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* New eBook Listings from April 2023
The doom trail, by Arthur D. Howden Smith 70683
Emberi problémákm by Sándor Tonelli 70682
[Language: Hungarian]
Slavery: Letters and Speeches, by Horace Mann 70681
Tirol, by Max Haushofer 70680
[Language: German]
The Irish ecclesiastical record, Volume 1, September 1865, 70679
by The Society of Clergymen
Einstein, the searcher;, by Alexander Moszkowski 70678
[Subtitle: his work explained from dialogues with Einstein]
An economic interpretation of the Constitution of the United States, 70677
by Charles A. Beard
Lettres sur l'histoire de France, by Augustin Thierry 70676
[Language: French]
Chicago by day and night, by Anonymous 70675
[Subtitle: The Pleasure Seeker's Guide to the Paris of America]
The glamour of prospecting, by Fred C. Cornell 70674
Sisäiset voimat, by Charles Baudouin 70673
[Language: Finnish]
Scenas do século 18 em Portugal, by Vaz de Carvalho Maria Amalia 70672
[Language: Portuguese]
Harvard episodes, by Charles Macomb Flandrau 70671
Overtones, a book of temperaments, by James Huneker 70670
[Subtitle: Richard Strauss, Parsifal, Verdi, Balzac,
Flaubert, Nietzsche, and Turgénieff]
Aesthetical and philosophical essays, by Friedrick Schiller 70669
[Subtitle: introducing the dissertation on the connection
between the animal and spiritual man]
Needler, by Randall Garrett 70668
[Illustrator: Emsh]
The diagnostics and treatment of tropical diseases, by Edward R. Stitt 70667
The ethics of Hercules, by Robert Chenault Givler 70666
[Subtitle: A study of man's body as the sole determinant
of ethical values]
On harelip and cleft palate, by William Rose 70665
O sangue, by Camillo Castelo Branco 70664
[Language: Portuguese]
Le idee di una donna, by Anna Radius Zuccari 70663
[Language: Italian]
Cultura e opulencia do Brasil por suas drogas e minas, 70662
by Andre Joao Antonil
[Subtitle: com varias noticias curiosas do modo de fazer o assucar;
plantar e beneficiar o tabaco; tirar ouro das minas, e descubrir as
da prata; e dos grandes emolumentos que esta conquista da America
Meridional da' ao Reino de Portugal, com estes, e outros generos,
e contratos reaes]
[Language: Portuguese]
Terre de Chanaan, by Louis Chadourne 70661
[Language: French]
Why do we die?, by Thomas Bodley Scott 70660
Beautiful end, by Constance Holme 70659
The life of Rev. Henry Martyn, by John Hall 70658
[Subtitle: Written for the American Sunday School Union,
with some account of Abdool Messeeh, a Hindoo convert]
Prayer and praying men, by Edward McKendree Bounds 70657
Chronicles and characters of the stock exchange, by John Francis 70656
The Hermit's Cave, by Eleanora H. Stooke 70655
[Subtitle: or, Theodore and Jack]
[Illustrator: Richard Tod]
Submerged forests, by Clement Reid 70654
Rattle of bones, by Robert E. Howard 70653
[Illustrator: Doak]
At the mountains of madness, by H. P. Lovecraft 70652
Passion fruit, by H. De Vere Stacpoole 70651
Les Roses d'Ispahan: La Perse en automobile à travers la Russie 70650
et le Caucase, by Claude Anet
[Language: French]
Catalogue of Valuable Paintings and Water Colors mostly 70649
of the Dutch School, by Anonymous
[Subtitle: Forming the Private Collection of A. Augustus Healy]
The course of creation, by John Anderson 70648
The belt, by Wallace West 70647
Ludus Coventriæ, by James Orchard Halliwell 70646
[Subtitle: A collection of mysteries, formerly represented
at Coventry on the feast of Corpus Christi]
Sam Bass, by Eugene Cunningham 70645
