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* New eBook Listings from April 2021
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Apr 2021 to 30 Apr 2021 ~ ~ ~ ~
Souvenirs littéraires... et autres, by Willy 65150
[Language: French]
The House of Adventure, by Warwick Deeping 65149
Herön kartanon lapset, by Alvilde Prydz 65148
[Language: Finnish]
The English Secretary; or, Methode of Writing Epistles and Letters, 65147
1599, by Angel Day
How To Sing, by Luisa Tetrazzini 65146
Essays of a Biologist, by Julian Huxley 65145
Derval Hampton, Vol. 2 of 2, by James Grant 65144
[Subtitle: A Story of the Sea]
Derval Hampton, Vol. 1 of 2, by James Grant 65143
[Subtitle: A Story of the Sea]
Barbarossa, by Franz Kuhn 65142
[Subtitle: Life Stories for Young People]
The Vicious Delinquents, by Mark Reinsberg 65141
Not in the Rules, by Mack Reynolds 65140
History of Birds, by Unknown 65139
Revolt of the Devil Star, by Ross Rocklynne 65138
The Longsnozzle Event, by Hal Annas 65137
The Cathedral, by James Russell Lowell 65136
Jean Craig in New York, by Kay Lyttleton 65135
The Women Who Make Our Novels, by Grant Martin Overton 65134
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 65133
Fifth Series, No. 10, Vol. I, March 8, 1884, by Various
Wild Pastures, by Winthrop Packard 65132
[Illustrator: Charles Copeland]
I rang med husets katt, by Astrid Väring 65131
[Language: Swedish]
The Power of Sexual Surrender, by Marie Nyswander Robinson 65130
How to Study Fiorillo, by Edith L. Winn 65129
The Miserly Robot, by R. J. Rice 65128
Menace From Vega, by Robert Randall 65127
An Eel by the Tail, by Allen K. Lang 65126
A Journey of a Jayhawker, by W. Y. Morgan 65125
[Illustrator: Albert T. Reid]
Voyage to Procyon, by Robert Silverberg 65124
Gold Hunting in Alaska, by Joseph Grinnell 65123
[Language: Englilsh]
You'll Like It On Mars, by Tom W. Harris 65122
Hindu Magic, by Hereward Carrington 65121
[Subtitle: An Expose of the Tricks of the Yogis and Fakirs of India]
Harper's Household Handbook, by Anonymous 65120
[Subtitle: A guide to easy ways of doing woman's work]
Homecoming Horde, by Robert Silverberg 65119
Cloches pour deux mariages, by Francis Jammes 65118
[Subtitle: Le mariage basque; le mariage de raison]
[Language: French]
The Dazzling Miss Davison, by Florence Warden 65117
Joutel's Journal of La Salle's Last Voyage 1684-7, by Henri Joutel 65116
Power Through Prayer, by Edward Bounds 65115
The Wonders of Optics, by Fulgence Marion 65114
The Vengeance of Toffee, by Charles F. Myers 65113
Rachel: A Play in Three Acts, by Angelina Weld Grimké 65112
Œuvres de jeunesse inédites, by Gustave Flaubert 65111
[Subtitle: II: 1839-1842. Œuvres diverses.--Novembre.]
[Language: French]
Eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, 65110
Vol. 2 of 3, by James Montgomery and Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Les colombes poignardées, by Maurice Magre 65109
[Language: French]
Salon pojat, by Iivo Härkönen 65108
[Subtitle: Mäenlaskumatkoista koulutielle]
[Language: Finnish]
Knole and the Sackvilles, by V. Sackville-West 65107
The Great White North, by Helen S. Wright 65106
[Subtitle: The story of polar exploration from the earliest
times to the discovery of the pole]
Keetje Trottin, by Neel Doff 65105
[Illustrator: Albert Marquet]
[Language: French]
A Catalogue of Books Published by Chapman & Hall, Limited, August, 65104
1888, by Anonymous
Legendary Islands of the Atlantic, by William Henry Babcock 65103
[Subtitle: A Study of Medieval Geography]
Kainuun mailta, by Samuli Paulaharju 65102
[Subtitle: Kansantietoutta Kajaanin kulmilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Maid--To Order, by Hal Annas 65101
The Builders, by Fox B. Holden 65100
With John Paul Jones, by John T. McIntyre 65099
[Illustrator: Clyde O. Deland]
Daughters of Men, by Hannah Lynch 65098
The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4, 1867, 65097
by Various
Keetje, by Neel Doff 65096
[Language: French]
Ystävän kirja, by Anatole France 65095
[Language: Finnish]
Metsästysretki, by Jalmari Hahl 65094
[Subtitle: Draamallinen tuokiokuva]
[Language: Finnish]
Die Umsegelung Afrikas durch phönizische Schiffer ums Jahr 600 65093
v. Chr. Geb., by Willi Müller
[Language: German]
Histoire du Canal de Suez, by Ferdinand de Lesseps 65092
[Language: French]
Preliminary Report on Gowganda Mining Division District of Nipissing 65091
Ontario, by W. H. Collins
Report to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State For the Home 65090
Department, from the Poor Law Commissioners, by Edwin Chadwick
and Charles Wheatstone
[Subtitle: on an Inquiry Into the Sanitary Condition of the
Labouring Population of Great Britain; With Appendices]
Im Gold- und Silberland, by Mark Twain 65089
[Illustrator: Albert Richter]
[Language: German]
De Chineesche Filosofie (II), by Henry Borel 65088
[Subtitle: Toegelicht voor niet-Sinologen, II. Lao Tsz']
[Language: Dutch]
Ben, The Trapper, by Lewis W. Carson 65087
[Subtitle: The Mountain Demon]
World of the Mad, by Poul Anderson 65086
The Barrier, by Bryce Walton 65085
The Boy Scout Pathfinders, by Robert Maitland 65084
[Subtitle: Or, Jack Danby's Best Adventure]
