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* New eBook Listings from July through August 2020
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Nov 2020 to 30 Nov 2020 ~ ~ ~ ~
Company K, First Alabama Regiment, by Daniel P. Smith 63820
[Subtitle: or, Three Years in the Confederate Service]
Claude's Confession, by Émile Zola 63819
A Half Century Among the Siamese and the Lāo, by Daniel McGilvary 63818
[Subtitle: An Autobiography]
Fog of the Forgotten, by Basil Wells 63817
La vuelta al mundo de un novelista; vol. 2/3, by Vincente Blasco Ibáñez 63816
[Language: Spanish]
Frank Merriwell on the Road, by Burt L. Standish 63815
[Subtitle: The All-Star Combination]
The Dry Collodion Process, by Charles Long 63814
In His Image, by Bryce Walton 63813
Grandma Perkins and the Space Pirates, by James McConnell 63812
Herra Byronin ammatti, by Bernard Shaw 63811
[Language: Finnish]
La vuelta al mundo de un novelista, Vol. 1/3, by Vincente Blasco Ibáñez 63810
[Language: Spanish]
The Little Review, Vol. 1, No. 4, June 1914, by Margaret C. Anderson 63809
Space Bat, by Carl Selwyn 63808
The Great Green Blight, by Emmett McDowell 63807
Courtin' Christina, by J. J. Bell 63806
Old Sports and Sportsmen, by John Randall 63805
[Subtitle: or, the Willey Country]
L'esprit dans l'histoire, by Édouard Fournier 63804
[Subtitle: Recherches et curiosités sur les mots historiques]
[Language: French]
Forms of Water in Clouds and Rivers, Ice and Glaciers, by John Tyndall 63803
Unter den Hohen Tauern, by Arthur Achleitner 63802
[Subtitle: Ein Roman aus der Steiermark]
[Language: German]
Kultur-Kuriosa, Zweiter Band, by Max Kemmerich 63801
[Language: German]
Kultur-Kuriosa, Erster Band, by Max Kemmerich 63800
[Language: German]
Tepondicon, by Carl Jacobi 63799
The Water-Colours of J. M. W. Turner 63798
Dawn Of the Demi-Gods, by Raymond Z. Gallun 63797
What Hath Me?, by Henry Kuttner 63796
The Shadow-Gods, by Vaseleos Garson 63795
La comédie de celui qui épousa une femme muette, by Anatole France 63794
[Language: French]
Little Helpers, by Margaret Vandegrift 63793
Memoir of the early campaigns of the Duke of Wellington, 63792
in Portugal and Spain, by John Fane Westmorland
[Subtitle: By an officer employed in his army]
For a Night of Love, by Émile Zola 63791
Rosemary and Pansies, by Effie Smith 63790
Ljungarsin taru, by Zacharias Topelius 63789
[Language: Finnish]
Plants Poisonous to Live Stock, by Harold C. Long 63788
The Purple Pariah, by Byron Tustin 63787
Engines of the Gods, by Gardner F. Fox 63786
A Nation in the Loom, by Reinert August Jernberg 63785
[Subtitle: The Scandinavian Fibre in Our Social Fabric]
Lead Smelting and Refining, by Various 63784
[Subtitle: With notes on lead mining]
Savage Galahad, by Bryce Walton 63783
Example, by Tom Pace 63782
A Group of Famous Women, by Edith Horton 63781
[Subtitle: stories of their lives]
The Story Hour, Vol. 1, No. 2, December, 1908, by Various 63780
[Subtitle: A Magazine of Methods and Materials for Story Tellers]
The Blue Venus, by Emmett McDowell 63779
Poetry of the Anti-jacobin, by Various 63778
[Subtitle: Comprising the Celebrated Political and Satirical
Poems of the Rt. Hons. G. Canning, John Hookham Frere,
W. Pitt, the Marquis Wellesley, G. Ellis, W. Gifford, the
Earl of Carlisle, and Others]
Amica America, by Jean Giraudoux 63777
[Illustrator: Maxime Dethomas]
[Language: French]
Eight Dramas of Calderon, by Pedro Calderon de la Barca 63776
Legend, by Clemence Dane 63775
Sanajalkoja, by Kustaa Killinen 63774
[Subtitle: Vihkonen runoelmia]
[Language: Finnish]
Jours de famine et de détresse, by Neel Doff 63773
[Language: French]
The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. 20, No. 1029, September 16, 1899, by Various 63772
The Clay Industries, by John Randall 63771
[Subtitle: including the Fictile & Ceramic Arts
on the banks of the Severn]
The Christian serving his own generation, by John Alexander 63770
[Subtitle: A Sermon occasioned by the lamented death
of Joseph John Gurney, Esq.]
Christ Remembered at his Table, by John Alexander 63769
Post-scriptum de ma vie, by Victor Hugo 63768
[Language: French]
Una excursión a los indios ranqueles - Tomo 2, by Lucio Mansilla 63767
[Language: Spanish]
Man nth, by Gardner F. Fox 63766
The Divine and Perpetual Obligation of the Observance of the Sabbath, 63765
by John Perowne
Divine Mercy: or the temporal advantages of the Sabbath, by George Bryan 63764
Prospects of the Church of England, by Charles John Vaughan 63763
[Subtitle: a sermon]
Nymphes dansant avec des satyres, by René Boylesve 63762
[Language: French]
A Letter to the Viscount Palmerston, M.P. &c. &c. &c. on the 63761
Monitorial System of Harrow School, by Charles John Vaughan
Pohjolan puolukoita, by Various 63760
[Subtitle: Keräymä runoja, suomennoksia ja alkuperäisiä]
[Language: Finnish]
The Brain Sinner, by Alan E. Nourse 63759
The Moon and the Sun, by James McKimmey 63758
Breath of Beelzebub, by Larry Sternig 63757
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 751, 63756
May 18, 1878, by Various
A few words on the Crystal Palace Question, by Charles John Vaughan 63755
All In The Day's Work, by Ida M. Tarbell 63754
[Subtitle: An Autobiography]
A Second Letter on the late Post Office Agitation, 63753
by Charles John Vaughan
Frank Merriwell on the Boulevards, by Burt L Standish 63752
[Subtitle: Astonishing the Europeans]
The Derelict, by William J. Matthews 63751
The Story Tellers' Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 2, July 1913, by Various 63750
Mimsy's Joke, by Millard Grimes 63749
Mary Boyle--Her Book, by Mary Louisa Boyle 63748
The Trinity Archive, Vol. 1, No. 5, March 1888, by Trinity College 63747
A Reply to Dr. Vaughan's "Letter on the late Post-Office Agitation", 63746
by James Roberts Pears
Beyond Rope and Fence, by David Grew 63745
Hier Zensur - wer dort?, by Heinrich Hubert Houben 63744
[Subtitle: Antworten von gestern auf Fragen von heute]
[Illustrator: Thomas Theodor Heine]
[Language: German]
Idole des Zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts, 8, Moral ohne Religion 63743
[Subtitle: Religiös-wissenschaftliche Vorträge]
[Language: German]
Sixty-Year Extension, by Alan E. Nourse 63742
The Galactic Ghost, by Mack Reynolds 63741
A Letter on the late Post Office Agitation, by Charles John Vaughan 63740
English Cathedrals Illustrated, by Francis Bond 63739
[Subtitle: Second and Revised Edition]
Subscription the disgrace of the English Church, 63738
by Charles Nourse Wodehouse
[Subtitle: First Edition]
Egypt and its Monuments, by Robert Hitchens 63737
[Illustrator: Jules Guérin]
A Letter to the Rev. C. N. Wodehouse, Canon of Norwich, 63736
occasioned by his late pamphlet, entitled "Subscription
the Disgrace of the English Church", by Charles Green
Subscription the disgrace of the English Church, 63735
by Charles Nourse Wodehouse
[Subtitle: Second Edition]
Le mariage de Chiffon, by Gyp 63734
[Language: French]
China and the Chinese, by Edmond Plauchut 63733
Elina, by Eino Leino 63732
[Subtitle: Murroskauden kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
Syria, the Desert and the Sown, by Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell 63731
[Illustrator: John Singer Sargent]
Books and Printing; a Treasury for Typophiles, by Various 63730
In the Garden of Delight, by Lily Hardy Hammond 63729
De spoorzoeker, by Gustave Aimard 63728
[Subtitle: Schetsen en Tooneelen uit de Amerikaansche wildernis]
[Language: Dutch]
A letter to the Rev. Charles N. Wodehouse, Canon of Norwich, 63727
occasioned by his recent publication, entitled, "What is the meaning
of Subscription?", by Charles Campbell
[Subtitle: with a few observations on the speech &c.