Caroline the Illustrious, Vol. 1 of 2, by W. H. Wilkins 70644
[Subtitle: Queen-Consort of George II and sometime Queen-Regent;
a study of her life and time]
Coca and Cocaine, by William Martindale 70643
[Subtitle: Their history, medical and economic uses,
and medicinal preparations]
Historical Vignettes, 1st Series, by Bernard Capes 70642
Three little maids, by Ethel Turner 70641
[Illustrator: A.J. Johnson]
Third Base Thatcher, by Everett (Deacon) Scott 70640
[Illustrator: Leslie Crump]
The Life and Adventures of Alexander Selkirk, the Real Robinson Crusoe, 70639
by John Howell
[Subtitle: A Narrative found on Facts]
Ribbon in the sky, by Murray Leinster 70638
Journal of Herbert Edward Pretyman written during his expedition 70637
to the Kittar Mountains, between Kenneh (on the Nile)
and the Red Sea, 1891,
Dropped stitches in Tennessee history, by John Allison 70636
Lively plays for live people, by Thomas Stewart Denison 70635
The Benson Murder Case, by S. S. Van Dine 70634
The Territorial Divisions, 1914-1918, by John Stirling 70633
Storia universale del canto, Vol. 2 of 2, by Gabriele Fantoni 70632
[Language: Italian]
Storia universale del canto, Vol. 1 of 2, by Gabriele Fantoni 70631
[Language: Italian]
Public opinion and the teaching of history in the United States, 70630
by Bessie Louise Pierce
A popular history of the United States of America, Vol. 2 of 2, 70629
by Mary Howitt
[Subtitle: from the discovery of the American continent
to the present time]
A popular history of the United States of America, Vol. 1 of 2, 70628
by Mary Howitt
[Subtitle: from the discovery of the American continent
to the present time]
Uncle Wiggily's June Bug Friends, by Howard R. Garis 70627
The tragedy of Monomoy Beach, by Clarkson P. Bearse 70626
[Subtitle: The graveyard of the Atlantic]
Debts hopeful and desperate, by Ruth A. McIntyre 70625
[Subtitle: Financing the Plymouth Colony]
Sanitation in Panama, by William Crawford Gorgas 70624
The deadly thinkers, by William Gray Beyer 70623
The stainless steel rat, by Harry Harrison 70622
Oxford and the Rhodes Scholarships, by R. F. Scholz and S. K. Hornbeck 70621
The logic of modern physics, by Percy Williams Bridgman 70620
A history of criticism and literary taste in Europe, Volume 1 of 3, 70619
by George Saintsbury
[Subtitle: From the earliest texts to the present day]
Lemmink?inen, by Larin-Kyösti 70618
[Subtitle: Viisinäytöksinen näytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
Laululintunen, by Eduard Jakobson 70617
[Subtitle: Laulusekainen näytelmä yhdessä näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
Karhu, by Anton Tshehov 70616
[Subtitle: Pila yhdessä näytöksessä]
[Language: Finnish]
The ritual and significance of the Winnebago medicine dance, 70615
by Paul Radin
Tommy Tiptop and his baseball nine, by Raymond Stone 70614
[Subtitle: or, The Boys of Riverdale and their good times]
A reply to "The affectionate and Christian address of many thousands 70613
of women of Great Britain and Ireland, to their sisters, the women
of the United States of America," by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Les moyens du bord, by Tristan Bernard 70612
[Language: French]
U.S. copyright renewals: artwork 1965-1977, by Copyright Office 70611
The grandfathers' war, by Murray Leinster 70610
No Posting 70609
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, fifth 70608
series, Vol. 3, No. 126, May 29, 1886, by Various
Little Soldiers All, by Eleanora H. Stooke 70607
The last test, by Adolphe de Castro 70606
The black alarm, by George O. Smith 70605
