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* New eBook Listings from May-July 2022
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Jul 2022 to 31 Jul 2022 ~ ~ ~ ~
Nuoren opettajattaren varaventtiili, by Hilja Valtonen 68661
[Language: Finnish]
Metsän satuja ja muita runoja, by Lauri Pohjanpää 68660
[Language: Finnish]
The impossible invention, by Robert Moore Williams 68659
The Temple of Earth, by Poul Anderson 68658
A book of images, by William Thomas Horton 68657
[Illustrator: William Thomas Horton]
The new book of Niagara, by Anonymous 68656
[Subtitle: Scenes in summer and winter]
Six modern women, by Laura Marholm Hansson 68655
[Subtitle: Psychological sketches]
Canada in war-paint, by Ralph W. Bell 68654
The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. 2, No. 4, March, 1836, by Various 68653
Into Mexico with General Scott, by Edwin L. Sabin 68652
[Subtitle: When attached to the Fourth United States Infantry]
[Illustrator: Charles H. Stephens]
Bismarck: some secret pages of his history, Vol. 1 of 3, by Moritz Busch 68651
Harper's indoor book for boys, by Joseph H. (Henry) Adams 68650
The spoil'd child, by Anonymous 68649
[Subtitle: A farce, in two acts, as performed
at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane]
Himmennyt helmi, by Berta Ruck 68648
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Samuel Reynolds house of Siam, by George Haws Feltus 68647
[Subtitle: Pioneer medical missionary 1847-1876]
Hours with the Mystics, by Robert Alfred Vaughan 68646
[Subtitle: A Contribution to the History of Religious Opinion]
A falu jegyzője (2. kötet), by József Eötvös 68645
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Illustrator: Ödön Tull]
[Language: Hungarian]
A falu jegyzője (1. kötet), by József Eötvös 68644
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Illustrator: Ödön Tull]
[Language: Hungarian]
Sasha the serf, by Anonymous 68643
[Subtitle: and other stories of Russian life]
The little white gate, by Florence Hoatson 68642
[Illustrator: Margaret W. Tarrant]
The descent of the Sun, by F. W. Bain 68641
[Subtitle: A cycle of birth]
The Chutney lyrics, by R. C. Caldwell 68640
[Subtitle: A collection of comic pieces in verse on Indian subjects]
Poems we all love, by Various 68639
The Philistine: a periodical of protest, Vol. 1, No. 6, November 1895, 68638
by Various
Le Nouvel amour, by Eugène Marsan 68637
[Language: French]
Napoléon, by Élie Faure 68636
[Language: French]
Innocencia, by Alfredo d'Escragnolle Taunay and Visconde de Taunay 68635
[Illustrator: A. Norfini]
[Language: Portuguese]
Le Cantique de l'Aile, by Edmond Rostand 68634
[Language: French]
A tragikum, by Zsolt Beöthy 68633
[Language: Hungarian]
Le Voyage du Centurion, by Ernest Psichari 68632
[Language: French]
A visit from St. Nicholas, by Clement C. Moore 68631
[Illustrator: Florence Wyman Ivins]
The lively adventures of Gavin Hamilton, by Molly Elliot Seawell 68630
[Illustrator: H. C. Edwards]
The Crowded Street, by Winifred Holtby 68629
The skeleton key, by Bernard Edward Joseph Capes 68628
Roger Williams, Prophet and Pioneer of Soul-Liberty, 68627
by Arthur Strickland
Untimely papers, by Randolph Bourne 68626
The red wizard, or, the cave captive, by Ned Hunter 68625
[Subtitle: Beadle's Pocket Novels No. 95]
The Red Cross girls with the Stars and Stripes, by Margaret Vandercook 68624
Educated working women, by Clara Elizabeth Collet 68623
[Subtitle: Essays on the economic position
of women workers in the middle classes]
Isabelle Eberhardt ou la Bonne nomade, by Paul Vigné d'Octon 68622
and Isabelle Eberhardt
[Subtitle: suivie de Mektoub!... (cétait écrit!...)]
[Language: French]
Faiseurs de peine et faiseurs de joies, by Dora Melegari 68621
[Language: French]
The philatelic index, by William A. R. Jex Long 68620
[Subtitle: being an alphabetical list of the principal articles
contained in a selection of some of the best known philatelic
magazines in the English language up to the end of 1904]
Short story classics (Foreign), Russian, Vol. 1, by Various 68619
Voyages, by Jean-François Regnard 68618
[Language: French]
Travels in Western Africa, Vol. 1 of 2, by John Duncan 68617
Anastasia, by Eugenia Smetisko 68616
[Subtitle: The autobiography of H.I.H. the Grand Duchess
Anastasia Nicholaevna of Russia]
Breathes there a man, by Charles E. Fritch 68615
Historic doorways of Old Salem, by Mary Harrod Northend 68614
[Photographer: Mary Harrod Northend]
How to write the history of a parish, by J. Charles Cox 68613
An account of the principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia, 68612
by William Wilkinson
[Subtitle: with various political observations relating to them]
Science and the modern world, by Alfred North Whitehead 68611
[Subtitle: Lowell Lectures 1925]
Love's labor won, by Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth 68610
Skylark of Valeron, by Edward E. Smith 68609
Don Sebastian, by Anna Maria Porter 68608
[Subtitle: or, The house of the Braganza; vol. 2]
Don Sebastian, by Anna Maria Porter 68607
[Subtitle: or, The house of the Braganza; vol. 1]
Le Maître du Navire, by Louis Chadourne 68606
[Illustrator: Jean-Gabriel Daragnès]
[Language: French]
A corner in corn; or How a Chicago boy did the trick, by Self-Made Man 68605
[Subtitle: Fame and Fortune Weekly, No. 3, October 20, 1905]
Europe and elsewhere, by Mark Twain 68604
Miséricorde, by Pérez Galdós 68603
[Language: French]
Le Harem entr'ouvert, by A.-R. de Lens 68602
[Language: French]
Scarred Eagle; or, Moorooine, the sporting fawn, by Andrew Dearborn 68601
[Subtitle: Beadle's Pocket Novels No. 104]
Picnic, by Milton Lesser 68600
[Illustrator: EBERLE]
The unseen blushers, by Alfred Bester 68599
The band played on, by C. Shook 68598
Landmarks in Russian literature, by Maurice Baring 68597
Eustace Marchmont, by Evelyn Everett-Green 68596
[Subtitle: A friend of the people]
Saint Paul, by Émile Baumann 68595
[Language: French]
Der Sagenkreis der Niebelungen, by Georg Holz 68594
[Language: German]
Aus dem Leben der Insekten, by Arabella Buckley 68593
[Language: German]
Hayti, by Spenser St. John 68592
[Subtitle: Or the black republic]
En Pénitence chez les Jésuites, by Pierre-Paul Brucker 68591
[Subtitle: Correspondance d'un lycéen]
[Language: French]
The Christmas Bishop, by Winifred Kirkland 68590
[Illustrator: Louise G. Morrison]
Sandman's rainy day stories, by Abbie Phillips Walker 68589
[Illustrator: Rhoda C. Chase]
Hiên le Maboul, by Émile Nolly 68588
[Language: French]
Journal of William H. Richardson, a private soldier in the campaign 68587
of New and Old Mexico
Smoking flax, by Hallie Erminie Rives 68586
Puppies and kittens, by Carine Cadby 68585
[Subtitle: and other stories]
[Photographer: Will Cadby]
Lost in the backwoods, by Edith C. Kenyon 68584
[Illustrator: William Rainey]
Elastic and non-elastic narrow fabrics, by Samuel Brown 68583
and William Davis
[Subtitle: and a chapter on narrow fabrics made on knitting machines]
Danton, by Hilaire Belloc 68582
[Subtitle: A study]
Le vote des femmes, by Hubertine Auclert 68581
[Language: French]
A handbook of systematic botany, by Johannes Eugenius Warming 68580
A spray of lilac, by Marie Hedderwick Browne 68579
[Subtitle: and other poems and songs]
John Sobieski, by Edward H. R. Tatham 68578
[Subtitle: Lothian prize essay for 1881]
The mother, by Pearl S. Buck 68577
Poor Jack, by Anonymous 68576
[Subtitle: A play in one act]
The violin and the art of its construction, by August Riechers 68575
[Subtitle: a treatise on the Stradivarius violin]
The Case Against Evolution, by George Barry O'Toole 68574