Race Distinctions in American Law, by Gilbert Thomas Stephenson 65083
Voyage aux Pyrénées, by Hypolite Taine 65082
[Language: French]
Life of Charles T. Walker, D.D., by Silas Xavier Floyd 65081
[Subtitle: ("The Black Spurgeon") Pastor Mt. Olivet
Baptist Church, New York City]
Dick Rodney, by James Grant 65080
[Subtitle: or, The Adventures of an Eton Boy]
Autobiography of Mother Jones, by Mary Harris Jones 65079
How to Become a Lightning Calculator, by Anonymous 65078
Tourists to Terra, by Mack Reynolds 65077
Pastorals of Dorset, by M. E. Francis 65076
[Illustrator: Claud C. du Pré Cooper]
Look to the Stars, by Willard Hawkins 65075
The Ultimate Quest, by Hal Annas 65074
La vita di Cola di Rienzo, by Gabriele D'Annunzio 65073
[Language: Italian]
The Time Armada, by Fox B. Holden 65072
Matthew Fontaine Maury, by Charles Lee Lewis 65071
[Subtitle: The Pathfinder of the Seas]
"What So Proudly We Hail...", by Day Keene 65070
The Brave Walk Alone, by John McGreevey 65069
Terrible Tractation and Other Poems, by Christopher Caustic 65068
It's Raining Frogs!, by Milton Lesser 65067
The Life of Rev. David Brainerd, Chiefly Extracted from His Diary, 65066
by Jonathan Edwards
Base-ball Ballads, by Grantland Rice 65065
The Old Ones, by Betsy Curtis 65064
Kummastuneet kasvot, by Anna de Noailles 65063
[Language: Finnish]
Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1914, by Various 65062
The Boston cooking-school cook book, by Fannie Merritt Farmer 65061
Wit, Humor, and Shakspeare, by John Weiss 65060
[Subtitle: Twelve Essays]
Le temple enseveli, by Maurice Maeterlinck 65059
[Language: French]
Old Greek Education, by John Pentland Mahaffy 65058
Keisarinna Elisabet, by Clara Tschudi 65057
[Language: Finnish]
Amerikanskt, by Ester Blenda Nordström 65056
[Subtitle: Som emigrant till Amerika]
[Language: Swedish]
A báróné ténsasszony, by Lajos Tolnai 65055
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Illustrator: Aladár Kriesch]
[Language: Hungarian]
Muistelmia hyönteismaailmasta, by J. H. Fabre 65054
[Subtitle: Kuvauksia hyönteisten tavoista ja vaistosta]
[Language: Finnish]
Meet Me in Tomorrow, by Guy Archette 65053
Conseils à un Jeune Homme pauvre qui vient faire de la littérature 65052
à Paris, by Maurice Magre
[Language: French]
La pace domestica - L'elisir di lunga vita - La borsa, 65051
by Honoré de Balzac
[Subtitle: Racconti scelti]
[Language: Italian]
Brief for the higher education of the negro, by Kelly Miller 65050
The Evolution Theory, Vol. 2 of 2, by August Weismann 65049
"Lexington", by Sidney Howard 65048
[Subtitle: A Pageant-Drama of the American Freedom]
The British Campaign in France and Flanders, July to November 1918, 65047
by Arthur Conan Doyle
The British Campaign in France and Flanders, January to July 1918, 65046
by Arthur Conan Doyle
The British Campaign in France and Flanders 1917, by Arthur Conan Doyle 65045
The British Campaign in France and Flanders 1916, by Arthur Conan Doyle 65044
The British Campaign in France and Flanders 1915, by Arthur Conan Doyle 65043
The British Campaign in France and Flanders 1914, by Arthur Conan Doyle 65042
Phrenology Examined, by P. Flourens 65041
An Apache Campaign in the Sierra Madre, by John Gregory Bourke 65040
[Subtitle: An Account of the Expedition in Pursuit of the
Hostile Chiricahua Apaches in the Spring of 1883]
Sir Isumbras at the Ford, by D. K. Broster 65039
Két nyár, by Margit Kaffka 65038
[Subtitle: Novellák]
[Language: Hungarian]
Young Folks Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 2, April 1902, by H. L. Coggins 65037
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Monthly Journal for Boys & Girls]
Young Folks Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 1902, by H. L. Coggins 65036
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Monthly Journal for Boys & Girls]
Inheritance, by Edward W. Ludwig 65035
Velázquez en el museo del Prado, by A. de Buruete y Moret 65034
[Language: Spanish]
The Life and Sufferings of Leonard Black, by Leonard Black 65033
[Subtitle: A Fugitive from Slavery]
Wind in Her Hair, by Kris Neville 65032
Le meilleur ami, by René Boylesve 65031
[Language: French]
Eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, 65030
Vol. 1 of 3, by James Montgomery and Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Two-Legs, by Carl Ewald 65029
[Illustrator: Johan Briede and Helen Jacobs]
Vestire gli ignudi, by Luigi Pirandello 65028
[Subtitle: Commedia in tre atti]
[Language: Italian]
A Narrative of Some Remarkable Incidents in the Life of Solomon Bayley 65027
[Subtitle: Formerly a Slave, in the State of Delaware, North America]
The Social Ladder, by Charles Dana Gibson 65026
[Subtitle: Drawings by Charles Dana Gibson]
La petite sœur de Trott, by André Lichtenberger 65025
[Language: French]
Los Conquistadores, by José María Salaverría 65024
[Subtitle: El origen heróico de América]
[Language: Spanish]
The Deipnosophists or Banquet of the Learned of Athenæus, Vol. 2 of 3, 65023
by Athenaeus of Naucratis
Remarks on the Present System of Road Making, by John Loudon McAdam 65022
A Primavera, by Antonio Feliciano de Castilho 65021
[Language: Portuguese]