Sophokles, by Emil Zilliacus 70604
[Language: Finnish]
Maantietä pitkin, by Pentti Haanpää 70603
[Language: Finnish]
Kosinta, by Anton Tshehov 70602
[Subtitle: Yksin?yt?ksinen pila]
[Language: Finnish]
Archeology of the lower Mimbres valley, New Mexico, 70601
by Jesse Walter Fewkes
Wanted: Leaders!, by Theodore DeBose Bratton 70600
[Subtitle: A study of Negro development]
The trumpet in the dust, by Constance Holme 70599
A Pet Reader, by Edith Wilhelmina Lawson 70598
[Illustrators: Ludwig Schwem, Regina Schwem, and Leone Schwem]
The Collector's Whatnot, by Cornelius Obenchain Van Loot, 70597
Milton Kilgallen and Murgatroyd Elphinstone
The Byzantines, by Thomas Caldecot Chubb 70596
[Illustrator: Richard M. Powers]
A visit to the Bazaar, by Anonymous 70595
Beautiful Europe, The Engadine, by Spencer Musson 70594
Elizabeth Montagu, the queen of the bluestockings, Volumes 1 and 2, 70593
by Emily Jane Climenson
Elizabeth Montagu, the queen of the bluestockings, Volume 2 of 2, 70592
by Emily Jane Climenson
[Subtitle: Her Correspondence from 1720 to 1761]
Elizabeth Montagu, the queen of the bluestockings, Volume 1 of 2, 70591
by Emily Jane Climenson
[Subtitle: Her Correspondence from 1720 to 1761]
Dark recess, by George O. Smith 70590
Tarzan and the lost empire, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 70589
[Illustrator: Frank Frazetta]
Richardson's New London fashionable gentleman's valentine writer, or, 70588
the lover's own book for this year, by Thomas Richardson
[Subtitle: Containing a very choice selection of original
and popular valentines with appropriate answers]
Terry, by James Hilton 70587
Cutting and draping, by John W. Stephenson 70586
[Subtitle: a practical handbook for upholsterers and decorators]
Afrikan viimeinen kuningas, by John Buchan 70585
[Language: Finnish]
Chambers's journal of popular literature, science, and art, fifth 70584
series, Vol. 3, No. 125, May 22, 1886, by Various
Stopwatch on the world, by Daniel R. Gilgannon 70583
Her fairy prince, by Gertrude Warden 70582
Botanical features of the Algerian Sahara, by William Austin Cannon 70581
No war tomorrow, by Wallace West 70580
The philosophy of Elbert Hubbard, by Elbert Hubbard 70579
Short story classics (Foreign) - Italian and Scandinavian, Vol. 2, 70578
by Various
The Collected Works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 8 of 11, 70577
Felicidade pela Agricultura (Vol. II), by Antonio Feliciano de Castilho 70576
[Language: Portuguese]
Marooned on Australia, by Ernest Favenc 70575
Little Jack Rabbit's big blue book, by David Cory 70574
Bucolic Beatitudes, by Rusticus 70573
[Illustrator: Decie Merwin]
Bomba the jungle boy, by Roy Rockwood 70572
[Subtitle: The old naturalist's secret]
[Illustrator: W. S. Rogers]
Earth needs a killer, by Bryce Walton 70571
Red shadows, by Robert E. Howard 70570
Pvcna porcorvm, by Johannes Placentius 70569
[Language: Latin]
Debating for boys, by William Horton Foster 70568
Grundzüge der Paläontologie, by Karl Alfred von Zittel 70567
[Language: German]
The Collected Works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 7 of 11 70566
A thousand miles up the Nile, by Amelia B. Edwards 70565
Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz, Mitteilungen Band XII, Heft 7-9 70564
[Subtitle: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und Denkmalpflege]
[Language: German]
The romance of my childhood and youth, by Juliette Adam 70563
Be young again!, by Murray Leinster 70562
The writings of Origen, Vol. 1 of 2, 70561
