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* Dictionary of famous translators of the past
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* New eBook Listings from February-April 2022
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Apr 2022 to 30 Apr 2022 ~ ~ ~ ~
On the Preparations of the Indian Hemp, or Gunjah (Cannabis Indica), 67959
by W. B. O'Shaughnessy
[Subtitle: Their Effects on the Animal System in Health,
and Their Utility in the Treatment of Tetanus and Other
Convulsive Diseases]
The Yellow Hunter; or, The Winding Trail of Death, by Chas. Howard 67958
[Subtitle: Beadle's Pocket Novels No. 69]
Mr. Keegan's Elopement, by Winston Churchill 67957
Tschandalan vanki, by Ain'Elisabet Pennanen 67956
[Language: Finnish]
Lord Lister No. 0384: Het Diamanten Halssnoer, by Kurt Matull, 67955
Theo Blakensee, and Felix Hageman
[Language: Dutch]
The Life of Clara Barton, Volume 2 of 2, by William Eleazar Barton 67954
[Subtitle: Founder of the American Red Cross]
Questions at Issue in Our English Speech, by Edwin W. Bowen 67953
Kant-breviarium, by Immanuel Kant 67952
[Subtitle: Kant világnézete és életfelfogása]
[Language: Hungarian]
My Secret Service, by The Man Who Dined With The Kaiser 67951
[Subtitle: Vienna, Sophia, Constantinople, Nish,
Belgrade, Asia Minor, etc.]
Marcus, by Walter Aimwell 67950
[Subtitle: or, The Boy-Tamer]
Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz - Mitteilungen Band XI, Heft 1-3 67949
Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und Denkmalpflege, by Anonymous
[Language: German]
Puukkoo, puntari ja pannunjalaka, by Jaakko O. Ikola 67948
[Subtitle: Lisää prätinöötä Pohjanmaalta]
[Language: Finnish]
A Handy Guide for Beggars, by Vachel Lindsay 67947
[Subtitle: Especially Those of the Poetic Fraternity]
Trotwood's Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 1905, by Various 67946
A nagy katasztrófa, by H. G. Wells 67945
[Subtitle: 1914-1920]
[Language: Hungarian]
A Boy’s-Eye View of the Arctic, by Kennett Longley Rawson 67944
Lord Lister No. 0385: De Hotelratten, by Kurt Matull, Theo Blakensee, 67943
and Felix Hageman
[Language: Dutch]
USDA, Bulletin No. 1. (N.S.) The honey bee: a manual of instruction 67942
in apiculture, by Frank Benton
Il Numero 13, by Salvatore Farina 67941
[Language: Italian]
Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant, Volume 19, by Guy de Maupassant 67940
[Language: French]
El capital, by Carlos Marx and Gabriel Deville 67939
[Subtitle: Resumido y acompañado de un estudio sobre
el Socialismo científico]
[Language: Spanish]
Through Russian Central Asia, by Stephen Graham 67938
The Song of Tiadatha, by Owen Rutter 67937
Working Life of Women in the Seventeenth Century, by Alice Clark 67936
Reliquias de Casa Velha, by Machado de Assis 67935
[Language: Portuguese]
The Black Cat, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 1895, by Various 67934
De l'Allemagne; t. 2, by Germaine de Staël-Holstein 67933
[Language: French]
Revue de l'histoire de la Licorne, par un naturaliste de Montpellier, 67932
by Pierre-Joseph Amoreux
[Language: French]
Frammenti letterari e filosofici, by Leonardo da Vinci 67931
[Language: Italian]
La Fin de Chéri, by Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette 67930
[Language: French]
The Bridal Wreath, by Sigrid Undset 67929
The Cruise of the Royal Mail Steamer Dunottar Castle Round Scotland 67928
on Her Trial Trip, by W. Scott Dalgleish
Le Cœur chemine, by Daniel Lesueur 67927
[Language: French]
The Prose Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Vol. 2 of 2, 67926
by Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Prose Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Vol. 1 of 2, 67925
by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Les Gueules Noires, by Émile Morel 67924
[Illustrator: Steinlen]
[Language: French]
Lost Art, by George O. Smith 67923
Cottages, by Wm. Paul Gebhart 67922
[Subtitle: or, Hints on Economical Building]
Poseidon's Paradise, by Elizabeth G. Birkmaier 67921
[Subtitle: The Romance of Atlantis]
A Further Investigation of the Symmetrical Chloride of 67920
Paranitroorthosulphobenzoic Acid, by William E. Henderson
Three addresses on the relations subsisting between the white and 67919
colored people of the United States, by Frederick Douglas
Little Pilgrim at Aunt Lou's, by Anonymous 67918
La vuelta al mundo de un novelista, Vol. 3 of 3, 67917
by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
[Language: Spanish]
Uhkea markiisi, by Rafael Sabatini 67916
[Language: Finnish]
Sun, by D. H. Lawrence 67915
Gerald Eversley's Friendship, by James Edward Cowell Welldon 67914
[Subtitle: A Study in Real Life]
My Northern Exposure, by Walter E. Traprock 67913
[Subtitle: The Kawa at the Pole]
Modern Woman: Her Intentions, by Florence Farr 67912
Lord Lister No. 0388: Een nieuwe Strijd, by Kurt Matull, Theo Blakensee 67911
and Felix Hageman
[Language: Dutch]
Journal d'une Comédienne Française sous la Terreur Bolchevik, 67910
by Paulette Pax
[Language: French]
Carmela, by Lajos Dóczi 67909
[Illustrator: Nelli Hirsch]
[Language: Hungarian]
Fatigue Study, by Frank B. Gilbraith and Lilian M. Gilbraith 67908
[Subtitle: The Elimination of Humanity’s Greatest
Unnecessary Waste, a First Step in Motion Study]
Robinson Crusoe, Told to the Children by John Lang, by Daniel Defoe 67907
[Subtitle: Told to the Children Series]
[Illustrator: W. B. Robinson]
A Hermit's Wild Friends, by Mason Augustus Walton 67906
[Subtitle: or, Eighteen Years in the Woods]
Count Zarka, by William Magnay 67905
[Subtitle: A Romance]
[Illustrator: Maurice Greiffenhagen]
The "City Guard"; A History of Company "B" First Regiment Infantry, 67904
N. G. C., by Irving B. Cook
[Subtitle: During the Sacremento July 3 to 26, 1894]
The Pillars of Hercules, by David Urquart 67903
[Subtitle: A Narrative of Travels in Spain and Morocco in 1848]
Luolaihmiset, by Stanley Waterloo 67902
[Subtitle: Kertomus ihmissuvun alkuajoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Frank Merriwell in Europe, by Burt L. Standish 67901
[Subtitle: or Working His Way Upward]
In the Dead of Night, by John T. McIntyre 67900
[Illustrator: Frances Rogers]
The Motor Rangers on Blue Water, by Marvin West 67899
[Subtitle: or The Secret of the Derelict]
The Bungalow Boys on the Great Lakes, by Dexter J. Forrester 67898
[Illustrator: J. Paul Burnham]
Der Zweifüßler und andere Geschichten, by Karl Ewald 67897
[Subtitle: Naturgeschichtliche Märchen]
[Illustrator: Wukky Planck]
[Language: German]
Sun Hunting, by Kenneth L. Roberts 67896
Es mi hombre, by Carlos Arniches 67895
[Subtitle: Tragedia grotesca en tres actos]
[Language: Spanish]
Victorian Poetry, by John Drinkwater 67894
The Rover Boys Shipwrecked, by Arthur M. Winfield 67893
[Subtitle: or, A Thrilling Hunt for Pirates' Gold]
[Illustrator: W. S. Rogers]
Suggestions for the Prevention of Juvenile Depravity, by Benjamin Rotch 67892
The Two Great Canyons, by Cyrenus Cole 67891
[Subtitle: Excerpts From Letters Written on a Western Journey]
The Thirteenth Letter, by Natalie Sumner Lincoln 67890
Un Vaincu, by Jean de La Brète 67889
[Language: French]
Anticipation, by Richard Tickell 67888
A lángban álló szigettenger, by Jules Verne 67887
[Language: Hungarian]
Pictured Puzzles and Word Play, by Cyril Pearson 67886
[Subtitle: A Companion to the Twentieth Century Standard Puzzle Book]
Yussuf Khans Heirat, by Frank Heller 67885
[Language: German]
Les Obsédés, by Léon Frapié 67884
[Language: French]
The End of Elfintown, by Jane Barlow 67883
[Illustrator: Laurence Housman]
The Memoirs of Alexander Herzen, Parts 1 and 2 67882
