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This is the Project Gutenberg Newsletter for January-March 2021
* Richard Burton's Arabian Nights
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* New eBook Listings from December 2020 through February 2021
* Richard Burton's Arabian Nights
January saw the posting of the 17th and final volume of Richard Burton's famous Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night -- a "plain and literal translation" of the Arabian Nights. This massive, heavily footnoted series of entertaining but very-adult tales was considered scandalous when originally published. Congratulations to Project Manager, BookBuff, Post-Processor, okrick, and all the many volunteers who worked on this important series of books.
Find all 17 volumes, plus others by Richard Burton, here:
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* New eBook Listings from December 2020 through February 2021
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Feb 2021 to 28 Feb 2021 ~ ~ ~ ~
The Brass Check, by Sinclair Upton 64657
[Subtitle: A Study of American Journalism]
Historia de les siete murciélagos, by Manuel Fernández González 64656
[Language: Spanish]
Space-Trap At Banya Tor, by W. J. Matthews 64655
Harvesting Ants and Trap-Door Spiders, by J. Traherne Moggridge 64654
[Subtitle: Notes and Observations on Their Habits and Dwellings]
Biographical catalogue of the portraits at Longleat in the county 64653
of Wilts the seat of the Marquis of Bath, by Mary Louisa Boyle
Katastrophen, by Juliane Déry 64652
[Subtitle: Neue Novellen]
[Language: German]
Design For Doomsday, by Bryce Walton 64651
Marsin prinsessa, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 64650
[Language: Finnish]
The Herschels and Modern Astronomy, by Agnes Mary Clerke 64649
The Green Dream, by Bryce Walton 64648
Flight From Time, by Alfred Coppel 64647
Goma's Follicles, by John de Courcy and Dorothy de Courcy 64646
Praeterita, by John Ruskin 64645
[Subtitle: souvenirs de jeunesse]
[Language: French]
The Outcasts of Solar III, by Emmett McDowell 64644
Maru, by H. De Vere Stacpoole 64643
[Subtitle: A Dream of the Sea]
Frontier Humor in Verse, Prose and Picture, by Palmer Cox 64642
Oh Mesmerist From Mimas!, by Roger Dee 64641
Machine Of Klamugra, by Allen K. Lang 64640
Régi és uj világ, by Zoltán Ambrus 64639
[Subtitle: Elbeszélések]
[Language: Hungarian]
The Irish Guards in the Great War, Vol. 1 of 2, by Rudyard Kipling 64638
[Subtitle: The First Battalion]
Doomsday 257 A.G.!, by Bryce Walton 64637
Rip Van Winkle, by Washington Irving 64636
[Illustrator: Frank T. Merrill]
Frank Merriwell's First Job, by Burt L. Standish 64635
[Subtitle: At The Foot of the Ladder]
Labyrinth, by Helen R. Hull 64634
The Ways of War, by Tom Kettle and Mary Sheehy Kettle 64633
Cargo To Callisto, by Jay B. Drexel 64632
Let the Ants Try, by James MacCreigh 64631
Against the Stone Beasts, by James Blish 64630
Sticks and Stones, by Lewis Mumford 64629
[Subtitle: A Study of American Architecture and Civilization]
Narratives of Colored Americans, by A. Mott and M. S. Wood 64628
Athletics and Games of the Ancient Greeks, by Edward Marwick Plummer 64627
Abury, A Temple of the British Druids, With Some Others, Described, 64626
by William Stukeley
Sidewinders From Sirius, by Fox B. Holden 64625
Lady Into Hell-Cat, by Stanley Mullen 64624
The Diamond Sutra, Chin-Kang-Ching, or Prajna-Paramita, by Unknown 64623
Vajra-chhediká, the "Kin Kong King," or Diamond Sútra, by Unknown 64622
Josiah Allen's Wife as a P. A. and P. I., by Mariettta Holley 64621
Granada and the Alhambra, by Albert F. Calvert 64620
Az élet diadala, by Dezso Szomory 64619
[Subtitle: Novellák]
[Language: Hungarian]
Koszorú a román népköltészet virágaiból, by Gergely Moldován 64618
[Language: Hungarian]
Valkoinen päällikkö, by Mayne Reid 64617
[Subtitle: Kertomus Pohjois-Meksikosta]
[Language: Finnish]
Riches and Poverty, by Leo George Chiozza Money 64616
[Subtitle: (1910)]
Honor Bright, by Mary Catherine Rowsell 64615
[Subtitle: A Story of the Days of King Charles]
La Poupée, by Léo Larguier 64614
[Illustrator: Chas Laborde]
[Language: French]
Buffalo Bill's Weird Warning, by Colonel Prentiss Ingraham 64613
[Subtitle: Dauntless Dell's Rival]
A Twentieth Century Idealist, by Henry Pettit 64612
Az oszlopbáró, by Lajos Tolnai 64611
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Language: Hungarian]
A monograph on sleep and dream: their physiology and psychology, 64610
by Edward William Cox
A West Point Treasure, by Upton Sinclair 64609
[Subtitle: Or Mark Mallory's Strange Find]
>From the Land of the Snow-Pearls, by Ella Higginson 64608
[Subtitle: Tales from Puget Sound]
Seeking His Fortune, and Other Dialogues, by Horatio Alger, Jr. 64607
and O. Augusta Cheney
A China cup and other stories for children, by Felix Vilkhovsky 64606
[Illustrator: Malischeff]
Storia degli Italiani, vol. 4 (di 15), by Cesare Cantù 64605
[Language: Italian]
The Gibson Book, Vol. 2, by Charles Dana Gibson 64604
[Subtitle: Collections of Published Works of Charles Dana Gibson]
Mignon, by J. S. Winter 64603
[Subtitle: or, Bootles' Baby]
Runaway, by Alfred Coppel 64602
Elementary Botany, by George Francis Atkinson 64601
Kalkkarokäärme, by Kurt Lange 64600
[Language: Finnish]
The Princess Casamassima, by Henry James 64599
[Subtitle: A Novel]
Comment placer sa fortune, by Jacques Bainville 64598
[Language: French]
Nuvele, by Ion Luca Caragiale 64597
[Language: Romanian]
The Star Beast, by Damon Knight 64596
Animat, by Basil Wells 64595
The Death of the Scharnhorst and other Poems, by Arch Alfred McKillen 64594
Sir George Etienne Cartier, by John Boyd 64593
[Subtitle: His Work for Canada and His Services to Montreal]
Harper's Electricity Book for Boys, by Joseph Henry Adams 64592
Publications of William Rider & Son, Ltd., by Anonymous 64591
Dans l’abîme, by Herbert George Wells 64590
[Subtitle: Triomphes d’un Taxidermiste; La Pomme; L’homme volant]
[Language: French]
Doctor Sutilis, by Leopoldo Alas 64589
[Subtitle: Cuentos (short stories)]
[Language: Spanish]
A két Trenk; Trenk Frigyes, by Mór Jókai 64588
[Language: Hungarian]
Augustus Carp, Esq., by Henry Howarth Bashford 64587
[Subtitle: By Himself: Being the Autobiography of a Really Good Man]
[Illustrator: Marjorie Blood]
The Jay Bird Who Went Tame, by John Breck 64586
[Illustrator: William T. Andrews]
The Trap, by Dorothy M. Richardson 64585
[Subtitle: Pilgrimage, Volume 8]
The Trinity Archive, Vol. 1, No. 8, June 1888, by Trinity College 64584
The Trinity Archive, Vol. 1, No. 7, May 1888, by Trinity College 64583
Les Robinsons basques, by Francis Jammes 64582
[Language: French]
Historical record of the Twenty-second, or the Cheshire Regiment of 64581
Foot, by Richard Cannon
[Subtitle: containing an account of the formation of the regiment
in 1689, and of its subsequent services to 1849]
Nagyvárosi képek, by Zoltán Ambrus 64580
[Subtitle: Tollrajzok]
[Language: Hungarian]
Idoj de Orfeo, by H. J. Bulthuis 64579
[Language: Esperanto]
Magic Shadows, by Martin Quigley, Jr. 64578
[Subtitle: The Story of the Origin of Motion Pictures]
The New Astronomy, by Samuel Pierpont Langley 64577