Wie es Licht geworden!, by Maria Luise von Suttner 70560
[Subtitle: Roman]
[Language: German]
Survival of the fittest, by Gene L. Henderson 70559
Sanovat miehen sammuneen, by Giovanni Papini 70558
[Language: Finnish]
Robert Merry's Museum, Vol. 7, Nos. 1-6, by Various 70557
Accounting theory and practice, Volume 2 of 3, by Roy Bernard Kester 70556
[Subtitle: A textbook for colleges and schools
of business administration]
The feather symbol in ancient Hopi designs, by J. Walter Fewkes 70555
Sir Richard's grandson, by Eleanora H. Stooke 70554
[Subtitle: or A soldier's son]
Trotwood's Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 3, December 1905, by Various 70553
Righteous plague, by Robert Abernathy 70552
Peter Voß, der Millionendieb, by Ewald Gerhard Seeliger 70551
[Language: German]
The miracle of Saint Anthony, by Maurice Maeterlinck 70550
Fugue, by Stephen Marlowe 70549
Parodies of the works of English & American authors, vol 6, 70548
by Walter Hamilton
Parodies of the works of English & American authors, vol 5, 70547
by Walter Hamilton
Parodies of the works of English & American authors, Vol. 4, 70546
by Walter Hamilton
Parodies of the works of English & American authors, vol 3, 70545
by Walter Hamilton
Parodies of the works of English & American authors, vol 2, 70544
by Walter Hamilton
Color, by Countee Cullen 70543
Comedias, tomo 3 de 3, by Aristophanes 70542
[Subtitle: Las Fiestas de Ceres, las Ranas, las Junteras, Pluto]
[Language: Spanish]
Star bright, by Bryce Walton 70541
Skulls in the stars, by Robert E. Howard 70540
[Illustrator: Hugh Rankin]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 70539
fifth series, Vol. 3, No. 124, May 15, 1886, by Various
Job le prédestiné, by Émile Baumann 70538
[Language: French]
The city of Jerusalem, by Claude Reignier Conder 70537
The land of hidden men, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 70536
[Illustrator: Roy Krenkel]
The world's navies in the Boxer rebellion, China 1900, by C. C. Dix 70535
Les creux-de-maisons, by Ernest Pérochon 70534
[Language: French]
The seven books of Paulus Ægineta, volume 3 of 3, 70533
[Subtitle: translated from the Greek, with a commentary embracing
a complete view of the knowledge possessed by the Greeks, Romans,
and Arabians on all subjects connected with medicine and surgery]
The seven books of Paulus Ægineta, volume 2 of 3, 70532
[Subtitle: translated from the Greek, with a commentary embracing
a complete view of the knowledge possessed by the Greeks, Romans,
and Arabians on all subjects connected with medicine and surgery]
The seven books of Paulus Ægineta, volume 1 of 3, 70531
[Subtitle: translated from the Greek, with a commentary embracing
a complete view of the knowledge possessed by the Greeks, Romans,
and Arabians on all subjects connected with medicine and surgery]
Physician and patient, by Worthington Hooker 70530
[Subtitle: or, a practical view of the mutual duties, relations
and interests of the medical profession and the community]
Little Arthur's history of England, by Lady Maria Callcott 70529
English printers' ornaments, by Henry R. Plomer 70528
The Eagle's eye, by William J. Flynn and Courtney Ryley Cooper 70527
The Canterbury pilgrims, by Percy MacKaye 70526
[Subtitle: A comedy]
Sahara, by Angus Buchanan 70525
Bird's nest, a fantasy in one act, by Tracy D. Mygatt 70524
Remarks on the speeches of William Paul, Clerk, and John Hall 70523
of Otterburn, Esq., by Anonymous
[Subtitle: Executed at Tyburn for rebellion, the 13th of July, 1716]