Hilda Strafford, by Beatrice Harraden 67881
[Subtitle: A California Story]
[Illustrator: Eric Pape]
With Perry on Lake Erie: a tale of 1812, by James Otis 67880
Mayan Nomenclature, by Charles P. Bowditch 67879
Gods of Modern Grub Street, by A. St. John Adcock 67878
[Subtitle: Impressions of Contemporary Authors]
[Photographer: E. O. Hoppé]
Tom Watson's Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 4, June 1905, by Various 67877
Tom Watson's Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 3, May 1905, by Various 67876
Anatole, by István Toldy 67875
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Illustrator: Károly Cserna]
[Language: Hungarian]
Some English Gardens, by Gertrude Jekyll 67874
[Illustrator: George S. Elgood]
Volcanoes: What They are and What They Teach, by John Wesley Judd 67873
Peculiar, by Epes Sargent 67872
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Great Transition]
Tom Watson's Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 2, April 1905, by Various 67871
Readers and Writers, 1917-1921, by Alfred Richard Orage 67870
Love Conquers Pride, by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller 67869
[Subtitle: or, Where Peace Dwelt]
Lord Lister No. 0390: Eleonore Manoury, by Kurt Matull, Theo Bakensee 67868
and Felix Hageman
[Language: Dutch]
Le Témoin, by Jean Aicard 67867
[Subtitle: 1914-1916]
[Language: French]
The Wolf-Men, by Frank Powell 67866
[Subtitle: A Tale of Amazing Adventure in the Under-World]
The Samovar Girl, by Frederick F. Moore 67865
The Story of Sir Francis Drake, by Letitia MacColl Elton 67864
[Subtitle: The Children's Heroes Series]
[Illustrator: T. H. Robinson]
Le grand secret, by Maurice Maeterlinck 67863
[Language: French]
Luolatyttö, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 67862
[Language: Finnish]
Lose Blätter, by Doris von Spättgen 67861
[Subtitle: Neue Novellen]
[Language: German]
L'Empire Japonais et sa vie économique, by Joseph Dautremer 67860
[Language: French]
American Horological Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, July 1869, by Various 67859
[Subtitle: Devoted to Pratical Horology]
Aristotle's works:, by Anonymous 67858
[Subtitle: Containing the Master-piece, Directions for Midwives,
and Counsel and Advice to Child-bearing Women with Various
Useful Remedies]
Kuningattaren lähetti, by Rafael Sabatini 67857
[Language: Finnish]
Eris, by Robert W. Chambers 67856
Godsend to a Lady, by B. M. Bower 67855
Reminiscences of the Civil War, by Cora Mitchel 67854
Paris de siècle en siècle, by Albert Robida 67853
[Subtitle: Le Cœur de Paris — Splendeurs et souvenirs]
[Language: French]
Model Aeroplanes and Their Engines, by George Cavanagh 67852
[Subtitle: A Practical Book for Beginners]
The Jews in Great Britain, by Moses Margoliouth 67851
[Subtitle: Being a Series of Six Lectures]
I due Desiderii, by Salvatore Farina 67850
[Language: Italian]
Népek az ország használatában, by István Tömörkény 67849
[Language: Hungarian]
Le dimanche avec Paul Cézanne, by Léo Larguier 67848
[Language: French]
Memoirs and Posthumous Works of Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin 67847
Venti anni dopo, by Alexandre Dumas 67846
[Language: Italian]
World's Best Histories: Ireland, Vol. 1 of 2, by John F. Finerty 67845
Hoisting Appliances, by Various 67844
El papa del mar, by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez 67843
[Language: Spanish]
An Oberland Châlet, by Edith Elmer Wood 67842
The Emeryville Shellmound, by Max Uhle 67841
Essay on the Literature of the Mexican War, by W. T. Lawson 67840
Stoles, by Anonymous 67839
[Subtitle: Star Stole Book No. 133]
Instructions for the Management of Harvey's Sea Torpedo, 67838
by Frederick Harvey
Millions from Waste, by Frederick A. Talbot 67837
Remarks on the Importance of the Study of Political Pamphlets, Weekly 67836
Papers, Periodical Papers, Daily Papers, Political Music, & c,
by Anonymous
Better days, by Thomas Fitch and Anna M. Fitch 67835
[Subtitle: or, A Millionaire of To-morrow]
The Adam Chaser, by B. M. Bower 67834
The growth of medicine from the earliest times to about 1800, 67833
by Albert Henry Buck
Autumnal leaves: tales and sketches in prose and rhyme, 67832
by L. Maria Child
A Pata da Gazella:, by José Martiniano de Alencar 67831
[Subtitle: romance brasileiro.]
[Language: Portuguese]
Goldbach & Comp. fűszerkereskedése "A kék macskához", by László Beöthy 67830
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Illustrator: Athanász Homicsko]
[Language: Hungarian]
A Floating City and The Blockade Runners, by Jules Verne 67829
Life of Mozart, by Louis Nohl 67828
[Subtitle: Biographies of Musicians]
Life of Haydn, by Louis Nohl 67827
[Subtitle: Biographies of Musicians]
Contraband, by E. R. Spencer 67826
[Subtitle: A Tale of Modern Smugglers]
Views and Opinions, by Ouida 67825
A Statement of Facts Tending to Establish an Estimate of the True 67824
Value and Present State of Vaccination, by Gilbert Blaine
The Lone Trail, by Luke Allan 67823
The Ghost of One Man Coulee, by B. M. Bower 67822
Life of Emanuel Swedenborg, by William White 67821
[Subtitle: Together with a brief synopsis of his writings,
both philosophical and theological]
Arthur Machen: Weaver of Fantasy, by William Francis Gekle 67820
Bug-Jargal, by Victor Hugo 67819
[Language: Spanish]
Az alföldi vadászok tanyája, by Frigyes Podmaniczky 67818
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Illustrator: Artur Heyer]
[Language: Hungarian]
La batalla de los Arapiles, by Benito Pérez Galdós 67817
[Language: Spanish]
The Bee Preserver; or, Practical Directions for the Management and 67816
Preservation of Hives, by Jonas De Gelieu
Hilaria. The Festive Board, by Anonymous 67815
Mother Goose in Gridiron Rhyme, by Anonymous 67814
[Subtitle: a collection of alphabets, rhymes, tales
and jingles; with 80 illustrations]
Field, Forest and Farm, by Jean-Henri Fabre 67813
[Subtitle: Things interesting to young nature-lovers, including
some matters of moment to gardeners and fruit-growers]
Väinö, by Sophie Mannerheim 67812
[Subtitle: Elämäntarina]
[Language: Finnish]
Roosevelt in the Kansas City Star, by Theodore Roosevelt 67811
[Subtitle: War-time Editorials]
Friends on the Shelf, by Bradford Torrey 67810
[Author: Bradford Torrey]
The Climbers, by Lizzie Bates 67809
Winchester, Painted by Wilfrid Ball, by Wilfrid Ball and Telford Varley 67808
Turkisten pyydystäjät, by Achilles Daunt 67807
[Subtitle: Jännittäviä metsästysseikkailuja salomailla]
[Language: Finnish]
Mary Magdalene, by Maurice Maeterlinck 67806
[Subtitle: A Play in Three Acts]
Rivals for the Team, by Ralph Henry Barbour 67805
[Subtitle: A Story of School Life and Football]
[Illustrator: C. M. Relyea]
The First of the English, by Archibald Clavering Gunter 67804
[Subtitle: A Novel]
A list of Philippine Baptismal Names, by E. E. Schneider 67803
Little Dog Ready, by Mabel F. Stryker 67802
[Subtitle: How He Lost Himself in the Big World]
[Illustrator: Hugh Spencer]
In the Name of the People, by Arthur W. Marchmont 67801
[Illustrator: A. Forestier]
The Big Cave, by Abijah Long and Joe N. Long 67800
[Subtitle: Early History and Authentic Facts Concerning the History
and Discovery of the World Famous Carlsbad Caverns of New Mexico]
The Book of the Courtier, by Baldesar Castiglione and 67799
Leonard Eckstein Opdycke
Mona Maclean, by Graham Travers 67798
[Subtitle: Medical Student--A Novel]
Watson's Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 2, April, 1906, by Various 67797
Watson's Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 1, March, 1906, by Various 67796
The Lhota Nagas, by J. P. Mills 67795