Petunia blossoms, by Dorothea Auguste Gunhilde 68573
[Subtitle: Ballads and poems]
My mother India, by Dalip Singh Saund 68572
Budapest, by Tamás Kóbor 68571
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Language: Hungarian]
College prolongs infancy, by Horace M. Kallen 68570
The Wyvern mystery, by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu 68569
[Illustrator: B. S. Le Fanu]
Sketches in Egypt, by Charles Dana Gibson 68568
The pudding and pastry book, by Elizabeth Douglas 68567
Fausto, by Juan Wolfgango Goethe 68566
[Subtitle: Primera parte]
[Language: Spanish]
To the sons of tomorrow, by Irving Cox 68565
[Illustrator: Beecham]
Barrier beaches of the Atlantic coast, by Frederick J. H. Merrill 68564
Nappy has a new friend, by Inez Hogan 68563
The peoples of Europe, by Herbert John Fleure 68562
The trial of Emile Zola, by Emile Zola 68561
Deux années en Ukraine (1917-1919), by Charles Dubreuil 68560
[Language: French]
Sequel, by Ben Smith 68559
Robot nemesis, by Edward Elmer Smith 68558
You no longer count, by René Boylesve 68557
Land without chimneys; or the byways of Mexico, by Alfred Oscar Coffin 68556
The night wire, by Henry Ferris Arnold 68555
Rustlers beware!, by Arthur Chapman 68554
The festival, by H. P. Lovecraft 68553
The flying chance, by Gordon McCreagh 68552
Betty Wales & Co., by Margaret Warde 68551
[Subtitle: A story for girls]
[Illustrator: Eva M. Nagel]
The pearl lagoon, by Charles Nordhoff 68550
[Illustrator: Anton Otto Fischer]
The poisoned paradise, by Robert W. Service 68549
[Subtitle: A romance of Monte Carlo]
The Arizona Callahan, by H. Bedford-Jones 68548
He, by H. P. Lovecraft 68547
The house on Henry Street, by Lillian D. Wald 68546
[Illustrator: Abraham Phillips]
The Aldine readers: a second reader, by Frank E. Spaulding 68545
and Catherine T. Bryce
[Illustrator: Margaret Ely Webb]
St. Cuthbert's tower, by Florence Warden 68544
Parasken runot, by Adolf Neovius 68543
[Language: Finnish]
Free and other stories, by Theodore Dreiser 68542
O Atheneu:, by Raul Pompéia 68541
[Subtitle: Chronica de saudades]
[Illustrator: Raul Pompéia]
[Language: Portuguese]
Pelts and palisades, by Nathaniel C. Hale 68540
[Subtitle: The story of fur and the rivalry for pelts in early America]
The Shakespeare garden club, by Mabel M. Moran 68539
[Subtitle: A fantasy]
The skeleton scout, or, The border block, by Lewis W. Carson 68538
[Subtitle: Beadle's Pocket Novels No. 73]
Egy régi udvarház utolsó gazdája; Nők a tükör előtt; A vén szinész, 68537
by Pál Gyulai
[Illustrator: Dezső Bér]
[Language: Hungarian]
History of the war in the Peninsula and in the south of France 68536
from the year 1807 to the year 1814, Vol. 4 of 6,
by William Francis Patrick Napier
Robert Burns: A play, by John Drinkwater 68535
Het wonderjaar, by Hendrik Conscience 68534
[Subtitle: Eene gekkenwereld]
[Language: Dutch]
Home is the Spaceman, by George O. Smith 68533
Little Hickory, by Victor St. Clair 68532
[Subtitle: or, Ragged Rob's young republic]
Elfin land: and other poems, by Benjamin West Ball 68531
Crystals, by A. E. H. Tutton 68530
Firegod, by William Scarff 68529
Derrière les vieux murs en ruine, by Aline Réveillaud de Lens 68528
[Language: French]
Gereformeerde dogmatiek, by Herman Bavinck 68527
[Subtitle: Derde deel]
[Language: Dutch]
Some eminent Victorians, by Joseph Comyns Carr 68526
[Subtitle: Personal recollections in the world of art and letters]
Poesías completas, by Antonio Machado 68525
[Language: Spanish]
The optimist, by E. M. Delafield 68524
Pattern for Conquest, by George O. Smith 68523
Life of Liszt, by Louis Nohl 68522
[Subtitle: Biographies of musicians]
Through the mill, by Al Priddy 68521
[Subtitle: The life of a mill-boy]
[Illustrator: Wladyslaw T. Benda]
The Van Roon, by J. C. Snaith 68520
The urine dance of the Zuni Indians of New Mexico, by John G. Bourke 68519
The Yale Literary Magazine, Vol. 88, No. 9, June 1923, 68518
by Students of Yale
Auld lang syne, by F. Max Müller 68517
La conscience dans le mal, by Auguste Gilbert de Voisins 68516
[Language: French]
A concise account of the principal works in stained glass that have 68515
been executed by Thomas Willement of London, Fellow of the Society
of Antiquaries, by Thomas Willement
The little country theater, by Alfred G. Arvold 68514
Old Bear-Paw, The Trapper King, by Max Martine 68513
[Subtitle: The Love of a Blackfoot Queen]
Der Musterknabe, by Fritz Skowronnek 68512
[Subtitle: Ein Roman aus den Masuren]
[Language: German]
Jenny, by Sigrid Undset 68511
[Language: German]
La vigne et la maison, by Jean Balde 68510
[Language: French]
Harmaa linna, by A. G. Ingelius 68509
[Subtitle: eli Kertomus Ristilän hovista]
[Language: Finnish]
The Boy Scouts' badge of courage, by Howard Payson 68508
[Illustrator: Arthur O. Scott]
Redlaw, The Half-Breed; or, The Tangled Trail, by Jos. E. Badger, Jr. 68507
[Subtitle: Beadle’s Pocket Series No. 101]
Rehti-Jaakko, by Frederick Marryat 68505
[Language: Finnish]
Down the line with John Henry, by Hugh McHugh 68504
The end of the house of Alard, by Sheila Kaye-Smith 68503
A note on the position and extent of the great temple enclosure 68502
of Tenochtitlan, by Alfred P. Maudslay
[Subtitle: and the position, structure and orientation
of the Teocolli of Huitzilopochtli]
Le bel avenir, by René Boylesve 68501
[Language: French]
The apiary; or, bees, bee-hives, and bee culture (1866), 68500
by Alfred Neighbor
[Subtitle: being a familiar account of the habits of bees, and the
most improved methods of management, with full directions, adapted
for the cottager, farmer, or scientific apiarian]
Nick Carter Stories No. 143, The sultan's pearls; 68499
or, Nick Carter's Porto Rico trail
The sky sheriff, by Thomas Burtis 68498
[Subtitle: The pioneer spirit lives again in the Texas Airplane Patrol]
[Illustrator: B. J. Rosenmeyer]
The Boy Scout pathfinders, by George Durston 68497
Dwala, by George Calderon 68496
[Subtitle: A romance]
Tea room business, by Ida Lee Cary 68495
The shasta route along the southern pacific--the road of a thousand 68494
wonders, by Anonymous
[Subtitle: A scenic guide book from San Francisco, California,
to Portland, Oregon, on the road of a thousand wonders]
Promoting good citizenship, by James Bryce 68493
The story of iron, by Elizabeth I. Samuel 68492
The improved antidote, supposed to be more active in expelling poison, 68491
than a late invention, by the Rev. Sir Harcourt Lees, Bart. in which
the Catholics are vindicated from his abuse, and their claims for
unrestricted emancipation, considered, by Philodemus
The charm of Reynolds, by James Mason 68490
Miniatürök, by Béla Révész 68489
[Language: Hungarian]
The voice at Johnnywater, by B. M. Bower 68488
[Illustrator: Remington Schuyler]
Le joug, by Marion Gilbert 68487
[Language: French]
The Kobzar of the Ukraine, by Taras Shevchenko 68486
[Subtitle: Being Select Poems of Taras Shevchenko]
Un explorateur brésilien, by Antonio Luis von Hoonholtz 68485
[Subtitle: Deux mille kilomètres de navigation en canot dans un
fleuve inexploré et complètement dominé par des sauvages
féroces et indomptables (extrait du Journal du capitaine de
frégate baron de Teffé)]
[Language: French]
The stroller, by Margaret St. Clair 68484
The time-raider, by Edmond Hamilton 68483
Mad Anthony’s scouts; or, The rangers of Kentucky, by Emerson Rodman 68482
[Subtitle: Beadle’s pocket novels No. 61]
Young Grandison, Vol. 1 of 2, by Madame de Cambon 68481
[Subtitle: A series of letters from young persons to their friends]
The naval cadet, by Gordon Stables 68480
