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December 2024
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* New eBook Listings from October-November 2024
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Nov 2024 to 30 Nov 2024 ~ ~ ~ ~
Aux pays du Soudan - Bogos, Mensah, Souakim, by Denis de Rivoyre 74823
[Illustrator: Ernest Martin-Chablis]
[Language: French]
Our trip to Blunderland, by Jean Jambon 74822
[Subtitle: or, grand excursion to Blundertown and back]
[Illustrator: Charles Doyle]
Lord Lister no. 0053: Een huwelijksreis, by Kurt Matull 74821
and Theo Blakensee
[Language: Dutch]
Hiiliä, by Aku Päiviö 74820
[Language: Finnish]
M. Renan, l'Allemagne et l'athéisme au XIXe siècle, by Ernest Hello 74819
[Language: French]
Anonymity, by Edward Morgan Forster 74818
[Subtitle: an enquiry]
L'Inquisition médiévale, by Jean Guiraud 74817
[Language: French]
Iloinen Harbori, by Kalle Potti 74816
[Language: Finnish]
Richard Lepsius, a biography, by Georg Ebers 74815
Justin Morgan, founder of his race, by Eleanor Waring Burnham 74814
[Subtitle: the romantic history of a horse]
he commonwealth of cells, by Herbert George Flaxman Spurrell 74813
[Subtitle: Some popular essays on human physiology]
Reminiscences of an Army nurse during the Civil War, 74812
by Adelaide W. Smith
Matkamuistelmia Egyptistä, Siinailta ja Palestiinasta 1859-1860, 74811
by Gustaf af Beskow
Language: Finnish]
Rapport sur une mission botanique exécutée en 1884 dans la région 74810
saharienne, au nord des grands chotts et dans les îles de la côte
orientale de la Tunisie, by Napoléon Doumet-Adanson
[Language: French]
Stokers and pokers, by Francis Bond Head 74809
[Subtitle: The London and North-Western Railway, the electric
telegraph, and the railway clearing-house]
Buddhan elämäntarina, by S. Takajama 74808
[Language: Finnish]
Queenie's whim, Volume 3 of 3, by Rosa Nouchette Carey 74807
[Subtitle: A novel]
Queenie's whim, Volume 2 of 3, by Rosa Nouchette Carey 74806
[Subtitle: A novel]
Queenie's whim, Volume 1 of 3, by Rosa Nouchette Carey 74805
[Subtitle: A novel]
Text-book of forensic medicine and toxicology, by R. J. M. Buchanan 74804
Hirmuhallitus, by Alexandre Dumas 74803
[Language: Finnish]
The sweet miracle, by Eça de Queirós 74802
Rapport sur une mission botanique exécutée en 1884 dans le nord, le 74801
sud et l'ouest de la Tunisie, by Aristide Letourneux
[Language: French]
L'Auvergne, by Jean Ajalbert 74800
[Illustrator: Alfred Montader]
[Language: French]
Adobe days, by Sarah Bixby-Smith 74799
[Subtitle: being the truthful narrative of the events in the life
of a California girl on a sheep ranch and in El Pueblo de Nuestra
Señora de Los Angeles
Tolerance, by Hendrik Willem Van Loon 74798
Maison-Rougen ritari, by Alexandre Dumas 74797
[Language: Finnish]
Viola's vanity, by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller 74796
[Subtitle: or, A bitter expiation]
Gala Placidia, by Angel Guimera 74795
[Subtitle: Tragedia en tres actes]
[Language: Catalan]
Noarderljocht, by Douwe Kalma 74794
[Language: Frisian]
What happened to Tad, by Mary E. Ropes 74793
Cuming's Tour to the Western Country, 1807-1809, by Fortescue Cuming 74792
Round robin, by Abbie Farwell Brown 74791
De l'assassinat considéré comme un des Beaux-Arts, by Thomas de Quincey 74790
[Language: French]
La fortune de Fortuné, by Pierre Billotey 74789
[Language: French]
Goethes Lebenskunst, by Wilhelm Bode 74788
[Language: German]
The happy tree, by Rosalind Murray 74787
Historic buildings, by Various 74786
[Subtitle: as seen and described by great writers]
Le jour du Seigneur, by Ernest Hello 74785
[Language: French]
Elämän helle, by Huugo Jalkanen 74784
[Subtitle: Runoja]
[Language: Finnish]
Boynton Bicycle Railway System, by Anonymous 74783
The fate of Fenella, by Various 74782
[Subtitle: A novel]
De drie vrouwen in het heilige woud, by Augusta de Wit 74781
[Author: Augusta de Wit] [Language: Dutch]