A csehek Magyarországban (2. kötet), by Miklós Jósika 67794
[Subtitle: Korrajz első Mátyás király idejéből]
[Illustrator: László Kimnach]
[Language: Hungarian]
A csehek Magyarországban (1. kötet), by Miklós Jósika 67793
[Subtitle: Korrajz első Mátyás király idejéből]
[Illustrator: László Kimnach]
[Language: Hungarian]
A History of Magic and Experimental Science, Vol. 1 of 2, 67792
by Lynn Thorndike
[Subtitle: During the First Thirteen Centuries of Our Era]
Marlborough and Other Poems, by Charles Hamilton Sorley 67791
The Mirror of the Graces, by Unknown 67790
[Subtitle: Containing General Instructions for Combining Elegance,
Simplicity, and Economy with Fashion in Dress; Hints on Female
Accomplishments and Manners; and Directions for the Preservation
of Health and Beauty]
The Queen's Advocate, by Arthur W. Marchmont 67789
[Illustrator: John Cameron]
Through Colonial Doorways, by Anne Hollingsworth Wharton 67788
The Rambler Club's Winter Camp, by W. Crispin Sheppard 67787
Christmas 1976: Santa's Sampler, by Caroline Bowie 67786
[Subtitle: A Collection of over 100 Hors D'Oeuvre Recipes
from members of the St. Louis Alumni Kappa Alpha Theta]
The Cat, by Violet Hunt 67785
[Subtitle: Animal Autobiographies]
Sussex Painted By Wilfrid Ball, by Wilfrid Ball 67784
Gaudenzia, Pride of the Palio, by Marguerite Henry 67783
[Illustrator: Ward Lynd]
Billy ja etsivä, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 67782
[Subtitle: Seikkailuromaani Meksikon sodista]
[Language: Finnish]
Bully Bull Frog and His Home in Rainbow Valley, 67781
by Elizabeth Stafford Fry
[Illustrator: Frances Beem]
Yayá Garcia, by Machado de Assis 67780
[Language: Portuguese]
Supercheries littéraires, by Octave Delepierre 67779
[Subtitle: pastiches, suppositions d'auteurs dans
les lettres et dans les arts]
[Language: French]
History of the transmission of ancient books to modern times; 67778
together with the process of historical proof, by Isaac Taylor
Fairy Tales, Vol. 2 of 2, by Marion Florence Lansing 67777
[Illustrator: Charles Copeland]
Fairy Tales, Vol. 1 of 2, by Marion Florence Lansing 67776
[Illustrator: Charles Copeland]
The Lone Swallows, by Henry Williamson 67775
Anne Feversham, by J. C. Snaith 67774
Elnémult harangok, by Viktor Rákosi 67773
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Illustrator: Béla Grünwald]
[Language: Hungarian]
A Treatise on Regional Iodine Therapy for The Veterinary Clinician, 67772
by Mart R. Steffen
The Key to the Family Deed Chest, by Emma Elizabeth Thoyts 67771
[Subtitle: How to Decipher and Study Old Documents, Being a Guide
to the Reading of Ancient Manuscripts]
Bee Keeping for Profit; A New System of Bee Management (1891), 67770
by Lizzie E. Cotton
Bee Keeping for Profit; A New System of Bee Management (1880), 67769
by Lizzie E. Cotton
[Subtitle: First Edition]
Hand-book of Sanitary Information for Householders, 67768
by Roger Sherman Tracy
[Subtitle: Containing facts and suggestions about
ventilation, drainage, care of contageous diseases]
A Mãe, by Maximo Gorki 67767
[Language: Portuguese]
The Discoveries of America to the Year 1525, by Arthur James Weise 67766
Fighting King George, by John T. McIntyre 67765
[Illustrator: J. A. Graeber]
Shepherds of the Wild, by Edison Marshall 67764
[Illustrator: William Herbert Dunton]
Pormestarin vaimo, by Georg Ebers 67763
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Kun elämä on ihanaa, by Eva Hirn 67762
[Subtitle: Yhteiskoululaisromaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Stories from the Crusades, by Janet Harvey Kelman 67761
[Subtitle: Stories from History Series]
[Illustrator: L. D. Luard]
The Memoirs of a Swine in the Land of Kultur, by Ben Muse 67760
[Subtitle: or, How it Felt to be a Prisoner of War]
The Demon Trapper of Umbagog, by D. P. Thompson 67759
[Subtitle: A Thrilling Tale of the Maine Forests]
Mandalay to Momien, by John Anderson 67758
[Subtitle: A narrative of the two expeditions to western China
of 1868 and 1875 under Colonel Edward B. Sladen and
Colonel Horace Browne]
George Meredith, by Hannah Lynch 67757
[Subtitle: A Study]
Bob Taylor's Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 2, May 1905, by Various 67756
Memorabilia, by James Savage 67755
[Subtitle: Or Recollections, Historical, Biographical,
and Antiquarian]
Az urak, by Lajos Tolnai 67754
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Illustrator: Arthur Heyer]
[Language: Hungarian]
Don Miguel Lehumada, by Sue Greenleaf 67753
[Subtitle: discoverer of liquid from the sun's rays an occult
romance of Mexico and the United States]
On building a theatre, by Irving Pichel 67752
[Subtitle: Stage construction and equipment for small theatres,
schools and community]
In the Cause of Freedom, by Arthur W. Marchmont 67751
[Illustrator: Archie Gunn]
Wilderness Honey, by Frank Lillie Pollock 67750
[Illustrator: H. C. Edwards]
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Mar 2022 to 31 Mar 2022 ~ ~ ~ ~
The Story of a Siberian Exile, by M. Rufin Pietrowski 67749
[Subtitle: followed by A Narrative of Recent Events in Poland]
Scientific Sprague, by Francis Lynde 67748
[Illustrator: E. Roscoe Shrader]
You Ask Anybody, by B. M. Bower 67747
Dionyzos, by Louis Couperus 67746
[Language: Dutch]
Yorktown: Climax of the Revolution, by Various 67745
The Silver Stallion, by James Branch Cabell 67744
[Subtitle: A Comedy of Redemption]
L'Italia nel 1898, by Napoleone Colajanni 67743
[Subtitle: (Tumulti e reazione)]
[Language: Italian]
The archæology of the cuneiform inscriptions, by Archibald Henry Sayce 67742
L'Amoureuse Initiation, by Oscar Milosz 67741
[Language: French]
Iracema, by José Martiniano de Alencar 67740
[Subtitle: com uma noticia biographica do auctor]
[Language: Portuguese]
The Evolution of Marriage and of the Family, 67739
by Charles Jean Marie Letourneau
A New Aristocracy, by Birch Arnold 67738
A száműzött leánya, by Alajos Degré 67737
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Illustrator: Imre Gergely]
[Language: Hungarian]
The Chemical Constituents of Piper Methysticum; The Chemical 67736
Constituents of the Active Principle of the Ava Root,
by Alice Augusta Ball
The North Shore Mystery, by Henry Fletcher 67735
Landmarks Medical and Surgical, by Luther Holden 67734
A Girton Girl, by Annie Edwardes 67733
The Overman, by Upton Sinclair 67732
A Courier of Fortune, by Arthur W. Marchmont 67731
Part II of Farnham's Travels in the Great Western Prairies, etc., 67730
October 21-December 4, 1839; and De Smet's Oregon Missions and
Travels over the Rocky Mountains, 1845-1846, by Thomas Jefferson
Farnham and Pierre Jean De Smet
Mountain Craft, by Geoffrey Winthrop Young 67729
The Valley of Content, by Blanche Upright 67728
Ecclesiastical History of England, by John Stoughton 67727
[Subtitle: The Church of the Revolution]
Señora ama, by Jacinto Benavente 67726
[Subtitle: Comedia en tres actos]
[Language: Spanish]
O Guarany:, by José Martiniano de Alencar 67725
[Subtitle: romance brazileiro Vol. 02 (of 2)]
[Language: Portuguese]
O Guarany:, by José Martiniano de Alencar 67724
[Subtitle: romance brazileiro, Vol. 1 of 2]
[Language: Portuguese]
Whistler, by Walter Aimwell 67723
[Subtitle: or, The Manly Boy]
Condensed History of the Mexican War and its Glorious Results, 67722
by William McKay, Daniel E. Hungerford and Charles J. Murphy
Despotism and Democracy, by Molly Elliott Seawell 67721
[Subtitle: A Study in Washington Society and Politics]
Women of 'Ninety-Eight, by Helena Concannon 67720
Le Mirage, by Auguste Gilbert de Voisins 67719
[Language: French]
