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* New eBook Listings from February
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Feb 2024 to 29 Feb 2024 ~ ~ ~ ~
The soul of the moving picture, by Walter S. Bloem 73028
Percival's picture gallery, by A. L. O. E. 73027
Robert Merry's museum, Volumes 3 and 4, 1842, by Various 73026
Punainen lamppu, by Erkki Kivijärvi 73025
[Subtitle: Pieniä kertomuksia]
[Language: Finnish]
De la volonté, by Marguerite Duportal 73024
[Language: French]
Handbook of violin playing, by Carl Schroeder 73023
[Subtitle: 4th ed.]
Typhon, by Joseph Conrad 73022
[Language: French]
Myths of northern lands, by H. A. Guerber 73021
[Subtitle: Narrated with special reference to literature and art]
The Writings of Clement of Alexandria, Volume 2 of 2 73020
Diseases of cattle, sheep, goats and swine, by G. Moussu and 73019
Jno. A. W. Dollar
Histoire du Bas-Empire, Tome 2, by Charles LeBeau 73018
[Language: French]
Pomona; or, the future of English, by Basil de Silincourt 73017
David Ives, by Arthur Stanwood Pier 73016
[Subtitle: A Story of St. Timothy's]
[Illustrator: Franklin Wood]
Anne Page, by Netta Syrett 73015
Kaukomieli, by Willie Angervo 73014
[Subtitle: Lemminkäisen taru suunniteltu näyttämölle,
kolmessa kuvaelmassa]
[Language: Finnish]
How to hypnotize, Multum in parvo library, vol. 3, no. 28, April, 1896, 73013
by Anonymous
[Subtitle: The science of controlling the minds of others]
The works of the Reverend George Whitefield, Vol. 3 of 6, 73012
by George Whitefield
[Subtitle: Containing all his sermons and tracts, etc.]
The house at Pooh corner, by A. A. Milne 73011
[Illustrator: Ernest H. Shepard]
Une Française en Argentine, by Marguerite Moreno 73010
[Illustrator: Ciolkowski]
[Language: French]
How animals talk, by William Joseph Long 73009
[Subtitle: And other pleasant studies of birds and beast]
The Curlytops at Cherry Farm, by Howard R. Garis 73008
[Subtitle: Or: Vacation days in the country]
[Illustrator: Julia Greene]
Le chat maltais, by Rudyard Kipling 73007
[Language: French]
Suomen Kansan Vanhoja Runoja ynnä myös Nykyisempiä Lauluja 5, 73006
by Zacharias Topelius senior
[Language: Finnish]
by Zacharias Topelius senior 73006
[Language: Finnish]
Pussy Meow, by S. Louise Patteson 73005
[Subtitle: The autobiography of a cat]
The Cumulative Book Review Digest, Vol. 16, 1920, by Various 73004
[Subtitle: Sixteenth annual accumulation reviews of 1920 books]
Rämekorven viinakuninkaat, by Veikko Korhonen 73003
[Subtitle: Kuvaus korvewsta]
[Language: Finnish]
Mireille des Trois Raisins, by Pierre La Mazière 73002
[Language: French]
Rube Burrow, king of outlaws, and his band of train robbers, 73001
by George W. Agee
[Subtitle: An accurate and faithful history
of their exploits and adventures]
The Mediaeval Stage, Volume 1 of 2, by E. K. Chambers 73000
The suspicions of Ermengarde, by Maxwell Gray 72999
Worth his while, by Amy E. Blanchard 72998
Transplanted, by Gertrude Atherton 72997
[Subtitle: A novel]
Tough yarns, by The Old Sailor 72996
[Subtitle: A series of naval tales and sketches to please all hands,
from the swabs on the shoulders down to the swabs in the head]
The treatise of Benvenuto Cellini on goldsmithing and sculpture 72995
Hellé, by Marcelle Tinayre 72994
[Language: Finnish]
Runoilija Aatami Kuuskosken elämä, by Arvi Järventaus 72993
[Language: Finnish]
Rêve blanc, by Henri Ardel 72992
[Subtitle: Au cours!]