The Complete Distiller, by A. Cooper 65020
A nap lovagja, by Sándor Bródy 65019
[Illustrator: Lajos Márk]
[Language: Hungarian]
A Fool in Spots, by Hallie Erminie Rives 65018
The Soul Stealers, by Chester S. Geier 65017
Revolutionärer och emigranter, by Alma Söderhjelm 65016
[Language: Swedish]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 65015
Fifth Series, Vol. 1, No. 8, February 23, 1884, by Various
The ecclesiastical architecture of Scotland from the earliest 65014
Christian times to the seventeenth century, Vol. 3 of 3
by David MacGibbon and Thomas Ross
One for the Robot--Two for the Same, by Rog Phillips 65013
Disappeared From Her Home, by Catherine Louisa Pirkis 65012
U.S. Marine Operations in Korea, 1950-1953, Vol. 5 of 5, 65011
by Pat Meid and James M. Yingling
[Subtitle: Operations in West Korea]
U.S. Marine Operations in Korea, 1950-1953, Vol. 4 of 5, 65010
by Lynn Montross, Hubbard D. Kuokka and Norman W. Hicks
[Subtitle: The East-Central Front]
U.S. Marine Operations in Korea, 1950-1953, Vol. 3 of 5, 65009
by Lynn Montross and Nicholas Canzona
[Subtitle: The Chosin Reservoir Campaign]
U.S. Marine Operations in Korea, 1950-1953, Vol. 2 of 5, 65008
by Lynn Montross and Nicholas Canzona
[Subtitle: The Inchon-Seoul Operation]
U.S. Marine Operations in Korea, 1950-1953, Vol. 1 of 5, 65007
by Lynn Montross and Nicholas Canzona
[Subtitle: The Pusan Perimeter]
Storia degli Italiani, vol. 5 (di 15), by Cesare Cantù 65006
[Language: Italian]
An Illustrated Directory of the Specifications of All Domestic and 65005
Foreign Motor-cars and Motor Business Wagons, Gasoline, Steam and
Electric, Sold in this Country, 1907, by MoToR, The National
Monthly Magazine of Motoring
The Alhambra and the Kremlin, by Samuel Irenæus Prime 65004
[Subtitle: The South and the North of Europe]
Porneiopathology, by Robert J. Culverwell 65003
[Subtitle: A Popular Treatise on Venereal and Other Diseases
of the Make and Female Genital System]
The Birds of Australia, Vol. 1 of 7, by John Gould 65002
The Story My Doggie Told to Me, by Ralph Henry Barbour 65001
[Illustrator: John Rae]
Familiar Studies in Homer, by Agnes Mary Clerke 65000
The Golden Harpoon, by Roger Starbuck 64999
[Subtitle: Lost Among the Floes]
Practical Phrenology Simplified, by Theodore Foster 64998
The Joss: A Reversion, by Richard Marsh 64997
Ad astra, by Larin-Kyösti 64996
[Subtitle: Yömaalarin unelma seitsemässä kuvaelmassa]
[Language: Finnish]
Hannele, by Gerhart Hauptmann 64995
[Subtitle: 2-näytöksinen unirunoelma]
[Language: Finnish]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth 64994
Series, Vol. 1, No. 4, January 26, 1884, by Various
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth 64993
Series, Vol. 1, No. 7, February 16, 1884, by Various
Narrative of Henry Box Brown, by Henry Box Brown 64992
[Subtitle: Who Escaped from Slavery Enclosed in a Box
3 Feet Long and 2 Wide]
The Story of Alexander, by Robert Steele 64991
[Illustrator: Fred Mason]
Le Chèvrefeuille, by Thierry Sandre 64990
[Language: French]
Harlem Shadows, by Claude McKay 64989
[Subtitle: The Poems of Claude McKay]
The Youngest Camel, by Kay Boyle 64988
[Illustrator: Fritz Kredel]
Vrouwenleven in de Dessa, by Marie C. E. Ovink-Soer 64987
[Language: Dutch]
Aspasia, by Robert Hamerling 64986
[Illustrator: A. Poussin]
[Language: Dutch]
Men, Women, and Books, by Augustine Birrell 64985
Biographical catalogue of the portraits at Weston, the seat 64984
of the Earl of Bradford, by Mary Louisa Boyle
Mon amour, by René Boylesve 64983
[Language: French]
The Tale of Bunny Cotton-Tail, by Laura Rountree Smith 64982
Negro Journalism, by George W. Gore 64981
[Subtitle: An Essay on the History and Present
Conditions of the Negro Press]
Nagyokról és kicsinyekrol, by Károly Eötvös 64980
[Language: Hungarian]
Youth, Vol. 1, No. 5, July 1902, by H. L. Coggins 64979
[Subtitle: An Illustrated Monthly Journal for Boys & Girls]
The Blue Birds at Happy Hills, by Lillian Elizabeth Roy 64978
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Mar 2021 to 31 Mar 2021 ~ ~ ~ ~
The Protocols and World Revolution, by Sergei Aleksandrovich Nilus 64977
[Subtitle: Including a Translation and Analysis of the "Protocols
of the Meetings of the Zionist Men of Wisdom"]
L'Art du Cuisinier, Volume 1, by Antoine Beauvilliers 64976
[Language: French]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 64975
Fifth Series, Vol. 1, No. 5, February 9, 1884, by Various
El Hombre Mediocre, by José Ingenieros 64974
[Subtitle: Ensayo de psicologia y moral]
[Language: Spanish]
Suomalainen lukemisto, by Various 64973
[Language: Finnish]
A lecture by Victoria Claflin Woodhull 64972
[Subtitle: In the Boston Theater, Boston, U.S.A. October 22, 1876,
before 3,000 people. The review of a century; or, the fruit of
five thousand years]
The Rising Son, or, the Antecedents and Advancement of the Colored Race, 64971
by Wm. Wells Brown
Valladolid, Oviedo, Avila & Zaragoza, by Albert F. Calvert 64970
Hold Onto Your Body!, by Richard O. Lewis 64969
Combatman, by John Massie Davis 64968
Clara Barton a Centenary Tribute, by Charles Sumner Young 64967
Deux romanciers de Provence: Honoré d'Urfé et Émile Zola, 64966