The illustrious Dr. Mathéus, by Alexandre Chatrian and Émile Erckmann 74780
Contes pour lire au crépuscule, by Avesnes 74779
[Language: French]
Keynotes, by George Egerton 74778
Markiisitar de Pompadour, by Dora Duncker 74777
[Subtitle: Kuvaus Ludvig XV:n rakastajattaresta]
[Language: Finnish]
The early court of Queen Victoria, by Clare Jerrold 74776
Viimeinen laiva, by Maila Talvio 74775
[Subtitle: Kolminäytöksinen näytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
People of the veil: being an account of the habits, organisation and 74774
history of the wandering Tuareg tribes which inhabit the mountains
of Air or Asben in the central Sahara, by Francis Rennell Rodd
The freed boy in Alabama, by Anne M. Mitchell 74773
The greatest story in the world, Period 3 of 3, by Horace G. Hutchinson 74772
[Subtitle: The development of the modern world]
The greatest story in the world, Period 2 of 3, by Horace G. Hutchinson 74771
[Subtitle: The further story of the Old World
up to the discovery of the New]
The greatest story in the world, Period 1 of 3, by Horace G. Hutchinson 74770
The woman of to-morrow, by Helen M. Winslow 74769
The swing of the pendulum, by Adriana Spadoni 74768
That worlds may live, by Nelson S. Bond 74767
Kunnon kansalaisia, by Kálmán Mikszáth 74766
[Subtitle: Viisitoista tarinaa]
[Language: Finnish]
A theory of pure design: harmony, balance, rhythm, by Denman W. Ross 74765
Biobliographical history of electricity & magnetism, by Paul Fleury 74764
Lost Gip, by Hesba Stretton 74763
Vers la lumière... impressions vécues : affaire Dreyfus, 74762
by Caroline Rémy
[Language: French]
Kun piiat ovat lakossa, by Martti Wuori 74761
[Subtitle: Ivallinen ilveily 3:na näytöksenä]
[Language: Finnish]
Aurelia, by Hilda Huntuvuori 74760
[Subtitle: Itämainen kuvaus Kristuksen ajoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
In the Tennessee Mountains, by Charles Egbert Craddock 74759
Satukirja lapsille, by Anonymous 74758
[Subtitle: Norjalaisia kansansatuja]
[Language: Finnish]
Viennese medley, by Edith O'Shaughnessy 74757
Aztec place-names, by Frederick Starr 74756
[Subtitle: Their meaning and mode of composition]
A story teller's story, by Sherwood Anderson 74755
[Subtitle: The tale of an American writer's journey through
his own imaginative world and through the world of facts]
Elizabeth, Betsy, and Bess, schoolmates, by Amy E. Blanchard 74754
[Illustrator: Frank T. Merrill]
The well in the wood, by Bert Leston Taylor 74753
[Illustrator: F. Y. Cory]
Suurten metsien salasta, by Simo Eronen 74752
[Subtitle: Pohjoiskarjalaisia kertomuksia]
[Language: Finnish]
Anthology of modern Indian poetry, by Various 74751
Coming of age in Samoa, by Margaret Mead 74750
[Subtitle: A psychological study of primitive youth
for western civilisation]
Du doute à la foi, by François Tournebize 74749
[Language: French]
Straws and prayer-books; dizain des diversions, by James Branch Cabell 74748
Varens en mos, by Jan Ritskes Kloosterman 74747
[Language: Dutch]
Esther, by Ann S. Stephens 74746
[Subtitle: A story of the Oregon trail]
The weary blues, by Langston Hughes 74745
The windfall, by Charles Egbert Craddock 74744
Kolmen teinin lauluja, by Heikki Asunta, Martti Merenmaa 74743
and Einari Vuorela
[Language: Finnish]
Here and beyond, by Edith Wharton and E. C. Caswell 74742
Horse-hoeing husbandry, by Jethro Tull 74741
[Subtitle: or, an essay on the principles of vegetation and tillage]
Suomen apostoli, by Hilda Huntuvuori 74740
[Language: Finnish]
A military dictionary, by William Duane 74739
Fairview boys on a ranch, by Frederick Gordon 74738
[Subtitle: Or, Riding with the cowboys]
[Illustrator: R. Emmett Owen]
The Santa Claus Brownies, by Ethel Calvert Phillips 74737
By Neva's waters, by John R. Carling 74736
[Subtitle: Being an episode in the secret history
of Alexander the First, Czar of all the Russias]
Murtuneita, by Kaarle Halme 74735
[Subtitle: Nelinäytöksinen näytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