Minor Dialogues, by Lucius Seneca 64576
[Subtitle: Together with the Dialogue On Clemency]
Sir Henry Irving--A record of over Twenty Years at the Lyceum, 64575
by Percy Hetherington Fitzgerald
History of the Jews in America, by Peter Wiernik 64574
[Subtitle: From the Period of the Discovery
of the New World to the Present Time]
The children and the pictures, by Pamela Tennant 64573
New York, by Peter Marcus 64572
[Subtitle: The Nation's Metropolis]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 64571
Fifth Series, Vol. 1, No. 3, January 19, 1884, by Various
Dutch Etchers of the Seventeenth Century, by Laurence Binyon 64570
Watson's Jeffersonian Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 1), January, 1909, 64569
by Various
I don't know, do you?, by Marilla M. Ricker 64568
Nordenholt's Million, by J. J. Connington 64567
The Safety First Club and the Flood, by W. T. Nichols 64566
[Illustrator: F. A. Anderson]
A happy New Year, and other verses, by C. E. de la Poer Beresford 64565
A Tale of Two Monkeys and other stories, by Anonymous 64564
Uppoavia laivoja, by Kaarlo Atra 64563
[Language: Finnish]
The Grand Cham's Diamond, by Allan Monkhouse 64562
[Subtitle: A Play in One Act]
The Berserker, by Charles V. De Vet 64561
How to plan a library building for library work, by Charles C. Soule 64560
The Magic Cameo, by Mrs. Georgie Sheldon 64559
[Subtitle: A Love Story]
Tarzan ja kultaleijona, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 64558
[Subtitle: Seikkailuromaani Afrikan aarniometsist�]
[Language: Finnish]
Lodore, Vol. 3 of 3, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 64557
Lodore, Vol. 2 of 3, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 64556
Lodore, Vol. 1 of 3, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 64555
The Etymology and Syntax of the English Language, by Alexander Crombie 64554
[Subtitle: Explained and Illustrated]
The Cameroons, by Albert F. Calvert 64553
Storia di Carlomagno, Vol. 2/2, by Jean Baptiste Capefigue 64552
[Language: Italian]
Storia di Carlomagno, Vol. 1/2, by Jean Baptiste Capefigue 64551
[Language: Italian]
Intelligence in Plants and Animals, by Thomas George Gentry 64550
[Subtitle: Being a New Edition of the Author's
Privately Issued "Soul and Immortality"]
My Arctic journal, by Josephine Diebitsch-Peary 64549
[Subtitle: a year among ice-fields and Eskimos]
By Scarlet Torch and Blade, by Anthony Euwer 64548
[Illustrator: Anthony Euwer]
Plague and pestilence in literature and art, 64547
by Raymond Henry Payne Crawfurd
Moonglade, by Marguerite Cunliffe-Owen 64546
Marguerite, or, The Isle of Demons and Other Poems, by George Martin 64545
A Wayfarer's Faith, by T. Edmund Harvey 64544
[Subtitle: Aspects of the common basis of religious life]
Visszaemlékezéseim (2. kötet), by Alajos Degré 64543
[Language: Hungarian]
Visszaemlékezéseim (1. kötet), by Alajos Degré 64542
[Language: Hungarian]
Amoralische Fabeln, by Lisa Wenger 64541
[Illustrator: Carl Olof Petersen]
[Language: German]
The Greatest Heiress in England, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 64540
Utazás a föld központja felé (2. rész), by Jules Verne 64539
[Language: Hungarian]
Utazás a föld központja felé (1. rész), by Jules Verne 64538
[Language: Hungarian]
Modern cosmogonies, by Agnes Mary Clerke 64537
English Folk-Song and Dance, by Frank Kidson and Mary Neal 64536
A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms, by Faxian 64535
[Subtitle: Being an account by the Chinese monk Fâ-hien
of his travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 399-414) in
search of the Buddhist books of discipline]
On the Brink of a Chasm, by L. T. Meade 64534
[Subtitle: A record of plot and passion]
Zur neuen Lehre, by Helene von Druskowitz 64533
[Subtitle: Betrachtungen]
[Language: German]
The Lore of the Honey-Bee, by Tickner Edwardes 64532
Werwile of the Crystal Crypt, by Gardner F. Fox 64531
Spacemen Are Born, by Bolling Branham 64530
A history of Italian literature, by Richard Garnett 64529
Venus Hate, by John McGreevey 64528
The Bloodhounds of Zirth, by Lloyd Palmer 64527
Pictures by Gavarni, by Paul Gavarni 64526
Schön ist die Jugend, by Hermann Hesse 64525
[Subtitle: Zwei Erzählungen]
[Language: German]
Kampf und Tod Karls des Zwölften, by Verner von Heidenstam 64524
[Subtitle: Historische Erzählungen]
[Language: German]
Mein Weg zu Martin Luther, by Anton Ohorn 64523
[Language: German]
Märchen, by Hermann Hesse 64522
[Language: German]
In the wake of the buccaneers, by Alpheus Hyatt Verrill 64521
[Illustrator: Alpheus Hyatt Verrill]
Thoughts on South Africa, by Olive Schreiner 64520
What Inhabits Me?, by Robert Moore Williams 64519
Short Stories, by Various 64518
[Subtitle: Early October, 1923]
Our Feathered Friends, by Elizabeth and Joseph Grinnell 64517
Temptress Of Planet Delight, by B. Curtis 64516
Synthetic Hero, by Erik Fennel 64515
Goya, by Albert F. Calvert 64514
Aus Indien, by Hermann Hesse 64513
[Language: German]
The Third Little Green Man, by Damon Knight 64512
Black Priestess of Varda, by Erik Fennel 64511
A Daughter of Witches, by Joanna E. Wood 64510
[Subtitle: A Romance]
Die Uhr, by Karl Frenzel 64509
[Subtitle: Aufzeichnungen eines Hagestolzen]
[Language: German]
Mágia, by Dezso Kosztolányi 64508
[Language: Hungarian]
Ricardo's Virus, by William Tenn 64507
Notes on Noses, by Eden Warwick 64506
Give Back a World, by Raymond Z. Gallun 64505
Working with the Hands, by Booker T. Washington 64504
[Illustrator: Frances Benjamin Johnston]
Christianity in relation to Freethought, Scepticism, and Faith, 64503
by Charles Bradlaugh and William Connor Magee
[Subtitle: Three discourses by the Bishop of Peterborough
with special replies by Mr. C. Bradlaugh]
Életemből (II. rész), by Mór Jókai 64502
[Subtitle: Igaz történetek. Örök emlékek. Humor. Utleirás.]
[Language: Hungarian]
Életemből (I. rész), by Mór Jókai 64501
[Subtitle: Igaz történetek. Örök emlékek. Humor. Utleirás.]
[Language: Hungarian]
Biology versus Theology. The Bible: irreconcilable with Science, 64500
Experience, and even its own statements, by Julian
Darwinism, The Noachian Flood, by Thomas R. R. Stebbing 64499
Animals' Rights Considered in Relation to Social Progress, 64498
by Henry Stephens Salt
Murderer's Base, by William Brittain 64497
Moses, not Darwin, by Bennett George Johns 64496
[Subtitle: A Sermon]
The Palace of Glass and the Gathering of the People, by John Stoughton 64495
[Subtitle: A Book for the Exhibition]
Knott's pop-corn book, by E. R. Knott 64494
[Subtitle: Dedicated to the health, the happiness,
and the wealth of all people]
The Workers, by Walter Augustus Wyckoff 64493
[Subtitle: An Experiment in Reality, The West]
Last Run On Venus, by James McKimmey 64492
Day of Wrath, by Bjarne Kirchhoff 64491
Stories of the Wars of the Jews, by A. L. O. E. 64490
Dante and the early astronomers, by Mary Acworth Orr 64489
Roman Stoicism, by E. Vernon Arnold 64488
[Subtitle: being lectures on the history of the Stoic philosophy
with special reference to its development within the Roman Empire]
De Danske paa Schelden, by Otto George Lütken 64487
[Subtitle: Under Kapitainerne S. U. Rosenvinge og H. Baron Holsten.]
