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* New eBook Listings from August-September 2022
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Sep 2022 to 30 Sep 2022 ~ ~ ~ ~
Post mortem, by C. MacLaurin 69078
[Subtitle: Essays, historical and medical]
Half hours on the quarter deck, by Anonymous 69077
[Subtitle: The Spanish Armada to Sir Cloudesley Shovel 1670]
The Roly-Poly book, by Laura Rountree Smith 69076
The fairy babies, by Laura Rountree Smith 69075
[Illustrator: Dorothy Dulin]
The uncivilized races of men in all countries of the world, Vol. 2 of 2 69074
by John G. Wood
The uncivilized races of men in all countries of the world, Vol. 1 of 2 69073
by John G. Wood
The Haliburton primer, by M. W. Haliburton 69072
Loved you better than you knew, by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller 69071
The Isle of Retribution, by Edison Marshall 69070
[Illustrator: Douglas Duer]
Babbitt, by Sinclair Lewis 69069
[Subtitle: Tarina amerikkalaisesta miehestä, hänen
perheestään ja ainoasta ystävyydestään]
[Language: Finnish]
The country Christmas, by Frances Margaret Fox 69068
[Illustrator: Etheldred B. Barry]
The ruined cities of Mashonaland, by J. Theodore Bent 69067
[Subtitle: Being a record of excavation and exploration in 1891]
Die Hexe, by Wilhelm Weigand 69066
[Language: German]
The isle of dead ships, by Crittenden Marriott 69065
[Illustrator: Frank McKernan]
The little acrobat: a story of Italy, by Janie Prichard Duggan 69064
[Illustrator: Nana French Bickford]
To the lights, by Roy Norton 69063
A bacteriological study of ham souring, by C. N. McBryde 69062
Precision locating and dividing methods, by Anonymous 69061
The angel of his presence and Gabriel the Acadian, 69060
by Grace Livingston Hill and Edith M. Nicholl Bowyer
Histoire de Corse, by Raoul Colonna de Cesari Rocca and Louis Villat 69059
[Language: French]
La raza, by Julián Sorel 69058
[Subtitle: Descubridores]
[Language: Spanish]
John de Lancaster, Vol. 3, by Richard Cumberland 69057
John de Lancaster, Vol. 2, by Richard Cumberland 69056
John de Lancaster, Vol. 1, by Richard Cumberland 69055
The Rambler club in the mountains, by W. Crispin Sheppard 69054
The conservation of energy, by Balfour Stewart 69053
The ward of Tecumseh, by Crittenden Marriott 69052
[Illustrator: Frank McKernan]
Romances of the old town of Edinburgh, by Alexander Leighton 69051
The coming, by John Collis Snaith 69050
The flowering plants of Africa, by Franz Thonner 69049
[Subtitle: An analytical key to the genera of African Phanerograms]
The boomerang circuit, by Murray Leinster 69048
The Tiddly Winks, by Laura Rountree Smith 69047
[Illustrator: Haidee Zack Walsh]
Jewels and the woman, by Marianne Ostier 69046
[Subtitle: The romance, magic and art of feminine adornment]
Jedermanns Hundebuch, by Ernst von Otto 69045
[Subtitle: Plege, Erziehung und Dressur des Haushundes]
[Language: German]
The story of Ida, by Francesca Alexander 69044
[Subtitle: epitaph on an Etrurian tomb]
Star book no. 46: Chair backs, by Anonymous 69043
Potemkin village, by Fletcher Pratt 69042
Lord Lister No. 0375: Amor en Mercurius, by Kurt Matull, Theo Blakensee 69041
and Felix Hageman
[Illustrator: Jan Wiegman]
[Language: Dutch]
"Ups" en "downs" in het Indische leven, by Maurits Maurits 69040
[Language: Dutch]
Soanan kerettiläinen, by Gerhart Hauptmann 69039
[Language: Finnish]
Lot & company, by Will Levington Comfort 69038
Don Hale Over There, by W. Sheppard 69037
The island Pirate, A tale of the Mississippi, by Mayne Reid 69036
[Subtitle: Beadle's pocket novels No. 10]
The Public Square, by Will Levington Comfort 69035
A Bakony (2. kötet), by Károly Eötvös 69034
[Language: Hungarian]
A Bakony (1. kötet), by Károly Eötvös 69033
[Language: Hungarian]
A Bakony (1. kötet), by Károly Eötvös 69033
[Language: Hungarian]
New Nick Carter weekly No. 186., by Nick Carter 69032
[Subtitle: Nick Carter rescues a daughter;
or The junior partner's strange behavior]
Jésus, by Jean Aicard 69031
[Language: French]
The girl in the crowd, by Albert Payson Terhune 69030
Genevra; or, the history of a portrait, by Genevieve Genevra Fairfield 69029
[Subtitle: by an American lady, A resident of Washington City]
The nameless something, by William Fitzgerald 69028
Mammonart, by Upton Sinclair 69027
[Subtitle: An essay in economic interpretation]
Essays on the Latin Orient, by William Miller 69026
The filtration of public water-supplies, by Allen Hazen 69025
[Subtitle: Third edition, revised and enlarged.]