[Subtitle: A story of adventures on land and sea]
[Illustrator: William Rainey]
Windmills, by Gilbert Cannan 68479
[Subtitle: A book of fables]
Skit-tree planet, by Murray Leinster 68478
Quest to Centaurus, by George O. Smith 68477
Histoire du Consulat et de l'Empire (20/20), by Adolphe Thiers 68476
[Subtitle: faisant suite à l''Histoire de la Révolution Française']
[Language: French]
Esztike kisasszony professzora, by Albert Pálffy 68475
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Illustrator: Lajos Márk]
[Language: Hungarian]
Nick Carter Stories No. 157, September 11, 1915: A human counterfeit; 68474
or, Nick Carter and the crook's double
War cartoons, by John F. Knott 68473
The slave-auction, by John Theophilus Kramer 68472
Tom the telephone boy, by Frank V. Webster 68471
[Subtitle: or, The mystery of a message]
Fossil plants, Vol. 2, by Albert Charles Seward 68470
[Subtitle: A text-book for students of botany and geology]
French life in town and country, by Hannah Lynch 68469
Told by the Colonel, by William Livingston Alden 68468
[Illustrators: Richard Jack and Hal Hurst]
Nick Carter Stories No. 122, January 9, 1915; The suicide; 68467
or Nick Carter and the lost head
Building a championship football team, by Paul W. Bryant 68466
A collection of Latin maxims and phrases literally translated, 68465
by John N. Cotterell
[Subtitle: Intended for the use of students for all legal examinations]
Specifications for street roadway pavements, by Samuel Whinery 68464
[Subtitle: with instructions to inspectors on street paving work]
The Salton Sea, by George Kennan 68463
[Subtitle: An account of Harriman’s fight with the Colorado River]
Einstein and the Universe, by Charles Nordmann 68462
[Subtitle: A popular exposition of the famous theory]
Entisyyden varjo, by E. M. Hull 68461
[Language: Finnish]
Nick Carter Stories No. 121, January 2, 1915: The call of death; 68460
or, Nick Carter's clever assistant
The Rambler Club's motor car, by W. Crispin Sheppard 68459
Motley and other poems, by Walter de la Mare 68458
Right and wrong in Massachusetts, by Maria Weston Chapman 68457
The jet jockeys, by R. W. Stockheker 68456
The deadly dust, by Murray Leinster 68455
Whale hunting with gun and camera, by Roy Chapman Andrews 68454
[Subtitle: A naturalist’s account of the modern shore-whaling
industry, of whales and their habits, and of hunting
experiences in various parts of the world]
The Summers readers: primer, by Maud Summers 68453
[Illustrator: Lucy Fitch Perkins]
La piedra angular, by Emilia Pardo Bazán 68452
[Language: Spanish]
Mirrors of Moscow, by Louise Bryant 68451
[Illustrator: Oscar Edward Cesare]
Easy come, easy go, by Edwin L. Sabin 68450
Address of President Theodore Roosevelt at the laying of the corner 68449
stone of the office building of the House of Representatives,
Saturday, April 14, 1906
The sword of wealth, by Henry Wilton Thomas 68448
Recollections and impressions of James A. McNeill Whistler, 68447
by Arthur Jerome Eddy
The soup and sauce book, by Elizabeth Douglas 68446
Indians of the Enchanted Desert, by Leo Crane 68445
Obras completas de Fígaro, Vol. 2, by Mariano José de Larra 68444
[Language: Spanish]
Comedias, tomo 1 de 3, by Aristófanes 68443
[Subtitle: Los Acarnienses, los Caballeros, las Nubes]
[Language: Spanish]
Deportation its meaning and menace, by Alexander Berkman 68442
and Emma Goldman
[Subtitle: Last message to the people of America]
In the cards, by George O. Smith 68441
The long trail, by Herbert Strang 68440
[Subtitle: A story of African adventure]
[Illustrator: H. Evison]
Neva's choice, by Harriet Lewis 68439
[Subtitle: A sequel to "Neva's three lovers"]
Kreivi Hannibal, by Stanley J. Weyman 68438
[Subtitle: Historiallinen romaani Ranskan hovista]
[Language: Finnish]
Munkebodan Skytteläiset, by Mathilda Malling 68437
[Subtitle: Kotielämän kuvaus Skånesta v. 1830]
[Language: Finnish]
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Jun 2022 to 30 Jun 2022 ~ ~ ~ ~
Only a farm boy, by Frank V. Webster 68436
[Subtitle: Dan Hardy's rise in life]
[Illustrator: Charles Nuttall]
The Gregory circle, by William Fitzgerald 68435
A marvelous history of Mary of Nimmegen, by Harry Morgan Ayres 68434
[Subtitle: Who for more than seven year lived
and had ado with the devil]
Hunt the Hog of Joe, by Robert Ernest Gilbert 68433
Victorious failure, by Bryce Walton 68432
Fuimus, by Zsigmond Justh 68431
[Illustrator: Ödön Tull]
[Language: Hungarian]
Isola; or, The disinherited, by Lady Florence Dixie 68430
[Subtitle: A revolt for Woman and all the Disinherited]
Donkeys to bald pate, by Samuel Mines 68429
Extra-galactic nebulae, by Edwin Hubble 68428
A pénz legendája; Gányó Julcsa, by Zsigmond Justh 68427
[Illustrator: Ödön Tull]
[Language: Hungarian]
Two fares east, by W. C. Tuttle 68426
The power and the glory, by Henry Kuttner 68425
Magic words, by Emilie Maceroni 68424
[Subtitle: A tale for Christmas time]
[Illustrator: E. H. Wehnert]
The story of Abraham Lincoln, by Mary A. Hamilton 68423
[Subtitle: The children's heroes series]
[Illustrator: S. T. Dadd]
Address of President Theodore Roosevelt at the unveiling of the monument 68422
to General Sheridan, Wednesday, November 25, 1908
The ethics of rhetoric, by Richard M. Weaver 68421
Poetic diction, by Thomas Quayle 68420
[Subtitle: A study of eighteenth century verse]
The Roman assemblies from their origin to the end of the Republic, 68419
by George Willis Botsford
Problem in solid, by George O. Smith 68418
The lighting of the Christmas tree, by Selma Lagerlöf, 68417
Josephine L. Palmer, and Annie L. Thorp
Birds and their nests, by Mary Howitt 68416
Vaaliheimolaiset, by Johan Wolfgang von Goethe 68415
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
The tryal of Mr. Daniel Sutton, for the high crime of preserving 68414
the lives of His Majesty's liege Subjects, by means
of inoculation, by Daniel Sutton
Jack the runaway, by Frank V. Webster 68413
[Subtitle: Or on the road with a circus]
Philosophical transactions,, by Various 68412
[Subtitle: Giving some account of the present undertakings, studies,
and labours of the ingenious, in many considerable parts of the
world. Vol. L. Part II]
Bellarion the Fortunate: A romance, by Rafael Sabatini 68411
Deny the Slake, by Richard Wilson 68410
[Illustrator: GAUGHAN]
The Martian Shore, by Charles L. Fontenay 68409
[Illustrator: EMSH]
Argonaut stories, by Jerome Hart 68408
The wonder woman, by Mae Van Norman Long 68407
[Illustrator: J. Massey Clement]
Essay on the effects of iodine on the human constitution, by W. Gairdner 68406
[Subtitle: With practical observation on its use in the cure
of bronchocele, scrophula, and the tuberculous diseases
of the chest and abdomen]
The Philistine: a periodical of protest, Vol. 1, No. 5, October 1895, 68405
by Various
Moderne schelmen, by J. Dermoût 68404
[Subtitle: (Indië in Den Haag) Oorspronkelijke roman]
[Language: Dutch]
Im Herzen von Asien. Zweiter Band., by Sven Hedin 68403
[Language: German]
Im Herzen von Asien. Erster Band., by Sven Hedin 68402
[Language: German]
Ludwig Richter, by Viktor Paul Mohn 68401
[Language: German]
Der Marquis de Sade und seine Zeit., by Iwan Bloch 68400
[Language: German]
The hope of happiness, by Meredith Nicholson 68399
The time spirit, by J. C. Snaith 68398
[Subtitle: A romantic tale]
Masters of the vortex, by Edward E. Smith 68397
Dr. Courtney's guide to happy marriage, Multum in parvo library, vol. 1, 68396
no. 6, June, 1894,
Handbuch der Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst, by Carl B. Lorck 68395
[Subtitle: Erster Teil. Erfindung. Verbreitung. Blüte.
