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* New eBook Listings from July
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The tenth (Irish) division in Gallipoli, by Brian Cooper 74163
Nature readers, by Julia McNair Wright 74162
[Subtitle: Sea-side and way-side. No. 1]
Or Darwin, if you prefer, by Mel Hunter 74161
And a little child, by Marcia Kamien 74160
Els aucells més útils a la agricultura de Catalunya, by Emili Tarré 74159
[Language: Catalan]
Hemming, the adventurer, by Theodore Goodridge Roberts 74158
[Illustrator: A. G. Learned]
En route, by J.-K. Huysmans 74157
[Language: French]
Immortality proved by the testimony of sense, by Abraham Cummings 74156
[In which is contemplated the doctrine of spectres
and the existence of a particular spectre]
A frontier knight, by Amy Ella Blanchard 74155
[Subtitle: A story of early Texan border-life]
[Illustrator: William F. Stecher]
The reaction between manganese dioxide and potassium permanganate, 74154
by Arthur John Hopkins
Familiensklaven, by Max Kretzer 74153
[Subtitle: Roman]
[Language: German]
Life and religion of the Hindoos, by Joguth Chunder Gangooly 74152
[Subtitle: With a sketch of my life and experience]
Travels in Ethiopia, above the second cataract of the Nile, 74151
by George Alexander Hoskins
[Subtitle: under the dominion of Mohammed Ali]
[Illustrator: Lucchese Bandoni]
Gun play, by Michael J. Phillips 74150
A hat in the radio ring, by Garret Smith 74149
Metipom's hostage, by Ralph Henry Barbour 74148
Subtitle: Being a Narrative of certain surprising adventures befalling
one David Lindall in the first year of King Philip's War
[Illustrator: Remington Schuyler]
The black drama, by Manly Wade Wellman 74147
[Illustrators: Margaret Brundage and Virgil Finlay]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 74146
fifth series, Vol. 3, No. 142, September 18, 1886, by Various
Radio razz, by Jack Woodford 74145
Jackie sees a star, by Marion Zimmer Bradley 74144
[Illustrator: Alex Schomburg]
Dépaysements, by Robert de Traz 74143
[Language: French]
Raw men, by Frank Richardson Pierce 74142
L'art de chevalerie selon Vegece, by Christine de Pisan, 74141
Flavius Vegetus Renatus, Honoré Bonet and Sextus Julius Frontinus
[Language: French]
The strike at Too Dry, by Willis Brindley 74140
The woman obsession, by William Campbell Gault 74139
The love song of Lancelot Biggs, by Nelson S. Bond 74138
The closed door, by John Fleming Wilson and Mary Ashe Miller 74137
Psyche, by Walter S. Cramp 74136
[Illustrator: Wladyslaw T. Benda]
My experiences while out of my body, by Cora L. V. Richmond 74135
[Subtitle: and my return after many days]
The magazine of history with notes and queries, Vol. 2, No. 5, 74134
November 1905, by Various
Mielevä hidalgo Don Quijote Manchalainen I, by Miguel de Cervantes 74133
[Language: Finnish]
The ordeal of Lancelot Biggs, by Nelson S. Bond 74132
Voyages hors de ma chambre, by Victor Fournel 74131
[Language: French]
Prize of the air, by Ben Conlon 74130
The History of the Twentieth (Light) Division, 74129
by Valentine Erskine Inglefield
L'enfant qui prit peur, by Auguste Gilbert de Voisins 74128
[Language: French]
From the Indus to the Tigris, by Henry Walter Bellew 74127
[Subtitle: A narrative of a journey through the countries
of Balochistan, Afghanistan, Khorassan and Iran, in 1872]
La Comédie humaine, Vol. 17, Études de mœurs, by Honoré de Balzac 74126
[Subtitle: La cousine Bette -- Le cousin Pons]
[Language: French]
Kuusikymmentä vuotta sitten, by Louis Couperus 74125
[Language: Finnish]
In the line of duty, by H. P. S. Greene 74124
[Illustrator: V. E. Pyles]
Experimentelle Psychologie, by Johannes Lindworsky 74123
[Language: German]
The military memoirs of an infantry officer, 1809-1816, 74122
by James Archibald Hope
Moonlight and moonshine, by Thomson Burtis 74121
The hairy ones shall dance, by Manly Wade Wellman 74120
[Illustrators: Margaret Brundage and Virgil Finlay]
Evans of the Earth-Guard, by Edmond Hamilton 74119
[Illustrators: Frank R. Paul and Lumen Martin Winter]
The seven missionaries, by H. C. McNeile 74118
[Illustrator: George W. Gage]
Az alispán úr, by György Szemere 74117
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Illustrator: Ákos Garay]
[Language: Hungarian]
Antonio, by Ernest Oldmeadow 74116
Suljettu puutarha, by Aino Kallas 74115
[Subtitle: ]Runoja
[Language: Finnish]
Viinamäen Eenokki, by Juho Hoikkanen 74114
[Subtitle: Kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