The Thirteenth Man, by Mrs. Coulson Kernahan 69024
The passing of the great queen, by Marie Corelli 69023
[Subtitle: A tribute to the noble life of Victoria Regina]
Worlds in the making, by Svante Arrhenius 69022
[Subtitle: The evolution of the universe]
Women and economic evolution, by Theresa Schmid McMahon 69021
[Subtitle: or, The effects of industrial changes
upon the status of women]
Lord Lister No. 0373: De krankzinnige, by Kurt Matull, Theo Blakensee 69020
and Felix Hageman
[Language: Dutch]
Elements of woodwork, by Charles A. King 69019
A dictionary of place-names giving their derivations, 69018
by Christina Blackie
Memorials of old Derbyshire, by J. Charles Cox 69017
The construction and maintenance of earth roads, by Richard R. Lyman 69016
Közép-ázsiai utazás, by Ármin Vámbéry 69015
[Language: Hungarian]
The prey of the strongest, by Morley Roberts 69014
De afstamming van den mensch en de seksueele teeltkeus (deel 1 van 2), 69013
by Charles Darwin
[Language: Dutch]
Drawing in Charcoal and Crayon, by Frank Fowler 69012
[Subtitle: For the use of Students and Schools]
Australian Fairy Tales, by Hume Cook 69011
[Illustrator: Christian Yandell]
Lafitte, a play in prologue and four acts, by Lucile Rutland 69010
and Rhoda Cameron
Definition, by Damon Knight 69009
The Chinese Exclusion Act, by Anonymous 69008
[Subtitle: Report and Resolutions Adopted by the
Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York]
Les aventures du capitaine Magon, by Léon Cahun 69007
[Subtitle: ou une exploration phénicienne
mille ans avant l'ère chrétienne]
[Illustrator: Paul Philippoteaux]
[Language: French]
Blindfold, by Orrick Johns 69006
Gereformeerde dogmatiek, Vierde deel, by Herman Bavinck 69005
[Language: Dutch]
The Trevor case, by Natalie Sumner Lincoln 69004
[Illustrator: Edmund Frederick]
Petsamhon valaskaloja onkimhan, by Jaakko O. Ikola 69003
[Subtitle: Matkakuvaus]
[Language: Finnish]
The village labourer 1760-1832, by J. L. Hammond and Barbara Hammond 69002
[Subtitle: A study in the government of England before the Reform Bill]
Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz -- Mitteilungen Band XI, Heft 4-6 69001
by Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz
[Subtitle: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und Denkmalpflege]
[Language: German]
The private life of Henry Maitland, by Morley Roberts 69000
[Subtitle: A record dictated by J. H.]
The kopje farm, by William Johnston 68999
Cape Coddities, by Roger Livingston Scaife 68998
[Illustrator: Harold Cue]
The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. 2, No. 6, May, 1836, by Various 68997
Angel, by Bithia Mary Croker 68996
[Subtitle: A sketch in Indian ink]
The Rambler Club with the Northwest Mounted, by W. Crispin Sheppard 68995
[Illustrator: W. Crispin Sheppard]
Lightning, Thunder and Lightning Conductors, by Gerald Molloy 68994
Indische menschen in Holland, by Maurits 68993
[Subtitle: Oorspronkelijke roman]
[Language: Dutch]
The sky was full of ships, by Theodore Sturgeon 68992
Giant brains; or Machines that think, by Edmund Callis Berkeley 68991
The art of music, Volume 3 of 14, by Daniel Gregory Mason 68990
[Subtitle: Modern Music]
Catalogue of a collection of early drawings and pictures of London, 68989
by the Burlington Fine Arts Club
[Subtitle: With some contemporary furniture]
On reading in relation to literature, by Lafcadio Hearn 68988
[Subtitle: Atlantic readings, number 17]
On the manner of negotiating with princes, by François de Callières 68987
[Subtitle: On the uses of diplomacy; the choice of ministers
and envoys; and the personal qualities necessary for success
in missions abroad]
Prosas barbaras, by Eça de Queirós 68986
[Subtitle: com uma introd. por Jayme Batalha Reis.]