Verfall. 1450-1750.]
[Language: German]
The Trouvelot astronomical drawings manual, by Étienne Léopold Trouvelot 68394
My sweetheart's the Man in the Moon, by Milton Lesser 68393
Reminiscences of the Civil War, 1861-1865, by P. L. Ledford 68392
Round the year with the stars, by Garrett P. Serviss 68391
[Subtitle: The chief beauties of the starry heavens
as seen with the naked eye]
Down among men, by Will Levington Comfort 68390
In the grip of the Hawk, by Reginald Horsley 68389
[Subtitle: A story of the Maori wars]
How to thought-read, by James Coates 68388
[Subtitle: A manual of instruction in the strange and mystic
in daily life, psychic phenomena]
Washington album, by Anonymous 68387
Book of parlor tricks, Multum in parvo library, Vol. 2, No. 16, April, 68386
1895, by Anonymous
[Subtitle: How to perform them]
Civilization in the United States, by Various 68385
[Subtitle: An inquiry by thirty Americans]
The Philistine: a periodical of protest, Vol. 1, No. 4, September 1895, 68384
by Various
The Philistine: a periodical of protest, Vol. 1, No. 3, August 1895, 68383
by Various
The Philistine: a periodical of protest, Vol. 1, No. 2, July 1895, 68382
by Various
Heilige Banden, by Abraham Anthony Fokker 68381
[Subtitle: Roman]
[Language: Dutch]
The guest rites, by Robert Silverberg 68380
[Illustrator: John Giunta]
Under Blanco's eye, by Douglas Wells 68379
[Subtitle: Or, Hal Maynard among the Cuban insurgents]
Way of the gods, by Henry Kuttner 68378
Let's Get Together, by Isaac Asimov 68377
Nick Carter Stories No. 120, December 26, 1914: An Uncanny Revenge, 68376
by Nick Carter
[Subtitle: or, Nick Carter and the Mind Murderer.]
Ludwig Richter-Büchlein, by Ludwig Richter 68375
[Subtitle: Mit vielen schönen Holzschnitten des Meisters:
von Haus und Hof Weib Kind und Kegel]
[Illustrator: Ludwig Richter]
[Language: German]
Friends and Enemies, by Fritz Leiber 68374
The Gently Orbiting Blonde, by John Victor Peterson 68373
Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military 68372
Tribunal, Volume 15, by Various
[Subtitle: Nuremburg 14 November 1945 - 1 October 1946]
The luckless trapper, by William Eyster 68371
The Philistine: a periodical of protest, Vol. 1, No. 1, June 1895, 68370
by Various
Illustrated history of the United States mint, by Various 68369
Lord Lister No. 0014: De verwisselde detective, by Kurt Matull 68368
and Theo Blakensee
[Language: Dutch]
The Devil's picture books, by Mrs. John King Van Rensselaer 68367
"Strictly Business", by F. Morton Howard 68366
Junge Triebe, by Ernst Wolfgang Freißler 68365
[Language: German]
Book of brief narratives, Multum in parvo library, Vol. 1, No. 12, 68364
December, 1894, by Various
Nat Wolfe, by Mrs. M. V. Victor 68363
[Subtitle: or The Gold Hunters]
Memorials of Human Superstition, by Jean Louis de Lolme 68362
[Subtitle: being a paraphrase and commentary on the
Historia Flagellantium of the Abbé Boileau, Doctor
of the Sorbonne]
Nick Carter Stories No. 159, September 25, 1915: Driven from Cover, 68361
by Nick Carter
[Subtitle: or Nick Carter's Double Ruse.]
Nick Carter Stories No. 158, September 18, 1915: The Blue Veil, 68360
by Nick Carter
[Subtitle: or, Nick Carter's Torn Trail]
Poetry for children, by Charles and Mary Lamb 68359
[Illustrator: Winifred Green]
Underground Movement, by Allen K. Lang 68358
Short-stories masterpieces, Vol. 4, Russian, by Various 68357
En voyage, by Marie de Grandmaison 68356
[Language: French]
Oeuvres de Voltaire Tome XIX, by Voltaire 68355
[Subtitle: Siècle de Louis XIV, Tome I]
[Language: French]
The Undamned, by George O. Smith 68354
Enough rope:, by Dorothy Parker 68353
[Subtitle: poems]
The sociable Sand Witch, by T. L. Sappington 68352
In the three zones, by F. J. Stimson 68351
Address of President Theodore Roosevelt on the occasion of the 68350
celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the birth of
Abraham Lincoln, Hodgenville, Ky., February 12, 1909
Frank Reade, Jr., with his new steam man in Mexico; or hot work among 68349
the greasers, by Luis Senarens
[Subtitle: Frank Reade Library Vol 5.]
England under the Angevin Kings, Volumes 1 and 2, by Kate Norgate 68348
England under the Angevin Kings, Volume 2, by Kate Norgate 68347
England under the Angevin Kings, Volume 1, by Kate Norgate 68346
On the Anzac trail, by ANZAC 68345
[Subtitle: Being extracts from the diary of a New Zealand sapper]
The battle of the Swash and the capture of Canada, by Samuel Barton 68344
Cato, The Creeper; or, The Demon of Dead-Man's Forest, 68343
by Frederick Dewey
[Subtitle: Beadle's Pocket Novels No. 118]
Sekaherelmiä, by Jaakko O. Ikola 68342
[Subtitle: Eteläpohjalaisia murrejuttuja]
[Language: Finnish]
The book of witches, by Oliver Madox Hueffer 68341
A landscape painter, by Henry James 68340
Az út a révpart felé, by István Apáthy 68339
[Subtitle: Klinikai képek]
[Language: Hungarian]
Nick Carter Stories No. 160, October 2, 1915; The Yellow Label, 68338
by Nick Carter
[Subtitle: or Nick Carter and the Society Looters]
A caution to Great Britain and her colonies, by Anthony Benezet 68337
A history of Canada 1763-1812, by Charles Prestwood Lucas 68336
The Big Night, by Hudson Hastings 68335
Best laid schemes, by Meredith Nicholson 68334
The history of Company B, 311th Infantry in the World War, 68333
by B. Allison Colonna
The Rover Boys on Sunset Trail, by Arthur M. Winfield 68332
[Subtitle: or, The old miner's mysterious message]
Planet of sand, by Murray Leinster 68331
The Great White Hand, by James Edward Muddock 68330
[Subtitle: Or the Tiger of Cawnpore A Story of Indian Mutiny]
Redevelopment, by Wesley Long 68329
Nick Carter Stories No 156, September 4, 1915: Blood Will Tell, 68328
by Nick Carter
[Subtitle: or Nick Carter's Play in Politics]
Le livre des enfants, by Marceline Desbordes-Valmore 68327
[Illustrator: André Hellé]
[Language: French]
History of electric light, by Henry Schroeder 68326
Nomad, by Wesley Long 68325
[Illustrator: Orban]
The 151st Field Artillery Brigade, by Richard M. Russell 68324
Celtic mss. in relation to the Macpherson fraud, by J. C. Roger 68323
[Subtitle: With a review of Professor Freeman's criticism
of "The Viking Age," by the author of "Celticism a myth"]
The cruise of the Canoe Club, by W. L. Alden 68322
Az emberiség képviselői, by Ralph Waldo Emerson 68321
[Language: Hungarian]
The works of the Rev. John Wesley, Vol. 4 of 32 68320
Out of the Briars, by A. H. Newton 68319
[Subtitle: An Autobiography and Sketch of the Twenty-ninth
Regiment Connecticut Volunteers]
The Cornhill Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 4, April 1860, by Various 68317
The Cornhill Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1860, by Various 68316
On chloroform and other anæsthetics:, by John Snow 68315
[Subtitle: their action and administration]
Caen démoli, by Gaston Lavalley 68314
[Subtitle: Recueil de notices sur des monuments détruits ou
défigurés, et sur l'ancien port de Caen, avec 5 gravures,
d'après des aquarelles de A. Lasne, et des dessins inédits
de Le Nourichel et Ch. Pichon]
[Language: French]
Meddler's Moon, by George O. Smith 68313
Sous les eaux tumultueutes, by Dora Melegari 68312
[Language: French]
Uit de dierenwereld van het water, by A.J.C. Snijders 68311
[Subtitle: Schetsen in woord en beeld van het
lever der lagere diersoorten]
[Language: Dutch]
The American Red Cross Bulletin, Vol. 4, No. 1 68310
Address of President Theodore Roosevelt at Chautauqua, New York, 68309
August 11, 1905
The Mexican War diary of George B. McClellan 68308
Sur la route de Palmyre, by Paule Henry-Bordeaux 68307
[Language: French]
Lääkärin päiväkirja, by Jalmari Finne 68306
[Subtitle: Novelleja]
[Language: Finnish]
The Sons of Japheth, by Richard Wilson 68305
The Catspaw, by George O. Smith 68304
Ma conscience en robe rose, by Guy Chantepleure 68303
[Language: French]
History for ready reference, Volume 3 of 6, by Josephus Nelson Larned 68302
[Subtitle: Greece to Nibelungen]
Under the German shells, by Emmanuel Bourcier 68301
The phantom tracker; or The prisoner of the hill cave, by Fredrick Dewey 68300
[Subtitle: Beadle's Pocket Novels No. 48]
The American National Red Cross Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 3, July 1906, 68299
by The American National Red Cross
Le kilomètre 83, by Henry Daguerches 68298
[Language: French]
Capitale de la douleur, by Paul Éluard 68297
[Subtitle: Répétitions; Mourir de ne pas mourir;
Les petits justes; Nouveaux poèmes]
[Language: French]
Ruth of the U. S. A., by Edwin Balmer 68296
[Illustrator: Harold H. Betts]
Dulcie Carlyon, Volume 3 of 3, by James Grant 68295
[Subtitle: A novel]
Dulcie Carlyon, Volume 2 of 3, by James Grant 68294
[Subtitle: A novel]
Dulcie Carlyon, Volume 1 of 3, by James Grant 68293
[Subtitle: A novel]
Tales from silver lands, by Charles J. Finger 68292
[Illustrator: Paul Honoré]
Studying the short-story, by J. Berg Esenwein 68291
The Berkeleys and their neighbors, by Molly Elliott Seawell 68290
Billiards, by William Broadfoot, W. J. Ford, and Dudley D. Pontifex 68289
Színházi esték, by Zoltán Ambrus 68288
[Language: Hungarian]
Dragons and Cherry Blossoms, by Mrs. Robert C. Morris 68287
Mousseline, by Thierry Sandre 68286
[Language: French]
Practical hints to builders and those contemplating building, 68285
by National Sheet Metal Roofing Co.