The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. II., No. 2, January, 1836, 67718
by Various
Bee-keeping for profit, by W. S. Morley 67717
First Theater in America: When Was the Drama First Introduced 67716
in America?, by Charles P. Daly
[Subtitle: An Inquiry]
Meri kertoo —, by Yrjö Rauanheimo 67715
[Language: Finnish]
Peru, by Millicent Todd 67714
[Subtitle: a land of contrast]
A Bélteky ház (2. kötet), by András Fáy 67713
[Subtitle: Tanregény]
[Illustrator: Imre Gergely]
[Language: Hungarian]
A Bélteky ház (1. kötet), by András Fáy 67712
[Subtitle: Tanregény]
[Illustrator: Imre Gergely]
[Language: Hungarian]
Autobiography of an Androgyne, by Earl Lind 67711
Russia in 1916, by Stephen Graham 67710
Art of Love-Making, by Anonymous 67709
La sesta crociata, by Jean de Joinville 67708
[Subtitle: ovvero l'istoria della santa vita e delle grandi
cavallerie di re Luigi IX di Francia]
[Language: Italian]
The History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece, 67707
Volume 3 of 3, by James Augustus St. John
The Story of a Lover, by Hutchins Hapgood 67706
Juan Martín el Empecinado, by Benito Pérez Galdós 67705
[Language: Spanish]
Doctors, by Rudyard Kipling 67704
[Subtitle: An Address delivered to the Students of the Medical School
of the Middlesex Hospital, 1st October, 1908]
The Master Spirit, by Sir William Magnay 67703
[Illustrator: John Cameron]
Crashing Suns, by Edmond Hamilton 67702
Heimat, by Anna Schieber 67701
[Subtitle: Erzählungen]
[Language: German]
Auf verbotenen Wegen, by Henry Savage Landor 67700
[Subtitle: Reisen und Abenteuer in Tibet]
[Illustrator: Georg Baus]
[Language: German]
Adair's History of the American Indians, by James Adair 67699
The Woods-Rider, by Frank Lillie Pollock 67698
[Illustrators: H. C. Edwardsand and John Edwin Jackson]
Tales from a Dugout, by Arthur Guy Empey 67697
Newark College of Engineering Bulletin, Vol. 11, No. 4, December 15, 67696
1938, by Anonymous
Buds and Blossoms, by A Lady 67695
[Subtitle: or, Stories for Real Children]
The Crater, by Robert Gore-Browne 67694
The Aldine Speller: Part One, by Catherine T. Bryce and Frank J. Sherman 67693
[Subtitle: for Grades One and Two]
The Pagan's Progress, by Gouverneur Morris 67692
[Illustrator: John Rae]
Pharmacographia, by Friedrich August Flückiger and Daniel Hanbury 67691
Windchen, by Sibylle von Olfers 67690
[Language: German]
Cousin Lucy at Play, by Jacob Abbott 67689
[Subtitle: By the Author of the Rollo Books]
Some Problems of the Peace Conference, by Charles Homer Haskins 67688
and Robert Howard Lord
Illustrated history of ancient literature, oriental and classical, 67687
by John Duncan Quackenbos
Serkukset, by Pietari Hannikainen 67686
[Subtitle: Alkuperäinen uutelma Ulla-tätiltä]
[Language: Finnish]
Rocks and their Origins, by Grenville A. J. Cole 67685
Views of nature:, by Alexander von Humboldt 67684
[Subtitle: or Contemplations on the sublime phenomena
of creation; with scientific illustrations]
The Boys' Book of Model Aeroplanes, by Francis Collins 67683
[Subtitle: how to build and fly them]
Stories for Boys, by Richard Harding Davis 67682
Arthur Blane, by James Grant 67681
[Subtitle: or, The Hundred Cuirassiers]
Cutie: A Warm Mamma, by Ben Hecht and Maxwell Bodenheim 67680
The Council of Seven, by J. C. Snaith 67679
The Glacier Gate, by Frank Lillie Pollock 67678
[Subtitle: An Adventure Story]
Rainbow Landing, by Frank Lillie Pollock 67677
[Subtitle: An Adventure Story]
Obras completas de Figaro, Tomo I, by Mariano Larra 67676
[Language: Spanish]
Psychological Aspects of the Problem of Atmospheric Smoke Pollution, 67675
by J. E. Wallace Wallin
[Subtitle: Mellon Institute of Industrial Research and School
of Specific Industries, Smoke Investigation, Bulletin No. 3]
The Druidess, by Florence Gay 67674
[Subtitle: A Story for Boys and Others]
Recollections, by Frank T. Bullen 67673
[Subtitle: The Reminiscences of the Busy Life of One Who
Has Played the Varied Parts of Sailor, Author & Lecturer]
The Wright Brothers, by Fred Charters Kelly 67672
Metzerott, Shoemaker, by Katharine Pearson Woods 67671
A Marriage in High Life, Volume 2, by Caroline Lucy Scott 67670
A Marriage in High Life, Volume 1, by Caroline Lucy Scott 67669
Hints to Travellers, Scientific and General, Vol. 2, by E. A. Reeves 67668
[Subtitle: Tenth edition, revised and corrected]
Ten Essays on Zionism and Judaism, by Achad Ha-Am 67667
Die Sitten der Völker, Dritter Band, by Georg Buschan 67666
[Language: German]
Lovis Corinth, by Georg Biermann 67665
[Language: German]
Chodowiecki, by Ludwig Kaemmerer 67664
[Language: German]
The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, Vol. 85, by Various 67663
[Subtitle: New Series Vol. 63, November 1912 to April 1913]
Our Changing Morality, by Various 67662
[Subtitle: A Symposium]
Gallipoli Diary, by John Graham Gillam 67661
Ihmiselon aamuna, by Charles G. D. Roberts 67660
[Subtitle: Romaani maailman aamuhämärästä]
[Language: Finnish]
A Strange, Sad Comedy, by Molly Elliot Seawell 67659
White Cockades, by Edward Irenæus Stevenson 67658
[Subtitle: An Incident of the "Forty-Five"]
Väkevä Billy, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 67657
[Subtitle: Seikkailuromaani Tyyneltämereltä]
[Language: Finnish]
South-West Africa, by William Eveleigh 67656
Jason, Son of Jason, by J. U. Gíesy 67655
The Rambler Club's Gold Mine, by W. Crispin Sheppard 67654
[Illustrator: W. Crispin Sheppard]
Om het recht der liefde, by Abraham Anthony Fokker 67653
[Language: Dutch]
Bring the Jubilee, by Ward Moore 67652
Texas Pecan Recipes, Revised, by Anonymous 67651
Tales of the Samurai, by Asataro Miyamori 67650
[Subtitle: Stories illustrating Bushido, the Moral Principles
of the Japanese Knighthood]
Lumber Lyrics, by Walt Mason 67649
Forty Years of It, by Brand Whitlock 67648
Deeds of Daring Done by Girls, by N. Hudson Moore 67647
[Illustrator: Archie Gunn]
All for Love, by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller 67646
[Subtitle: or, Her Heart's Sacrifice]
Dialogue, by Anthony Hope Hawkins 67645
Weißt Du wieviel Sternlein stehen?, by Anneliese von Lewinski 67644
and Getrud J. Klett
[Language: German]
Prosper Mérimée's Short Stories 67643
The Cruise of the Gyro-Car, by Herbert Strang 67642
[Illustrator: A. C. Michael]
Idealia, a Utopian Dream, by Harriet Alfarata Chapman Thompson 67641
[Subtitle: or Resthaven]
The Tuberculosis Nurse, by Ellen N. La Motte 67640
[Subtitle: Her Function and Her Qualifications; A Handbook
for Practical Workers in the Tuberculosis Campaign]
William Blake, by G. K. Chesterton 67639
Los caciques, by Carlos Arniches 67638
[Language: Spanish]
The History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece, Vol. 2 of 3, 67637
by James Augustus St. John
The Useful Arts Employed In The Construction Of Dwelling Houses, 67636
by Anonymous
[Subtitle: Second Edition]
Koning Hendrik de Vijfde, by William Shakespeare 67635
[Language: Dutch]
Report of the sanitary committee of the commissioners of sewers 67634
of the city of London, together with a report of the medical officer
of health on the objections raised by the Butchers' Trade Society to
the bye-laws proposed for the regulation of slaughter-houses,
by Wm. Sedgwick Saunders
History of the 1/4th Battalion Duke of Wellington's (West Riding) 67633
Regiment, 1914-1919, by P. G. Bales
Good hunting;, by Theodore Roosevelt 67632
[Subtitle: in pursuit of big game in the West]
Guerras civiles de Granada, by Ginés Pérez de Hita 67631
[Subtitle: Tomo I]
[Language: Spanish]
Kak, the Copper Eskimo, by Vilhjalmur Stefansson and Violet Irwin 67630
[Illustrator: George Richards]
An Illustrated Dictionary of Words used in Art and Archaeology, 67629