by Edmond Rostand
[Subtitle: Le roman sentimental et le roman naturaliste]
[Language: French]
World Without Glamor, by Milton Lesser 64965
In Exitu Israel, Volume 1 of 2, by Sabine Baring-Gould 64964
[Subtitle: An Historical Novel]
Heir Apparent, by Alan E. Nourse 64963
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 64962
Fifth Series, No. 5, Vol. 1, February 2, 1884, by Various
The Fantasy Fan, Vol. 2, No. 4, December 1934, by Various 64961
Punaiset sudet Historiallinen seikkailukertomus, 64960
by Carl August Cederborg
[Language: Finnish]
Picturesque Spain, by Kurt Hielscher 64959
A legnagyobb bolond, by Jenő Rákosi 64958
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Illustrator: Dezso Czigány]
[Language: Hungarian]
The Magnetic Girl, by Richard Marsh 64957
Marsin ritarit, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 64956
[Language: Finnish]
The Fantasy Fan, Vol. 2, No. 6, February 1935, by Various 64955
[Subtitle: The Fan's Own Magazine]
Daring Deeds of Famous Pirates, by Edward Keble Chatterton 64954
[Subtitle: True stories of the stirring adventures, bravery
and resource of pirates, filibusters & buccaneers]
The Follies of a Day; or, The Marriage of Figaro, by Thomas Holcroft 64953
and Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais
[Subtitle: A Comedy, as it is now performing at the Theatre-Royal,
Covent-Garden. From the French of M. de Beaumarchais]
La cité de l'épouvantable nuit, by Rudyard Kipling 64952
[Language: French]
Elämäntarinoita syrjäkadulta, by Ricarda Huch 64951
[Language: Finnish]
Ihmissyöjäin vankina, by Verney Lovett Cameron 64950
[Subtitle: Seikkailuja Afrikan aarniometsissä]
[Language: Finnish]
Promenade avec Gabrielle, by Jean Giraudoux 64949
[Subtitle: Manuscrit de Jean Giraudoux illustré de seize
lithographies en couleur par Jean-Émile Laboureur]
[Language: French]
The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Vol. 6 of 13, 64948
[Subtitle: Containing an account of the cruel civil wars
between the houses of Orleans and Burgundy]
Verdadera historia de los sucesos de la conquista de la Nueva-España, 64947
3 de 3, by Bernal Díaz del Castillo
[Language: Spanish]
Verdadera historia de los sucesos de la conquista de la Nueva-España, 64946
2 de 3, by Bernal Díaz del Castillo
[Language: Spanish]
Verdadera historia de los sucesos de la conquista de la Nueva-España, 64945
1 de 3, by Bernal Díaz del Castillo
[Language: Spanish]
In colonial days, by Nathaniel Hawthorne 64944
Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military 64943
Tribunal, Nuremberg
The Fantasy Fan, Vol. 2, No. 5, January 1935, by Various 64942
[Subtitle: The Fan's Own Magazine]
Supplement to Harvesting Ants and Trap-Door Spiders, 64941
by J. Traherne Moggridge
The Fantasy Fan, Vol. 2, No. 2, October 1934, by Charles D. Hornig 64940
[Subtitle: The Fan's Own Magazine]
Divertissements, by Remy de Gourmont 64939
[Illustrator: Pierre-Eugène Vibert]
[Language: French]
The Fantasy Fan, Vol. 2, No. 1, September 1934, by Charles D. Hornig 64938
[Subtitle: The Fan's Own Magazine]
Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz, MitteilungenBand X, Heft 10-12, 64937
[Subtitle: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und Denkmalpflege]
[Language: German]
Cubists and Post-impressionism, by Arthur Jerome Eddy 64936
La confession et les confesseurs, by Léo Taxil, Antonio María Claret, 64935
Pierre Jean Corneille Debreyne, and Jean-Baptiste Bouvier
[Subtitle: Appendice: Pieuses exhortations, par Monseigneur Claret;
Mœchialogie, par le R. P. Debreyne; Compendium; et les Diaconales,
par Monseigneur Bouvier]
[Language: French]
The Castlecourt Diamond Mystery, by Geraldine Bonner 64934
[Subtitle: Being a Compilation of the Statements
Made by the Various Participants in This Curious
Case Now, For the First Time, Given to the Public]
[Illustrator: Harrie F. Stoner]
The Arnold Bennett Calendar, by Frank C. Bennett 64933
Nagy Balogh János élete és muvészete, by Artúr Elek 64932
[Subtitle: Egy ismeretlenül élt festo emlékkönyve]
[Language: Hungarian]
Psychopathia sexualis, by R. von Krafft-Ebing 64931
[Subtitle: With especial reference to contrary
sexual instinct: a medico-legal study]
The Goddess: A Demon, by Richard Marsh 64930
Tavaszi ünnep, by Lajos Biró 64929
[Subtitle: Dráma három felvonásban]
[Language: Hungarian]
The Tournament, Its Periods and Phases, by Robert Coltman Clephan 64928
Tactics, Vol. 1 of 2, by William Balck 64927
[Subtitle: Introduction and Formal Tactics of Infantry]
Medical Jurisprudence, Vol. 3 of 3, by John Ayrton Paris 64926
and John Samuel Martin Fonblanque
Cadet Life at West Point 64925
A Japanese Blossom, by Winnifred Eaton 64924
[Illustrator: L. W. Ziegler]
Catalonia & The Balearic Islands, by Albert F. Calvert 64923
Pyrotechnics, by A. St. H. Brock 64922
[Subtitle: The History and Art of Firework Making]
Kánaán könyve, by Gyula Krúdy 64921
[Language: Hungarian]
D'un pays lointain, by Rémy de Gourmont 64920
[Language: French]
The Fantasy Fan, Volume 1, Number 12, August 1934, by Various 64919
[Subtitle: The Fan's Own Magazine]
Klaus Hinrich Baas, by Gustav Frenssen 64918
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Are Parents People?, by Alice Duer Miller 64917