The ice goes out, by Frank Richardson Pierce 74113
[Illustrator: V. E. Pyles]
The magazine of history with notes and queries, Vol. 1, No. 2, 74112
by Various
Kitecraft, by Charles M. Miller 74111
[Subtitle: and kite tournaments]
The genius of Lancelot Biggs, by Nelson S. Bond 74110
The downfall of Lancelot Biggs, by Nelson S. Bond 74109
How little Bessie kept the wolf from the door, by Mrs. Coates 74108
Riivaajat, 3/3, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky 74107
[Language: Finnish]
Sainte Lydwine de Schiedam, by J.-K. Huysmans 74106
[Language: French]
The treasure of Mushroom Rock, by Sidford F. Hamp 74105
[Subtitle: A story of prospecting in the Rocky Mountains]
[Illustrator: H. C. Edwards]
Literary values, and other papers, by John Burroughs 74104
A woman's soul, by Charles Garvice 74103
History of merchant shipping and ancient commerce, Volume 3 of 4, 74102
by W. S. Lindsay
The Street of the Eye, by Gerald Bullett 74101
[Subtitle: and nine other tales]
La straniera, by Edoardo Calandra 74100
Subtitle: Novelle e teatro]
[Language: Italian]
The journal of the American-Irish Historical Society, Vol. 8, by Various 74099
War No. 81-Q, by Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger 74098
El mètode objectiu, by Ramón Turró 74097
[Language: Catalan]
Korkea oikeus istuu, by Martti Wuori 74096
[Subtitle: Yksinäytöksinen ilveily]
[Language: Finnish]
The life watch, by Lester Del Rey 74095
Miette et Noré, by Jean Aicard 74094
[Subtitle: Troisième édition corrigée augmentée
d'une préface et d'un épilogue]
[Language: French]
Missions au Sahara, tome 2: Sahara soudanais, by René Chudeau 74093
[Language: French]
Missions au Sahara, tome 1: Sahara algérien, by Émile-Félix Gautier 74092
[Language: French]
Le temps retrouvé Tome 2 (de 2)by Marcel Proust 74091
[Subtitle: À la recherche du temps perdu vol.VII]
Le temps retrouvé Tome 1 (de 2), by Marcel Proust 74090
Subtitle: À la recherche du temps perdu vol.VII]
[Language: French]
Heleen, by Carry van Bruggen 74089
[Subtitle: "een vroege winter"]
[Language: Dutch]
Famous funny fellows, by William Montgomery Clemens 74088
[Subtitle: Brief biographical sketches of American humorists]
Obras selectas de la celebre monja de Mejico, sor Juana Ines de la Cruz 74087
[Subtitle: precedidas de su biografia y juicio crítico sobre
todas sus producciones]
[Language: Spanish]
The invisible master, by Edmond Hamilton 74086
[Illustrators: Frank R. Paul and J Ruger]
Woman's work in America, by Various 74085
History of the Waldenses, by J. A. Wylie 74084
The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. 2, No. 9, August, 1836, 74083
by Various
Farmer Bluff's dog Blazer, by Florence E. Burch 74082
[Subtitle: or At the eleventh hour]
[Illustrator: Gordon Browne]
Lettres à sa fiancée, by Léon Bloy 74081
[Language: French]
Essais sur la necessité et les moyens de plaire, by François-Augustin 74080
Paradis de Moncrif
[Language: French]
Riivaajat, 2/3, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky 74079
[Language: Finnish]
Judith och Holofernes, by August Tavaststjerna 74078
[Subtitle: Historiskt skådespel i 4 akter och 8 tablåer]
[Language: Swedish]
The Deseado Formation of Patagonia, by Frederic Brewster Loomis 74077
The reign of King Oberon, by Walter Jerrold 74076
[Illustrator: Charles Henry Robinson]
The space visitors, by Edmond Hamilton 74075
The cottage, by Frank Belknap Long 74074
Vérben, vasban, by Zsigmond Móricz 74073
[Subtitle: Kis képek a nagy háboruból]
[Illustrator: Ákos Garay]
[Language: Hungarian]
Ihmisten tähden, by Martti Wuori 74072
[Subtitle: 3-näytöksinen näytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
Short-story masterpieces, by Various 74071
[Subtitle: Vol. 3, Russian]
A Resident's wife in Nigeria, by Constance Belcher Larymore 74070
The tale of Mistah Mule, by Arthur Scott Bailey 74069
The ceramic art of Great Britain from pre-historic times down to the 74068
present day, Vol. 2 of 2, by Llewellynn Frederick William Jewitt
Powers of the President during crises, by J. Malcolm Smith 74067
and Cornelius P. Cotter
Lapveden meteli, by Martti Wuori 74066
[Subtitle: Historiallinen näytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
El libro de las mil noches y una noche, t.7, by Anonymous 74065
[Language: Spanish]
The grateful elephant, by Eugene Watson Burlingame 74064
[Subtitle: And other stories]
[Illustrator: Dorothy Pulis Lathrop]
Az egyszeri királyfi, by Ernő Szép 74063
[Subtitle: Mese 9 képben, 3 felvonásban]
[Language: Hungarian]