by J. W. Mollett
Youth and Life, by Randolph S. Bourne 67628
The Treasure Trail, by Frank L. Pollock 67627
[Illustrator: Louis D. Gowing]
Twenty Years' Residence among the People of Turkey, by Anonymous 67626
[Subtitle: Bulgarians, Greeks, Albanians, Turks, and Armenians]
Gleanings from Maeterlinck, by Maurice Maeterlinck 67625
Unfinished Rainbows, by George Wood Anderson 67624
[Subtitle: And Other Essays]
Sailors Narratives of Voyages Along the New England Coast, 1524-1624, 67623
by Various
No More Parades, by Ford Madox Ford 67622
[Subtitle: A novel]
Hilda's Home, by Rosa Graul 67621
[Subtitle: A Story of Woman's Emancipation]
Le chemin de velours, by Remy de Gourmont 67620
[Subtitle: Nouvelles dissociations d'idées]
[Language: French]
Der Volksbeglücker, by Rudolf Haas 67619
[Language: German]
Paying the Price, by Nick Carter 67618
On Death's Trail, by Nick Carter 67617
Olavi Auduninpoika, by Sigrid Undset 67616
[Language: Finnish]
The Mark of Cain, by Nick Carter 67615
The Boy’s Book of the Sea, by Eric Wood 67614
The Story of Chalmers of New Guinea, by Janet Harvey Kelman 67613
[Subtitle: The Children’s Heroes Series]
[Illustrator: W. Heath Robinson]
Love in Excess, by Eliza Fowler Haywood 67612
[Subtitle: or, the Fatal Enquiry, A Novel in Three Parts]
The Old Card, by Roland Pertwee 67611
Three Loving Ladies, by Mrs. Dowdall 67610
Waifs and Strays of Celtic Tradition. Argyllshire Series. No. 5, 67609
by John Gregorson Campbell
[Subtitle: Clan Traditions and Popular Tales
of the Western Highlands and Islands]
Betty Alden, by Jane G. Austin 67608
[Subtitle: The first-born daughter of the Pilgrims]
In the Nursery, by Anonymous 67607
[Subtitle: Happy Hours for the Little Ones]
The Slaves of Society, by Allen Upward 67606
[Subtitle: A Comedy in Covers]
The Oak Shade, or, Records of a Village Literary Association, by Various 67605
A Peep into the Past, by Max Beerbohm 67604
The Man Who Liked Lions, by John Bernard Daley 67603
The Big Fix, by Richard Wilson 67602
[Illustrator: ENGLE]
Cousin Lucy at Study, by Jacob Abbott 67601
[Subtitle: By the Author of the Rollo Books]
How to Trace a Pedigree, by H. A. Crofton 67600
A Critical Analysis of Patriotism As an Ethical Concept, 67599
by Clarence Reidenbach
The Trail of Death, by H. Bedford-Jones 67598
[Illustrator: L. R. Gustavson]
Bantu Folk Lore, by Matthew L. Hewat 67597
[Subtitle: Medical and General]
The Gold Brick, by Brand Whitlock 67596
Attraverso il Cinquecento, by Arturo Graf 67595
[Language: Italian]
A Intrusa, by Júlia Lopes de Almeida 67594
[Language: Portuguese]
Alkibiades, a tale of the Great Athenian War, by Charles Hamilton Bromby 67593
The Residuary Legatee, by F. J. Stimson 67592
[Subtitle: Or, The Posthumous Jest of the Late John Austin]
Famous Colonial Houses, by Paul M. Hollister 67591
[Illustrator: James Preston]
A Son of the Ages, by Stanley Waterloo 67590
[Subtitle: The Reincarnations and Adventures of Scar, the Link]
A Message From Our Sponsor, by Henry Slesar 67589
Thuvia, Marsin neito, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 67588
[Language: Finnish]
Stroke of Genius, by Randall Garrett 67587
Martin Valliant, by Warwick Deeping 67586
The Psychology of the Emotions, by Th Ribot 67585
The Truth about the Titanic, by Archibald Gracie 67584
The Jazz Singer, by Samson Raphaelson 67583
Jerry Todd and the Oak Island Treasure, by Leo Edwards 67582
[Illustrator: Bert Salg]
Satire in the Victorian novel, by Frances Theresa Russell 67581
Under the Skin, by Leslie Perri 67580
Emlékbeszédek (2. kötet), by Pál Gyulai 67579
[Language: Hungarian]
Emlékbeszédek (1. kötet), by Pál Gyulai 67578
[Language: Hungarian]
We Women and Our Authors, by Laura Marholm Hansson 67577
Thistledown, by Robert Ford 67576
[Subtitle: A Book of Scotch Humour, Character, Folk-lore,
Story & Anecdote]
[Illustrator: John Duncan]
Riallaro: The Archipelago of Exiles, by Godfrey Sweven 67575
The Growth of the English House, by John Alfred Gotch 67574
[Subtitle: a short history of its architectural development
from 1100 to 1800]
Antimachus of Colophon and the Position of Women in Greek Poetry, 67573
by Edward Felix Mendelssohn Benecke
[Subtitle: A fragment printed for the use of scholars]
Haukkavuoren aarre, by Eino I. Parmanen 67572
[Subtitle: Kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
The Black Tiger, by Patrick O'Connor 67571
[Illustrator: Ray Campbell]
The Play-day Book, by Fanny Fern 67570
[Subtitle: New Stories for Little Folks]
[Illustrator: Fred M. Coffin]
Tractor Principles, by Roger B. Whitman 67569
Peaks of Shala, by Rose Wilder Lane 67568
The Little Lady of the Horse, by Evelyn Raymond 67567
War, 52 Carey Cartoons 67566
Palkkapiian päiväkirja, by Ain'Elisabet Pennanen 67565
[Subtitle: Romaaninovelli]
[Language: Finnish]
Jerry Todd and the Talking Frog, by Leo Edwards 67564
A slemíl keservei, by Ignotus 67563
[Language: Hungarian]
Our Village in War-time, by Sarah Towne Martyn 67562
A nossa Gente, by Francisco Teixeira de Queiroz 67561
[Language: Portuguese]
All the World Over, by Various 67560
[Subtitle: Interesting Stories of Travel, Thrilling Adventure
and Home Life]
Il libro dei miraggi, by Maria Majocchi Plattis 67559
[Language: Italian]
The Origin of Property in Land, by Fustel de Coulanges 67558
The Homosexual Neurosis, by William Stekel 67557
Che cosa è l'arte?, by Lev Nikolaevič Tolstoj 67556
[Language: Italian]
Adhesiones á la Venta de los Ferro-carriles de la Provincia, 67555
by Manuel B. Gonnet
[Language: Spanish]
History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France 67554
from the year 1807 to the year 1814, Vol. 2 of 6,
by William Patrick Francis Napier
Etiquette for Little Folks, by Anonymous 67553
[Subtitle: Susie Sunbeam's Series]
The History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece, 67552
Vol. 1 of 3, by James Augustus St. John
With Grenfell on the Labrador, by Fullerton Waldo 67551
Troubled Waters, by Bertrand W. Sinclair 67550
Perfection City, by Adela Orpen 67549
History of a World of Immortals without a God, by Antares Skorpios 67548
[Subtitle: Translated from an unpublished manuscript
in the library of a continental university]
Memorials of Old Devonshire, by Various 67547
In the Name of a Woman, by Arthur W. Marchmont 67546
[Subtitle: A Romance]
[Illustrator: D. Murray Smith]
Music in Medicine, by Sidney Licht 67545
Fors Clavigera, Vol. 4 of 8, by John Ruskin 67544
[Subtitle: Letters to the workmen and labourers of Great Britain]
The God of Civilization, by M. A. Pittock 67543
[Subtitle: A Romance]
The Mouthpiece of Zitu, by J.U. Giesy 67542
Sämtliche Werke 9-10: Die Brüder Karamasoff, 67541
by Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski
[Language: German]
Egy mérnök regénye, by Albert Pálffy 67540
[Illustrator: Pál Jávor]
[Language: Hungarian]
Around the Circle: One Thousand Miles Through the Rocky Mountains, 67539
by Anonymous
The Bee Keeper's Guide, containing Concise Practical Directions for the 67538
Management of Bees upon the Depriving System, by J. H. Payne
[Subtitle: Fourth Edition]
Lord Lister No. 0392: Het Eiland der Menscheneters, by Felix Hageman, 67537
Kurt Matull and Theo Blakensee
[Language: Dutch]
Letters from Australia, by John Martineau 67536
Triste Fim de Polycarpo Quaresma, by Lima Barreto 67535
[Language: Portuguese]
The Black Star, by Andrew H. Walpole 67534
[Subtitle: A School Story for Boys]
The Book of Alfalfa, by F. D. Coburn 67533
[Subtitle: History, Cultivation and Merits:
Its Uses as a Forage and Fertilizer]
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Feb 2022 to 28 Feb 2022 ~ ~ ~ ~