[Language: Danish]
Kauhea Tarzan, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 64486
[Subtitle: Seikkailuromaani Afrikan aarniometsist�]
[Language: Finnish]
The Origin of the Mound Builders, by Alfred Oscar Coffin 64485
Zur Männerfrage!, by Clara Schott and Clara Caroline Schachne 64484
[Language: German]
Reisescizzen und Tagebuchblätter aus Deutsch-Ostafrika, 64483
by Frieda von Bülow
[Language: German]
Abenteuer und Fahrten des Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain 64482
[Illustrator: H. Schrödter]
[Language: German]
Chicken Farm, by Ross Rocklynne 64481
Amour, Amour, Dear Planet!, by Mark Clutter 64480
Szilágyi és Káldy, by Károly Eötvös 64479
[Language: Hungarian]
Engelsch woordenboek, by K. ten Bruggencate 64478
[Subtitle: Eerste deel: Engelsch-Nederlandsch
(met uitgeschreven verkortingen)]
[Language: Dutch]
Eläinden Tauti-Kirja, by Christfrid Ganander 64477
[Language: Finnish]
Panama and the Canal in Picture and Prose, by Willis J. Abbott 64476
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 64475
Fifth Series, Vol. 1, No. 2, January 12, 1884, by Various
Planet In Reverse, by Henry Guth 64474
Task of Tau, by J. Harvey Haggard 64473
Christian Literature, by John Stoughton 64472
[Subtitle: a sermon]
The Book of Light in the Hand of Love, by Charles J. Vaughan 64471
[Subtitle: A plea for the British and Foreign Bible Society]
Biblical Revision, by Henry Alford 64470
[Subtitle: its duties and conditions]
Wages in 1873, by Thomas Brassey 64469
[Subtitle: Address read before the Social Science
Association at Norwich]
Birds of Song and Story, by Elizabeth Grinnell and Joseph Grinnell 64468
The Manhattaners, by Edward Sims Van Zile 64467
[Subtitle: A Story of the Hour]
Roßhalde, by Hermann Hesse 64466
[Language: German]
Novelas ejemplares y amorosas, by María de Zayas y Sotomayor 64465
[Language: Spanish]
Salve Venetia, gleanings from Venetian history Vol. 1, 64464
by Francis Marion Crawford
[Illustrator: Joseph Pennell]
Pákh Albert humoros életképei, by Albert Pákh 64463
[Language: Hungarian]
The Defeat of Varus and the German Frontier Policy of Augustus, 64462
by William Abbott Oldfather and Howard Vernon Canter
Roraima and British Guiana With a Glance at Bermuda, The West Indies, 64461
And The Spanish Main, by John Whetham Boddam-Whetham
The Armenians, by Cuthbert Francis Dixon-Johnson 64460
Marion Harland's Complete Cook Book, by Marion Harland 64459
[Subtitle: A Practical and Exhaustive Manual
of Cookery and Housekeeping]
A Silent Singer, by Clara Morris 64458
The Common Reader, by Virginia Woolf 64457
The Strange Friend of Tito Gil, by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón 64456
Australia in Palestine, by Various 64455
Illuminated illustrations of Froissart;, by Jean Froissart 64454
[Subtitle: Selected from the ms. in the Bibliothèque
royale, Paris, and from other sources]
L'Architecture romane, by Édouard Corroyer 64453
[Language: French]
The Bad Little Owls, by John Breck 64452
[Illustrator: William T. Andrews]
Palæontological Report of the Princeton Scientific Expedition of 1877, 64451
by Henry Fairfield Osborn, William Berryman Scott,
and Francis Speir, Jr.
Engelsch woordenboek, Eerste deel, Engelsch-Nederlandsch, 64450
by K. ten Bruggencate
[Language: Dutch]
Kurgast, by Hermann Hesse 64449
[Subtitle: Aufzeichnungen von einer Badener Kur]
[Language: German]
Happy Rain Night, by Dean Evans 64448
Buffalo Bill's Pursuit, by Colonel Prentiss Ingraham 64447
[Subtitle: The Heavy Hand of Justice]
Buffalo Bill, Peacemaker, by Colonel Prentiss Ingraham 64446
[Subtitle: On a Troublesome Trail]
Cosmic Castaway, by Stanley Mullen 64445
My empress, twenty-three years of intimate life with the empress 64444
of all the Russias from her marriage to the day of her exile,
by Marfa Mouchanow
Art principles in literature, by Francis P. Donnelly 64443
Morphium, by Adine Gemberg 64442
[Subtitle: Novellen]
[Language: German]
Chronologische beschrijving van Tegelen, by G. Peeters 64441
[Subtitle: benevens aanteekeningen over Belfeld en Steijl]
[Language: Dutch]
Dat Nie Testament vun unsen Herrn un Heiland Jesus Christus, 64440
by Johannes Bugenhagen
[Subtitle: na de plattdütsche Oeversettung
vun Dr. Johann Bugenhagen]
[Language: Low German]
Troteras y danzaderas, by Ramón Pérez de Ayala 64439
[Subtitle: Novela]
[Language: Spanish]
Hermelijn, by Melati van Java 64438
[Language: Dutch]
Leaders of the People, by Joseph Clayton 64437
[Subtitle: Studies in Democratic History]
Talttumaton Tarzan, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 64436
[Language: Finnish]
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Jan 2021 to 31 Jan 2021 ~ ~ ~ ~
First Base Faulkner, by Christy Mathewson 64435
[Illustrator: Charles M. Relyea]
A Pictorial Atlas of Fossil Remains, consisting of coloured 64434
illustrations selected from Parkinson's "Organic remains
of a former world," and Artis's "Antediluvian phytology,"
by Gideon Algernon Mantell
The Amazing Emperor Heliogabalus, by John Stuart Hay 64433
Anguish Languish, by Howard L. Chace 64432
[Illustrator: Hal Doremus]
Vizenjárók és kétkézi munkások, by István Tömörkény 64431
[Language: Hungarian]
Josie O'Gorman and the Meddlesome Major, by Emma Speed Sampson 64430
[Illustrator: Isabel Bush Mack]
Tarzan ja valkoinen nainen, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 64429
[Language: Finnish]
Albertine disparue, Vol. 2 of 2, by Marcel Proust 64428
[Subtitle: À la recherche du temps perdu, Tome 7]
[Language: French]
Albertine disparue, Vol. 1 of 2, by Marcel Proust 64427
[Subtitle: À la recherche du temps perdu, Tome 7]
[Language: French]
Lynch Law in Georgia, by Ida B. Wells-Barnett 64426
Giannella, by Mrs. Hugh Fraser 64425
Tarzan ja Oparin aarteet, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 64424
[Subtitle: Seikkailuromaani Afrikan aarniometsistä]
[Language: Finnish]
L'école des vieilles femmes, by Jean Lorrain 64423
[Language: French]
Shining Hours, by Anonymous 64422
Il mio cadavere, by Francesco Mastriani 64421
[Language: Italian]
Jonah of the Jove-Run, by Ray Bradbury 64420
Tales of an Old Sea Port, by Wilfred Harold Munro 64419
Paisajes Argentinos, by José María Salaverría 64418
[Language: Spanish]
Tom Sawyers Abenteuer und Streiche, by Mark Twain 64417
[Illustrator: H. Schrödter]
[Language: German]
Der Uebel größtes .., by Käte Lubowski 64416
[Language: German]
Mind Worms, by Moses Schere 64415
Der Jäger von Fall, by Ludwig Ganghofer 64414
[Subtitle: Hochlandsroman]
[Language: German]
Magic, Pretended Miracles and Remarkable Natural Phenomena, by Anonymous 64413
How to Make Money, by John V. Dunlap 64412
Diana degli Embriaci, by Antonio Giulio Barrili 64411
[Subtitle: Storia del XII secolo]
[Language: Italian]
The Story of a Great Schoolmaster, by Herbert George Wells 64410
Pyhän Halvardin elämä ja ihmetyöt; Viga-Ljot ja Vigdis, by Sigrid Undset 64409
[Language: Finnish]
Hours of childhood and other poems, by Anonymous 64408
Dick Merriwell’s Aëro Dash, by Burt L. Standish 64407
[Subtitle: Winning Above the Clouds]
In Camp with L Company, by George W. Petty 64406
[Subtitle: Second Regiment New Jersey Volunteer Infantry]
Lady Maclairn, the Victim of Villany, A Novel, Vol. 1 of 4, 64405
by Rachel Hunter
Con-Fen, by James R. Adams 64404
Antigone, by Sophocles 64403
[Language: Hungarian]
The Reign of Gilt, by David Graham Phillips 64402
A nagy év, by Károly Eötvös 64401
[Language: Hungarian]
The Workers, by Walter Augustus Wyckoff 64400
[Subtitle: An Experiment in Reality: The East]
Salainen puutarha, by Frances Hodgson Burnett 64399
[Language: Finnish]
Evered, by Ben Ames Williams 64398
Tad Coon's Great Adventure, by John Breck 64397
[Illustrator: William T. Andrews]
The Private Life, by Henry James 64396
Tacoma: Electric City of the Pacific Coast, 1904, by Louis W. Pratt 64395
Sweet Hampstead and its Associations, by Caroline A. White 64394
Lettere di molte valorose donne, by Ortensio Lando 64393
[Subtitle: nelle quali chiaramente appare non
esser ne di eloquentia ne di dottrina alli
huomini inferiori]
[Language: Italian]
Institutes of the Christian Religion, Vol. 2 of 2, by John Calvin 64392
Tünemények, by Károly Eötvös 64391
[Language: Hungarian]
Ignotus verseiből, by Ignotus 64390
[Language: Hungarian]
Tarzanin viidakkoseikkailuja, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 64389
[Subtitle: Seikkailuja Afrikan aarniometsissä]
[Language: Finnish]
Was ich geschaut, by Irma von Troll-Borostyání 64388
[Subtitle: Novellen]
[Language: German]
Egyptian Art, by Gaston Maspero 64387
[Subtitle: Studies]
The Mystery of Cleverly, by George Barton 64386
[Subtitle: A Story for Boys]
Why Authors Go Wrong, by Grant Martin Overton 64385
[Subtitle: And Other Explanations]
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Vol. 6, Supplement, 64384
by Richard F. Burton
Ansiedlungen in den Urwäldern von Canada, by Catharine Parr Traill 64383
[Subtitle: Ein Wegweiser für Auswandrer nach Amerika von einer Emigrantin.]