[Subtitle: Facts worth considering relating to foundation,
cellar, kitchen, chimney, cistern, brick-work, mortar,
heating, ventilation, the roof, and many items of interest
to builders...]
Happy, by Walter Flavius McCaleb 68284
[Subtitle: The life of a bee]
[Illustrator: Clement B. Davis]
The call of Cthulhu, by H. P. Lovecraft 68283
Butchering and curing meats in China, by Carl Oscar Levine 68282
Le Démon Secret, by Auguste Gilbert de Voisins 68281
[Language: French]
Latent Image, by Wesley Long 68280
The well in the desert, by Adeline Knapp 68279
Off duty, by Wilhelmina Harper 68278
[Subtitle: A dozen yarns for soldiers and sailors]
The blood of the vampire, by Florence Marryat 68277
Slavery and the slave trade in Africa, by Henry M. Stanley 68276
The war of the Carolinas, by Meredith Nicholson 68275
[Illustrator: Stephen Reid]
Neva's three lovers, by Harriet Lewis 68274
Love's bitterest cup, by Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth 68273
[Subtitle: A sequel to "Her Mother's Secret"]
Trouble, by George O. Smith 68272
Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 21, by Guy de Maupassant 68271
[Language: French]
A History of the 17th Lancers (Duke of Cambridge's Own), 68270
by John Fortescue
The Apiary; or, Bees, bee-hives, and bee culture (1865), 68269
by Alfred Neighbor
[Subtitle: being a familiar account of the habits of bees, and
the most improved methods of management, with full directions,
adapted for the cottager, farmer, or scientific apiarian]
The loves of Pelleas and Etarre, by Zona Gale 68268
The cross word puzzle book, by Prosper Buranelli, F. Gregory Hartswick 68267
and Margaret Petherbridge
Address of President Theodore Roosevelt at the Lincoln dinner 68266
of the Republican club of the city of New York,
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, February 13,1905
Le livre de l'émeraude, by André Suarès 68265
[Language: French]
Terres de soleil et de brouillard, by Brada 68264
[Language: French]
Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Stile in der bildenden Kunst. 68263
Zweiter Band, by Ernst Cohn-Wiener
[Subtitle: Von der Renaissance bis zur Gegenwart]
[Language: German]
Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Stile in der bildenden Kunst. 68262
Erster Band, by Ernst Cohn-Wiener
[Subtitle: Vom Altertum bis zur Gotik]
[Language: German]
The partnership of paint, by Anonymous 68261
Heartsease and Rue, by James Russell Lowell 68260
Das Speicherbuch, by Johannes Emil Rabe 68259
[Illustrators: Carl Schildt, Christian Förster and W. Lühring]
[Language: German]
Jahreszahlen der Erdgeschichte, by Reinhold Lotze 68258
[Language: German]
Women wanted, by Mabel Potter Daggett 68257
[Subtitle: The story written in blood red letters
on the horizon of the Great World War]
Rat Race, by George O. Smith 68256
A history of the Zulu Rebellion, 1906, by J. Stuart 68255
[Subtitle: and of Dinuzulu's arrest, trial, and expatriation]
My twin puppies, by Edna Groff Deihl 68254
Thunder in the void, by Henry Kuttner 68253
The life story of a squirrel, by T. C. Bridges 68252
Van Pool tot Pool, by Sven Anders Hedin 68251
[Subtitle: Mijn 75000 kilometer lange reis verteld
aan alle Jongens en Meisjes]
[Language: Dutch]
Happy ending, by Henry Kuttner 68250
When a witch is young, by Philip Verrill Mighels 68249
My twin kitties, by Edna Groff Deihl 68248
Vocation, by George O. Smith 68247
[Illustrator: Williams]
Laki on kuollut — mutta tuomari on elävä, by Anatole France 68246
[Language: Finnish]
Saint Michel et le Mont-Saint-Michel, by Mgr Germain, P. M. Brin 68245
and Édouard Corroyer
[Language: French]
Laakerinlehtiä ja lipstikkuja, by Jaakko O. Ikola 68244
[Subtitle: Eteläpohjalaisia murrejuttuja]
[Language: Finnish]
The Farmstead, by Isaac Phillips Roberts 68243
[Subtitle: The making of the rural home and the lay-out
of the farm (5th edition)]
A Commentary, by John Galsworthy 68242
The profanity of paint, by William Kiddier 68241
Betty Wales, B. A., by Margaret Warde 68240
[Subtitle: A story for girls]
[Illustrator: Eva M. Nagel]
Personality of plants, by Royal Dixon and Franklyn E. Fitch 68239
A political pilgrim in Europe, by Ethel Snowden 68238
Unravelled Knots, by Baroness Emmuska Orczy 68237
The colour out of space, by H. P. Lovecraft 68236
Mexican dishes, by May E. Southworth 68235
Martha Schofield pioneer Negro educator, by Matilda A. Evans 68234
[Subtitle: Historical and philosophical review
of reconstruction period of South Carolina]
The incredible invasion, by George O. Smith 68233
The story of the Thirty-Third N. Y. S. Vols, by David W. Judd 68232
[Subtitle: or two years campaigning in Virginia and Maryland]
[Illustrator: L. C. Mix]
The daily life of the Greeks and Romans as illustrated in the classical 68231
collections, by Helen McClees
The Impossible Pirate, by George O. Smith 68230
All the Sad Young Men, by Francis Scott Fitzgerald 68229
No Posting 68228
A szultána árnyéka és egyéb elbeszélések, by Gyula Pekár 68227
[Language: Hungarian]
Concerning Women, by Suzanne La Follette 68226
Australian fairy tales, by Atha Westbury 68225
[Illustrator: A. J. Johnson]
Synthetic resins and their raw materials, report no. 131, second series, 68224
by The United States Tariff Commission
[Subtitle: A survey of the types and uses of synthetic resins, the
organization of the industry, and the trade in resins and raw
materials, with particular references to factors essential to
tariff consideration]
The fixer, by Wesley Long 68223
[Illustrator: Kramer]
His fortunate Grace, by Gertrude Atherton 68222
Reisen durch die Inselwelt der Südsee, by Max Prager 68221
[Language: German]
Compendio del derecho público romano, by Teodoro Mommsen 68220
[Language: Spanish]
Decadence, by Arthur James Balfour 68219
[Subtitle: Henry Sidgwick memorial lecture]
Fine Feathers, by George O. Smith 68218
[Illustrator: Kramer]
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 May 2022 to 31 May 2022 ~ ~ ~ ~
Friendly counsels for freedmen, by Jared Bell Waterbury 68217
Kant prolegomenái minden leendő metafizikához, by Immanuel Kant 68216
[Language: Hungarian]
The answer, by George O. Smith 68215
The old paths, or the Talmud tested by Scripture, by Alexander McCaul 68214
[Subtitle: Being a comparison of the principles and doctrines of
modern Judaism with the religion of Moses and the prophets]
Michael Field, by Mary Sturgeon 68213
Historical Record of the Eighty-Sixth, or the Royal County Down 68212
Regiment of Foot, by Richard Cannon
[Subtitle: Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment
in 1793, and of its subsequent services to 1842]
Gold and glory, by Grace Stebbing 68211
[Subtitle: or, Wild ways of other days,
a tale of early American discovery]
Portuguese portraits, by Aubrey F. G. Bell 68210
George Bernard Shaw: His Plays, by Henry L. Mencken 68209
Circle of Confusion, by Wesley Long 68208