of the Lord Bishop of Norwich, on Subscription]
Pelléastres, by Jean Lorrain 63726
[Illustrator: Armand Rapeño]
[Language: French]
The Trinity Archive, Vol. 1, No. 4, February 1888, by Trinity College 63725
Death disarmed of its sting, by Lyman H. Atwater 63724
[Subtitle: A tribute to the memory of the Hon. Roger Minott Sherman,
being the discourse preached at his funeral, January 2, 1845]
Sämtliche Werke 7-8: Der Jüngling, by Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojews 63723
[Language: German]
Flyvefisken »Prometheus«, by Vilhelm Bergsøe 63722
[Subtitle: En Fremtidsfantasi]
[Language: Danish]
Mirage For Planet X, by Stanley Mullen 63721
Through the Asteroids--To Hell!, by Leroy Yerxa 63720
The Louvre: Fifty Plates in Colour, by Paul George Konody 63719
and Maurice W. Brockwell
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 5, May 1841, by Various 63718
Hærø kartanon Gunvor, by Alvilde Prydz 63717
[Language: Finnish]
The Time-Techs Of Kra, by Max Sheridan 63716
Enter the Nebula, by Carl Jacobi 63715
Ivan le terrible, by Alexis Tolstoy 63714
[Subtitle: ou la Russie au XIVe siècle]
[Language: French]
Land Beyond the Flame, by Evelyn Goldstein 63713
Expiation, by Dora Melegari 63712
[Language: French]
Godey's Lady's Book, Vol. 48-49, No. 18, May, 1854, by Various 63711
A Manual of Photographic Chemistry: Including the Practice 63710
of the Collodion Process, by T. Frederick Hardwich
Prisoner of the Brain-Mistress, by Bryce Walton 63709
Total Recall, by Larry Sternig 63708
The Primus Curse, by Bill Wesley 63707
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 4, April 1841, by Various 63706
Buffalo Bill's Bold Play, by Colonel Prentiss Ingraham 63705
[Subtitle: The Tiger of the Hills]
Some Impressions of My Elders, by St. John Greer Ervine 63704
Down Went McGinty, by Fox B. Holden 63703
Mary Anonymous, by Bryce Walton 63702
A Key into the Language of America, or an Help to the Language 63701
of the Natives in that part of America Called New-England,
by Roger Williams
[Subtitle: Together with Briefe Observations of the Customes,
Manners, and Worships, &c. of the Aforesaid Natives, etc.]
Historia del famoso predicador Fray Gerundio de Campazas, 63700
alias Zotes, 2 de 2, by José Francisco de Isla
[Language: Spanish]
Madame Roland, by Ida M. Tarbell 63699
[Subtitle: A biographical Study]
Biographical Catalogue of the Portraits at Panshanger, 63698
the Seat of Earl Cowper, K.G., by Mary Louisa Boyle
Space-Lane of No-Return, by George A. Whittington 63697
The Vanisher, by Michael Shaara 63696
Prodigal Weapon, by Vaseleos Garson 63695
Passage to Planet X, by Henry Hasse 63694
Mental Radio, by Upton Sinclair 63693
Familiar Animals, by Anonymous 63692
Sibylla, by Octave Feuillet 63691
[Language: Finnish]
Was Helmut in Deutschland erlebte, by Gabriele Reuter 63690
[Subtitle: Eine Jugendgeschichte]
[Illustrator: Rudolf Sievers]
On the Eve of Redemption, by Samuel Max Melamed 63689
No Posting 63688
The Geisha Memory, by Winston Marks 63687
Last Call From Sector 9G, by Leigh Brackett 63686
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 3, March 1841, by Various 63685
The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. 20, No. 1028, September 9, 1899, by Various 63684
Color Blind, by Charles A. Stearns 63683
A Yellow Aster, Vol. 1 of 3, by Kathleen Mannington Caffyn 63682
Tama, by Watanna Onoto 63681
[Illustrator: Genjiro Kataoka]
Memorias de un hombre de acción #14, Las figuras de cera, by Pío Baroja 63680
[Language: Spanish]
Les amours du chevalier de Faublas, tome 5/5, 63679
by Jean-Baptiste Louvet de Couvray
[Language: French]
Travels Through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West, 63678
by William Bartram
The Recluse, by Mike Curry 63677
The Pluto Lamp, by Charles A. Stearns 63676
Mutiny, by Larry Offenbecker 63675
[Illustrator: Joseph Doolin]
La Glu, by Jean Richepin 63674
[Langauge: French]
Narrative of My Captivity Among the Sioux Indians, by Fanny Kelly 63673
Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of Earth, by George Meredith 63672
Conservation Archaeology of the Richland/Chambers Dam and Reservoir, 63671
by L. Mark Raab and Randall W. Moir
50 Wonderful Ways to use Sour Cream from Appetizers to Desserts, 63670
by Anonymous
[Subtitle: Recipes from the Test Kitchen
of the American Dairy Association]
The Story Tellers' Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 1, June 1913, by Various 63669
Steel Giants of Chaos, by James R. Adams 63668
A Boy's Adventures Round the World, by John Andrew Higginson 63667
Napraforgók, by Mór Jókai 63666
[Subtitle: Ujabb beszélyek]
[Language: Hungarian]
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 2, February 1841, by Various 63665
Estudo de Guitarra, by Antonio da Silva Leite 63664
[Subtitle: Em que se Expoem o Meio Mais Facil para Aprender
a Tocar este Instrumento]
[Langauge: Portuguese]
Survival, by Basil Wells 63663
The Grave of Solon Regh, by Chas. A. Stearns 63662
Au Pays du Mufle, by Laurent Tailhade 63661
[Subtitle: Ballades et quatorzains. Préface d'Armand Silvestre]
[Langauge: French]
The Game of Chess, by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman 63660
The Roswell Report: Case Closed, by James McAndrew 63659
Crisis On Titan, by James R. Adams 63658
Venusian Invader, by Larry Sternig 63657
The Ultimate World, by Bryce Walton 63656
Quinta e Palacio da Bacalhôa em azeitão, by Joaquim Rasteiro 63655
[Language: Portuguese]
The House of Islâm, by Marmaduke Pickthall 63654
The Heart of Hyacinth, by Onoto Watanna 63653
[Illustrator: Kiyokichi Sano]
The Violators, by Eando Binder 63652
Woge und Wind, by Georg Reicke 63651
[Subtitle: Eine Strandnovelle in Versen]
[Langauge: German]
Meridiana: The Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians 63650
In South Africa, by Jules Verne
The Temptress (La tierra de todos), by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez 63649
Defense Mech, by Ray Bradbury 63648
La marchande de petits pains pour les canards, by René Boylesve 63647
[Language: French]
La Vie d'un Simple, by Émile Guillaumin 63646
[Subtitle: (Mémoires d'un Métayer)]
[Language: French]
The Last Monster, by Gardner F. Fox 63645
Schools of Hellas, by Kenneth John Freeman 63644
[Subtitle: An Essay on the Practice and Theory of
Ancient Greek Education from 600 to 300 B. C.]