The magazine of history, by Various 74062
[Subtitle: with notes and queries, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1905]
Au cœur de l'Auvergne, by Jean Ajalbert 74061
[Language: French]
Riivaajat, 1/3, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky 74060
[Language: Finnish]
Luostarin kasvatti : Kertomus vanhasta Karjalasta by Reino Rauanheimo 74059
[Subtitle: Kertomus vanhasta Karjalasta]
[Language: Finnish]
Lumihiutaleita, by Anni Kaste 74058
[Subtitle: Novelleja]
[Language: Finnish]
A book of bridges, by Walter Shaw Sparrow 74057
[Illustrator: Frank Brangwyn]
Life and works of Alexander Csoma de Körös, by Theodore Duka 74056
[Subtitle: A biography compiled chiefly
from hitherto unpublished data]
Mindennapi problémák, by István Szomaházy 74055
[Language: Hungarian]
Harmaalan emäntä : Kyläkertomus by Veikko Korhonen 74054
[Subtitle: Kyläkertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
Pieni hanhipaimen Yrjö, by Per Palmqvist and Simeon Hirvonen 74053
[Language: Finnish]
L'histoire des Gadsby, by Rudyard Kipling 74052
[Language: French]
The chest of tools, by Madeline Leslie 74051
The prem sagur, by Lallu Lal 74050
[Subtitle: Ocean of Love]
Anthropology, by Franz Boas 74049
[Subtitle: A lecture delivered at Columbia University]
The riddle of Three-Way Creek, by Ridgwell Cullum 74048
A little philosophy of life, by Robert J. Burdette 74047
The Lakewood boys in the South Sea islands, by L. P. Wyman 74046
The Lakewood boys on the Lazy S, by L. P. Wyman 74045
The Lakewood boys in the frozen North, by L. P. Wyman 74044
Wanderings of a pilgrim in search of the picturesque, Volume 2 of 2, 74043
by Fanny Parkes Parlby
[Subtitle: During four-and-twenty years in the east;
with revelations of life in the zenāna]
Wanderings of a pilgrim in search of the picturesque, Volume 1 of 2, 74042
by Fanny Parkes Parlby
[Subtitle: During four-and-twenty years in the east;
with revelations of life in the zenāna]
El libro de las mil noches y una noche; t.6, by Anonymous 74041
[Language: Spanish]
Les saisons & les jours, by Laurent Tailhade 74040
[Language: French]
The reader's guide to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, by the Encyclopaedia 74039
[Subtitle: A handbook containing sixty-six courses of systematic study
or occasional reading]
The call of the night rider, by Albert Lee 74038
[Subtitle: A story of the days of William Tyndale]
[Illustrator: John F. Campbell]
Helkkyvät hetket, by L. Onerva 74037
[Subtitle: Runoja]
Pikku Dorrit II, by Charles Dickens 74036
[Language: Finnish]
Le roman de Confucius, by Maurice Magre 74035
[Language: French]
Le poison de Goa, by Maurice Magre 74034
[Subtitle: Roman]
[Language: French]
Omnibuses and cabs, their origin and history. by Henry Charles Moore 74033
The pirate's gold, by Gordon Stables 74032
Doktor Senki (2. kötet), by Andor Gábor 74031
[Language: Hungarian]
Doktor Senki (1. kötet), by Andor Gábor 74030
[Language: Hungarian]
La dama de las camelias - Una familia corsa, by Alejandro Dumas (hijo) 74029
[Language: Spanish]
Kultasydän, by Selma Lagerlöf 74028
[Language: Finnish]
Heikki Ortela, by Ilma Virtala 74027
[Subtitle: Nelinäytöksinen kuvaelmasarja Pohjanmaalta 1917-18]
[Language: Finnish]
Terremoto, by Parmenio Bettoli 74026
[Language: Italian]
The judging of the priestess, by Nelson S. Bond 74025
The ghost of Lancelot Biggs, by Nelson S. Bond 74024
A notched gun, by Walt Coburn 74023
Little Sally Waters, by Ethel Calvert Phillips 74022
[Illustrator: Edith F. Butler]
Where are you, Mr. Biggs?, by Nelson S. Bond 74021
Outside the universe, by Edmond Hamilton 74020
Honeymoon in bedlam, by Nelson S. Bond 74019
Fearful rock, by Manly Wade Wellman 74018
Svante Horn ja Lindbom, by C. Georg Starbäck 74017
[Subtitle: Kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
Samoan ihmesaarilla, by Anonymous 74016
[Subtitle: Kertomuksia ja kuvauksia]
[Language: Finnish]
The skipper knows best, by Murray Leinster 74015
Lawrence and the Arabs, by Robert Graves 74014
A vagyon tudománya, by J. A. Hobson 74013
[Language: Hungarian]
Janet's college career, by Amy E. Blanchard 74012
A good woman, by Louis Bromfield 74011
The boy, me and the cat, by Henry M. Plummer 74010
[Subtitle: Cruise of the Mascot, 1912-1913]
Finneblomkes, by Jan Ritskes Kloosterman 74009
[Subtitle: Rimen en sangkjes]
[Language: Frisian]
Der Schimmelreiter, by Theodor Storm 74008
[Language: German]
Her own way, by Eglanton Thorne 74007
Little sweetheart, by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller 74006