[Illustrator: Williams]
As the hart panteth, by Hallie Erminie Rives 68207
Morsian, by Emilie Flygare-Carlén 68206
[Language: Finnish]
John Jasper, by William E. Hatcher 68205
[Subtitle: The unmatched Negro philosopher and preacher]
Ballads from the Danish and Original Verses, by E. M. Smith-Dampier 68204
Don't look now, by Henry Kuttner 68203
Noon, by Hudson Hastings 68202
Indian Legends from the land of Al-ay-ek-sa, by Harriet Rossiter 68201
and E. C. Howard
Oottako kuullu, by Jaakko O. Ikola 68200
[Subtitle: Tuhannen prätinöitä Pohjanmaalta]
[Language: Finnish]
Mienne, by Thierry Sandre 68199
[Language: French]
Forest Friends, by Royal Dixon 68198
[Illustrator: Robert Shepard McCourt]
Blind Time, by George O. Smith 68197
Alien, by George O. Smith 68196
A happy half-century and other essays, by Agnes Repplier 68195
Love and tea, by Anna Phillips See 68194
[Subtitle: A comedy-drama of colonial times in two acts]
De Helden van Zuid-Afrika, by L. Penning 68193
[Subtitle: Een Verhaal uit den "Trek" der Afrikaansche Boeren uit
de Kaapkolonie naar de Transvaal]
[Language: Dutch]
David Malan, by D' Arbez 68192
[Subtitle: Een verhaal uit den Grooten Trek]
[Language: Dutch]
Aarne herran rahat, by Selma Lagerlöf 68191
[Subtitle: Kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
Lord Lister No. 0013: De inbraak in den slaapwagen, by Kurt Matull 68190
and Theo Blakensee
[Language: Dutch]
Independence, by Rudyard Kipling 68189
[Subtitle: Rectorial address delivered at St. Andrews
October 10, 1923]
Nagy idők, nagy emberek, by Gereben Vas 68188
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Illustrator: Arthur Heyer]
[Language: Hungarian]
History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France 68187
from the Year 1807 to the Year 1814, Vol. 3 of 6,
by William Francis Patrick Napier
Insect life, by Jean-Henri Fabre 68186
[Subtitle: Souvenirs of a naturalist]
[Illustrator: M. Prendergast Parker]
The passing of the great race,, by Madison Grant 68185
[Subtitle: or, The racial basis of European history]
Dark Dawn, by Keith Hammond 68184
A világegyetem élete és megismerésének története a legrégibb időtől 68183
napjainkig, by Svante Arrhenius
[Language: Hungarian]
The quest of the Silver Swan, by W. Bert Foster 68182
[Subtitle: A land and sea tale for boys]
Address of President Roosevelt at St. Louis, Missouri, October 2, 1907 68181
The book of the ancient Greeks, by Dorothy Mills 68180
[Subtitle: An Introduction to the History and Civilization of Greece
from the Coming of the Greeks to the Conquest of Corinth by Rome
in 146 B.C.]
The triumph over Midian, by A. L. O. E. 68179
Joel Chandler Harris' Life of Henry W. Grady including his writings 68178
and speeches
Among unknown Eskimo, by Julian W. Bilby 68177
[Photographer: Archibald Lang Fleming]
Angola and the River Congo, Vol. 2, by Joachim John Monteiro 68176
The Cornhill Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 2, February, 1860, by Various 68175
The Princess Athura, by Samuel W. Odell 68174
[Subtitle: A romance of Iran]
[Illustrator: Jay Hambidge]
Progressive Chile, by Robert E. Mansfield 68173
The man in grey, by Baroness Emmuska Orczy 68172
[Subtitle: Being episodes of the Chovan conspiracies
in Normandy during the First Empire]
A visit to a farm house, by S. W. 68171
[Subtitle: or, An introduction to various subjects connected
with rural economy. Seventh Edition revised and corrected]
Dream's end, by Henry Kuttner 68170
Sir John Dering, by Jeffery Farnol 68169
[Subtitle: A romantic comedy]
A szocziológia vázlata, by Georges Palante 68168
[Language: Hungarian]
Atomic!, by Henry Kuttner 68167
Metsolan pojat, by John William Nylander 68166
[Subtitle: Maalaiselämää]
[Language: Finnish]
Report of an autopsy on the bodies of Chang and Eng Bunker, 68165
commonly known as the Siamese Twins, by Harrison Allen
In the volcano's mouth, by Frank Sheridan 68164
[Subtitle: or, A boy against an army]
An Outline Of Humor, by Carolyn Wells 68163
[Subtitle: Being a True Chronicle From Prehistoric Ages
to the Twentieth Century]
The Bushwhackers & Other Stories, by Charles Egbert Craddock 68162
Trouble Times Two, by George O. Smith 68161
The black cat, Vol. 1, No. 3, December 1895, by Various 68160
Good citizenship, by Grover Cleveland 68159
The power of kindness and other stories, by T. S. Arthur 68158
[Subtitle: A book for the example and encouragement of the young]
Manual of the apiary, by Albert John Cook 68157
Can Grande's castle, by Amy Lowell 68156
Leliane, by Henri Borel 68155
[Subtitle: een modern sprookje]
[Language: Dutch]
Tirano Banderas, by Ramón del Valle-Inclán 68154
[Subtitle: Novela de tierra caliente]
[Language: Spanish]
The step on the stair, by Anna Katharine Green 68153
Americanism, by Theodore Roosevelt 68152
Early candlelight stories, by Stella C. Shetter 68151
[Illustrator: Dorothy Lake Gregory]
Salt mines and castles, by Thomas Carr Howe 68150
[Subtitle: The discovery and restitution of looted European art]
The martyrdom of Nurse Cavell, by William Thomson Hill 68149
[Subtitle: The Life Story of the Victim
of Germany's Most Barbarous Crime]
Tea and the effects of tea drinking, by W. Scott Tebb 68148
Please pass the cream, by Charles Nevers Holmes 68147
[Subtitle: A comedy]
The vigilantes of Montana, by Thos. J. Dimsdale 68146
[Subtitle: Or, popular justice in the Rocky Mountains]
Use of tobacco among North American Indians, by Ralph Linton 68145
Thoughts upon slavery, by John Wesley 68144
The life record of H. W. Graber, by H. W. Graber 68143
[Subtitle: A Terry Texas Ranger, 1861-1865; sixty-two years in Texas]
>From North Pole to Equator, by Alfred Edmund Brehm 68142
[Subtitle: Studies of Wild Life and Scenes in Many Lands]
The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. 2, No. 3, February, 1836, 68141
by Various
Nick Carter Stories No. 154, August 21, 1915; The Mask Of Death; 68140
or, Nick Carter’s Curious Case, by Nick Carter
Lord Lister No. 0012: Verzonken schatten, by Kurt Matull 68139
and Theo Blakensee
[Language: Dutch]
Le Purgatoire, by Thierry Sandre 68138
[Language: French]
The cake and biscuit book, by Elizabeth Douglas 68137
Address of President Theodore Roosevelt at Cairo, Illinois, 68136
October 3, 1907
Flower o' the lily, by Baroness Emmuska Orczy 68135
[Subtitle: A romance of old Cambray]
The book of Earth, by Alfred Noyes 68134
The history of the proceedings in the case of Margaret, commonly 68133
called Peg, only lawful sister to John Bull, Esq.,
by Adam Ferguson and David Hume
Sheikin pojat, by E. M. Hull 68132
[Subtitle: Romaani aavikoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Obras, by Garcilaso de la Vega 68131
[Language: Spanish]
A handbook of library appliances, by James D. Brown 68130
[Subtitle: The technical equipment of libraries: fittings,
furniture, charging systems, forms, recipes, etc.]