[Language: French]
Compulsory manumission, by Alexander M'Donnell 72991
[Subtitle: Or, an examination of the actual state
of the West India question]
Voyage à Montbard, by Marie-Jean Hérault de Séchelles 72990
[Illustrator: Adolphe Lalauze]
[Language: French]
Jinrikisha days in Japan, by Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore 72989
Religion and ceremonies of the Lenape, by Mark Raymond Harrington 72988
Michael Robartes and the dancer, by William Butler Yeats 72987
The Cheyne mystery, by Freeman Wills Crofts 72986
The tower, by William Butler Yeats 72985
L'héritage, by Henri Bachelin 72984
[Language: French]
Mabel's mishap, by Amy E. Blanchard 72983
[Illustrator: Ida Waugh]
Philosophy, by Bertrand Russell 72981
Kysymys, by Georg Ebers 72980
[Subtitle: Idylli]
[Language: Finnish]
Introduction to Sally, by Elizabeth von Arnim 72979
La nuit tombe..., by Henri Ardel 72978
[Language: French]
La barca dels afligits, by Apel.les Mestres 72977
[Subtitle: Marina en un acte]
[Language: Catalan]
Suomen Kansan Vanhoja Runoja ynnä myös Nykyisempiä Lauluja 4, 72976
by Zacharias Topelius senior
[Language: Finnish]
L'été de Guillemette, by Henri Ardel 72975
[Language: French]
Recollections of James Anthony Gardner, by James Anthony Gardner 72974
[Subtitle: Commander R.N. (1775-1814)]
Les nuits champêtres, by Jean-Charles Laveaux 72973
[Language: French]
Money for nothing, by P. G. Wodehouse 72972
A Dead Man's Diary Written After His Decease, by Coulson Kernahan 72971
Harebell's friend, by Amy Le Feuvre 72970
[Illustrator: Gordon Browne]
The girl from nowhere, by Mrs. Baillie Reynolds 72969
Friend and foe, by A. L. O. E. 72968
[Subtitle: Or, the breastplate of righteousness]
Chalk face, by Waldo Frank 72967
The horror at Red Hook, by H. P. Lovecraft 72966
Wähänen Laulu-kirja, by Various 72965
[Language: Finnish]
Pikku Marie, by George Sand 72964
[Subtitle: Kyläkertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
The nature of the physical world, by Arthur Stanley Eddington 72963
Buddenbrooks, Volume 2 of 2, by Thomas Mann 72962
Buddenbrooks, Volume 1 of 2, by Thomas Mann 72961
Shipwrecks on Cape Cod, by Isaac M. Small 72960
Liina, by Lilli Suburg 72959
[Language: Finnish]
Hunting for hidden gold, by Franklin W. Dixon 72958
[Illustrator: Walter S. Rogers]
The aristocrats, by Gertrude Atherton 72957
L'onorevole, by Achille Bizzoni 72956
[Language: Italian]
The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. 8, No. 377, March 19, 1887, by Various 72955
Le braconnier de la mer, by Jean Mauclère 72954
[Language: French]
Studies of trees in winter, by Annie Oakes Huntington 72953
[Subtitle: A description of the deciduous trees
of northeastern America]
[Illustrator: Mary S. Morse]
ie Tier- und Pflanzenwelt des Süsswassers. Zweiter Band, 72952
by Stephan Clessin, Arthur Seligo, Friedrich Zschokke
and Carl Heinrich Apstein
[Language: German]
Die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt des Süsswassers. Erster Band, 72951
by François-Alphonse Forel, Walter Emil Friedrich August Migula,
Friedrich Ludwig, and August Gruber
[Language: German]
The Bunnikins-Bunnies and the moon king, by Edith B. Davidson 72950
[Illustrator: Clara E. Atwood]
Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, Vol. 72, No. 442, August, 1852, 72949
by Various
Annihilation, by Isabel Ostrander 72948
Maan hiljaiset, by Arvi Järventaus 72947
[Subtitle: Romaani suurten selkosten takaa]
[Language: Finnish]
Turrets, towers, and temples, by Various 72946
[Subtitle: The great buildings of the world, as seen
and described by famous writers]
Mrs. Harter, by E. M. Delafield 72945
School-life at Winchester College, by Robert Blachford Mansfield 72944
[Subtitle: or, the reminiscences of a Winchester junior under
the old régime, 1835-40]
When the Sun went out, by Leslie F. Stone 72943
Rhythm rides the rocket, by Bob Olsen 72942