Die Krankheit, by Alfred Henschke Klabund 63643
[Langauge: German]
Phœbe, by Eleanor Gates 63642
The New York Tombs Inside and Out!, by John Josiah Munro 63641
[Subtitle: Scenes and Reminiscences Coming Down to the
Present. A Story Stranger Than Fiction, with an
Historic Account of America's Most Famous Prison]
Jupiter's Joke, by A. L. Haley 63640
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 1, January 1841, by Various 63639
Electron Eat Electron, by Noel Loomis 63638
A Village in Picardy, by Ruth Gaines 63637
[Illustrator: Francisque Poulbot]
The Glad Tidings, by Ellet Joseph Waggoner 63636
Translation of the Life of Omar ibn Said: Manuscript No. 1, 63635
by Omar ibn Said
L'Amour impossible / La bague d'Annibal, 63634
by Jules Amédée Barbey d'Aurevilly
[Language: French]
Out of the Iron Womb!, by Poul Anderson 63633
Formula For Conquest, by James R. Adams 63632
"Phone Me In Central Park", by James McConnell 63631
Der Einzige auf der weiten Welt, by Karl Bienenstein 63630
[Subtitle: Ein Menschenleben]
[Language: German]
Walda, by Mary Holland Kinkaid 63629
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Childrens's Story of Westminster Abbey, by G. E. Troutbeck 63628
Elbukottak, by Dezső Szomory 63627
[Langauge: Hungarian]
Saaren seikkailija, by Emil Elenius 63626
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Langauge: Finnish]
Broken Butterflies, by Henry Walsworth Kinney 63625
The Life of David Belasco, Vol 2, by William Winter 63624
Pearl, its story, its charm and its value, by Wallis Richard Cattelle 63623
The Black Panther, by John Hall Wheelock 63622
[Subtitle: A book of poems]
My "Little Bit", by Marie Corelli 63621
Putting the Most Into Life, by Booker T. Washington 63620
Land and Sea Tales for Boys and Girls, by Rudyard Kipling 63619
A Little House in War Time, by Agnes Castle and Egerton Castle 63618
[Illustrator: Charles Robinson]
The Ultimate Eve, by H. Sanford Effron 63617
Hagerty's Enzymes, by A. L. Haley 63616
A Century's Progress in Astronomy, by Hector MacPherson 63615
With the Guns, by Cecil John Charles Street 63614
The Space Between, by Robert E. Gilbert 63613
Valkoinen hevonen, by Mayne Reid 63612
[Subtitle: Seikkailuja Meksikossa]
[Langauge: Finnish]
Olvasás közben, by Hugó Ignotus 63611
[Subtitle: Jegyzetek és megjegyzések]
[Langauge: Hungarian]
Speeches at the Constitutional Convention, by Robert Smalls 63610
[Subtitle: With the Right of Suffrage Passed
by the Constitutional Convention]
Beer-Trust Busters, by A. R. Stuart 63609
Dick Merriwell's Heroic Players, by Burt L. Standish 63608
[Subtitle: How the Yale Nine Won the Championship]
Galambos Pál naplója, Jobbadán Amerikában, by Viktor Rákosi 63607
[Langauge: Hungarian]
Lupe, by Afonso Celso de Assis Figueiredo 63606
[Language: Portuguese]
The Beast-Jewel Of Mars, by V. E. Thiessen 63605
Battlefield in Black, by George A. Whittington 63604
Andrée and his Balloon, by Henri Lachambre and Alexis Machuron 63603
Kulturgeschichte der Nutztiere, by Ludwig Reinhardt 63602
[Language: German]
Im Morgenlicht, by Hans Paasche 63601
[Subtitle: Kriegs-, Jagd- und Reise-Erlebnisse in Ostafrika]
[Language: German]
Una Excursión a los Indios Ranqueles - Tomo 1, by Lucio Mansilla 63600
[Language: Spanish]
When Thoughts Will Soar, by Baroness Bertha von Suttner 63599
[Subtitle: A romance of the immediate future]
The Essentials of Logic, by Bernard Bosanquet 63598
[Subtitle: Being Ten Lectures on Judgment and Inference]
The Aeroplane In War, by Claude Grahame-White and Harry Harper 63597
Our Navy at war, by Josephus Daniels 63596
Syntymä, lapsuus ja kuolema, by Samuli Paulaharju 63595
[Subtitle: Vienan Karjalan tapoja ja uskomuksia]
[Language: Finnish]
Kristiina Lauritsantytär III: Risti, by Sigrid Undset 63594
[Langauge: Finnish]
Outing, Vol. 13, October 1888, to March 1889, by Various 63593
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Recreation]
Cassell's Natural History, Vol. 3 of 6, by P. Martin Duncan, 63592
A. H. Garrod, W. S. Dallas, and R. Bowdler Sharpe
Greek Biology and Greek Medicine, by Charles Joseph Singer 63591
Midshipman Merrill, by Henry Harrison Lewis 63590
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Oct 2020 to 31 Oct 2020 ~ ~ ~ ~
Fräulein Doctor im Irrenhause, by Julie Thenen 63589
[Subtitle: Eine Begebenheit aus unserer Zeit]
[Language: German]
Within the Pale, by Michael Davitt 63588
[Subtitle: The True Story of Anti-Semitic Persecution in Russia]
Estampas de viaje, by Luis G. Urbina 63587
[Subtitle: España en los días de la guerra]
[Langauge: Spanish]
Solus eris, by Zoltán Ambrus 63586
[Langauge: Hungarian]
A bazini zsidók, by Lajos Biró 63585
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Language: Hungarian]
The Nuclear Ship Savannah, First Atomic Merchant Ship, by Anonymous 63584
Indians of Louisiana, by Anonymous 63583
Oliver's Bride; A true Story, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 63852
The age of science, by Merlin Nostradamus 63581
[Subtitle: A newspaper of the twentieth century]
The Loot of Cities, by Arnold Bennett 63580
[Subtitle: Being the Adventures of a Millionaire
in Search of Joy (A Fantasia), And Other Stories]
A Narrative of the Life and Travels of Mrs. Nancy Prince, 63579
by Nancy Gardner Prince
Lehtori Garthin avioliitto, by Elisabeth Maria Beskow 63578
[Language: Finnish]
Love Potions through the Ages, by Harry E. Wedeck 63577
[Subtitle: A Study of Amatory Devices and Mores]
Histoire du Consulat et de l'Empire (16/20), by Adolphe Thiers 63576
[Subtitle: faisant suite à l'Histoire de la Révolution Française]
[Langauge: French]
Histoire du Consulat et de l'Empire (15/20), by Adolphe Thiers 63575
[Subtitle: faisant suite à l'Histoire de la Révolution Française]
[Langauge: French]
The Rise of Universities, by Charles Homer Haskins 63574
Trust in God, by Anonymous 63573
The Gold Thread and Wee Davie, by Norman MacLeod 63572
[Subtitle: Two Stories for the Young]
Exploits and Adventures of a Soldier Ashore and Afloat, 63571
by William Llewellyn Adams
Twenty Centuries of Paris, by Mabell Shippie Clarke Smith 63570
The Watsons, By Jane Austen, Concluded by L. Oulton 63569
Buffalo Bill's Best Bet, by Colonel Prentiss Ingraham 63568
[Subtitle: A Sure Thing Well Won]
A Remonstrance of the State of the Kingdom, by Anonymous 63567
Jack Manly, by James Grant 63566
[Subtitle: His Adventures by Sea and Land]
A nagy per, mely ezer éve folyik s még sincs vége (3. kötet), 63565
by Károly Eötvös
A nagy per, mely ezer éve folyik s még sincs vége (2. kötet), 63564
by Károly Eötvös
A nagy per, mely ezer éve folyik s még sincs vége (1. kötet), 63563
by Károly Eötvös
Harry Joscelyn, Vol. 3 of 3, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 63562
Wrecked on Spider Island, by James Otis 63561
[Subtitle: Or, How Ned Rogers Found the Treasure]
Storia degli Italiani, Vol. 3 di 15, by Cesare Cantù 63560
[Language: Italian]
A Sack of Shakings, by Frank Thomas Bullen 63559
Harlow Niles Higinbotham, by Harriet Monroe 63558
[Subtitle: A memoir with brief autobiography
and extracts from speeches and letters]
Hannu Halle kaikkialla, by Heinrich Zschokke 63557
[Language: Finnish]
Confessions of a Tradesman 63556
Pahuuden voimia, by Jonas Lie 63555
[Language: Finnish]
Going-to-the-Sun, by Vachel Lindsay 63554
An Expedition to Mount St. Elias, Alaska, by Israel Cook Russell 63553
Armazindy, The Poems and Prose Sketches of James Whitcomb Riley 63552
Verena in the Midst 63551
The Art of Ballet, by Mark Edward Perugini 63550
Under the Polar Star, by Dwight Weldon 63549
[Subtitle: or, The Young Explorers]
Die Philosophie unserer Klassiker, by Karl Vorländer 63548
[Subtitle: Lessing - Herder - Schiller - Goethe]
[Language: German]
Homage to John Dryden, by Thomas Stearns Eliot 63547
[Subtitle: Three Essays on Poetry of the Seventeenth Century]
The Undefeated, by John Collis Snaith 63546
A short history of the printing press and of the improvements 63545
in printing machinery from the time of Gutenberg up to the
present day, by Robert Hoe
The Red Saint, by Warwick Deeping 63544
Les femmes qui font des scènes, by Charles Monselet 63543