The Confessions of the Celebrated Countess of Lichtenau, late 67532
Mrs. Rietz, now Confined in the Fortress of Gloglau as a
The Amateur Inn, by Albert Payson Terhune 67531
A Modern Slavery, by Henry W. Nevinson 67530
Double Crossed, by W. Douglas Newton 67529
The Cross and the Hammer, by Henry Bedford-Jones 67528
[Subtitle: A Tale of the Days of the Vikings]
The Foot-prints of the Creator: or, The Asterolepis of Stromness, 67527
by Hugh Miller
Letters on the Moral and Religious State of South America, 67526
by James Thomson
[Subtitle: written during a residence of nearly seven years
in Buenos Aires, Chile, Peru and Colombia]
Az élet, by István Petelei 67525
[Subtitle: Történetek, képek]
[Language: Hungarian]
Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, Vol. 2 of 3, by Antonio de Solis 67524
[Subtitle: Poblacion y Progresos de la America Septentrional,
Conocida por el Nombre de Nueva España]
[Language: Spanish]
Lord Lister No. 0011: De diamanten van den hertog van Norfolk, 67523
by Kurt Matull and Theo Blakensee
[Language: Dutch]
Rainbow gold; poems old and new selected for boys and girls, 67522
by Sara Teasdale
[Illustrator: Dugald Walker]
Tomorrow’s Tangle, by Geraldine Bonner 67521
[Illustrator: Arthur I. Keller]
The Conquest, by Henry Bedford-Jones 67520
Bigfoot Joe and Others, by Henry Bedford-Jones 67519
The Art of Home Furnishing and Decoration, by Frank Alvah Parsons 67518
Apes and Monkeys: Their Life and Language, by Richard Lynch Garner 67517
Object, Matrimony, by B. M. Bower 67516
The Glamour of the Arctic, by Arthur Conan Doyle 67515
The House of the Arrow, by A. E. W. Mason 67514
The Native Races of East Africa, by W. D. Hambly 67513
The Irish Nuns at Ypres, by Dame M. Columban 67512
[Subtitle: An Episode of the War]
Alice and Beatrice, by Grandmamma 67511
[Illustrator: John Absolom]
Ylämaan kansa, by Charles G. D. Roberts 67510
[Language: Finnish]
Two in Arcadia, by Lucine Finch 67509
Vörösmarty életrajza, by Pál Gyulai 67508
[Language: Hungarian]
Cheating the Junk-Pile, by Ethel R. Peyser 67507
[Subtitle: The Purchase and Maintenance of Household Equipments]
[Illustrator: Harry Richardson]
The Story of Gombi, by H. de Vere Stacpoole 67506
The Life of Clara Barton, Vol. 1 of 2, by William E. Barton 67505
[Subtitle: Founder of the American Red Cross]
A Woman's Quest, by Marie E. Zakrzewska 67504
[Subtitle: The life of Marie E. Zakrzewska, M.D.]
Parts of Speech: Essays on English, by Brander Matthews 67503
Africa and the American Flag, by Andrew H. Foote 67502
Adolescence, by Stephen Paget 67501
Fame and Fortune Weekly, No. 10, December 8, 1905, by Self-Made Man 67500
[Subtitle: A Copper Harvest; or, The Boys who Worked a Deserted Mine]
Kennisleer contra Materie-Realisme, by Leo Polak 67499
[Subtitle: Bijdrage tot "Kritiek" en KANTbegrip]
[Language: Dutch]
Round-Up Time, by Chester Cohen 67498
The Fool, by David Mason 67497
Over the Wire, by Eugene Jones 67496
>From Sea to Sea, by W. Bert Foster 67495
[Subtitle: Or, Clint Webb’s Cruise on the Windjammer]
Blackboard Sketching, by Frederick Whitney 67494
Tales of the Air Mail Pilots, by Burt M. McConnell 67493
Hagyományok (2. kötet), by Lajos Kálmány 67492
[Language: Hungarian]
Hagyományok (1. kötet), by Lajos Kálmány 67491
[Language: Hungarian]
The old frontier: Te Awamutu, the story of the Waipa Valley, 67490
by James Cowan
The Wreck of the Mail Steamer, by Wilfred T. Grenfell 67489
[Illustrator: Anton Otto Fischer]
Die Schelme von Steinach, by Josephine Siebe 67488
[Subtitle: Erzählung für die Jugend]
[Illustrator: Ernst Kutzer]
[Language: German]
The Stilled Patter, by James E. Gunn 67487
Life of Christ, by Giovanni Papini 67486
The Little Fig-tree Stories, by Mary Hallock Foote 67485
A United States Midshipman in Japan, by Yates Stirling, Jr. 67484
[Illustrator: Ralph L. Boyer]
The Life and Work of William Tindale, by W. B. Cooper 67483
A Handbook of Cookery for a Small House, by Jessie Conrad 67482
Los valores literarios, by José Martínez Ruiz Azorín 67481
[Language: Spanish]
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 20, No. 6, June 1842, by Various 67480
The Day of Resis, by Lillian Frances Mentor 67479
[Illustrator: Harry L. V. Parkhurst]
A United States Midshipman in China, by Yates Stirling, Jr. 67478
[Illustrator: Ralph L. Boyer]
Bee-keeping for the Many; or, The management of the common 67477
and Ligurian honey bee, including the selection of hives
and a bee-keeper's calendar,by J. H. Payne
The Automaton Ear, and Other Sketches, by Florence McLandburgh 67476
Where Stillwater Runs Deep, by B. M. Bower 67475
The Experienced Angler; or Angling Improved, by Robert Venables 67474
[Subtitle: Imparting Many of the Aptest Ways and Choicest
Experiments for the Taking Most Sorts of Fish in Pond or River]
The Negro in Tennessee, 1790-1865, by Caleb Perry Patterson 67473
[Subtitle: University of Texas Bulletin, No. 2205: February 1, 1922]
How to Pick a Mate, by Clifford Rose Adams and Vance O. Packard 67472
[Subtitle: The Guide to a Happy Marriage]
The Invention of Typography, by Frederick W. Hamilton 67471
[Subtitle: A Brief Sketch of the Invention
of Printing and How it Came About]
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 20, No. 5, May 1842, by Various 67470
Paris de siècle en siècle, by Albert Robida 67469
[Language: French]
Smuggling & Smugglers in Sussex, by William Durrant Cooper 67468
[Subtitle: The Genuine History of the Inhuman and Unparalleled
Murders of Mr. William Galley a Custom-house Officer, and
Mr. Daniel Chater, a Shoemaker, by Fourteen Notorious Smugglers,
with the Trials and Execution of Seven of the Criminals at
Chichester, 1748-9]
The Little Review, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1916, by Various 67467
Thoughts on the Education of Daughters, by Mary Wollstonecraft 67466
[Subtitle: with Reflections on Female Conduct in
The more important Duties of Life]
Poultry diseases, causes, symptoms and treatment, with notes 67465
on post-mortem examinations, by E. J. Wortley
Kadjaman, by H. de Vere Stacpoole 67464
A Vision of the Future, by Jane Hume Clapperton 67463
[Subtitle: based on the Application of Ethical Principles]
The Elizabethan Stage, Vol 3 of 4, by E. K. Chambers 67462
The Sin of Monsieur Antoine, Volume 2 of 2, by George Sand 67461
[Subtitle: The Masterpieces of George Sand, Volume 6]
[Illustrator: Pierre Vidal]
The Sin of Monsieur Antoine, Volume 1 of 2, by George Sand 67460
[Subtitle: The Masterpieces of George Sand, Volume 5]
[Illustrator: Pierre Vidal]
The Reign of William Rufus and the Accession of Henry the First, 67459
Vol. 2 of 2, by Edward Augustus Freeman
The Reign of William Rufus and the Accession of Henry the First, 67458
Vol. 1 of 2, by Edward Augustus Freeman
Death in Transit, by Jerry Sohl 67457
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 20, No. 4, April 1842, by Various 67456
Rebuttal, by Betsy Curtis 67455
[Illustrator: GIUNTA]
Rich Men’s Children, by Geraldine Bonner 67454
[Illustrator: C. M. Relyea]
A Treatise on the Plague and Yellow Fever, by James Tytler 67453
Mestari Adam kalabrialainen, by Alexandre Dumas 67452
[Subtitle: Kertomus Italaian rosvoelämästä]
[Language: Finnish]
Minor Tibetan Texts, by Johan van Manen 67451
[Subtitle: 1. The song of the Eastern Snow-mountain]
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 20, No. 3, March 1842, by Various 67450
De Camp Genealogy: Laurent De Camp of New Utrecht, N.Y., 1664, 67449
and his descendants, by George Austin Morrison
Fame and Fortune Weekly, No. 2, October 13, 1905, by Self-Made Man 67448
[Subtitle: Born to Good Luck; or The Boy Who Succeeded.]