For the freedom of the seas, by Ralph Henry Barbour 70522
[Illustrator: Charles L. Wrenn]
The hermit's Christmas, by David de Forest Burrell 70521
Naomi, by Mrs. J. B. Webb 70520
[Subtitle: or the last days of Jerusalem]
A csókok éjszakája és egyéb elbeszélések, by Ferenc Molnár 70519
[Language: Hungarian]
Nippon-ország naposkertje, by Ignácz Kúnos 70518
[Subtitle: Japán népmesék]
[Language: Hungarian]
The glue book, by J. A. Taggart 70517
[Subtitle: How to select, prepare and use glue]
Now we are six, by A. A. Milne 70516
[Illustrator: Ernest H. Shepard]
Yuletide entertainments, by Ellen M. Willard 70515
[Subtitle: Christmas recitations, monologues, drills, tableaux,
motion songs, exercises, dialogues and plays]
The Survey, volume 30, number 7, Apr-Sep, 1913, by Paul U. Kellogg 70514
The non-stop stowaway, by Clayton Knight 70513
[Subtitle: The story of a long distance flight]
The life, travels, exploits, frauds and robberies of Charles Speckman, 70512
by Charles Speckman
De republiek van Plato, by Plato 70511
[Subtitle: In het Nederduitsch overgebragt]
[Language: Dutch]
Hiljaisten metsien tyttö, by Stewart Edward White 70510
[Language: Finnish]
A caricature history of Canadian politics, by Ben Bengough 70509
and Hugh MacMahon
[Subtitle: events from the union of 1841, as illustrated by cartoons
from "Grip", and various other sources]
The Cornhill Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 6, June 1860, by Various 70508
The Cornhill Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 5, May 1860, by Various 70507
The family at Misrule, by Ethel Turner 70506
[Illustrator: A. J. Johnson]
Louise et Barnavaux, by Pierre Mille 70505
[Language: French]
Barnavaux et quelques femmes, by Pierre Mille 70504
[Language: French]
Washington, by Harriet Earhart Monroe 70503
[Subtitle: Its sights and insights, 1903]
On the red staircase, by M. Imlay Taylor 70502
Moon of memory, by Bryce Walton 70501
[Illustrator: Luros]
Gentlemen: please note, by Randall Garrett 70500
[Illustrator: Freas]
Medium boiled, by Thomson Burtis 70499
The evergreen tree, by Percy MacKaye 70498
The Oxford Methodists, by Luke Tyerman 70497
[Subtitle: Memoirs of the Rev. Messrs. Clayton,
Ingham, Gambold, Hervey, and Broughton]
Turn backward, o time!, by Walter Kubilius 70496
The great inquiry, by Hilaire Belloc 70495
[Illustrator: G. K. Chesterton]
Second stage lensmen, by E.E. Smith 70494
The Prince of Wales and other famous Americans, by Miguel Covarrubias 70493
Aspects of the novel, by Edward Morgan Forster 70492
Elfin Land, by Josephine Pollard 70491
[Artist: Walter Saterlee]
Polite bunny, by Laura Rountree Smith 70490
[Illustrator: Penny Ross]
A true & exact history of the island of Barbados, by Richard Ligon 70489
The keeper of Red Horse Pass, by W. C. Tuttle 70488
A new name, by Grace Livingston Hill 70487
The lurking fear, by H. P. Lovecraft 70486
The things which belong?, by Constance Holme 70485
Primitive culture, Vol. 2 of 2, by Edward B. Tylor 70484
[Subtitle: Researches into the development of mythology,
philosophy, religion, language, art, and custom]
Children of the lens, by E. E. Smith 70483
Prosperity's Child, by Eleanora H. Stooke 70482
[Illustrator: J. MacFarlane]
A man made of money, by Douglas Jerrold 70481
[Illustrator: John Leech]
Old Cape Cod; the land, the men, the sea, by Mary Rogers Bangs 70480
Geoffrey?s victory;, by Georgie Sheldon 70479
[Subtitle: or, the double deception]
The silver key, by H. P. Lovecraft 70478
The O. S. U. Naturalist, vol 1, no. 2, December, 1900, by Various 70477
