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* New eBook Listings from August 2019
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Aug 2019 to 31 Aug 2019 ~ ~ ~ ~
Kylän lauluja, by Larin-Kyösti 60130
[Language: Finnish]
A Visit to the Sarö and Shera Yögurs, by C. G. E. Mannerheim 60129
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 40, No. 1, January 1852, by Various 60128
Monotonie, by Alfredo Oriani 60127
[Language: Italian]
Pens and Types, by Benjamin Drew 60126
[Subtitle: or Hints and Helps for Those
who Write, Print, Read, Teach, or Learn]
Love of the Wild, by Archie P. McKishnie 60125
The Girl of the Golden Gate, by William Brown Meloney 60124
The Wonderful Year, by William J. Locke 60123
The Tale of Triona, by William J. Locke 60122
The Glory of Clementina Wing, by William J. Locke 60121
The House of Baltazar, by William J. Locke 60120
Isis very much unveiled, being the story of the great mahatma hoax, 60119
by Edmund Garrett
Casa Grande Ruins Trail, by Anonymous 60118
Los Desastres de la guerra, by Francisco de Goya 60117
[Subtitle: colección de ochenta láminas inventadas
y grabadas al agua fuerte]
[Language: Spanish]
West Side Studies: Boyhood and Lawlessness, The Neglected Girl, 60116
by Ruth Smiley True
Idillii spezzati, by Antonio Fogazzaro 60115
[Language: Italian]
The Sardonic Arm, by Maxwell Bodenheim 60114
A student's history of education, by Frank Pierrepont Graves 60113
Ireton, A Poem, by Thomas Bailey 60112
Nala och Dayamanti, by Anonymous 60111
[Subtitle: En indisk dikt ur Mahabharata]
[Language: Swedish]
Harper's Round Table, December 15, 1896, by Various 60110
Floyd's Flowers, Or Duty and Beauty For Colored Children, 60109
by Silas X. Floyd
[Subtitle: Being One Hundred Short Stories Gleaned
from the Storehouse of Human Knowledge and Experience,
Simple, Amusing, Elevating]
Legend of the blemished king and other poems, by James H. Cousins 60108
[Illustrator: Lewis H. Victory]
Five Minute Sermons, Vol. 1, by Rev. Algernon A. Brown and Anonymous 60107
Tableau historique et pittoresque de Paris depuis les Gaulois 60106
jusqu'à nos jours (Tome 6/8), by Jacques-Maximilien Benjamin
Bins de Saint-Victor
[Language: French]
The Great Galveston Disaster, by Paul Lester 60105
[Subtitle: Containing a Full and Thrilling Account
of the Most Appalling Calamity of Modern Times
Including Vivid Descriptions of the Hurricane
Pilgrimages to the Spas in Pursuit of Health and Recreation, 60104
by James Johnson
[Subtitle: With an inquiry into the comparative merits
of different mineral waters; the maladies to which they
are applicable, and those in which they are injurious]
What a Colored Man Should Do to Vote, by Anonymous 60103
Wanderer of the Wasteland, by Zane Grey 60102
[Illustrator: W. Herbert Dunton]
Large Fees and how to get them, by Albert V. Harmon 60101
and George Frank Lydston
[Subtitle: A book for the private use of physicians]
Anthony Trollope; His Work, Associates and Literary Originals, 60100
by T. H. S. Escott
Cecilia of the Pink Roses, by Katharine Haviland Taylor 60099
[Illustrator: May Wilson Preston]
Mr. Rabbit at Home, by Joel Chandler Harris 60098
[Subtitle: A sequel to Little Mr. Thimblefinger and his Queer Country]
[Illustrator: Oliver Herford]
Horses and Men, by Sherwood Anderson 60097
[Subtitle: Tales, long and short, from our American life]
Mr. Fortune's Practice, by H. C. Bailey 60096
Croatian Tales of Long Ago, by Ivana Brlic-Mazuranic 60095
[Illustrator: Vladimir Kirin]
Suomen kansan seikkailusatuja, by Iivo Härkönen 60094
[Subtitle: Kolmas sarja suomalaisia satuja lapsille ja nuorisolle]
[Language: Finnish]
Cane, by Jean Toomer 60093
La donna nella vita e nelle opere di Giacomo Leopardi, 60092
by Emma Boghen-Conigliani
[Language: Italian]
A Brief History of the Worshipful Company of Ironmongers, 60091
by Theophilus Charles Noble
[Subtitle: London A.D. 1351-1889, with an Appendix
Containing Some Account of the Blacksmiths' Company]
[Illustrator: George Cruikshank]
The Dim Lantern, by Temple Bailey 60090
[Illustrator: Coles Phillips]
Der Snob, by Carl Sternheim 60089
[Language: German]
Le streghe, by Defendente Sacchi 60088
[Subtitle: dono del folletto alle signore]
[Language: Italian]
Influenza, by Provincial Board of Health Ontario 60087
The Boy Travellers in The Russian Empire, by Thomas W. Knox 60086
[Subtitle: Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey in European
and Asiatic Russia, with Accounts of a Tour across Siberia]
Il Parlamento Nazionale Napoletano per gli anni 1820 e 1821, by Various 60085
[Subtitle: memorie e documenti]
[Language: Italian]
Life in Southern Prisons, by Charles Smedley 60084
[Subtitle: From the Diary of Corporal Charles Smedley]
Harper's Round Table, December 8, 1896, by Various 60083
The Stock Exchange from Within, by W. C. van Antwerp 60082