[Subtitle: or, Norman De Vere's protegee]
Anna Sarkoila, by Maila Talvio 74005
[Subtitle: 3-näytöksinen näytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
Lehrbuch der Gerichtlichen Medicin, by Eduard R. von Hofmann 74004
[Language: German]
Le livre des lotus entr'ouverts, by Maurice Magre 74003
[Language: French]
The cinnamon heart, by Arthur L. Brown and Howard Hoppin 74002
[Subtitle: A mediæval candy scrape in 3 acts]
An essay on diseases incidental to literary and sedentary persons, 74001
by Samuel-Auguste Tissot
[Subtitle: With proper rules for preventing their fatal consequences,
And instructions for their cure]
Voyages to the Moon and the Sun, by Cyrano de Bergerac 74000
Belle Sylvie, by Charles Silvestre 73999
[Language: French]
Le retour d'Imray, by Rudyard Kipling 73998
[Language: French]
A history of socialism, 4th ed., by Thomas Kirkup 73997
Stellar atmospheres, by Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin 73996
[Subtitle: A contribution to the observational study
of high temperature in the reversing layers of stars]
Hölmöläiset, by Olli 73995
[Subtitle: Suomen kansan tarinoita Hölmölän väen elämästä
ja seikkailuista]
[Language: Finnish]
Pikku Dorrit I, by Charles Dickens 73994
[Language: Finnish]
A farkas, by Ferenc Molnár 73993
[Subtitle: Vigjáték három felvonásban]
[Language: Hungarian]
Joululeikkejä ja vuorokeskusteluja, by Alli Trygg-Helenius 73992
[Language: Finnish]
The orchestra and its instruments, by Esther Singleton 73991
Nigeria and its tin fields, by Albert F. Calvert 73990
Suuria pyrkimyksiä, by Juho Hokkanen 73989
[Language: Finnish]
Electro-episoded in A. D. 2025, by E. D. Skinner 73988
Rivals of the clouds, by Raoul Whitfield 73987
The Cornhill Magazine, Vol. 41, No. 241, new series, July 1916, 73986
by Various
L'Allemand. Souvenirs et réflexions d'un prisonnier de guerre, 73985
by Jacques Rivière
[Language: French]
Sinking of the "Titanic" most appalling ocean horror, 73984
by Jay Henry Mowbray
The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Vol. 5 of 13, 73983
[Subtitle: Containing an account of the cruel civil wars
between the houses of Orleans and Burgundy]
Frysce wâldblomkes, by Jan Ritskes Kloosterman 73982
[Language: Frisian]
Tuomas Kokko, by Veikko Koskinen 73981
[Subtitle: Yhteiskunnallinen kyläkuvaus]
[Language: Finnish]
Madame de Staël, by L. Onerva 73980
[Language: Finnish]
Sok minden, by Ernő Szép 73979
[Language: Hungarian]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 73978
fifth series, Vol. 3, No. 141, September 11, 1886, by Various
Les "Faisans", by Jacques Dyssord 73977
[Language: French]
Air Service boys flying for France, by Charles Amory Beach 73976
[Subtitle: Or the young heroes of the Lafayette Escadrille]
[Illustrator: Robert Gaston Herbert]
Soils, their formation, properties, composition, and relations 73975
to climate and plant growth in the humid and arid regions,
by E. W. Hildgard
A bankrupt heart, Vol. 3 of 3, by Florence Marryat 73974
A bankrupt heart, Vol. 2 of 3, by Florence Marryat 73973
A bankrupt heart, Vol. 1 of 3, by Florence Marryat 73972
Ciklámen, by Andor Gábor 73971
[Subtitle: Szinjáték 3 felvonásban]
[Language: Hungarian]
Erämaan henki, by Karl May 73970
[Subtitle: Seikkailu Suuressa Lännessä]
[Language: Finnish]
Kertomus Wilhelmi Tellistä ja Sveitsinmaan vapauttamisesta, 73969
by Alexandre Dumas
[Language: Finnish]
Marseljeesi, by Alexandre Dumas 73968
[Subtitle: Romaani Ranskan vallankumouksesta]
[Language: Finnish]
Chroniques de J. Froissart, tome 07/13, by Jean Froissart 73967
[Subtitle: 1367-1370 (Depuis l'expédition du Prince de Galles
en Espagne jusqu'à la nomination de B. Du GuescLin à la
charge de Connétable de France)]
[Language: French]
Elämän muukalainen, by L. Onerva 73966
[Subtitle: Sikermä unikuvia]
[Language: Finnish]
Cenizas, by Grazia Deledda 73965
[Language: Spanish]
The golden heart, and other fairy stories, by Violet Jacob 73964
[Illustrator: May Catherine Sandheim]
Ut stiltme en stoarm, by Douwe Kalma 73963
[Subtitle: LXXV Sonetten]
[Language: Frisian]
Die Buben der Frau Opterberg, by Rudolf Herzog 73962
[Language: German]
Costums típicas de la ciutat de Valls, by Josep Aladern 73961
[Language: Catalan]
The man who hated himself, by Walt Coburn 73960
The provincial letters of Blaise Pascal 73959
[Subtitle: A new translation with historical introduction and notes
by the Rev. Thomas McCrie]
Thoughts on the mechanism of societies, by marquis de Charles Casaux 73958