The Review, Volume 1, No. 9, September 1911, by Various 72941
The magazine of history with notes and queries, Vol. 2, No. 4, October 72940
1905, by Various
Roland Furieux, tome 4 : Traduction nouvelle par Francisque Reynard, 72939
by Lodovico Ariosto
[Language: French]
Tarzan, lord of the jungle, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 72938
Suomen kansan eläinkirja, by Osmo Iisalo 72937
[Subtitle: Kertomus Metsolan ja Ilmolan väestä ja elämästä]
[Language: Finnish]
The life of Jean Henri Fabre, the entomologist, 1823-1910, 72936
by Augustin Fabre
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 72935
fifth series, Vol. 3, No. 136, August 7, 1886, by Various
Orders conceived and published by the Lord Major and Aldermen 72934
of the City of London, concerning the infection of the plague,
by Anonymous
Miss Devereux, spinster, by Agnes Giberne 72933
Korea, by Angus Hamilton 72932
Heures d'Afrique, by Jean Lorrain 72931
[Language: French]
The juggler, by Charles Egbert Craddock 72930
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 72929
fifth series, Vol. 3, No. 135, July 31, 1886, by Various
Ten minute stories, by Algernon Blackwood 72928
The victory, by Molly Elliot Seawell 72927
[Illustrator: John Wolcott Adams]
The murders in Praed Street, by John Rhode 72926
L'hostal de la Bolla, by Miquel dels Sants Oliver 72925
[Subtitle: Costums i llenguatge vulgar de Mallorca]
[Language: Catalan]
Social Civics, by William Bennett Munro 72924
Illustrations of Political Economy, Vol. 6 of 9, by Harriet Martineau 72923
Authors and their public in ancient times, by Geo. Haven Putnam 72922
Terence's Andrian, a comedy, in five acts, by Terence 72921
[Subtitle: Translated into English prose, with critical
and explanatory notes]
Puijolla, by Kustaa Killinen 72920
[Subtitle: Laulunsekainen näytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
The gold hunters, by J. D. Borthwick 72919
[Subtitle: A first-hand picture of life in California
mining camps in the early fifties]
The flight of the heron, by D. K. Broster 72918
The reaping, by Mary Imlay Taylor 72917
[Illustrator: George Alfred Williams]
Through deserts and oases of central Asia, by Ella Constance Sykes 72916
and Percy Sykes
Suomalaisia näyttelijöitä, by Aarni Kouta 72915
[Subtitle: Lapsuuden ja nuoruuden muistoja]
[Language: Finnish]
The man on the meteor, by Ray Cummings 72914
Beyond the stars, by Ray Cummings 72913
Cœur de sceptique, by Henri Ardel 72912
[Language: French]
The botanist's repository for new and rare plants, Vols 3 & 4, 72911
by Henry C. Andrews
On the art of writing fiction, by Various 72910
Tumbleweeds, by Hal G. Evarts 72909
[Illustrator: W. H. D. Koerner]
The cardinal's musketeer, by Mary Imlay Taylor 72908
When the Moon fell, by Morrison Colladay 72907
[Illustrator: Frank R. Paul]
The way of the spirit, by H. Rider Haggard 72906
Rose Perrin, by Alice Pujo 72905
[Language: French]
Within these walls, by Rupert Hughes 72904
Songs of Ukraina, with Ruthenian poems, by Florence Randal Livesay 72903
Learning to fly in the U.S. Army, by Elisha Noel Fales 72902
[Subtitle: a manual of aviation practice]
By the gods beloved, by Emmuska Orczy 72901
[Illustrators: Margaret West Kinney and Troy Kinney]
Lo Stato e l'istruzione pubblica nell'Impero Romano, 72900
by Corrado Barbagallo
[Language: Italian]
Paljain jaloin, by Uuno Kailas 72899
[Subtitle: Runoja]
[Language: Finnish]
The winners in life's race, by Arabella Burton Buckley 72898
[Subtitle: Or, the great backboned family]
International Library of Technology, Vol. 333: Hardware, Estimating, 72897
and Mill Design, by Various
Kuningattaren romaani, by Various 72896
[Subtitle: ynnä alkuperäisiä suomalaisia kertomuksia]
[Language: Finnish]
Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz, Mitteilungen Band XIII, 72895
