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* New eBook Listings from March 2024
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Mar 2024 to 31 Mar 2024 ~ ~ ~ ~
Ristijärven muistoja ja kuvauksia, by Salomo Pulkkinen 73307
[Language: Finnish]
Primuloita, by Hilja Pärssinen 73306
[Subtitle: Poimittu pojille ja tytöille]
[Language: Finnish]
Voyages of the Dutch brig of war Dourga, by Dirk Hendrik Kolff 73305
Tongues of the Moon, by Philip Jose Farmer 73304
The ladies' complete guide to crochet, fancy knitting, and needlework, 73303
by Ann S. Stephens
Principles and practices of agricultural analysis, 73302
by Harvey Washington Wiley
Four girls of forty years ago, by Nina Rhoades 73301
A little Swiss boy, by Johanna Spyri 73300
[Illustrator: Frances Brundage]
Tarinoita ja tapahtumia, by Kauppis-Heikki 73299
[Language: Finnish]
Anghel-eno, by Panait Istrati 73298
[Subtitle: Adrien Zograffin toinen kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
The electron, its isolation and measurement and the determination 73297
of some of its properties, by Robert Andrews Millikan
Hystereo, by Maurice Baudin 73296
Lord Peter views the body, by Dorothy L. Sayers 73295
Clavecin, by Fagus 73294
[Language: French]
Japanese folk stories and fairy tales, by Mary F. Nixon-Roulet 73293
Letters from the peninsula, 1808-1812, by William Warre 73292
Au Hoggar, by Conrad Kilian 73291
[Subtitle: mission de 1922]
[Language: French]
Lord Lister No. 0119: Het Genootschap der Droomers, by Kurt Matull 73290
and Theo von Blakensee
[Language: Dutch]
Goden- en Heldensagen, by Ernst Hoffmann 73289
[Language: Dutch]
The survivors, by T. D. Hamm 73288
[Illustrator: Douglas]
In two years' time, Vol. 1 of 2, by Ada Cambridge 73287
The school-girls' treasury, by Lucy Ellen Guernsey 73286
[Subtitle: or, Stories for thoughtful girls]
The city, by Robert E. Park, Ernest W. Burgess and Roderick D. McKenzie 73285
Buchstabenmystik, by Franz Dornseiff 73284
[Language: German]
The bombardier, and pocket gunner, by Ralph Willett Adye 73283
Jeanne d'Arc et l'Allemagne, by Léon Bloy 73282
[Language: French]
The birds of Shakespeare, by Archibald Geikie 73281
The journal of Elizabeth Lady Holland, 1791-1811, Volume 2 of 2, 73280
by Elizabeth Vassall Fox Holland
Dissertation sur la nature et la propagation du feu, 73279
by Émilie du Châtelet
[Language: French]
Lo catalanisme, by Valentí Almirall 73278
[Subtitle: Motius que'l llegitiman. Fonaments cientifichs
y solucions practicas]
[Language: Catalan]
Ruoskanjäljetm by Yrjö Jylhä 73277
[Subtitle: Runoja]
[Language: Finnish]
Ikuinen kaupunki, by Hall Caine 73276
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
The battle of life, by A. L. O. E. 73275
[Subtitle: Or, what is a Christian]
Red Mesa, by Warren H. Miller 73274
[Subtitle: A tale of the southwest]
The frantic master, by Douglas Pulleyne 73273
Books and bidders, by A. S. W. Rosenbach 73272
[Subtitle: The adventures of a bibliophile]
Essentials of prayer, by Bounds Edward McKendree 73271
The waning of a world, by W. Elwyn Backus 73270
A prince of lovers, by William Magnay 73269
[Subtitle: A romance]
Rembrandt, by Kurt Pfister 73268
[Language: German]
The works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A., Vol. 4 of 6 73267
[Subtitle: Containing all his sermons and tracts, etc.]