Caleb Field, by Margaret Oliphant 74734
Scrambled Eggs, by Lawton Mackall 74733
[Illustrator: Oliver Herford]
On the theory of the infinite in modern thought, by E. F. Jourdain 74732
[Subtitle: Two introductory studies]
Kapinoitsija, by Ilmari Kianto 74731
[Language: Finnish]
California Illustrated; Including a description of the Panama and 74730
Nicaragua Routes, by J. M. Letts
La colla d'en Pep Mata o "Els martirs de l'Inquisició", 74729
by Ignasi Iglésias
[Subtitle: Sainet]
[Language: Catalan]
History of the World War, Volume 4 of 7, by Francis A. March 74728
[Subtitle: An authentic narrative of the world's greatest war]
[Photographers: James H. Hare and Donald Thompson]
History of the World War, Volume 2 of 7, by Francis A. March 74727
[Subtitle: An authentic narrative of the world's greatest war]
[Photographers: James H. Hare and Donald Thompson]
History of the World War, Volume 1 of 7, by Francis A. March 74726
[Subtitle: An authentic narrative of the world's greatest war]
[Photographers: James H. Hare and Donald Thompson]
Jamaica as it is, 1903, by Bessie Pullen-Burry 74725
Henoch Arden, by Alfred Tennyson 74724
[Language: Dutch]
The first voyage round the world, by Magellan, by Antonio Pigafetta 74723
[Subtitle: translated from the accounts of Pigafetta,
and other contemporary writers]
Ankarat tähdet, by Vilho Helanen 74722
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Du Niger au golfe de Guinée par le pays de Kong et le Mossi, 74721
tome 2 (de 2), by Louis Gustave Binger
{Illustrator: Édouard Riou]
[Language: French]
Du Niger au golfe de Guinée par le pays de Kong et le Mossi, 74720
tome 1 (de 2), by Louis Gustave Binger
[Illustrator: Édouard Riou]
[Language: French]
A summary of the history, construction and effects in warfare of the 74719
projectile-throwing engines of the ancients with a treatise on the
structure, power and management of Turkish and other Oriental bows
of mediæval and later times, by Ralph Payne-Gallwey
Miss Ayr of Virginia & other stories, by Julia Magruder 74718
When I was a boy in China, by Yan Phou Lee 74717
Handbook on dress and cloak cutting, by Chas. Hecklinger 74716
Syyttäjät, by L. Onerva 74715
[Subtitle: Nelinäytöksinen draama]
[Language: Finnish]
The black ship: with other allegories and parables, 74714
by Elizabeth Rundle Charles
The opinions of Jérôme Coignard, by Anatole France 74713
Soidinsaari, by Simo Eronen 74712
[Subtitle: Tarina Koitereen Malmilautoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
Par-dessus le mur, by Frédéric Boutet 74711
[Language: French]
Celtic Scotland, by William Forbes Skene 74710
[Subtitle: A history of ancient Alban]
A knight of the air, by Henry Coxwell 74709
[Subtitle: Or, The aerial rivals]
German wit and humor, by Minna Sophie Marie Baumann Downes 74708
[Subtitle: A collection from various sources
classified under appropriate subject headings]
Den gåtfulle dubbelgångaren, by Mr. C. 74707
[Language: Swedish]
In the clouds, by Charles Egbert Craddock 74706
Herr Corpwieth gentleman-detektiv, by Tre herrar 74705
[Language: Swedish]
Obras dramáticas de Eurípides (2 de 3), by Eurípides 74704
[Subtitle: Las Troyanas, Heracles furioso, Electra,
Ifigenia en Áulide, Ifigenia en Táuride, Helena]
[Language: Spanish]
Milly's errand, by Emma Leslie 74703
[Subtitle: Or, Saved to save]
The Bee, No. 30, Thursday, July 25, 1901, by Various 74702
Where the West begins, by Austin Hall 74701
My toughest trip, by Robert William Reading 74700
Code of the Mounted, by Floria Howe Bruess 74699
A good old scout, by Theodore Seixas Solomons 74698
Nälkätalvena, by Väinö Kataja 74697
[Subtitle: Katovuoden kuvaus]
[Language: Finnish]
Wind of destiny, by Sara Lindsay Coleman 74696
The old house, and other stories, by Blanche Sellers Ortmann 74695
Rusbrock l'Admirable (œuvres choisies), by Jan van Ruusbroec 74694
[Language: French]
A Yankee Doctor in Paradise, by Sylvester Maxwell Lambert 74693