The English Works of Thomas Hobbes Volume 3 of 11 73957
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* New eBook Listings from July
~ ~ ~ ~ Posting Dates for the below eBooks: 1 Jul 2024 to 31 Jul 2024 ~ ~ ~ ~
The tenth (Irish) division in Gallipoli, by Brian Cooper 74163
Nature readers, by Julia McNair Wright 74162
[Subtitle: Sea-side and way-side. No. 1]
Or Darwin, if you prefer, by Mel Hunter 74161
And a little child, by Marcia Kamien 74160
Els aucells més útils a la agricultura de Catalunya, by Emili Tarré 74159
[Language: Catalan]
Hemming, the adventurer, by Theodore Goodridge Roberts 74158
[Illustrator: A. G. Learned]
En route, by J.-K. Huysmans 74157
[Language: French]
Immortality proved by the testimony of sense, by Abraham Cummings 74156
[In which is contemplated the doctrine of spectres
and the existence of a particular spectre]
A frontier knight, by Amy Ella Blanchard 74155
[Subtitle: A story of early Texan border-life]
[Illustrator: William F. Stecher]
The reaction between manganese dioxide and potassium permanganate, 74154
by Arthur John Hopkins
Familiensklaven, by Max Kretzer 74153
[Subtitle: Roman]
[Language: German]
Life and religion of the Hindoos, by Joguth Chunder Gangooly 74152
[Subtitle: With a sketch of my life and experience]
Travels in Ethiopia, above the second cataract of the Nile, 74151
by George Alexander Hoskins
[Subtitle: under the dominion of Mohammed Ali]
[Illustrator: Lucchese Bandoni]
Gun play, by Michael J. Phillips 74150
A hat in the radio ring, by Garret Smith 74149
Metipom's hostage, by Ralph Henry Barbour 74148
Subtitle: Being a Narrative of certain surprising adventures befalling
one David Lindall in the first year of King Philip's War
[Illustrator: Remington Schuyler]
The black drama, by Manly Wade Wellman 74147
[Illustrators: Margaret Brundage and Virgil Finlay]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 74146
fifth series, Vol. 3, No. 142, September 18, 1886, by Various
Radio razz, by Jack Woodford 74145
Jackie sees a star, by Marion Zimmer Bradley 74144
[Illustrator: Alex Schomburg]
Dépaysements, by Robert de Traz 74143
[Language: French]
Raw men, by Frank Richardson Pierce 74142
L'art de chevalerie selon Vegece, by Christine de Pisan, 74141
Flavius Vegetus Renatus, Honoré Bonet and Sextus Julius Frontinus
[Language: French]
The strike at Too Dry, by Willis Brindley 74140
The woman obsession, by William Campbell Gault 74139
The love song of Lancelot Biggs, by Nelson S. Bond 74138
The closed door, by John Fleming Wilson and Mary Ashe Miller 74137
Psyche, by Walter S. Cramp 74136
[Illustrator: Wladyslaw T. Benda]
My experiences while out of my body, by Cora L. V. Richmond 74135
[Subtitle: and my return after many days]
The magazine of history with notes and queries, Vol. 2, No. 5, 74134
November 1905, by Various
Mielevä hidalgo Don Quijote Manchalainen I, by Miguel de Cervantes 74133
[Language: Finnish]
The ordeal of Lancelot Biggs, by Nelson S. Bond 74132
Voyages hors de ma chambre, by Victor Fournel 74131
[Language: French]
Prize of the air, by Ben Conlon 74130
The History of the Twentieth (Light) Division, 74129
by Valentine Erskine Inglefield
L'enfant qui prit peur, by Auguste Gilbert de Voisins 74128
[Language: French]
From the Indus to the Tigris, by Henry Walter Bellew 74127
[Subtitle: A narrative of a journey through the countries
of Balochistan, Afghanistan, Khorassan and Iran, in 1872]
La Comédie humaine, Vol. 17, Études de mœurs, by Honoré de Balzac 74126
[Subtitle: La cousine Bette -- Le cousin Pons]
[Language: French]
Kuusikymmentä vuotta sitten, by Louis Couperus 74125
[Language: Finnish]
In the line of duty, by H. P. S. Greene 74124
[Illustrator: V. E. Pyles]
Experimentelle Psychologie, by Johannes Lindworsky 74123
[Language: German]
The military memoirs of an infantry officer, 1809-1816, 74122
by James Archibald Hope
Moonlight and moonshine, by Thomson Burtis 74121
The hairy ones shall dance, by Manly Wade Wellman 74120
[Illustrators: Margaret Brundage and Virgil Finlay]
Evans of the Earth-Guard, by Edmond Hamilton 74119
[Illustrators: Frank R. Paul and Lumen Martin Winter]
The seven missionaries, by H. C. McNeile 74118
[Illustrator: George W. Gage]
Az alispán úr, by György Szemere 74117
[Subtitle: Regény]
[Illustrator: Ákos Garay]
[Language: Hungarian]
Antonio, by Ernest Oldmeadow 74116
Suljettu puutarha, by Aino Kallas 74115
[Subtitle: ]Runoja
[Language: Finnish]
Viinamäen Eenokki, by Juho Hoikkanen 74114
[Subtitle: Kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