Behind the bronze door, by William Le Queux 73266
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. 79, No. 484, February, 1856, 73265
by Various
Timotheus; or, the future of the theatre, by Bonamy Dobree 73264
Suontaan Heikin koti, by Juho Koskimaa 73263
[Subtitle: Kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
Lappalaisia lauluja, by Otto Donner 73262
[Language: Finnish]
The works of the Rev. John Wesley, Vol. 7 of 32 73261
Travels in southern Abyssinia, Vol. 2 of 2, by Charles Johnston 73260
[Subtitle: through the country of Adal to the kingdom of Shoa]
Horses, by Roger Pocock 73259
Afghanistan, by Angus Hamilton 73258
Historia de la lengua y literatura castellana, Vol. 2, by Julio Cejador 73257
y Fraucas
[Subtitle: Período de Carlos V]
[Language: Spanish]
Told in the gardens of Araby by Izora Cecilia Chandler 73256
and Mary W. Montgomery
Historia de la lengua y literatura castellana - Tomo I, by Julio Cejador 73255
y Fraucas
[Language: Spanish]
The crooked cross, by Charles J. Dutton 73254
L. Van Velton-Van der Linden, by Paulus Adrianus Daum 73253
[Subtitle: Oorspronkelijke roman]
[Language: Dutch]
Sous le fouet, by Charles-Étienne 73252
[Language: French]
Life in a tub; with a description of the Turkish bath, by Diogenes 73251
There is a Tide, by J. C. Snaith 73250
Magic, by H. de Vere Stacpoole 73248
Old harmless, by Roy Norton 73247
De Afstamming van den mensch en de seksueele teeltkeus, deel 2 73246
van 2, by Charles Darwin
[Language: Dutch]
The secret of Oaklands, by M. Harding Kelly 73245
Salvage, by Roy Norton 73244
The trap, by Henry S. Whitehead 73243
Mehiläinen 1840, by Elias Lönnrot 73242
[Language: Finnish]
Mehiläinen 1837, by Elias Lönnrot 73241
[Language: Finnish]
Mehiläinen 1836, by Elias Lönnrot 73240
[Language: Finnish]
Hurmioituneet kasvot, by Various 73239
[Subtitle: Runoja]
[Language: Finnish]
Kreetan harha-askel, by Juho Koskimaa 73238
[Language: Finnish]
Synonyms and antonyms, by Edith B. Ordway 73237
[Subtitle: An alphabetical list of words in common use,
grouped with others of similar and opposite meaning]
Le donne dei Cesari, by Guglielmo Ferrero 73236
[Language: Italian]
Léon Bloy : Essai de critique équitable, by Adolphe Retté 73235
[Language: French]
Robert Boyle, by Flora Masson 73234
[Subtitle: A biography]
The haunter of the dark, by H. P. Lovecraft 73233
Des conspirations et de la justice politique, by François Guizot 73232
[Language: French]
The great implication, by Stanley R. Lee 73231
The thing on the doorstep, by H. P. Lovecraft 73230
Audrey, by Mrs. O. F. Walton 73229
[Subtitle: or, Children of light]
Notes on the natural history of the Bell Rock, by J. M. Campbell 73228
The Nibelungs, by Ferdinand Schmidt 73227
[Subtitle: Life stories for young people]
The wellsprings of space, by Albert Teichner 73226
Tienhaarassa, by Santeri Alkio 73225
[Subtitle: Kokoelma havaintoja ja kuvauksia]
[Language: Finnish]
Saved by love, by Emma Leslie 73224
[Subtitle: A story of London streets]
The mill house mystery, by Florence Warden 73223
The journal of Elizabeth Lady Holland, Volume 1 of 2, 1791-1811 73222
Anti-Semitism in the United States, by Lee J. Levinger 73221
Gangway for Homer, by George R. Hahn 73220
[Illustrator: John Forte]
The American Red Cross Bulletin, Vol. 4, No. 4, October 1909, 73219
Saknarth, by Millard Verne Gordon 73218
Mission, by John Hollis Mason 73217
Tunturin tuolla puolen, by Arvi Järventaus 73216
[Subtitle: Kertomuksia]
[Language: Finnish]
Mahatma Gandhi, by Romain Rolland 73215
[Language: Finnish]
History of the Moorish Empire in Europe, Vol. 2 of 3, by S. P. Scott 73214
Ida's new shoes, by Madeline Leslie 73213
In de Hollandsche Branding, by Jan Feith 73212