[Language: German]
Oszi napsugár; A gyanu, by Zoltán Ambrus 64382
[Language: Hungarian]
Merelä ja rannikolta, by Just W. Flood 64381
[Subtitle: Kokoelma kertomuksia]
[Language: Finnish]
The fauna of the deep sea, by Sydney John Hickson 64380
Meren maininkeja, by Larin-Kyösti 64379
[Language: Finnish]
The Smoky Valley, by Birger Sandzen 64378
[Subtitle: Reproductions of a series of Lithographs
of the Smoky Valley in Kansas]
Tarzanin poika, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 64377
[Language: Finnish]
Don Balasco Key Westistä, by Archibald Clavering Gunter 64376
[Subtitle: Nykyajan kertomus Kuubasta]
[Language: Finnish]
Liebermann, by Hans Rosenhagen 64375
[Language: German]
Twenty-Seven Drawings by William Blake 64374
The Industrial Republic, by Upton Sinclair 64373
[Subtitle: a study of the America of ten years hence]
The Boy's Book of Indians and the Wild West, by George Alfred Williams 64372
[Illustrator: George Alfred Williams]
Apologie pour les nouveaux-riches, by Charles Moulié 64371
[Language: French]
Die Heimat, by Paul Keller 64370
[Subtitle: Roman aus den schlesischen Bergen]
[Illustrator: Felix Schumacher]
[Language: German]
Le Mont Saint-Michel, son histoire et sa légende, 64369
by Joséphine Amory de Langerack
[Illustrator: Félix Thorigny]
[Language: French]
Water Color Renderings of Venice, by Pierre Vignal 64368
A trachisi nők, by Sophokles 64367
[Language: Hungarian]
The Young Wild-Fowlers, by Harry Castlemon 64366
[Subtitle: Rod and Gun Series]
Anne of Green Gables, by L. M. Montgomery 64365
[Illustrators: M. A. Claus and W. A. J. Claus]
Sword of the Seven Suns, by Gardner F. Fox 64364
The Little Pets of Arkkhan, by Vaseleos Garson 64363
The Prison Of the Stars, by Stanley Mullen 64362
Earth is Missing!, by Carl Selwyn 64361
The Pirate Frog and Other Tales, by William Albert Frisbie 64360
[Illustrator: Fred R. Bartholomew]
Spoilers of the Spaceways, by W. Bradford Martin 64359
Failure On Titan, by Robert Abernathy 64358
Deák Ferencz és családja (2. kötet), by Károly Eötvös 64357
[Language: Hungarian]
Deák Ferencz és családja (1. kötet), by Károly Eötvös 64356
[Language: Hungarian]
Von den Gärten der Erde, by Elisabeth Dauthendey 64355
[Subtitle: Ein Buch der tiefen Stille]
[Language: German]
Me, Myself and I, by Kenneth Putnam 64354
Fields, Factories and Workshops, by Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin 64353
[Subtitle: Industry Combined with Agriculture
and Brain Work with Manual Work]
The Illustrated Horse Doctor, by Edward Mayhew 64352
Earthbound, by Henry Guth 64351
Among the Scented Ones, by Basil Wells 64350
In Quest of El Dorado, by Stephen Graham 64349
Travels in Turkey and back to England, by Edmund Chishull 64348
Frank Merriwell's Prosperity, by Burt L. Standish 64347
[Subtitle: or Toil Has Its Reward]
Duel In Black, by John Foster West 64346
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 64345
Fifth Series, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 5, 1884, by Various
History of King Charles The First of England, by Jacob Abbott 64344
Scouting Magazine, Vol. 36, No. 10, December, 1948, by Lex R. Lucas 64343
Vassals of the Lode-Star, by Gardner F. Fox 64342
Moon of Danger, by Albert de Pina 64341
Woman in Political Evolution, by Joseph McCabe 64340
Nieuw volledig Oost-Indisch kookboek, 64339
by J. M. J. Catenius-van der Meijden
[Subtitle: recepten voor de volledige Indische rijsttafel,
zuren, gebakken, vla's, confituren, ijssoorten]
[Language: Dutch]
Evidences of Progress Among Colored People, by G. F. Richings 64338
The Works of John Dryden, Now first collected in Eighteen Volumes, 64337
Volume 14
The Flowering Plants of South Africa, Vol. 2 of 3, by I. B. Pole Evans 64336
Sihteerin hommat, by Pehr Thomasson 64335
[Language: Finnish]
Sales Talk, by H. F. Cente 64334
The Little Review, Vol. 1, No. 7, October 1914, by Various 64333
>From Seven to Seventy, by Edward Simmons 64332
[Subtitle: Memories of a Painter and a Yankee]
The Martian Circe, by Raymond F. Jones 64331
Where the Gods Decide, by James McKimmey 64330
Falkner, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 64329
Glória és más novellák, by Lajos Biró 64328
[Language: Hungarian]
Der Briefwechsel zwischen Friedrich Engels und Karl Marx 1844 bis 1883, 64327
Erster Band
[Language: German]
Black Silence, by Emmett McDowell 64326
Landscape in History and Other Essays, by Archibald Geikie 64325
Pohjoistullin tyttösakki, by Elin Wägner 64324
[Subtitle: Elisabetin aikakirja]
[Language: Finnish]
Beyond the Yellow Fog, by Emmett McDowell 64323
Les conséquences politiques de la paix, by Jacques Bainville 64322
[Language: French]
The Convict Ship, Volume 3 of 3, by William Clark Russell 64321
The Manchester Man, by Isabella Banks 64320
The History of Esculent Fish, by Eleazar Albin and Roger North 64319
[Illustrator: Elizabeth Albin]
April twilights and other poems, by Willa Cather 64318
The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald 64317
Drawings of David Cox, by Alexander Joseph Finberg 64316
The Girl Scouts' Captain, by Edith Lavell 64315
[Illustrator: Elizabeth Colborne]
Beyond the X Ecliptic, by Fox B. Holden 64314
Beneath the Red World's Crust, by Erik Fennel 64313
Turner's Sketches and Drawings, by A. J. Finberg 64312
Kelevipoeg, by Kosti Raitio 64311
[Language: Finnish]
Fairy Tales Told in the Bush, by Sister Agnes 64310
Gama Is Thee!, by Stanley Mullen 64309
The Ethic Of The Assassin, by Hayden Howard 64308
The Emerald Story Book, by Various 64307
[Subtitle: Stories and legends of spring, nature and Easter]
Artificial Fire-Works, by Robert Jones 64306
[Subtitle: Improved to the Modern Practice, From the Minutest
to the Highest Branches]
Chair, by Eugène Montfort 64305
[Language: French]
A nagy háboru anekdotakincse, by Endre Nagy 64304
[Language: Hungarian]
The Radio Beasts, by Ralph Milne Farley 64303
Mo-Sanshon!, by Bryce Walton 64302
Golden Fleece, by David Graham Phillips 64301
[Subtitle: The American Adventures of a Fortune Hunting Earl]
[Illustrator: Harrison Fisher]
Task Of Kayin, by William Morrison 64300
Tarzanin pedot, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 64299
[Language: Finnish]
The Wavy Tailed Warrior, by John Breck 64298
[Illustrator: William T. Andrews]
After Life in Roman Paganism, by Franz Cumont 64297
Model Flying Machines, by Alfred Morgan 64296
[Subtitle: How To Build And Fly Them]
[Illustrator: Alfred Morgan]
Young Men, by William Guest and J. D. Wells and In Business, 64295
by J. D. Wells
Mákvirágok kertje, by Gyula Krúdy 64294
[Language: Hungarian]
Assignment In the Dawn, by Bryce Walton 64293
Bunzo Farewell, by Charles V. De Vet 64292
Come prima meglio di prima, by Luigi Pirandello 64291
[Subtitle: Commedia in tre atti]
[Language: Italian]
Paysages Passionnés, by Gabriel Faure 64290
[Illustrator: Pierre-Eugène Vibert]
[Language: French]
Jean Sbogar, by Charles Nodier 64289
[Illustrators: Luděk Marold, Luigi Rossi Mittis, and Georges Picard]
[Language: French]
Against Tetrarch, by A. A. O. Gilmour 64288
Progress in the household, by Lucy Maynard Salmon 64287
Little Masterpieces of Science: Mind, by George Iles, John Fiske, 64286
James Sully, Francis Galton, and William H. Hudson
Reminiscences of a Private, Company "G", First Arkansas 64285
Regiment Infantry, by W. E. Bevens
[Subtitle: May, 1861 to 1865]
Spawn of the Desert, by Wilbur C. Tuttle 64284
Mein kleiner Chinese, by Alma Maximiliane Karlin 64283
[Subtitle: Ein China-Roman]
[Illustrator: August Friedrich Seebacher]
[Language: German]
Val Sinestra, by Martha Morton 64282
How to make pottery, by Mary White 64281
Two Ways of Becoming A Hunter, by Harry Castlemon 64280