[Language: Portuguese]
Infanta, by Manuel de Figueiredo 68985
[Subtitle: tragédia]
[Language: Portuguese]
Helps and hints for Hallowe'en, by Laura Rountree Smith 68984
Cook book of tested receipes, by Ida Lee Cary 68983
>From beyond the stars, by Will F. Jenkins 68982
Through a pocket lens, by Henry Scherren 68981
A rajongók (2. kötet), by Zsigmond Kemény 68980
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Illustrator: Nelli Hirsch]
[Language: Hungarian]
A rajongók (1. kötet), by Zsigmond Kemény 68979
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Illustrator: Nelli Hirsch]
[Language: Hungarian]
Historia del levantamiento, guerra y revolución de España (1 de 5), 68978
by Conde de Toreno
[Language: Spanish]
Maantiede ja löytöretket I, by I. K. Inha 68977
[Subtitle: Vanha aika ja keski aika]
[Language: Finnish]
The works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A, Vol. 1 of 6 68976
The crimp, by Henry Leverage 68975
The Life and Love of the Insect, by Jean-Henri Fabre 68974
Y ddwy chwaer, by Anonymous 68973
[Subtitle: Ffeithiau hanesyddol]
[Language: Welsh]
Sixteen months at the gold diggings, by Daniel B. Woods 68972
Puder, by Gyula Krúdy 68971
[Subtitle: Elbeszélések]
[Language: Hungarian]
Passed by the censor, by Wythe Williams 68970
[Subtitle: The Experience of an American Newspaper Man in France]
The golden west boys, by William S. Hart 68969
[Subtitle: "Injun" and "Whitey"]
[Illustrator: Morris H. Pancoast]
You are forbidden!, by Jerry Shelton 68968
Star Book No. 86 Stoles and shawls, by Anonymous 68967
The Snake's Pass, by Bram Stoker 68966
Sammlung Göschen, by Verlag Göschen 68965
[Subtitle: Verzeichnis der bis jetzt erschienen Bände]
[Language: German]
Sniping in France, by H. Hesketh-Prichard 68964
[Subtitle: With notes on the scientific training
of scouts, observers, and snipers]
[Illustrator: Ernest Blaikley]
A short history of the Norman Conquest of England, by Edward A. Freeman 68963
Best o' luck, by Alexander McClintock 68962
[Subtitle: How a fighting Kentuckian won the thanks
of Britain's King]
Portraits of places, by Henry James 68961
Final blackout, by L. Ron Hubbard 68960
A hitch in time, by James MacCreigh 68959
Four years aboard the whaleship, by William Whitecar 68958
[Subtitle: Embracing cruises in the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian,
and Antarctic oceans, in the years 1855-1859]
Weird Tales, Volume 1, Number 1, March 1923, by Various 68957
[Subtitle: The unique magazine]
The companions of Pickle, by Andrew Lang 68956
[Subtitle: Being a sequel to 'Pickle the spy']
The Black Cat, Vol. 1, No. 6, March 1896, by Various 68955
The Black Cat, Vol. 1, No. 5, February 1896, by Various 68954
Aspects of Nature, Vol. 2 of 2, by Alexander von Humboldt 68953
[Subtitle: In different lands and different climates;
with scientific elucidations]
Uj Zrinyiász, by Kálmán Mikszáth 68952
[Language: Hungarian]
The gray brotherhood, by Henry Leverage 68951
Twenty-three and a half hours' leave, by Mary Roberts Rinehart 68950
[Illustrator: May Wilson Preston]
The boy's book of buccaneers, by A. Hyatt Verrill 68949
Särkynyt sävel, by Larin-Kyösti 68948
[Language: Finnish]
Das Protoplasma der Rhizopoden und der Pflanzenzellen, by Max Schultze 68947
[Language: German]
Pausanias' description of Greece, Vol. 1, by Pausanias 68946
Pesti album, by Gyula Krúdy 68945
[Subtitle: Krúdy Gyula feljegyzései és elbeszélései]
[Language: Hungarian]
Lost on the Orinoco, by Edward Stratemeyer 68944
[Subtitle: American boys in Venezuela]
[Illustrator: A. B. Shute]
The voice in the fog, by Henry Leverage 68943
Red stripes, by Hugh Pendexter 68942
The book of Evelyn, by Geraldine Bonner 68941
[Illustrator: Arthur William Brown]
The Review, Vol. 1, No. 5, May 1911, by Various 68940
The women novelists, by Reginald Brimley Johnson 68939
A campaign in Mexico, by Benjamin Franklin Scribner 68938
Lord Lister No. 0372: Een Bolsjewistisch avontuur, by Kurt Matull, 68937
Theo Blakensee and Felix Hageman
[Language: Dutch]
The mate of the Vancouver, by Morley Roberts 68936
Insula thesauraria, by Robert Stevenson 68935
[Language: Latin]
A fáklya, by Zsigmond Móricz 68934
[Language: Hungarian]
The Commune of London, by John Horace Round 68933
[Subtitle: and other studies]
O esqueleto, by Camillo Castelo Blanco 68932
[Subtitle: Romance]
[Language: Portuguese]
Colonel Crockett, the Texan trailer, by Chas. E. Lasalle 68931
[Subtitle: Beadle's pocket novels No. 99]
Beyond the wall, by Henry Leverage 68930
Beautiful but poor, by Julia Edwards 68929
Unpopular government in the United States, by Albert M. Kales 68928
The Taylor-Trotwood Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 4, January 1907, by Various 68927
Stories and ballads for young folks, by Ellen Tracy Alden 68926
The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, Vol. 1 of 5, 68925
by Charles Darwin and Richard Owen
[Subtitle: Fossil mammalia]
Besztercze ostroma, by Kálmán Mikszáth 68924
[Language: Hungarian]
An island hell, by S. A. Malsagoff 68923
[Subtitle: A Soviet prison in the far north]
The adventure of the broad arrow, by Morley Roberts 68922
[Subtitle: An Australian romance]
The making of a man, by W. D. Flatt 68921
[Illustrator: J. R. Seavey]
Captain Balaam of the 'Cormorant', by Morley Roberts 68920
[Subtitle: and other sea comedies]
The promotion of the admiral, by Morley Roberts 68919
[Subtitle: and other sea comedies]
Assignats, by Henry Leverage 68918
Modern literature: a novel, Volume 3 of 3, by Robert Bisset 68917
Modern literature: a novel, Volume 2 of 3, by Robert Bisset 68916
Modern literature: a novel, Volume 1 of 3, by Robert Bisset 68915
The traitor's way, by Sidney Levett-Yeats 68914
[Illustrator: W. B. Gilbert]
The Iroquois, by Minnie Myrtle 68913
[Subtitle: or, the bright side of Indian character]
Education and living, by Randolph Bourne 68912
Szent Péter esernyője, by Kálmán Mikszáth 68911
[Author: Kálmán Mikszáth]
[Language: Hungarian]
The history of Bannock County Idaho, by Arthur C. Saunders 68910
The Auxiliary cook book, by Various 68909
Mother Bunny and her flowers, by Laura Rountree Smith 68908
[Illustrator: Penny Ross]
The true prophecies or prognostications of Michael Nostradamus, 68907
physician to Henry II, Francis II, and Charles IX, Kings of France,
and one of the best astronomers that ever were, by Michael Nostradamus
Nearest the Pole, by Robert E. Peary 68906
[Subtitle: a narrative of the polar expedition of the
Peary Arctic Club in the S.S. Roosevelt, 1905-1906]
A brazileira de Prazins:, by Camilo Castelo Branco 68905
[Subtitle: scenas do Minho.]