[Subtitle: Een Jongensboek van de Zee]
[Illustrator: Pieter Das]
[Language: Dutch]
The Technic of the Baton, by Albert Stoessel 73211
[Subtitle: A Handbook for Students of Conducting]
Les Parisiens peints par un Chinois, by Ji Tong Chen 73210
[Language: French]
The picnic party, by Oliver Optic 73209
[Subtitle: A story for little folks]
An address to British females on the moral management of pregnancy 73208
and labour, and some cursory observations on medical deportment,
by William Cooke
[Subtitle: Suggested by the death of Her Royal Highness
Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales: with a vindication
of Her Royal Highness's physicians, Sir Richard Croft,
Dr. Baillie, and Dr. Sims]
The Morgan trail, by W. C. Tuttle 73207
L'Essayeuse, by Pierre Veber 73206
[Language: French]
Indianerleben, by Erland Nordenskiöld 73205
[Subtitle: El gran Chaco]
[Language: German]
Biographical sketch of Millie Christine, the Carolina Twin, by Anonymous 73204
[Subtitle: Surnamed the Two-headed Nightingale
and the Eighth Wonder of the World]
History of the Moorish Empire in Europe, Vol. 1 of 3, by S. P. Scott 73203
Paita, by Anatole France 73202
[Language: Finnish]
An altruist, by Ouida 73201
The sailor's home, by A. L. O. E. 73200
[Subtitle: Or, the girdle of truth]
Histoire du XIXe siècle (volume 2/3), by Jules Michelet 73199
[Subtitle: II. Jusqu'au dix-huit Brumaire]
[Language: French]
The three taps, by Ronald A. Knox 73198
[Subtitle: A detective story without a moral]
The three taps, by Ronald A. Knox 73198
[Subtitle: A detective story without a moral]
Vaihteissa, by Mikko Tervas 73197
[Subtitle: Veturinkuljettajan romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Too dearly bought, by Agnes Giberne 73196
Il palazzo del diavolo, vol. 2/2, by Ulisse Barbieri 73195
[Subtitle: Leggenda mantovana]
[Language: Italian]
Il palazzo del diavolo, vol. 1/2, by Ulisse Barbieri 73194
[Subtitle: Leggenda mantovana]
[Language: Italian]
John Tincroft, bachelor and benedict, by George E. Sargent 73193
[Subtitle: or, Without intending it]
The court of Louis XV, by Imbert de Saint-Amand 73192
La Turque, by Eugène Montfort 73191
Under the guns, by Annie Wittenmyer 73190
[Subtitle: A woman's reminiscences of the Civil War]
Poems and Translations, by John M. Synge 73189
Possession, by Louis Bromfield 73188
Memoirs of James Hardy Vaux. Written by himself, 73187
Hephæstus; or, The Soul of the Machine, by Edmund Edward Fournier d'Albe 73186
Erotika, by Ivan Cankar 73185
[Language: Slovenian]
Four years in Upper Burma, by W. R. Winston 73184
Ukko Striid ja hänen koiransa, by Pehr Thomasson 73183
[Language: Finnish]
The quest of Iranon, by H. P. Lovecraft 73182
The shadow over Innsmouth, by H. P. Lovecraft 73181
A heroine of 1812, by Amy E. Blanchard 73180
[Subtitle: A Maryland romance]
[Illustrator: Ida Waugh]
Colon en Puerto-Rico, by Cayetano Coll y Toste 73179
[Language: Spanish]
Crisis!, by Cecil Corwin 73178
Cool air, by H. P. Lovecraft 73177
Lord Byron as a satirist in verse, by Claude M. Fuess 73176
Static, by Wallace West 73175
Old lamps for new, by E. V. Lucas 73174
Einstein's planetoid, by Paul Dennis Lavond 73173
[Illustrator: Conanight]
The Pardoner's Wallet, by Samuel McChord Crothers 73172
Suorasanaisia runoelmia, by Jacob Tegengren 73171
[Language: Finnish]
The giant horse of Oz, by Ruth Plumly Thompson 73170
[Illustrator: John R. Neill]
Betty Wales decides, by Margaret Warde and Eva M. Nagel 73169
La maison en ordre : comment un révolutionnaire devint royaliste, 73168
by Adolphe Retté
[Language: French]
Captain Margaret, by John Masefield 73167
Fornander collection of Hawaiian antiquities and folk-lore, Volume 2, 73166
by Abraham Fornander