Odenwaldin tammi, by Otto Roquette 74692
[Language: Finnish]
Christmas in modern story, by Various 74691
[Subtitle: An anthology for adults]
Cole of Spyglass Mountain, by Arthur Preston Hankins 74690
Liekki, by L. Onerva 74689
[Subtitle: Runoja]
[Language: Finnish]
Le Robinson des Alpes, by Gustave Aimard 74688
[Language: French]
Captains of souls, by Edgar Wallace 74687
Rovine, by Giovanni Faldella 74686
[Language: Italian]
Kaunis päivä, by Herman Bang 74685
[Subtitle: ynnä muita kertomuksia]
[Language: Finnish]
Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz, Mitteilungen Band XV, Heft 1-2, 74684
by Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz
[Subtitle: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz, Volkskunde und Denkmalpflege]
[Language: German]
A dangerous friend, by Emma Leslie 74683
[Subtitle: or, Tom's three months in London]
The life of the emperor Francis Joseph, by Francis Henry Gribble 74682
Presidential addresses and state papers, Volume 3 of 7, 74681
by Theodore Roosevelt
Presidential addresses and state papers, Volume 2 of 7, 74680
by Theodore Roosevelt
In het groothertogdom Luxemburg, by Pierre Sixemonts 74679
[Subtitle: De aarde en haar volken, 1916]
[Language: Dutch]
Unter Wilden am Amazonas, by Charles William Domville-Fife 74678
[Subtitle: Forschungen und Abenteuer bei Kopfjägern
und Menschenfressern]
[Illustrator: Hanns Langenberg]
[Language: German]
Lempiäniemen tyttäret, by Maila Talvio 74677
[Language: Finnish]
Travels in Eastern Africa, Volume 2 of 2, by Lyons McLeod 74676
[Subtitle: with the narrative of a residence in Mozambique]
Travels in Eastern Africa, Volume 1 of 2, by Lyons McLeod 74675
[Subtitle: with the narrative of a residence in Mozambique]
Portraits of women, by Gamaliel Bradford 74674
My autobiography, by Benito Mussolini 74673
Heath's French and English dictionary, by James Boïelle 74672
Elämän pyörteissä, by Gudda Behrend 74671
[Language: Finnish]
Loved and lost, by Bertha Clay 74670
[Subtitle: A deadly secret]
The twelve best short stories in the French language, by Various 74669
Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz -- Mitteilungen Band XIV, 74668
Heft 9-12, by Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz
[Subtitle: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz, Volkskunde und Denkmalpflege]
[Language: German]
History of the big bonanza, by Dan De Quille 74667
Ah, Oskar!, by Augustin Scribe 74666
[Subtitle: Kolminäytöksinen huvinäytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
Der Weg nach Heilisoe, by Paul Steinmüller 74665
[Language: German]
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Oct 2024 to 31 Oct 2024 ~ ~ ~ ~
A brief history of the 3rd Battalion, 1st Punjab Regiment, by Anonymous 74664
Huhtikuun Manta, by Maila Talvio 74663
[Language: Finnish]
The mirror and the bracelet, by A. L. O. E. and C. M. Tucker 74662
[Subtitle: Or, little bullets from Batala]
A voyage to South America, with an account of a shipwreck in the river 74661
La Plata, in the year 1817, by George Fracker
Panama to Patagonia, by Charles Melville Pepper 74660
[Subtitle: The Isthmian Canal and the west coast
countries of South America]
Elämänhurman häipyessä, by Rosamond Lehmann 74659
[Language: Finnish]
Vaiheita, by Sigurd 74658
[Subtitle: Kokoelma pieniä kertomuksia]
[Language: Finnish]
Sea yarns, by Joshua N. Taylor 74657
[Subtitle: The log of a Cape Cod sea captain]
Runojalkoja, by Onni E. Helkiö 74656
[Language: Finnish]
Lady Bell, Volume 1 of 3, by Sarah Tytler 74655
[Subtitle: A story of last century]
Essays on the use and limit of the imagination in science, 74654
by John Tyndall
Uuden runomittaopin alkeita, by Onni E. Helkiö 74653
[Language: Finnish]
The world's leading conquerors, by Wilson Lloyd Bevan 74652
[Subtitle: Alexander the Great, Cæsar, Charles the Great,
the Ottoman sultans, the Spanish conquistadors, Napoleon]
Frank Hardy's choice, by C. O'Brien 74651
[Subtitle: and what came of it]