[Language: Portuguese]
One of three, by Wesley Long 68904
The Land of mist, by Arthur Conan Doyle 68903
Really so stories, by Elizabeth Gordon 68902
[Illustrator: John Rae]
Professoreita ja ylioppilaita, by Rafaël Hertzberg 68901
[Subtitle: Kertomus Turusta 1660 vaiheilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Modern költők, by Dezső Kosztolányi 68900
[Subtitle: Külföldi antológia a költők arcképeivel]
[Language: Hungarian]
Sparrow the tramp, by Lily F. Wesselhoeft and Jessie McDermott 68899
[Subtitle: A fable for children]
Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet, by Sarat Chandra Das 68898
The Apiary; or, Bees, bee-hives, and bee culture, 1878, 68897
by Alfred Neighbor
Cat o' mountain, by Arthur O. Friel 68896
[Illustrator: Donald S. Humphreys]
A soldier's mother in France, by Rheta Childe Dorr 68895
Twenty tales by twenty women, by Anonymous 68894
[Subtitle: From real life in Chicago]
Leliënstad, by Henri Borel 68893
[Language: Dutch]
The gnome's gneiss, by Kendell Foster Crossen 68892
[Illustrator: Alex Schomburg]
The alley cat's kitten, by Caroline Fuller 68891
Dogs of all nations, by W. E. Mason 68890
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Aug 2022 to 31 Aug 2022 ~ ~ ~ ~
A history of social thought, by Emory Stephen Bogardus 68889
How Jack Mackenzie won his epaulettes, by Gordon Stables 68888
Bishop Joseph Blount Cheshire, by Lawrence Foushee London 68887
[Subtitle: His Life and Work]
King Edward's realm, by C. S. Dawe 68886
[Subtitle: Story of the making of the Empire]
Le livre du chevalier de La Tour Landry pour l'enseignement 68885
de ses filles, by Geoffroi de la Tour Landry
[Language: French]
Ballada a néma férfiakról, by Frigyes Karinthy 68884
[Subtitle: Novellák]
[Language: Hungarian]
21 Jahre in Indien., by Heinrich Breitenstein 68883
[Subtitle: Dritter Theil: Sumatra.]
[Language: German]
21 Jahre in Indien., by Heinrich Breitenstein 68882
[Subtitle: Zweiter Theil: Java.]
[Language: German]
21 Jahre in Indien., by Heinrich Breitenstein 68881
[Subtitle: Erster Theil: Borneo.]
