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May 2024
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This is the Project Gutenberg Newsletter for May 2024
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* New eBook Listings from April 2024
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* New eBook Listings from April 2024
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Apr 2024 to 30 Apr 2024 ~ ~ ~ ~
The blowing away of Mr. Bushy Tail, by Edith B. Davidson 73490
Anne's terrible good nature, by E. V. Lucas 73489
[Subtitle: And other stories for children]
[Illustrator: A. H. Buckland]
The Æneid of Virgil translated into English prose, by Virgil 73488
The Delinquent, Vol. 4, No. 7, July, 1914, by Various 73487
Corazón, by Edmundo De Amicis 73486
[Subtitle: Diario de un niño]
[Language: Spanish]
Storia degli Italiani, vol. 15 (di 15), by Cesare Cantù 73485
[Language: Italian]
The lucky little stiff, by H. P. S. Greene 73484
Plane Jane, by Frederick C. Davis 73483
Valkea kansa, by Ilma Virtala 73482
[Language: Finnish]
Un nid dans les ruines, by Léon de Tinseau 73481
[Language: French]
Grundriß der Logik, by Kurt Joachim Grau 73480
[Language: German]
Erinnerungen eines alten Leipzigers, by Adolf Lippold 73479
[Subtitle: Humoristische Chronika aus Leipzigs jüngerer Vergangenheit]
[Illustrator: Richard Wolff]
[Language: German]
Bismarck et la France, by Jacques Bainville 73478
[Language: French]
The terrors of the upper air, by Frank Orndorff 73477
The subaltern, by George Robert Gleig 73476
The basic facts of economics, by Louis F. Post 73475
[Subtitle: A common-sense primer for advanced students]
Trimblerigg, by Laurence Housman 73474
[Subtitle: A book of revelation]
Louie's married life, by Sarah Doudney 73473
[Illustrator: W. Rainey]
The Bishop's purse, by Cleveland Moffett and Oliver Herford 73472
Ihminen uusimpien tieteellisten ja salatieteellistn tutkimusten valossa, 73471
by Willie Angervo
[Subtitle: Viisi esitelmää]
[Language: Finnish]
The doctor, &c., vol. 7 of 7, by Robert Southey 73470
Nerve enough, by Richard Howells Watkins 73469
Code, by L. Paul 73468
Das goldene Tor, by Diedrich Speckmann 73467
[Language: German]
Expedition to discover the sources of the White Nile, in the years 73466
1840, 1841, Vol. 2 of 2, by Ferdinand Werne
Expedition to discover the sources of the White Nile, in the years 73465
1840, 1841, Vol. 1 of 2, by Ferdinand Werne
Sailing ships, by Edward Keble Chatterton 73464
The girl from Samarcand, by E. Hoffman Price 73463
The tenderfoots, by Francis Lynde 73462
Perseus, or of dragons, by Henry Folliott Scott Stokes 73461
Arctic angels, by A. DeHerries Smith 73460
»... Mutta — naivat tummaverisiä», by Anita Loos 73459
[Language: Finnish]
Herrat pitävät vaaleaverisistä, by Anita Loos 73458
[Subtitle: Tuloillaan elävän naisen valaiseva päiväkirja]
[Language: Finnish]
L'apotecari de Malgrat, by Teodor Baró 73457
[Subtitle: Comedia en un acte y en prosa]
[Language: Catalan]
The X bar X boys at Nugget Camp, by James Cody Ferris and 73456
Walter S. Rogers
Animated cartoons, by Edwin George Lutz 73455
[Subtitle: How they are made, their origins and development]
L'absence et le retour, by Auguste Gilbert de Voisins 73454
[Language: French]
Enoch Crane, by F. Hopkinson Smith and F. Berkeley Smith 73453
[Illustrator: Alonzo Kimball]
Plastic and cosmetic surgery, by Frederick Strange Kolle 73452
Siirtolaisen elämän vaiheet; Haaksirikon jälkeen, by Karl Listner 73451
and Friedrich Gerstäcker
[Subtitle: Kaksi kertomusta Austraaliasta]