Riverside London; A Sketch-Book, by Dorothy E. G. Woollard 64916
and P. N. Boxer
The Fantasy Fan, Vol. 1, No. 11, July 1934, by Charles D. Hornig 64915
[Subtitle: The Fan's Own Magazine]
Seville, by Albert F. Calvert 64914
Les nouvelles leçons d'amour dans un parc, by René Boylesve 64913
[Language: French]
Lettres de Chantilly, by Marcel Boulenger 64912
[Language: French]
The Mislaid Uncle, by Evelyn Raymond 64911
The Valley of Democracy, by Meredith Nicholson 64910
[Illustrator: Walter Tittle]
Les caravanes d'un chirurgien d'ambulances pendant le siége de Paris 64909
et sous la commune, by Désiré Joseph Joulin
[Language: French]
What Is Art?, by Leo Tolstoy 64908
The Other Man, by Edgar Wallace 64907
Pusztai találkozás; Patak banya, by Sándor Baksay 64906
[Illustrator: Elemér Winkler]
[Language: Hungarian]
The Child's Pictorial History of England, by Julia Corner 64905
Some 'Frightful' War Pictures, by William Heath Robinson 64904
Opening the West with Lewis and Clark, by Edwin L. Sabin 64903
[Subtitle: By Boat, Horse, and Foot up the Great River
Missouri, Across the Stony Mountains and on to the
Pacific when in the Years 1804, 1805, 1806]
[Illustrator: Charles H. Stephens]
Élise, by René Boylesve 64902
[Language: French]
The Fantasy Fan, Volume 1, Number 10, June 1934, by Charles D. Hornig 64901
[Subtitle: The Fan's Own Magazine]
Toledo, by Albert F. Calvert 64900
La donna e i suoi rapporti sociali, by Anna Maria Mozzoni 64899
[Language: Italian]
Judgments in Vacation, by Edward Abbott Parry 64898
De Danske paa Schelden (1809-1813), by Otto George Lütken 64897
[Language: Danish]
The Men of the Merchant Service, by Frank Thomas Bullen 64896
[Subtitle: Being the polity of the mercantile marine
for 'longshore readers]
Musical Travels Through England, by Joel Collier 64895
A Mississippi View of Race Relations in the South, by Dunbar Rowland 64894
The Fantasy Fan, Volume 1, Number 9, May 1934, by Various 64893
[Subtitle: The Fan's Own Magazine]
The Real Lady Hilda, by Bithia Mary Croker 64892
A Pair of Them, by Evelyn Raymond 64891
Essay on the Principles of Translation, by Alexander Fraser Tytler 64890
Into the Sun, by John L. Chapman 64889
In Trust; the Story of a Lady and her Lover, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 64888
Earth's Maginot Line, by Roy Paetzke 64887
La Manifestante, by Léon Frapié 64886
[Language: French]
Parassiti, by Camillo Antona-Traversi 64885
[Language: Italian]
Marsin sotavaltias, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 64884
[Language: Finnish]
The Black Man, by William Wells Brown 64883
[Subtitle: His Antecedents, His Genius, and His Achievements]
The Servile State, by Hilaire Belloc 64882
When Time Rolled Back, by Ed Earl Repp 64881
The Facts of Life, by P. Schuyler Miller 64880
The Spiritual Improvement of the Census, by Robert George Baker 64879
[Subtitle: A Sermon]
The Truth about Church Extension, by Anonymous 64878
[Subtitle: An exposure of certain fallacies and
misstatements contained in the census reports]
The Church and the Census, by James Skinner 64877
[Subtitle: A Tract for the Times]
The Numbering of the People, by George Allen 64876
[Subtitle: A Sermon in conjunction with the census of 1861 preached
in St. Thomas' Church, Islington, on Sunday Evening, April 7]
Derelicts of Uranus, by J. Harvey Haggard 64875
Space Blackout, by Sam Carson 64874
Ice Planet, by Carl Selwyn 64873
Magyar írók, by Aladár Schöpflin 64872
[Subtitle: Irodalmi arcképek és tollrajzok]
[Language: Hungarian]
Gene Stratton Porter, Best-Seller, by Anonymous 64871
St. Clair's Defeat, by Anonymous 64870
Auf dem Mississippi; Nach dem fernen Westen, by Mark Twain 64869
[Illustrators: H. Schrödter and Albert Richter]
[Language: German]
The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland, by Various 64868
[Subtitle: Wherein the Headis and Conclusionis Devysit Be the
Ministers and Commissionaris of the Particular Kirks Thereof,
Are Specially Expressed and Contained]
L'Architecture Gothique, by Édouard Corroyer 64867
[Language: French]
Narrative of an Expedition Through the Upper Mississippi to Itasca 64866
Lake, the Actual Source of this River, by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft
[Subtitle: Embracing an Exploratory Trip Through the St. Croix
and Burntwood (or Broule) Rivers]
Pennsylvania Dutch Guide-Book, by Anonymous 64865
Newcom Tavern, by Anonymous 64864
Lie on the Beam, by John Victor Peterson 64863
La Princesse lointaine, by Edmond Rostand 64862
[Subtitle: Pièce en quatre actes, en vers]
[Language: French]
The Love of Azalea, by Onoto Watanna and Gazo Foudji 64861
The Fantasy Fan, November 1934, by Charles D. Hornig 64860
Török népmesék, by Ignácz Kúnos 64859
[Language: Hungarian]
Toleration and other essays, by François-Marie Arouet Voltaire 64858
The Old Mill and the Covered Bridge, by Anonymous 64857
The Fireless Locomotive, by Anonymous 64856
Trevison koru-ompelijatar, by Paul Heyse 64855
[Language: Finnish]
Little Dinners With the Sphinx, by Richard Le Gallienne 64854
[Subtitle: and Other Prose Fancies]
Madame d'Epone, by Brada 64853
[Language: French]