Test For the Pearl, by Vaseleos Garson 64279
Életbölcseség, by Arthur Schopenhauer 64278
[Subtitle: Aforizmák]
[Language: Hungarian]
Letters from An Old Time Salesman to His Son, by Roy Lester James 64277
Leivän ja seikkailun haussa, by Aatu Koskelainen 64276
[Subtitle: Hämäläisen mökinpojan tarina]
[Language: Finnish]
Original stories from real life, by Mary Wollstonecraft 64275
[Subtitle: With conversations, calculated to regulate
the affections, and form the mind to truth and goodness]
Pierre et Luce, by Romain Rolland 64274
[Illustrator: Gabriel Belot]
[Language: French]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 754, 64273
June 8, 1878, by Various
Letters of an Architect, from France, Italy, and Greece, Volume 2 of 2, 64272
by Joseph Woods
[Subtitle: In Two Volumes]
Burmah and the Burmese, by Kenneth Robert Henderson Mackenzie 64271
Asteroid Justice, by V.E. Thiessen 64270
Chata and Chinita, by Louise Palmer Heaven 64269
Blood Transfusion, by Geoffrey Keynes 64268
Girl of the Silver Sphere, by J. Harvey Haggard 64267
Escape From Pluto, by William Oberfield 64266
Crash Beam, by John Barrett 64265
Zero Hour, by Ray Bradbury 64264
Practicable Socialism, by Samuel Agustus Barnett and 64263
Henrietta Octavia Barnett
[Subtitle: Essays on Social Reform]
Buffalo Bill's Big Surprise, by Colonel Prentiss Ingraham 64262
[Subtitle: The Biggest Stampede on Record]
Kevät, by Sigrid Undset 64261
[Language: Finnish]
Lyra Celtica, by Elizabeth Amelia Sharp 64260
[Subtitle: An Anthology of Representative Celtic Poetry]
Pekka Sallinen, by Kustavi Nordlund 64259
[Subtitle: Kertomus 1808-9 v. sodasta]
[Language: Finnish]
The Mean-Wells, by Mabel Quiller-Couch 64258
[Illustrator: George Edward Robertson]
The Three Voyages of William Barents, by Gerrit De Veer 64257
[Subtitle: To the Arctic Regions (1594, 1595, and 1596)]
Kuka nyt vävyksi? Kaksinäytöksinen ilveily, by Sakari Ruotsalo 64256
and Aukusti Edvard Korhonen
[Language: Finnish]
The City of Comrades, by Basil King 64255
Only an Ensign, Volume 3 of 3, by James Grant 64254
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Retreat from Cabul]
Only an Ensign, Volume 2 of 3, by James Grant 64253
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Retreat from Cabul]
Only an Ensign, Volume 1 of 3, by James Grant 64252
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Retreat from Cabul]
This Finer Shadow, by Harlan Cozad McIntosh 64251
The Naturalist in Vancouver Island and British Columbia, 64250
by John Keast Lord
Holmes' Own Story, by Herman W. Mudgett 64249
[Subtitle: In which the Alleged Multi-Murderer and Arch Conspirator
tells of the twenty-two Tragic deaths and disappearances in which
he is said to be Implicated]
Some do not..., by Ford Madox Ford 64248
Travels Into Bokhara, Vol. 2 of 3, by Alexander Burnes 64247
Geertje, by Johan de Meester 64246
[Language: Dutch]
Die letzten zwanzig Jahre deutscher Litteraturgeschichte 1880–1900, 64245
by Emil Thomas
[Language: German]
Preview Of Peril, by Alfred Coppel 64244
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 753, 64243
June 1, 1878, by Various
The Carcellini Emerald with Other Tales, by Mrs. Burton Harrison 64242
Other Worlds, by Lena Jane Fry 64241
[Subtitle: A story concerning the wealth earned by American
citizens and showing how it can be secured to them instead
of to the trusts]
Nel mondo dei libri, by Matteo Cuomo 64240
[Subtitle: Bizzarrie]
[Language: Italian]
The Un-Reconstructed Woman, by Hayden Howard 64239
The Flight of the Eagle, by Sol Galaxan 64238
Old Age Deferred, by Arnold Lorand 64237
[Subtitle: The causes of old age and its postponement
by hygienic and therapeutic measures]
Under Foch's Command, by Captain F. S. Brereton 64236
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Americans in France]
[Illustrator: Wal Paget]
The Tale of the Argonauts, by Apollonius Rhodius 64235
Miss Tweedham's Elogarsn, by Robert Moore Williams 64234
The postage stamps, envelopes, wrappers and post cards of the North 64233
American colonies of Great Britain, by The Philatelic Society
Le Maréchal de Richelieu, by Paul d'Estrée 64232
[Language: French]
Buffalo Bill and the Overland Trail, by Edwin L. Sabin 64231
[Subtitle: Being the Story of how Boy and Man Worked Hard
and Played Hard to Blaze the White Trail, by Wagon Train,
Stage Coach, and Pony Express]
[Illustrator: Charles H. Stephens]
The Venus Evil, by Chester S. Geier 64230
A Century of Parody and Imitation, by Walter Jerrold 64229
Quest On Phoebe, by James R. Adams 64228
The Evolution Theory, Vol. 1 of 2, by August Weismann 64227
Ecclesiastical History of England from the Opening of the Long 64226
Parliament to the Death of Oliver Cromwell, by John Stoughton
[Subtitle: Volume 2, The Church of the Commonwealth]
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs, by Hugh Lofting 64225
American problems, by Theodore Roosevelt 64224
Jewel sowers, by Edith Allonby 64223
[Subtitle: a novel]
L'amour prodigue, by René Maizeroy 64222
[Language: French]
Leányok, asszonyok, by Zoltán Ambrus 64221
[Subtitle: Elbeszélések]
[Language: Hungarian]
Railway Reform, by Bureau du Journal des travaux publics 64220
[Language: French]
The Collected Writings of Dougal Graham, "Skellat" Bellman 64219
of Glasgow, Vol. 2 of 2
A Journey Made in the Summer of 1794, through Holland and the Western 64218
Frontier of Germany, with a Return Down the Rhine, Vol. 2 of 2,
by Ann Ward Radcliffe
[Subtitle: To Which Are Added Observations during a Tour to the
Lakes of Lancashire, Westmoreland, and Cumberland; Second Edition]
Death Star, by James McKimmey 64217
Tad Coon's Tricks, by John Breck 64216
[Illustrator: William T. Andrews]
The Nurse in Greek Life, by Mary Rosaria Gorman 64215
Princess of Chaos, by Bryce Walton 64214
Sésame et les lys, by John Ruskin 64213
[Subtitle: des trésors des rois, des jardins des reines]
[Language: French]
How Paper Boxes Are Made, by Robert Francis Salade 64212
Villiruusu, by Kate Douglas Wiggin 64211
[Language: Finnish]
Types of Prose Narratives, by Harriott Ely Fansler 64210
[Subtitle: A Text-Book for the Story Writer]
Farfars kistalarika, by Astrid Väring 64209
[Illustrator: Carl-Magnus Lindqvist]
[Language: Swedish]
Hans Holbein the Younger, Volume 1 of 2, by Arthur B. Chamberlain 64208
Of Medicine in Eight Books, by Aulus Cornelius Celsus 64207
La civiltà del secolo del Rinascimento in Italia, Vol. 2, 64206
by Jacob Burckhardt
[Language: Italian]
La civiltà del secolo del Rinascimento in Italia, Vol. 1, 64205
by Jacob Burckhardt
[Language: Italian]
Abnormitäten, by Hermann Waldemar Otto 64204
[Language: German]
The Pedestrian's Guide through North Wales, by George John Bennett 64203
[Illustrator: Alfred Clint]
Les mariages de Paris, by Edmond About 64202
[Language: French]
Saarelaisvallesmanni, by Emil Elenius 64201
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Der Wanderer, by Anton Fendrich 64200
[Language: German]
Exile From Venus, by E. Hoffman Price 64199
Captives of the Thieve-Star, by James H. Schmitz 64198
Magna Carta and Other Addresses, by William D. Guthrie 64197
Into the Frozen South, by James Marr 64196
The Tourist's Guide through North Wales, by George John Bennett 64195
[Illustrator: Alfred Clint]
A tragikum, by Jeno Rákosi 64194
[Language: Hungarian]
Die Kringhäusler, by Alma Maximiliane Karlin 64193
[Subtitle: Drama in drei Akten]
[Language: German]
The Priceless Pearl, by Alice Duer Miller 64192
GUTINDEX.2020 is a plain text listing of eBooks posted to the Project
Gutenberg collection between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020
beginning with eBook number 61070 and ending with eBook number 64191.