[Language: Finnish]
The lost clue, by Mrs. O. F. Walton 73450
[Illustrator: Adolf Thiede]
Drie blyspelen, by Pieter Langendyk 73449
[Language: Dutch]
20 hrs. 40 min., our flight in the Friendship, by Amelia Earhart 73448
[Subtitle: The American girl, first across the Atlantic by air,
tells her story]
Magazine of Western History Illustrated, Vol. 1, No. 1, November, 1884 73447
by Various
Maailma pienoiskoossa, by Friedrich Gerstäcker 73446
[Subtitle: Hupaisia ja opettavaisia kuvauksia maista ja kansoista]
[Language: Finnish]
Kokki-kirja, by J. F. Granlund 73445
[Subtitle: elikkä Neuvoja tarpeellisempien Joka-aikaisten
Pitoruokien Laitokseen]
[Language: Finnish]
Memoirs of a London doll, by Richard Henry Horne 73444
[Illustrator: Emma L. Brock]
Chroniques de J. Froissart, tome 4/13 73443
[Language: French]
The star-stealers, by Edmond Hamilton 73442
Fan Fare, May 1953, by W. Paul Ganley 73441
Canto heróico sobre as façanh, dos portugueses na expedição de Tripoli 73440
by José Francisco Cardoso
[Language: Portuguese]
L'anitra selvatica, by Henrik Ibsen 73439
[Language: Italian]
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. 75, No. 460, February, 1854, 73438
by Various
Matkakuvaelmia ja muistoja Lapin rajoilta, by Emil Nervander 73437
[Language: Finnish]
Jeunes Madames, by Brada 73436
[Language: French]
The Fighting Scrub, by Ralph Henry Barbour 73435
[Illustrator: A. D. Rahn]
Prof. E. H. Crane's manual of instructions to undertakers 73434
[Subtitle: With full and complete instructions in the best methods
for preserving the dead, including minute directions for arterial
The untouchable adolescents, by Ellis Hart 73433
Talven tullessa, by Juhani Suur-Juhola 73432
[Subtitle: Runoja]
[Language: Finnish]
Death of a mutant, by Charles V. De Vet 73431
History as past ethics; an introduction to the history of morals, 73430
by Philip Van Ness Myers
A voyage round the world, by Louis-Antoine de Bougainville 73429
The sea horror, by Edmond Hamilton 73428
Elements of agricultural chemistry and geology, by Jas. F. W. Johnston 73427
The Autobiography of Arthur Young 73426
The Guermantes Way, by Marcel Proust 73425
Poimintoja Jaakko Fellmanin muistiinpanoista Lapissa, by Agathon Meurman 73424
[Language: Finnish]
Campanalogia: or the art of ringing improved, by Fabian Stedman 73423
[Subtitle: with plain and easie rules to guide the practitioner
in the ringing all kinds of changes, to which is added, great
variety of new peals]
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. 63, No. 390, April, 1848, 73422
by Various
Be not afraid, by Catharine Shaw 73421
[Subtitle: Stories from the New Testament]
Research methods in ecology, by Frederic Edward Clements 73420
The works of the Rev. John Wesley, Vol. 9 of 32 73419
Myths of the Modocs, by Jeremiah Curtin 73418
The Great Indian Epics, by John Campbell Oman 73417
[Subtitle: The Stories of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata]
Of no account, by Ruth Lamb 73416
Historical record of the Eighty-seventh Regiment, or the Royal Irish 73415
Fusiliers, by Richard Cannon
[Subtitle: Containing an account of the formation of the regiment
in 1793, and of its subsequent services to 1853]
The adventuress, by Arthur B. Reeve 73414
[Subtitle: A Craig Kennedy detective story]
Reynard the fox in South Africa, by Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel Bleek 73413
[Subtitle: or, Hottentot Fabels and Tales, chiefly translated
from original manuscripts in the Library of His Excellency
Sir George Grey, K.C.B.]