A voyage of discovery, by Charles Hamilton Aïdé 74650
[Subtitle: A novel of American society]
El meu amic Pellini i altres contes, by Prudenci Bertrana 74649
[Language: Catalan]
Tékozlók, by Knut Hamsun 74648
[Subtitle: (Koruk gyermekei)]
[Language: Hungarian]
The chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, by Enguerrand de Monstrelet 74647
[Subtitle: containing an account of the cruel civil wars
between the houses of Orleans and Burgundy]
My betrothed and other poems, by Lizzie Magie 74646
Bessie at school, by Joanna H. Mathews 74645
A land-girl's love story, by Berta Ruck 74644
[Illustrator: Edward C. Caswell]
The Italian, Volume 1 of 3, by Ann Radcliffe 74643
[Subtitle: or, the confessional of the black penitents]
The collected works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 11 of 11 74642
Kreivin kaupunki I, by Simo Eronen 74641
[Subtitle: Historiallinen romaani Pietari Brahen
aikuiselta Pielisen pokostalta]
[Language: Finnish]
The Italian, Volume 2 of 3, by Ann Radcliffe 74640
[Subtitle: or, the confessional of the black penitents]
Fröken Liwin, by Marika Stiernstedt 74639
[Language: Swedish]
Tension, by E. M. Delafield 74638
Untuvainen, by Selma Lagerlöf 74637
[Subtitle: Nelinäytöksinen huvinäytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
A daughter of strife, by Jane Helen Findlater 74636
The minstrel's curse, by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller 74635
Mestari Garp, by Kaarle Halme 74634
[Subtitle: Yksinäytöksinen näytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
The poor Count's Christmas, by Frank R. Stockton 74633
The Knights of St. John:, by Augusta Theodosia Drane 74632
[Subtitle: with the Battle of Lepanto and Siege of Vienna]
Paris, by B. H. Liddell Hart 74631
[Subtitle: or the future of war]
In the "stranger people's" country, by Charles Egbert Craddock 74630
[Subtitle: A novel]
The Musgrave controversy, by Charles d'Eon de Beaumont 74629
and Samual Musgrave
[Subtitle: being a collection of curious and interesting papers
on the subject of the late peace]
La tasse de saxe, by Jacques Bainville 74628
[Language: French]
Talonhuijari, by Maila Talvio 74627
[Language: Finnish]
Everybody's business, by Agnes Giberne 74626
Cinderella's prince, by Marian I. Hurrell 74625
The imperial Japanese navy, by Frederick Thomas Jane 74624
Karjanäyttelyssä, by Väinö Kataja 74623
[Subtitle: Kaksinäytöksinen huvinäytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
The last voyage of the Karluk, by Robert A Bartlett 74622
[Subtitle: Flagship of Vilhjalmar Stefansson's
Canadian Arctic expedition of 1913-16]
The road to glory, by E. Alexander Powell 74621
The Tribes and Castes of the North-Western Provinces and Oudh, 74620
Volume 1 of 4, by William Crooke
A book of women's verse, by Various 74619
Cagliostro, by William Rutherford Hayes Trowbridge 74618
[Subtitle: The splendour and misery of a master of magic]
Confessio Sancti Patricii, by Saint Patrick 74617
[Language: Latin]
Epistola ad Coroticum, by Saint Patrick 74616
[Language: Latin]
Lauluja wanhasta kaupungista, by Larin-Kyösti 74615
[Language: Finnish]
Japan, by Walter Dickson 74614
[Subtitle: The world's best histories]
Dombey en zoon, by Charles John Huffam Dickens 74613
[Illustrator: Frederick Barnard]
[Language: Dutch]
Diverging roads, by Rose Wilder Lane 74612
Kun isoja herroja kulki Heinärannan kautta, by Väinö Kataja 74611
[Subtitle: Kyläkertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz -- Mitteilungen Band 14, Heft 7-8, 74610
by Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz
[Subtitle: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz, Volkskunde und Denkmalpflege]
[Language: German]
Heinärannan osuusmeijeri, by Väinö Kataja 74609
[Subtitle: Kyläkuvaus]
[Language: Finnish]
Portugal of the Portuguese, by Aubrey F. G. Bell 74608
Heinärannan olympialaiset, by Väinö Kataja 74607
[Subtitle: Kyläkuvaus]
[Language: Finnish]