[Subtitle: The Hawaiians' account of the formation of their islands
and origin of their race, with the traditions of their migrations]
The House of de Mailly, by Margaret Horton Potter 73165
[Subtitle: A romance]
[Illustrator: A.I. Keller]
Jusqu'à la fin du monde, by Adolphe Retté 73164
[Language: French]
Pimeyttä, by Leonid Andrejev 73163
[Language: Finnish]
Legendoja, by Toivo Tarvas 73162
[Language: Finnish]
La Montserrat, by Dolors Monserdá de Maciá 73161
[Subtitle: Novela de costums del nostre temps]
[Language: Catalan]
The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Volume 9 of 13, 73160
by Enguerrand de Monstrelet
[Subtitle: containing an account of the cruel civil wars
between the houses of Orleans and Burgundy]
Historical Records of The Buffs East Kent Regiment, by R. S. H. Moody 73159
[Subtitle: (3rd Foot) Formerly Designated The Holland Regiment
and Prince George of Denmark's Regiment]
A primal woman, by H. de Vere Stacpoole 73158
William Pitt and national revival, by John Holland Rose 73157
Out of nowhere, by E. A. Grosser 73156
[Illustrator: John Forte]
Ashes to Ashes, by Isabel Ostrander 73155
Hypatia; or, woman and knowledge, by Dora Russell 73154
Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz, Mitteilungen Band XIV, Heft 1-2, 73153
by Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz
[Subtitle: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz, Volkskunde
und Denkmalpflege]
[Language: German]
Valkea talo, by Herman Bang 73152
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Uskovaisen sanoja, by F. de Lamennais 73151
[Language: Finnish]
Notes on democracy, by H. L. Mencken 73150
The pelicans, by E. M. Delafield 73149
Pogo Planet, by Martin Pearson 73148
The legacy, by Dick Hank 73147
Forbidden flight, by Chester B. Conant 73146
The thought-feeders, by R. R. Winterbotham. 73145
Lady Chatterley's lover, by D. H. Lawrence 73144
Die Cigarette, by Stephan Dirk 73143
[Subtitle: Ein Vademecum für Raucher]
[Language: German]
"We", by Charles A. Lindbergh 73142
[Subtitle: The famous flier's own story of his life
and his trans-Atlantic flight, together
with his views on the future of aviation]
American short stories, by Various 73141
[Subtitle: Selected and edited with an introductory essay
on the short story by Charles Sears Baldwin]
Some religious and moral teachings of Al-Ghazzali, 73140
by Mohammed Al-Ghazzali
[Subtitle: Being brief extracts from his Ihya-u-Ulum-id-din]
Books and Authors, by Robert Lynd 73139
Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa, by Heinrich Barth 73138
[Subtitle: Including accounts of Tripoli, the Sahara, the remarkable
kingdom of Bornu, and the countries around Lake Chad]
Lord Lister No. 0308: Het geheim van Waverghem, by Kurt Matull, 73137
Theo Blakensee and Felix Hageman
[Language: Dutch]
Wigwam stories told by North American Indians, by Mary Catherine Judd 73136
[Illustrator: Angel de Cora]
The atom curtain, by Nick Boddie Williams 73135
Through by daylight, by Oliver Optic 73134
[Subtitle: Or, the young engineer of the Lake Shore Railroad]
Araminta, by J. C. Snaith 73133
A spring-time case, by Jun'ichiro Tanizaki 73132
[Subtitle: Otsuya koroshi]
Unhuman tour, by Soseki Natsume 73131
[Subtitle: Kusamakura]
Lord Lister No. 0027: Letter R. 100, by Kurt Matull and Theo Blakensee 73130
[Language: Dutch]
Kaunotar, by Frances Hodgson Burnett 73129
[Language: Finnish]
A history of criticism and literary taste in Europe from the earliest 73128
texts to the present day, Volume 2 of 3, by George Saintsbury
Early German music in Philadelphia, by Robert Rutherford Drummond 73127
Mystery at Lynden Sands, by J. J. Connington 73126
The Black Panther of the Navaho, by Warren H. Miller 73125