Suorin tie paras, by August von Kotzebue 73412
[Subtitle: Yksinäytöksinen ilveily]
[Language: Finnish]
Doctor Dolittle in the Moon, by Hugh Lofting 73411
Colour vision, by W. de W. Abney 73410
[Subtitle: Being the Tyndall Lectures delivered in 1894
at the Royal Institution]
Patricia at the inn, by J. C. Snaith 73409
[Illustrator: H. B. Matthews]
Josafat, by Prudenci Bertrana 73408
[Language: Catalan]
Camion Cartoons, by Kirkland H. Day 73407
Études sur la flore du Sénégal, by Joseph Vallot 73406
[Language: French]
Sissisotien ajoilta, by Oskar Relander 73405
[Language: Finnish]
Enfranchisement of women, by Harriet Taylor Mill 73404
[Subtitle: Reprinted from the Westminster and
Foreign Quarterly Review, for July 1851]
The dissolution of the monasteries, by Francis Aidan Hibbert 73403
[Subtitle: As illustrated by the suppression
of the religious houses of Staffordshire]
Fortune, by J. C. Snaith 73402
The Wardens of Cape Cod, by Beston Henry 73401
[Subtitle: The achievements of the Coast Guard Patrol]
Tervanpolttajat, by Salomo Pulkkinen 73400
[Subtitle: Ynnä muita kertomuksia pohjan periltä]
[Language: Finnish]
Puutarhuri, by Rabindranath Tagore 73399
[Subtitle: Suorasanaisia runoelmia]
[Language: Finnish]
Travels in the East Indian archipelago, by Albert Smith Bickmore 73398
Vasari on technique, by Giorgio Vasari 73397
[Subtitle: Being the introduction to the three arts of design,
architecture, sculpture, and painting. Prefixed to the lives
of the most excellent painters, sculptors and architects]
The botanist's repository for new and rare plants; vol. 8 of 10, 73396
by Henry C. Andrews
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 73395
Fifth series, Vol. 3, No. 139, August 28, 1886, by Various
The virtues of common water [Tenth Edition], by John Smith 73394
[Subtitle: or, The advantages thereof, in preventing and curing many
distempers, gathered from the writings of several eminent physicians,
and also from more than forty years experience]
Jack Carstairs of the power house, by Sydney Sandys 73393
[Subtitle: A tale of some very young men and a very young industry]
[Illustrator: Stanley L. Wood]
Illustrations of the birds of Jamaica, by Philip Henry Gosse 73392
The birds of Jamaica, by Philip Henry Gosse 73391
Little rays of moonshine, by A. P. Herbert 73390
Miss Con, by Agnes Giberne 73389
[Illustrator: Edgar Giberne]
The gospel object book, by Clarence Herbert Woolston 73388
[Subtitle: A hand-book on object teaching for ministers,
teachers of children and adults]
Kanervakukkia, by Hanna Stenvall 73387
[Subtitle: Runokiehkura]
[Language: Finnish]
Länsi-Intian merisissejä, by Frank R. Stockton 73386
[Language: Finnish]
Woman's touch, by Evelyn E. Smith 73385
Les oiseaux bleus, by Catulle Mendès 73384
[Language: French]
The great illusion, by Manly Bannister 73383
Into the fourth dimension, by Ray Cummings 73382
The Black Cat, Vol. 1, No. 7, April 1896, by Various 73381
Heitukat, by Panait Istrati 73380
[Subtitle: Adrien Zograffin kolmas kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
In the brush, by Hamilton W. Pierson 73379
[Subtitle: Or, old-time social, political, and religious life
in the southwest]
[Illustrator: William Ludwell Sheppard]
The war maker, by Horace Smith 73378
[Subtitle: Being the true story of Captain George B. Boynton]
[Photographer: Pirie MacDonald]
Life and bloody career of the executed criminal, James Copeland, 73377
the great Southern Land pirate, by J. R. S. Pitts
The people of the ruins, by Edward Shanks 73376
30-day wonder, by Richard Wilson 73375
Geschichte der Zoologie, by Rudolf Burckhardt 73374
[Language: German]
Martin Eden, by Jack London 73373
[Language: Italian]
Mikaeli Kohlhas, by Heinrich von Kleist 73372
[Subtitle: Saksalainen tapakomedia Lutheruksen ajoilta]
[Language: Finnish]
The botanist's repository for new and rare plants, vol. 7, 73371
by Henry C. Andrews
Sous l'Étoile du Matin, by Adolphe Retté 73370
[Language: French]
The historians' history of the world in twenty-five volumes, volume 73369
17, by Henry Smith Williams
[Subtitle: Switzerland (concluded), Russia and Poland]
Alpine notes and the climbing foot, by George Wherry 73368
Saaren Helmin kunnia, by Juho Koskimaa 73367
[Subtitle: Romaani]
[Language: Finnish]
Baharia Oasis, by John Ball and Hugh J. L. Beadnell 73366
[Subtitle: Its topography and geology]
The Chevalier's daughter, by Lucy Ellen Guernsey 73365
Akhnaton, King of Egypt, by Dmitri Merezhkovsky 73364
The botanist's repository for new and rare plants; vol. 6, 73363
by by Henry C. Andrews
Stars and atoms, by Arthur Stanley Eddington 73362
Syksyä ja rakkautta, by Juho Koskimaa 73361
[Subtitle: Kertomuksia Kautisista ja Kulhiasta]
[Language: Finnish]
Ja sitten jätkä kuoli, by Juho Koskimaa 73360
[Language: Finnish]
The botanist's repository for new and rare plants, Vol. 5, 73359
by Henry C. Andrews
Classified object, by John Victor Peterson 73358
No star's land, by William Morrison 73357
Too close to the forest, by Bryce Walton and Al Reynolds 73356
The deadly ones, by F. L. Wallace 73355
A world to die for, by Sam Carson 73354
The works of the Rev. John Wesley, Vol. 8 of 32, 73353
The heel of Achilles, by E. M. Delafield 73352
Mr. Loneliness, by Henry Slesar 73351
The modern packing house, by F. W. Wilder and David I. Davis 73350
[Subtitle: A complete treatise on the design, construction,
equipment and operation of meat packing houses ...]