[Language: French]
The Twentieth Century Epic, by R. B. Garnett 63542
The Adventures of a Pincushion, by Anonymous 63541
[Subtitle: Designed Chiefly for the Use of Young Ladies]
Evolution and Adaptation, by Thomas Hunt Morgan 63540
Pirun miekka, by Emil Elenius 63539
[Subtitle: Runonäytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
All in a Life-time, by Henry Morgenthau and French Strother 63538
Frank Merriwell's Fun, by Burt L Standish 63537
[Subtitle: Fearless and True]
Advisory Ben, by Edward Verrall Lucas 63536
[Subtitle: A Story]
The Fairy Latchkey, by Magdalene Horsfall 63535
Os descobrimentos portuguezes e os de Colombo, by Manuel Pinheiro Chagas 63534
[Subtitle: Tentativa de coordenação historica]
[Language: Portuguese]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 63533
No. 750, May 11, 1878, by Various
Within a Budding Grove, by Marcel Proust 63532
Hangyaboly, by Margit Kaffka 63531
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Language: Hungarian]
A Tale of Old Japan, by Alfred Noyes 63530
[Illustrator: Kate Riches]
Mists of Mars, by George A. Whittington 63529
A Class-Book of Old Testament History, by George Frederick Maclear 63528
Cosmic Yo-Yo, by Ross Rocklynne 63527
A Woman of Yesterday, by Caroline Atwater Mason 63526
El poema de la Pampa, by José María Salaverría 63525
[Subtitle: "Martín Fierro" y el criollismo español]
[Language: Spanish]
The Silver Plague, by Albert dePina 63524
Coming of the Gods, by Chester Whitehorn 63523
The Amazing City, by John Frederick Macdonald 63522
Raiders of the Second Moon, by Gene Ellerman 63521
An American Crusader at Verdun, by Philip Sidney Rice 63520
Fossil Forests of the Yellowstone National Park, by Frank Hall Knowlton 63519
Vandals of the Void, by Robert Wilson 63518
A Practical Manual of the Collodion Process, Giving in Detail 63517
a Method For Producing Positive and Negative Pictures on
Glass and Paper, by Samuel Dwight Humphrey
The Vanishing Venusians, by Leigh Brackett 63516
Tanskan prinssi Otto, by B. S. Ingemann 63515
[Language: Finnish]
Boys and Girls, by James W. Foley 63514
[Subtitle: The Verses of James W. Foley]
A nazarénusok, by Károly Eötvös 63513
[Language: Hungarian]
A' bölcseség vigasztalásai, by Anicius Manlius Torquatus 63512
Severinus Boethius
[Language: Hungarian]
The Negro Laborer, by William H. Councill 63511
[Subtitle: A Word to Him]
The Kernel and the Husk, by Edwin A. Abbott 63510
[Subtitle: Letters on Spiritual Christianity]
Edipo rey; Edipo en Colona; Antígona, by Sófocles 63509
[Language: Spanish]
The Boy Fortune Hunters in Yucatan, by L. Frank Baum 63508
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 63507
No. 749, May 4, 1878, by Various
Boy Scout Explorers at Emerald Valley, by Don Palmer 63506
Midás király (2. kötet), by Zoltán Ambrus 63505
[Language: Hungarian]
Midás király (1. kötet), by Zoltán Ambrus 63504
[Language: Hungarian]
Greek Imperialism, by William Scott Ferguson 63503
Torn Sails, by Allen Raine 63502
[Subtitle: A Tale of a Welsh Village]
First the Blade, by Clemence Dane 63501
[Subtitle: A Comedy of Growth]
Muse and Mint, by Walter S. Percy 63500
Dick and Larry: Freshmen, by Francis Lynde 63499
[Illustrator: George Avison]
Da Buch der Novellen. Erster Band, by Peter Rosegger 63498
[Language: German]
Medicina Gymnastica, by Francis Fuller 63497
[Subtitle: or, A treatise concerning the power of exercise,
with respect to the animal oeconomy; and the great
necessity of it in the cure of several distempers]
L'art d'aimer les livres et de les connaître:, by Jules Le Petit 63496
[Subtitle: lettres à un jeune bibliophile]
[Illustrator: François-Alexandre-Alfred Gérardin]
[Language: French]
The Natural Food of Man, by Hereward Carrington 63495
[Subtitle: Being an attempt to prove from comparative anatomy,
physiology, chemistry and hygiene, that the original, best
and natural diet of man is fruit and nuts]
Keeper of the Deathless Sleep, by Albert dePina 63494
Boesman-Stories, Vol. 2 of 4, by G. R. von Wielligh 63493
[Subtitle: Deel II. Dierstories en ander verhale]
[Illustrator: R. F. Keet]
[Language: Afrikaans]
Lukís Láras, by Demetrios Vikélas 63492
[Subtitle: Kertomus Kreikan vapaussodan ajoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
The Snow Baby, by Josephine Diebitsch Peary 63491
[Subtitle: A true story with true pictures]
The Altar of Freedom, by Mary Roberts Rinehart 63490
The Historians' History of the World in Twenty-Five Volumes, Vol. 08, 63489
by Various
[Subtitle: Parthians, Sassanids and Arabs; The Crusades and the Papacy]
Ambições, by Ana de Castro Osório 63488
[Language: Portuguese]
Wee Willie Winkie and Other Stories, Vol. 2 of 2, by Rudyard Kipling 63487
Lättiläisiä satuja, by Victor von Andrejanoff 63485
[Language: Finnish]
Kuvaelmia menneitten aikojen eloista ja oloista, 63484
by Carl Ferdinand Nordlund
[Language: Finnish]
Frank Merriwell's Chase, by Burt L Standish 63483
[Subtitle: Exciting Times Afloat]
The Baronial Halls, Vol. 2 of 2, by S. C. Hall 63482
[Subtitle: Ancient Picturesque Edifices of England]
[Illustrators: J.D Harding, G. Cattermole, S. Prout,
W. Müller, and J. Holland]
The Baronial Halls,, by S. C. Hall 63481
[Subtitle: Ancient Picturesque Edifices of England]
[Illustrators: J.D Harding, G. Cattermole, S. Prout,
W. Müller, and J. Holland]
The Two Doves, and Other Tales, by Anonymous 63480
[Subtitle: Holiday tales, translated from the German]
The Three Lovers, by Frank Swinnerton 63479
Histoire de France, by Jacques Bainville 63478
[Language: French]
Image Of Splendor, by Lu Kella 63477
A Man of the Moors, by Halliwell Sutcliffe 63476
The Brides Of Ool, by M. A. Cummings 63475
Alien Equivalent, by Richard R. Smith 63474
Dust Unto Dust, by Lyman D. Hinckley 63473
Den Lilla Swenska och Finska Tolken, by Anonymous 63472
[Subtitle: Ruottalainen ja Suomalainen Kielikirja]
[Language: Swedish]
Kahvikulta, by Aaro August Nuutinen 63471
[Subtitle: 1-näytöksinen savolaispila]
[Language: Finnish]
Les vignes du Seigneur, by Charles Monselet 63470
[Language: French]
Washington Confidential, by Jack Lait and Lee Mortimer 63469
Occupations of the Negroes, by Henry Gannett 63468
[Subtitle: Occasional Papers, No. 6]
Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International 63467
Military Tribunal, Vol. 9, by Various
[Subtitle: Nuremburg 14 November 1945-1 October 1946]
The Grey Wave, by Arthur Hamilton Gibbs 63466
Ludwig Bechsteins Märchenbuch, by Ludwig Bechstein 63465
[Subtitle: Mit 176 Holzschnitten nach
Originalzeichnungen von Ludwig Richter]
[Illustrator: Ludwig Richter]
[Language: German]
Nuestra Pampa; libro de lectura, by Jaime Molins 63464
[Language: Spanish]
The Gingerbread Boy and Joyful Jingle Play Stories, 63463
by Laura Rountree Smith and Mildred Lyon
Over There with the Marines at Chateau Thierry, 63462
by Capt. George H. Ralphson
O Romance de um Homem Rico, by Camilo Castelo Branco 63461
[Language: Portuguese]
Die seltsamen Geschichten des Doktor Ulebuhle, by Bruno H. Bürgel 63460
[Illustrator: Edmund Fürst]
[Language: German]
Paradise (to be) Regained, by Henry Thoreau 63459
Pussy-Cat Town, by Marion Ames Taggart 63458
[Illustrator: Rebecca Chase]
To Your Kitchen From Mine, by Anonymous 63457
Andreas Vesalius the Reformer of Anatomy, by James Moores Ball 63456
The Vanishing Comrade, by Ethel Cook Eliot 63455
[Subtitle: A Mystery Story for Girls]
How to Make Sock Toys, by John M. Clapper 63454
[Subtitle: A Pack-O-Fun Publication]
John Law of Lauriston, by A. W. Wiston-Glynn 63453
The Works of the Rev. John Wesley, Vol. 2 of 32, 63452
California, by Ina Coolbrith 63451
Course of Study of the Oakland High School, by Oakland High School 63450
The Story of the Bank of England, by Henry Warren 63449
[Subtitle: A History of English Banking,
and a Sketch of the Money Market]
Madame Claire, by Susan Ertz 63448
Vanhaa Lappia ja Per�pohjaa, by Samuli Paulaharju 63447
[Language: Finnish]
The Silver Domino, by Marie Corelli 63446
[Subtitle: Or, Side Whispers, Social and Literary]
Indiana, by George Sand 63445
[Illustrator: Oreste Cortazzo]
The Life and Times of Queen Victoria, Vol. 4 of 4, by Robert Wilson 63444