The ice goes out, by Frank Richardson Pierce 74113
[Illustrator: V. E. Pyles]
The magazine of history with notes and queries, Vol. 1, No. 2, 74112
by Various
Kitecraft, by Charles M. Miller 74111
[Subtitle: and kite tournaments]
The genius of Lancelot Biggs, by Nelson S. Bond 74110
The downfall of Lancelot Biggs, by Nelson S. Bond 74109
How little Bessie kept the wolf from the door, by Mrs. Coates 74108
Riivaajat, 3/3, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky 74107
[Language: Finnish]
Sainte Lydwine de Schiedam, by J.-K. Huysmans 74106
[Language: French]
The treasure of Mushroom Rock, by Sidford F. Hamp 74105
[Subtitle: A story of prospecting in the Rocky Mountains]
[Illustrator: H. C. Edwards]
Literary values, and other papers, by John Burroughs 74104
A woman's soul, by Charles Garvice 74103
History of merchant shipping and ancient commerce, Volume 3 of 4, 74102
by W. S. Lindsay
The Street of the Eye, by Gerald Bullett 74101
[Subtitle: and nine other tales]
La straniera, by Edoardo Calandra 74100
Subtitle: Novelle e teatro]
[Language: Italian]
The journal of the American-Irish Historical Society, Vol. 8, by Various 74099
War No. 81-Q, by Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger 74098
El mètode objectiu, by Ramón Turró 74097
[Language: Catalan]
Korkea oikeus istuu, by Martti Wuori 74096
[Subtitle: Yksinäytöksinen ilveily]
[Language: Finnish]
The life watch, by Lester Del Rey 74095
Miette et Noré, by Jean Aicard 74094
[Subtitle: Troisième édition corrigée augmentée
d'une préface et d'un épilogue]
[Language: French]
Missions au Sahara, tome 2: Sahara soudanais, by René Chudeau 74093
[Language: French]
Missions au Sahara, tome 1: Sahara algérien, by Émile-Félix Gautier 74092
[Language: French]
Le temps retrouvé Tome 2 (de 2)by Marcel Proust 74091
[Subtitle: À la recherche du temps perdu vol.VII]
Le temps retrouvé Tome 1 (de 2), by Marcel Proust 74090
Subtitle: À la recherche du temps perdu vol.VII]
[Language: French]
Heleen, by Carry van Bruggen 74089
[Subtitle: "een vroege winter"]
[Language: Dutch]
Famous funny fellows, by William Montgomery Clemens 74088
[Subtitle: Brief biographical sketches of American humorists]
Obras selectas de la celebre monja de Mejico, sor Juana Ines de la Cruz 74087
[Subtitle: precedidas de su biografia y juicio crítico sobre
todas sus producciones]
[Language: Spanish]
The invisible master, by Edmond Hamilton 74086
[Illustrators: Frank R. Paul and J Ruger]
Woman's work in America, by Various 74085
History of the Waldenses, by J. A. Wylie 74084
The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. 2, No. 9, August, 1836, 74083
by Various
Farmer Bluff's dog Blazer, by Florence E. Burch 74082
[Subtitle: or At the eleventh hour]
[Illustrator: Gordon Browne]
Lettres à sa fiancée, by Léon Bloy 74081
[Language: French]
Essais sur la necessité et les moyens de plaire, by François-Augustin 74080
Paradis de Moncrif
[Language: French]
Riivaajat, 2/3, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky 74079
[Language: Finnish]
Judith och Holofernes, by August Tavaststjerna 74078
[Subtitle: Historiskt skådespel i 4 akter och 8 tablåer]
[Language: Swedish]
The Deseado Formation of Patagonia, by Frederic Brewster Loomis 74077
The reign of King Oberon, by Walter Jerrold 74076
[Illustrator: Charles Henry Robinson]
The space visitors, by Edmond Hamilton 74075
The cottage, by Frank Belknap Long 74074
Vérben, vasban, by Zsigmond Móricz 74073
[Subtitle: Kis képek a nagy háboruból]
[Illustrator: Ákos Garay]
[Language: Hungarian]
Ihmisten tähden, by Martti Wuori 74072
[Subtitle: 3-näytöksinen näytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
Short-story masterpieces, by Various 74071
[Subtitle: Vol. 3, Russian]
A Resident's wife in Nigeria, by Constance Belcher Larymore 74070
The tale of Mistah Mule, by Arthur Scott Bailey 74069
The ceramic art of Great Britain from pre-historic times down to the 74068
present day, Vol. 2 of 2, by Llewellynn Frederick William Jewitt
Powers of the President during crises, by J. Malcolm Smith 74067
and Cornelius P. Cotter
Lapveden meteli, by Martti Wuori 74066
[Subtitle: Historiallinen näytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
El libro de las mil noches y una noche, t.7, by Anonymous 74065
[Language: Spanish]
The grateful elephant, by Eugene Watson Burlingame 74064
[Subtitle: And other stories]
[Illustrator: Dorothy Pulis Lathrop]
Az egyszeri királyfi, by Ernő Szép 74063
[Subtitle: Mese 9 képben, 3 felvonásban]
[Language: Hungarian]