Carlyle's laugh, and other surprises, by Thomas Wentworth Higginson 68129
Memorials of Old Dorset, by Various 68128
Stories from the Iliad: Or, the siege of Troy, by Jeanie Lang 68127
[Subtitle: Told to the Children Series]
[Illustrator: W. Heath Robinson]
My Diary: North and South, Vol. 2 of 2, by William Howard Russell 68126
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, by Various 68125
Fifth Series, Vol. 3, No. 118, April 3, 1886
With the pilgrims to Mecca, by Hadji Khan and Wilfrid Sparroy 68124
[Subtitle: The great pilgrimage of A.H. 1319; A.D. 1902]
The chronicles of Michael Danevitch of the Russian Secret Service, 68123
The Hollow Earth, by F. T. Ives 68122
Pelos suburbios e visinhanças de Lisboa, by Gabriel Pereira 68121
[Language: Portuguese]
Army Pulse Radiation Facility, by The U. S. Army 68120
Address of President Theodore Roosevelt at Keokuk, Iowa, October 1, 1907 68119
Correlated courses in woodwork and mechanical drawing, 68118
by Ira. S. Griffith
Puolan juutalainen, by Erckmann-Chatrian 68117
[Language: Finnish]
Nick Carter Stories, No. 150, The House of Fear; or, Nick Carter's 68116
Counterstroke, by Nick Carter
Kálozdy Béla (2. kötet), by Zsolt Beöthy 68115
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Illustrator: Ödön Kacziány]
[Language: Hungarian]
Kálozdy Béla (1. kötet), by Zsolt Beöthy 68114
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Illustrator: Ödön Kacziány]
[Language: Hungarian]
Jingles, by Winifred Sackville Stoner, Jr. 68113
[Illustrator: Karl Kae Knecht]
A guide to the Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine 68112
in the city of New York, by Edward Hagaman Hall
[Subtitle: Fifth Edition]
Dagboek eener reize ter walvisch- en robbenvangst, in de jaren 1777 68111
en 1778 door Hidde Dirks Kat, by Hidde Kat
[Language: Dutch]
Angola and the River Congo, by Joachim John Monteiro 68110
[Illustrator: Edward Fielding]
Merenneito, by Sofia Elisabet (Elli) Hiidenheimo 68109
[Subtitle: Novelli]
[Language: Finnish]
Nick Carter Stories, No. 155, August 28, 1915; The Gordon Elopement; 68108
or, Nick Carter’s Three Of A Kind, by Nick Carter
Juke-Box, by Woodrow Wilson Smith 68107
Nick Carter Stories No. 152, August 7, 1915; The Forced Crime; 68106
or, Nick Carter’s Brazen Clew, by Nick Carter
The Cabala, by Thornton Niven Wilder 68105
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth 68104
Series, Vol. 3, No. 117, March 27, 1886, by Various
Twenty years at sea, by Frederic Stanhope Hill 68103
[Subtitle: Leaves from my old log-books]
The squaw spy; or the rangers of the lava-beds, by Chas Howard 68102
[Subtitle: Beadle's Pocket Novels No. 97]
Yermah the Dorado, by Frona Eunice Wait Colburn 68101
[Subtitle: The story of a lost race]
Model aeroplanes, by F. J. Camm 68100
[Subtitle: The building of model monoplanes, biplanes, etc.
together with a chapter on building a model airship]
Malthus and his work, by James Bonar 68099
Little Willie, by Eugene Field 68098
Report on the New York Botanical Garden, by Olmsted Brothers 68097
Fifty years hence, by Robert Grimshaw 68096
[Subtitle: or, What May Be in 1943: A Prophecy Supposed to be Based
on Scientific Deductions by an Improved Graphical Method]
Reminiscences of the Chattanooga Campaign, by Isaac C. Doan 68095
Nick Carter Stories No. 149, by Nick Carter 68094
[Subtitle: A Network of Crime; or, Nick Carter's Tangled Skein]
Keeping one cow, by Various 68093
[Subtitle: Being the experience of a number of practical writers
in a clear and condensed form, upon the management of a single
milch cow]
Cargoes for Crusoes, by Grant Martin Overton 68092
The Clevedon Case, by Nancy Oakley 68091
Il tulipano nero, by Alexandre Dumas 68090
[Language: Italian]
Nick Carter Stories, No. 151, by Nick Carter 68089
[Subtitle: The Mystery of the Crossed Needles;
or Niick Carter and the Yellow Tong]
Glad ghosts, by David Herbert Lawrence 68088
Maahengfen uskossa, by Eero Eerola 68087
[Language: Finnish]
La biche écrasée, by Pierre Mille 68086
[Language: French]
Short stories from Life, by Thomas L. Masson 68085
[Subtitle: The 81 prize stories in Life's Shortest Story Contest]
Wild west, by Bertrand W. Sinclair 68084
A day at Happy Hollow School, by Lettie Cook Van Derveer 68083
The blackest page in modern history, by Herbert Adams Gibbons 68082
[Subtitle: Events in Armenia in 1915, the facts
and the responsibilities]
Address of Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, delivered at Boston, Mass., 68081
Saturday, April 27, 1912
Incidents of childhood, by Anonymous 68080
[Subtitle: The tinner’s son]
Maximes, by François de La Rochefoucauld 68079
[Language: Dutch]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 68078
Fifth Series, Vol. 3, No. 116, March 20, 1886, by Various
Observations on the Operation and Use of Mercury in the Venereal 68077
Disease, by Andrew Duncan
Trouble on Titan, by Henry Kuttner 68076
The Lenni Lenape, by Edwin Robert Walker 68075
[Subtitle: or Delaware Indians]
Old Indian trails, by Walter McClintock 68074
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 68073
Fifth Series, Vol. 3, No. 115, March 13, 1886, by Various
Masks: With Jim's beast, Tides, Among the lions, The reason, The house, 68072
by George Middleton
[Subtitle: One act plays of contemporary life]
The Fir-Tree Fairy Book, by Clifton Johnson 68071
[Subtitle: Favorite Fairy Tales]
[Illustrator: Alexander Popini]
Address of President Theodore Roosevelt at Canton, Ohio, 68070
September 30, 1907,
The principal girl, by J. C. Snaith 68069
Female affection, by Basil Montagu 68068
Frank Reade, Jr., with his new steam horse in the great American desert, 68067
by Luis Senarens
On poetic interpretation of nature, by John Campbell Shairp 68066
Salassa maailmalta, by Emilie Flygare-Carlén 68065
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Roman politics, by Frank Frost Abbott 68064
The Red Vineyard, by B. J. Murdoch 68063
The play that won, by Ralph Henry Barbour 68062
[Illustrator: Walt Louderback]
Lud-in-the-mist, by Hope Mirrlees 68061
The political novel, by Joseph Blotner 68060
The man among the monkeys, by Léon Gozlan 68059
[Subtitle: or, Ninety days in apeland]
[Illustrator: Gustave Doré]
Dixie: A monthly magazine, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1899, by Various 68058
Durch Massailand zur Nilquelle, by Oscar Baumann 68057
[Language: German]
Thoughts upon the African Slave Trade, by John Newton 68056
The Gary Schools, by Randolph Bourne 68055
Columbus and Other Heroes of American Discovery, by Nancy D'Anver 68054
The Frugal Life, by Ortensio Lando 68053
[Subtitle: A Paradox]
Address of President Theodore Roosevelt on the Occasion of the Laying 68052
of the Corner Stone of the Pilgrim Memorial Monument, Provincetown,
Massachusetts, August 20, 1907
Mr. Carteret and Others, by David Gray 68051
The Foundling of the Wreck, by Anonymous 68050
Book of Detective Stories, Vol. 1, No. 11, November, 1894, by Anonymous 68049
The Big Mogul, by Joseph C. Lincoln 68048
Off the Beam, by George O. Smith 68047
[Illustrator: Orban]
The Yale Literary Magazine, Vol. 88, No. 8, by Students of Yale 68046
She and He; Lavinia; Memoir, by George Sand 68045
[Subtitle: The masterpieces of George Sand, Vol. 20]