[Language: German]
Ihanteen kaipuu, by Hilma Pylkkänen 68880
[Language: Finnish]
La firmao de la kato kiu pilkludas, by Honoré de Balzac 68879
[Language: Esperanto]
Deklaracio, by Takeo Arishima 68878
[Language: Esperanto]
A tóparti gyilkosság és egyéb elbeszélések, by Zoltán Ambrus 68877
[Language: Hungarian]
Unparliamentary papers and other diversions, by Reginald Berkeley 68876
[Illustrator: Bohun Lynch]
The lion's share, by Octave Thanet 68875
[Illustrator: Edmund Marion (E. M.) Ashe]
El la "Camera obscura", by Hildebrand 68874
[Language: Esperanto]
A century of children's books, by Florence V. Barry 68873
Le sentiment religieux, by Henri Bois 68872
[Language: French]
Lettres à l'Amazone, by Remy de Gourmont 68871
[Illustrator: Pierre-Eugène Vibert]
[Language: French]
The Political History of England, Volume 1 of 12, by Thomas Hodgkin 68870
[Subtitle: From the Earliest Times to the Norman Conquest]
Miss America; pen and camera sketches of the American girl, 68869
by Alexander Black
[Illustrator: Alexander Black]
Bulldog, by Max Brand 68868
[Illustrator: Will Foster]
The unique story book, by Anonymous 68867
Hints for painters, decorators, and paper-hangers., by An Old Hand 68866
Récits marocains de la plaine et des monts, by Maurice Le Glay 68865
[Language: French]
Ramsey & Carmick, contract. Letter from the Postmaster General, 68864
by Various
N. N. (Egy szerelem-gyermek), by Gyula Krúdy 68863
[Subtitle: Regényke]
[Language: Hungarian]
Tyll Ulenspiegel und Lamm Goedzak, by Charles de Coster 68862
[Subtitle: Legende von ihren heroischen, lustigen und ruhmreichen
Abenteuern im Lande Flandern und andern Orts]
[Language: German]
S. Hurok Presents; A Memoir of the Dance World, by Sol Hurok 68861
>From outer space, by Robert Zacks 68860
The weight of the name, by Paul Bourget 68859
Lady Barbarity, by John Collis Snaith 68858
[Subtitle: A Romance]
Lord Lister No. 0015: De zilveren apostel, by Kurt Matull 68857
and Theo Blakensee
[Language: Dutch]
La Guyane inconnue, by Albert Bordeaux 68856
[Subtitle: Voyage à l'intérieur de la Guyane française]
[Language: French]
The Chattanooga Campaign, by Michael Hendrick Fitch 68855
[Subtitle: With especial reference to
Wisconsin's participation therein]
Three years of war in East Africa, by Angus Buchanan 68854
Pastiche and prejudice, by A. B. Walkley 68853
Overbetuwsche novellen, by J.J. Cremer 68852
[Language: Dutch]
Mangorin kokkikirja, by Carit Etlar 68851
[Subtitle: Jutelma korkeimman diplomatian alalta]
[Language: Finnish]
When the movies were young, by Linda Arvidson 68850
The pretender, by Robert W. Service 68849
[Subtitle: A story of the Latin Quarter]
Diptyque de Flandre, triptyque de France, by Robert de Montesquiou 68848
[Subtitle: le peintre aux billets, le pasteur de cygnes,
le broyeur de fleurs, l'inextricable graveur, la porte
ouverte au jardin fermé du roi]
[Language: French]
The hollow lens, by Henry Leverage 68847
Brook and river trouting, by Harfield H. Edmonds and Norman N. Lee 68846
[Subtitle: A manual of modern north country methods]
The story of the Thirty Eighth regiment of Massachusetts volunteers, 68845
by George W. Powers
Bookbinding for beginners, by Florence Ordway Bean and John C. Brodhead 68844
The quest for Santa Claus, by Frank Atkinson 68843
The penultimate trump, by R. C. W. Ettinger 68842
Illustrations of the manners, customs, & condition of the North 68841
American Indians, Vol. 2 of 2, by George Catlin
[Subtitle: With letters and notes, written during eight years
of travel and adventure among the wildest and most remarkable
tribes now existing]
Address of President Coolidge before the National Council 68840
of the Boy Scouts of America
[Subtitle: Washington, D. C., May 1, 1926]
Le Pays de l'Instar, by Franc-Nohain 68839
[Language: French]
Der Graf von Saint-Germain, by Gustav Berthold Volz 68838
[Subtitle: Das Leben eines Alchimisten]
[Language: German]
Elsie Lindtner, by Karin Michaëlis Stangeland 68837
[Subtitle: A sequel to "The Dangerous Age"]
And we sailed the mighty dark, by Frank Belknap Long 68836
The humour of Ireland, by David James O'Donoghue 68835
[Illustrator: Oliver Paque]
Novelleja, by Rudolfs Blaumanis 68834
[Language: Finnish]
The entertaining story of King Brondé, his Lily and his Rosebud, 68833
by Abby Morton Diaz
[Illustrator: W. L. Sheppard]
In self-defense, by W. C. Tuttle 68832
Il Novellino, by Edward Storer 68831
[Subtitle: The hundred old tales]
The nutrition of man, by Russell H. Chittenden 68830
Mistake inside, by James Blish 68829
Sto jisker ethických, by Alexandr Batěk 68828
[Language: Czech]
Climate disordered, by Carter Sprague 68827
Das Haus in der Sonne, by Carl Larsson 68826
[Language: German]
The Curlytops touring around, by Howard R. Garis 68825
[Subtitle: The missing photograph albums]
[Illustrator: Julia Greene]
Lewesdon Hill, with other poems, by William Crowe 68824
Habits and men, with remnants of record touching the makers of both, 68823
by John Doran
The tale of Curly-Tail, by Laura Rountree Smith 68822
[Illustrator: Mae H. Scannell]
Notes sur l'Amour, by Claude Anet 68821
[Language: French]
Ajax, for example, by W. C. Tuttle 68820
Het leemen wagentje, by Shūdraka 68819
[Subtitle: Indisch tooneelspel uit Sanskṛt en Prākṛt
in het Nederlandsch vertaald]
[Language: Dutch]
Les deux romanciers, by René Boylesve 68818
[Language: French]
Happiness, by Karl Hilty 68817
[Subtitle: Essays on the meaning of life]
Szindbád ifjusága, by Gyula Krúdy 68816
[Language: Hungarian]
Galactic patrol, by E. E. Smith 68815
A szegény kisgyermek panaszai, by Dezső Kosztolányi 68814
[Language: Hungarian]
Josiah in New York, by James Otis 68813
[Subtitle: or, A coupon from the Fresh Air Fund]
The schoolmaster's trunk, by A. M. Diaz 68812
[Subtitle: Containing papers on home-life in Tweenit]
Black no more, by George S. Schuyler 68811
[Subtitle: Being an account of the strange and wonderful workings
of science in the land of the free, A.D. 1933-1940]
The nameless man, by Natalie Sumner Lincoln 68810
[Illustrator: H. R. Ballinger]
The Londoners, by Robert Hichens 68809
[Subtitle: An Absurdity]
Pöhölyék, by Géza Gárdonyi 68808
[Language: Hungarian]
A confissão de Lucio, by Mário de Sá-Carneiro 68807
[Subtitle: Narrativa.]