George Helm, by David Graham Phillips 64852
Decidedly Odd, by Edwin Balmer 64851
Les Colons du Rivage, by Jacques Porchat 64850
[Subtitle: ou Industrie et Probité]
[Language: French]
The dawn of astronomy, by Joseph Norman Lockyer 64849
[Subtitle: A study of the temple-worship and mythology
of the ancient Egyptians]
Cosmic Tragedy, by Thomas S. Gardiner 64848
Headhunters of Nuamerica, by Stanton A. Coblentz 64847
The Planet of Illusion, by Millard V. Gordon 64846
Lumìe di Sicilia, by Luigi Pirandello 64845
[Subtitle: Commedia in un atto]
[Language: Italian]
Mák, by Dezso Kosztolányi 64844
[Language: Hungarian]
Around the Black Sea, by William Eleroy Curtis 64843
[Subtitle: Asia Minor, Armenia, Caucasus, Circassia,
Daghestan, the Crimea, Roumania]
The Psychological Regulator, by Arthur Cooke 64842
Dark Reality, by Robert Moore Williams 64841
Healing Rays in Space, by J. Harvey Haggard 64840
Mi erosebb a halálnál?, by Géza Gárdonyi 64839
[Language: Hungarian]
Le vœu d'être chaste, by Émile Pouvillon 64838
[Language: French]
Selections From Josephus, by Titus Flavius Josephus 64837
Jane Seton, by James Grant 64836
[Subtitle: or, The King's Advocate]
Tigre and Isola, by Will H. Thompson 64835
The Origin of Thought and Speech, by M. Moncalm 64834
The Mesa Verde Story, by Anonymous 64833
[Subtitle: Diorama Series, Mesa Verde National Park Museum]
The Steam Fire Engine and the Old-time Fire Bell, by Anonymous 64832
Deeds Barn and the Self Starter, by Anonymous 64831
Mémoires de Miss Coote, by Rosa Belinda Coote 64830
[Subtitle: Exploits d'une fouetteuse britannique
racontés par elle-même]
[Language: French]
Scott's Wabash Expedition, 1791, by Anonymous 64829
The French and British at Three Rivers, by Anonymous 64828
Yesterday's Revenge, by H. L. Nichols 64827
Message from Venus, by R. R. Winterbotham 64826
Practicable Socialism, by Samuel Agustus Barnett and Henrietta 64825
Octavia Weston Barnett
[Subtitle: New Series]
Feljegyzések, by Ignotus 64824
[Language: Hungarian]
The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 5 of 12, 64823
The Alhambra, by Albert F. Calvert 64822
[Subtitle: being a brief record of the Arabian conquest of the
peninsula with a particular account of the Mohammedan
architecture and decoration]
Lui, by Louise Colet 64821
[Subtitle: Roman contemporain]
[Language: French]
The Vibration Wasps, by Frank Belknap Long 64820
Service by the Educated Negro, by Roscoe Conkling Bruce 64819
[Subtitle: Address of Roscoe Conkling Bruce of Tuskegee
Institute at the Commencement Exercises of the M Street
High School Metropolitan A. M. E. Church Washington,
D.C., June 16, 1903]
The Way Back, by Sam Moskowitz 64818
Lunar Station, by Harl Vincent 64817
A Green Cloud Came, by Robert W. Lowndes 64816
Trips in the Life of a Locomotive Engineer, by Henry Dawson 64815
Little Mexican & Other Stories, by Aldous Huxley 64814
The Lightning's Course, by John Victor Peterson 64813
Eyes That Watch, by Raymond Z. Gallun 64812
Histoire de Marie Stuart, by Jean-Marie Dargaud 64811
[Language: French]
Mio figlio!, by Salvatore Farina 64810
[Language: Italian]
An Adventure, by Elizabeth Morison and Frances Lamont 64809
Modern Swedish Masterpieces, by Charles Wharton Stork 64808
[Subtitle: Short Stories Selected and Translated]
Turkish fairy tales and folk tales collected by Dr. Ignácz Kúnos 64807
[Subtitle: Translated from the Hungarian version by
R. Nisbet Bain, Illustrated by Celia Levetus]
[Illustrator: Celia Levetus]
Kauhujen talo, by Edward Bulwer-Lytton 64806
[Language: Finnish]
L'amour fessé, by Charles Derennes 64805
[Language: French]
What Became of the Slaves on a Georgia Plantation?, 64804
by Q. K. Philander Doesticks
[Subtitle: Great Auction Sale of Slaves, at Savannah,
Georgia, March 2d & 3d, 1859]
In the Earth's Shadow, by John L. Chapman 64803
Hajnali szerenád, by Árpád Tóth 64802
[Subtitle: Versek]
[Language: Hungarian]
The Warsickshire Avon, by Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch 64801
[Illustrator: Alfred Parsons]
Buffalo Bill's Still Hunt, by Colonel Prentiss Ingraham 64800
[Subtitle: The Robber of the Range]
Equation for Time, by R. R. Winterbotham 64799
La Maternelle, by Léon Frapié 64798
[Illustrator: Théophile Alexandre Steinlen]
[Language: French]
The Oversight--, by Miles J. Breuer 64797
Spanish painting, by Aureliano de Beruete y Moret 64796
The Ultimate Image, by P. Schuyler Miller 64795
Betsy Baker! or, Too Attentive by Half, by John Maddison Morton 64794
[Subtitle: A Farce, in One Act]
H. G. Hawker, airman, his life and work, by Muriel Hawker 64793
Anagramméana, poëme en huit chants, by Gabriel-Antoine-Joseph Hécart 64792
[Language: French]
Tickets to Paradise, by D. L. James 64791
Lord of the Silent Death, by Robert Moore Williams 64790
Bratton's Idea, by Manly Wade Wellman 64789
The Secret Dispatch, by James Grant 64788
[Subtitle: or, The Adventures of Captain Balgonie]
La Douleur; Le vrai mistère de la Passion, by Laurent Tailhade 64787
[Language: French]
The Kashf al-mahjúb, by `Ali b. `Uthman Al-Jullabi Al-Hujwiri 64786
[Subtitle: The oldest Persian treatise on Súfiism]
The Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918, by Oscar Jewell Harvey 64785