Twenty Unsettled Miles in the Northeast Boundary, by T. C. Mendenhall 63443
[Subtitle: [From the Report of the Council of the American
Antiquarian Society, presented at the Annual Meeting held
in Worcester, October 21, 1896]]
Double Trouble, by Carl Jacobi 63442
History of Taxation in Rhode Island to the year 1790, 63441
by Henry B. Gardner
Nachtgespräche, by Auguste Hauschner 63440
[Language: German]
Romanceiro III, by V. de Almeida Garrett 63439
[Subtitle: Romances Cavalherescos Antigos]
[Language: Portuguese]
Romanceiro I, by V. de Almeida Garrett 63438
[Subtitle: Romances da Renascença]
[Language: Portuguese]
The Seven Plaits of Nettles, and other stories, by Edric Vredenburg 63437
[Illustrators: T. Noyes Lewis and Hilda Cowham]
Pääskysen liverryksiä lapsille, by Maria Wilhelmina Krohn 63436
[Language: Finnish]
La marquise de Condorcet, by Antoine Guillois 63435
[Subtitle: Sa Famille, son Salon, ses Amis, 1764-1822]
[Language: French]
Rainha sem reino, by Alberto Pimentel 63434
[Subtitle: (Estudo historico do seculo XV)]
[Language: Portuguese]
The Harvest of the Sea, by James Glass Bertram 63433
[Subtitle: A contribution to the natural and
economic history of the British food fishes]
Colony of the Unfit, by Manfred A. Carter 63432
Trail and Trading Post, by Edward Stratemeyer 63431
[Subtitle: or The Young Hunters of the Ohio]
[Illustrator: J. W. Kennedy]
Lazarus Come Forth, by Ray Bradbury 63430
Joe Carson's Weapon, by James R. Adams 63429
The Daguerreian Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 1, 1851, by Various 63428
The Daguerreian Journal, Vol. 1, No. 8, March 1, 1851, by Various 63427
Will Bradley, His Chap Book 63426
Leipä ja laulu, by Larin-Kyösti 63425
[Subtitle: Kokoelma kertomuksia ja taruja]
[Language: Finnish]
Cuentos populares en Chile, by Ramón A. Laval 63424
[Language: Spanish]
Kathrina, A Poem, by Josiah Gilbert Holland 63423
Roentgen Rays and Phenomena of the Anode and Cathode, 63422
by Edward P. Thompson
Glass and Glass Manufacture, by Percival Marson 63421
Eight Lectures on India, by Halford John Mackinder 63420
Death Star, by Tom Pace 63419
Poor Blossom, by Edith Carrington 63418
[Subtitle: The Story of a Horse]
The Wishing-Stone Stories, by Thornton Waldo Burgess 63417
[Illustrator: Harrison Cady]
Rust, Smut, Mildew, & Mold, by Mordecai Cubitt Cooke 63416
London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 4, by Henry Mayhew 63415
Lo prohibido, tomo 2 de 2, by Benito Pérez Galdós 63414
[Language: Spanish]
Lo prohibido, tomo 1 de 2, by Benito Pérez Galdós 63413
[Language: Spanish]
Lo prohibido (novela completa), by Benito Pérez Galdós 63412
[Language: Spanish]
Saarelaiskuvia II, by Emil Elenius 63411
[Language: Finnish]
Rumänisches Tagebuch, by Hans Carossa 63410
[Language: German]
La nouvelle Robinsonnette, by Edward Andreyevich Granström 63409
[Subtitle: Aventures d'une fillette sur une île déserte]
[Language: French]
Report of the committee appointed to investigate the causes 63408
and extent of the late extraordinary sickness and mortality
in the town of Mobile
Linda Carlton's Perilous Summer, by Edith Lavell 63407
Contos e Phantasias, by Maria Amalia Vaz de Carvalho 63406
[Language: Portuguese]
Personal Narrative of Events, From 1799 to 1815, 63405
by William Stanhope Lovell
Galatea, by Miguel Cervantes Saavedra 63404
Den ljusa skalpen, by Sigge Strömberg 63403
[Subtitle: Nya präriehistorier]
[Language: Swedish]
El criticón, tomo 2 de 2, by Baltasar Gracián y Morales 63402
[Language: Spanish]
The Happy Castaway, by Emmett McDowell 63401
These are the British, by Drew Middleton 63400
The Glebe 1914/09, Vol. 2, No. 2, Poems, by George W. Cronyn 63399
The Hairy Ones, by Basil Wells 63398
A Select Glossary of the Texas Revolution, by Jean Carefoot 63397
The Geologic Story of the Great Plains, by Donald E. Trimble 63396
Freezing Combination Main Dishes, by Anonymous 63395
[Subtitle: Home and Garden Bulletin No. 40]
Bill Bolton and the Flying Fish, by Noel Everingham Sainsbury, Jr. 63394
Mind-Stealers of Pluto, by Joseph Farrell 63393
Doorway to Kal-Jmar, by Stuart Fleming 63392
A Short History of the Fatimid Khalifate, by De Lacy O'Leary 63391
Moslem and Frank, by Gustave Louis Strauss 63390
[Subtitle: or, Charles Martel and the rescue of Europe]
Homestead Ranch, by Elizabeth G. Young 63389
The development of British landscape painting in water-colours, 63388
by Alexander Joseph Finberg and E. A. Taylor
Alone on a Wide Wide Sea, Vol. 3 of 3, by W. Clark Russell 63387
Alone on a Wide Wide Sea, Vol. 2 of 3, by W. Clark Russell 63386
Alone on a Wide Wide Sea, Vol. 1 of 3, by W. Clark Russell 63385
Asser's Life of Alfred, by John Asser 63384
The Wonder Clock, by Howard Pyle and Katharine Pyle 63383
[Subtitle: or four & twenty marvellous Tales,
being one for each hour of the day]
The Attack on the Mill and Other Sketches of War, by Émile Zola 63382
Saarroksissa Himalajalla, by Mayne Reid 63381
[Subtitle: Saksalaisten veljesten seikkailuja]
[Language: Finnish]
Proverbes sur les femmes, l'amitié, l'amour et le mariage, 63380
by Pierre Marie Quitard
[Language: French]
>From Monkey to Man, or, Society in the Tertiary Age, by Austin Bierbower 63379
[Subtitle: A Story of the Missing Link]
[Illustrator: H. R. Heaton]
El corazón juglar, by Luis G. Urbina 63378
[Language: Spanish]
Henry James at Work, by Theodora Bosanquet 63377
The Sweating Sickness in England, by Francis C. Webb 63376
Saarelaiskuvia I, by Emil Elenius 63375
[Language: Finnish]
Confessions of a Railroad Signalman, by James Octavius Fagan 63374
Rain and roses, by Jeannette Fraser Henshall 63373
Einstein's Theories of Relativity and Gravitation, by J. Malcolm Bird 63372
Lehrbuch der Botanik für Hochschulen, by Eduard Strasburger 63371
[Language: German]
The Life and Times of Queen Victoria, Vol. 3 of 4, by Robert Wilson 63370
The Sense of the Past, by Henry James 63369
De Werken van William Shakespeare, by William Shakespeare 63368
[Subtitle: Koning Richard de Tweede]
[Language: Dutch]
De Werken van William Shakespeare, by William Shakespeare 63367
[Subtitle: Koning Hendrik de Vierde]
[Language: Dutch]
Nietzsche's Philosophie, by Henri Lichtenberger 63366
[Language: Dutch]
The Flying Boys to the Rescue, by Edward S. Ellis 63365
[Illustrator: Edwin J. Prittie]
Dramatische Werken, by Hendrik Ibsen 63364
[Subtitle: De comedie der liefde; Brand; Peer Gynt]
[Language: Dutch]
Storia degli Italiani, Vol. 2 di 15, by Cesare Cantù 63363
[Language: Italian]
Het Anarchisme in de Arbeidersbeweging, by Jos. Loopuit 63362
[Language: Dutch]
Cottage Folk, by Alice Vansittart Carr 63361
Buffalo Bill Among the Sioux, by Colonel Prentiss Ingraham 63360
[Subtitle: The Fight in the Rapids]
San Ignacio de Loyola, by Benjamín Marcos 63359
[Language: Spanish]
Memoir of Roger Williams, by James D. Knowles 63358
[Subtitle: The Founder of the State of Rhode-Island]
Motion Pictures and Filmstrips, 1970, by The Copyright Office 63357
of the Library of Congress
[Subtitle: Catalog of Copyright Entries, Third Series
Volume 24, Parts 12-13]
Sir Charles Warren and Spion Kop, by Defender 63356
[Subtitle: A Vindication]
Studies on Fermentation, by Louis Pasteur 63355
A Garden of Girls, by Helena Walsh Concannon 63354
[Subtitle: Or, Famous Schoolgirls of Former Days]
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Sep 2020 to 30 Sep 2020 ~ ~ ~ ~
The Treasure of the Bucoleon, by Arthur D. Howden Smith 63353
Marcella, by Mrs. Humphry Ward 63352
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Robert Fulton and the Submarine, by Wm. Barclay Parsons 63351
Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Vol. 3 of 11, by Various 63350
La société bordelaise sous Louis XV, by André Grellet-Dumazeau 63349
[Subtitle: et le salon de Mme Duplessy]
[Language: French]
Trial of Pedro de Zulueta, Jr., on a Charge of Slave Trading, 63348
under 5 Geo. IV, cap. 113, on Friday the 27th, Saturday the
28th, and Monday the 30th of October, 1843, at the Central
Criminal Court, Old Bailey, London, by Pedro de Zulueta, Jr.
and W. B. Gurney
[Subtitle: A Full Report from the Short-hand Notes of W. B. Gurney, Esq.]