[Language: Portuguese]
The land of the Hittites, by John Garstang 68806
[Subtitle: An account of recent explorations and discoveries
in Asia Minor, with descriptions of the Hittite monuments]
Water and power for San Francisco from Hetch-Hetchy Valley in Yosemite 68805
national park, by Martin Samuel Vilas
Three generations, by Maud Howe Elliott 68804
Nick Carter Stories No. 123, January 16, 1915: Half a million ransom, 68803
or, Nick Carter and the needy nine
Invincible Minnie, by Elizabeth Sanxay Holding 68802
Cassell's book of birds, by Thomas Rymer Jones 68801
[Subtitle: From the text of Dr. Brehm; vol. 4]
Angelica, by Elizabeth Sanxay Holding 68800
Successful Venture, by Ellen Douglas Deland 68799
[Illustrator: Alice Barber Stephens]
Strange stories of the Civil War, by Robert Shackleton, John Habberton, 68798
William J. Henderson, L. E. Chittenden, and Howard Patterson
A víg ember bús meséi, by Gyula Krúdy 68797
[Subtitle: Elbeszélések]
[Language: Hungarian]
The Blue Peter, by Morley Roberts 68796
[Subtitle: Sea comedies]
Mese a zöld füvön, by Zsigmond Móricz 68795
[Subtitle: Elbeszélések]
[Language: Hungarian]
The Mayflower Society house, by Walter Merriam Pratt 68794
[Subtitle: Being the story of the Edward Winslow house,
the Mayflower Society, the Pilgrms]
Tulevaisuudenunelmia, by Emilie Flygare-Carlén 68793
[Language: Finnish]
The Cross Word Puzzle Book, by Prosper Buranelli, F. Gregory Hartswick, 68792
and Margaret Petherbridge
[Subtitle: Third Series]
Irások irókról, by Frigyes Karinthy 68791
[Subtitle: Kritikák]
[Language: Hungarian]
A haunted life, by James Grant 68790
The dead tryst, by James Grant 68789
La vigna vendemmiata, by Antonio Beltramelli 68788
[Language: Italian]
Cabos sueltos, by Julio Cejador y Fraucas 68787
[Subtitle: Literatura y lingüística]
[Language: Spanish]
Modern bookbindings, by S. T. Prideaux 68786
[Subtitle: Their design and decoration]
The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. 2, No. 5, April, 1836, by Various 68785
Egyszerű emberek, by István Tömörkény 68784
[Language: Hungarian]
The swamp was upside down, by Murray Leinster 68783
The story of the Philippines, by Adeline Knapp 68782
[Subtitle: for use in the schools of the Philippine Islands]
Notes historical, aesthetical, ethnological, physiological, anecdotal 68781
and tonsorial, on the hair & beard, by Trichocosmos
Sand and Canvas, by Samuel Bevan 68780
[Subtitle: Narrative of adventures in Egypt
with a sojourn among the artists in Rome]
Personal reminiscences of Henry Irving, by Bram Stoker 68779
Elements of show card writing, by John H. DeWild 68778
[Subtitle: A course of instruction on how to make
business-building show cards]
Mécs, by Dezső Kosztolányi 68777
[Language: Hungarian]
Glenarvon, Volume 3 of 3, by Caroline Lamb 68776
The Crucible, by Mark Lee Luther 68775
[Illustrator: Rose Cecil O'Neill]
[Language: Spanish]
Civilisation, by Georges Duhamel 68774
Glenarvon, Volume 2 of 3, by Caroline Lamb 68773
An inaugural dissertation on pulmonary consumption, by Edward Delafield 68772
The soul of Lilith, by Marie Corelli 68771
Francia kastély, by Gyula Krúdy 68770
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Language: Hungarian]
A classical dictionary, by John Lempriere 68769
[Subtitle: containing a copious account of all the proper names
mentioned in ancient authors with tables of coins, weights,
and measures used among the Greeks and Romans and
a chronological table]
Illustrations of the manners, customs, & condition of the 68768
North American Indians, Vol. 1 of 2, by George Catlin
[Subtitle: With letters and notes, written during eight
years of travel and adventure among the wildest and
most remarkable tribes now existing]
Rosaleen among the artists, by Elizabeth Sanxay Holding 68767
O tutto o nulla, by Antonio Giulio Barrili 68766
[Language: Italian]
Twenty-five years in the Secret Service, by Henri Le Caron 68765
[Subtitle: The recollections of a spy]
Observations sur l'organisation des postes et messageries, présentées 68764
au Corps législatif, by Joachim Pérez
[Language: French]
A modern exodus, by Violet Guttenberg 68763
[Subtitle: a novel]
Chinese pottery and porcelain, Vol. 2, by Robert L Hobson 68762
[Subtitle: An account of the potter's art in China
from primitive times to the present day]
Hearts to mend, by Harry A. Overstreet 68761