Tyttö ja omena, by Lasse Enner 73124
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
"Thy kingdom come", by Matilda Horsburgh 73123
[Subtitle: A tale for boys and girls]
Voltaire's history of Charles XII, king of Sweden 73122
Little Miss Mouse, by Amy E. Blanchard 73121
An account of the empire of Marocco, and the districts of Suse 73120
and Tafilelt, by James Grey Jackson
Isä Brownin viisaus, by G. K. Chesterton 73119
[Subtitle: Salapoliisikertomuksia]
[Language: Finnish]
Le fameux chevalier Gaspard de Bresse : ses dernières aventures, 73118
by Jean Aicard
[Language: French]
Names and places in the Old and New Testament and Apocrypha, 73117
with their modern identifications, by Claude Reignier Conder
A way of life, by William Osler 73116
[Subtitle: An address to Yale students
Sunday evening, April 20th, 1913]
The house of bondage, by Reginald Wright Kauffman 73115
S. M. la Regina, by Nicola Misasi 73114
[Language: Italian]
Huilunsoittaja, by Einari Vuorela 73113
[Subtitle: Runoja]
[Language: Finnish]
Lives of the Queens of England of the House of Hanover, Vol. 2 of 2, 73112
by John Doran
Lives of the Queens of England of the House of Hanover, Vol. 1 of 2, 73111
by John Doran
Henry Northcote, by John Collis Snaith 73110
Sonnets and madrigals of Michelangelo Buonarroti 73109
Runouden kuvastimessa, by V. A. Koskenniemi 73108
[Subtitle: Kirjoja ja kirjailijoita neljäs sarja]
[Language: Finnish]
Pankaa sille nimeksi Nikolai..., by Juho Koskimaa 73107
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
The castaway, by Hallie Erminie Rives 73106
[Subtitle: Three great men ruined in one year: a king,
a cad and a castaway]
[Illustrator: Howard Chandler Christy]
Ganarás el pan..., by Pedro Mata 73105
[Language: Spanish]
Israel Rank, by Roy Horniman 73104
[Subtitle: The autobiography of a criminal]
Le règne de la bête, by Adolphe Retté 73103
[Language: French]
The Shore Road mystery, by Franklin W. Dixon 73102
[Illustrator: Walter S. Rogers]
The royal banner, by Matilda Horsburgh 73101
[Subtitle: or, Gold and rubies]
Kilpakosijat, by Evald Jakku 73100
[Subtitle: Kaksinäytöksinen pila]
[Language: Finnish]
The hidden treasure, by Lucy Ellen Guernsey 73099
[Subtitle: or Found at last]
A gypsy against her will, by Emma Leslie 73098
[Subtitle: or, Worth her weight in gold]
Un printemps en Bosnie, by Frédéric Kohn-Abrest 73097
[Language: French]
William Jordan, Junior, by J. C. Snaith 73096
Sudenmorsian, by Aino Kallas 73095
[Subtitle: Hiidenmaalainen tarina]
[Language: Finnish]
I ragazzi d'una volta e i ragazzi d'adesso, 73094
by Maria Antonietta Torria-Viollier
[Language: Italian]
Swedish fairy tales, by Herman Hofberg 73093
The Jewish religion, by M. Friedländer 73092
[Subtitle: Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged]
The taking of Cloudy McGee, by W. C. Tuttle 73091
Non-technical chats on iron and steel and their application 73090
to modern industry, by La Verne W. Spring
Prehistoria de Puerto-Rico, by Cayetano Coll y Toste 73089
[Language: Spanish]
Isä Brownin yksinkertaisuus, by G. K. Chesterton 73088
[Subtitle: Salapoliisikertomuksia]
[Language: Finnish]
On the Quantum Theory of Radiation and the Structure of the Atom, 73087
by Niels Bohr
Harry Muir, by Margaret Oliphant 73086
[Subtitle: A story of Scottish life, Vol. 3 of 3]
Up from Methodism, by Herbert Asbury 73085
Sanomalehti-poika y.m. kertomuksia, by K. A. Järvi 73084
[Language: Finnish]
Fra i due mondi, by Guglielmo Ferrero 73083
[Language: Italian]
The effect of electric and magnetic fields on spectral lines, 73082
by Niels Bohr
Jogging round the world, by Edith Dunham 73081
[Subtitle: Riders and drivers, with curious steeds or vehicles,
in strange lands and at home]