Seven Lectures on the United Kingdom for use in India, 63347
by Halford John Mackinder
[Subtitle: Reissued for use in the United Kingdom]
On, by Hilaire Belloc 63346
Lessons in wireless telegraphy, by Alfred Morgan 63345
[Subtitle: A systematic elementary course in
the principles of wireless telegraphy and the
electrical laws upon which it depends]
Paper Shell Pecans, by Keystone Pecan Company, Manheim, Pa 63344
Die Mutter, by Gutti Alsen 63343
[Subtitle: Blätter aus dunklen Tagen]
[Language: German]
The White Czar, by Clarence Hawkes 63342
[Subtitle: A Story of a Polar Bear]
[Illustrator: Charles Livingston Bull]
Nouveaux Contes des Collines, by Rudyard Kipling 63341
[Language: French]
The Great Diamond Syndicate, by Nicholas Carter 63340
[Subtitle: The Hardest Crew on Record]
Valperga Vol. 3 of 3, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 63339
[Subtitle: or, The life and adventures of Castruccio, prince of Lucca]
Valperga Vol. 2 of 3, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 63338
[Subtitle: or, The life and adventures of Castruccio, prince of Lucca]
Valperga, Vol. 1 of 3, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 63337
[Subtitle: or, The life and adventures of Castruccio, prince of Lucca]
The history of the Popes, from the foundation of the See of Rome, 63336
to the present time, by Archibald Bower
The Armenian Crisis in Turkey, by Frederick Davis Greene 63335
[Subtitle: The Massacre of 1894, Its Antecedents and
Significance With a Consideration of Some of the
Factors Which Enter Into the Solution of This Phase
of the Eastern Question]
Ireland in Travail, by Joice Mary Nankivell and Sydney Loch 63334
Haudattu temppeli, by Maurice Maeterlinck 63333
[Language: Finnish]
Boche and Bolshevik, by Hereward T. Price 63332
[Subtitle: Experiences of an Englishman in the German Army
and in Russian Prisons]
The Baptism of the Prince, by John Alexander 63331
[Subtitle: A Sermon]
The Members of the Established Church Vindicated, by William Greary 63330
[Subtitle: from certain charges, direct or implied, in a letter
addressed to them by the Rev. John Alexander, on the subject
of Infant Education]
L'oeuvre du chevalier Andrea de Nerciat, 2/2, 63329
by André-Robert Andréa de Nerciat
[Subtitle: Félicia ou mes fredaines]
[Language: French]
Teatro selecto, tomo 4 de 4, by Pedro Calderón de la Barca 63328
[Language: Spanish]
Chatterton, by Ernest Lacy 63327
A Letter of Affectionate Remonstrance addressed to the members 63326
of the Established Church in Norwich and in Norfolk and
occasioned by the proposed exclusive system of infant
education, by John Alexander
Infant Schools and Dissenters, by John Alexander 63325
[Subtitle: A Vindication of "a letter
of affectionate remonstrance," &c.]
Pulmusparvi, by Jooseppi Mustakallio 63324
[Language: Finnish]
A funeral sermon for the Rev. Joseph Kinghorn, by John Alexander 63323
[Subtitle: preached in St. Mary's Meeting-house, Norwich,
on Sunday afternoon, September 9th, 1832]
Philosophy of Earthquakes, Natural and Religious, by William Stukeley 63322
[Subtitle: or, An Inquiry into Their Cause, and Their Purpose]
Mr. Waddy's Return, by Theodore Winthrop 63321
When I Was Czar, by Arthur W. Marchmont 63320
Histoire anecdotique du tribunal révolutionnaire, by Charles Monselet 63319
[Language: French]
Some Experiments concerning Mercury, by J. H. Boerhaave 63318
Os contos do tio Joaquim, by Rodrigo Botelho da Fonseca Paganino 63317
[Language: Portuguese]
Mordvalaisten, tsheremissien ja votjakkien kosinta- ja häätavoista 63316
by Albert Hämäläinen
[Subtitle: Vertaileva tutkimus]
[Language: Finnish]
Thirty years’ history of the church and congregation in 63315
Prince’s street chapel, Norwich, by John Alexander
Reasons for joining the Norfolk & Norwich Protestant Association, 63314
by William Hull
Neurosyphilis, by Harry Caesar Solomon and Elmer Ernest Southard 63313
[Subtitle: Modern Systematic Diagnosis and Treatment Presented
In One Hundred And Thirty-Seven Case Histories]
Das Feuer hinter dem Berge, by Juliane Karwath 63312
[Subtitle: Roman]
[Language: German]
Methods & Aims in Archaeology, by William Matthew Flinders Petrie 63311
The Chapel on the Hill, by Alfred Pretor 63310
Chimera World, by Wilbur S. Peacock 63309
Ronald and I, by Alfred Pretor 63308
[Subtitle: or Studies from Life]
The Untamed, by George Pattullo 63307
[Illustrators: Charles Bull, Charles Russell, and Haydon Jones]
The Arabian Nights, Vol. 2 of 4, by Anonymous 63306
L'oeuvre du chevalier Andrea de Nerciat, Vol. 1 of 2, by 63305
André-Robert Andréa de Nerciat and Guillaume Apollinaire]
[Language: French]
Double-Cross, by James MacCreigh 63304
Le crime des riches, by Jean Lorrain 63303
[Language: French]
Cousin Mary, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 63302
Blaubart und Miß Ilsebill, by Alfred Döblin 63301
[Subtitle: Mit Steinzeichnungen von Carl Rabus]
[Illustrator: Carl Rabus]
[Language: German]
Iamblichus' Life of Pythagoras, or Pythagoric Life, 63300
by Chalcidensis Iamblichus
[Subtitle: Accompanied by Fragments of the Ethical
Writings of certain Pythagoreans in the Doric
dialect; and a collection of Pythagoric Sentences
from Stobaeus and others, which are omitted by
Gale in his Opuscula Mythologica, and have not
been noticed by any editor]
Book of the Pearl, by George Frederick Kunz and Charles Hugh Stevenson 63299
[Subtitle: The history, art, science, and industry
of the queen of gems]
The New Democracy, by Walter Vrooman 63298
[Subtitle: A handbook for Democratic speakers and workers]
The Brother of a Hero, by Ralph Henry Barbour 63297
[Illustrator: Charles M. Relyea]
OEuvres de Marcel Schwob, Vol. 2 of 2, La lampe de Psyché, 63296
Il libro della mia memoria, by Marcel Schwob
[Language: French]
The Wishing Cap, by Mary Martha Sherwood 63295
Thoughts of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, by Saint Thérèse 63294
of Lisieux, and Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus
The Fasting Cure, by Upton Sinclair 63293
Familiar Dialogues, by Jacques Bellot 63292
[Subtitle: for the Instruction of them, that be desirous to learne
to speake English, and perfectlye to pronounce the same]
Az erkölcsi törvény alkalmazása, by Zsigmond Bodnár 63291
[Language: Hungarian]
The Life and Times of Queen Victoria, Vol. 2 of 4, by Robert Wilson 63290
The Ring of Amethyst, by Alice Wellington Rollins 63289
William Morris, by John Drinkwater 63288
[Subtitle: A Critical Study]
I'd Like to Do it Again, by Owen Davis 63287
Invader From Infinity, by George Whittington 63286
Nouveaux contes cruels et propos d'au delà, by Auguste de 63285
Villiers de L'Isle-Adam
[Language: French]
La tentatrice, by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez 63284
[Language: French]
New Mexico Magazine's A Taste of New Mexico Kitchens, by Anonymous 63283
How to Make Draperies, by Anonymous 63282
[Subtitle: Singer Sewing Library, No. 102]
The Glebe 1914/04, Vol. 2, No. 1, Collects, by Horace L. Traubel 63281
Four Lectures on the English Revolution, by Thomas Hill Green 63280
The American Navy and Liberia, by R. W. Shufeldt 63279
[Subtitle: An Address before the American
Colonization Society, January 18, 1876]
Stories Pictures Tell Book 8, by Flora Carpenter 63278
The Dabistán, Vol. 3 of 3, by David Shea, Anthony Troyer, 63277
and Muòhsin Fåanåi
[Subtitle: or School of manners, translated from the
original Persian, with notes and illustrations]
The Dabistán, Vol. 2 of 3, by David Shea, Anthony Troyer, 63276
and Muòhsin Fåanåi
[Subtitle: or School of manners, translated from the
original Persian, with notes and illustrations]
The Dabistán, Vol. 1 of 3, by David Shea, Anthony Troyer, 63275
and Muòhsin Fåanåi
[Subtitle: or School of manners, translated from the
original Persian, with notes and illustrations]
The sexual life of woman in its physiological, pathological 63274