[Subtitle: A fantasy in one act]
Betrothed for a day, by Laura Jean Libbey 68760
[Subtitle: Or, Queenie Trevalyn's love test]
The economic position of women, by The Academy of Political Science 68759
The fortunes of Fifi, by Molly Elliot Seawell 68758
[Illustrator: T. De Thulstrup]
List of post offices in Canada, with the names of the postmasters, 68757
on the 1st September 1856, by Canada Post Office Department
[Subtitle: With a supplementary list to 1st March, 1857, inclusive]
The danger and immodesty of the present too general custom 68756
of unnecessarily employing men-midwives, by Anonymous
Your pay envelope, by John R. Meader 68755
Glenarvon, Volume 1 of 3, by Caroline Lamb 68754
Forgotten danger, by William Morrison 68753
Lives and exploits of the most noted highwaymen, robbers and murderers 68752
of all nations, by Charles Whitehead
[Subtitle: Drawn from the most authentic sources
and brought down to the present time]
Estudos sobre criminalidade e educação philosophia e anthropagogia, 68751
by Manuel António Ferreira Deusdado
[Language: Portuguese]
Through the school, by Al Priddy 68750
[Subtitle: The experiences of a mill boy in securing an education]
[Illustrators: Frank T. Merrill and Wladyslaw T. Benda]
Peggy in Toyland, by Archibald Marshall 68749
[Illustrator: Helen M. Barton]
Peacemaker, by Alan E. Nourse 68748
Incwadi Yami, by J. W. Matthews 68747
[Subtitle: or twenty years' personal experience in South Africa]
Vihreät sisaret, by George Sand 68746
[Language: Finnish]
Luces de Bohemia, by Ramón del Valle-Inclán 68745
[Subtitle: Esperpento]
[Language: Spanish]
The inquisition in the Spanish dependencies:, by Henry Charles Lea 68744
[Subtitle: Sicily, Naples, Sardinia, Milan, the Canaries,
Mexico, Peru, New Granada]
Spaceman's luck, by George O. Smith 68743
[Illustrator: EBEL]
The works of the Rev. John Wesley, Vol. 5 of 32 68742
Ancient Rome in the English novel, by Randolph Faries, 2d 68741
[Subtitle: a study in English historical fiction]
Görbe tükör, by Frigyes Karinthy 68740
[Language: Hungarian]
Come into my parlor, by Charles E. Fritch 68739
[Illustrator: ORBAN]
The Lanchester tradition, by G. F. Bradby 68738
A climber in New Zealand, by Malcolm Ross 68737
[Photographer: Malcolm Ross]
Uusi kevät ja muita runoja, by Lauri Pohjanpää 68736
[Language: Finnish]
Graalin malja, by Lauri Pohjanpää 68734
[Subtitle: Runoja]
[Language: Finnish]
The kingdom of the blind, by George O. Smith 68733
The moral pirates, by W. L. Alden 68732
[Illustrator: A. B. Frost]
Slavery in Maryland briefly considered, by John L. Carey 68731
Exploration Team, by Murray Leinster 68730
The Independent Church of God of the Juda tribe of Israel: 68729
the Black Jews, by Allan Wilson Cook
[Subtitle: As a fade from black to pure white]
Opinion par Defrance, sur les postes et messageries, 68728
by Jean-Claude Defrance
[Language: French]
The Emerald of Catherine the Great, by Hilaire Belloc 68727
[Illustrator: Gilbert Keith Chesterton]
The Crystal Circe, by Henry Kuttner 68726
Snap, by C. Phillipps-Wolley 68725
[Subtitle: A legend of the lone mountain]
[Illustrator: H. G. Willink]
An historical and moral view of the origin and progress of the French 68724
revolution, by Mary Wollstonecraft
[Subtitle: and the effect it has produced in Europe]
Memories of the Civil War, by Henry B. James 68723
"In the twinkling of an eye", by Sydney Watson 68722
Earth Dams, A Study, by Burr Bassell 68721
Prints and their makers, by Various 68720
[Subtitle: essays on engravers and etchers old and modern]
Les Climats, by Anna de Noailles 68719
[Illustrator: François-Louis Schmied]
[Language: French]
Out of the sea, by Leigh Brackett 68718
The American scene, by Henry James 68717
Some phases of educational progress in Latin America, 68716
by Walter A. Montgomery
Woman free, by Ellis Ethelmer 68715
History of the Sabbath and first day of the week, by John Nevins Andrews 68714
A history of the administration of the Royal Navy and of merchant 68713
shipping in relation to the Navy, by Michael Morris Oppenheim
[Subtitle: From MDIX to MDCLX, with an introduction treating
of the preceding period]
The secret in the hill, by Bernard Edward Joseph Capes 68712
The handy manual, by Anonymous 68711
[Subtitle: A veritable mine of useful and interesting
statistics, information, etc.]