An Authentic History of the Cato-Street Conspiracy, 67447
by George Theodore Wilkinson
Modern Whaling & Bear-Hunting, by W. G. Burn Murdoch 67446
[Subtitle: A record of present-day whaling with up-to-date
appliances in many parts of the world, and of bear and
seal hunting in the arctic regions]
The Young Ice Whalers, by Winthrop Packard 67445
Lord Lister No. 0394: Het einde van Irwin Stanley, by Felix Hageman, 67444
Theo Blakensee and Kurt Matull
[Language: Dutch]
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 20, No. 2, February 1842, by Various 67443
Lord Lister No. 0010: De beeltenis der Indische, by Kurt Matull 67442
and Theo Blakensee
[Language: Dutch]
An Indian Ass, by Harold Acton 67441
Was der schwarze Hans erlebte, by Theodor Zenner 67440
[Subtitle: Kindererzählung aus der Heimat]
[Language: German]
The Bee Keeper's Guide: containing concise practical directions 67439
for the management of bees upon the depriving system,
by J. H. Payne
A United States Midshipman in the Philippines, by Yates Stirling, Jr. 67438
[Illustrator: Ralph L. Boyer]
Dr. Paull’s Theory, by Mrs. A. M. Diehl 67437
[Subtitle: A Romance]
Autumn Leaves, by Ardelia M. Barton 67436
The honey-bee; its nature, homes and products, 67435
by William Hetherington Harris
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 20, No. 1, January 1842, by Various 67434
Dixie Kitten, by Eva March Tappan 67433
An Experiment in Altruism, by Elizabeth Hastings 67432
The Buckaroo of Blue Wells, by W. C. Tuttle 67431
Cricket, by Elizabeth Westyn Timlow 67430
[Illustrator: Harriet R. Richards]
The Thing Beyond Reason, by Elisabeth Sanxay Holding 67429
Type and Presses in America, by Frederick W. Hamilton 67428
[Subtitle: A Brief Historical Sketch of the Development
of Type Casting and Press Building in the United States]
L'Ingénue Libertine, by Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette 67427
[Language: French]
Bantu Beliefs and Magic, by Charles William Hobley 67426
Knightly Legends of Wales, by Sidney Lanier 67425
[Subtitle: or The Boy's Mabinogion Being the Earliest Welsh Tales
of King Arthur in the Famous Red Book of Hergest]
[Illustrator: Alfred Frederick]
Nedw, by Edward Tegla Davies 67424
[Illustrator: Leslie Gilbert Illingworth]
[Language: Welsh]
The Elizabethan Stage, Vol 2 of 4, by E. K. Chambers 67423
The Black Cat, Vol. 1, No. 1, October 1895, by Various 67422
Grist, by Murray Leinster 67421
Letters of Alexander von Humboldt to Varnhagen von Ense 67420
[Subtitle: From 1827 to 1858]
The English Home from Charles I to George IV, by John Alfred Gotch 67419
[Subtitle: Its Architecture, Decoration and Garden Design]
The Wilderness Trail, by Henry Bedford-Jones 67418
L'uomo, la bestia e la virtù, by Luigi Pirandello 67417
[Language: Italian]
West Port Murders, by Anonymous 67416
Gerona, by Benito Pérez Galdós 67415
[Language: Spanish]
Chronicles of Pharmacy, Vol. 2 of 2, by A. C Wootton 67414
Ecclesiastical History of England, The Church of the Restoration, 67413
Vol. 2 of 2, by John Stoughton
The Corsican Lovers, by Charles Felton Pidgin 67412
Blotted Out, by Elisabeth Sanxay Holding 67411
Our Winnie and The Little Match Girl, by Evelyn Everett-Green 67410
Die Eiks von Eichen, by Felicitas Rose 67409
[Subtitle: Roman aus einer Kleinstadt]
[Language: German]
La verbena de la Paloma, by Ricardo de la Vega 67408
[Language: Spanish]
Haarmann. Die Geschichte eines Werwolfs, by Theodor Lessing 67407
[Subtitle: Außenseiter der Gesellschaft. Die Verbrechen
der Gegenwart. Band 6]
[Language: German]
The Husband’s Story, by David Graham Phillips 67406
Woman in the golden ages, by Amelia Gere Mason 67405
Cavalry Curt, by G. Waldo Browne 67404
[Subtitle: Or, The Wizard Scout of the Army]
The Stuff of Manhood, by Robert E. Speer 67403
[Subtitle: Some Needed Notes in American Character]
Les Huit Jours du Petit Marquis & Carlos et Cornélius, 67402
by Jules Arsène Arnaud Claretie
[Language: French]
Forest Scenes in Norway and Sweden: being Extracts from the Journal 67401
of a Fisherman, by Henry Garrett Newland
Comment on devient écrivain, by Antoine Albalat 67400
[Language: French]
Gedichte, by Maurice Maeterlinck 67399
[Language: German]
Aan Tafelbaai's Strand, by D' Arbez 67398
[Subtitle: of twintig jaren uit het leven van een Kapenaar (1791-1811)]
[Illustrator: Cornelis Koppenol]
[Language: Dutch]
The Rockspur Eleven, by Burt L. Standish 67397
Determination of The Atomic Weight Of Cadmium and The Preperation 67396
of Certain Of Its Sub-Compounds, by Harry C. Jones
Lincoln, the American, by Frank O. Lowden 67395
Der Landjunker, by Denis Iwanowitsch Fonwisin 67394
[Subtitle: Lustspiel in fünf Aufzügen]
[Language: German]
The Fourth Battalion, The King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) 67393
and the Great War, by Walter Wadham
Phantom Duel, by Ford McCormack 67392
[Illustrator: STALLMAN]
Gilbert Weather Bureau (Meteorology) for Boys, by Alfred C. Gilbert 67391
Lives of the Founders of the British Museum, by Edward Edwards 67390
[Subtitle: with Notices of its Chief Augmentors and
Other Benefactors, 1570-1870. Part 2 of 2]
Lives of the Founders of the British Museum, by Edward Edwards 67389
[Subtitle: with Notices of its Chief Augmentors and
Other Benefactors, 1570-1870. Part 1 of 2]
The Mystics of Islam, by Reynold A. Nicholson 67388
Oeuvres complètes de Mathurin Regnier, by Mathurin Regnier 67387
[Subtitle: accompagnées d'une notice biographique et bibliographique,
de variantes, de notes, d'un glossaire et d'un index]
[Language: French]
A Preliminary Dissertation on the Mechanisms of the Heavens, 67386
by Mary Somerville
Spitzbögen, by Annette Kolb 67385
[Illustrator: Rudolf Großmann]
[Language: German]
Puella mea, by E. E. Cummings 67384
[Artists: Paul Klee, Pablo Picasso, Amedeo Modigliani
and Kurt Roesch]
Little Foxes, by Christopher Crowfield 67383
L'Égypte éternelle, by Jehan d'Ivray 67382
[Language: French]
Der Mord am Polizeiagenten Blau, by Eduard Trautner 67381
[Subtitle: Außenseiter der Gesellschaft.