The magazine of history, by Various 74062
[Subtitle: with notes and queries, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1905]
Au cœur de l'Auvergne, by Jean Ajalbert 74061
[Language: French]
Riivaajat, 1/3, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky 74060
[Language: Finnish]
Luostarin kasvatti : Kertomus vanhasta Karjalasta by Reino Rauanheimo 74059
[Subtitle: Kertomus vanhasta Karjalasta]
[Language: Finnish]
Lumihiutaleita, by Anni Kaste 74058
[Subtitle: Novelleja]
[Language: Finnish]
A book of bridges, by Walter Shaw Sparrow 74057
[Illustrator: Frank Brangwyn]
Life and works of Alexander Csoma de Körös, by Theodore Duka 74056
[Subtitle: A biography compiled chiefly
from hitherto unpublished data]
Mindennapi problémák, by István Szomaházy 74055
[Language: Hungarian]
Harmaalan emäntä : Kyläkertomus by Veikko Korhonen 74054
[Subtitle: Kyläkertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
Pieni hanhipaimen Yrjö, by Per Palmqvist and Simeon Hirvonen 74053
[Language: Finnish]
L'histoire des Gadsby, by Rudyard Kipling 74052
[Language: French]
The chest of tools, by Madeline Leslie 74051
The prem sagur, by Lallu Lal 74050
[Subtitle: Ocean of Love]
Anthropology, by Franz Boas 74049
[Subtitle: A lecture delivered at Columbia University]
The riddle of Three-Way Creek, by Ridgwell Cullum 74048
A little philosophy of life, by Robert J. Burdette 74047
The Lakewood boys in the South Sea islands, by L. P. Wyman 74046
The Lakewood boys on the Lazy S, by L. P. Wyman 74045
The Lakewood boys in the frozen North, by L. P. Wyman 74044
Wanderings of a pilgrim in search of the picturesque, Volume 2 of 2, 74043
by Fanny Parkes Parlby
[Subtitle: During four-and-twenty years in the east;
with revelations of life in the zenāna]
Wanderings of a pilgrim in search of the picturesque, Volume 1 of 2, 74042
by Fanny Parkes Parlby
[Subtitle: During four-and-twenty years in the east;
with revelations of life in the zenāna]
El libro de las mil noches y una noche; t.6, by Anonymous 74041
[Language: Spanish]
Les saisons & les jours, by Laurent Tailhade 74040
[Language: French]
The reader's guide to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, by the Encyclopaedia 74039
[Subtitle: A handbook containing sixty-six courses of systematic study
or occasional reading]
The call of the night rider, by Albert Lee 74038
[Subtitle: A story of the days of William Tyndale]
[Illustrator: John F. Campbell]
Helkkyvät hetket, by L. Onerva 74037
[Subtitle: Runoja]
Pikku Dorrit II, by Charles Dickens 74036
[Language: Finnish]
Le roman de Confucius, by Maurice Magre 74035
[Language: French]
Le poison de Goa, by Maurice Magre 74034
[Subtitle: Roman]
[Language: French]
Omnibuses and cabs, their origin and history. by Henry Charles Moore 74033
The pirate's gold, by Gordon Stables 74032
Doktor Senki (2. kötet), by Andor Gábor 74031
[Language: Hungarian]
Doktor Senki (1. kötet), by Andor Gábor 74030
[Language: Hungarian]
La dama de las camelias - Una familia corsa, by Alejandro Dumas (hijo) 74029
[Language: Spanish]
Kultasydän, by Selma Lagerlöf 74028
[Language: Finnish]
Heikki Ortela, by Ilma Virtala 74027
[Subtitle: Nelinäytöksinen kuvaelmasarja Pohjanmaalta 1917-18]
[Language: Finnish]
Terremoto, by Parmenio Bettoli 74026
[Language: Italian]
The judging of the priestess, by Nelson S. Bond 74025
The ghost of Lancelot Biggs, by Nelson S. Bond 74024
A notched gun, by Walt Coburn 74023
Little Sally Waters, by Ethel Calvert Phillips 74022
[Illustrator: Edith F. Butler]
Where are you, Mr. Biggs?, by Nelson S. Bond 74021
Outside the universe, by Edmond Hamilton 74020
Honeymoon in bedlam, by Nelson S. Bond 74019
Fearful rock, by Manly Wade Wellman 74018
Svante Horn ja Lindbom, by C. Georg Starbäck 74017
[Subtitle: Kertomus]
[Language: Finnish]
Samoan ihmesaarilla, by Anonymous 74016
[Subtitle: Kertomuksia ja kuvauksia]
[Language: Finnish]
The skipper knows best, by Murray Leinster 74015
Lawrence and the Arabs, by Robert Graves 74014
A vagyon tudománya, by J. A. Hobson 74013
[Language: Hungarian]
Janet's college career, by Amy E. Blanchard 74012
A good woman, by Louis Bromfield 74011
The boy, me and the cat, by Henry M. Plummer 74010
[Subtitle: Cruise of the Mascot, 1912-1913]
Finneblomkes, by Jan Ritskes Kloosterman 74009
[Subtitle: Rimen en sangkjes]
[Language: Frisian]
Der Schimmelreiter, by Theodor Storm 74008
[Language: German]
Her own way, by Eglanton Thorne 74007
Little sweetheart, by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller 74006