La douceur de vivre, by Marcelle Tinayre 68710
[Language: French]
The buccaneer book, by Alden Noble 68709
[Subtitle: Songs of the Black Flag]
A naturalist in Madagascar, by James Sibree 68708
Storm Cloud on Deka, by Edward E. Smith 68707
Modern house-plans for everybody, by S. B. Reed 68706
[Subtitle: For village and country residences costing from
two hundred and fifty dollars to eight thousand dollars]
Isis unveiled, Volume 1 of 2, Science, by H. P. Blavatsky 68705
[Subtitle: A master-key to mysteries of ancient
and modern science and theology]
A True Interpretation of the Witch of Endor, by Lodowick Muggleton 68704
Constantine the Great, by John Benjamin Firth 68703
[Subtitle: The reorganization of the Empire
and the triumph of the Church]
Veljesten kesken, by Paul Heyse 68702
[Subtitle: Yksinäytöksinen huvinäytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
La main de Sainte Modestine, by Jeanne Schultz 68701
[Language: French]
The Ring bonanza, by Otto Binder 68700
Dusky Dick, or, Old Toby Castor's great campaign, by Jos. E. Badger 68699
[Subtitle: Beadle's Pocket Novels No. 98]
Dick and Dr. Dan, by C. Little 68698
[Subtitle: Or, the boy monster hunters of the bad lands]
Toying with fate, by Nicholas Carter 68697
[Subtitle: or, Nick Carter's narrow shave]
Dramaturgiai dolgozatok (2. kötet), by Pál Gyulai 68696
[Language: Hungarian]
Dramaturgiai dolgozatok (1. kötet), by Pál Gyulai 68695
[Language: Hungarian]
Roger the ranger, by Eliza Fanny Pollard 68694
[Subtitle: A story of border life among the Indians]
History of the inductive sciences, from the earliest to 68693
the present time, by William Whewell
The eagle's wing, by B. M. Bower 68692
[Subtitle: A story of the Colorado]
[Illustrator: Frank Tenney Johnson]
Livro de "Soror Saudade", by Florbela Espanca 68691
[Language: Portuguese]
The Vailan or annular theory, by Stephen Bowers 68690
[Subtitle: A synopsis of Prof. I. N. Vail's argument
in support of the claim that this Earth once
possessed a Saturn-like system of rings]
Forge and furnace, by Florence Warden 68689
[Subtitle: A novel]
The mill of silence, by Bernard Edward Joseph Capes 68688
Lives of alchemystical philosophers, by Arthur Edward Waite 68687
Critical difference, by Murray Leinster 68686
Moon madness and other fantasies, by Aimee Crocker Gouraud 68685
The American missionary, Volume 42, No. 9, September, 1888, by Various 68684
American literary masters, by Leon H. Vincent 68683
Charles Dickens, by G. K. Chesterton 68682
[Subtitle: A critical study]
The cross word puzzle book, by Prosper Buranelli, F. Gregory Hartswick 68681
and Margaret Petherbridge
[Subtitle: Second series]
Pausanias' Description of Greece, Volume 2 68680
The unseen ear, by Natalie Sumner Lincoln 68679
The sporting chance, by Alice Askew and Claude Askew 68678
Timid Lucy, by Sarah Schoonmaker Baker 68677
The passionate year, by James Hilton 68676
La Provence, by Henri Oddo 68675
[Subtitle: Usages, coutumes, idiomes depuis les origines;
le Félibrige et son action sur la langue provençale,
avec une grammaire provençale abrégée]
[Language: French]
Blood on my jets, by Algis Budrys 68674
[Illustrator: EBEL]
Outlaw Jack; or, the mountain devil, by Harry Hazard 68673
[Subtitle: Beadle's Pocket Novels No. 79]
The lives of celebrated travellers, Volume 1 of 3, 68672
by James Augustus St. John
Sir Copp, by Thomas Clarke 68671
[Subtitle: A poem for the times, in six cantos]
The micro-organisms of the soil, by E. John Russell and Members 68670
of the biological staff of The Rothamsted Experimental Station
Proxy Planeteers, by Edmond Hamilton 68669
Nuoren opettajattaren varaventtiili, by Hilja Valtonen 68668
[Language: Finnish]
A rogue’s tragedy, by Bernard Edward Joseph Capes 68667
Traditions of the Arikara, by George Amos Dorsey 68666
With Grant at Fort Donelson, Shiloh and Vicksburg, by Wilbur F. Crummer 68665
[Subtitle: and an appreciation of General U. S. Grant]
The heart of the railroad problem, by Frank Parsons 68664
[Subtitle: The history of railway discrimination in the United States,
the chief efforts at control and the remedies proposed, with hints
from other countries]
L'anfiteatro Flavio nei suoi venti secoli di storia, 68663
by Mariano Colagrossi
[Language: Italian]
Elements of arithmetic, by Augustus De Morgan 68662