Star People, by Katharine Fay Dewey 60081
[Illustrator: Frances B. Comstock]
Le fourbe, by Marcel Boulenger 60080
[Language: French]
Le Grand Écart, by Jean Cocteau 60079
[Language: French]
The White Heart of Mojave, by Edna Brush Perkins 60078
[Subtitle: An Adventure with the Outdoors of the Desert]
The Millennium and Other Poems, by Parley P. Pratt 60077
An Englishwoman in Utah, by Mrs. T. B. H. Stenhouse 60076
[Subtitle: The Story of A Life's Experience in Mormonism]
A Memoir of Thomas Bewick, by Thomas Bewick 60075
[Subtitle: Written by himself]
The Mysterious Stranger, by John T. McCutcheon 60074
[Subtitle: and other cartoons]
The Forlorn Hope, Vol. 2 of 2, by Edmund Yates 60073
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Forlorn Hope, Vol. 1 of 2, by Edmund Yates 60072
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Principles of politeness, and of knowing the world, 60071
by Philip Dormer Stanhope
[Author a.k.a. The Earl of Chesterfield]
Texas Gemstones, by Elbert A. King, Jr. 60070
Ritratti letterari, by Edmondo De Amicis 60069
[Language: Italian]
Ethical philosophy of life presented in its main outlines, 60068
by Felix Adler
Leave it to Psmith, by P. G. Wodehouse 60067
Kiana, a Tradition of Hawaii, by James Jackson Jarves 60066
Wings and Stings, by A. L. O. E 60065
[Subtitle: A Tale for the Young]
Dorothea Beale of Cheltenham, by Elizabeth Raikes 60064
I filtrati dolci, by Giuseppe De Astis 60063
[Language: Italian]
Die Frauenfrage im Mittelalter, by Karl Bücher 60062
[Language: German]
The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, by Various 60061
[Subtitle: Vol. 86, No. 5, September, 1913]
With Poor Immigrants in America, by Stephen Graham 60060
The Lunarian Professor and His Remarkable Revelations Concerning 60059
the Earth, the Moon and Mars, by James Bradun Alexander
[Subtitle: Together with An Account of the Cruise of the Sally Ann]
Giphantia, by Charles-François Tiphaigne de La Roche 60058
[Subtitle: Or a View of What Has Passed, What Is Now Passing,
and, During the Present Century, What Will Pass, in the World]
The Uses of Diversity, by G. K. Chesterton 60057
[Subtitle: A book of essays]
Scrap Book of Mormon Literature, Vol. 1 of 2, by Charles W. Penrose, 60056
B. H. Roberts, Orson Pratt, and Parley P. Pratt
[Subtitle: Religious Tracts]
The Boy Fortune Hunters in Alaska, by Lyman Frank Baum 60055
[Author a.k.a. Floyd Akers]
Romantic Love and Personal Beauty, by Henry Theophilus Finck 60054
[Subtitle: Their development, causal relations,
historic and national peculiarities]
The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. 20, No. 1013, May 27, 1899, by Various 60053
Comment on Prononce le Français, by Phillipe H. Martinon 60052
[Subtitle: Traité complet de prononciation pratique
avec le noms propres et les mots étrangers]
[Language: French]
Glimpses of America, by James W. Buel 60051
[Subtitle: Our Country's Scenic Marvels]
The Book of Herbs, by Rosalind Northcote 60050
Lehtisiä mietekirjastani, by Zacharias Topelius 60049
[Language: Finnish]
The History of the Rifle Brigade (the Prince Consort's Own) 60048
Formerly the 95th, by William Henry Cope
The Englishwoman in Egypt, by Sophia Lane Poole 60047
[Subtitle: Letters from Cairo]
Tatlings, by Sydney Tremayne 60046
[Illustrator: Anne Harriet Fish]
The Golden Wheel Dream-book and Fortune-teller, by Felix Fontaine 60045
[Subtitle: Being the most complete work on fortune-telling
and interpreting dreams ever printed, etc. etc]
Against This Age, by Maxwell Bodenheim 60044
Tunneling: A Practical Treatise, by Charles Prelini 60043
The Moon Princess, by Edith Ogden Harrison 60042
[Subtitle: A Fairy Tale]
[Illustrator: Lucy Fitch Perkins]
Hampshire Days, by W. H. Hudson 60041
Notes on Novelists, by Henry James 60040
[Subtitle: With Some Other Notes]
The Secret of Heroism, by William Lyon Mackenzie King 60039
[Subtitle: A Memoir of Henry Albert Harper]
Great Men as Prophets of a New Era, by Newell Dwight Hillis 60038
Clipped Wings, by Rupert Hughes 60037
Clemenceau, by H. M. Hyndman 60036
[Subtitle: The Man and His Time]
History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin, 60035
Vol. 4 of 8, by J. H. Merle D'Aubigné
The Principles of Ornament, by James Ward 60034
Lucien Leeuwen ou l'Amarante et le Noir, by Stendhal 60033
[Subtitle: Tome Second]
[Illustrator: Maximilien Vox]
[Language: French]
Miti, leggende e superstizioni del Medio Evo, vol. II, by Arturo Graf 60032
[Language: Italian]
Miti, leggende e superstizioni del Medio Evo, vol. I, by Arturo Graf 60031
[Language: Italian]
Lucien Leeuwen ou l'Amarante et le Noir, by Stendhal 60030
[Subtitle: Tome Premier]
[Illustrator: Maximilien Vox]
[Language: French]
Seventeen Talks on the Banking Question, by Charles Newell Fowler 60029