Die Verbrechen der Gegenwart. Band 3]
[Language: German]
Fame and Fortune Weekly, No. 1, October 6, 1905, by Self-Made Man 67380
[Subtitle: A Lucky Deal; or The Cutest Boy in Wall Street]
A Cyclopædia of Sacred Poetical Quotations, by H. G. Adams 67379
John Solomon, Supercargo, by Allan Hawkwood 67378
White Mountain Trails, by Winthrop Packard 67377
[Subtitle: Tales of the Trails to the Summit of Mount Washington
and other Summits of the White Hills]
That's Not Love, by Elisabeth Sanxay Holding 67376
Jackson's Gymnastics for the Fingers and Wrist, by Edwin Ward Jackson 67375
[Subtitle: being a system of gymnastics, based on anatomical
principles, for developing and strengthening the muscles of
the hand for musical, mechanical and medical purposes; with
thirty-seven diagrams]
[Engraver: Berndt]
Caleb Conover, Railroader, by Albert Payson Terhune 67374
The Worst Joke in the World, by Elisabeth Sanxay Holding 67373
Ninth Avenue, by Maxwell Bodenheim 67372
Bokwala, by A Congo Resident and H. Grattan Guinness 67371
[Subtitle: The Story of a Congo Victim]
>From Missouri, by Zane Grey 67370
[Illustrators: Frank Street and Oscar Howard]
Hadrian the Seventh, by Frederick Rolfe 67369
Sam in the Suburbs, by P. G. Wodehouse 67368
The Importance of Marking Historic Spots, an Address, 67367
by Henry W. Shoemaker
The Cap and Gown, by Charles Reynolds Brown 67366
A Personal Problem, by H. Bedford-Jones 67365
A Likely Story, by Damon Knight 67364
The Theory of Moral Sentiments, by Adam Smith 67363
Glow Worm, by Harlan Ellison 67362
[Illustrator: WILIMCZYK]
Bob Bowen Comes to Town, by H. Bedford-Jones 67361
Napoleón en Chamartín, by Benito Pérez Galdós 67360
[Language: Spanish]
Comparison of Woods for Butter Boxes, by G. D. Turnbow 67359
The Thousand Buddhas, by Aurel Stein 67358
[Subtitle: Ancient Buddhist Paintings from the Cave-Temples
of Tun-huang on the Western Frontier of China]
The Missionary Sheriff, by Octave Thanet 67357
[Subtitle: Being incidents in the life of a plain man
who tried to do his duty]
[Illustrators: A. B. Frost and Clifford Carleton]
The United Empire Loyalists, by W. Stewart Wallace 67356
[Subtitle: A Chronicle of the Great Migration]
Ioläus: An Anthology of Friendship, by Edward Carpenter 67355
La Tosca, by Victorien Sardou 67354
[Language: Spanish]
Lynch-law, by James Elbert Cutler 67353
[Subtitle: an investigation into the history of lynching
in the United States]
The Congressman’s Wife, a Story of American Politics, by John D. Barry 67352
[Illustrator: Rollin G. Kirby]
News from No Man's Land, by James Green 67351
The County, by H. S. Gilbertson 67350
[Subtitle: The "Dark Continent" of American Politics]
The Negro Migrant in Pittsburgh, by Abraham Epstein 67349
Estados Unidos, by Domingo Faustino Sarmiento 67348
[Language: Spanish]
The Loom of the Desert, by Idah Meacham Strobridge 67347
[Illustrator: L. Maynard Dixon]
The Meccas of the World, by Anne Warwick 67346
[Subtitle: The Play of Modern Life in New York,
Paris, Vienna, Madrid and London]
The Wonderful Adventures of Phra the Phoenician, by Edwin Lester Arnold 67345
[Illustrator: H. M. Paget]
Myths of China and Japan, by Donald Alexander Mackenzie 67344
[Subtitle: with illustrations in colour & monochrome
after paintings and photographs]
The Engineer, by Frederik Pohl and C. M. Kornbluth 67343
The Marriage of William Durrant, by Ray Cummings 67342
Traumerei, by Charles Beaumont 67341
Ritari d'Harmental, by Alexandre Dumas 67340
[Subtitle: Historiallinen romaani holhoushallituksen ajoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
The Two Dianas, Vol. 3 of 3, by Alexandre Dumas and Paul Meurice 67339
[Illustrator: E. Van Meyden]
The Two Dianas, Vol. 2 of 3, by Alexandre Dumas and Paul Meurice 67338
[Illustrator: E. Van Meyden]
The Two Dianas, Vol. 1 of 3, by Alexandre Dumas and Paul Meurice 67337
[Illustrator: E. Van Meyden]
A Parody on Mary’s Ghost, by Anonymous 67336
[Subtitle: or The Doctors and Body-snatchers]
The Futile Flight of John Arthur Benn, by Edward Halibut 67335
Course of Empire, by Richard Wilson 67334
[Illustrator: Stallman]
The Native Races of British North America, by W. D. Hambly 67333
Psychopathology of Everyday Life, by Sigmund Freud 67332
Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth, by John Playfair 67331
A History of Magic and Experimental Science, Vol. 2, by Lynn Thorndike 67330
[Subtitle: During the First Thirteen Centuries of Our Era]
Charles Robert Maturin, by Niilo Idman 67329
[Subtitle: His Life and Works]
The Life of That Wonderful and Extraordinarily Heavy Man, 67328
Daniel Lambert, by Anonymous
[Subtitle: From His Birth to the Moment of His Dissolution;
With an Account of Men Noted for Their Corpulency,
and Other Interesting Matter]
Au bord du Désert, by Jean Aicard 67327
[Subtitle: L'âme arabe (à Pierre Loti); Impressions;
Souvenirs; Légendes arabes; La pétition de l'Arabe]
[Language: French]
The A. B. Z. of our own nutrition, by Horace Fletcher 67326
Kid Stuff, by Winston Marks 67325
Placebo, by David Mason 67324
The Best of Fences, by Randall Garrett 67323
In a Canadian Canoe, by Barry Pain 67322
[Subtitle: The Nine Muses Minus One and Other Stories]
The Co-opolitan, by Zebina Forbush 67321
[Subtitle: A Story of the Co-operative Commonwealth of Idaho]
Les confessions de saint Augustin, évêque d'Hippone, by Saint Augustin 67320
and Saint Possidius Calamensis
[Subtitle: précédées de sa vie par S. Possidius, évêque
de Calame... ; traduction nouvelle par L. Moreau]
[Language: French]
History of the War in the Peninsula and the South of France from 67318
the year 1807 to the year 1814, Vol. 1 of 6, by W. F. P. Napier
King of the Hill, by James Blish 67317
The First, by Edward Ludwig 67316
Twenty Talks to Teachers, by Thomas E. Sanders 67315
Water Reptiles of the Past and Present, by Samuel Wendell Williston 67314
The Virgins of the Rocks, by Gabriele D'Annunzio 67313
As Others See Us, by William Henry Pope Jarvis 67312
[Subtitle: Being the Diary of a Canadian Debutante]
[Illustrator: Alfred Morton Wickson]
The Cruise of the Pelican, by Henry Bedford-Jones 67311
British Campaigns in Flanders 1690-1794, by John William Fortescue 67310
[Subtitle: Being Extracts from "A History of the British Army"]
Elsie's Friends at Woodburn, by Martha Finley 67309
The River of London, by Hilaire Belloc 67308
[Illustrator: John Muirhead]
Aboe Bakar, by Paulus Adrianus Daum 67307
[Subtitle: Indische Roman]
[Language: Dutch]
The Laughter of Slim Malone, by Max Brand 67306
Célszerű szegény emberek, by István Tömörkény 67305
[Language: Hungarian]
Seikkailusta seikkailuun, by K. M. Eady 67304
[Subtitle: Sotaisia tarinoita Filippiinien saarilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Herr, mach' uns frei!, by Gustav Hildebrand 67303
[Language: German]
The Summers Readers:, by Maud Summers 67302
[Subtitle: First Reader]
Southern Soldier Stories, by George Cary Eggleston 67301
[Illustrator: R. F. Zogbaum]
The Hobo, by Nels Anderson 67300
[Subtitle: The Sociology of the Homeless Man]
Through the Crater's Rim, by A. Hyatt Verrill 67299
Stormy, Misty's Foal, by Marguerite Henry 67298
Storia della Repubblica di Firenze v. 3/3, by Gino Capponi 67297
[Language: Italian]
Storia della Repubblica di Firenze v. 2/3, by Gino Capponi 67296
[Language: Italian]
Storia della Repubblica di Firenze v. 1/3, by Gino Capponi 67295
[Language: Italian]