La lega dei giovani, by Henryk Ibsen 74606
[Language: Italian]
Compendio del viaje del joven Anacarsis a la Grecia, 2 de 2, 74605
by Jean-Jacques Barthélemy
[Language: Spanish]
Compendio del viaje del joven Anacarsis a la Grecia, 1 de 2, 74604
by Jean-Jacques Barthélemy
[Language: Spanish]
Crump folk going home, by Constance Holme 74603
With George Washington into the wilderness, by Edwin L. Sabin 74602
[Subtitle: The Adventures of Robert the hunter while he was
learning to be a new American under the young chief, George
Washington, when the Ohio country was gained for the
English-speaking people and Washington himself won the right
to high command in war and peace]
[Illustrator: Will Thomson]
The Black Forge mills, by William Pendleton Chipman 74601
Heinärannan Iso-Musta, by Väinö Kataja 74600
[Subtitle: Kyläkuvaus]
[Language: Finnish]
L'enfant taciturne, by Magali Boisnard 74599
[Language: French]
A marrying man, by Gladys Bronwyn Stern 74598
Novelle, by Giovanni Visconti Venosta 74597
[Language: Italian]
Musta raita, by Aino Kallas 74596
[Subtitle: Valikoima virolaisaiheisia novelleja]
[Language: Finnish]
The president's daughter, by Nan Britton 74595
Gena of the Appalachians, by Clarence Monroe Wallin 74594
The baseball boys of Lakeport, by Edward Stratemeyer 74593
[Subtitle: The winning run]
[Illustrator: Max Klepper]
Murheen voima, by Väinö Kataja 74592
[Subtitle: Erämaan tarina]
[Language: Finnish]
George Bernard Shaw, by Archibald Henderson 74591
[Subtitle: His life and works]
Hearings of the International Joint Commission in re remedies for the 74590
pollution of boundary waters between the United States and Canada, by
Charles A. Magrath, Henry A. Powell, P. B. Mignault, Obadiah Gardner
James A. Tawney and R. B. Glenn
[Subtitle: Being public hearings held at Buffalo, N.Y., and Detroit,
Mich., June 21-27, 1916, and Ogdensburg, N.Y., August 25, 1916]
Saddle room songs and hunting ballads, by Frederick C. Palmer 74589
The boys of Columbia High on the ice, by Graham B. Forbes 74588
[Subtitle: Or, Out for the hockey championship]
Tropical Africa, by Henry Drummond 74587
Hevosmiehiä, by Väinö Kataja 74586
[Subtitle: Markkinakuvaus Tornionjoelta]
[Language: Finnish]
The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan: a compendium prepared by officers of the 74585
Sudan government, Vol. 2 of 2, by Various
The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan: a compendium prepared by officers of the 74584
Sudan government, Vol. 1 of 2, by Various
Wood-folk comedies, by William J. Long 74583
[Subtitle: The play of wild-animal life on a natural stage]
[Illustrator: Charles Livingston Bull]
The Wolf-slayer, Margaret Kaurner, by Christoph von Schmid 74582
Left with a trust, by Nellie Hellis 74581
Filiations, by Jacques Bainville 74580
[Language: French]
Heavens and Earth, by Stephen Vincent Benét 74579
[Subtitle: A book of poems]
Maan tomu-uurna, by L. Onerva 74578
[Subtitle: Runoja]
[Language: Finnish]
Kun meidän kaivosta vesi loppui, by Maila Talvio 74577
[Subtitle: Seuranäytelmä]
[Language: Finnish] \
When freemen shall stand, by Nelson S. Bond 74576
Cyclopedia of illustrations for public speakers, by Various 74575
[Subtitle: Containing facts, incidents, stories, experiences,
anecdotes, selections, etc., for illustrative purposes,
with cross-references]
Hämähäkki, by Maila Talvio 74574
[Subtitle: ja muita kertomuksia]
[Language: Finnish]
Resend. Friesland, by Jac. P. Thijsse 74573
[Illustrators: L. W. R. Wenckebach and Edzard Koning
[Language: Dutch]
Presidential addresses and State papers, Vol. 1, by Theodore Roosevelt 74572
The story of the Universe, Volume 1 of 4, by Various 74571
[Subtitle: told by great scientists and popular authors]
Fornander collection of Hawaiian antiquities and folk-lore, Vol. 3 of 3, 74570
by Abraham Fornander
[Subtitle: The Hawaiians' account of the formation of their islands and
origin of their race, with the traditions of their migrations, etc.]