[Illustrator: J. B. Graff]
The Wanderings of an Elephant Hunter, by W. D. M. Bell 68044
Fossil Plants, by Albert Charles Seward 68043
[Subtitle: Volume 1]
The Anti-Slavery Record, Volume 1, No. 7, by Various 68042
The West Point Rivals, by Frederick Garrison 68041
[Subtitle: or, Mark Mallory's Stratagem]
An Open Verdict, Volume 3 of 3, by Mary Elizabeth Braddon 68040
[Subtitle: A Novel]
The Tower of London, Vol. 2 of 2, by Ronald Charles Sutherland Gower 68039
With our Army in Flanders, by Valentine Williams 68038
With The Movie Makers, by John Amid 68037
Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant, Vol. 20 of 29, 68036
by Guy de Maupassant
[Language: French]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth 68035
Series, Vol. 3, No. 114, March 6, 1886, by Various
Memories by Admiral of the Fleet Lord Fisher, by John Fisher 68034
The Loves of the Lady Arabella, by Molly Elliot Seawell 68033
[Illustrators: Clarence F. Underwood and Franklin Booth]
Diabetes: Its Cause and Its Treatment With Insulin, by Russell M. Wilder 68032
“How Can I Help to Abolish Slavery?” or, Counsels to the Newly 68031
Converted, by Maria Weston Chapman
[Subtitle: Anti-Slavery Tracts No. 14]
The Yale Literary Magazine, Vol. 88, No. 6, March 1923, by Various 68030
The Yale Literary Magazine, Vol. 88, No. 5, February 1923, by Various 68029
The Yale Literary Magazine, Vol. 88, No. 4, January 1923, by Various 68028
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 6, December 1842, by Various 68027
A természettudomány fejlődésének története (2. kötet), 68026
by Wilhelm Bölsche
[Language: Hungarian]
A természettudomány fejlődésének története (1. kötet), 68025
by Wilhelm Bölsche
[Language: Hungarian]
Crainquebille y.m. kertomuksia, by Anatole France 68024
[Language: Finnish]
The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, Vol. 85, by Various 68023
[Subtitle: New Series Vol. 63, November 1912 to April 1913]
Nick Carter Stories No. 145, June 19, 1915, by Nick Carter 68022
[Subtitle: An Unsolved Mystery; Or Nick Carter's Goverment Case]
The Yale Literary Magazine, Vol. 88, No. 3, by Students of Yale 68021
The Yale Literary Magazine, Vol. 88, No. 2, by Students of Yale 68020
The Yale Literary Magazine, Vol. 88, No. 1, by Students of Yale 68019
The Peak in Darien, With Some Other Inquiries Touching Concerns 68018
of the Soul and the Body, by Frances Power Cobbe
[Subtitle: An Octave of Essays]
Hazel, by Mary White Ovington 68017
[Illustrator: Harry Roseland]
The Girl Avenger; or, The Beautiful Terror of the Maumee, 68016
by Chas. Howard
[Subtitle: Beadle's Pocket Series No. 89]
Amores, by Publio Ovidio Nasón 68015
[Subtitle: elegías amatorias]
[Language: Spanish]
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 5, November 1842, by Various 68014
Fors Clavigera, Volume 5 of 8, by John Ruskin 68013
[Subtitle: Letters to the workmen and labourers of Great Britain]
Magdalena Rudenschöld Historiallinen kertomus Kustaa III:n ja 68012
herttua-hallitsijan ajoilta, by Sara Pfeiffer
[Language: Finnish]
Etching in England, by Frederick Wedmore 68011
[Subtitle: With 50 illustrations]
La montée aux enfers, by Maurice Magre 68010
[Language: French]
The Last Lady of Mulberry, by Henry Wilton Thomas 68009
[Subtitle: A Story of Italian New York]
[Illustrator: Emil Pollak]
Venus Equilateral, by George O. Smith and John W. Campbell 68008
[Illustrator: Sol Levin]
Special Delivery, by George O. Smith 68007
Recoil, by George O. Smith 68006
QRM-Interplanetary, by George O. Smith 68005
Pandora's Millions, by George O. Smith 68004
The Long Way, by George O. Smith 68003
Identity, by George O. Smith 68002
The Firing Line, by George O. Smith 68001
Calling the Empress, by George O. Smith 68000
Caen et Bayeux, by Henri Prentout 67999
[Language: French]
Beam Pirate, by George O. Smith 67998
The Prodigal Pro Tem, by Frederick Orin Bartlett 67997
[Illustrator: Howard Chandler Christy]
The Angel and the Demon, by Timothy Shay Arthur 67996
[Subtitle: A Tale]
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 4, October 1842, by Various 67995
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth 67994
Series, Vol. 3, No. 113, February 27, 1886, by Various
A francia irodalom főirányai, by Lytton Strachey 67993
[Language: Hungarian]
Twentieth Century French Writers, by Mary Duclaux 67992
[Subtitle: Reviews and Reminiscences]
Die Försterbuben, by Peter Rosegger 67991
[Subtitle: Ein Roman aus den steirischen Alpen]
[Language: German]
Toodle and Noodle Flat-tail, by Howard R. Garis 67990
[Subtitle: The Jolly Beaver Boys]
[Illustrator: Louis Wisa]
The Rambler Club Afloat, by W. Crispin (William Henry) Sheppard 67989
The Vortex, by Noel Coward 67988
[Subtitle: A Play in Three Acts]
H.M.I., by E. M. Sneyd-Kynnersley 67987
[Subtitle: Some Passages in the Life of One of H. M.
Inspectors of Schools]
The Curlytops in the Woods, by Howard R. Garis 67986
[Subtitle: Or, Fun at the Lumber Camp]
[Illustrator: Julia Greene]
Little Guzzy and Other Stories, by John Habberton 67985
Greek Lands and Letters, by Francis Greenleaf Allinson and 67984
Anne Crosby Emery Allinson
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 3, September 1842, by Various 67983
Lord Lister No. 0383: De Fabrieksbaas, by Kurt Matull, Theo Blakensee, 67982
and Felix Hageman
[Language: Dutch]
Az emberiség jövője, by Heinrich Lhotzky 67981
[Language: Hungarian]
The Life and Times of the Rev. Samuel Wesley, by Luke Tyerman 67980
[Subtitle: Rector of Epworth]
The Blue Castle:, by Lucy Maud Montgomery 67979
[Subtitle: a novel]
Prejudices: Fourth Series, by H. L. Mencken 67978
Not Under the Law, by Grace Livingston Hill 67977
故事新讀本, by Anonymous 67976
[Subtitle: 第一冊]
[Language: Chinese]
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 2, August 1842, by Various 67975
Profili impressioni e ricordi, by Anna Radius Zuccari 67974
[Language: Italian]
Secrets of Polar Travel, by Robert E. Peary 67973
Moving Pictures, by Frederick A. Talbot 67972
[Subtitle: How They Are Made and Worked]
Getting Ready to be a Mother, by Carolyn Conant Van Blarcom 67971
[Subtitle: a little book of information and advice for the
young woman who is looking forward to motherhood]
Chinese Pottery and Porcelain, by Robert L. Hobson 67970
[Subtitle: Vol. 1, Pottery and Early Wares]
Phallic Worship, by Anonymous 67969
How to Use and Enjoy Your New Frigidaire Refrigerator, by Anonymous 67968
Peter Parley's Annual, 1855, by Anonymous 67967
[Subtitle: A Christmas and New Year's Present for Young People]
Gereformeerde Dogmatiek, Deel II, by Herman Bavinck 67966
[Language: Dutch]
Aniwee, by Lady Florence Dixie 67965
[Subtitle: or, the Warrior Queen. A tale of the Araucanian Indians
and the mythical Trauco people]
Sana, by Georg Ebers 67964
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Loi du 29 juillet 1881 sur la Liberté de la Presse, by Jules Grévy 67963
and Jules Ferry
[Language: French]
Graham's Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 1, July 1842, by Various 67962
El arte de amar, by Publio Ovidio Nasón 67961
[Language: Spanish]
Tramping With A Poet in the Rockies, by Stephen Graham 67960
and Vachel Lindsay
[Illustrator: Vernon Hill]