnish]
Kuvia ja kuvitelmia Suomen historiasta I, mennessä Various 56123
[Language: Finnish]
Harper's Young People, March 14, 1882, by Various 56122
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Weekly]
Shout Treason, by Francis Foulke Beirne 56121
[Subtitle: The Trial of Aaron Burr]
Pop-Guns, by Frances Elizabeth Barrow 56120
[Subtitle: One Serious and One Funny]
The Great Lord Burghley, by Martin Andrew Sharp Hume 56119
[Subtitle: A study in Elizabethan statecraft]
General Anatomy, Applied to Physiology and Medicine, 56118
Vol. 1 of 3, by Xavier Bichat
Genom mina guldbågade glasögon, av Albert Engström                      56117
[Subtitle: Samlade berättelser av Albert Engström]
[Language: Swedish]
Kuvaelmia itä-suomalaisten vanhoista tavoista 6: Naimistavat, 56116
mennessä Johannes Häyhä
[Language: Finnish]
Kuvaelmia itä-suomalaisten vanhoista tavoista 5: Kesäaskareet, 56115
mennessä Johannes Häyhä
[Language: Finnish]
Kuvaelmia itä-suomalaisten vanhoista tavoista 4: Talvitoimet, 56114
mennessä Johannes Häyhä
[Language: Finnish]
Irrigation Works, by E. S. Bellasis 56113
[Subtitle: The Principles on which their
Design and Working should be Based...]
The Man Behind the Bars, by Winifred Louise Taylor 56112
The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. 20, No. 989, December 10, 1898, by Various 56111
Führende Denker, durch Jonas Cohn 56110
[Subtitle: Geschichtliche Einleitung in die Philosophie]
[Language: German]
Bringing up the Boy, by Carl Werner 56109
[Subtitle: A Message to Fathers and Mothers from a
Boy of Yesterday Concerning the Men of To-morrow]
Erakkojärveläiset, mennessä Lauri Hannikainen 56108
[Subtitle: Palanen saloelämää]
[Language: Finnish]
Leppirannan Lauri, mennessä Jaakko Nikkinen 56107
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
John Brown's Raid, by National Park Service 56106
[Subtitle: National Park Service History Series]
The Dickens Country, by Frederic G. Kitton 56105
[Illustrator: T. W. Tyrrell]
Walks in Washington, by Francis E. Leupp                                56104
Lloyd's Treatise on Hats, by Robert Lloyd 56103
[Subtitle: With Twenty-Four Engravings]
American Missionary, Volume 35, No. 9, September, 1881, by Various 56102
Sweet Rocket, by Mary Johnston                                          56101
Ten years of missionary work among the Indians at Skokomish, 56100
 Washington Territory, 1874-1884, by Myron Eells
The Review, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1911, by Various 56099