[Subtitle: An Account of Its Ravages in Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania, and the Efforts Made to Combat and Subdue It]
Velan kahleissa, by Gustaf af Geijerstam 64784
[Subtitle: Saaristolaiskertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
Mortal Summer, by Mark Van Doren 64783
Madmen of Mars, by Erik Fennel 64782
De Chineesche Filosofie, by Henry Borel 64781
[Subtitle: Toegelicht voor niet-Sinologen,
1. Kh'oeng Foe Tsz' (Confucius)]
[Language: Dutch]
A hazai bölcsészet jelene, by János Erdélyi 64780
[Language: Hungarian]
He that will not when he may, Vol. 3, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 64779
He that will not when he may, Vol. 2, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 64778
He that will not when he may, Vol. 1, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 64777
Le Jardin de Marrès, by Victor Snell 64776
[Subtitle: par Bérénice]
[Language: French]
Los Lusíadas, by Luis de Camoens 64775
[Subtitle: Poema épico en diez cantos]
[Language: Spanish]
Warrior Maid of Mars, by Alfred Coppel 64774
The history of the London Burkers, by Anonymous 64773
The Rocketeers Have Shaggy Ears, by Keith Bennett 64772
Sword of Fire, by Emmett McDowell 64771
The Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann, by Joel Chandler Harris 64770
[Illustrator: A. B. Frost]
Unsere Hochzeitsreise in die Urwälder von Kamerun, by Jenny Claren 67469
[Language: German]
Primitive Time-reckoning, by Martin Persson Nilsson 64768
[Subtitle: A study in the origins and first
development of the art of counting time among the
primitive and early culture peoples]
The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. 2, No. 1, December, 1835, 64767
by Various
Angiola Maria, by Giulio Carcano 64766
[Subtitle: Storia domestica]
[Language: Italian]
Twenty Years on Horseback, or Itinerating in West Virginia, 64765
by William Marion Weekley
Flame-Jewel of the Ancients, by Edwin L. Graber 64764
The Irish War, by Anonymous 64763
Some Historic Trees, by Anonymous 64762
The Humour of Holland, by A. Werner 64761
[Illustrator: Dudley Hardy]
Le Salut par les Juifs, by Léon Bloy 64760
[Subtitle: Édition nouvelle revue et modifiée par l'auteur]
[Language: French]
The Last Two Alive!, by Alfred Coppel 64759
The Little Review, Vol. 1, No. 8, November 1914, by Various 64758
Paid Off, by Walter J. Coburn 64757
General Harmar's Campaign, by Anonymous 64756
Citadel of the Green Death, by Emmett McDowell 64755
Structure and Functions of The Body, by Annette Fiske 64754
[Subtitle: A Hand-Book of Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses
and others desiring a Practical knowledge of the Subject]
Adam Smith, by Francis W. Hirst 64753
[Subtitle: English Men of Letters]
The Life of Cervantes, by Albert F. Calvert 64752
Fráter György (2. rész), by Mór Jókai 64751
[Subtitle: Történelmi regény]
[Language: Hungarian]
Fráter György (1. rész), by Mór Jókai 64750
[Subtitle: Történelmi regény]
[Language: Hungarian]
Upper Canada Sketches, by Thomas Conant 64749
An analysis of religious belief, by John Russell Amberley 64748
The Enormous Word, by William Oberfield 64747
Collision Orbit, by Clyde Beck 64746
Flowering Evil, by Margaret St. Clair 64745
Suicide Command, by Stanley Mullen 64744
Plain Sermons, by James Galloway Cowan 64743
[Subtitle: Preached at Archibishop Tenison's Chapel, Regent Street]
"Hear ye the Rod, and who hath appointed it", by James Galloway Cowan 64742
[Subtitle: A Sermon for the Fast Day, October 7, 1857]
The Ritual Movement, by James Galloway Cowan 64741
[Subtitle: Three plain sermons preached at
St. John the Evangelist's, Hammersmith]
Marsin jumalat, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 64740
[Subtitle: Seikkailuromaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Paula Monti, by Eugène Sue 64739
[Subtitle: or, The Hôtel Lambert]
[Illustrator: Jules David]
Sketches from "Punch", by Phil May 64738
Les femmes et le langage, by Rémy de Gourmont 64737
[Language: French]
Saper vivere, by Matilde Serao 64736
[Subtitle: Norme di buona creanza]
[Language: Italian]
Bear ye one another's burdens, by James Galloway Cowan 64735
[Subtitle: A Plain Sermon on the Lancashire Distress]
The Cause and Cure of the Cattle Plague, by James Galloway Cowan 64734
[Subtitle: A Plain Sermon]
Christian Marriage Indissoluble, by James Galloway Cowan 64733
[Subtitle: A Plain Sermon]
Bible-Burning, by John C. Miller 64732
[Subtitle: the substance of a sermon preached in St. Martin's
Church, Birmingham, on Sunday evening, Dec. 10, 1848]
A Voice from the Fire, by Robert Wallace 64731
[Subtitle: A Sermon occasioned by the public burning
of the Bible at Kingstown, by the Redemptorist
Fathers, on the 5th of November, 1855]
Crawford's Defeat, by Anonymous 64730
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Frontier in 1812]
Le Jour naissant, by Auguste Gilbert de Voisins 64729
[Language: French]
Biblical Revision, by Edward Slater 64728
[Subtitle: considerations in favour of a revised translation
of Holy Scripture]
The Clerk of the Woods, by Bradford Torrey 64727
Z-Day on Centauri, by Henry T. Simmons 64726