**** A C Following a Project Gutenberg eBook Number Indicates Copyright ****
**** The Language of the eBooks is English, unless otherwise noted ****
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Dec 2020 to 31 Dec 2020 ~ ~ ~ ~
The Seminoles of Florida, by Minnie Moore-Willson 64191
A Selection from the Norse Tales for the Use of Children, 64189
by G. W. Dasent
La simulación en la lucha por la vida, by Jose Ingenieros 64188
[Language: Spanish]
Mediæval Military Architecture in England, by George Thomas Clarke 64187
Social Forces in England and America, by Herbert George Wells 64186
A Body of Divinity, Vol. 3 of 4, by Thomas Ridgley 64185
[Subtitle: Wherein the doctrines of the Christian religion
are explained and defended, being the substance of several
lectures on the Assembly's Larger Catechism]
The Airship Boys in the Great War, by De Lysle F. Cass 64184
[Subtitle: or, The Rescue of Bob Russell]
[Illustrator: Harry O. Kennedy]
Pieni novellikirjasto VIII, by Various 64183
[Language: Finnish]
Historical and Descriptive Sketches of the Town and Soke of Horncastle, 64182
1820, by George Weir
[Subtitle: in the county of Lincoln, and of several places adjacent]
Rocket Summer, by Ray Bradbury 64181
The National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 3, Complete, 1891, by Various 64180
The Antiquities of Bridgnorth, by George Bellett 64179
Bethlehem, by Laurence Housman 64178
[Subtitle: A Nativity Play]
The Little Review, September 1914, Vol. 1, No. 6, by Various 64177
Seneca Fiction, Legends, and Myths, by Jeremiah Curtin 64176
[Subtitle: Thirty-Second Annual Report of the
Bureau of American Ethnology; 1910-1911]
Distress Signal, by Ross Rocklynne 64175
Wireless Telegraph Construction for Amateurs, by Alfred Morgan 64174
[Illustrator: Alfred Morgan]
The Fatal Third, by Theodore L. Thomas 64173
Scrambled World, by Basil Wells 64172
On Board the "Rocket", by Robert Chamblet Adams 64171
Gay gods and merry mortals, by Robert J. Shores 64170
[Subtitle: some excursions in verse]
Tom Newcombe, by Harry Castlemon 64169
[Subtitle: The Boy of Bad Habits]
Lettres à M. Panizzi, tome II, by Louis Fagan and Prosper Mérimée 64168
[Language: French]
A sentimental & practical guide to Amesbury and Stonehenge, 64167
by Florenace Caroline Mathilde Antrobus]
[Illustrator: Clarisse Miles]
What I Saw in Berlin and Other European capitals During Wartime 64166
by Piermarini
En Alsace, by André Lichtenberger 64165
[Language: French]
Excursions in North Wales, by John Hicklin 64164
[Subtitle: A Complete Guide to the Tourist
through that Romantic Country]
Legends of Switzerland, by H. A. Guerber 64163
The Sins of Silvertip the Fox, by John Breck 64162
[Illustrator: William T. Andrews]
Idylls of the Sea, by Frank Thomas Bullen and John St. Loe Strachey 64161
[Subtitle: and Other Marine Sketches]
Experimental Investigation of the Spirit Manifestations, by Robert Hare 64160
Planet of Creation, by Chester S. Geier 64159
New Milford, by James B. Bona 64158
[Subtitle: A memorial discourse, delivered in the Congregational
church, New Milford, Conn., Sunday, July 9, 1876]
Atavism, by Erik Fennel 64157
In the Christmas Woods, by Adeline Knapp 64156
[Subtitle: being the introductory essay of a series
on observations of nature through the year]
[Illustrator: William Keith]
Crosby Lockwood & Son's Catalogue of Scientific, Technical 64155
and Industrial Books, January, 1901, by Various
Ten Days' Tour through the Isle of Anglesea, by John Skinner 64154
[Subtitle: December, 1802]
Les cinquante et ung arretz d'amours, by Martial d'Auvergne 64153
[Language: French]
The Strange Visitation, by Marie Corelli 64152
Schumann, by Richard Batka 64151
[Language: German]
Danforth Plays the Game, by Ralph Henry Barbour 64150
[Subtitle: Stories for Boys Little and Big]
[Illustrator: John A. Coughlin]
In the Christmas Woods, by Adeline Knapp 64149
[Subtitle: Being the introductory essay of a series
on observations of nature through the year]
[Illustrator: William Keith]
Saga of the oak, and other poems, by William H. Venable 64148
A Stolen Name, by Nicholas Carter 64147
[Subtitle: The Man Who Defied Nick Carter]
Mons Spes, by Various 64146
[Subtitle: et novellae aliae]
[Language: Latin]
Pastiches et mélanges, by Marcel Proust 64145
[Language: French]
Femmes nouvelles, by Paul Margueritte and Victor Margueritte 64144
[Language: French]
Soil and Water Pollution, Presented to the American Public Health 64143
Association at New Orleans, Dec. 1880, by Moses T. Runnels
Final Glory, by Henry Hasse 64142
Slay-Ride, by Winston K. Marks 64141
Soup and Soup Making, by Emma Pike Ewing 64140
Memoirs of a country doll, by Mary Curtis 64139
[Illustrator: D. C. Johnston]
The psychology of sleep, by Bolton Hall 64138
History of Early Steamboat Navigation on the Missouri River, 64137
Volume 2 of 2, by Hiram Martin Chittenden
[Subtitle: Life and Adventures of Joseph La Barge]
History of Early Steamboat Navigation on the Missouri River, 64136
Volume 1 of 2, by Hiram Martin Chittenden
[Subtitle: Life and Adventures of Joseph La Barge]
Vigilante Days and Ways, by Nathaniel Pitt Langford 64135
[Subtitle: The pioneers of the Rockies; the makers
and making of Montana and Idaho]
Christmas tales of Flanders, by André de Rider and M. C. O. Morris 64134
[Illustrator: Jean de Bosschere]
Die irdische Unsterblichkeit, by Werner Jansen 64133
[Language: German]
Die irdische Unsterblichkeit, by Werner Jansen 64133
[Language: German]
The Cambrian Tourist, 1834, by Anonymous 64132
[Subtitle: or, Post-Chaise Companion through Wales]
Under the Turk in Constantinople, by George Frederick Abbot 64131
[Subtitle: A record of Sir John Finch's Embassy, 1674-1681]
Les proverbes communs, by Jean de La Véprie 64130
[Language: French]
Traicté tresplaisant et recreatif de l'amour parfaicte de 64129
Guisgardus et Sigismunde fille de Tancredus prince des
solernitiens, by Leonardo Bruni
[Language: French]
Her Serene Highness, by David Graham Phillips 64128
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Cambrian Tourist [1828], by Anonymous 64127
[Subtitle: or, Post-Chaise Companion through Wales]
Brother Jonathan, by Hezekiah Butterworth 64126
Joe Leslie's Wife, by Alexander Robertson 64125
[Subtitle: or, a Skeleton in the Closet]
Santa Claus' Sweetheart, by Imogen Clark 64124
Frank Merriwell's Own Company, by Burt L. Standish 64123
[Subtitle: BarnStorming the Middle West]
The Story of a Pumpkin Pie, by William E. Barton 64122
[Illustrator: A. M. Willard]
The Theosophical Path Illustrated Monthly Vol. 1, July-December, 1911, 64121
by Katherine Tingley
House and Home Papers, by Christopher Crowfield 64120
and Harriet Beecher Stowe
[Subtitle: Seventh Edition]
Lèvres closes, by Daniel Lesueur 64119
[Language: French]
Ariel, by André Maurois 64118
[Subtitle: A Shelley Romance]
The Christmas Holly, by Marion Harland 64117
La Mal'aria, by Henri Rochefort 64116
[Subtitle: Etude Sociale]
[Language: French]
Kaksi rakastavaista, by Romain Rolland 64115
[Language: Finnish]
The Convict Ship, Volume 2 of 3, by William Clark Russell 64114
Tres utile et compendieulx Traicte de l'art et science d'orthographie 64113
gallicane dedans lequel sont comprinses plusieurs choses necessaires,
curieuses, nouvelles et dignes de scavoir non veues auparavant,
by Anonymous
[Language: French]
Kaipara, or experiences of a settler in North New Zealand, 64112
by Peter W. Barlow
Pugilistica, Volume 3 (of 3), by Henry Downes Miles 64111
[Subtitle: The History of British Boxing]
At the Sign of the Fox, by Mabel Osgood Wright 64110
[Subtitle: A Romance]
The Christmas Reindeer, by Thornton W. Burgess 64109
[Illustrator: Rhoda Chase]
Christmas in Spain; or Mariquita's Day of Rejoicing, 64108
by Sarah Gertrude Pomeroy
[Illustrator: Bertha D. Hoxie]
Christmas in Sweden; or, A festival of light, by Sarah Gertrude Pomeror 64107
[Illustrator: Bertha D. Hoxie]
Il tesoro di Donnina, by Salvatore Farina 64106
[Language: Italian]
Children of South America, by Katharine A. Hodge 64105
Punanen kokardi, by Stanley J. Weyman 64104
[Subtitle: Romaani Ranskan vallankumouksen ensi ajoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Little Paulina, by Mary Cowden Clark 64103
[Subtitle: Christmas in Russia]
Flowers from Shakespeare's Garden, by William Shakespeare 64102
[Subtitle: A Posy from the Plays]
[Illustrator: Walter Crane]
Nova Scotia's Part in the Great War, by Various 64101
Santa Claus, Kriss Kringle, or St. Nicholas, by Anonymous 64100
[Subtitle: Fully Illustrated.]