India:, by Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth 70476
[Subtitle: the pearl of Pearl River]
Atomic bonanza, by George O. Smith 70475
Queenie Hetherton, by Mary J. Holmes 70474
Forrest house, by Mary J. Holmes 70473
[Subtitle: A novel]
Randvar the songsmith, by Ottilie Adelina Liljencrantz 70472
Kabuki, by Zoë Kincaid 70471
[Subtitle: The popular stage of Japan]
The Bodleian Library at Oxford, by Falconer Madan 70470
Papa Bouchard, by Molly Elliott Seawell 70469
[Illustrator: William Glackens]
Rebilius Crūsō, by Daniel Defoe 70468
[Subtitle: Robinson Crusoe, in Latin; a book
to lighten tedium to a learner]
[Language: Latin]
The attache at Peking, by Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford 70467
Reaching for the moon, by S. A. Lombino 70466
Opinions, by Claude Washburn 70465
Absolutely no paradox, by Lester del Rey 70464
The Pennsylvania Journal of prison discipline and philanthropy, 70463
Vol. 8, No. 3, July 1853, by Anonymous
The hermit of the forest, by Anonymous 70462
[Subtitle: or Wandering infants, a rural tale]
An Egyptian oasis, by H. J. Llewellyn Beadnell 70461
[Subtitle: An account of the oasis of Kharga in the Libyan desert,
with special reference to its history, physical geography, and
Docas, by Genevra Sisson Snedden 70460
[Subtitle: The Indian boy of Santa Clara]
"To let", by B. M. Croker 70459
Primitive culture, Vol. 1 of 2, by Edward B. Tylor 70458
[Subtitle: Researches into the development of mythology,
philosophy, religion, language, art, and custom]
Tumbling river range, by W. C. Tuttle 70457
Tomato products: pulp, ketchup, and chili sauce, by W. D. Bigelow 70456
and A. E. Stevenson
Angel's Brother, by Eleanora H. Stooke 70455
[Illustrator: W. H. C. Groome]
Der Bruderhof, by Heinrich Sohnrey 70454
[Subtitle: Eine bäuerliche Liebes- und Leidens-Geschichte]
[Language: German]
Clerk Maxwell's electromagnetic theory, by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz 70453
The man-eaters and other odd people, by Mayne Reid 70452
[Subtitle: A popular description of singular races of man]
Haeckel: his life and work, by Wilhelm Bölsche 70451
The boys in white, by Julia S. Wheelock 70450
[Subtitle: The experience of a hospital agent in and around Washington]
Bluffer's Luck, by W. C. Tuttle 70449
Tokology, by Alice B. Stockham 70448
[Subtitle: A book for every woman]
The Nantucket Indians, by Robert Alexander Douglas-Lithgow 70447
Olivia, by Charles Garvice 70446
[Subtitle: It was for her sake]
Host and Guest, by Andrew Valentine Kirwan 70445
[Subtitle: a book about dinners, dinner-giving, wines, and desserts]
French & English, by Philip Gilbert Hamerton 70444
[Subtitle: A comparison]
Governor Bradford's First Dialog, by William Bradford 70443
The Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth songster, by Various 70442
The Anzac Book, by Various 70441
The awakening, by Henry Bordeaux 70440
In het land der zon, by M. T. H. Perelaer 70439
[Subtitle: Een kwart eeuw tusschen de keerkringen]
[Language: Dutch]
Women compositors, by H. G. B. 70438
[Subtitle: A guide to the composing room]
The eagle's masque, by Tom Tit 70437
Devil tales, by Virginia Frazer Boyle 70436
[Illustrator: A. B. Frost]
Bingo und andere Tiergeschichten, by Ernest Thompson Seton 70435
[Language: German]
Americans by adoption, by Joseph Husband 70434
[Subtitle: Brief biographies of great citizens born in foreign lands]
The floral symbolism of the great masters, by Elizabeth Haig 70433
Clouds of witness, by Dorothy L. Sayers 70432