[Subtitle: or, Norman De Vere's protegee]
Anna Sarkoila, by Maila Talvio 74005
[Subtitle: 3-näytöksinen näytelmä]
[Language: Finnish]
Lehrbuch der Gerichtlichen Medicin, by Eduard R. von Hofmann 74004
[Language: German]
Le livre des lotus entr'ouverts, by Maurice Magre 74003
[Language: French]
The cinnamon heart, by Arthur L. Brown and Howard Hoppin 74002
[Subtitle: A mediæval candy scrape in 3 acts]
An essay on diseases incidental to literary and sedentary persons, 74001
by Samuel-Auguste Tissot
[Subtitle: With proper rules for preventing their fatal consequences,
And instructions for their cure]
Voyages to the Moon and the Sun, by Cyrano de Bergerac 74000
Belle Sylvie, by Charles Silvestre 73999
[Language: French]
Le retour d'Imray, by Rudyard Kipling 73998
[Language: French]
A history of socialism, 4th ed., by Thomas Kirkup 73997
Stellar atmospheres, by Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin 73996
[Subtitle: A contribution to the observational study
of high temperature in the reversing layers of stars]
Hölmöläiset, by Olli 73995
[Subtitle: Suomen kansan tarinoita Hölmölän väen elämästä
ja seikkailuista]
[Language: Finnish]
Pikku Dorrit I, by Charles Dickens 73994
[Language: Finnish]
A farkas, by Ferenc Molnár 73993
[Subtitle: Vigjáték három felvonásban]
[Language: Hungarian]
Joululeikkejä ja vuorokeskusteluja, by Alli Trygg-Helenius 73992
[Language: Finnish]
The orchestra and its instruments, by Esther Singleton 73991
Nigeria and its tin fields, by Albert F. Calvert 73990
Suuria pyrkimyksiä, by Juho Hokkanen 73989
[Language: Finnish]
Electro-episoded in A. D. 2025, by E. D. Skinner 73988
Rivals of the clouds, by Raoul Whitfield 73987
The Cornhill Magazine, Vol. 41, No. 241, new series, July 1916, 73986
by Various
L'Allemand. Souvenirs et réflexions d'un prisonnier de guerre, 73985
by Jacques Rivière
[Language: French]
Sinking of the "Titanic" most appalling ocean horror, 73984
by Jay Henry Mowbray
The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Vol. 5 of 13, 73983
[Subtitle: Containing an account of the cruel civil wars
between the houses of Orleans and Burgundy]
Frysce wâldblomkes, by Jan Ritskes Kloosterman 73982
[Language: Frisian]
Tuomas Kokko, by Veikko Koskinen 73981
[Subtitle: Yhteiskunnallinen kyläkuvaus]
[Language: Finnish]
Madame de Staël, by L. Onerva 73980
[Language: Finnish]
Sok minden, by Ernő Szép 73979
[Language: Hungarian]
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, 73978
fifth series, Vol. 3, No. 141, September 11, 1886, by Various
Les "Faisans", by Jacques Dyssord 73977
[Language: French]
Air Service boys flying for France, by Charles Amory Beach 73976
[Subtitle: Or the young heroes of the Lafayette Escadrille]
[Illustrator: Robert Gaston Herbert]
Soils, their formation, properties, composition, and relations 73975
to climate and plant growth in the humid and arid regions,
by E. W. Hildgard
A bankrupt heart, Vol. 3 of 3, by Florence Marryat 73974
A bankrupt heart, Vol. 2 of 3, by Florence Marryat 73973
A bankrupt heart, Vol. 1 of 3, by Florence Marryat 73972
Ciklámen, by Andor Gábor 73971
[Subtitle: Szinjáték 3 felvonásban]
[Language: Hungarian]
Erämaan henki, by Karl May 73970
[Subtitle: Seikkailu Suuressa Lännessä]
[Language: Finnish]
Kertomus Wilhelmi Tellistä ja Sveitsinmaan vapauttamisesta, 73969
by Alexandre Dumas
[Language: Finnish]
Marseljeesi, by Alexandre Dumas 73968
[Subtitle: Romaani Ranskan vallankumouksesta]
[Language: Finnish]
Chroniques de J. Froissart, tome 07/13, by Jean Froissart 73967
[Subtitle: 1367-1370 (Depuis l'expédition du Prince de Galles
en Espagne jusqu'à la nomination de B. Du GuescLin à la
charge de Connétable de France)]
[Language: French]
Elämän muukalainen, by L. Onerva 73966
[Subtitle: Sikermä unikuvia]
[Language: Finnish]
Cenizas, by Grazia Deledda 73965
[Language: Spanish]
The golden heart, and other fairy stories, by Violet Jacob 73964
[Illustrator: May Catherine Sandheim]
Ut stiltme en stoarm, by Douwe Kalma 73963
[Subtitle: LXXV Sonetten]
[Language: Frisian]
Die Buben der Frau Opterberg, by Rudolf Herzog 73962
[Language: German]
Costums típicas de la ciutat de Valls, by Josep Aladern 73961
[Language: Catalan]
The man who hated himself, by Walt Coburn 73960
The provincial letters of Blaise Pascal 73959
[Subtitle: A new translation with historical introduction and notes
by the Rev. Thomas McCrie]
Thoughts on the mechanism of societies, by marquis de Charles Casaux 73958
The English Works of Thomas Hobbes Volume 3 of 11 73957