Meta Holdenis, by Victor Cherbuliez 73349
[Language: French]
Les rubis du calice, by Adolphe Retté 73348
[Language: French]
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. 93, No. 570, April, 1863, 73347
by Various
The adventures of a black coat, by Anonymous 73346
[Subtitle: Containing a series of remarkable occurrences
and entertaining incidents]
Pine to Potomac, by E. K. Cressey 73345
[Subtitle: Life of James G. Blaine: his boyhood, youth, manhood,
and public services; with a sketch of the life of Gen. John A. Logan]
The copper box, by J. S. Fletcher 73344
Auringon purjeet, by Lauri Viljanen 73343
[Subtitle: Runoja]
[Language: Finnish]
Kaarlo Tiira, by Wilho Soini 73342
[Subtitle: Novelli]
[Language: Finnish]
The artillerist's manual and British soldier's compendium, 73341
by F. A. Griffiths
Worthy of his name, by Eglanton Thorne 73340
What books to lend and what to give, by Charlotte Mary Yonge 73339
Beginners' zoology, by Walter M. Coleman 73338
Kohtalon koura, by Heikki Välisalmi 73337
[Language: Finnish]
La Città dell'Oro, by Emilio Salgari 73336
[Language: Italian]
Aberdeenshire, by Alexander Mackie 73335
Routledge rides alone, by Will Levington Comfort 73334
[Illustrator: Martin Justice]
Retour du flot, by Brada 73333
[Language: French]
Veres vanhaa veikeämpi, by Heikki Välisalmi 73332
[Subtitle: Maalailuja Savon maalta]
[Language: Finnish]
Taken or left, by Mrs. O. F. Walton 73331
Good men and true, and Hit the line hard, by Eugene Manlove Rhodes 73330
[Illustrator: H. T. Dunn]
Brelan marin, by Eugène Montfort 73329
[Language: French]
The outermost house, by Henry Beston 73328
[Subtitle: A year of life on the great beach of Cape Cod]
Häviävää Helsinkiä, by Toivo Tarvas 73327
[Subtitle: Novelleja]
[Language: Finnish]
Mr. Caxton draws a Martian bird, by Frank Belknap Long 73326
A crown of straw, by Allen Upward 73325
Sun and moon, by Vincent H. Gowen 73324
Soissons Before and During the War, by Michelin & Cie 73323
Nazarín, by Benito Pérez Galdós 73322
[Language: Spanish]
Ei-jumalainen komedia, by Zygmunt Krasinski 73321
[Language: Finnish]
Erämaan matkaajille, by Arvi Järventaus 73320
[Subtitle: Saarnoja]
[Language: Finnish]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, fifth 73319
series, Vol. 3, No. 138, August 21, 1886, by Various
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, fifth 73318
series, Vol. 3, No. 137, August 14, 1886, by Various
Little Miss Moth, by Amy Le Feuvre 73317
[Subtitle: The story of three maidens: Charity, Hope, and Faith]
The justice of Gideon, by Eleanor Gates 73316
[Illustrator: Harvey Dunn]
When everybody knew, by Raymond S. Spears 73315
The celestial blueprint, by Philip Jose Farmer 73314
Battleground, by Lester del Rey 73313
The daughter of the dawn, by William Reginald Hodder 73312
[Subtitle: A realistic story of Maori magic]
[Illustrator: Harold Piffard]
Capitan Riccardo, by Nicola Misasi 73311
[Language: Italian]
The printers, stationers and bookbinders of Westminster and London 73310
from 1476 to 1535, by E. Gordon Duff
Kyllikki ja Lemminkäinen, by Hilja Pärssinen 73309
[Subtitle: Laulurunoja]
[Language: Finnish]
Love, by Elizabeth von Arnim 73308