Heft 9-10, by Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz]
[Subtitle: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz, Volkskunde und Denkmalpflege]
[Language: German]
On the mode of communication of cholera, by John Snow 72894
Captain fly-by-night, by Johnston McCulley 72893
How to become an inventor, by Aaron A. Warford 72892
[Subtitle: Containing experiments in photography, hydraulics,
galvanism and electricity, magnetism, heat, and the wonders
of the microscope]
The wild fawn, by Mary Imlay Taylor 72891
The eternal moment and other stories, by E. M. Forster 72890
Madame Thérèse, by Erckmann-Chatrian 72889
[Language: French]
Portugallian keisari, by Selma Lagerlöf 72888
[Subtitle: Kertomus Vermlannista]
[Language: Finnish]
Näkinkenkä, by Ilmari Pimiä 72887
[Subtitle: Runoja]
[Language: Finnish]
Infantry training, 1905, by Anonymous 72886
Œuvres complètes de Victor Hugo, by Victor Hugo 72885
[Subtitle: Poésie VII]
[Illustrator: François Flameng]
[Language: French]
History of the United States of America, Volume 6 of 9, 72884
by Henry Brooks Adams
[Subtitle: During the first administration of James Madison, 1809-1813]
The Layton Court mystery, by Anthony Berkeley 72883
The face of China, by Emily Kemp 72882
[Subtitle: Travels in east, north, central and western China]
[Illustrator: Emily Kemp]
The Irish Guards in the Great War, Volume 2 of 2, by Rudyard Kipling 72881
[Subtitle: The Second Battalion and Appendices]
Jewish fairy stories, by Gerald Friedlander 72880
[Illustrator: Beatrice Hirschfeld]
Synnin mitta, by Arvi Järventaus 72879
[Subtitle: Kertomus nykyaikaisesta Lapista]
[Language: Finnish]
Am Rhein, by Heinrich Hubert Kerp 72878
[Language: German]
Naturalismus, Idealismus, Expressionismus, by Max Deri 72877
[Language: German]
Arabische Pflanzennamen aus Aegypten, Algerien und Jemen, 72876
by Georg August Schweinfurth
[Language: German]
The A B C of atoms, by Bertrand Russell 72875
Mainio kertomus suutarimestari Simeon Lestin syntymästä ja 72874
sankarillisesta elämästä, by Viljo Kojo
[Language: Finnish]
Gloria, by G. Frederic Turner 72873
[Illustrator: C. M. Relyea]
Le roman du malade, by Louis de Robert 72872
[Language: French]
He swallows gold, by H. Bedford-Jones 72871
The crystal claw, by William Le Queux 72870
[Illustrator: George W. Gage]
Meet the Tiger, by Leslie Charteris 72869
Niilo Skalm, by Kyösti Wilkuna 72868
[Subtitle: Viisinäytöksinen historiallinen murhenäytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
Le gardien du feu, by Anatole Le Braz 72867
[Language: French]
Storia degli Italiani, vol. 14 di 15, by Cesare Cantù 72866
[Language: Italian]
The glory of the Pharaohs, by Arthur Weigall 72865
Flowers and fruit from the writings of Harriet Beecher Stowe 72864
The Pennant, by Everett T. Tomlinson 72863
Catching of the whale and seal, by Henry Acton 72862
[Subtitle: or, Henry Acton's conversation to his son William
on the whale and seal fishery]
Head-hunters, by Alfred Cort Haddon 72861
[Subtitle: Black, white, and brown]
The queen of the isle, by May Agnes Fleming 72860
[Subtitle: A novel]
Ships of the seven seas, by Hawthorne Daniel 72859
Seuratkaamme häntä!, by Henryk Sienkiewicz 72858
[Language: Finnish]
Mikko Tiukkatuuli, by Bernt Lie 72857
[Subtitle: Kertomus koulupojasta]
[Language: Finnish]
L'escanya-pobres, by Narcís Oller 72856
[Language: Catalan]
The unpleasantness at the Bellona Club, by Dorothy L. Sayers 72855
The invading asteroid, by Manly Wade Wellman 72854
Az ember helye a természetben, by Mihály Lenhossék 72853
[Language: Hungarian]
The age of the crusades, by James M. Ludlow 72852
Veneellä poikki Suomenniemen, by Arvo E. Korhonen 72851
[Subtitle: Seikkailuja Pohjanmaan vesillä ja saloilla]
[Language: Finnish]
Uusi tulevaisuus, by Emil Lassinen 72850
[Subtitle: Kolme kertoelmaa]
[Language: Finnish]
A private chivalry, by Francis Lynde 72849
[View Less]