Saint Dominique, by Jean Guiraud 74569
[Language: French]
Ritari Galahad, by John Erskine 74568
[Subtitle: Kylliksi elämäkertaa hänen maineensa selvittämiseksi]
[Language: Finnish]
Belinda of the Red Cross, by Robert W. Hamilton 74567
[Illustrator: A. O. Scott]
La nave de los locos, by Pío Baroja 74566
[Language: Spanish]
How to study "The best short stories", by Blanche Colton Williams 74565
[Subtitle: An analysis of Edward J. O'Brien's annual volumes of
the best short stories of the year prepared for the use of
writers and other students of the short-story]
Otto Speckter, by Fritz Helmuth Ehmcke 74564
[Illustrator: Otto Speckter]
[Language: German]
A New, Practical and Easy Method of Learning the Portuguese Language, 74563
by Franz Ahn
Les anciennes démocraties des Pays-Bas, by Henri Pirenne 74562
[Language: French]
Sokkosilla, by Juho Hoikkanen 74561
[Subtitle: Nelinäytöksinen näytelmä Upton Sinclairin romaanin mukaan]
[Language: Finnish]
Christmas in Storyland, by Various 74560
Cape Cod, by F. Mitchell 74559
[Illustrators: George F Edwards and Walter J Fenn]
A journey over land to India, by Donald Campbell 74558
Das Kreuz im Venn, by Clara Viebig 74557
[Language: German]
One thousand books for children, by Penryhn W. Coussens 74556
The rhyme and reason of country life, by Susan Fenimore Cooper 74555
[Subtitle: or, selections from fields old and new]
Sex problems of man in health and disease, by Moses Scholtz, M. D. 74554
[Subtitle: a popular study in sex knowledge]
Lycurgus, by E. S. P. Haynes 74553
[Subtitle: or The future of law]
Halleyn tähti, by Väinö Kataja 74552
[Subtitle: 1-näytöksinen pila]
[Language: Finnish]
David goes voyaging, by David Binney Putnam 74551
[Illustrators: Isabel Cooper and Don Dickerman]
Great short stories, Volume 3 of 3, by Various 74550
[Subtitle: Romance & Adventure]
Great short stories, Volume 2 of 3, by Various 74549
[Subtitle: Ghost stories]
Great short stories, Volume 1 of 3, by Various 74548
[Subtitle: Detective stories]
Jääkärit ja aktivistit, by Herman Gummerus 74547
[Subtitle: Sotavuosien muistelmia Tukholmasta ja Berliinistä]
[Language: Finnish]
"No place like home", by Hesba Stretton 74546
The golden rule, by Aunt Hattie 74545
Aldyth's inheritance, by Eglanton Thorne 74544
Raittius-runoja, by G. J. Ramstedt 74543
[Subtitle: Valikoima raittiusasiaa käsitteleviä runoelmia]
[Language: Finnish]
Ali Baba ja neljäkymmentä rosvoa, by Anonymous 74542
[Language: Finnish]
Les ales d'Ernestina, by Prudenci Bertrana 74541
[Subtitle: Drama en tres actes]
[Language: Catalan]
Lord Lister No. 0312: In de klauwen van een woekeraar, by Kurt Matull, 74540
Theo Blakensee and Felix Hageman
[Language: Dutch]
Maalaisia neuvomassa, by Väinö Kataja 74539
[Subtitle: Kolminäytöksinen komedia]
[Language: Finnish]
Vegetarian supplement to scientific feeding, by Dora C. C. L. Roper 74538
The wonderful Christmas in Pumpkin Delight Lane, by Sarah J. Prichard 74537
William Sedley, by Anonymous 74536
[Subtitle: or, the evil day deferred]
All in the same boat, by Earle L. Reynolds and Barbara Reynolds 74535
[Subtitle: An American family's adventures on a voyage
around the world in the yacht Phoenix]