Valkyrie from the Void, by Basil Wells 64725
The Sun-Death, by Stanley Whiteside 64724
In the Sphere of Time, by J. W. Pelkie 64723
Alpha Say, Beta Do, by Alfred E. Maxell 64722
Les grandes chroniques de France (6/6), by Paulin Paris 64721
[Subtitle: selon que elles sont conservées en l'Eglise
de Saint-Denis en France]
[Language: French]
Lettres d'un Innocent, by Alfred Dreyfus 64720
[Subtitle: The Letters of Captain Dreyfus to His Wife]
Le trésor des humbles, by Maurice Maeterlinck 64719
[Language: French]
Skizzenbuch, by Mark Twain 64718
[Illustrator: H. Schrödter]
[Language: German]
A Sermon preached at Christ Church, Kensington, on May 1, 1859, 64717
by William Wright
A Farewell Sermon, by Joseph Holden Pott 64716
[Subtitle: delivered on Sunday, October 23, A.D. 1842,
at the Parish Church of St. Mary Abbotts, Kensington]
Palm Sunday, by Maria Callcott 64715
[Subtitle: or, Little Mary's Saturday's walk]
Thüringen, by Albert Scobel 64714
[Language: German]
Eri asein, by August Strindberg 64713
[Subtitle: Valikoima runoja]
[Language: Finnish]
A brief guide to the Food Collection, by Henry Cole 64712
The Warlock Of Sharrador, by Gardner F. Fox 64711
Hostage of Tomorrow, by Robert Abernathy 64710
A lélekidomár (2. rész), by Mór Jókai 64709
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Language: Hungarian]
A lélekidomár (1. rész), by Mór Jókai 64708
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Language: Hungarian]
Nicaraguan Antiquities, by Carl Bovallius 64707
The Epistles on the Romance of the Rose, by Charles Frederick Ward 64706
[Subtitle: and other documents in the debate]
[Language: French]
The Pharaohs and Their People, by E. Berkley 64705
[Subtitle: Scenes of old Egyptian life and history]
The story of my childhood, by Clara Barton 64704
Waterless Cooking for Better Meals, Better Health, by Anonymous 64703
[Subtitle: Tested Recipes]
Ultimatum, by Roger Dee 64702
The Romance of the Forest, by Ann Ward Radcliffe 64701
[Subtitle: interspersed with some pieces of poetry]
Fombombo, by Thomas Sigismund Stribling 64700
A History of the Comstock Silver Lode & Mines, by Dan De Quille 64699
[Subtitle: Nevada and the Great Basin Region;
Lake Tahoe and the High Sierras]
Buch und Bildung, by Friedrich Oldenbourg 64698
[Subtitle: Eine Aufsatzfolge]
[Language: German]
Children of India, by Janet Harvey Kelman 64697
Unwelcome Tenant, by Roger Dee 64696
Moon of Treason, by Emmett McDowell 64695
Mystery of the Caribbean Pearls, by Andy Adams 64694
[Subtitle: Biff Brewster Adventures, #8]
Radio-Activity, by Ernest Rutherford 64693
Australian Essays, by Francis W. L. Adams 64692
Eternal Zemmd Must Die!, by Henry Hasse 64691
The Dead-Star Rover, by Robert Abernathy 64690
The True Grecian Bend, by Larry Leigh 64689
A barátfalvi lévita; Ujabb elbeszélések, by Mór Jókai 64688
[Language: Hungarian]
Cookie 'n' Cracker Cookin', by Jeanette Hindman Elliott 64687
and Alfred Festen
[Subtitle: To be "Talked About" Use Cookie 'n' Cracker Cookin']
Forgers and Forgeries, by William George Constable 64686
Secrets of Making Frozen Desserts at Home, by Anonymous 64685
[Subtitle: 150 Tested Recipes]
Hawkins-Davison Houses, Frederica, St. Simons Island, Georgia, 64684
by Margaret Davis Cate
The Kingdom of Promise and Prophecy, by Robertson Lafayette Whiteside 64683
The Painted Veil, by William Somerset Maugham 64682
Jessica Trent's Inheritance, by Evelyn Raymond 64681
Pensaci, Giacomino!, by Luigi Pirandello 64680
[Language: Italian]
Who Goes There?, by Charles H. Davis 64679
The First Man On the Moon, by Alfred Coppel 64678
A Text-book of Entomology, by Alpheus S. Packard 64677
Boesman-Stories, by G. R. von Wielligh 64676
[Subtitle: Deel IV. Gemengde Vertellings,
mees van 'n Awontuurlike Aard]
[Illustrator: H. Anthon Aschenborn]
[Language: Afrikaans]
In Brightest Africa, by Carl Ethan Akeley 64675
L'ensorcelée, by Jules Amédée Barbey d'Aurevilly 64674
[Language: French]
Pillar of Fire, by Ray Bradbury 64673
Tubemonkey, by Jerome Bixby 64672
Secret Diplomacy, by Paul S. Reinsch 64671
[Subtitle: How Far Can It Be Eliminated?]
Philip Rollo, Vol. 2 of 2, by James Grant 64670
[Subtitle: or, the Scottish Musketeers]
Philip Rollo, Vol. 1 of 2, by James Grant 64669
[Subtitle: or, the Scottish Musketeers]
El imperio jesuítico, by Leopoldo Lugones 64668
[Language: Spanish]
When the Spoilers Came, by Robert Moore Williams 64667
Patents and How to Get One, by U.S. Department of Commerce 64666
[Subtitle: A Practical Handbook]
An exciting New Year's day in Jungletown, by Beulah Mary Crocker 64665
Buffalo Bill's Ruse, by Colonel Prentiss Ingraham 64664
[Subtitle: Won by Sheer Nerve]
La Bête Errante, by Louis-Frédéric Rouquette 64663
[Subtitle: Roman vécu du Grand Nord Canadien]
[Language: French]
The real Argentine, by J. A. Hammerton 64662
[Subtitle: Notes and Impressions of a Year in the Argentine and Uruguay]
8 anime in una bomba, by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti 64661
[Subtitle: Romanzo esplosivo]
[Language: Italian]
The Serpent's Tooth, by Bithia Mary Croker 64660
The Night Has a Thousand Eyes, by John de Courcy and Dorothy de Courcy 64659
When Kohonnes Screamed, by Gardner F. Fox 64658
[View Less]