Kolttain mailta, by Samuli Paulaharju 64099
[Subtitle: Kansatieteellisiä kuvauksia Kuollan-Lapista]
[Language: Finnish]
Human Work, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman 64098
The Female Physician, by John Maubray 64097
[Subtitle: Containing all the diseases incident to that sex,...
together with their causes and symptoms, etc.]
Äventyr och hugskott, by Albert Engström 64096
[Language: Swedish]
A Yellow Aster, Volume 3 of 3, by Kathleen Mannington Caffyn 64095
Christmas on Wheels, by Willis Boyd Allen 64094
Christmas offering, by Mrs. Elizabeth Dimond 64093
The Christmas dinner, by Washington Irving 64092
[Subtitle: from "The sketch book"]
L'esprit impur, by Auguste Gilbert de Voisins 64091
[Language: French]
Pappilan tuvassa, by Martti Wuori 64090
[Subtitle: Yksinäytöksinen huvinäytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
Il buco nel muro, by Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi 64089
[Language: Italian]
Children of Africa, by James B. Baird 64088
Kuudes osasto, by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov 64087
[Language: Finnish]
L'image, by Émile Pouvillon 64086
[Language: French]
Mathematische Geographie für Lehrerbildungsanstalten, by E. Eggert 64085
[Language: German]
Les demoiselles Goubert, by Jean Moréas and Paul Adam 64084
[Language: French]
The Little Review, July 1914, Vol. 1, No. 5, by Various 64083
Morley Ashton, Volume 3 (of 3), by James Grant 64082
[Subtitle: A Story of the Sea]
Morley Ashton, Volume 2 (of 3), by James Grant 64081
[Subtitle: A Story of the Sea]
Morley Ashton, Volume 1 (of 3), by James Grant 64080
[Subtitle: A Story of the Sea]
The Happy Hunting-Grounds, by Kermit Roosevelt 64079
Nibble Rabbit Makes More Friends, by John Breck 64078
[Illustrator: William T. Andrews]
A Description of a New-Invented Stove-Grate, by J. Durno 64077
Out Of the Dark Nebula, by Milton L. Coe 64076
Captive of the Centaurianess, by Poul Anderson 64075
G. F. Watts, by G. K. Chesterton 64074
Dateline: Mars, by Richard Wilson 64073
Lake of Fire, by Frank Belknap Long 64072
Open Invitation, by H. B. Fyfe 64071
The Secret Chart, by James K. Orton 64070
[Subtitle: or Treasure Hunting in Hayti]
The most notable Antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly called 64069
Stone-Heng on Salisbury Plain, by Inigo Jones
[Subtitle: Restored by Inigo Jones Esquire,
Architect Generall to the late King]
The Platinum Metals, by A. D. Lumb 64068
Les gens de théâtre, by Pierre Véron 64067
[Language: French]
Le Livre des Légendes, by Selma Lagerlöf 64066
[Language: French]
Le Bar de la Fourche, by Auguste Gilbert de Voisins 64065
[Language: French]
Blind Play, by Chan Davis 64064
The Bryd, by Noel Loomis 64063
Le Aquile della Steppa, by Emilio Salgari 64062
[Language: Italian]
War Chess, by Charles Richardson 64061
[Subtitle: Game of Battle]
Advance Australasia, by Frank Thomas Bullen 64060
[Subtitle: A Day-to-Day Record of a Recent
Visit to Australasia. Second Edition.]
How They Succeeded, by Orison Swett Marden 64059
[Subtitle: Life Stories of Successful Men Told by Themselves]
Fábulas y cuentos en verso, by María Goyri 64058
[Subtitle: Selección]
[Language: Spanish]
Agnes Mary Clerke and Ellen Mary Clerke, 64057
by Margaret Lindsay (Lady) Huggins
[Subtitle: An Appreciation]
The Peril and the Preservation of the Home, by Jacob August Riis 64056
[Subtitle: Being the William L. Bull Lectures for the Year 1903]
A Theory of the Mechanism of Survival, by W. Whately Smith 64055
[Subtitle: The Fourth Dimension and its Applications]
Cameo Cutting, by John B. Marsh 64054
Calling World-4 of Kithgol, by H. B. Fyfe 64053
Tonight the Stars Revolt!, by Gardner F. Fox 64052
La fiaccola sotto il moggio, by Gabriele D'Annunzio 64051
[Language: Italian]
The Chapman's Library, Vol. 2, Religious and Scriptural, by John Cheap 64050
[Subtitle: The Scottish Chap Literature of Last Century Classified]
Witch of the Demon Seas, by A. A. Craig 64049
Sargasso of Lost Starships, by Poul Anderson 64048
Boys of Other Countries, by Bayard Taylor 64047
Home-made Toy Motors, by Alfred Morgan 64046
[Subtitle: A Practical Handbook Giving Detailed Instructions for
Building Simple but Operative Electric Motors]
[Illustrator: Alfred Morgan]
The Ambassadors From Venus, by Kendell Foster Crossen 64045
Swordsman of Lost Terra, by Poul Anderson 64044
Enchantress of Venus, by Leigh Brackett 64043
Nuori Suomi I-III, by Various 64042
[Subtitle: Novelleja ja kertomuksia suomalaisilta kirjailijoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Dogtown, by Mabel "Barbara" Osgood Wright 64041
[Subtitle: Being Some Chapters from the Annals of the Waddles Family
Set Down in the Language of Housepeople]
The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. 20, No. 1030, September 23, 1899, by Various 64040
The Blue Balloon, by Reginald Horsley 64039
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Shenandoah Valley]
[Illustrator: W. S. Stacey]
Uit den Kunstschat der Bakongos, by Ivo Struyf 64038
[Language: Dutch]
The Life of Jesus Critically Examined, by David Friedrich Strauss 64037
[Subtitle: (4th ed.)]