and hygienic aspects, by Enoch Heinrich Kisch
Thirty Years from Home, by Samuel Leech 63273
[Subtitle: or, a voice from the main deck,
being the experience of Samuel Leech]
Il romanzo della morte, by Beatrice Speraz 63272
[Language: Italian]
Ni ange, ni bête, by André Maurois 63271
[Language: French]
Deep-Sea Plunderings, by Frank Thomas Bullen 63270
Ocean Tramps, by H. de Vere Stacpoole 63269
The Happy-go-lucky Morgans, by Edward Thomas 63268
Dernières lettres d'un bon jeune homme à sa cousine Madeleine, 63267
by Edmond About
[Language: French]
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Vol. 5, Supplement, 63266
by Richard F. Burton
Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1913, by William Stanley Braithwaite 63265
Down the Scale or Up, by Barbara Abel 63264
Place Names in Kent, by John Horsley 63263
The Hoofs of Pegasus, by M. Letitia Stockett 63262
Be Kind to One Another, by Anonymous 63261
Le Grand Silence Blanc, by Louis-Frédéric Rouquette 63260
[Subtitle: Roman vécu d'Alaska]
[Language: French]
Le Banian, roman maritime, 2/2, by Édouard Corbière 63259
[Language: French]
Viagem ao norte do Brazil feita nos annos 1613 a 1614, 63258
pelo Padre Ivo D'Evreux, by Ivo D'Evreux
[Language: Portuguese]
An Apology for the Colouring of the Greek Court 63257
in the Crystal Palace, by Owen Jones
The American Diary of a Japanese Girl, by Yone Noguchi 63256
[Illustrator: Genjiro Yeto]
Leon, Burgos and Salamanca, by Albert F. Calvert 63255
The Heritage of The South, by Various 63254
[Subtitle: A History of the Introduction of Slavery;
its Establishment from Colonial times and final
Effect upon the Politics of the United States]
Énigmes et découvertes bibliographiques, by P. L. Jacob 63253
[Language: French]
Kynäelmiä II, by Kaarlo Hemmo 63252
[Subtitle: Runosommitelmia ja suorasanaisia kokeita]
[Language: Finnish]
Kynäelmiä I, by Kaarlo Hemmo 63251
[Subtitle: Runosommitelmia]
[Language: Finnish]
Across The Chasm, by Julia Magruder 63250
The Philosophical Theory of the State, by Bernard Bosanquet 63249
Les châteaux d'Athlin et de Dunbayne, 1/2, Histoire arrivée dans 63248
les Montagnes d'Écosse, by Ann Radcliffe
[Subtitle: Par Anne Radcliffe, Traduite de l'Anglais]
[Illustrator: Claude-Louis Desrais]
[Language: French]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 63247
No. 748, April 27, 1878, by Various
The Plague of Lust, Vol.2 of 2, by Julius Rosenbaum 63246
[Subtitle: Being a History of Venereal Disease in Classical Antiquity]
The Washers and Scrubbers, and The Men Who Robbed Them, by F. C. Adams 63245
Les Jeunes-France, romans goguenards, suivis de Contes humoristiques, 63244
by Théophile Gautier
[Language: French]
Hope Farm Notes, by Herbert Winslow Collingwood 63243
Hellenistic Sculpture, by Guy Dickins 63242
Medical Jurisprudence, Vol. 1 of 3, by John Ayrton Paris 63241
and John Samuel Martin Fonblanque
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 63240
No. 747, April 20, 1878, by Various
Siperialaisten maanpakolaisten elämästä: "Metsä humisee", 63239
by Vladimir Korolenko
[Subtitle: Metsälegenda]
[Language: Finnish]
Pelican Pool, by Sydney De Loghe 63238
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Early Printed Books, by Edward Gordon Duff 63237
Ajan käänteessä, by Larin-Kyösti 63236
[Subtitle: Isänmaallisia runoja ja ballaadeja]
[Language: Finnish]
Historia Pitoresca, by Alfredo Campos 63235
[Subtitle: Palavras e frases celebres]
[Language: Portuguese]
Dirigible Balloons, by Charles Hayward 63234
[Subtitle: Instruction Paper]
China's Revolution 1911-1912, by Edwin J. Dingle 63233
[Subtitle: A Historical and Political Record of the Civil War]
The Epidemics of the Middle Ages, by Justus Friedrich Carl Hecker 63232
and John Caius
Castes in India, by Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar 63231
[Subtitle: Their mechanism, genesis and development]
Two Stories, by Virginia Woolf and Leonard Woolf 63230
[Illustrator: Dora Carrington]
USDA Farmers' Bulletin No. 754, The Bedbug, 1934, 63229
by Charles Lester Marlatt
La quinta de Palmyra, by Ramón Gómez de la Serna 63228
[Subtitle: (Novela grande)]
[Language: Spanish]
USDA Farmers' Bulletin No. 734, Flytraps and Their Operation, 1930, 63227
by F. C. Bishopp
USDA Farmers' Bulletin No. 734, Flytraps and Their Operation, 1921, 63226
by F. C. Bishopp
USDA Farmers' Bulletin No. 754, The Bedbug, 1916, 63225
by Charles Lester Marlatt
With the Persian Expedition, by M. H. Donohoe 63224
The Man Inside, by Natalie Sumner Lincoln 63223
La Mort, by Maurice Maeterlinck 63222
[Language: French]
Travels in Virginia in Revolutionary Times, by Various 63221
Le Banian, roman maritime, 1/2, by Édouard Corbière 63220
[Language: French]
Missouri Archaeologist, Vol. 34, No. 1 and 2, December 1972, by Various 63219
Lord William Beresford, V. C., Some Memories of a Famous Sportsman, 63218
Soldier and Wit, by Mrs. Stuart Menzies
Discovery at Aspen, by Sophie Liebowitz Ruskay 63217
The West Indies, Being a Description of the Islands, Progress of 63216
Christianity, Education, and Liberty Among the Colored Population
Generally, by Nancy Gardner Prince
Az erkölcsi világ, by Zsigmond Bodnár 63215
[Language: Hungarian]
Työmiehiä Kertomus nykyajan oloista, by Kaarlo August Järvi 63214
[Subtitle: Kertomus nykyajan oloista]
[Language: Finnish]
The Citadel of Death, by Carl Selwyn 63213
The Living Museum, Vol. 15, No. 6, October 1953, by Various 63212
A Year with a Whaler, by Walter Noble Burns 63211
English Battles and Sieges in the Peninsula, by William Napier 63210
[Subtitle: Extracted from his 'Peninsula War']
Decatur and Somers, by Molly Elliot Seawell 63209
[Subtitle: Young Heroes of Our Navy]
[Illustrators: W. Granville Smith, J. O. Davidson, George Gibbs,
and F. Cresson Schell]
The Bee-Master of Warrilow, by Tickner Edwardes 63208
The Boy Electrician, by Alfred Morgan 63207
[Subtitle: Practical Plans for Electrical Apparatus
for work and play, with an explanation of the
principles of every-day electricity]
[Illustrator: Alfred Morgan]
L'enfant à la balustrade, by René Boylesve 63206
[Language: French]
A Boy's Trip Across the Plains, by Laura Preston 63205
Biographical Notices of the Portraits at Hinchingbrook, 63204
by Mary Louisa Boyle
Faust: A Tragedy, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 63203
Margaret Maliphant, by Alice Carr 63202
L'homme au masque de fer, by P. L. Jacob 63201
[Language: French]
Baron von Münchhausens merkværdige reiser og eventyr, 63200
by Rudolf Erich Raspe
[Illustrator: Gustave Doré]
[Language: Norwegian]
Stories Pictures Tell Book 6, by Flora Carpenter 63199
Lords of Creation, by Ella Cheever Thayer 63198
[Subtitle: Woman Suffrage Drama in Three Acts]
Inga Heine, by Jenny Blicher-Clausen 63197
[Subtitle: Jutelma nykyajoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine, Volume 17, No. 5, March, 63196
1894, by Various
A menina Lisa, by Paul de Kock 63195
[Language: Portuguese]
Ivanhoe, by Walter Scott 63194
[Subtitle: ossia Il ritorno del Crociato]
[Illustrator: Francesco Hayez]
[Language: Italian]
Un amant, by Emily Brontë 63193
[Language: French]
The Fairy and the Witch, by A. D. Nelson 63192
Winkie, the Wily Woodchuck, by Richard Barnum 63191
[Subtitle: Her Many Adventures]
[Illustrator: Walter S. Rogers]
Proverbs of All Nations, by Walter Keating Kelly 63190
[Subtitle: Compared, Explained, and Illustrated]
Highwayman of the Void, by Dirk Wylie 63189
The Critic and the Drama, by George Jean Nathan 63188
Les sentiers dans la montagne, by Maurice Maeterlinck 63187
[Language: French]
Porvari-väkeä matkoilla, by Julius Stinde 63186
[Subtitle: eli Buchholz-herrasväen matka-kertomukset]
[Language: Finnish]
Miracles, by Alain-Fournier and Jacques Rivière 63185
[Subtitle: avec une introduction de Jacques Rivière]
[Language: French]
Thrifty Stock and other Stories, by Ben Ames Williams 63184
Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International 63183
Military Tribunal, by Various
[Subtitle: Nuremburg, 14 November 1945 - 1 October 1946, Volume 8]
Pat the Lighthouse Boy, by Evelyn Everett-Green 63182
A Japanese Nightingale, by Winnifred Eaton 63181
[Illustrator: Genjiro Yeto]
Letters to a Young Housekeeper, by Jane Prince 63180
Manette Salomon, by Edmond de Goncourt and Jules de Goncourt 63179
[Language: French]
Eerik Menvedin lapsuus, by B. S. Ingemann 63178
[Subtitle: Historiallinen romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Erämaan ritarit, by Arvi A. Seppälä 63177
[Subtitle: 5-näytöksinen näytelmä Peräpohjolan tukkityömailta]
[Language: Finnish]
Buffalo Bill's Girl Pard, by Colonel Prentiss Ingraham 63176
[Subtitle: Dauntless Dell's Daring]
The Sia, by Matilda Coxe Stevenson 63175
[Subtitle: 1894 N 11 / 1889-1890, pages 3-158]
L'occasion perdue recouverte, by Pierre Corneille 63174
[Language: French]
The Son of Columbus, by Molly Elliot Seawell 63173
A Pacific Coast Vacation, by Ida Dorman Morris 63172
Stories Pictures Tell, Book 7, by Flora Carpenter 63171
USDA Leaflet No. 160: Crimson Clover (1947), by Eugene Amos Hollowell 63170
USDA Leaflet No. 160, Crimson Clover (1938), by Eugene Amos Hollowell 63169
The Soul of a Cat and Other Stories, by Margaret Benson 63168
Le thé chez Miranda, by Jean Moréas and Paul Adam 63167
[Language: French]
USDA Farmers' Bulletin No. 1142: Growing Crimson Clover, 63166
by Leonard Wheeler Kephart
USDA Farmers' Bulletin No. 550, Crimson Clover, Growing the Crop, 63165
by John Minton Westgate
Nameless River, by Vingie Eve Roe 63164
Studies in the Wagnerian Drama, by Henry Krehbiel 63163
The Haven Children, by Emilie Foster 63162
[Subtitle: or Frolics at the Funny Old House on Funny Street]
Autour des trônes que j'ai vu tomber, by Princess of Belgium Louise 63161
[Language: French]
Forest Glen, by Elijah Kellogg 63160
[Subtitle: or The Mohawk's Friendship]
Treasure of the Brasada, by Les Savage 63159
Harry Joscelyn, Vol. 2 of 3, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 63158
Mythology in Marble, by Louie M. Bell 63157
Boys of the Central, by I. T. Thurston 63156
[Subtitle: A High-School Story]
The White Comrade and Other Poems, by Katherine Hale 63155
The New Joan and Other Poems, by Katherine Hale 63154
Morning in the West, by Katherine Hale 63153
[Subtitle: A Book of Verse]
Sir George Arthur and his Administration of Upper Canada, by Walter Sage 63152
Un Turc à Paris, 1806-1811, by Bertrand Bareilles 63151
and Abdurrahim Muhib Efendi
[Subtitle: Relation de voyage et de mission de
Mouhib Effendi, ambassadeur extraordinaire du
sultan Selim III, d'après un manuscrit autographe]
[Language: French]
The Soul Eaters, by William Conover 63150
The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, October, 1913, by Various 63149
[Subtitle: Vol. 86, New Series, Vol. 64. May to October, 1913]
Men Who Have Made the Empire, by George Chetwynd Griffith 63148
[Illustrator: Stanley L. Wood]
Histoires magiques, by Remy de Gourmont 63147
[Language: French]
American Missionary, Volume 37, No. 12, December, 1883, by Various 63146
Electra, by Benito Pérez Galdós 63145
[Subtitle: Drama em cinco actos]
[Language: Portuguese]
Rêverie de Nouvel An, by Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette 63144
[Language: French]
A Broken Bond, by Nicholas Carter 63143
[Subtitle: The Man Without Morals]
Harry Joscelyn; vol. 1 of 3, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 63142
La mort de Philæ, by Pierre Loti 63141
[Language: French]
A Lost Chapter in the History of the Steamboat, 63140
by John Hazelhurst Boneval Latrobe
Fratris Felicis Fabri Evagatorium in Terrae Sanctae, Arabiae 63139
et Egypti Peregrinationem, by Felix Fabri
[Subtitle: Volumen Tertium]
[Language: Latin]
Vaarin muistikirja; Majala, by Bertha Behrens 63138
[Subtitle: Kaksi kertomusta]
[Language: Finnish]
La trépidation, by Robert de Montesquiou-Fézensac 63137
[Language: French]
Valencia and Murcia, by Albert F. Calvert 63136
Kansan keskeltä, by Pekka Aho 63135
[Subtitle: Kolme kertomusta Savosta]
[Language: Finnish]
Minions of the Crystal Sphere, by Albert de Pina 63134
Historiallisia rakkauskirjeitä, by Various 63133
[Language: Finnish]
The Problem Of The Rupee, by Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar 63132
[Subtitle: Its Origin and Its Solution]
USDA Farmers' Bulletin No. 1227, Sewage and sewerage of farm homes, 63131
by George Warren
Mr. Meek Plays Polo, by Clifford D. Simak 63130
Propos de peintre, deuxième série: Dates, by Jacques-Émile Blanche 63129
[Subtitle: Précédé d'une Réponse à la Préface
de M. Marcel Proust au De David à Degas]
[Language: French]
Rudimentary Treatise on the Construction of Locks, by A. C. Hobbs 63128
Records of the Kirk of Scotland, by Alexander Peterkin 63127
[Subtitle: containing the Acts and Proceedings
of the General Assemblies from 1638]
Royal Palaces of Spain, by Albert F. Calvert 63126
The Glebe 1914/03, Vol. 1, No. 6, Erna Vitek, by Alfred Kreymborg 63125
Pirate Princes and Yankee Jacks, by Daniel Henderson 63124
[Subtitle: Setting forth David Forsyth's Adventures
in America's Battles on Sea and Desert with the
Buccaneer Princes of Barbary, with an Account
of a Search under the Sands of the Sahara Desert
for the Treasure-filled Tomb of Ancient Kings]
The Eyes of Thar, by Henry Kuttner 63123
National Geographic--Geography of the Air, 63122
The National Geographic Magazine, Geography of the Air,
by Adolphus Washington Greely
[Subtitle: Vol. 3, May 1, 1891, PP. 41-52]
True Love: A Story of English Domestic Life, by Sarah E. Farro 63121
Beyond the Lines, by John James Geer 63120
[Subtitle: Or, A Yankee Prisoner Loose in Dixie]
The Two Spies, by Benson J. Lossing and Anna Seward 63119
[Subtitle: Nathan Hale and John André]
Historic Homes, Fort Dodge, Iowa, by Karl F. Haugen 63118
Description of the Process of Manufacturing Coal Gas, 63117
for the Lighting of Streets Houses, and Public
Buildings etc., by Frederick Accum
The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Vol. 4 of 5, by Various 63116
The Third Massachusetts Regiment Volunteer Militia in the War 63115
of the Rebellion, 1861-1863, by John Gray Gammons
Stories Pictures Tell Book 5, by Flora Carpenter 63114
The Lathe of Morpheus, by E. M 63113
[Subtitle: or, The dream song. A tribute to B. C. from E. M]
Men Without a World, by Joseph Farrell 63112
The Grenadier Guards in the Great War of 1914-1918, Vol. 3 of 3, 63111
by Frederick Edward Grey Ponsonby
Hans Thoma und seine Weggenossen, by Hans Thoma 63110
[Subtitle: Eine Kunstgabe]
[Language: German]
Doctor Universe, by Carl Jacobi 63109
Worauf freuen wir uns jetzt?, by Fritz Müller 63108
[Subtitle: Fröhliche Geschichten]
[Language: German]
Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street, by Virginia Woolf 63107
Una partita a scacchi; Il Trionfo d'amore; Intermezzi e scene, 63106
by Giuseppe Giacosa
[Language: Italian]
Tri Noveloj, by Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin 63105
[Language: Esperanto]
Amid the High Hills, by Sir Hugh Fraser 63104
Saara, by Kristofer Janson 63103
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Two years in the French West Indies, by Lafcadio Hearn 63102
[Illustrator: Arthur W. Rushmore]
Nuevas cartas americanas, by Juan Valera 63101
[Language: Spanish]
Die Engel mit dem Spleen, by Kasimir Edschmid 63100
[Illustrator: Robert Genin]
[Language: German]
The Radio Boys in Darkest Africa, by Gerald Breckenridge 63099
The Horse's Friend, by O. S. Pratt 63098
[Subtitle: The Only Practical Method of Educating the Horse
and Eradicating Vicious Habits]
Warrior of Two Worlds, by Manly Wade Wellman 63097
Bouvard und Pécuchet, by Gustave Flaubert 63096
[Subtitle: Roman aus dem Nachlass]
[Language: German]
Quartz from the Uplands, by Lewis McKenzie Turner 63095