A companion to Mr. Wells's "Outline of History", by Hilaire Belloc 74534
The triumph of the nut and other parodies, by Christopher Ward 74533
Outlines of mineralogy, by Sir Torbern Bergman 74532
Chile today and tomorrow, by Lilian Elwyn Elliott 74531
Elinan häät, by Maila Talvio 74530
[Language: Finnish]
Thirty-one brothers and sisters, by Reba Paeff Mirsky 74529
[Illustrator: W. T. Mars]
An essay on the preservation of shipwrecked mariners, by A. Fothergill 74528
Idylls of the Bible, by F. E. W. Harper 74527
The wonderful fan, by Aunt Ella and Amy Ella Blanchard 74526
The Bunnikins-Bunnies in camp, by Edith B. Davidson 74525
[Illustrator: Clara E. Atwood]
Manual of veterinary homeopathy, by Frederick Humphreys 74524
[Subtitle: comprising diseases of horses, cattle, sheep,
hogs, dogs and poultry and their homeopathic treatment]
A church dictionary, by Walter Farquhar Hook 74523
My Hildegarde, by St. George Rathborne 74522
[Subtitle: A strange story of adventure in the land of revolutions]
The Prospector and the Silver Queen, by Cy Warman and Fitz Mac 74521
[Illustrator: Zella Neill]
Kevät, by Huugo Jalkanen 74520
[Subtitle: Runoja]
[Language: Finnish]
The uses of water in health and disease, by John Harvey Kellogg 74519
[Subtitle: A practical treatise on the bath, its history and uses]
What to draw and how to draw it, by E. G. Lutz 74518
Sonniyhdistystä perustamassa, by Väinö Kataja 74517
[Subtitle: Kaksinäytöksinen riitanäytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
De Duodecim Abusionibus Saeculi, by Saint Patrick 74516
[Language: Latin]
Der Abenteurer, by Rudolf Herzog 74515
[Language: German]
Abroad with Mark Twain and Eugene Field, by Henry W. Fisher 74514
[Subtitle: Tales told by a fellow correspondent]
La Franc-Maçonnerie en France, by Georges Goyau 74513
[Language: French]
Kenttä ja kasarmi, by Pentti Haanpää 74512
[Subtitle: Kertomuksia tasavallan armeijasta]
[Language: Finnish]
In Monsun und Pori, by Richard Wenig 74511
[Language: German]
The literature of the Highlanders, by Nigel MacNeill 74510
[Subtitle: a history of Gaelic literature from the earliest times
to the present day]
D'Europe en Amérique par le pôle nord: voyage du dirigeable "Norge", 74509
by Roald Amundsen and Lincoln Ellsworth
[Language: French]
The triumph of the cross, by Girolamo Savonarola 74508
The East, by William Young Martin 74507
[Subtitle: Being a narrative of personal impressions
of a tour in Egypt, Palestine and Syria]
Pas perdus, by Fagus 74506
[Language: French]
Troijan Helena yksityiselämässään, by John Erskine 74505
[Language: Finnish]
Lucky, the Boy Scout, by Elmer Sherwood 74504
[Illustrator: Alice Carsey]
Aunuksen helmi, by Simo Eronen 74503
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Storia delle scienze ad uso dei licei scientifici, by Corrado Barbagallo 74502
[Language: Italian]
Chambers's journal of popular literature, science, and art, Fifth 74501
Series, Vol. 3, No. 145, October 9, 1886, by Various
Chambers's journal of popular literature, science, and art, Fifth 74500
Series, Vol. 3, No. 144, October 2, 1886, by Various
Le dernier rapport d'un Européen sur Ghât et les Touareg de l'Aïr, 74499
by Erwin von Bary
[Language: French]