Black Pawl, by Ben Ames Williams 64036
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, No. 752, 64035
May 25, 1878, by Various
Souvenirs du célèbre marcheur Gallot, by Yves Gallot 64034
[Language: French]
Betty Wales, Junior, by Margaret Warde 64033
[Subtitle: A Story for Girls]
[Illustrator: Eva M. Nagel]
Return of a Legend, by Raymond Z. Gallun 64032
Is That You Xeluchli?, by Dick Hetschel 64031
My Valued Ruby: poems, by Perry Honce McGee 64030
Life at the Zoo, by C. J. Cornish 64029
[Subtitle: Notes and Traditions of the Regent's Park Gardens]
[Illustrator: Gambier Bolton]
Lützow's wilde Jagd, by Anton Ohorn 64028
[Subtitle: Geschichtliche Erzählung]
[Illustrator: Eduard Klingebeil]
[Language: German]
Runoja, by Severi Nuormaa 64027
[Subtitle: Uusi sarja]
[Language: Finnish]
Shannach--The Last, by Leigh Brackett 64026
Silkkilaiva, by Emil Elenius 64025
[Language: Finnish]
Translations from Lucretius, by Robert Calverly Trevelyan 64024
La peur, by Edmond Haraucourt 64023
[Language: French]
The Virgin Of Valkarion, by Poul Anderson 64022
The Scientific Spirit of the Age, by Frances Power Cobbe 64021
[Subtitle: and Other Pleas and Discussions]
The Pit Of Nympthons, by Stanley Mullen 64020
A Fine Day For Dying, by John Martin 64019
De Scherpschutters van Zuid-Afrika, by L. Penning 64018
[Subtitle: Een Verhaal uit den Vrijheidsoorlog 1880-81]
[Language: Dutch]
The Dare Boys in Vincennes, by Stephen Angus Cox 64017
[Illustrator: Rudolf Mencl]
A Paris pair; Their day's doings, by Beatrice Bradshaw Brown 64016
[Illustrator: Barbara Haven Brown]
Last Call, by Bryce Walton 64015
The Vanderlark, by M. St. Clair 64014
Letters of an Architect From France, Italy, and Greece, Vol. 1, 64013
by Joseph Woods
[Subtitle: In Two Volumes]
Puck's Broom, by E. Gordon Browne 64012
[Subtitle: The wonderful adventures of George Henry & his dog Alexander
who went to seek their fortunes in the Once upon a time land]
[Illustrator: Kathleen I. Nixon]
El Buscapié, by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 64011
The Android Kill, by John Jakes 64010
It, by Hayden Howard 64009
Histoire des ducs de Normandie, suivie de: Vie de Guillaume le 64008
Conquérant, by Guillaume de Poitiers and Guillaume De Jumieges
[Language: French]
The Dancers, by Wilton Hazzard 64007
Rogers' Directory of Norwich and Neighbourhood, by Edward Dawson Rogers 64006
Johnny Blossom, by Dikken Zwilgmeyer 64005
[Illustrator: F. Liley Young]
La spedizione di Carlo VIII in Italia, by Marino Sanuto 64004
[Language: Italian]
Robert Bontine, by C. Andrews 64003
[Language: German]
The Great Accident, by Ben Ames Williams 64002
J. Comyns Carr, by Alice Vansittart Carr 64001
[Subtitle: Stray Memories]
Piong Pan Ho, by J. Dermout 64000
[Subtitle: Oorspronkelijke Indische roman]
[Language: Dutch]
Clara van Merenstein, by Karamati 63999
[Subtitle: Haagsch-Indische Roman]
[Language: Dutch]
Boesman-Stories, by G. R. von Wielligh 63998
[Subtitle: Deel III. Die boesman self, sy sedes,
gewoontes en bekwaamhede]
[Illustrator: H. Anthon Aschenborn]
[Language: Afrikaans]
Martian Nightmare, by Bryce Walton 63997
Woodside, the North End of Newark, N.J, by Charles Gilbert Hine 63996
[Subtitle: Its History, Legends and Ghost Stories Gathered
from the Records and the Older Inhabitants Now Living]
The Art of Conversation, by Josephine Turck Baker 63995
[Subtitle: Twelve Golden Rules]
Hier beghint die hystorie Vanden grooten Coninck Alexander, by Anonymous 63994
[Language: Dutch]
Lord of a Thousand Suns, by Poul Anderson 63993
The Real Fairy Folk, by Louise Jamison 63992
[Illustrator: James M. Gleeson]
Der Fall des Generalstabschefs Redl, by Egon Erwin Kisch 63991
[Subtitle: Außenseiter der Gesellschaft, Die Verbrechen
der Gegenwart, Band 2]
[Language: German]
Palimpsest, by Roger Dee 63990
Halftripper, by Mack Reynolds 63989
Last Night Out, by Lee Gregor 63988
Wreck Off Triton, by Alfred Coppel 63987
The Last Laugh, by Bryce Walton 63986
Katharine von Bora, by Armin Stein 63985
[Subtitle: Dr. Martin Luther's Wife]
Aus Prager Gassen und Nächten, by Egon Erwin Kisch 63984
[Illustrator: Karl Kostial]
[Language: German]
A few remarks concerning makers of Singing Bird boxes of the Eighteenth 63983
and Nineteenth Centuries, by Georges Constantin Pélissier
The Conquistadors Come, by M. E. Counselman 63982
Grim Green World, by John Star 63981
1970, A Vision of the Coming Age, by John Collins 63980
L'infâme, by Edmond About 63979
[Language: French]
The ecclesiastical architecture of Scotland from the earliest 63978
Christian times to the seventeenth century, Vol. 2 of 3,
by David MacGibbon and Thomas Ross
Snarled Identities, by Nicholas Carter 63977
[Subtitle: A Desperate Tangle]
Saloilta ja vesiltä, by Aaro A. Nuutinen 63976
[Subtitle: Luonnonkertomuksia]
[Language: Finnish]
Tydore's Gift, by Alfred Coppel 63975
A Letter on the Abolition of the Slave Trade, by William Wilberforce 63974
[Subtitle: Addressed to the freeholders and other inhabitants
of Yorkshire]
Short Flights, by Meredith Nicholson 63973
The Watchers, by Roger Dee 63972
Vengeance On Mars, by D. B. Lewis 63971
Sign Of Life, by Dave Dryfoos 63970
The History and Poetry of Finger-rings, by Charles Edwards 63969
Some Immigrant Neighbors, by John R. Henry 63968
The Timeless Ones, by Frank Belknap Long 63967
Tapaus sotilaan elämästä, by Pierre Berton 63966
[Language: Finnish]
Monster, by William Morrison 63965
The Convict Ship, Vol. 1 of 3, by William Clark Russell 63964
Mercy Flight, by Mack Reynolds 63963
Ashes, by Grazia Deledda 63962
[Subtitle: A Sardinian Story]
Viisaus ja kohtalo, by Maurice Maeterlinck 63961
[Language: Finnish]
The Rebel of Valkyr, by Alfred Coppel 63960
The Harim and the Purdah, by Elizabeth Cooper 63959
[Subtitle: Studies of Oriental Women]
Lao-tzu, A Study in Chinese Philosophy, by Thomas Watters 63958
The Salem Belle: A Tale of 1692, by Ebenezer Wheelwright 63957
Queen of the Martian Catacombs, by Leigh Brackett 63956
Waldmüller: Bilder und Erlebnisse, by Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller 63955
[Language: German]
Mostly About Nibble the Bunny, by John Breck 63954
[Illustrator: William T. Andrews]
As It Was, by Paul L. Payne 63953
The Pneumatic Despatch Tube System of the Batcheller Pneumatic Tube Co., 63952
by B. C. Batcheller
[Subtitle: Facts and General Information Relating
to Pneumatic Despatch Tubes]
Les mariages de province, by Edmond About 63951
[Language: French]
Star Ship, by Poul Anderson 63950
Task To Luna, by Alfred Coppel 63949
Common Sense about Women, by Thomas Wentworth Higginson 63948
Rue and Roses, by Angela Langer 63947
Litauische Geschichten, by Hermann Sudermann 63946
[Language: German]
Poison Planet, by William Oberfield 63945
Tiger By the Tail, by Poul Anderson 63944
Ás Mulheres Portuguêsas, by Ana de Castro Osório 63943
[Language: Portuguese]
The Man the Tech-Men Made, by Fox B. Holden 63942
Salakuljettajan tytär, by Emily Nonnen 63941
[Subtitle: eli Mitä aallot kertoivat]
[Language: Finnish]
The ecclesiastical architecture of Scotland from the earliest 63940
Christian times to the seventeenth century, Vol. 1 of 3,
by David MacGibbon and Thomas Ross
The storm of London, by F. Dickberry 63939
[Subtitle: a social rhapsody]
Medicine in the Middle Ages, by Edmond Dupouy 63938
[Subtitle: Extracts from "Le Moyen Age Medical" by Dr. Edmond Dupouy]
Tolla, by Edmond About 63937
[Language: French]
Strange Exodus, by Robert Abernathy 63936
The Counterplot, by Hope Mirrlees 63935
Patch, by William Shedenhelm 63934
Pantherkätzchen, by Gertrud Marie Madeleine von Puttkamer 63933
[Language: German]
The Lost Tribes Of Venus, by Erik Fennel 63932
Guest Expert, by Allen K. Lang 63931
The Crowded Colony, by Jay B. Drexel 63930
Christian Schools and Scholars, by Augusta Theodosia Drane 63929
[Subtitle: or Sketches of Education from the Christian
Era to the Council of Trent]
Arabia: The Cradle of Islam, by S. M. Zwemer 63928